Home Pulpitis Do you need to get rid of old things and how to do it correctly? Do I need to get rid of mental pain?

Do you need to get rid of old things and how to do it correctly? Do I need to get rid of mental pain?

There is a strong belief that the intestines need to be “cleansed” regularly. Some try to do this with enemas, others use laxatives, and still others use colon hydrotherapy.

Are such procedures useful and are they indicated for everyone? AiF.ru told proctologist, head day hospital Central clinical hospital RAS Pavel Pletner.

First symptoms

Abdominal pain, regular bloating in the intestines, increased gas production, stool disorders - all these are reasons to wonder if everything is okay with the gastrointestinal tract and go to the doctor. It is usually recommended to undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist and proctologist to determine exactly what the cause is.

It is a pity that today people neglect the practice of medical examination, as a result of which they turn to doctors with already advanced diseases, the consequences of which are much more difficult to correct.

At the same time, it’s not worth rushing to extremes and performing a cleansing procedure “just for the sake of prevention.” You need to listen to yourself very carefully, because the body is an accurate and well-functioning apparatus that will always give a signal for help in time. For example, you can find out that something is not right with your intestines by looking at the condition of your skin—small pimples may appear on it. In addition, it is believed that due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the skin color changes and becomes sallow. A person also develops weakness, increased fatigue, and loss of strength.

Temporary effect

Today doctors know a lot various options cleansing the body - enemas, rinses, colon hydrotherapy, laxatives. In some cases, people manage to try them all on their own. Colon hydrotherapy is one of the most popular methods today. Perhaps because it is simpler and more convenient than a standard enema. It is also often called a “super enema”. During this procedure, cleansing occurs and it turns out healing effect through the use herbal infusions or medications.

It is worth remembering that this option of self-medication can be extremely dangerous if special examinations have not been carried out. After all, the patient may well have contraindications to such a procedure, which will lead to serious complications.

Colon hydrotherapy is often used as a means of losing weight - it is believed that after its implementation you can lose up to 5 kg excess weight. However, you shouldn’t expect any magic from it. Yes, there is an effect, but it is temporary, and the body will quickly gain back all these kilograms, or even add more on top. To maintain weight, it is not enough to get rid of accumulations in the intestines; you need to healthy image life - eat right, move enough, get enough sleep, etc.

In addition, an additional disadvantage of colon hydrotherapy carried out without indications for this is the washing out of the intestinal microflora.

And here, according to statistics, up to 80% of human immunity is formed. This means that an irrational approach to such a procedure will simply lead to a decrease in the body’s defenses and a serious deterioration in human health.

Concerning huge amount laxatives that are offered in pharmacies today, there is another problem - many begin to use them uncontrollably, because... those are sold without a prescription. In this way, you can very easily and quickly disrupt the intestinal microflora, which again will lead to a deterioration in well-being and a decrease in immunity.

There shouldn't be any pain!

Contraindications for colon cleansing should also be taken into account. These include colon tumors, polyps, the presence of diverticula and other inflammatory processes. If you ignore them, there is a risk of achieving a state when you need it surgical intervention and a long rehabilitation period.

During the procedure, if you decide to do it, you should pay attention to the appearance of pain in the abdomen and blood. Any procedure should be tolerated easily and without any serious complaints.

In general, the intestines can cleanse themselves. In order for it to function like a watch, it is enough to follow simple rules. It is definitely worth organizing frequent—fractional—meals: at least 5 times a day, but in small portions. At the same time, it must be rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as fiber - this is a necessary substance for normal intestinal motility and the process of eliminating waste and toxins. Naturally, we should not forget about the correct drinking regime- at least a liter of regular drinking water per day, preferably 1.5 liters.

If they appeared discomfort, pain, and especially blood, you should consult a doctor. Against the background of such disorders, self-administration of laxatives and enemas can be deadly.

And it is worth paying attention to prevention. Active lifestyle, visiting the pool, proper nutrition and an optimally selected diet in addition to a well-organized workday and rest regime will allow the body to independently solve problems related to cleansing and health.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 6 minutes


Is there at least one Russian family in whose bins there will be no old furniture, stacks of Soviet magazines tied with ropes, old shoes “for the dacha” and other things that require urgent evacuation to the trash heap? Probably not. We are all Plyushkins in some way, and on every balcony, in the pantry, on mezzanines and cabinets, “sources of mites, allergens, mold and moths” have been stored for decades.

Do you need to get rid of old stuff, and how to do it wisely?

Why do you need to get rid of old things?

  • Old things clutter up space in the house and prevent not only the free circulation of clean air, but also (according to Feng Shui) the energy of qi (life). You can relate to the philosophy of Feng Shui itself in different ways, but deny Negative influence junk in the house cannot be harmful to the health of the household. Old things bring us old energy, dust, mites, etc., responding feeling unwell, laziness, apathy, and as a result – negative thoughts and projecting them onto your life.
  • If you want to change anything in your life, start small. There will be no order in your life and in your head if there is no order in your home. Any changes are good. And as a rule, just by getting rid of the junk in your apartment, you begin to feel changes for the better.
  • Old things in the house and attachment to them are programming oneself for poverty. We say to ourselves: “what if I throw away this sofa now and can’t buy a new one?”, projecting our pessimism on our well-being in advance.
  • According to a Chinese proverb, the new will not appear in life until the old is gone. Junk and old things are the main obstacle to vital energy. That is, until you make room for the “new”, you will have to live with the “old” (with all the ensuing consequences).
  • The most negative energy accumulates in those corners of the apartment where old things have been lying around for years. , and where the hands of the owners do not reach. Old, out-of-fashion boots with worn heels, boxes with old dishes, skis and skates from childhood and especially chipped cups, clothes that have become unusable, broken radios and other things that are “a shame to throw away” - this is the source negative energy. By clearing our home of such energy and junk, we open the doors to happiness, abundance and harmony.
  • Of course, throwing away family jewelry and antiques from your great-grandmothers makes no sense. But if these items evoke unpleasant emotions or memories in you, you also need to get rid of them (give them away, sell them, take them to a salon, etc.). Any antique thing is a powerful energy. If you are not sure of its origin and positive history, you should not keep such an item in your home.
  • A fact established by experts: old, unnecessary things in the house also negatively affect the psyche of household members . Getting rid of junk is tantamount to effective “psychotherapy” that helps relieve stress and protect against depression.
  • Carpets are warm, soft and beautiful. We won't argue. But old carpets in the house (and new ones too) are a source of dust, mites, etc. There are few people who regularly take their carpets to the dry cleaner, and home cleaning (even the most thorough) does not clean the base of the carpet 100 percent. What can we say about the walls covered with Soviet carpets - the toxins of modern cities are absorbed into them for years. Get rid of dust collectors! To make it warm, soft and beautiful, today there are heated floors, cork floors and other non-hazardous coatings.
  • Old books. Well, of course it's a pity. Stacks of magazines, fiction, newspapers, books accumulated over decades, which were once “with fire”, and in general “throwing away books is a sin.” But! “Library” dust is a strong allergen, the quality of paper leaves much to be desired, cheap paints and the lead content in them (in newspapers, magazines) are poison for the body. If there is no safe, separate place in the house to store such things, take them to the country, give them away or hand them over to old book stores.
  • If you have allergies or asthma in your family , getting rid of old things is your top priority.

"Sentimental" item in memory of the past - this is understandable and explainable. A figurine in memory of my grandmother, an antique coffee table or a sugar bowl are things that we attach special importance to. Well, don’t part with them - that’s all.

But when these memorable “sentimental” things begin to surround you from all sides, fill closets and suitcases, crawl across kitchen shelves and cabinets, interfering with your desires to “live in your own way” (many people know the feeling of guilt - they say, when you throw away a box of grandma’s cards, you throw away “grandmother herself”) - means It's time to change something in your mind and in your life.

Learn how to get rid of junk in a useful way

  • We are sorting out the shelves with books. We leave those books that have any value (old ones, simply dear to our hearts). We sort the rest based on the situation: children's books, science fiction, detective stories and other readable literature we donate to libraries, books from the Soviet era we sell or hand over for sale (today there are many opportunities for such a “maneuver” and lovers of old books), cookbooks from the “take it” category meat for 2 rubles..." we give it away or boldly put it in a box near the trash heap.
  • Family archive. Well, what mother would raise her hand to throw away her child’s old drawings, letters, manuscripts and notes? Preserving such a legacy (for future generations) is not difficult - it is enough to modernize the archive by digitizing all memorial papers and drawings. The same can be done with boxes of “ancient” videotapes that capture weddings, birthdays and simply memorable events - digitize and free up space.
  • Old furniture. There are not so many options: place advertisements for sale on the Internet, take it to the country, give it to those in need, update it in a workshop or do it yourself and give an old chair (for example) a new life.
  • Before throwing something into the trash, ask about its value. Perhaps this chest of drawers from your grandmother will bring you money for a new refrigerator, and the collection of old stamps will contain rare “papers with original glue”, which collectors have been chasing for many years.
  • Buy new things only after getting rid of old ones. There is no need to store a dozen new sets of bed linen in the closet if you still have two dozen old ones there. Or buying a new refrigerator when you have a whole labyrinth of old ones in your hallway.
  • Place all things from the mezzanine (from the closet, from the pantry) into one pile and sort it into “can’t do without this”, “useful”, “well, why do I need this” and “urgently in the trash”. Get rid of unnecessary junk without hesitation - discipline yourself.
  • A lot of old clothes , which has long gone out of fashion, has become too big/small, is a little worn, has defects? Wash it, iron it, remove defects and take it to a second-hand store (second-hand store, online flea market, etc.). Still, the money was spent, and it’s stupid to just throw away things that can still serve someone, and that can still bring in a pretty penny.

I was once very impressed by the image of an English aristocrat, in whom, no matter what happens, not a single feature of her face would tremble. You would never know from her facial expressions and behavior that she is worried or that her feelings are hurt - she is simply a model of endurance and restraint. She will never raise her voice, much less swear or break plates. For her, the question never arises of how to get rid of negative emotions, because she keeps them to herself with complete self-control.

Only over time do you begin to understand what we are dooming ourselves to when we begin to strive to live up to this image. I myself realized it completely - no one ever knew about my experiences, worries, and if suddenly someone discovered in me the ability to feel quite acutely, they were very surprised, because by the way I behaved, it was never possible to understand this.

And I myself always thought that I was so calm and reasonable. And strong emotions are not about me at all, and there was no talk of showing them somehow.

Why are we afraid to show negative emotions?

It's no secret that we are often taught to be like this. They teach us to be correct and comfortable for parents and others, not to cause trouble, and are encouraged if we meet these expectations. On the other hand, we ourselves begin to be afraid of expressing emotions, because it opens up our vulnerabilities. Some of those around us take advantage of this, while others condemn the very manifestation of incontinence, the inability to experience everything within oneself. But what do we come to in the end, accumulating more and more unspoken, unexpressed things in ourselves?

Time passes, and suddenly you begin to experience outbursts of rage. And you yourself don’t understand why they suddenly? The reasons seem to be insignificant, but where does so much anger and anger come from?

Everything gets worse if the situation in life becomes tense, for example, a child is born. The workload is huge, you don’t have enough sleep and strength, and now you are hysterical over and over again and you don’t recognize yourself, because it’s not you, hysterics are not about you, so calm and correct. Everyone looks at you with misunderstanding, not recognizing you, not accepting you, and you don’t accept yourself either, because it can’t be that you really were like that, that you couldn’t find the strength to control yourself.

However, sometimes you get the feeling that you don’t want to pull yourself together. You want to scream and swear dirty, throw objects, and even though it makes you feel disgusted afterwards, you cannot overcome this need.

And now the question is: is it necessary to get rid of negative emotions? Do you need to suppress hysterics? And if not, then how to get rid of negative emotions?

You need to be able to rejoice and be able to get angry

The point is that no matter how correct we were raised, no matter how indestructible optimism society expects from us, there are always two sides to us. We experience different emotions, not only joy, but also anger, anger, and this is completely normal, because these are two sides of the same life, and without one, the other does not exist. It's impossible to always be in good mood, and one must calmly be able to accept oneself and bad mood Same. There is nothing terrible or reprehensible in this, unless we ourselves make a problem out of it, elevating manifestations of negative emotions to the rank of crimes against humanity.

And, of course, you need to get rid of negative emotions before they turn into an uncontrollable avalanche, sweeping away everything in its path. However, this must also be done wisely and wisely.

How to show negative emotions

It costs nothing to slide more and more into negativity. We’ve all felt this ourselves - just give yourself free rein, and you can be despondent endlessly, finding more and more new reasons for worries and frustrations. Accordingly, you can throw out negative emotions endlessly and on everyone, but can this be called a wise attitude towards life?

You need to allow yourself to be in a bad mood if it arises and you cannot immediately cope with yourself. You never know, maybe magnetic storms, or pressure, or lack of sleep and rest, or maybe there is a reason to worry, and there is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to just get through it. The main thing is not to allow yourself to aggravate this condition, not to turn an insignificant everyday situation into an existential problem. A little time will pass, and the mood will level out, the condition will improve, and everything will be fine again.

If there really is a reason for worry, and it causes us a lot of unpleasant experiences, and we feel that nothing will be solved on its own, we need to work on our condition. , meditate, . There is no need to try to convince yourself that nothing is happening and try not to notice it. Everything that is suppressed will not go away, so the sooner we deal with it, the sooner it will stop putting pressure on us and it will become easier for us.

However, emotions become much more intense when the mood is already not the best or they are under pressure. unresolved problems, and then something annoying happens outside. And here we are just ready to explode... Is it worth doing this and how to do it?

If we can get rid of negative emotions in some harmless way, then of course we need to do it - clean up, chop wood, paint a picture. However, you must admit that more often you want to scream or break something. And there’s nothing wrong with that – you can scream and even break something. In a moment, you feel like it’s coming, and you’re about to explode and it’s too late to work on yourself, sublimate energy and restrain yourself with wise admonitions - and do it, allow yourself.

You can shout in the car - so you won’t be heard, you can beat the arm of the sofa with a pillow so as not to harm anyone, you can swear, after all, it exists for a reason.

Having thrown out the negativity, you need to strive to create a positive attitude

The main thing is not to blame yourself for this and even at such moments to remember that you need, you definitely need to throw out the negative and immediately try to swim and swim to the surface, to the light, not to get stuck in this state, not to aggravate it, not to multiply it, not to give it too much of great importance, don't let it drag you down. And even if someone close to you or a stranger comes to hand, forgive yourself, come to your senses and make up for the negative with the positive, learn not to attach undue importance to such situations.

Try to be calm if others condemn your behavior. If we have always been so correct, and then suddenly we begin to rage and destroy everything around us, it is quite understandable that this will be a surprise to those around us. It’s hard to blame them for not being able to accept our new side, but you don’t need to blame yourself either. We do not have to always be quiet and inconspicuous, just so as not to disturb the peace of our loved ones. And there is no need to be afraid that we will be loved less for showing feelings - on the contrary, the more we are ourselves, the more we are loved.

Probably, in almost every house, on the mezzanine and in secluded corners, there are old things that have already fallen out of use. But these items lie around, taking up space and accumulating dust. Is it worth throwing away old stuff and how to get rid of unnecessary things wisely?

How to get rid of items that are no longer in use?

Why is it worth getting rid of old things?

If you are still worried about the question of whether you need to get rid of old things, cast aside your doubts. Below we present a list of the most obvious reasons why it’s time to part with unnecessary household items and make room for new things.

    The most obvious reason– unnecessary things take up a lot of space. In the freed up space you can put or place something new and much more useful.

    Psychologists believe that the abundance of old things negatively affects the psyche of the inhabitants of the house. They are a kind of emotional anchor that keeps you in the past and prevents something new from happening in life.

    Things that have lasted for many years are a kind of programming for poverty. Instead of thinking that things will come in handy, program yourself that you can afford to buy new ones.

    Some old things, such as carpets, can accumulate dust and dirt, which negatively affects the health of household members, especially if there are people with allergies in the house.

As you can see, the reasons to get rid of unnecessary things are quite compelling. How to get rid of things that are already out of use?

How to get rid of unnecessary things with benefit?

When you decide to do a global cleaning, develop a few rules for yourself that will help you cope with the task quickly and efficiently. Your goal is to get rid of unnecessary things; try not to get carried away and throw away unnecessary things. Here are some ways to get rid of old household items.

    Firstly, things that have expired can simply be thrown away. Especially if they can no longer be used for their intended purpose. Collect the trash in a bag and take it to the trash cans.

    Things in good condition, but no longer used by you, it’s worth donating. It is especially good to give such a gift to friends in need or charitable organizations. Or place a bag of things near the house - it will be taken away soon.

    Good things that are of no use to you can be sold. A method that will allow you to earn some money is only suitable for high-quality, necessary and new things.

    Recycle paper, metal and similar materials to help environment and get rid of garbage in one fell swoop.

After you clear out the clutter of unnecessary things and free up space by throwing out old things, do a wet cleaning and enjoy your updated home.

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