Home Tooth pain Pole shift - slipping of the lithosphere or a change in the tilt of the earth's axis? Why has the angle of the Earth's axis changed?

Pole shift - slipping of the lithosphere or a change in the tilt of the earth's axis? Why has the angle of the Earth's axis changed?

This led to a displacement of the Earth's rotation axis by almost 10 centimeters, reported the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy.

The Earth's own axis (figure axis) is the axis around which the Earth is balanced in mass. Bias earth's axis leads to an imbalance between the earthly and sidereal years and is associated with changes in astronomical coordinates. This phenomenon, on the one hand, is caused strong earthquakes, on the other hand, can lead to a further increase in natural disasters.

On March 11, 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 8.9 occurred in Japan. Its epicenter was located 373 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, and the source lay at a depth of 24 kilometers.

Laboratory Specialist jet propulsion(JPL) NASA's Richard Gross believes the earthquake could have shifted the Earth's axis by about 15 centimeters toward 139 degrees east longitude. The length of the day should be shortened by 1.6 microseconds.

Specialists National Institute geophysicists and volcanologists in Italy reported that, according to their calculations, the axis shifted by almost 10 centimeters as a result of the earthquake.

According to Leonid Zotov, an employee of the gravimetry laboratory of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute (SAI) of Moscow State University, theoretical axis shifts of 6-8 centimeters were predicted for many large earthquakes, but they were not confirmed by observations.

Zotov notes that the observations needed to verify calculations can be obtained using several systems, in particular a constellation of GPS satellites, which determines the coordinates of the Earth’s geographic poles four times a day. It is possible to obtain these coordinates in a higher resolution, but to do this you need to run a processing program. This, as Zotov puts it, is “a non-trivial thing.” There is also a system of Very Long Baseline Radio Telescopes (VLBI), which provides coordinates once a day.

Leonid Zotov notes that these changes have not yet been observed, but if such monitoring can be carried out, “this will be great progress.”

The Earth's own axis shifts slightly on its own, without any catastrophic events, as a result of slow geological processes. For example, the last ice age ended about 11 thousand years ago, and huge masses of ice disappeared from the surface of continents and oceans. This not only led to a redistribution of mass, but also “unloaded” the earth’s mantle, allowing it to take on a shape close to spherical. This process is not yet complete, and as a result, the axis on which our planet “balances” naturally shifts by about 10 centimeters per year.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The Axis of the World is an imaginary line stretching from the North Pole of Heaven to the South Pole and passing through a certain point on Earth. The myth of the rotation of the Earth's axis is associated with the Axis Mundi. Science fiction writers attribute this phenomenon to reality and claim that in ancient times the axis of the planet changed its position. As a result of this, supposedly, the climate on Earth changed and all sorts of cataclysms occurred.

Plato once wrote about the rotation of the Earth’s axis. His stories about the rotation of the Earth's axis and the fact that as a result of this the waters of the Nile did not flow backward have always aroused the imagination of historians and other researchers.

In fact, here we are faced with the phenomenon of precession - the clockwise movement of the Earth's rotation axis (see Fig. 3). The astronomical period of rotation is about 25,750 years (according to modern data). In ancient times, this period was called “Plato’s Year” and was defined as follows: “ about 26,000 years, during which the pole of the celestial equator makes a complete circle around the pole of the ecliptic» .

All ancient cartography, geography and mythology are tied to the period of precession. The meaning of this link is as follows. Svarog (Platonov, zodiac) year consists of 12 eras (zodiac signs), each of 2145 years. During 1 era, the Axis of the World rotates by 30 degrees, that is, the moving Center of the World moves along the circle of precession and ends up in a different place. These days - in the tail Ursa Minor. The Axis of the World rotates 10 degrees in 715 astronomical years. By 1 degree - accordingly, in 71.5 years (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Precession of the Earth's rotation axis.

But there is also a religious analogue of this system. It has a precession period of 24,000 years. The duration of 1 era is 2000 years. By 10 degrees - in 666 years. By 1 degree - in 70 years.

On this mathematics - astronomical and religious - ancient maps were formed, as well as the mythology that accompanied them. Astronomical mythology is fairy tales, sagas, legends. Religious mythology is the Abrahamic religions, the Bible. Based on the calculation of 666.(6) years strictly in the religious canon, Byzantium - Istanbul was “founded”.

Since initially views on cartography were built on the basis of the rotation of the constellations around the Center of the Sky, the movement of the Axis of the World was represented as rotation. One end of the Axis of the World is fixed in the Center of the World, and the other rotates freely at the speed of precession (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Mapping the map of Heaven onto the surface of the Earth (with the center in Constantinople-Istanbul, ca. 1 thousand BC).

However, modern views have turned the map of the Earth into a flat space stretched over a plane (sheet of paper) or onto a sphere (globe). The reflection of Heaven disappeared. Therefore, the Axis of the World turned out to be aligned with the meridian, and its rotation occurs along the surface of the planet in the direction of the East.

And finally, the direction of movement of the Axis of the World also has two options. Rotational movement According to astronomical concepts, the axis of the world (when we look at the North Star) occurs counterclockwise. This rotation, imprinted on the Earth, becomes mirror-like, that is, clockwise (if you look at the Earth from Heaven).

Rice. 3. Variant of the Axis Mundi of the 1st millennium BC. - Pulkovo meridian.

The same applies to the direction of movement of the Axis of the World with the modern presentation of the World Map. Astronomical counting is carried out in the direction of the east, and religious counting has different variants, including in the direction of the west. For this reason, under pressure Catholic Church The prime meridian moved from Pulkovo (Fig. 3) to the west - first to Paris, and then to Greenwich.

Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza are strange monuments for which no explanation has yet been given. The objectives of this work do not include studying the pyramids, but some cartographic data will still have to be announced.

The line forming the direction from the central pyramid of the complex (the Pyramid of Khafre) through the Great Sphinx at an angle of 102 degrees (Fig. 4), measured from the northern direction, is indicative.

Counting from 5509, and based on the calculation, 71.5 years per 1 degree, we find that the rotation of 102 degrees took place in 1785. In this year, the future builder of the Egyptian pyramids, a mythological character named Napoleon Buonaparte, began military service with the rank of junior lieutenant of artillery. And in St. Petersburg, a city located at the northern end of the same Axis of the World, in 1785 the City Duma was created.

If we use religious chronology, then the Axis of the World rotated by 102 degrees from 5509 in 66.(6) years by 1 degree in 1290. This year is interesting because the astronomical and religious calendars converge in it, and also, according to religious beliefs, in this year the Jews were expelled from England by decree of Edward I.

For example, let us recall a similar mythology of such “expulsion”: in 1492, the “expulsion of Jews from Spain” also took place, as a result of which Columbus “discovered” America in that year.

Rice. 4. Pyramids of Giza: Pyramid of Khafre and the alley to the Great Sphinx (photo from space).

The word "sphinx" literally means "axis", "spin" (as in Russian spin). Most likely, the word is compound and in earlier times was constructed from two words - “spin” (turn) and “ax” (axis), that is, “rotation of the axis.”

Let us also recall that in the year 7000 from the creation of the world, according to the Julian calendar, the end of the world was supposed to occur. As we have shown, religious chronology wandered in the dark. On the one hand, 1 degree took 66.6 years. On the other hand, 70 years (70 pillars, 70 Alexandrias of Macedon, 70 books of the Bible, etc.). It is quite possible that the rotation angle of the axis of the world, equal to 102 degrees, was obtained from the arithmetic mean of these two quantities.

And if this is so, then the Great Sphinx guards the direction to the end of the world. In this case, the pyramids record religious dogma, and religion is a relatively young phenomenon. That is, the pyramids were built in the Middle Ages.

Rice. 5. Pyramids of Egypt on the map of Fra Mauro (1450).

Our version is confirmed by Fra Mauro’s world map. It was created approx. 1450 (or 1459), that is, 40 years before the date of the end of the world (1492). This map already has the Pyramids of Giza and they are labeled. But there are no pyramids on earlier maps.

Positions of the Axis Mundi

Astronomically correct position The axis of the world is such that this line is fixed with its fixed end in Moscow, and the movable end moves clockwise from Tver in the direction of Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga.

Zodiac eras have the following dates:

  • 8728 - 6582 BC. - era of Cancer (Golden Age);
  • 6582 - 4436 BC. - era of Gemini (zone of the constellation Perun - Bootes);
  • 4436 - 2289 BC. - era of Taurus (zone of the constellation Dazhbog - Coma Berenices);
  • 2289 - 144 BC. - era of Aries (zone of the constellation Bogumir - Lesser Leo);
  • 144 BC - 2002 - era of Pisces (zone of the constellation Rurik-Roerich - Perseus);

The creation of the world - the event of the beginning of the countdown, when astronomical markers (the fixed center of the Northern sky, the position of the Earth's rotation axis and the star Arcturus) stood on one line due north - took place in the middle of the era of Gemini (5509 BC).

The end of the world, scheduled for 2002, meant a rotation of the axis by 105 degrees relative to the position on the day of the creation of the world. This rotation included 15 degrees - half of the era of Gemini (after all, the axis was in the center of the era) and three subsequent eras, each 30 degrees of Heaven.

The previous date - 7000 years from the date of the Creation of the world - was calculated as a rotation of 105 degrees, but this was a religious calculation: 1 degree took 66.6 years. The year turned out to be 1492.

The astronomical date of the end of the world was based on the calculation of 71.5 years per 1 degree for a rotation of the same 105 degrees. It turned out to be 2002.

Within each era there is its own mythology and its own characters. Their interpretation sometimes gives rise to errors. Thus, the incorrect interpretation of the Axis of the World and its rotation gave rise to the myth about the “living” “Scandinavian” Rurik (Eric, etc.) and his founding of Rus' (England, etc.):

There is a widespread version about the “Scandinavian” Rurik, who supposedly came to Rus' from the west in 862, and supposedly begins with him official history Rus'.

According to the dating of the “Royal Annals”, in 928 Harald installed Eric as supreme king over his brothers, and in this year England was allegedly officially founded.

In fact, the time of Rurik is really 928. The phenomenon of Rurik-Erik is a rotation of the Axis of the World by 90 degrees, counting from the day of the Creation of the world (5509 BC). The discrepancy in dates is caused by an incorrect interpretation of chronology: astronomical reckoning is based on the fact that a rotation of the Axis of the World by 1 degree takes 71.5 years, while the ecclesiastical reckoning takes 66.6 years to turn by 1 degree.

But in church tradition There are also options - 70, 71, 72 years. From these discrepancies different characters appeared in different years, but with similar names and/or functions.

In particular, at the rate of 1 degree in 71 years, the Axis of the World rotated 90 degrees in 882 - at this time, Kiev began to rule Prophetic Oleg, Novgorod prince. The cue is the Axis Mundi. That is, Oleg literally became the master of the axis. And Novgorod itself was founded by Prince Bravlin II in 790, the date of which is obtained and calculated as 1 degree in 70 years. Example folk wisdom presented in the riddle of the Vologda region (19th century) formulated on this occasion: “ Peas scattered over 70 roads; no one can collect - neither the priests, nor the deacons, nor us fools" (stars).

And from the calculation of 1 degree in 66.(6) years, it turns out that the Axis of the World rotates 90 degrees in 6000 years, 180 degrees in 12000 years. This is a “pure” church calendar. These dates are important for understanding Plato's tales of Atlantis, in which the author mentions Ancient Egypt, built by the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans.

Counting the year 6000 from 5509 BC, we get a significant religious date - 491 years. In this year, the Armenian Church separated from the Christian Church of Byzantium. The reason was the adoption at the Fourth Ecumenical Council of the dogma about the dual nature of Christ: “ He is not cut or divided into two persons, but He is one and the same Only Begotten Son, God the Word, Lord Jesus Christ; exactly as the prophets of ancient times spoke about Him».

Let's give another option - a rotation of 1 degree in 70.5 years. It turns out the year 837 - on April 10, Halley's Comet allegedly passed at a distance of 0.04 AU. e. (5 million km) from the Earth - this is its closest approach to the Earth.

We deliberately examined in such detail the calculations associated with the rotation of the Axis of the World, so that everyone could understand the importance of chronology for cartography and the myths accompanying it. And there were many such myths.

And in more recent times, still important calendar and cartographic numbers are numbers indicating certain dates. For example, according to the Julian calendar The year 7000 from the creation of the world (1492) is the year of the end of the world :

This apocalyptic myth underlies the myth of the “discovery of America” in the same year - 1492: the Old World “perished”, Columbus discovered the New World, the Lower World.

And this same myth underlies the myth of “the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible” in the same year - 1492: Ivan the Terrible (Perun the Thunderer) conquered the Kazan Khanate (the kingdom of King Koshchei), the Lower Kingdom.

This article is an excerpt from the new monograph “Ancients geographic Maps- sources of reliable history”, in which ancient maps are analyzed and an interpretation is given to historical moments. The research materials allow us to conclude that modern “official” history often replaces the church myth about one or another fictitious event. And the rotation of the Earth's axis is one of these myths.


  1. Chudinov A.N., Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. - 1910.
  2. Tyunyaev A.A., The Battle for the World Throne (Gospel of Yarila). Roman / A.A. Tyunyaev. - M.: White Alva, 2014. - 576 p.: ill.
  3. Tyunyaev A.A., Garden of Eden

After a powerful earthquake (8.8 magnitude) occurred in Chile on February 27, reports appeared in the press that such strong tremors deviated the Earth’s rotation axis in a few minutes. But scientists' opinions on this matter are divided. The correspondent of Pravda.Ru was told more about the displacement of the axis in Russian Institute radio navigation and time (RIRIV).

Indeed, the earthquake that recently occurred in Chile was very powerful - it had a magnitude of 8.8! Only the fact that its epicenter was located far from a populated area and, moreover, quite deep, saved the world from many human casualties. A few days after the “violence of the elements,” some scientists made statements that such a strong shaking could change the tilt of the axis of our entire planet.

NASA geophysicist Richard Gross says: "If our calculations are correct, the Earth's own axis has shifted by about 8 centimeters." It is important to note here that we are not talking about the tilt of the axis of rotation. “The axis is not how much the Earth is tilted,” adds Gross, “but how it is balanced.”

This can be explained this way. Our planet, as you know, is not an ideal sphere. Firstly, the globe is slightly flattened at the poles - its exact geometric model should be established by the GOCE mission sent into space several years ago.

Secondly, the distribution of mass on the planet is heterogeneous, if only because part of its surface is made up of oceans, and part of it is continents. In the northern hemisphere there is noticeably more land than in the southern, and in the western hemisphere there is less land than in the eastern. The Earth's own axis is the axis on which this heterogeneous ball of the planet is "balanced", and the real axis of rotation oscillates around it.

This is what Richard Gross and his colleagues had in mind, it turns out. The Chilean earthquake was so powerful that it caused the displacement of colossal volumes of substance. This, in turn, changed the distribution of mass over the surface of the planet - not too noticeably, but quite enough for the “balancing axis” of the globe to deviate slightly.

However, this “shift” is far from the first and not the last. The Earth's own axis shifts slightly on its own, without any catastrophic events, as a result of slow geological processes. For example, the last ice age ended about 11 thousand years ago, and huge masses of ice disappeared from the surface of continents and oceans. This not only led to a redistribution of mass, but also “unloaded” the earth’s mantle, allowing it to take on a shape close to spherical. This process is not yet complete, and as a result, the axis on which our planet “balances” naturally shifts by about 10 centimeters per year.

But it is worth saying that if Gross’s calculations are correct, then as a result of that earthquake the axis shifted in just a few minutes by an amount almost the same as in a year. Impressive!

However, for now these are only theoretical assumptions and, as they say, speculation. No one has carried out practical measurements, although Richard Gross’s group intends to tackle this issue in the near future. And the key measurement tool should be... the GPS global positioning system.

GPS has been used by scientists for years to track seasonal and annual changes in the Earth's rotation. Thanks to these precise observations, it is shown that it is influenced by tides and winds, currents in the oceans and in the molten interior of the planet.

These factors have a periodic influence, on different time scales - weekly, annual, and seasonal. For example, the average day in January is about 1 millisecond longer than in June.

Against this regular background, the Chilean earthquake should look like a sharp jump - and Richard Gross and his colleagues are really hoping to detect this jump in the monitoring system data. The scientist says: "We take GPS data about the rotation of the Earth, subtract the characteristic periodic influences of tides, winds, currents and so on, and then we are left with data due to an earthquake."

By the way, shortly after the disaster - simultaneously with screaming headlines about the “shift of the earth’s axis” - some media outlets also noted that the length of the day as a result of this event was shortened by 1.26 microseconds. This is true, but this value does not represent anything dangerous or sensational. It is negligible compared to normal change the length of the day that causes tides or ocean currents. Their influence is thousands of times stronger.

In short, we just have to wait for the final results of the work of Richard Gross’s group. No one has yet studied the displacement of the Earth’s own axis as a result of earthquakes. Gross himself first tried to do this in 2004 after the magnitude 9.1 earthquake that happened in Sumatra, but then did not get any significant results.

According to the scientist, the location of the earthquake's epicenter is to blame for this: despite the impressive power, its location near the equator did not allow it to have a sufficient impact on the rotation of the planet. But now the situation is different - most likely, the effect of the Chilean earthquake will be more noticeable.

Is it possible to make similar calculations using radio navigation? Pravdy.Ru was told at the Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time (RIRV):

“Of course, such studies using radio navigation are possible. Specifically, such calculations are not carried out in our institution, but some foreign colleagues have been practicing them for quite a long time.

Using a GPS network across the planet allows us to monitor the Earth's rotation with high accuracy. Changes in characteristics affect both the phase of signals arriving from satellites and the time it takes them to travel from orbit.

Perhaps it is these data that will allow American specialists to achieve results in their research. That is, to calculate how balanced the earth’s axis is or whether there is an imbalance.”

What causes Earth's climate to change?

Astronomer Milutin Milankovich (1879-1958) studied changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun and the tilt of our planet's axis. He suggested that cyclical changes between them are the cause of long-term climate change.

Climate change is a complex process and is influenced by many factors. The main one is the relationship between the Earth and the Sun.

Milankovic studied three factors:

    Change in the tilt of the earth's axis;

    Deviations in the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun;

    The precession of the change in the position of the axis tilt relative to the orbit..

The earth's axis is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. The inclination is 23.5°. This gives the Northern Hemisphere the opportunity to receive more sun rays and lengthen the days in June. In December there is less sun and the days get shorter. This explains the change of seasons. In the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons run in reverse order.

Deviation of the earth's axis.

Changing the Earth's orbit.


Earth without seasons, axis tilt 0°.

End of June: summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Late December: summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Earth's axis tilt

If there were no axis tilt, then we would not have seasons, and day and night would last the same throughout the year. The amount of solar energy reaching a certain point on Earth would be constant. Now the planet's axis is at an angle of 23.5°. In the summer (from June) in the Northern Hemisphere, it turns out that northern latitudes receive more light than southern latitudes. The days are getting longer and the position of the sun is getting higher. At the same time, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The days are shorter and the sun is lower.

WITH After six months the Earth moves in its orbit to the opposite side of the Sun. The slope remains the same. It's summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the days are longer and there's more light. It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Milanković suggested that the tilt of the earth's axis is not always 23.5°. Fluctuations occur from time to time. He calculated that the changes ranged from 22.1° to 24.5°, repeating over a period of 41,000 years. When the slope is lower, the temperature in summer is lower than usual, and in winter it is higher. As the slope increases, more extreme climate conditions are observed.

How does all this affect the climate? Even as temperatures increase, winter is still cold enough for snow in areas far from the equator. If the summer is cold, then it is possible that snow in winter at high latitudes will also melt more slowly. Year after year it will be layered, forming a glacier.

Compared to water and land, snow reflects more solar energy into space, causing additional cooling. From this point of view, there is a mechanism of positive feedback. As temperatures drop, snow additionally accumulates and glaciers increase. Reflection increases over time and temperature decreases, and so on. Perhaps this is how the ice ages began.

Shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun

The second factor Milankovitch studies is the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The orbit is not perfectly round. At certain times of the year, the Earth is closer to the Sun than usual. The Earth receives significantly more energy from the Sun when it is as close as possible to the star (at the perihelion point), in comparison with its maximum distance (the aphelion point).

The shape of the Earth's orbit changes cyclically with periods of 90,000 and 100,000 years. Sometimes the shape becomes more elongated (elliptical) than it is now, so the difference in the amount of solar energy received at perihelion and aphelion will be greater.

Perihelion is currently observed in January, aphelion in July. This change makes the climate of the Northern Hemisphere milder, bringing additional warmth in winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, the climate is more severe than it would be if the Earth's orbit around the Sun were circular.


There is another difficulty. The orientation of the earth's axis changes over time. Like a top, the axis moves in a circle. This movement is called precessional. The cycle of such movement is 22,000 years. This causes the seasons to gradually change. Eleven thousand years ago, the Northern Hemisphere was tilted closer to the sun in December than in June. Winter and summer changed places. 11,000 years later, everything has changed again.

All three factors: axial tilt, orbital shape and precession change the planet's climate. Since this occurs on different time scales, the interaction of these factors is complex. Sometimes they enhance each other's effect, sometimes they weaken each other. For example, 11,000 years ago, precession caused the onset of summer in the Northern Hemisphere in December, the effect of increasing solar radiation at perihelion in January and decreasing at aphelion in July would increase the interseasonal difference in the Northern Hemisphere, instead of the softening we are now accustomed to. Not everything is as simple as it seems, since the dates of perihelion and aphelion also shift.

Other factors influencing climate

Besides the effect of shifting the Earth's motion, are there other factors influencing climate?

People who lived in one place for a long time, decades, began to notice that the Sun now sets and rises in a completely different place from where it rose and set 20 or 40 years ago. A natural question arises - why?

Let's turn to scientific information regarding the angle of inclination of the Earth's rotation axis:

The angle of inclination of the Earth's axis relative to the ecliptic plane is 23.5 degrees. This caused the change of seasons on Earth, as a result of rotation around the Sun.

Effect of Earth's tilt and motion around the Sun

Imagine that the Sun is in the center of a rotating gramophone record. All planets, including the Earth, revolve around the Sun, like the tracks of a gramophone record. Now imagine that each planet is a top, the top and bottom points of which coincide with the angle of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. By measuring the angle of inclination between the poles and the orbit in which the Earth moves around the Sun, you will get exactly that 23.5 degrees.

Graphic representation of the Earth's tilt

At one point in the Earth's orbit, the Earth's North Pole faces the Sun. At this time, summer begins in the northern hemisphere. 6 months later, when the Earth is on the opposite side of its orbit, the North Pole points away from the Sun and winter sets in, while summer sets in in the southern hemisphere.

With a periodicity of 41 thousand years, the angle of inclination of the earth's axis changes from 22.1 to 24.5 degrees. The direction of the earth's axis also changes with a period of 26 thousand years. During this cycle, the poles change places every 13 thousand years.

All planets of the solar system have a certain angle of inclination of their axis. Mars has an inclination angle very similar to Earth's and is 25.2 degrees, while Uranus has an inclination angle of 97.8 degrees.

Great, science describes everything to us in detail, but these data have not changed for decades, and the tilt of the Earth’s axis changes. The sun rises and sets in a completely different place, and in addition, global climate change may not be associated with the notorious human impact on nature, but with a change in the tilt of the Earth, as a result of which the climate has changed, moreover, all natural anomalies point precisely to this factor.

Why is this happening? The answer suggests itself - some huge cosmic body entered solar system and has a powerful gravitational influence on our planet, it is so strong that it has already changed the Earth’s axis of rotation.

Scientists cannot help but know, they cannot help but record such changes in the tilt of the earth’s axis, but for some reason they are in no hurry to change the information, correct the data on the angle of inclination, and are certainly not in a hurry to explain why all this is happening.

The changes are noticed by many people who write about it, but science is silent. Popular unofficial radio host in the US, Hal Turner, recently raised this topic on his show and described his observations in detail.

Here's what he said:

"The sun is setting much further north than before. I live in North Bergen, NJ 07047. My house is located on a western slope, 212 feet above sea level. I moved here in 1991, I live on the third floor, with a balcony facing west For many years I enjoyed beautiful sunsets from this balcony, and at the beginning of the summer of 2017, I unexpectedly noticed that the Sun was setting in a completely different place than before.

It used to set in the west, but now it sets in the northwest. Moreover, it has shifted so much that if earlier I watched the sunset looking straight ahead, now, in order to see the sunset, I am forced to turn my head to the right.

I am not a scientist or an academician, but I have lived here for 26 years and I see that the Sun sets in a completely different place from where it used to be. The only reasonable explanation for this fact is that the Earth has changed the angle of its axis. Why is NASA praying, why is everyone world scientists don’t notice or don’t want to notice it?”

Influence of Planet X (Nibiru)?

According to ancient Sumerian texts and recent research by modern scientists, the appearance of Planet X in the Solar System will change the tilt of the Earth's axis, which will cause global climate change, and as this planet approaches the Earth, this will lead to large-scale natural disasters- tsunamis and other natural phenomena that are likely to destroy life on our planet.

Judging by the fact that billionaires, governments and other rulers of the world are preparing reliable shelters for themselves, creating “arks” for storing seeds and cultural heritage human civilization, they know about the approaching global catastrophe

Perhaps this is why the space programs of NASA, Elon Musk (Space X) and Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin) began to actively develop, the goal of which is to resettle a select few to other planets and create colonies there.

Nibiru, also known as Planet X, is considered a planet whose orbit at perihelion crosses the Solar System between Mars and Jupiter once every 3600-4000 years. The Sumerians left a description of this planet which says that highly developed intelligent beings live on it - the Anunnaki.

Not so long ago, just a few years ago, scientists called information about Planet X a myth and pseudoscience, and then these same people who laughed at Nibiru themselves announced the discovery of Planet X. Maybe it’s time to openly tell people about the real causes of global climate change and tell us about planet X too. Maybe the time has already come?

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