Home Smell from the mouth Size of a woman’s ovaries: normal, reasons for changes in size and pathology. How is an ultrasound of the ovaries performed in women: normal sizes of the appendages and possible deviations Correct sizes of the ovaries

Size of a woman’s ovaries: normal, reasons for changes in size and pathology. How is an ultrasound of the ovaries performed in women: normal sizes of the appendages and possible deviations Correct sizes of the ovaries

Very often, having received the results of an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, women wonder how their genital organs correspond to the norms. About what they should be normal sizes healthy ovaries, we'll talk In this article.

The ovaries are the female reproductive glands in which eggs are formed and mature. The ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus and are usually easily identified by ultrasound, and in cases where their detection is difficult, the iliac vein serves as a reference point. Healthy ovaries are well mobile and have a flattened shape. A woman of reproductive age has right and left ovaries for most of her cycle. different sizes, which indicates their normal functioning. The size of the ovaries depends on the woman’s age, the number of pregnancies and births, the phase menstrual cycle, protection by taking oral contraceptives and can vary widely. In order to identify pathological changes the size of the ovaries, their ultrasonography must be carried out from the fifth to seventh days of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the decisive role in determining pathology is played by measuring not so much linear dimensions as volume.

The normal sizes of the ovaries range from:

  • volume – 4-10 cm3;
  • thickness – 16-22 mm;
  • length – 20-37 mm;
  • width – 18-30 mm.

The internal anatomy of the ovaries is examined taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle. The ovaries consist of a tunica albuginea, under which are the outer (cortex) and inner (medulla) layers. In the outer layer of women of reproductive age there are follicles to varying degrees maturity – primary immature (primordial) and mature prevoulatory.

  1. In the early follicular phase (days 5-7), ultrasound reveals a white capsule and 5-10 follicles measuring 2-6 mm, which are located along the periphery of the ovary.
  2. In the middle follicular phase (8-10 days), the dominant (12-15 mm) follicle is already clearly defined, which continues its development further. The remaining follicles stop developing, reaching 8-10 mm.
  3. During the late follicular phase (days 11-14) dominant follicle reaches 20 mm, increasing by 2-3 mm per day. The imminent onset of ovulation is indicated by the follicle reaching a size of at least 18 mm and a change in its external and internal contour.
  4. The early luteal phase (days 15-18) is characterized by the formation of the corpus luteum (15-20 mm) at the site of ovulation.
  5. In the middle luteal phase (days 19-23), the corpus luteum increases its size to 25-27 mm, after which the cycle enters the late luteal phase (days 24-27). The corpus luteum fades away, decreasing in size to 10-15 mm.
  6. During menstruation, the corpus luteum completely disappears.
  7. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum continues to actively function for 10-12 weeks, producing progesterone and preventing the release of new eggs.

The size of the ovaries during pregnancy increases due to more active blood flow, while the ovaries change their position, shifting under the influence of the growing uterus from the pelvic area upward.

Usually, ultrasound of the ovaries in women is performed in conjunction with other studies, but in some cases it can be prescribed by a doctor as an independent procedure.

What does every woman need to know when preparing for such an examination?

The ovaries are a paired organ that provides the hormonal levels necessary to maintain reproductive function, and the formation of an active egg capable of fertilization. It is the activity of the ovaries that determines the female menstrual cycle and affects the general condition of the body.

Often gynecological ultrasound ovaries and ovaries is prescribed to monitor their functional activity. The fact is that the structure of these organs undergoes cyclical changes every month: follicles appear, from which the dominant one develops, forming the egg, hormones are synthesized, ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum occur.

All these processes are perfectly visualized during the examination and allow the doctor to find out how fully the patient’s ovaries “work.”

A gynecologist gives a referral for an ultrasound scan of the ovaries at the slightest suspicion that any pathological processes or hormonal disorders are occurring in a woman’s body.

  • irregular menstrual cycle, missed periods;
  • painful menstruation;
  • excessively heavy or scanty bleeding, discharge of blood outside of menstruation;
  • diseases of the mammary glands (mastopathy, neoplasms);
  • suspicion of inflammatory processes in the appendages;
  • complaints of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suspicions of the presence of neoplasms;
  • monitoring in preparation for IVF;
  • dynamic observation of ovarian functions;
  • absence of planned pregnancy;
  • screening observation women's health(prevention of disease development).

Risk of developing diseases reproductive system can be significantly reduced if you are regularly examined by a gynecologist. Doctors recommend that every healthy woman undergo an annual ultrasound examination in order to notice abnormalities in time and prevent the occurrence of pathologies.

How to do an ultrasound of the ovaries: methods of conducting

There are three ultrasound methods for checking the ovaries in women: transabdominal, transvaginal and transrectal. Let's consider each method in detail.

Transabdominal - ultrasound is performed through abdominal wall, external sensor. This method is now used less and less, because... involves significant preparation of the patient for the procedure. If the preparation is poor, the reliability of the results is distorted.

Transvaginally - since the accuracy of this type of ultrasound data is much higher, and there is no need for preparation on the part of the patient, this method modern clinics is a priority. A narrow probe is inserted through the vagina upward towards the cervix, providing maximum possible access to the pelvic organs.

There is also a transrectal method, but it is used extremely rarely, in exceptional cases (for example, in virgins).

How to prepare for an ovarian ultrasound

Preparation for ultrasound of the ovaries in women has great importance. Although there are no special restrictions on nutrition, intake medicines and no health condition, a woman must take into account the following rules.

Ultrasound of the ovaries should be performed on certain days of the monthly cycle.

  • In order to assess their morphological condition and check for the presence of pathologies, it is necessary to do an ultrasound immediately after the end of menstruation, on days 5–7 of the cycle.
  • In order to determine their functional activity, the study should be carried out on the days recommended by the attending physician. The fact is that during the course of a month, reproductive processes occur in a woman’s body, which have 4 phases of development. To determine the causes of infertility or hormonal imbalance It is often necessary to monitor the state of the organ in each of these phases.

With transabdominal access, the bladder should be filled as much as possible.

An hour and a half before the test, you should drink 1–1.5 liters of still water or tea. The bladder, filled with water, conducts ultrasound well to the ovaries, which are located behind it.

If the bladder is not full enough, the doctor may not “examine” the organs of interest properly. It is not recommended to have a bowel movement before the end of the procedure - this may affect the reliability of the results.

No special preparation is required for transvaginal ultrasound.

The most important thing a woman should take care of is personal hygiene products. For personal protection to prevent infections, a special condom is placed on the sensor.

Typically, diagnostic rooms are fully equipped with such disposable products, but sometimes, in their absence, the patient is asked to purchase the product herself. The product is called “Condom for Ultrasound” and is sold in all pharmacies.

Note: If a woman has a severe allergy to latex, you should notify your doctor in advance.

Before transrectal ultrasound, it is necessary to clear the rectum of feces.

To do this, on the eve of the appointment, the girl must do a small enema (300–350 ml of water). You should also ensure that there are no gases in the intestines - do not eat foods that stimulate their formation the day before (fruits, vegetables, sweets, brown bread, legumes, carbonated drinks).

How is the ovarian ultrasound procedure performed?

  • Ultrasound examination of the ovaries using transabdominal access - the patient is positioned on the couch with her back down, freed from clothing groin area and belly. The doctor generously lubricates the surface of the skin with gel in order to ensure better contact of the external sensor with the body. The device is moved over the skin with slight pressure.
  • For transvaginal access, it is necessary to take the position necessary for optimal insertion of the sensor - lie on your back with your knees bent. The device is quite narrow and does not cause any discomfort - the procedure is completely painless.

In order to fully examine both ovaries, an ultrasound diagnostic specialist will need 10–15 minutes.

Standards for ovarian examination results

During the examination, the doctor determines the position, size and structure of the ovaries.

The normal position of the ovaries is on the sides of the uterus and somewhat posteriorly. It is because of their adherence to the uterus that they received the informal name of appendages. During pregnancy, these organs move upward.

The size of the ovaries can vary depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, the age of the woman, the number of full-term and terminated pregnancies, the use of oral contraceptives and individual characteristics body. The following parameters are considered normal for a woman of reproductive age:

  • volume – from 4 to 10 cm3;
  • length – from 20 to 37 mm;
  • width – from 18 to 30 mm;
  • thickness – from 16 to 22 mm.

In most women, the right and left ovaries differ in size. However, a significant difference in volume may indicate the presence of pathology or congenital anomaly. An increase in size may indicate polycystic syndrome or oophoritis.

The structure of the ovaries depends on the day of the menstrual cycle - the doctor determines the size and number of follicles, the presence of a dominant follicle, the corpus luteum, and examines for cysts and tumors.

A discrepancy between the structure and the norm may indicate polycystic disease (many undeveloped follicles), late ovulation, functional disorders and pathologies.

The normal size of the ovaries according to ultrasound depends on the day of the study:

  • Days 5–7: 5–10 follicles in the cortex, ranging in size from 2 to 6 mm;
  • 8–10 days: 5–9 follicles no more than 10 mm and 1 dominant, 12–15 mm;
  • 11–14 days: dominant follicle 16–20 mm, ovulation – when it reaches 18 mm;
  • Days 15–18: (15–20 mm) at the site of the ovulated follicle;
  • 19–23 days: the corpus luteum gradually reaches a size of 25–27 mm;
  • 24–27 days: the corpus luteum regresses to 10–15 mm;
  • menstruation: the corpus luteum disappears.

The contours of healthy appendages should be uneven, but clear. Blurred boundaries may indicate inflammation.

In acute cases, ultrasound is also performed during menstruation - the procedure is absolutely safe and cannot lead to any complications.

The ovaries are a paired organ of the female reproductive system, which is located in the pelvic area. This is where a new one is born human life, or rather, the egg matures. Subsequently, subject to successful fertilization, it will become an embryo, then a fetus and, finally, a newborn baby. Normally, the size of the ovaries in women can fluctuate, but significant deviations indicate the presence of various types of pathologies. The only way to make sure of this is to conduct an ultrasound examination.

  1. Location. The ovaries are in abdominal cavity on both sides of the uterus. Their location is rarely symmetrical and this is a variant of the norm.
  2. Form. The ovaries are visible on ultrasound as two oval tonsils. U healthy women they are slightly flattened.
  3. Size – length, width, thickness, volume. The size of the ovaries is individual for each woman and can change throughout her life. In many ways, these parameters depend on age, hormonal levels, general condition health, number of pregnancies and births. In addition, the ovaries can shrink and enlarge depending on the day of the menstrual cycle. That is why, if any disease is suspected, the doctor will most likely prescribe not one ultrasound examination, but several different days loop to see how their size changes.
  4. Structure. The ovary consists of two layers: outer (cortical) and inner (cerebral). In the outer one, follicles mature, the number of which in the right and left ovaries may be different. On average there are about 12 in each. If the number of follicles is less than 5, there is a pathological deviation on the face.
  5. External contours. Normally, the surface of the ovary should be lumpy, which indicates the presence of follicles in the outer membrane.
  6. Echogenicity is the most important ultrasound parameter, indicating the ability of organ tissue to reflect high-frequency sound. It must be homogeneous, otherwise we can talk about the presence of inflammation.

Range of ovarian sizes in healthy women

The size of the ovaries in women of childbearing age can vary within the following limits:

  • length – from 20 to 37 mm;
  • width – from 18 to 30 mm;
  • thickness – from 16 to 22 mm;
  • volume – from 4 to 10 cubic meters. cm.


Ultrasound examination is considered the most accessible and simple method diagnosis of gynecological pathologies. The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound if a woman is worried bloody issues during the intermenstrual period or painful sensations in the area of ​​the appendages, uterus, lower back, and the examination did not give the whole picture of the condition of the organs.

What does a pelvic ultrasound show?

With the help of a study, a specialist determines whether the structure and size of the organs of the reproductive system correspond to the norm and Bladder women. This allows us to identify the presence of pathological changes - tumors and neoplasms. In addition, with the help of decoding pelvic ultrasound in women, you can establish:

  • the presence or absence of congenital pathologies;
  • pregnancy, approximate duration, any pathologies;
  • presence of diseases (cancer, fibrosis, endometriosis, etc.);
  • Are the volumes and locations of organs normal?

To avoid the development of serious gynecological diseases that affect reproductive abilities, experts recommend ultrasound and ECHO for girls for preventive purposes. So, women aged 18-40 years old should be examined at least once a year. After forty, in order to detect development in time pathological processes, you should visit the diagnostic room 1-2 times a year.

The advantages of ultrasound examination are:

  • non-invasive method, painless;
  • accessibility, ease of examination;
  • absence of harmful radiation;
  • obtaining clear, three-dimensional images;
  • universality of the study (ultrasound helps to identify various diseases and anomalies, monitor the development of the fetus, etc.).

The size of the uterus is normal in women

External contours of the uterine myometrium ( muscle tissue) in the absence of pathological processes should have clear, even lines. If during a pelvic ultrasound, some blurriness or unclear boundaries of the organ were detected, this indicates inflammation of the surrounding tissues and often indicates the presence of diseases. A woman’s uterus is pear-shaped; the following indicators are considered normal:

  • length – 4.5-6.7 cm;
  • width – 4.6-6.4 cm;
  • thickness – 3-4 cm.

In women after menopause, the parameters of the uterus may change. Transformations of the organ in the postmenopausal period occur over a period of 20 years, after which it can significantly decrease. In this case, the normal sizes of the uterus are:

  • length – 4.2 cm (maximum);
  • width – 4.4 cm;
  • thickness – 3 cm.

Normal ovarian size in women

Interpretation of pelvic ultrasound in women helps to monitor the condition of the ovaries - the organs responsible for the ability to conceive. Egg follicles are formed in them, which are subsequently fertilized by sperm. Due to the growth process of follicles, the walls of the ovaries are uneven and lumpy, but they should have clear outlines. The echostructure of organs in the absence of pathologies is homogeneous, with minor areas of fibrosis. Any changes in the echostructure of the ovaries indicate inflammatory process. Normal ovarian sizes:

  • volume – 2-8 cubic centimeters;
  • length – 30 millimeters;
  • width – 25 millimeters;
  • thickness – 15 millimeters.

Normal cervical size

This is an organ consisting of muscle tissue that closes the entrance to the body of the uterus. The cervix has an opening for the passage of sperm and removal of secretions during menstruation, it is called cervical canal. When interpreting an ultrasound, it is worth considering that the normal length of the organ is 3.5-4 cm. At the same time, the endocervix (canal) should remain within 3 mm; its increase indicates the presence of a serious pathology - endometriosis or cancer. After childbirth, the size of the cervix increases by a maximum of 1 cm, and at the birth of the second child by another 3 mm.

What diseases does ultrasound detect?

The transcript is made by the doctor conducting the study. In this case, an ultrasound alone may not be enough to make a diagnosis, then a specialist will prescribe tests. According to the results additional examination the initial conclusion is confirmed or refuted. Interpretation of an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women can detect pregnancy, any developmental disorders of the observed fetus, and show various abnormalities (thickening of the tubes, adnexal inflammation, etc.).

Ovarian cyst in women

The pathology takes the form of a fluid-filled formation localized on the wall of the ovary. The cyst looks like a sac with thin shell and has a diameter of up to 20 cm. To achieve the most accurate picture, interpretation of the ultrasound examination is carried out immediately after the completion of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes a doctor, along with this disease, diagnoses polycystic disease - an enlarged ovary, the formation of fibrosis zones, and thickening of the walls.

Cervical endometriosis

When performing an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, the doctor may detect small bubbles in the muscle tissue of the tubes and cervix. At this method research can detect foci of formations and endometrioid cysts in the ovaries. Endometriosis is characterized by the growth of the endometrium outside the uterine cavity. Using a pelvic ultrasound, the doctor can also detect internal adenomyosis - the spread of the endometrium into the uterine wall. Since endometriosis sometimes causes infertility, interpretation is carried out to predict the likelihood of pregnancy.


The disease is a benign tumor. With this pathology, the body of the uterus is enlarged, its contours are heterogeneous, in addition, a node (or several) is observed in the myometrium. Interpretation of ultrasound helps determine the composition, size, and location of formations. In addition, this research method makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of nodule growth in order, if necessary, to carry out timely surgical treatment. Women who have been diagnosed with fibroids should have an ultrasound scan twice a year.

Abnormalities of the uterus

Uterine defects can also be diagnosed through examination. Interpretation of a pelvic ultrasound in women can show deformation, thickening of the walls, and an increase in the volume of the organ. In addition, the study provides the opportunity to observe pathological changes in the uterine cavity. Possible organ abnormalities:

  1. Doubling. It is extremely rare and is characterized by the presence of two vaginas and two uterine cervixes in a girl. At the same time, reproductive function is preserved.
  2. Bicornus. A woman with this anomaly has less space for the fetus, but this does not affect her ability to become pregnant.
  3. Arching. There is a depression at the bottom of the organ, and its upper part is practically no different from the normal uterus.
  4. One-horned. It is half the normal size and has only 1 fallopian tube. If she and the ovary are healthy, then pregnancy is possible.
  5. Formation of the septum. The uterus has an extra wall inside, which consists of fibrous or muscle wall. Sometimes this anomaly prevents pregnancy.
  6. Agenesia. It is extremely rare and is characterized by complete absence uterus or its small size, underdevelopment of the vagina. This anomaly excludes conception.

Video: results of ultrasound of the pelvic organs

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Ultrasound shows the shape, size, and position of the ovaries.

It is by the volume of these organs that their pathology is revealed.

To diagnose the disease in women, it is important to know the normal size of the ovaries.

The ovary (female reproductive gland) is a paired organ. It is responsible for the production of hormones and eggs.

The ovaries are located in the peritoneal cavity in the area of ​​the 1st sacral vertebra. In a nulliparous woman, the ligament of the gland is located almost vertically, while in a woman who has given birth, the ovary is more in a horizontal position.

The organ resembles a flattened ellipsoid:

  • 3-5 cm long;
  • 1.5-3 cm wide;
  • thickness 0.7-1.5 cm;
  • volume 4-10 cm 3.

The weight of each ovary is 5-6 g.

The sizes of both glands can differ by 0.2 mm.

The outer surface of the organ is dense, pink-white, matte, smooth, with elevations, depressions and scars.

With age, their number increases, but the surface of the ovary itself is generally not lumpy. The gland is covered in one row with cells of reduced peritoneum. From 35-40 years of age, the size of the ovaries decreases, regardless of pregnancy and childbirth.

In the postmenopausal period, their atrophy occurs (weight and size decrease by almost half):

  • length - up to 2-2.5 cm
  • width 1.2-1.5 cm
  • thickness no more than 1.2 cm
  • volume 1.5-4 cm 3.

Both ovaries become the same size.

Ultrasound picture of the ovary

During pregnancy, the size of the glands increases by several mm due to influx to the internal genital organs nutrients with blood. The ovaries may be displaced upward due to an enlarged uterus. After 2 months after birth, the glands shrink to their usual size.

If a woman is breastfeeding, the period of the ovaries returning to reproductive function is delayed until the child is weaned from the breast. In the first few years of menopause, deviations in the size of the ovaries up to 1 cm are possible due to the residual production of follicles that carry the egg.

Scatter normal values The size of the glands is quite large, therefore, when establishing pathology, many other characteristics are taken into account.

The ovary is laid in the 4th week of uterine development in the form of thickening of the genital folds stretching between the mesentery and the groove in which the primary kidney is located.

Parameters of the ovaries according to ultrasound diagnostics

An ultrasound is performed on the 5-7th day of the cycle, and the volume of the ovary is of paramount importance compared to other indicators.

The main tissue of the organs is permeated blood vessels, ultrasound is reflected from the glands in approximately the same way as from the uterus.

Each ovary has about 12 maturing follicles 3-8 mm in cross section. Less than 5 follicles in both organs is a serious pathology.

In the middle of the cycle (approximately 12-14 days), an ultrasound may reveal one “main” follicle 10-24 mm in diameter, from which fallopian tube The egg will be released (ovulation will occur). In its place, the corpus luteum of pregnancy is formed, the work of which can be assessed by its size using ultrasound on the 18-23rd day.

The size of the ovaries depends on:

  • age;
  • number of pregnancies;
  • presence of children;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • disorders in the development of the genital organs;
  • day of the cycle;
  • taking hormones;
  • individual characteristics.

Previously, doctors placed a wide sensor on the stomach to make a diagnosis. This type of research provides the least information and can only reveal serious problems with health. Now a thin long sensor with a special condom is inserted into the vagina. In virgins, it is inserted into the anus.

3 days before the ultrasound procedure, it is necessary to exclude products that cause gas formation:

  • legumes;
  • sweets;
  • cabbage

Take sorbents or do a cleansing enema 1-2 days before.

Normally, there should be no cysts, tumors or other neoplasms on the organs. In general, the cyst can be seen on ultrasound in the form of a ball 25 mm or more in diameter.

The size of the glands can change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the amount of hormones, so a slight deviation in one direction or another does not always mean health problems.

Significant deviations in dimensions indicate pathology, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes the ovary is not visible on ultrasound. This can be observed due to its depletion, intestinal bloating, adhesive disease of the pelvic organs, as well as in its absence (congenital or after surgery). Then a repeat ultrasound is performed with careful preparation for the procedure.

If necessary, the study is repeated on the 8-10th, 14-17th, 22-25th day of the cycle, once every six months.

Failure in the ovulation process can lead to the development of ovarian cysts. occurs in women of reproductive age.

Every woman should know where the ovaries are located and what their size is. If you don't know yet, read on.

You can read about the causes and methods of treating ovarian hypofunction.

Reasons for size changes

The ovaries increase in volume when:

  • their dysfunctions;
  • pregnancy;
  • cancer, metastases;
  • cysts;
  • polycystic disease (numerous cysts);
  • benign formations;
  • congenital anomaly.

A decrease in volume (exhaustion) indicates a decline in the ability to reproduce in women 35-40 years old.

Ovarian cancer is the 2nd most common disease after breast cancer.

Pathologies leading to changes in ovarian size

If at least one of the glands has doubled in size (by 1.5 cm3), you need to sound the alarm!

In case of torsion or purulent inflammation surgery is performed immediately on the ovary.

The presence of a cyst is not always a pathology. When hormonal levels change, such physiological variants of the norm are possible as follicular cyst or cyst corpus luteum pregnancy.

Endometriosis and ovarian cyst

In the first case, the follicle did not burst and did not release the egg (ovulation did not occur), but filled with fluid. In place of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum normally appears, which produces hormones that support pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, it disappears. A cyst of the corpus luteum forms when it does not resolve.

These quickly passing physiological conditions On ultrasound they look like dark balls with thin walls. The follicular cyst grows from the 1st day of the cycle to its middle, the corpus luteum cyst disappears in one or several cycles, and in the case of pregnancy, in the 2nd trimester.

TO benign tumors refers to dermoid cyst. It is formed when the embryo differentiates incorrectly, when the tissues from which the integument should develop remain in the ovaries. An endometrioid cyst arises from cells in the lining of the uterus due to endometriosis.

Ovarian cancer

Polycystic disease occurs in young girls with excessive secretion of male sex hormones and is corrected oral contraceptives, in severe cases - surgery.

Cancer most often strikes after menopause, and occasionally occurs in immature girls. One of its varieties - cystadenoma - is very similar to a cyst. If cancer is suspected, a repeat ultrasound is prescribed, and if the patient has not yet menstruated or is over 45 years old, tissue is taken for cancer cells.

Table. Ultrasound characteristics of various ovarian pathologies

cancer cyst
endometrioid dermoid follicular corpus luteum polycystic disease
location from one side
view a ball with many chambers of unknown filling spherical or elongated, smooth on the outside, smooth or lumpy on the inside round up to 5 cm in diameter 30 mm in section ovary enlarged more than 10 cm 3, cysts 2-9 mm in section
wall thickness, mm 2-8, uneven 7-15
internal areas that highly reflect ultrasound (lighter) in the form of honeycombs up to 2 mm thick There is
uterus enlarged, without changes in shape or structure increased
follicles in a healthy ovary there are many, 2-3 “main” increased
other features “capture” of adjacent organs, fluid in the pelvis, abdomen ovary with cyst is not specialized filled with skin, cartilage, nails, hair

When the ovaries are depleted, the production of follicles stops, ovulation or release of sex hormones does not occur, the uterus also decreases in size, its walls become thinner. The first thing you should pay attention to if you suspect this pathology, - light menstruation. They may occur less frequently, with a small amount of blood released.

A few months after the cessation of menstruation, menopause occurs: insomnia, irritability, sweating, unexpected hot flashes, weight loss or gain. Treatment is carried out by competent selection hormonal contraceptives. If the decline of ovarian function is detected in time, the woman will be able to successfully become pregnant.

Cystic cavities on ultrasound

It is often difficult to diagnose any pathology of the female reproductive glands only by appearance, so the doctor performs several ultrasound procedures and refers to CT and MRI.

If the follicular cyst does not go away on its own, but ruptures, urgent surgical intervention is required.

Women's health directly depends on timely access to a doctor. Atypical discharge, pain, cycle disorders - all this is a reason to immediately visit a specialist.

Most often, ovarian cysts are treated surgically. in some cases they are also used.

About treatment methods for ovarian cysts folk remedies we'll tell you. How effective can this be?

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