Home Coated tongue Preparation for ultrasound of the ovaries in women. What size ovaries are considered normal by ultrasound? Preparing for an ultrasound of the ovaries

Preparation for ultrasound of the ovaries in women. What size ovaries are considered normal by ultrasound? Preparing for an ultrasound of the ovaries

Important indicator women's health– these are developed, normally functioning gonads. The ultrasound method helps to analyze their condition.

Ultrasound of the ovaries allows you to identify deviations in their functioning, size and location, as well as detect possible neoplasms.

What is transvaginal ultrasound?

Most popular for examining the pelvic organs transvaginal method. It is highly accurate because it is carried out through the thin vaginal wall.

Also positive side The procedure is that the method is quite simple to carry out and can be used repeatedly without causing inconvenience to the patient.

The ultrasound machine sensor is a long rod about three centimeters in diameter. There is a channel inside the rod through which a needle is passed if a biopsy is necessary.

Transvaginal ultrasound allows you to examine the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Due to high accuracy it gives objective information about the condition and pathology of these organs.

Indications for the procedure

At gynecological problems A woman is prescribed ovarian tests to identify possible pathology.

The most accurate data is obtained with multiple scans during one cycle at different stages: after menstruation, during ovulation, before menstruation, during menstruation. This helps to analyze the condition and functioning of the glands in each phase.

Many patients wonder whether it is possible to perform a transvaginal ultrasound during menstruation?

Doctors say that it is not only possible, but also necessary for more accurate diagnosis.

At heavy menstruation in the first days the patient may experience some awkwardness, so you can use this method on third or fourth day after the start of menstruation.

Ultrasound of the ovaries is prescribed in the following cases:

  • irregularity menstrual cycle;
  • lower abdomen;
  • copious or scanty bleeding;
  • painful menstruation;
  • suspicion of inflammation;
  • suspicion of or tumor;
  • diagnosis of infertility;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • preventive examination.

The method is used to diagnose diseases such as:

Timely diagnosis by ultrasound allows you to identify diseases and disorders of the ovaries in the early stages and start treatment.

How to prepare?

Any special training Ultrasound of the ovaries is not required, which characterizes the method positively.

The study is carried out on any day of the menstrual cycle, including during menstruation. However, when planning a one-time scan, it is recommended to choose a time from the fifth to the eighth day of the cycle. This helps assess the condition of the organs after menstruation, but before ovulation.

A distinctive feature of a transvaginal examination is that it is done to empty bladder . The doctor asks the patient not to drink an hour before the procedure and to go to the toilet before it. If a woman suffers from increased gas formation, then she should take the appropriate drug several hours before the procedure.

How do they do it?

During transvaginal ultrasound of the ovaries, the woman lies on her back on special chair, bending your knees and spreading them apart.

This creates optimal angle for organ scanning, and also facilitates the penetration of the sensor without causing discomfort.

The doctor places a condom on the rod-shaped sensor and lubricates it with gel. It is used to increase contact with the vaginal wall and eliminate discomfort during insertion. The sensor, or transducer, is carefully inserted into the vagina to a shallow depth. Based on the data displayed on the screen, the doctor makes a conclusion about the condition of the organs.

The duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes.

Decoding the results and how to calculate the volume?

When examining the ovaries, the doctor analyzes the data obtained. These include:

  1. dimensions;
  2. structure;
  3. location;
  4. presence or absence of cysts and.

On the screen picture, the ovaries are displayed as small, oval-shaped, tuberous formations. The tubercles are maturing follicles, their size depends on the day of the cycle: the farther from its beginning, the larger the follicles.

The sizes of healthy ovaries, including those in nulliparous women, vary:

  • length 20–37 mm;
  • width 28–30 mm;
  • thickness 14–22 mm;
  • volume 4–10 cc.

For organ volume calculations doctor uses simple formula: size indicators (length, width, thickness) are multiplied among themselves and by a factor of 0.532.

In addition to the parameters of the glands themselves, the follicles are also important. Their number and normal sizes depend on the day of the cycle:

Diagnostics on different days of the cycle allows you to track the process of follicle development, which helps to identify the disease, as well as find out the cause of infertility.

What else does the doctor see on an ultrasound?

There are frequent cases of pathology that are detected by ultrasound. Let's look at a few cases and explain what are their reasons.

Why is the ovary not visible, or the outline is unclear?

The fact that the ovary is not visualized on the monitor during examination indicates a congenital developmental pathology, adhesions, or premature depletion. However, don't be afraid additional research. Often, bloating makes it difficult to detect the gland.

A fuzzy outline occurs during the development of the corpus luteum, as well as with pathologies such as cysts and inflammation. The latter is also indicated by blurring the contour of the organ.

Ovarian enlargement

Gland size changes slightly during the cycle due to follicular growth. However, ovaries that are larger than normal are a reason to be wary. The reason for this phenomenon in inflammation of the organ may lie in the cyst.

If pathology is suspected, carry out additional examination with a blood test to rule out the possibility anatomical features women.

No follicles

The function of follicles is to form and develop eggs. The absence of follicles on one gland significantly reduces the possibility of conceiving a child, while bilateral damage reduces it to zero.

Increased echogenicity of the stroma

The stroma is the membrane of the ovary, penetrated by a large number of vessels. Its main function is to nourish maturing follicles. Normally, the stroma has average echogenicity. An increase in echogenicity (vessels are better visible) indicates inflammation of the organ or polycystic disease.

Multifollicular ovaries (see photo) - a sign characteristic of. With this disease, the ovary develops many follicles that do not mature. This complicates conception and leads to infertility.

What does cancer look like?

When confirming the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, ultrasound reveals a large multilocular formation with thick walls. Tumors often develop papillary growths.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

Ovarian diseases seriously worsen a woman’s health and condition. Ultrasound examination of these organs, when carried out regularly, makes it possible to identify pathology already at early stage, which means starting treatment in a timely manner. The advantage of the method is its painlessness, accuracy and speed of diagnosis.

Find out how the whole process goes in the video:

The ovaries are the main organs of the female reproductive system. They are located in the pelvis. During an examination of the ovaries using ultrasound, the doctor determines their location, shape and size. Upon completion of the diagnosis, the results obtained are compared with normal values. This way everything is revealed possible deviations leading to ovarian diseases.

Normal indicators for the ovaries

Women aged 16 to 40 years should have almost the same levels of both ovaries. Normal size of ovaries according to ultrasound must have the following dimensions: length - from 30 to 41 mm, width - from 20 to 31 mm, thickness - from 14 to 22 mm. The volume of the ovary should not exceed 12 cubic milliliters.

If during diagnosis a deviation in size is detected towards a decrease, this indicates early ovarian depletion. Enlarged ovaries may indicate the development of a pathology such as inflammation or polycystic disease. During an ultrasound, if the indicators are normal, the ovaries should be located on both sides of the uterus. If their location has strong deviations, this also indicates pathology.

Ovarian research methods

Diagnosis of the ovaries is carried out using several methods: transabdominal and transvaginal. The second method is preferable, since during its implementation it is possible to more accurately determine the sizes of the left and right ovaries.

What diseases are detected using ovarian ultrasound?

In the process of examining the ovaries with ultrasound, a number of serious illnesses, and not only the ovaries, but also the uterus. Among them are:

Ovarian cyst;
Polycystic ovary syndrome;
Ovarian tumor and fallopian tubes.

Let's look at them in more detail. All these diseases are detected when normal size ovaries by ultrasound has deviations.

Ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is a disease during which a cavity with fluid forms in the ovary. It is determined primarily by the size of the ovaries - they increase. The disease is most often asymptomatic, so its detection is possible only with the help of ultrasound.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome develops when hormonal disorders. It can be identified by abnormalities in the menstrual cycle and can lead to infertility. Determination is only possible by ultrasound. The ovaries are enlarged in this disease. Cysts appear and the ovarian capsules thicken.


Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes that develops as a result of sexually transmitted infections. During this disease, adhesions of the fallopian tubes form, preventing the passage of sperm to the egg, which in turn causes infertility.

Ovarian tumor

Ovarian tumor - can be like malignant neoplasm, and benign. Using ultrasound, it is determined by the increased size of the ovaries.

As you can see, all these diseases are very serious and can lead to severe consequences. Therefore, you should not neglect the examination; it is better to immediately consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound of the ovaries in our medical center!

The normal size of the ovaries according to ultrasound in women is important indicator which characterizes her reproductive system. Using ultrasound, you can determine the size and shape of the ovaries and their location.

The data obtained as a result of the study must be compared with normal values. Regular examinations will help to identify in time possible deviations that provoke diseases of the female reproductive system.

Usually, during an ultrasound, the doctor diagnoses not only the ovaries, but also other reproductive organs. This method is called gynecological ultrasound examination. There are 3 ways to examine the ovaries using ultrasound:

  1. Transabdominal.
  2. Transvaginal.
  3. Transrectal.

Transabdominal diagnosis

Transabdominal diagnosis involves the use of a wide sensor. The doctor runs this device along the front wall of the woman’s abdomen, looking at the condition. internal organs. Until recently, this was the only way to examine the organs of the female reproductive system using ultrasound. Today it has been established that the transabdominal method allows us to identify only gross pathology.

Transvaginal diagnosis

Transvaginal ultrasound is performed using a special thin sensor that is inserted into the vagina.

Transrectal examination

Transrectal examination is usually prescribed for virgins. If the abdominal sensor does not detect any pathology, then a special device must be inserted into the rectum.

To undergo an ultrasound and get reliable results, you need to prepare for the diagnosis in advance. If the doctor uses a transabdominal sensor, then 3 days before it is necessary to exclude foods that can cause fermentation from the diet. These include cabbage, black bread, carbonated drinks, and legumes. It is also advisable to drink sorbent or Espumisan, and an hour before the ultrasound you need to drink up to 1 liter ordinary water, since diagnosis is carried out with a full bladder.

For a vaginal examination, the bladder must be empty, but 1-2 days before the examination you also need to take a sorbent. The same conditions must be observed before undergoing transrectal diagnostics. In addition, the rectum must be empty. If it is difficult to do this yourself, you can use glycerin suppositories, do enemas or microenemas, drink a laxative.

The attending physician should prescribe an ovarian ultrasound procedure for women. It all depends on the goals of the diagnosis. During a routine examination, it is advisable to conduct the study on days 5-7 of the cycle. The procedure can be done during menstruation or immediately after it. If the doctor needs to evaluate the functioning of the organ, then it is advisable to do an ultrasound several times during the cycle. For example, on the 10th, 16th and 24th day of the cycle.

Pelvic ultrasound in women: when and on what day of the cycle is it recommended to do it

Normal ovarian size

To begin with, it is important to note that healthy woman During reproductive age, the ovaries may change in size. This is influenced by hormone levels and general state body. Also, their size depends on the woman’s age, the number of pregnancies (both interrupted and those that ended in childbirth). As a rule, the right and left ovaries are not the same; the difference in size is usually no more than a few mm. If the ovaries are disproportionate, this may indicate inflammation or the presence of a tumor.

The main indicator that doctors focus on is not the length or width of the ovary, but its volume. By comparing this indicator with the norm, the specialist will be able to determine the presence of cysts, tumors or other pathologies.

Normal ovarian size for a healthy woman:

  1. Volume 4-10 cubic meters cm.
  2. Length 20-37 mm.
  3. Width 18-33 mm.
  4. Thickness 16-22 mm.

It is not worth making a diagnosis based only on ultrasound of the ovaries, since the indicators have a fairly large scatter. To make an accurate diagnosis, many factors must be taken into account.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

When the ovaries begin to work during puberty, they may undergo a number of changes. During pregnancy, they increase in size as blood flow to the genitals increases. This is necessary for the fetus to be nourished. useful substances. If the uterus with the fetus, which is continuously growing, gradually increases, then it is capable of displacing the pelvic organs upward. At the same time, the size of the ovaries increases by a couple of cm.

It is also important to note that during pregnancy, the ovaries do not produce eggs and are not able to produce estrogen. But instead, the paired organs produce progesterone. This hormone is necessary for pregnancy and childbirth. After the birth of a child, the ovaries gradually decrease in size. As a rule, within 2 months the synthesis of estrogen is completely resumed and the woman’s body normalizes reproductive function. But if a woman is breastfeeding, then the restoration of the size of the paired organs slows down and their normal functioning begins only after breastfeeding is completed.

The ovaries are located at the so-called ribs of the uterus. The distance from them to the uterus can be different, while gynecological ultrasound does not indicate such indicators. The normal functioning of paired organs excludes the presence of any neoplasms filled with fluid. The presence of other tumor-like growths is also considered a deviation from the norm.

What should be the diet before an abdominal ultrasound?

There are times when the doctor cannot detect the ovary using ultrasound. This is possible in the following cases:

  • congenital absence of an ovary;
  • removal of an organ during surgery;
  • premature exhaustion;
  • bloating;
  • adhesive disease of the pelvis.

In the last 2 cases, you need to re-diagnosis, having previously prepared for it. It is recommended to take Espumisan or sorbent.

Effect of age

A woman’s reproductive function declines with age, and this process is also reflected in the size of the ovaries. With age, they decrease, and when postmenopause occurs, the ovaries become the same size. In this period normal indicators are considered:

  1. Volume 1.5-4 cubic meters. cm.
  2. Length 20-25 mm.
  3. Width 12-15 mm.
  4. Thickness 9-12 mm.

When post-menopause occurs, the ovaries still continue to produce single follicles throughout the early years. Because of this, millimeter fluctuations in the size of paired organs are possible.

Cystic formations of the ovaries

Cystic formations frighten women most of all. If a doctor sees an ovarian cyst using an ultrasound, then you should not panic ahead of time. There are tumors that form due to changes in hormone levels. They usually disappear on their own. Such neoplasms are called physiological. These include:

If the doctor discovered during an ultrasound corpus luteum on the ovary, then this is a luteal cyst. It appears where the mature egg has emerged from the follicle. The diameter of such a neoplasm is more than 30 mm. Many women worry about how this disease goes away. If pregnancy does not occur, then after several cycles the cyst disappears. During pregnancy, it can remain until the placenta completely takes over the production of progesterone. This period can last about 4 months.

A follicular cyst forms at the site of follicle maturation. It usually grows from the first day of menstruation until ovulation. The diameter of such a neoplasm can reach 5 cm. Often the follicular cyst ruptures. This process is accompanied sharp pain in a stomach. In this case, there is no need to delay emergency hospitalization. But most often this tumor goes away on its own.

The remaining cysts are classified as pathological neoplasms.

Ultrasound of the uterus, ovaries and cervix affordable way diagnosing various diseases of the female reproductive system. The gynecologist refers women to this examination if there is constant and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lumbosacral region, perineum, if menstruation is inconsistent and with other alarming symptoms.

If a woman exhibits alarming symptoms, she is sent for examination. With normal functioning of the pelvic organs, all indicators should be normal. During an ultrasound, the ophthalmologist must examine:

  1. How is the uterus located in the pelvic area? Normally, it should be slightly tilted forward.
  2. What is the outline of the uterus? Normally, they should be smooth and clearly visible.
  3. What are the sizes of the uterus?

Parameters of the uterus during reproductive age

GroupNeck length(cm)Neck thickness (cm)Neck width (cm)Uterine body length (cm)Thickness of the uterine body (cm)Width of the uterine body (cm)
There were no pregnancies2,9+-0,5 2,6+-0,4 2,9+-0,5 4,4+-0,6 3,2+-0,5 4,3+-0,6
Only abortions3,1+-0,5 2,7+-0,4 3,1+-0,5 4,9+-0,6 3,7+-0,5 4,6+-0,5
Childbirth 13,4+-0,6 2,8+-0,4 3,3+-0,5 5,1+-0,6 3,9+-0,5 5,0+-0,5
Childbirth >13,7+-0,6 3,0+-0,5 3,4+-0,5 5,6+-0,9 4,3+-0,6 5,5+-0,5

Parameters of the uterus in postmenopause

  1. What is the echogenicity of the uterine walls? Normally it should be homogeneous.
  2. What is the thickness and structure of the endometrium. These indicators are directly proportional to the phase of the menstrual cycle.
  3. What is the structure of the uterine cavity. It is considered normal if it has the same structure with even smooth edges.

If any inflammatory or pathological processes There are obvious deviations from the norm of some indicator in women.

What does the small size of the uterus in women mean?

The small size of the uterus (hypoplasia) is considered a developmental disorder of the pelvic organ. Because of this, deviations in the functioning of the uterus occur. Hypoplasia can lead to infertility and the ability to bear a child. To confirm this diagnosis, the gynecologist refers the patient for examination. The dimensions of the ovaries, cervix, body, and the thickness of the walls of the small uterus do not correspond to established standards.

Symptoms of this pathological deviation are considered:

  1. Amenorrhea.
  2. Pain during menstruation.
  3. Dysmenorrhea.
  4. Reduced attraction to the opposite sex.
  5. Infertility.
  6. Not bearing a fetus.
  7. Lag in physiological development.

Normal dimensions of the uterus in women: body length – 70-80 mm, body width – 40-50 mm, body thickness – 20-30 mm. When making a diagnosis, it is imperative to take into account gynecological examination and corresponding symptoms.

This deviation in women is diagnosed using ultrasound. Must be given great attention dimensions of this female organ. Tests for sex hormones are also required.

What does an enlarged uterus mean?

The most common cause of uterine enlargement is pregnancy. It is also worth considering that with age, the size of the uterus also becomes larger. If the process of change is observed within acceptable limits, then this is normal, but in most cases it is a sign of a pathological condition.

Signs of an enlarged uterus include:

  1. Constant, aching painful sensations.
  2. Fluid incontinence appears.
  3. Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  4. Painful sensations during menstruation, as well as the presence of large blood clots.
  5. Bloating in the lower abdomen.
  6. Feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
  7. Lower back pain.
  8. Migraine.
  9. Bleeding between periods.
  10. Loss of weight.
  11. Changes in the mammary glands.
  12. A sharp decrease in hemoglobin.

Normal cervical size

Ultrasound is prescribed to determine pathologies in the cervix. If deviations are observed, it is imperative to urgently begin treatment. The normal body length of the cervix is ​​3.5-4 cm, and the anterior and posterior dimensions of the cervix are 2.5-3 cm. The echostructure of the cervix is ​​homogeneous. The endocervix of the cervix measures up to 0.2-0.3 cm and is filled with mucous formations. If an ultrasound doctor detects an enlargement of the cervix, and the thickness also does not correspond to recognized standards, then this may indicate inflammation, diseases, tumors and oncology.

Normal size of ovaries on ultrasound

If a woman has constant pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left side, discomfort during sexual intercourse, or ovulation is painful, then this is a reason to contact a gynecologist for a referral for an ultrasound of the ovaries. First, the doctor conducts an examination.

The parameters of the ovaries should be in the following norm: width – 2.5 cm, length – 3 cm, thickness – 1.5 cm. The volume of one ovary ranges from 2 to 8 cubic cm. If the size, volume, thickness of the ovaries is higher than normal, this may indicate a cyst or oophoritis. With normal performance, functioning and the absence of pathologies of the ovaries, the outlines should be clear and with small tubercles. The echostructure is homogeneous. In healthy ovaries, you can identify follicles of about 0.4-0.6 cm and a dominant follicle - 2.5 cm. If the thickness of the dominant is greater than the norm, it is an ovarian cyst. It is recognized by ultrasound as the formation of liquid, the thickness of which is more than 2.5 cm.

Size of ovaries during reproductive age

Size of ovaries in postmenopause

Neck length(cm)Thickness (mm)Width (mm)Volume (cm³)
Postmenopause25+-9 12+-5 15+-6 4,5+-0,9
Postmenopause23+-9 11+-4 14+-4 3,5+-0,8
Postmenopause22+-7 10+-4 13+-5 2,5+-0,8
Postmenopause10+-6 9+-3 12+-4 1,5+-0,7

At the first warning signs arising in the lower abdomen, you must urgently seek advice from a specialist and undergo ultrasound examination uterus, cervix, ovaries.

Ultrasound examination is simple, affordable and effective method examinations. It is often used in gynecology to detect diseases of the uterus and appendages. If you do an ultrasound in different days throughout the entire menstrual cycle, you can monitor how the follicles mature and detect deviations from the norm. This allows you to assess the condition reproductive health women. The earlier diseases can be detected, the greater the patient’s chances of getting rid of them. unpleasant consequences, avoid infertility.

The reason for prescribing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and ovaries is the appearance of the following symptoms in women:

  • irregularity and painful menstruation;
  • discrepancy between the volume of menstruation and the norm (they are too scanty or, conversely, extremely abundant);
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • change in the nature of vaginal discharge (the appearance of pus in it, the presence unpleasant odor– signs inflammatory processes in the genitals);
  • the presence of constant piercing, cutting, nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

The consequence of pathologies in the ovaries can be a woman’s infertility.

Indications for ultrasound

Ultrasound of the ovaries is performed in women if, for example, based on the nature of the symptoms, the doctor assumes that the cause of the ailment is cysts or tumors. Such a study is prescribed when diagnosing infertility. With its help, the growth of follicles with eggs is monitored, and the presence or absence of ovulation is determined.

An ultrasound must be performed before prescribing drug ovarian stimulation. It helps to monitor the condition of the glands and the maturation of eggs in them during the period of preparation for IVF.

An ultrasound examination of the ovaries is prescribed to study their hormonal activity when tumors are detected in the mammary glands. Doctors recommend that women undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs annually to prevent gynecological diseases.

Types of ovarian ultrasound, on what day of the cycle it is done

In order to study the condition of the gonads, their size and shape, as well as the condition of the surface, are determined. The following types of such research are used:

  1. Transabdominal ultrasound. The device's sensor is applied to the patient's lower abdomen. At the same time, the condition of other pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, intestines) is checked. The disadvantage of this technique is the inaccuracy of the results. The patient needs to be carefully prepared for the procedure so that the image of the organs is clearer.
  2. Transvaginal ultrasound. The sensor is inserted through the vagina. This allows you to examine the ovaries in close proximity. The accuracy is much higher than with external research. The patient does not require any special preparation.
  3. Transrectal ultrasound. The sensor is placed into the rectum at a shallow depth. The reliability of the results is somewhat lower than when using the transvaginal technique. There are specifics to preparation. This method is used when examining the ovaries of girls who are not yet sexually active. Transrectal examination is also used if the patient experiences uterine bleeding.

Depending on the purpose of the examination, the procedure can be performed once or several times during the cycle. If the study is preventive or used as an auxiliary test in combination with others, it is best performed on days 5-7 of the cycle. Immediately after menstruation, the size and activity of the ovaries are minimal.

Addition: When treating infertility, changes in the state of the corpus luteum determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not. If conception does not occur, the temporary gland dissolves before menstruation, and if pregnancy occurs, it remains in the same state. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone, which is necessary to preserve the fertilized egg.

Preparing for an ultrasound

Complicated preparation for an ultrasound scan of the ovaries is not required, however, when using the transabdominal (external) technique, it is necessary to adjust the diet.

The study is based on the difference in ultrasound absorption by individual media (liquids, gases, solids). The presence of a large amount of gases in the intestines can lead to the appearance of spots on the monitor screen, masking tumors in the ovaries.

To prevent this from happening, the patient needs to stop eating gas-forming foods such as cabbage, beans, brown bread, sweets, and fresh fruit 4-5 days before the study. Sometimes doctors advise taking espumizan the day before the procedure, a drug that absorbs gases in the intestines.

The bladder should be full. Liquids conduct ultrasound well, so a full bladder does not interfere with the examination of the ovaries located behind it. If the bladder is empty, then the ultrasonic waves are reflected from its walls and do not reach the genital glands.

Before performing a transvaginal (internal) ultrasound, the bladder should, on the contrary, be empty so that there are no difficulties with inserting the sensor. Transrectal ultrasound is performed after complete bowel movement and lavage with a cleansing enema.

Video: Preparation for ultrasound examination

Carrying out the procedure

Any ultrasound examination procedure is absolutely painless and short-lived. The image of the ovaries and neighboring organs is obtained on the monitor screen in the form of black and gray spots on a white background.

Transabdominal ultrasound

The patient lies down on the couch. The area of ​​the abdomen being examined is lubricated special gel, due to which the sensor fits more tightly to the skin and glides over it better. The device is moved over the surface of the abdomen, pressing it tightly where it is necessary to conduct a more thorough examination. A transcript of the results is given to the woman within half an hour.

Transvaginal ultrasound

During the procedure, the patient is positioned on a gynecological chair. The length of the sensor is 10 cm. Its shape is such that inserting the instrument does not cause the patient any pain or discomfort. A condom is put on it, which is lubricated with gel. The sensor is carefully inserted into the vagina. After examining the ovaries, the doctor makes a conclusion about their size, uniformity, and finds signs characteristic of certain pathologies. The form indicates the norms for the volume and size of the gonads, as well as the conclusions drawn from the study.

Transrectal ultrasound

During this procedure, the patient lies on her side with her knees bent. The sensor is lubricated with gel and smoothly inserted into the rectum to a depth of 5 cm. The examination takes 10-15 minutes.

Decoding the results

The obtained data on the structure and size of the ovaries is compared with normal values. If the examination is carried out during treatment for diseases and infertility, the data is compared with the results obtained earlier.

Standard sizes of ovaries and follicles

Normally, these glands are located on the sides of the uterus, slightly behind it. The right ovary, as a rule, is slightly larger than the left (the difference should normally not exceed 5 mm).

The size of healthy organs, even in the same woman, is not constant. They change throughout the cycle and also depend on the patient’s age. During perimenopause, the number of follicles formed decreases sharply. Fluctuations in ovarian size become less noticeable. During the postmenopausal period, the gonads shrink to a minimum.

Factors influencing their size may be the number of pregnancies a woman has (including terminated ones). The volume of the glands also depends on whether she consumes birth control pills or not.

Norms are average values ​​that have certain boundaries. If the size of the ovaries corresponds to the norm, this indicates the absence obvious pathologies. If the indicators go beyond the specified limits, it means that the woman has diseases, the nature of which needs to be clarified during examination using additional methods.

The following indicators are typical for normal healthy ovaries:

  • volume 4-10 cubic meters cm;
  • length 20-37 mm;
  • width 18-30 mm;
  • thickness 16-22 mm.

If a woman has a variation in each of the indicators that is greater than normal, this may be a sign of the presence of diseases. But the existence of individual characteristics body.

The functioning of the ovary is judged by the size and number of follicles formed in it. The size of the corpus luteum, which is formed after the release of the egg from dominant follicle.

They are measured on different days of the cycle. On day 5-7 normal ovary There should be about 10 follicles developing in the cortex. The normal capsule diameter is 2-6 mm. If there are less than 5 follicles, then infertility or the presence of congenital pathologies sexual development.

On days 8-10, it should be noticeable that the size of one of the follicles has reached 12-15 mm, while the rest have a diameter of approximately 10 mm. On days 11-14, the diameter of the dominant follicle reaches 18-20 mm, after which it ruptures (ovulation occurs).

On days 15-18, you can notice that in place of the follicle there is a corpus luteum, 15-20 mm in size. On days 19-23, its size reaches 25-27 mm, and then reverse development is observed. On days 24-27, the corpus luteum decreases to 10 mm.

On the last day before menstruation it disappears altogether. At urgent need Ultrasound of the ovaries in women can also be performed during menstruation.

When assessing the condition of the ovaries, pay attention Special attention to their contours. Normally, they should be clear, the surface slightly bumpy due to the formation of follicles in the cortex. Blurred boundaries indicate the presence of cysts or the development of an inflammatory process.

Video: What pathologies in the uterus and ovaries can be detected using ultrasound

What pathologies can be detected

The presence of pathologies is judged by a significant increase or decrease in the size of the gonads compared to the norm.

An approximately 2-fold increase in volume may be associated with polycystic disease, single cysts various types, the appearance benign tumors or cancer. Exceeding the norm may be associated with improper congenital formation of the reproductive organs.

Comment: Ultrasound of the ovaries can detect early signs education cancerous tumor, so this is great importance given to timely and even preventive implementation research.

A decrease in the volume of glands in a woman under 40 years of age, if it is sharp and significant, indicates the occurrence of premature menopause. At the same time there appear characteristic symptoms: Periods become irregular and then disappear. Hot flashes, irritability, insomnia and various ailments appear.

Ultrasound allows you to detect a pathological decrease in the volume of glands and take timely measures to prolong a woman’s youth. Hormone therapy usually helps restore reproductive health.

Video: How to conduct an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. What pathologies can be recognized

Features of ultrasound examination of the ovaries during pregnancy

During pregnancy, ultrasound of the ovaries is performed only in cases of extreme necessity, when there is suspicion of the presence of a large cyst or tumor. Twisting of the cyst stalk or rupture of the cyst is very dangerous conditions which can lead to fatal blood loss.

The examination is usually carried out externally. Transvaginal ultrasound is done only at the most early stages pregnancy. In more late period Irritation of the cervix can cause sudden dilatation, miscarriage, or premature labor.

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