Home Smell from the mouth Taras Bulba summary of chapters 1-3. The shortest retelling of Taras Bulba

Taras Bulba summary of chapters 1-3. The shortest retelling of Taras Bulba


Turn around, son! How funny you are! What kind of priestly cassock are you wearing? And that’s how everyone goes to academies?

With these words old Bulba greeted his two sons, who were studying at the Kyiv Bursa 1 and had already arrived at their father’s house.

His sons had just dismounted from their horses. These were two strapping young men, still looking from under their brows, like recently graduated seminarians. Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that had not yet been touched by a razor. They were very embarrassed by their father’s reception and stood motionless, their eyes cast down to the ground.

Stop, stop! Let me take a good look at you,” he continued, turning them, “what long scrolls you have 2 on!” What scrolls! There have never been such scrolls in the world. Let one of you run away! I'll see if he flops to the ground, getting tangled in the floors.

Don't laugh, don't laugh, dad! - the eldest of them finally said.

Look how lush you are! 3 Why not laugh?

Yes, even though you’re my father, if you laugh, then, by God, I’ll beat you up!

Oh, you such-and-such a son! How, dad?.. - said Taras Bulba, stepping back in surprise a few steps.

Yes, even dad. I will not look at anyone for offense and will not respect anyone.

How do you want to fight with me? maybe with fists? - Yes, on whatever it is.

Well, let's get fists! - said Bulba, rolling up his sleeves, - I’ll see what kind of person you are in your fist!

And father and son, instead of greeting after a long absence, began to punch each other in the sides, and in the lower back, and in the chest, then retreating and looking back, then advancing again.

Look, good people: Stupid old man! completely crazy! - said their pale, thin and kind mother, who stood at the threshold and had not yet had time to hug her beloved children. “The children came home, they hadn’t been seen for more than a year, and he thought of God knows what: to fight with his fists!”

Yes, he fights well! - Bulba said, stopping. - By God, good! - he continued, recovering a little, - so, at least not even try. He will be a good Cossack! Well, great, son! let's break each other! - And father and son began to kiss. - Good, son! Hit everyone like that, just like he hit me. Don't let anyone down! But still, you’re wearing a funny outfit: what kind of rope is that hanging? And you, babybass 4, why are you standing there and giving up your hands? - he said, turning to the younger one, - why don’t you, son of a dog, beat me?

Here's something else I came up with! - said the mother, who was hugging the youngest. “And it will come into your head that your own child will beat your father.” Yes, as if before now: the child is young, has traveled so much distance, is tired... (this child was more than twenty years old and exactly a fathom tall). Now he should sleep and eat something, but he makes him beat! - Eh, you’re a little bastard, as I see it! - said Bulba. - Don’t listen to your mother, son: she’s a woman, she doesn’t know anything. What kind of tenderness do you like? Your tenderness is an open field and a good horse: here is your tenderness! And see this saber! here is your mother! This is all the rubbish that your heads are filled with: the academy, and all those books, primers and philosophy, and all this is so obvious, I don’t give a damn about all this!.. - But, better, I’ll send you away this same week to Zaporozhye. That's where the science is, that's the science! There's a school there for you; there you will only gain some sense.

And just for one week to be at home for them? - the thin old woman said pitifully, with tears in her eyes. - And they, the poor ones, won’t be able to take a walk; I won’t even be able to recognize my own home, and I won’t be able to look at them enough!

Stop, stop howling, old woman! Kozak is not in the mood to mess with women. You would hide them both under your skirts and sit on them like chicken eggs. Go, go, and quickly put everything you have on the table for us. There is no need for donuts, honey cakes, makovniks and other pundits 7; bring us the whole ram, give us the goat, you forty-year-old honeys! Yes, a larger burner, not with fancy burners, with raisins and all sorts of trash, 8 but a clean, foamy burner, so that it plays and hisses like mad.

Bulba led his sons into the living room, from where two beautiful servant girls quickly ran out, wearing red monasteries, 9 who were cleaning the rooms. They, apparently, were frightened by the arrival of the panicks, who did not like to let anyone down, or they simply wanted to observe their feminine custom: to scream and rush headlong when they saw a man, and then for a long time cover themselves with their sleeves out of extreme shame. The room was decorated in the style of that time, of which living hints remained only in songs and in folk thoughts, no longer sung in Ukraine by bearded blind elders, accompanied by the quiet strumming of a bandura 10 and in view of the surrounding people; in the taste of that abusive, difficult time when fights and battles began to break out in Ukraine for the union 11. Everything was clean, smeared with colored clay. On the walls are sabers, whips, bird nets, nets and guns, a cleverly crafted horn for gunpowder, a golden bridle for a horse and fetters with silver plaques. The windows in the little room were small, with round, dull glass, the kind that is now found only in ancient churches, through which it was otherwise impossible to look through except by lifting a sliding glass. There were red taps around the windows and doors 11. On the shelves in the corners stood jugs, bottles and flasks of green and blue glass, carved silver goblets, gilded glasses of all kinds: Venetian, Turkish, Circassian, which entered Bulba’s room in all sorts of ways through third and fourth hands, which was very common in those daring time. Birch bark 13 benches around the entire room; a huge table under the icons in the front corner; a wide stove with ovens, ledges and ledges, covered with colored, motley tiles - all this was very familiar to our two fellows who came home every year during the holidays, who came because they did not yet have horses, and because they were not in It was the custom to allow schoolchildren to ride horses. They only had long forelocks, which could be torn out by any Cossack who carried a weapon. Only when they were released, Bulba sent them a couple of young stallions from his herd.

On the occasion of the arrival of his sons, Bulba ordered to convene all the centurions and the entire regimental rank who were present; and when two of them and Esul 14 Dmitro Tovkach, his old comrade, came, he immediately introduced his sons to them, saying:

Look how well done they are! I’ll send them to the Sich soon.

The guests congratulated Bulba and both young men and told them that they were doing a good deed and that there was no better science for young man, like Zaporozhye Sich.

Come on, gentlemen brothers, everyone sit down at the table wherever it is best for you. Well, sons! First of all, let's drink the burners! - so said Bulba. - God bless! Be healthy, sons: both you, Ostap, and you, Andriy! God grant that you will always be lucky in war! So that the Busurmans 15 would be beaten, and the Turks would be beaten, and the Tatars would be beaten; when the Poles begin to do something against our faith, then the Poles too would be beaten! Well, put your glass down; Is the burner good? What's the Latin word for burner? That’s why, son, the Latins were fools: they didn’t even know if there was a burner in the world. What was the name of the guy who wrote Latin verses? I don’t know much about reading and writing, and therefore I don’t know; Horace 17, or what?

“Look, what a dad! - the eldest son, Ostap, thought to himself, - that’s it, old dog, knows, and also pretends.”

I think Archimandrite 18 didn’t even let you smell the burners,” Taras continued. - And admit it, sons, they lashed you hard with birch trees and fresh cherry trees on your back and on everything that the Cossack had? Or maybe, since you have become too sensible, maybe they flogged you with whips? Tea, not only on Saturdays, but also on Wednesdays and Thursdays?

There’s no point in remembering what happened, dad,” Ostap answered coolly: “What happened is past!”

Let him try now! - said Andriy, - just let someone catch on now. Just let some Tatar woman turn up now and she will know what kind of thing a Cossack saber is!

Hello, son! By God, good! For that matter, I’m going with you too! By God, I'm going! Why the hell should I wait here! So that I could become a buckwheat sower, a housekeeper, look after the sheep and pigs, and have sex with my wife? Damn her: I’m a Cossack, I don’t want to! So what if there is no war? So I’ll go with you to Zaporozhye for a walk. By God, I'm on my way! - And old Bulba little by little got excited, heated up, and finally became completely angry, stood up from the table and, putting on a dignified appearance, stamped his foot. - We're going tomorrow! Why put it off! What kind of enemy can we watch out for here? What do we need this house for? Why do we need all this? What are these pots for? - Having said this, he began to beat and throw pots and flasks.

The poor old woman, already accustomed to such actions of her husband, looked sadly, sitting on the bench. She didn't dare say anything; but, hearing about such a terrible decision for her, she could not help but cry; she looked at her children, from whom she was threatened with such a quick separation - and no one could describe all the silent power of her grief, which seemed to tremble in her eyes and in her convulsively compressed lips.<...>

Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all about scolding anxiety and was distinguished by the brutal directness of his character. Then the influence of Poland was already beginning to exert itself on the Russian nobility. Many had already adopted Polish customs, had luxury, magnificent servants, falcons, hunters, dinners, courtyards. Taras did not like this. He loved simple life Kozakov and quarreled with those of his comrades who were inclined to the Warsaw side, calling them slaves of the Polish lords. Restless forever, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy. He arbitrarily entered villages where they only complained about the harassment of tenants and the increase in new duties on smoke 19. He himself dealt with his Cossacks and made a rule for himself that in three cases one should always take up the saber, namely: when the commissars 20 did not respect the elders in any way and stood in front of them with their hats on; when they mocked Orthodoxy and did not respect the ancestral law and, finally, when the enemies were the Busurmans and the Turks, against whom he considered it in any case permissible to raise arms for the glory of Christianity. Now he consoled himself in advance with the thought of how he would appear with his two sons at the Sich and say: “Look, what fine fellows I have brought to you!”; how he will introduce them to all his old, battle-hardened comrades; how he looked at their first exploits in military science 21 and drinking, which he also considered one of the main virtues of a knight. At first he wanted to send them alone. But at the sight of their freshness, height, powerful physical beauty, his military spirit flared up, and the next day he decided to go with them himself, although the necessity of this was only stubborn will. He was already busy and giving orders, choosing horses and harnesses for his young sons, visiting the stables and barns, selecting the servants who were to ride with them tomorrow. Yesaul Tovkach handed over his power along with a strong order to appear at once with the entire regiment, if only he gave any news from the Sich. Although he was tipsy and still drunk in his head, he did not forget anything. He even gave the order to water the horses and pour coarse and first wheat into their mangers, and he came tired of his worries.

Well, children, now we need to sleep, and tomorrow we will do what God gives. Don't make our bed! We don't need a bed. We will sleep in the yard.

The night had only just embraced the sky, but Bulba always went to bed early. He lounged on the carpet, covered himself with a sheepskin coat, because the night air was quite fresh and because Bulba liked to hide warmly when he was at home. He soon began to snore, and the whole yard followed him; everything that lay in its different corners snored and sang; First of all, the watchman fell asleep, because he was drunker than anyone else for the arrival of the panic. One poor mother did not sleep. She leaned to the head of her dear sons, who were lying nearby; she combed their young, carelessly tousled curls with a comb and moistened them with her tears; She looked at them all, looked with all her senses, she turned into one vision and could not stop looking at them. She fed them with her own breasts, she grew them, nurtured them - and only for one moment saw them in front of her. “My sons, my dear sons! what will happen to you? what awaits you? - she said, and the tears stopped in the wrinkles that had changed her once beautiful face. In fact, she was pitiful, like every woman of that daring century.<...>She saw her husband for two or three days a year, and then for several years there was no news of him. And when she saw him, when they lived together, what kind of life was she like? She endured insults, even beatings; she saw only the caresses shown out of mercy, she was some kind of strange creature in this gathering of wifeless knights, on whom the riotous Zaporozhye cast its harsh coloring.<...>All love, all feelings, everything that is tender and passionate in a woman, everything turned into one maternal feeling in her. With fervor, with passion, with tears, like a steppe gull, she hovered over her children. Her sons, her dear sons, are taken from her, taken so that she will never see them again! Who knows, maybe during the first battle the Tatar will cut off their heads, and she will not know where their abandoned bodies lie, which will be pecked by a bird of prey and for every piece of which, for every drop of blood, she would give everything. Sobbing, she looked into their eyes, which almighty sleep was already beginning to close, and thought: “Perhaps Bulba, waking up, will delay her departure for two days; Maybe he decided to go so quickly because he drank a lot.”

The moon from the heights of the sky had long illuminated the entire courtyard, filled with sleeping people, a dense heap of willows and tall weeds, in which the paling that surrounded the courtyard was drowned. She still sat in the heads of her dear sons, did not take her eyes off them for a minute and did not think about sleep. Already the horses, sensing the dawn, all lay down on the grass and stopped eating; upper leaves the willows began to babble, and little by little the babbling stream descended along them to the very bottom. She sat until daylight, was not at all tired and inwardly wished for the night to last as long as possible. From the steppe came the ringing neigh of a foal; red stripes sparkled clearly in the sky. Bulba suddenly woke up and jumped up. He remembered very well everything he ordered yesterday.

Well, guys, get some sleep! It's time, it's time! Water the horses! Where is the old one? (that’s what he usually called his wife). Lively, old lady, prepare food for us, because a great path lies!

Poor old lady, deprived last hope, sadly trudged into the hut. While she, with tears, prepared everything needed for breakfast, Bulba gave out his orders, tinkered in the stable and himself chose the best decorations for his children. The students suddenly changed: instead of their previous dirty boots, they wore red morocco 23 boots with silver horseshoes; trousers, as wide as the Black Sea, with a thousand folds and ruffles, were covered with a golden spectacle 24; Long straps with tassels and other trinkets for the pipe were attached to the glasses. Kazakin 25 of scarlet color, cloth bright as fire, girded himself with a patterned belt; hammered Turkish pistols were tucked into his belt; the saber clattered at their feet. Their faces, still slightly tanned, seemed to become prettier and whiter; the young black mustache now somehow set off its whiteness and the healthy, powerful color of youth more brightly; they looked good under black mutton caps with a gold top. Poor mother! As soon as she saw them, she could not utter a word, and the tears stopped in her eyes.

Well, sons, everything is ready! there's no need to hesitate! - Bulba finally said. - Now, according to Christian custom, everyone needs to sit down in front of the road.

Everyone sat down, not even including the boys who stood respectfully at the door.

Now, mother, bless your children! - said Bulba, - pray to God that they fight bravely, that they always defend the honor of a knight, that they always stand for the faith of Christ, otherwise it would be better if they disappeared, so that their spirit would not be in the world! Come, children, to your mother: a mother’s prayer saves both on water and on land.

The mother, weak as a mother, hugged them, took out two small icons, and put them on their necks, sobbing.

May he protect you... mother of God... Don’t forget, sons, your mother... send at least some news about yourself...

Well, let's go, children! - said Bulba.

Saddled horses stood at the porch. Bulba jumped on his Devil, who recoiled furiously, feeling a twenty-pound burden on himself, because Bulba was extremely heavy and fat. When the mother saw that her sons had already mounted horses, she rushed to the youngest, whose facial features expressed more than some kind of tenderness; she grabbed him by the stirrup, she stuck to his saddle and with despair in all her features did not let him out of her hands. Two stalwart Cossacks took her carefully and carried her into the hut. But when they left the gate, she ran out of the gate with all the ease of a wild goat, inappropriate for her years, stopped the horse with incomprehensible strength and hugged one of her sons with some kind of crazy, insensitive ardor; she was taken away again. The young Cossacks rode vaguely 27 and held back their tears, afraid of their father, who, however, for his part, was also somewhat embarrassed, although he did not try to show it. The day was gray; the greenery sparkled brightly; the birds chirped somehow in discord. Having passed, they looked back: their farm seemed to have sunk into the ground; only two chimneys from their modest house stood on the ground and only the tops of trees, along whose branches they climbed like squirrels; only the distant meadow still lay before them - that meadow along which they could recall the entire history of life, from the years when they rolled on its dewy grass, to the years when they waited in it for a black-browed Cossack girl, fearfully flying through it with the help of her fresh , fast legs. Now only one pole over the well with a cart wheel tied at the top stands alone in the sky; Already the plain that they passed through seems from a distance to be a mountain and has covered everything with itself. - Goodbye to childhood, and games, and everything, and everything!

1 Bursa is a religious school.
2 Scrolls - long outer clothing. sup>3 Lush - here: proud, untouchable.
4 Beybas is a dunce.
5 Mazunchik is spoiled. mama's son.
6 Ka know - the devil knows what.
7 Pundiki - sweets.
8 Little things - quirks, ideas.
9 Red monisto - red necklace.
10 Bandura is a Ukrainian folk musical instrument.
11 Union - the unification of the Orthodox Church with the Catholic Church under the authority of the Pope.
11 Bends - wooden decorations.
12 Venetsoyskaya - Venetian.
13 Birch bark - made from elm, which in Ukraine is called birch bark.
14 Esaul - average officer rank in the Cossack troops.
15 Busurman (basurman) - a non-religious person; here: foreigner.
16 Virshi - poetry.
17 Horace - ancient Roman poet.
18 Archimandrite - monastic rank; here: abbot, i.e. head of the religious school.
19 From the smoke - here: from every hut.
20 Commissioners - here: Polish tax collectors.
21 Military science is military science.
22 Color - shade.
23 Saffiano - high quality leather.
24 Ochkur - a lace used to tighten trousers.
25 Kazakin - men's outer dress with hooks and ruching at the back.
26 Knight's.
27 Vaguely - here: sad.

meets his sons from the academy. The ataman has 2 sons: Ostap and Andriy. The father examines the boys, making fun of their clothes and appearance. Ostap says that he will beat his father, and a fight begins. At this time the mother gasps and is surprised. She missed her children, whom she had not seen for over a year. The mother feels sorry for her sons, and the father decides that there is no point in pampering them, they should go to Zaporozhye. Sich – the best place for men's leisure.

The old mother feels uneasy at the thought that the children will only be at home for a week. She begins to howl and wail. Bulba organizes a holiday and invites all the centurions and regimental officers to her house. He shows his sons and brags about their article. He addresses the children, teaches them to be loyal to their homeland, and wishes them good luck in the war.

The father went wild, started breaking dishes, and his wife sat quietly on the bench. Taras decides not to wait a week, to go to the Sich tomorrow morning. The ataman's stubbornness was one of his character traits. He imagined how he would appear to the Cossacks with two young men ready for war.

Taras fell asleep on the carpet, snored, and his sleep was supported throughout the house. The poor mother could not sleep. She sat at the head of her sons’ bed, looked at the sleeping people, combed their hair, stroked their curls. All her thoughts went to the future of the children, what awaits them, how fate will turn out. The mother spent the whole night next to her sons. Bulba did not change his decision. He woke up, began to give orders and prepared to leave. The father told the mother to bless the children. She, weak and lost, hugged them and hung a small icon on their necks. The sons mounted their horses; under Bulba the horse staggered, the rider was so heavy. The mother realized that her sons were leaving the house, she clung to the youngest, but she was taken into the hut. When the children left the gate, the old woman with incomprehensible ease caught up with her sons and hugged one of them. She was again taken aside. Ostap and Andriy could barely hold back their tears. Everything in my soul was mixed up, confused: fear and joy. Childhood was left behind, something frightening and incomprehensible began ahead.

Chapter 2

The three horsemen were each thinking about their own things. Taras recalled his past life, friends who had already left, and calculated who was waiting for him in the Sich. The sons talked about their own things. Ostap and Andriy went to the academy when they were 12 years old. The boys were trained differently. Ostap started by running away, he was returned and flogged. He did not want to study, he buried the primer. No amount of spanking stopped Ostap. His father made a promise that he would give him to a monastery and keep everything there best years. Ostap listened to his father, began to study diligently, and became one of the best students. By character, the eldest son was an excellent comrade, a fearless Cossack. He did not seek to lead, did not betray his own. His mother’s tears tormented his soul, confused him and made him worry.

Andriy studied easier. He was more cunning and more inventive than his brother. He always knew how to avoid punishment. A hearth of love was lit early in his soul. He liked beauties, the student envied the life of aristocrats, admired them, climbing into their streets. One day he met a girl there from whom he could not take his eyes off. The Polish woman was flighty, did a lot of stupid things with the guy, amusing her vanity. Andriy was looking for meetings with the beauty, now heading to the Sich, he was thinking about her. The father distracted his sons from his thoughts, he offered to smoke and spur the horses. There were no adventures along the way.

The trio reached the island of Khortitsa, where the Zaporozhye Sich was located. A drunken Cossack lay stretched out on the road. Music was playing, people were making noise. Taras met an acquaintance and began asking about his friends. I became dejected from the news. His comrades died: hanged, skinned, head placed in a barrel of salt. The Cossacks that Taras was thinking about were kind.

Chapter 3

Taras Bulba lives in the Sich, but there are no military exercises. “Mad revelry of gaiety” was liked by young guys. They were interested. Everything that men needed, except women, was nearby. What surprised the sons was that people came from different parts, the Koshevoi asked them about their faith in Christ, checked whether they knew how to be baptized. Everyone went to their own kurens, about 60 settlements. All the Cossacks prayed in one church, promising to defend it, to be devoted to the Faith to the last drop of blood. The Cossacks were hunting. The sons became noticeable among the Cossacks for their prowess and skillful skills. Taras did not like that his sons could not prove themselves in military affairs. He goes to the Koschevoi with an offer to fight, but is refused. Taras decides to take revenge on the Koschevoi, he organizes a drinking binge and overthrows him from office. They choose a new Koshevoy; he is a friend of Taras Kirdyaga. The drunken Sich fell asleep.

Chapter 4

In the morning, Taras was already conferring with the new Koshevoy about the upcoming battle; they were thinking about a trick on how to start a war without breaking the oath. They gather people. At this time, a ferry arrives to the island. People on the ferry were screaming about trouble. Catholic priests harness Christians to carts and ride them like horses. It is prohibited to celebrate Christian rituals. Those who arrived spoke about other outrages. The people got excited. They began to throw the Jews into the waves of the river, one prayed, Taras took him to the wagon train, pushed him under the cart, and ordered him not to show his face. It was Yankel, the Jew quickly understood the situation and offered to carry cheap provisions to the Cossacks.

Chapter 5

The Cossacks began to occupy the territories of the southwest. The sons of Taras matured from battle to battle. They were reborn, they were no longer like the students after the academy. Ostap calmly assessed the danger, strengthened in body and spirit. Taras saw him as a kind colonel. Andriy was immersed in the music of bullets and swords. He did not think like his brother, he was carried away by the battle as if by a song. The father was surprised to see where Andriy was rushing. The bravest Cossack would not have rushed there. The army of the Cossacks came to the city of Dubno. It was not possible to defeat the city on the move; the Cossacks decided to starve out the enemies. The sons did not like the siege. At night, when everyone is sleeping, Andriy notices a woman. This is the servant of the lady she loves. Tatarka talks about life in the city. His lover is starving. Pannochka saw Andriy in the crowd and asked him for help - bread. A young Cossack takes a bag of food and makes his way through an underground passage into the city. Passing by his father, Andriy hears a warning that women will not bring him to goodness, but does not think about the meaning of the words and hurries to his beloved.

Chapter 6

Moving around the city, the Cossack is amazed by its decoration and beauty. A Catholic monastery, a cathedral, music - everything leaves its mark on the guy. People are dying of hunger in the streets. The voivode is waiting for help, two Polish regiments should arrive, so the city does not surrender. Andriy gets to the lady's house. She has become even more beautiful, the lovers look at each other admiringly. The young guy did not have enough words to express his feelings. The girl begins to eat. She is grateful for the help. The Cossack offers to take everything she wants and is ready to perform any of her services. He renounces his Fatherland, father and comrades. A maid runs into the room. She joyfully reports the arrival of regiments, captured Cossacks, and food supplies. Andriy kissed the girl, increasingly finding himself in the grip of passionate love. The Cossack died.

Chapter 7

The Cossacks decide to attack the city, they are driven by the desire for revenge for their comrades who were captured. Yankel informs Taras about Andriy. The father does not believe the Jew. But he claims that his son is dressed in rich clothes, is preparing for the wedding, and will drive the Cossacks out of the city. In the morning the prisoners are taken to the rampart. They are ashamed of their appearance, half naked and sleepy, they were captured. The battle begins. Ostap rushes across the field like a hawk. One of Bearded’s atamans was killed, they decided to choose a new one, and unanimously agreed on Ostap. During the battle, the young chieftain led the fighters away from the walls, thereby saving their lives. After the Poles left the city walls, the Cossacks talked for a long time about their grandfathers. Taras could not sleep, he was looking for the reason for the absence of his youngest son on the battlefield. He hoped that the Jew would deceive him, vowed to pull the Polish girl out by her braid and drive her across the field, smashing her whole body into pieces. The Cossacks did not drink, the guards did not close their eyes.

Chapter 8

News of the Tatar attack was brought from Sich. Koshevoy decides to go to Zaporozhye. Bulba is against it, he decides to stay while his comrades are in captivity. The Cossacks are divided into two groups: some go after the Tatars, others besiege the city. Maintaining partnership is the main duty of a Cossack. Divided into two sides big one is coming part of the kuren, then the whole kuren. They left at night so that the enemy would not notice the movement. Among those who remained, despondency settled; it was a pity to part with friends. Taras noticed this mood and decided to distribute the reserved wine. They drank from whatever they could: a ladle, a barrel, a mitten. Taras added his sacred word to the wine. His speech became a holy prayer.

Chapter 9

The Cossacks set off in pursuit of the Tatar troops, but no one in the city knew about it. Seeing movement among the Cossacks, they decided to make a sortie in Dubno. The exit did not produce results, but the Jews discovered that there were fewer Cossacks. Taras realized from the noise coming from outside the city walls that there would be a battle. He turned to his comrades and supported their fighting spirit. The enemy army left the city. The guns and squeaks aimed at the Cossacks, the whole earth was covered in smoke. Taras saw the battle going on. Ostap fought confidently and bravely. The forces were unequal. The guns mowed down half of the smoking area at once. Taras asks his comrades:

"There is life in the old dog yet?".

They answer him confidently that there is strength. The Cossacks are dying with faith in the victory of the Russian land. During the terrible battle, Taras saw Andria and was dumbfounded. He beat his own, clearing the way for himself and his enemies. Taras ordered to drive him to the forest. That's what the boys did. Andriy accelerated and saw his father in front of him. He was dumbfounded and fell silent. Like a naughty child, he got off his horse and stood in front of Taras. Bulba uttered a phrase that became popular:

“I gave birth to you, I will kill you!”

Andriy turned pale and began to whisper to himself. These were the names of neither homeland nor mother. He pronounced the lady's name. "ear of grain" He stood over his son and looked at him, admiring and surprised. Why did such a beautiful Cossack disappear because of love like a mean dog? Ostap offered to bury his brother, but Taras refused. There was no time to say goodbye, the battle was intensifying, trouble was approaching. 6 people attacked Ostap, Taras tried to break through to his son. He chopped everything around him, waving his saber, but there were more enemies. The father saw that they were pressing on Ostap, but he was overwhelmed by a blow of such force that the chieftain fell like a stone to the ground, like a felled oak tree.

Chapter 10

Taras woke up from sleep and saw his friend nearby - Ataman Tovkach. He tries to remember how he stayed alive. His comrade asks him to be calm, Bulba is all chopped up. The comrade explains that there is a reward of 2 thousand red rubles on Taras’s head, they have been jumping around for several nights, hiding him from prying eyes. Taras asks where Ostap is. Grief overwhelms him from the news that his son is captured by the Poles. HE tears off the bandages, rushes after his son, but falls into a fever, raves and speaks crazy speeches. Tovkach bandages Taras, swaddles him like a child and again rushes into the distance. In the Zaporozhye Sich, Taras feels better, there are medicines here. He gets to his feet. Nothing interests Bulba, he is all worried about his son. Taras goes to the Jew Yankel. HE asks him for help, he needs to fall to Warsaw, where Ostap is being held. Yankel figured out how to smuggle Taras in unnoticed. He covered it with a brick, made a hole at the bottom for feeding, and the cart with the luggage set off.

Chapter 11

Trader Yankel is carrying Taras, hoping for help or a meeting with his son. He tries to negotiate with the Jews so that they will release Stepan, but nothing works out for him. Taras cannot stand the insults when he is taken on a date with his son. He has to return with nothing. The father was able to attend his son's execution. Ostap went first. Execution for the Cossacks is striking in its cruelty and sophistication. Ostap endures pain and torture like a mighty giant: if his bones are broken, he remains silent. Ostap didn’t even let out a groan. The father said:

“Good, son!”

At the last moment before his death, Ostap shouted, turning to his father to see if he could hear him. In the silence I heard: “I hear.” A million people in the square shuddered at this word, fear swept through their souls. The horsemen rushed into the crowd, but Taras was no longer there.

Chapter 12

The patience of the people went beyond its limits, and the whole of Ukraine rose up to fight. The hetman agreed to release the enemy Pototsky and forget the enmity. But Taras Bulba remained adamant. He believed that such behavior was similar to “womanish” behavior. You can’t trust the Poles, according to Taras Bulba. The ataman's prediction came true. The hetman's head flew off after a short amount of time. Taras continued to walk and “celebrate a wake for Ostap.” It was ordered to catch the violent chieftain, and 5 regiments went after him. The decisive battle had come, and Taras could not have been defeated, but he decided to bend over for the cradle of tobacco that had fallen out in the battle. The Haiduks grabbed him. 30 people hung on the mighty Cossack shoulders. The brother of the lady who had enchanted Andriy was racing in pursuit. The Cossacks rushed headlong into the Dniester and sailed away from their enemies with their faithful horses. The beauty's brother, relying on himself, jumped and crashed on the rocks of the cliff. Taras watched everything from above and was happy: the bullets of his comrades did not reach him.

Taras Bulba is a story by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the idea of ​​which came to the author in 1830. The writing of the work lasted for ten years. The version revised by the author contains twelve chapters. Throughout the story, it tells about what happened during the war between the Cossacks and the Poles; what incredible difficulties the Cossacks had to experience while defending their land, how they did not bend under fire or sword, wanting to remain faithful to the Fatherland. Only Taras Bulba’s youngest son Andrei turned out to be a traitor and was killed by his own father... You can learn more about the story by reading the summary.

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Chapter 1

Two sons of Taras Bulba - Ostap and Andrey - return home after studying at the Kyiv Bursa. They are greeted by a joyful father and a worried mother. After a short greeting, Taras and the eldest son Ostap suddenly wanted to measure their strength and began to beat each other, much to the concern of their mother. Finally, the father appreciated his son’s strength with the words: “Yes, he fights well!.. He will be a good Cossack!”

The dream of making his sons fighters for his homeland has been ingrained in the soul of the stubborn Taras Bulba for a long time. And he decided to send them to Zaporozhye. He is not touched by the tears of his mother, who has not seen Ostap and Andrei for so long, nor by the fact that they have not been home for so long. “Sons should be at war – that’s it,” Taras thinks. In the heat of inflamed feelings, he suddenly expresses a desire to go with them. The father and two young Cossacks, to the great grief of the poor old woman, set off on the road the very next day.

Chapter 2

Bursa, where Ostap and Andrey studied, did not teach them knowledge, but it strengthened their character. For example, the eldest son, often beaten with rods, began to be distinguished by firmness, which is acceptable for the Cossacks, and valued comradeship; The younger one studied better and knew how to at least sometimes evade punishment. In addition to the thirst for achievement, other feelings were also available to his soul.

On the way to Zaporozhye, sitting on a horse, Andrei began to remember his first meeting with a beautiful Polish lady, a lady: how frightened she was when she saw a stranger in front of her, how she put her brilliant diadem on his head; how childishly she behaved, confusing him.

And Zaporozhye was getting closer every day. The Dnieper was already blowing with cold waves, and the Cossacks, after crossing it, found themselves on the island of Khortitsa, near the Sich.

Chapter 3

The incessant feast of the Sich, where Taras Bulba settled with his sons, and the drunken gaiety of the people captivated Ostap and Andrei so much that they enthusiastically indulged in riotous life. The cruel laws of the Cossacks, when a person who stole was beaten to death with a club, and the debtor was chained to a cannon awaiting ransom for him, were not yet so severe punishments in comparison with those that were due for murder. The person who committed this was buried alive in the ground along with the murdered person. This made an indelible impression on Andrey.

So the sons of Taras lived relatively calmly until their father wanted a new war. It was he who began to encourage the Koshevoy to start a battle with the Busurmen, despite the fact that the Sultan had been promised peace. Believing that, without knowing how to fight, a person without a good deed will perish like a dog, Taras Bulba looked for any reason for enmity with other people. The Koschevoy’s objections were met with hostility, and very soon they elected another leader of the Cossacks, an old comrade of Taras Bulba named Kirdyaga. In Sich they celebrated this event all night.

Chapter 4

No matter how strange it may seem to a normal person, but Taras Bulba was simply obsessed with the idea of ​​fighting with someone. He lamented that “the Cossack strength is disappearing, there is no war” and began to incite the people to take radical action. A reason was soon found. A ferry with fugitive Cossacks arrived on the island, who spoke about the lawlessness of the “Jews”, who sew clothes from priests’ vestments and impose a ban on Christian holidays. This was the signal to unleash new war between the Cossacks and the Poles.

Chapter 5

The beginning of the war satisfied Taras Bulba. He was proud of his mature sons, although he believed that Ostap was more capable of military affairs than Andrei. The romantic nature of the youngest son was also manifested in his longing for his mother, who handed over the icon; and in contemplation beautiful nature. A soft heart, not completely hardened by battles, strived to love. That is why Andrei, having learned from the Tatar woman that the lady was starving, decided on a desperate act: to take a bag of food from his sleeping brother, follow the Tatar woman, see the beautiful Polish woman and help her.

Chapter 6

As the Tatar woman leads Andrei through the underground passage, he notices Catholic priests praying and women and children dying of hunger - a terrible picture that makes his heart freeze. Arriving at the place, the young man meets with someone whom he has not seen for a long time - and notices that she has become even more beautiful. Andrei's feelings prevailed over common sense, and he went so far as to give up everything for the sake of this girl - his homeland, his father, his brother, his friends. Without hesitation he went over to the side of the enemy.

Chapter 7

The Cossacks are preparing to attack Dubno in order to strike for the captured Cossacks. Taras Bulba is worried because he does not see his son Andrei anywhere - neither in the Cossack detachment, nor among the killed, nor among the prisoners. And suddenly Yankel reports terrible news: he saw Pan Andriy, but not tied up in captivity, but alive, a knight, all in gold, like the richest Polish lord. Taras was shocked by this news, and at first he did not want to believe his ears, accusing Yankel of lying. And he cited more and more terrible facts, saying that Andrei even renounced his father and brother, saying that he would fight with them.

A battle ensues between the Poles and the Cossacks, in which many Cossacks die, including the ataman. Ostap decides to avenge him, and for such a feat he himself is elected chieftain.

Taras worries about his son, worrying why he was not among those who fought.

Chapter 8

The Cossacks are attacked by the Tatars, and after consulting, the Cossacks decide to drive them away and return the loot. However, Taras has a different opinion: he proposes to first rescue his comrades from Polish captivity. Kasyan Bovdyug's wise advice - to divide and go to war with both - turns out to be just the right thing. Warriors do this.

Chapter 9

In a harsh battle, the Cossacks suffered heavy losses: cannons were used against them. However, the Cossacks, encouraged by Bulba, do not give up. Suddenly Taras sees his youngest son riding a black horse as part of a Polish regiment. The father, distraught with anger, catches up with the young man. He kills Andriy with a shot with the words: “I gave birth to you, I will kill you.”

Ostap sees what happened, however, there is no time to figure it out - Polish soldiers attack him. So the eldest son becomes a prisoner of the Poles. And Taras is seriously injured.

Chapter 10

Bulba, brought by his comrades to Sich, recovers from his wounds a month and a half later and decides to go to Warsaw to see Ostap. He turns to Yankel for help, not even afraid that a lot of money is promised for his head. And he, having taken the reward, hides Taras at the bottom of the cart, covering the top with bricks.

Chapter 11

Ostap is going to be executed at dawn. Bulba was late: it was no longer possible to free him from prison. You are only allowed to see him at dawn. Yankel, in order to arrange a meeting, resorts to a trick: he dresses Taras in foreign clothes, but he, offended by a remark addressed to the Cossacks, gives himself away. Then Bulba goes to the place of his son’s execution. He stands in the crowd, sees the torment that one who did not betray the Fatherland has to experience, gives his life for it, and says approvingly: “Good, son, good.”

Chapter 12

The entire nation, led by Taras Bulba, rose up against the Poles. He became very cruel, did not spare any of his enemies, and burned eighteen cities. Considerable money was offered for Bulba's head, but they could not take him - until he himself, due to an absurd accident, fell into the hands of enemies. Taras's cradle of tobacco fell out, and he stopped his horses to look for it in the grass. Then the Poles captured him and sentenced him to a harsh death - by burning. But Taras did not give up in the face of torment, and even a blazing fire did not stop him. Until his last breath, he encouraged the Cossacks fighting the battle on the banks of the Dniester River.

And then they remembered and praised their chieftain.

The story begins with the arrival of Taras Bulba’s two sons, Ostap and Andriy, at their home. They, like many other children of the Cossacks-Cossacks, were sent to study at the Kyiv Bursa - to the seminary. There were no plans to make priests out of them, but Cossack Colonel Taras believed that his children should have an education. He considered the continuation of their male education in the Zaporozhye Sich, where he and his sons had to go as quickly as possible.

Already in the first scene of the story, the characters of the main characters are visible. Ostap is courageous, decisive, straightforward. He does not tolerate jokes and ridicule and is ready to defend his honor with all his might, even in front of his father. Andriy, on the contrary, is gentle, sensitive, dreamy. Taras is noisy, extravagant, does not tolerate refusal in anything, he is a man of action.

With great tenderness Gogol describes the mother of the young Cossacks - the wife of Taras Bulba. She is a quiet, unrequited woman, accustomed to obeying her husband, and suffered many insults from him. During his frequent departures, she managed a large household herself. She raised her children without the help of her husband, but does not have the opportunity to keep them at home. She only has one night left to admire the children before leaving. The poor mother does not know whether her sons will return home alive, because at that time the Cossacks were in a state of almost continuous war.

In Zaporozhye Sich

The day after the young people return from Bursa, their father takes them to the Cossack military camp. On the way, travelers have different thoughts. Ostap dreams of military glory, Taras remembers his old exploits, and Andriy dreams of a beautiful Polish girl whom he met and fell in love with during his studies.

Taras brings his sons to the Zaporozhye Sich - a Cossack camp. Here they spend almost all their time between battles. This is a male community with its own laws, where daring and youth, the ability to drink alcohol and fight enemies are valued. Kurenny atamans here are chosen by the Cossacks, the rules are established once and for all.

Ostap and Andriy, despite all their differences, come to court in the Sich. Both young Cossacks and veterans consider them good warriors, respect and love them. Old Taras is proud of them. He is glad that his children perform well in peacetime. He hopes that during the war he will not be ashamed of his sons.

The war has begun

You don’t have to wait long for a suitable opportunity, and Taras himself helps to increase the military fervor of the Cossacks. On his advice, the head of the Sich, the Koshevoy, was re-elected. Now the Cossacks are commanded by a warlike man who gives the command to prepare for war with Poland.

However, the Cossacks cannot break their word given to the Poles and Turks. They cannot attack their enemies without a reason. But the reason will also soon be found. A detachment of Cossacks appears in the Sich and talks about the atrocities of the Poles and Jews. This becomes the formal reason for the Cossacks to speak out.

War is always accompanied by death, blood and fires. The Cossacks marched across Poland, sparing no one, killing both old and young. Every Polish or Jewish family could become a victim of a pogrom.

Ostap and Andriy during the war

The sons of old Taras were tempered in battle. Ostap showed himself to be a skillful leader, and his father already dreamed that he would become a famous commander. And in every battle Andriy surprised everyone with his reckless courage and military prowess.

The Cossacks brought with them fear, fires, hatred and murder. In battles and battles, in smoke and fire, the Zaporozhye army came to big city Dubna. It was a large and well-fortified fortress. The Cossack army could not take it right away, so a siege was organized.

Skirmishes rarely occurred, and the rest of the time the Cossacks burned villages around and plundered local residents, had fun and waited for the real fight. And in the besieged fortress, real famine began. The residents of Dubna did not give up.

Andria's betrayal

One night I came to Andriy elderly woman. He recognized her as the maid of a beautiful Polish woman. The girl saw Andriy from the walls of the fortress and recognized him as a seminarian who was in love with her. She sent her maid for help. The old woman asked to give her some food for her mistress, but Andriy did differently. He decided to go to the Polish woman himself to see her again.

But, having seen the girl, he could no longer part with her, and remained in the fortress to protect her from his comrades. Andriy abandoned his Fatherland, his family and friends - he betrayed his land.

Andrey's betrayal
Taras did not believe this for a long time, but when he saw his son with the Poles, he vowed to kill him with his own hands. In one of the battles, when a detachment from the city tried to break the siege, the old Cossack fulfilled his promise - he killed his youngest son. In the same battle, Ostap Bulba was captured.

Death of Ostap

Taras was seriously wounded in the battle and was ill for a long time. He managed to recover only after lengthy treatment. And then he learned that Ostap was in Warsaw and was about to be executed.

Taras, with the help of a Jew whom he once saved from death, comes to Warsaw to try to save his son. He gives a large sum to the prison guard to see Ostap. But the Pole deceives Taras. He doesn't even get to see his son.

The old Cossack can do nothing more. But he wants to see Ostap at least once again and goes to the square where the execution of the Cossacks is to take place. Taras sees that Ostap did not lose the honor of an Orthodox warrior here either and withstood all the torture without requests or groans. And only before his death he loudly calls for his father. And his father responds to him, but the Poles, who were just waiting for this, fail to catch him. Taras leaves town to start terrible revenge for my son.

Read a summary of Gogol’s “The Overcoat”. The story describes the difficult life of a St. Petersburg official who is forced to endure hardships every day for the sake of his dream.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's novel-poem “Dead Souls” is a recognized encyclopedia human souls and characters, types of Russia at that time.

Death of Taras

The Poles captured many Ukrainian cities and villages, killed and burned Ukrainians. The entire Cossack army rose up to fight them. Everyone fought bravely, but Taras Bulba’s regiment was distinguished among them for its courage and cruelty.

The Poles began to ask for mercy from the Cossacks, but they did not believe their enemies. The war continued, and only the requests of the Orthodox clergy could give hope to the Poles.

A peace treaty was signed, according to which the Cossacks received their former rights and freedoms, and orthodox churches remained untouched. The Cossacks returned to the camps, but Taras urged not to believe the vile Poles and not to stop the war with them.

He turned out to be right: the Poles broke their word and killed the Cossack atamans and foremen. Taras and his regiment walked around Poland, celebrating a cruel funeral for his eldest son, sparing no one: neither children, nor old, nor young.

The Poles tried for a long time to catch Taras. They sent their best troops against him, led by Hetman Potocki. But old Bulba would have left him too, his regiment had already broken through the encirclement of the enemies. But he felt sorry for the lost old pipe that he had left on the battlefield, and Taras returned. Then the Poles captured him.

A terrible execution The Poles decided to execute Taras Bulba. They were so afraid of the old Cossack that they came up with the most terrible death for him - in fire. But even from the fire he gave instructions to his comrades on how they could escape.

The story “Taras Bulba” is a terrible story about cruel times, about fidelity, about love, about betrayal. Cossack Taras is a symbol of the unbending will and devotion of an Orthodox warrior, contempt for fear and love for his native land.

4.3 (85.45%) 11 votes

Chapter 3

The Sich was a “continuous feast.” There were artisans and merchants and traders there, but most walked from morning to evening. On Khortitsa there were those who never studied or dropped out of the academy, and there were also learned Cossacks, there were fugitive officers and partisans. All these people were united by faith in Christ and love for their native land.

Ostap and Andriy quickly became imbued with the atmosphere that reigned there and joined that environment. The father did not like this - he wanted his sons to be hardened in battle, so he was thinking about how to raise the Sich for such an event. This leads to a quarrel with the Koshevoy, who does not want to start a war. Taras Bulba was not used to things not going his way: he planned to take revenge on the Koshevoi. He persuades his comrades to get the others drunk so that they overthrow the Koschevoy. Bulba’s plan works - Kirdyaga, an old but wise Cossack, Taras Bulba’s comrade in arms, is elected as the new Koshevoy.

Chapter 4

Taras Bulba communicates with the new Koshevoy about the military campaign. However, he, being a reasonable person, says: “let the people gather, but only by my own desire, I will not force anyone.” But in fact, behind such permission lies a desire to relieve oneself of responsibility for violating peace between states. A ferry with Cossacks who managed to escape arrives on the island. They bring disappointing news: priests (Catholic priests) ride on carts, harnessing Christians in them, Jewish women sew outfits for themselves from the priest’s vestments, and people are not allowed to celebrate Christian holidays without the approval of the Jews. Such lawlessness angered the Cossacks - no one had the right to insult their faith and people like that! Both old and young are ready to defend their Fatherland, fight the Poles for disgracing their faith and collect booty from captured villages.

The Cossacks made a noise and shouted: “Hang all the Jews! Let not the Jewish women sew skirts from the priest’s vestments!” These words had a huge impact on the crowd, which immediately rushed to catch the Jews. But one of them, Yankel, says he knew the late brother of Taras Bulba. Bulba saves Yankel's life and allows him to go with the Cossacks to Poland.

Chapter 5

The earth is full of rumors about the military glory of the Cossacks and about their new conquests. The Cossacks moved at night and rested during the day. Taras Bulba looks with pride at his sons who have matured in battle. Ostap, it seemed, was destined to be a warrior. He proved himself to be a brave warrior with analytical mind. Andriy was more attracted to the romantic side of the journey: knightly deeds and battles with the sword. He acted at the behest of his heart, without resorting to special thoughts, and sometimes he managed to do something that no experienced Cossack could do!

The army came to the city of Dubno. The Cossacks climbed onto the rampart, but from there stones, arrows, barrels, sandbags and pots of boiling water rained down on them. The Cossacks quickly realized that a siege was not their strong point, and decided to starve out the city. They trampled all the fields on horses, destroyed the crops in the gardens, and then settled down in kurens. Ostap and Andriy do not like this kind of life, but their father encourages them: “Be patient with the Cossack - you will become an ataman!”

Esaul brings icons and blessings from his old mother to Ostap and Andria. Andriy misses her, but does not want to return, even though he feels the stuffiness squeezing his heart. At night he admires the sky and stars.
The warriors, tired during the day, fell asleep. Everyone except Andriy. He wandered around the kuren, looking at the rich nature. Suddenly he accidentally notices a certain figure. The stranger turns out to be a woman whom Andriy recognizes as a Tatar who serves the lady with whom he was in love. The Tatar woman tells the young man about the terrible famine, about the lady who had not eaten anything for many days. It turns out that the lady saw Andriy among the soldiers and immediately remembered him. She told the maid to find Andriy and ask him to give him some bread, and if he did not agree, then let him come just like that. Andriy immediately begins to search for supplies, but the Cossacks even ate the porridge that had been prepared in excess. Then the young Cossack carefully pulls out the bag of food from under Ostap, on which he was sleeping. Ostap wakes up only for a moment and immediately falls asleep again. Andriy quietly sneaks through the kuren to the Tatar woman, who promised to lead him to the city through an underground passage.

Andria’s father calls out, warning that women will not lead to good things. The Kozak stood neither alive nor dead, afraid to move, but Bulba quickly fell asleep.

(reads about 5 minutes) Taras Bulba is an elderly Cossack, the father of two sons. His children, Ostap and Andriy, studied at the Kyiv Academy. After its completion, they returned to their home. The young people, strong, strong and healthy, look embarrassed: the father chuckles at their clothes. But Ostap, the eldest son, does not intend to tolerate such an attitude. Taras and his son are seriously fighting. The mother, a kind old lady, calms her husband down. He is glad that Ostap turned out to be a real Cossack. Taras Bulba wants to test his youngest son, but Andriy is already in the arms of his mother.

The old Cossack convenes the regiments and centurions to say: he intends to send his children to the Zaporozhye Sich. After all, for a real Cossack there is no more useful science than the Sich! He wants to introduce the children to his friends in person. It’s not easy for a mother: the time has come to part with her beloved sons, who have just arrived home. The mother spends the night sitting over the sleeping Ostap and Andriy, and in the morning she cannot tear herself away from them, but still finds the strength to bless the children.

Taras Bulba and his children are riding horseback. Everyone thinks about his own things, everyone is silent. Taras remembers his wild youth, tears appear in his eyes. Ostap, who became stern and firm during his studies, cannot indifferently remember saying goodbye to his mother: he has a kind heart by nature. Andriy remembers not only his mother and home, but also a beautiful Polish girl. The Cossack met her shortly before leaving Kyiv. Desperate Andriy made his way into the Polish woman’s bedroom through the chimney. So that no one would see him, the young woman covered her guest. When the threat had passed, the Polish maid took Andriy out into the street. Then he saw the beautiful lady in the church. How can you not remember such meetings!

The road turns out to be long, but after arriving at the place, the sons of Taras plunge into a riotous life: the Cossacks only gain combat experience during battles, and on their free days they drink and have fun. Taras Bulba does not approve of this, because brave prowess should not be wasted on empty entertainment. The old Cossack figures out how to distract the Cossacks and persuades them to choose a new Koschevoy. He decides to go to Poland.

After some time, throughout the southwest of Poland, people were gripped by fear of the Cossacks. The Cossacks, including Ostap and Andriy, mature in battle. One of the first cities on the way is Dubno. It has a rich treasury. The city residents and the garrison resist the Cossacks, but the Cossacks besiege the fortress. They burn houses and spoil crops. Taras Bulba asks the young people to wait: hot fights will begin soon.

One night, Andriy, awakened by the maid of a beautiful Polish woman, learns that the lady is in Dubno. Her mother is dying, and the young woman begs for help. Her lover goes to the city with several bags of bread and, having met the lady, renounces his family and his homeland. Now his Fatherland is a beautiful Pole. Meanwhile, Poles appear in the city. They kill and capture the Cossacks, and the survivors decide to continue the siege. Taras Bulba learns about his son's betrayal. The Sich is also going through difficult times: those who remained in Zaporozhye were attacked by the Tatars. Half of the fighters have to return. Taras becomes the head of the siege army. He talks about the power of camaraderie, and this speech inspires the Cossacks.

The Polish army learns that the enemy has weakened and decides to attack. Andriy finds himself among the Poles. The Cossacks, having received the order of Taras Bulba, lure him to the forest. The father kills Andriy, who even in the face of death remembers only the lady. The Poles defeat the Cossacks, the eldest son of Taras Bulba is captured. Taras is wounded and taken to the Zaporozhye Sich. But, having barely recovered, the old Cossack turns to the Jew Yankel. Through bribery and threats, he forces him to secretly send him to Warsaw. Taras Bulba hopes to buy out Ostap. Hopes are not destined to come true: the son is tortured in the square. Only one exclamation escapes from his chest - an appeal to his father. The father responds from the crowd and quickly disappears.

More than one hundred thousand Cossacks rise against Poland. Ataman Taras and his regiment are among them. He does not spare anyone, he takes revenge for Ostap. The Hetman of Poland was defeated. He vows never to go against the Cossacks. Colonel Bulba is not satisfied with such a world: the forgiven Poles will probably not keep their word. And the old Cossack turns out to be right: the next attack by the Poles ends in the defeat of the Cossacks. Meanwhile, Bulba's regiment destroys the Poles without pity. After many unsuccessful attempts, the hetman's regiments overtake Taras Bulba. The battle continues for four days. The Cossacks who survived escape the pursuit, but the colonel stops to find the lost cradle. The Poles take him prisoner, tie him to a tree and burn him. Dying, Taras shows the Cossacks the way to the river. At the last moment of his life, he sees how his old comrades are leaving the pursuit, and thinks about their future victories.

The short summary of the story “Taras Bulba” is a sure help in preparing for the lesson. Students read this voluminous work in the summer, but do not always remember all the main events described by N.V. Gogol. In order to quickly recall the text you read, we recommend turning to educational materials"Literary Guru".

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