Home Dental treatment Russian politician Konstantin Borovoy: biography and activities. Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich

Russian politician Konstantin Borovoy: biography and activities. Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich

Money and politics are two topics that strongly attract people's views.

A well-known businessman and politician of the 80s and 90s, Konstantin Borovoy, throughout all the years of his active life, clearly felt that he lived in a “house with transparent walls.” And that’s why he doesn’t particularly hide the facts of his biography.

Childhood and youth

On June 30, 1948, he was born into the family of a professor of mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. younger son- Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich. The family was quite successful, with a history. Thus, Konstantin’s grandfather was a fairly famous revolutionary who suffered from After rehabilitation, he acted as the main witness at the trial of Beria, and was close friends with N. S. Khrushchev and L. I. Brezhnev. The future politician’s mother held a prominent position in the district committee of the CPSU, her father taught at a university and wrote books. Therefore, the child received a good upbringing, grew up in prosperity, but most of all he was cared for by his grandmother, who was even able to baptize her grandson, which at that time was a risky business. The boy read a lot, visited theaters and grew up as a real Moscow child. From the age of 12, Konstantin began attending meetings at the Polytechnic Museum, where he became acquainted with the work of the idol poets of that time. He also attends lectures at Moscow State University on astronomy, literature, physics, and is saturated with the culture of the Thaw. Then he, together with his classmates, created a secret organization to distribute samizdat literature.

Years of study

According to family tradition, the boy was sent to a mathematics school, which he successfully graduated from in 1965. Then Konstantin Borovoy entered the university where his father worked, and successfully graduated in 1970, immediately entering the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University. After graduating, Borovoy began working in the field of implementation of automated control systems and, having defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1980, he worked at several research institutes and universities, began teaching and made a quite successful career for those times. At this time, an intellectual circle of friends formed around him; they discussed the situation in the country and the world in the kitchen, the latest in cinema, theater, and literature. This circle included Irina Khakamada.

Co-op fever

This period ends when Konstantin Borovoy, whose biography began in the spirit of family traditions, changed his path at the moment when the country began big changes. In 1987, Borovoy parted with his comfortable and fairly profitable place of work and went into free swimming. He began by providing research institutes with software products and carrying out various scientific developments. People who wanted to make money were drawn to him, ideas multiplied like a snowball, and within a year Borovoy was the chairman of several cooperatives. By 1989, Borovoy’s income level allowed him to engage in charity work; he helps disadvantaged elderly people and even sponsors the Modern Opera theater. At this time, Konstantin Natanovich becomes a millionaire and understands that cooperatives are not his scale, he needs something more.


In 1989, the idea of ​​creating an exchange appeared and gradually crystallized. Konstantin Borovoy, who does not hide his nationality, at this time joins the Jewish Union, where he will make many useful acquaintances. During this same period, he realizes that his new brainchild will allow him to reach a new level. In 1990, the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange appeared in Russia. Its creation was not easy, the shareholders faced strong opposition from the authorities, but nevertheless the project was a success, Soviet and foreign shareholders appeared, and the exchange's turnover began to grow rapidly. This was the start of the stock exchange movement in the USSR; by 1992 there were about a thousand of them.

And Borovoy goes further and becomes the founder and chairman of the board of directors of the Russian National Commercial Bank. At this time, he is actively involved in educational activities, telling the population about the advantages and opportunities of a market economy. Borovoy becomes a media character, he is often invited to the media, and he becomes recognizable person. Konstantin Borovoy at this time performs many extravagant acts, for example, meets with the Minister of Finance of the Pinochet government, but donates large sums to various projects, in particular, for the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

He collaborated with leading politicians of the time and became a member of the president's cabinet. But his fame has a scandalous connotation, he does not hide his condition, there is even an attempt on his life. This period of intense commercial activity ends naturally - Borovoy goes into politics.

Politician: Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich

In 1992, the aspiring politician Borovoy created He gained fame as a defender of democracy during the coup period, which allowed him to get closer to Yeltsin. In 1995 he became a deputy State Duma, his performances were remembered by many for their irony and originality. The politician builds his career on opposition to the current government, he defends democratic freedoms and is an apologist for the market economy.

For several years, Borovoy has been participating in various elections, but luck does not smile on him. All this leads to the fact that he becomes a strong oppositionist in relation to the current government.

Opposition activity

The end of the twentieth century became difficult for Borovoy. He believes that the FSB is pursuing him, that he is being surveilled, especially after he was killed right during his conversation with D. Dudayev

In 2010, Konstantin Borovoy signed the petition “Putin must leave”; together with his friend Valeria Novodvorskaya they became the initiators social movement and the Western Choice party in defense of European values; the party was later denied registration. The movement continues its activities, proving that there is opposition in Russia.

Life in the 11th century

Today, Borovoy actively criticizes Putin’s policies; he collaborates with the socio-political online publication of Ukraine Gordonua.com, where he regularly expresses his pro-Ukrainian ideas. He has ceased to be a welcome guest in the Russian media, but does not lose his popularity thanks to his speeches on various political issues on the Internet.

At Borovoy's this moment he has sufficient means to support himself; he is a shareholder and owner of several companies. Also, together with American partners, he opens World Wide Consulting, engaged in investments and political consulting. He continues to open new companies, attracting large investments, his entrepreneurial acumen has not disappeared in the heat of political battles.

Colleagues speak controversially about Konstantin Borov. He was unable to maintain friendly relations with many people because of his sharp tongue and unpredictability. However, he is respected and appreciated for his consistent position in upholding the values ​​of a market state.

Family and personal life

Despite all the scandalousness of the image, Borovoy admits that he professes true family values. His first, student marriage was a youthful mistake, but he has lived with his second wife for many years. Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich, whose nationality, in general, does not matter, promotes Christian values. He has a daughter from his second marriage, the eldest daughter from his first wife died in 2008, as well as three granddaughters.

Russian opposition politician Konstantin Borovoy spoke.

"Putin is bringing closer the moment of disintegration of Russia, which is a continuation of the disintegration of the huge empire that it was Soviet Union. It's obvious," he said.

According to the politician, Putin has already passed several “bifurcation points,” “and this process can no longer be stopped.” “Now we are talking only about the form in which all this will take place,” the politician is convinced.

“No new leader will be able to stop this process, because irreversible actions have been committed. Crimes against humanity, war crimes. This cannot be brought back. It is impossible to simply apologize and invite everyone to forget about everything,” Borovoy added.

"There is one more point here. The modern power of the Kremlin is based on an imperial aggressive policy. If you imagine some miracle that common sense will appear in the Kremlin, a new leader will appear who will try to stop this process - imperial, aggressive, accompanied by propaganda - this will still cause a very serious transition process, the result of which will be the disintegration of Russia,” he is convinced.

In this context, the politician recalled similar irreversible processes that once took place in France, Great Britain, Spain and Portugal with their colonies. Moreover, the transition processes were very complex and were accompanied by civil wars and murders. “Russia will also face all this,” Borovoy warned.

“The Caucasus is a region that will flare up at the slightest match. Today the Kremlin is holding back this process with incredible efforts, enormous money, but the money is running out. The revival of the most disgusting and dangerous regimes for the world can begin there, and the Kremlin can no longer do anything. There This transition process has already begun,” the politician stated.

“It began in other regions of Russia, and is very active. The elites are in a state of ferment. You can hear talk about independence - “Ural republics”, “Siberian United States”, “Far Eastern republics”. All this is already present in the political space. Through It will take some time for this to all take shape,” he continued.

According to the politician, from a state where the Kremlin could change something, it is moving “simply to observing” irreversible processes. “The most that Putin can do today is to reassign governors to more loyal ones, to security officials. But this is not a solution to the problem. Conceptually, this does not change anything,” Borovoy noted.

“Previously, with the help of corruption, with the help of bribing the regions, this process was restrained, there was a vertical of power, there was a mechanism for actually financing the regions. This mechanism is disappearing. And that’s all. Far East moves towards Japan and China, Siberia - towards China, the Urals will be independent," he predicted.

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“Therefore, the solution to the Donbass problem is only military. This is a difficult decision that will come with sacrifices. But if Ukraine wants to get rid of this problem, the most correct thing to do is to announce the denunciation of the Minsk agreements and begin to solve it by military means. Putin does not deserve to be spoken to in the language of international treaties. Moreover, the concentration of armed forces in the Eastern European region, namely in the Baltic countries and Poland, is quite high. Therefore, I do not think that Ukraine will be left alone. If, of course, it fights terrorism. After all, what is happening on the territory of Ukraine is real terrorism.” " "

“The Minsk agreements are a concession from European democrats to Ukraine, for whom it is important to check the box and report that all measures have been taken to stop the military confrontation. The previous such example was the Medvedev-Sarkozy agreement, as a result of which part of the territory of Georgia was seized, which no one really helped at that time. The only state that made any efforts at that time was the United States. And these efforts were, mind you, military.” " "

“The Minsk agreements were the result of unprecedented political pressure on Poroshenko and Ukraine as a whole. Putin stopped only because he did not have the strength to continue this military process. If he had the strength, no one would have stopped him. And the current state of affairs in Donbass is more than satisfactory for Russia. Outright bandits have settled in Donbass. There are still a lot of problems from them now, but how many will there be when it becomes known what they were doing there... There is no doubt that facts of ethnic cleansing and mass graves of people will be revealed there.” " "

Today I went to Starbucks to get coffee, it was just 5 minutes. - What an interesting accent you have. Are you not from Russia? Well, I didn't have half an hour to start this conversation. - No, I'm from Ukraine. It becomes embarrassing to admit that you are Russian. They say that the Germans who emigrated to South America after the war, they said that they were Austrians. They were embarrassed to admit it. " "


Konstantin Natanovich Borovoy (June 30, 1948, Moscow, USSR) - Russian entrepreneur and politician, deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation (1995-2000), ex-chairman of the Economic Freedom Party (1992-2003), chairman of the political party " Western Choice" (from March 17, 2013).

In the spring of 2010, he signed the appeal of the Russian opposition “Putin must leave.” Together with Valeria Novodvorskaya, he produced videos that were published in Live Journal, Facebook and YouTube.

In 2013, together with Valeria Novodvorskaya, he began to create the liberal political party “Western Choice”. On March 17, at the founding congress of the party he was elected its chairman

Today is the most important question for Ukraine after the elections. How to stop the war and liberate the occupied territories. The solution is not that difficult. Technology to end the occupation of Ukraine.

1. Ukraine, through diplomatic channels, presents an ultimatum to Russia to end the occupation and withdraw troops from the territory of Ukraine within 24 hours (or a week). Otherwise, Ukraine will consider itself to be in a state of war with Russia, where Russia is the aggressor. The following is a list of all international agreements and acts violated by Russia.

2. Immediately after the ultimatum, all trade and economic relations between Ukraine and Russia are terminated, the pipeline is blocked, and the borders with Russia are closed until the ultimatum is fulfilled. An appeal to the countries of the region with a proposal to follow the example of Ukraine.

3. Ukraine agrees (or disagrees) to negotiations with Russia on the issue of “Immediate deoccupation of the territory of Ukraine” through the mediation of the guarantors of the Budapest Memorandum - the USA and Great Britain.

4. A week later, the Kremlin begins the withdrawal of troops from the East of Ukraine and Crimea, understanding what will follow if the ultimatum is not fulfilled.

Two fakes exploded at once: “Trump is on Putin’s hook” and “Trump will be impeached in a week.”
Quite worthy people, partly my friends and democrats in the Russian sense Andrei Piontkovsky, Igor Eidman, Yuri Felshtinsky, many others, for TWO YEARS, every day they said that #TrumponPutin's hook and #impeachment in a week.
Democratic propaganda in the United States has turned out to be a very contagious disease.

Quite in the spirit of Rogozhin’s trolls and gunpowder bots, trolls of American Democrats staged attacks on my feed, calling themselves “a liberal crowd of Russians in the USA.”
True, one day in their crowd I discovered a strange supporter who was working from a Russian server.

When it turned out that no one had ever seen this “very competent accuser from Boston” in person, your humble servant was still to blame.
“What right did you have to disclose confidential information, this is a crime under US law, we will sue you” - the discussion about Trump is over.

New attitudes immediately appeared - “Mueller hasn’t interrogated everyone yet”, “Trump has split America”, well, and the whole set of vagina-headed arguments.
The main question remains.
Why is the “crucified boy in panties” propaganda for idiots, and propaganda against Trump for aesthetes and intellectuals?
Maybe any propaganda is perceived only by idiots?

I spoke with a friend from New York, an active opponent of Trump, a professor and an intellectual.
- Well, what other arguments against Trump?
- I don't like him. A boor and an idiot.
Quite a tram discussion.
The only way to object is: And he’s also wearing a hat, citizen!

It is interesting to speculate what will happen in Ukraine if Vladimir Zelensky or Yulia Tymoshenko becomes president.

Or everything will remain as it was.

What is the Kremlin really interested in in Ukraine?

Having learned to read the guidelines of the Kremlin’s propaganda campaign, it is easy to read the guidelines of the administration of the President of Ukraine, broadcast through their gunpowder robots - “they don’t change horses in midstream”, “Poroshenko or Putin (with any other choice of the people)” and other nonsense.

And of course, Tymoshenko will sell Ukraine, and Zelensky will kneel before Putin.

But the answer to these questions must be sought not in Ukraine, but in Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and the occupied East of Ukraine. And, especially, in Crimea.

What will happen there if the mechanism of democratic elections is activated and the head of the controlled region becomes the one chosen by the people or someone from the local elite?

The Kremlin has already shown several times that it will not allow even one bandits to be replaced by others. But what if?

“Fascist” Poroshenko is dearer to the Kremlin than any new president.

Moreover, Putin and Poroshenko are united by hatred of a common enemy - Mikheil Saakashvili.

The Kremlin does not want to lose its favorite mechanism of influence in Ukraine - corruption.

Why does the Kremlin need a new young army of Ukraine, led by young generals trained at West Point and not selling weapons around the world, when there is a war in Ukraine itself?

Why does the Kremlin need a new SBU, which, like in Georgia, will fire all of Putin’s KGB classmates?

Why does the Kremlin need reforms in Ukraine proposed by Saakashvili that will make Ukraine strong? European state?

Why do the Kremlin and Poroshenko need a fourth power in Ukraine - a free press.

Main tool Democracy - open political competition, regular changes of power.

Poroshenko’s dependence on corrupt security officials, pragmatic oligarchs who make money from the war, and on bandits protecting business in Ukraine is the path towards Putin.

Putin created propaganda tools and troll factories in Russia a long time ago.

Ukrainian troll factories, gunpowder bots, are only a year old.

Bad stability is needed by those who are building a thousand-year Reich.

The young democracy needs change.

A whole battle broke out on my Facebook account about the elections in Ukraine.
I haven't seen so many prohobots for a long time.
Their main call is: “Don’t interfere, it’s none of your business.”
But they don’t like the support of Mikheil Saakashvili, who does not participate in the elections, but influences them.
Naturally, Borovoy turned out to be both an FSB employee and a personal friend of Putin, representing his interests in Ukraine.

I have several objections.

1. What is happening today in Ukraine is not only the opposition of Ukrainians to the Kremlin’s aggression. This, naturally, is opposition to democracy in Russia. This is a war with us – supporters of democracy.

2. The fact that Putin limited himself to Crimea and the East of Ukraine, the fact that the thinking and conscientious part of Russia condemns aggression and war, is also our merit as supporters of democracy in Russia and Ukraine. We continue this fight.

3. Today's elections in Ukraine are not a choice between dictatorship and freedom. This is a choice between stagnation and development. Stagnation, which could return Ukraine to the state of a colony of an empire. A development that could influence the destruction of the empire. This choice of Ukraine also concerns us, today’s slaves of the empire.

4. Everyone is concerned about Putin’s position and which presidential candidates he supports. Putin is interested in maintaining the current situation, which does not allow Ukraine to develop normally. Occupation and hostilities are an important, but secondary factor that has little impact on the need to fight corruption, which is corroding Ukraine, making it poor and weak. The lack of necessary reforms also has little to do with military action and occupation.

5. Mikheil Saakashvili, who saved Georgia from Russian imperial influence and, by the way, carried out reforms in conditions of both war and occupation, is the best expert on today’s problems in Ukraine, gave his opinion on what and how to do. And he was expelled precisely for this by supporters of bad stability.

6. The freedom of Ukraine is our freedom. Russia's lack of freedom is your problem too.

The warning about new sanctions was made on August 27 last year.
There was enough time to think.
The new composition of the US Congress is already ready to pass the “Defending US Security from Kremlin Aggression Act” (DASKA-2019).
Another name for the Law is “bill from hell”.
The subject of sanctions is traditional, but significantly expanded - oil, gas, investments, Russian national debt, banks, personal sanctions.
But there is also news.
The law may require the US National Intelligence Service to provide a report on financial condition Putin, about his assets, including companies that the president can use to “hide his assets from public disclosure.”
One and a half to two trillion dollars hidden in rat holes, invested in respectable projects, will come to light. There will be problems with financing agent networks and the closest relatives of all accomplices, daughters may be left without a dowry, and sons without warm places in Western companies.
The sanctions came very close to those who were least afraid of them, and even mockingly called for their tightening - Putin’s entourage and Russian officials.
Sanctions are gradually acquiring “social justice” and an orientation against those who “sowed the wind.”
The first to understand this were Russian government, which began to attract retribution for sanctions ordinary citizens– rob and kill a pensioner grandmother – 10 rubles. And a thousand grandmothers is a huge budget income.
In addition, the US Secretary of State is now required to make a conclusion about whether Russia meets the criteria of a state sponsor of terrorism. There is, in fact, no doubt about this, but voicing this fact will change a lot in the attitude towards Russia.
The latter is a hint at the next stage of sanctions or even an embargo.
Everyone who follows the situation, especially in Ukraine, is concerned about one question:
Why so long?
The first sanctions under the Magnitsky Act were adopted in the spring of 2013. In 2014 - Crimea. Then the East of Ukraine, cyber attacks - 2015. Then CAATSA: the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act - Trump, 2017. Finally, Kerch, "Draconian Sanctions", the first stage in August 2018
Moreover, sadistically slowly (there was no time for Russia) they postponed the second stage of the “Draconian sanctions”.
It seems, what could be easier? One intelligent homing missile and the problem will be solved.
No, friends, diseases are not treated that way. There are no miracle cures for pathogenic viruses.
You can get sick in one day. A virus carrier sneezed from the TV - go to the clinic to get a ballot.
Recovery is a long process.
The Germans recovered after Nazism for a couple of decades. Some died, claiming that all their problems were caused by Americans and Jews.
The person responsible for recovery is not the good doctor who forces you to drink bitter pills, but your own body.
I can give you some advice.
Walking is very beneficial for recovery. fresh air, for example, at the Nemtsov Memory March or on December 10 at Pampusha.
So, fellow citizens, take a break from the TV, the source of infection, and go outside.
Or, as they joked in my youth, cover yourself with a white sheet and slowly crawl to the cemetery.
I would not recommend relying on laughing Iskanders with their brains tied with duct tape.

I'm so tired of idiots!

1. “We are not so stupid as to believe the Kremlin’s propaganda campaign!” But at the first call they begin to discuss the article of a semi-literate Chechen boy.

2. And they immediately swallow exactly the same spinners of the propaganda campaign of the American Democrats: “Trump is hooked on Putin.”

3. Everyone allegedly sees Putin’s shameless lies, but with pleasure they join the gunpowder propaganda campaign: “If not Poroshenko, then Putin. All Poroshenko’s opponents are on Putin’s hook.”

4. They know and understand everything about Navalny, but they persistently repeat after the Kremlin; “Navalny is the leader of the opposition. If not Navalny, then who?”

Humanity is getting smarter, but why so slowly?

Ilya Ponomarev supported the Bolivarian revolution of Chavez and Maduro and attacked the United States, an imperialist power that is vilely reducing purchases of Venezuelan oil and planning intervention.
He did this in an original way - from the site of the Free Russia Forum.
Perhaps this is the case when I should thank the organizers of the Forum for not allowing me to attend. I would have to blush.
There are similar cases when statements are made on behalf of the democratic opposition that almost exactly repeat the statements of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Russian propaganda, there was a lot during CSR ( Coordination Council opposition).
Communists with slogans against capitalism and Nazis (mostly from the Kremlin), with slogans against private property in the hands of non-Russian entrepreneurs, at opposition rallies on Sakharov Avenue - this was the Kremlin’s most effective tool against the opposition.
Now this infection has spread to the foreign opposition.
Once, early Khrushchev, a representative of the Eurocommunists called for a softening of anti-Stalinist propaganda to preserve the unity of the communists.
“You can’t wash a black dog white,” answered the simple-minded Nikita Sergeevich.

Perhaps in a couple of days this article will appear in the Washington Post.

Americans are good guys, but they still believe everything they write. The culture of sneaky anonymous trolls is new to them.

In the US, insults and misinformation are punishable by large fines.

Of course I told him: “Don’t feed the trolls.”

But they do it differently. Insulted - answer. Most often in court.

The opinion of normal people and owners of sites where lies and insults are the style of communication is interesting.

My translation.

Russian documentary filmmakers are a rarity in Oscar competition. This may change in 2019 as a result of the winning short film by Marianna Yarovskaya “Women of the Gulag”.
Yarovskaya, who graduated from Moscow State University and the renowned film school of the University of Southern California, is the first Russian director and the first Russian woman director to be shortlisted in the short film category documentaries since the founding of the Russian Federation in 1991. Her film Women of the Gulag is based on interviews with six of the last witnesses to Stalin's camps and special settlements.
Of the ten films on the shortlist, five Oscar nominees will be selected. Film academics are currently voting.

Russia's reaction was mixed: the small liberal Russian press, upon receiving the news, exploded with numerous interviews and articles praising Yarovskaya for exposing the atrocities of the Stalinist system. Apart from a brief mention on Russia's Kultura TV channel, Russian government media remain silent, but Russia's notorious trolls are hard at work.

For example, the majority of commentators on the message about the film’s nomination on the radio “Echo of Moscow” condemned the film. These trolls claimed that the film was paid for by Putin opponent Mikhail Khodorkovsky, that it is part of a Jewish conspiracy and that Jews created the Gulag in the first place, that Russian dissidents who support the film are discredited, and that Yarovskaya should make a film about women prisoners "on Arizona plantations." Another troll's comment on the Voice of America interview was that the 80-90 year old Yarovskaya interviewed were lying and deceiving the naive Yarovskaya, who also believed the lies of human rights organizations such as Memorial.

So far, Russian government media have remained silent, but the gist of the trolls' comments suggests they are not happy with the film. Russian trolls can attack with spectacular lies and hyperbole while Russian officials remain silent. Everything can change with an Oscar nomination or even a win.
At this moment, all of Russia could celebrate its new heroine - Marianna Yarovskaya.”

The film “Women of the Gulag” is an important document of the era.

The USSR was a huge zone of human suffering.

Inside this inhumane zone there was also a hell where the powerless slaves of this zone were kept - the GULAG.

But even in this hell there was an even more terrible hell.

As Varlam Shalamov once said, women in the zones were slaves of slaves.

This is such a terrible inhuman topic that even witnesses to the crimes against these unfortunates were afraid to write about in detail.

I didn’t understand how it was possible to make a film about “what a person shouldn’t know, shouldn’t see, and if he saw, it’s better for him to die,” as Varlam Shalamov wrote.

Marianna Yarovskaya succeeded. Her heroines, who went through the Gulag, say almost nothing about their suffering. I heard their desperate cries during their silence.

To survive such suffering and not go crazy is a spiritual feat.

Making a film like this is a moral feat.

I would compare the appearance of the film “Women of the Gulag” with the release of “The Gulag Archipelago” by Solzhenitsyn.

The “Gulag Archipelago” was awarded to humanity with the Nobel Prize.

I am glad that humanity has the opportunity to evaluate the film “Women of the Gulag” with an Oscar.

Vladimir Bukovsky

Vladimir Bukovsky on Women of the Gulag

The USSR was a huge zone of human suffering.
Inside that zone there was also a hell that contained its powerless slaves-the GULAG.
But within that hell, there was an even more terrible hell.
Varlam Shalamov - the great writer who lived through the GULAG hell - dsaid the women in the camps were slaves of the slaves.
Their experience was so horrific that eyewitnesses were afraid to describe it in detail.
I could not understand how you can make a film about “what a person should not know, should not see, and if he has, he is better off dead,” as Shalamov wrote.
Marianna Yarovskaya has managed to do it. Her heroines, who survived the GULAG, say almost nothing about their suffering. But I could hear their desperate screams during their silences.
To go through such suffering without going mad is a spiritual feat.
To make such a film is a moral feat.
I would compare the appearance of Women of the Gulag with the appearance of Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago.
The Gulag Archipelago was awarded the Nobel Prize.
I am glad that there is the opportunity to award an Oscar to Women of the Gulag.

The main question today is: will Belarusian independence survive?

At least place your bets - there are so many opinions.

Is there independence?

The independence of Belarus today is a myth.

Economic dependence on Russia is best characterized by lobsters bred in Belarusian potato fields and Belarus' consumption of hydrocarbons, which greatly exceeds any possible needs of the state and its citizens.

The lack of a competitive economy does not even allow us to grow the dictator’s favorite product, bulbs, at reasonable prices.

The hysterics of the cunning collective farmer bear little resemblance to the foreign policy of an independent state, but rather to unconvincing blackmail of the owners.

There are no Russian military bases in Belarus - the entire territory of the state is a military training ground.

One name of the Belarusian special services clearly indicates who rules them from Moscow - the KGB.

Belarus will be free when it gets rid of Lukashenko.

Well, at least for a start.

The Belarusian opposition hopes for a miracle. Another miracle of gaining independence.

And in Russia there are eccentrics who are counting on the return of democracy as a result of the conflict between Zolotov and Chemezov.

Not yet over the whole world, like his sponsor, but over poor Belarus.

He’s not trying for himself, but for the illegitimate Crown Prince Kolya.

Paternal instinct.

) - Russian entrepreneur and politician, deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation (1995-2000), ex-chairman of the Economic Freedom Party (1992-2003), chairman of the political party “Western Choice” (since March 17, 2013). ).


Born on June 30, 1948 in Moscow late, youngest child in the family of mathematics professor Nathan Efimovich Borovoy (1909-1981) and the head of the special department of the Zheleznodorozhny District Party Committee, Elena Konstantinovna Borovoy (nee Andrianova, 1912-1993).

In 1965 he graduated from a special mathematical school. In 1967 he got married and his first daughter was born. The marriage, however, ended in divorce. In 1972, he met his second wife Tamara Vladimirovna.

From 1989 to 1993, as an expert and manager, he participated in the creation of new enterprises for the modern economy: stock exchanges, banks, investment companies, television companies, news agency and other enterprises. He is best known as the president of the first and largest Russian stock exchange. At the same time, he did not create personal or private enterprises.

On April 21, 1996, during a telephone conversation between Borovoy and the first president of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Dzhokhar Dudayev, Russian special services carried out an operation, as a result of which Dudayev was killed by a homing missile launched from an airplane.

Until December 1999, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation (elected on December 17, 1995 in the Tushinsky single-mandate electoral district (Moscow)) and a member of the State Duma Committee on Budget, Taxes, Banks and Finance.

In the spring of 2010, he signed the appeal of the Russian opposition “Putin must leave.” Together with Valeria Novodvorskaya, he produced videos that he published in “

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