Home Hygiene Ugly dogs. The ugliest dog breeds in the world

Ugly dogs. The ugliest dog breeds in the world

A well-known saying says: “There are no comrades according to taste.” And although different people have different preferences when choosing a pet, yet over thousands of years of dog breeding, general standards of beauty or attractiveness of the breed have been determined. The heroes of our today's review are strange dogs, various reasons different from their attractive relatives.

This oldest breed with a poetic name, but a strange appearance, began its ancestry in the valleys of the Andean Cordillera. Archaeologists have proven that even pre-Inca cultures used dogs of this breed for religious purposes.

There are two subspecies of this breed: hairless (only a little hair is allowed on the head, limbs and tip of the tail) and fully furred animals. Aborigines of the equatorial shores Pacific Ocean They used furred dogs for hunting, and the hairless ones were their pets.

Today, the Inca orchid is a classic companion that becomes very attached to its owner. The peculiarity of such pets is that they sweat all over their bodies. In addition, the hairless Peruvian dog is a nocturnal animal that can stay awake until the morning, and its peak activity occurs in the evening.

Representatives of this breed are characterized by incomplete teeth or even complete absence teeth. For this or another reason, Inca orchids are quite picky eaters.

Due to the lack of hair, the Peruvian Hairless Dog cannot tolerate either cold or heat. Sunburn and various skin diseases, as well as cuts and scratches are something that representatives of this breed often have to deal with.

An ugly breed, specially bred in the world by crossing an English bulldog, a white English terrier and a Dalmatian. The very first ideal white bull terrier was obtained in 1862, and until the beginning of the 20th century, colored dogs were not allowed for breeding.

The characteristics of this breed are high endurance, incredible activity and good health. Conflict and aggression, often attributed to bull terriers, appear only when improper upbringing and lack of care.

Important! Education needs to start with three months, in no case using hard physical methods. Walks should be long, at least two hours a day.

The owner of a bull terrier must have a strong character and patience, since this dog is stubborn. In order for a pet to remain in a balanced state, it needs constant communication with a person.

In addition, the Bull Terrier should be the only pet in the house, since it does not tolerate other animals living on its territory.

The unpronounceable name of this breed comes from the name of the god of the ancient Mesoamerican tribes, Xolotl. The homeland of these animals is Mexico, and the history of the breed goes back several thousand years.

Due to their natural genetic origins, these dogs are different good health and are not susceptible to many of the diseases that plague other human-bred breeds.

Did you know? Now in their homeland, Xolos are a national treasure, and in ancient times, despite the fact that these dogs were considered the earthly representatives of the god Xolotl, the natives highly valued only their meat, using it as a delicacy and the main source of protein.

Like the Peruvian naked Inca orchid, the Xoloitzcuintle comes in two subspecies: hairy and completely hairless. Representatives of this breed are very active, so they are not suitable for keeping in a family where they love peace and tranquility.

Since these dogs come from a very warm and humid region, they must be walked with clothes on, and in cold weather they should not be taken outside at all.

The Catalburun breed (otherwise known as the Turkish Pointer) is not widespread and is not yet officially recognized, since today the number of these dogs in the world does not exceed two hundred. However, this rare and unique dog, although not beautiful, deserves attention.

The city of Tarsus is considered the birthplace of the breed. Translated from Turkish, katalburun is a forked nose, which fully reflects the feature appearance breeds

Thanks to the unique structure of the nose - a forked lobe with a deep groove - the dog has an excellent sense of smell, for which it is highly valued by Turkish hunters, who use it for hunting in the mountains. At the same time, puppies at the age of 6-7 months are also taken into work.

Catalburun is an excellent swimmer and can swim even across wide mountain rivers with fast currents. High intelligence breed allows the use of such dogs in mountain rescue operations, as well as for police and customs purposes. In addition, catalburuns are excellent companions.

Despite its name, the origin of the dog is still in question. Along with China, cynologists also note Mexico and Africa as the breed’s homeland. What is known for certain is that the first breed standard was approved in Great Britain.

Today the Chinese Crested Hairless is a very popular dog. Hairless individuals, having only a crest on the head, limbs and tail, and puff dogs, dogs completely covered with soft, veil-like hair, are also in demand among breed connoisseurs.

Moreover, the color of representatives of both subspecies varies widely and changes with the age of the animal. Dogs of this breed are small in size, with an affectionate character, and have a need to communicate with people.
They become very attached to their owners and get bored when people are not around. Representatives of the Chinese Crested do not tolerate heat and cold well, so it is necessary to dress your pet in clothing appropriate for the season, and use sunscreen in the summer.

Important! Chinese Crested Dogs are often ignored by dogs large breeds like relatives. Large animals see them as victims, so it is strictly forbidden to leave your pet in the yard unattended or walk it without a leash.

Chinese Cresteds are quite active, without full walks and proper nutrition are starting to recruit overweight. A feature of the breed, but not a defect, is the absence of a full row of teeth.

It happens that teeth begin to fall out already in early age. These are clean dogs that easily learn to go to the litter box, which, however, is not a reason to deprive them of walking.

This breed received its name from the name of the city of Bedlington, where in 1870 it was bred as a result of crossing the Dandie Dinmont Terrier with an Otterhound and a Whippet. The miners of Great Britain loved these dogs for their help in hunting rats, otters, foxes and badgers.

Today they are used as companions and less often in the ring. In field hunting conditions, despite their innate instincts, representatives of this breed are not used.

Did you know? The fearlessness and excellent sense of smell of these dogs, as well as fast speed their movements were to the liking of the English gypsies, who gladly used the Bedlingtons' pickpocketing abilities.

The propensity of these dogs to hunt small game must be taken into account when walking. A fenced area is best suited for this purpose, as Bedlingtons love to chase small animals at high speed. In addition, these dogs love to dig.

This is one of the most expensive and rare breeds dogs are popular in aristocratic circles in developed countries. The Bedlington Terrier is not an outdoor breed, but is hardy and has a moderate activity level.

Mandatory conditions for successful training are constant training and mental stimulation, as well as early socialization, while the dog can be very stubborn in training. Despite having fur that requires close attention and care, these dogs do not shed.

The exact origin of this dwarf breed remains unknown. This is one of the first lap dogs to appear in Central Europe, which was kept in houses for hunting rats and catching mice.
Today the Affenpinscher is a decorative, friendly and loyal dog, which, however, does not like small children. It is distinguished by its activity, curiosity and natural stubbornness, which makes it difficult to train. When a threat appears, he shows fearlessness.

Important! Such an active dog needs a lot of walks; it loves long outdoor games and entertainment. However, the desire to rush at others, regardless of size, does not allow the Affenpinscher to walk without a leash.

Raising an Affenpinscher requires patience and consistency from the owner, a lot of praise and motivation. This mischievous and funny pet is very affectionate, does not shed and loves to be with his family.

It is not worth keeping an Affenpinscher with other pets, since he is afraid of cats, and his hunting instinct will not allow him to make friends with decorative rodents. Outwardly, the Affenpinscher is a bit like a monkey and, in addition, can climb well, and therefore a one and a half meter fence is not an obstacle for it.

Or, as it is also called, Mastino Napoletano - descendant fighting dogs who took part in wars as part of the ancient Roman army, and also took part in battles against large wild animals in arenas for public entertainment.

Today, these large and intimidating dogs are non-aggressive, although they have a strong protective nature, which allows them to be used as guards or watchdogs.

Did you know? Due to its fighting qualities, the Neapolitan Mastiff was the most favorite breed of Alexander the Great. And although these terrible dogs were widely known in the world for many centuries, the breed received official recognition only after the end of World War II.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is an affectionate and gentle dog, but at the same time an extremely jealous dog, so it is not recommended to keep it in families with children under 12 years of age or other pets.
Despite the significant size of representatives of this breed (height - up to 75 cm, and weight - up to 70 kg), the Mastino Napoletano adapts perfectly to life in an apartment, since it has low level activity. However, the apartment in which the mastiff is kept must be spacious enough to accommodate such a pet.

The Azawakhs, leading a semi-wild lifestyle, accompanied the nomadic peoples of the southeastern Sahara for hundreds of years. Local tribes used them as guards and for hunting mainly hares, gazelles and mouflons.

When hunting, the speed of these animals can reach 60 km/h. In addition, Azawakhs are very hardy dogs that can calmly chase game in extreme heat for five hours. This is facilitated by the body structure of the four-legged pet, which provides good heat exchange.

Today, the Azawakh is a very active and agile dog, which is difficult to keep in an apartment, since it vitally needs open spaces for movement and varied training.
This curious and playful pet enjoys learning various commands and tricks, but at the same time it is a very independent and emotional dog that recognizes only one owner.

In most cases, behind the ugly or scary appearance of dogs of the listed breeds, there is a subtle and loving soul; they are capable of becoming true friends and reliable defenders for their owners.

If you have long dreamed of pet, but couldn't choose four-legged friend Among the classic breeds, it may be worth paying attention to these unique animals.

According to tradition, every year in California a dog receives the title of the ugliest dog in the world. Many of them were taken from the shelter, and the owners, despite the appearance of their four-legged animals, consider them the kindest and most devoted friends.

Animals, winners of the "Ugliest Dog" competitions

Sam. The owner who sheltered Sam was proud of her pet, who for three years in a row retained the title of the ugliest dog and topped the top 10. The representative of the breed at the height of his popularity was in his old age. There was no hair on his wrinkled, spotted body, and the dog was blind and had crooked teeth.

Abby. The Little Princess brought the Chihuahua breed to the pedestal. The competition jury was amazed by her crooked legs and spine. Due to her illness, tiny Abby had difficulty moving and constantly blinked her left eye, but this did not stop her from winning the main prize.

Quasi Modo. The dog is a cross between a Dutch Shepherd. He was taken in from a shelter by a veterinarian who was struck by a congenital defect in the animal’s spine. You may be afraid of his appearance, but nothing compares to his kind soul.

Swee Pee Rambo. Because of its extraordinary appearance, the Chinese Crested breed often becomes the winner of the “Ugliest Dogs” competition. Crooked paws, stomach problems and the pet's blindness helped him beat his rivals in the competition.

Peanut. Compared to other winners, the dog is very young. He is only two years old. The energetic character is complemented by protruding teeth, big eyes and unusual wool. The dog has Chihuahua and Shih Tzu blood mixed.

Magli. Eight-year-old Magli amazed the jury with his appearance in 2012. Once again, a Chinese Crested helps a dog breeder win a cash prize. Perhaps the judges were struck by her swollen eyes and the protruding fur on her muzzle. She could not hide her fangs in her mouth, so she constantly showed them to the audience.

Elwood. Elwood's muzzle in 2007 could not leave anyone indifferent. There are also Chinese Cresteds, which are not famous for their appearance, and Chihuahuas. The owner got it for free, and the dog compensated for his natural abilities with a worthy bonus.

The competition for the title of the ugliest dog in the world has been held in the city of Pataluma (California) since the seventies. The organizers of the competition want to show that even an awkward-looking pet can be pitied, loved and provided with a decent life. This is greatly helped by the prize fund of the competition ($1,500 in 2018) and the opportunity to tell the dog’s story through the media.

2018: Zsa-Zsa

Megan Brainard found this English Bulldog on Petfinder. The dog stood out from its relatives with a huge tongue, which, due to the irregular structure of the jaw, did not seem to fit in the mouth. Zsa-Zha also has other disadvantages - severe curvature of her paws, teeth and spine, as well as problems with internal organs. An English bulldog named Zsa Zsa is the ugliest dog of 2018

But Megan was ready to help the pet continue to endure all the difficulties. Thanks to a caring owner, the ugliest dog in the world of 2018 was able to enjoy a normal home life for quite some time.

Zsa Zsa died at the age of 9, just two weeks after her “coronation.”

2017: Martha
This red-eyed California Mastiff doesn't look ugly from afar. But take a closer look, and Martha's problems appear in all their "clumsy loveliness" (according to the judges). The dog's skin prevents it from living normally - huge folds add a lot of weight.

The ugliest dog of 2017

Marta sleeps almost all the time, she is clumsy and massive. The dog suffered greatly from neglect and was almost blind, but was rescued in time and given to Shirley Dawn Zindler after treatment.

Martha lives in Sonoma County, California, in the city of Sebastopol.

2016: Sweepy Rambo
A cross between a Chinese Crested and a Chihuahua looks terrifying - dark bald skin, a white mohawk, a protruding tongue and blind eyes can “cause fear.” But many external appearances of “ugliness” are a consequence of age. The dog won the competition when she was already 17 years old.

The ugliest dog of 2016

Sweepy was not only the winner of the exhibition, but also a scandalous media person. The owner had to give a refutation to the media that his dog allegedly had ulcers and therefore received the prize.

2015: Quasi Modo
The cross between a pit bull and a Dutch shepherd turned out to be unsuccessful - Quasi Modo fully lives up to his name. The hunchback dog has a short body and practically no neck. From a distance, the animal resembles a “hellish” hyena.

Pitbull/Dutch Shepherd Mix - 2015 Contest Winner

With the support of the owners, the dog copes well with the defect - at the time of the “coronation” she was already 10 years old.

2014: Peanut
The two-year-old Chihuahua-Shih Tzu mix could have looked better, but the previous owner abused the pet. As a puppy, Peanut received multiple burns, which left noticeable marks on his skin and deformed his lips and eyelids.

Chihuahua-Shih Tzu mix - winner of the 2014 competition Holly Chandler says she liked Peanut at first sight. The girl took him from the rescue center, where the puppy stayed for 9 months. Surprisingly, Peanut retained his playful and cheerful disposition.

Even if he grins, you shouldn’t be afraid - the dog smiles like that.

From a boxer, a beagle and a basset hound, this dog inherited a large head and short front legs. Looking at a four-year-old, you might think that it was “molded” from parts different dogs. But this does not stop Tammy Barbie from loving her pet, whom he has been raising since the age of three months.
The ugliest dog of 2013

Many disagree with the choice of judges. More than 11 thousand people voted that Valle was not the ugliest dog in the 2013 competition. He was considered ugly by only 2% of respondents - 240 people (according to a survey by the US National Republican Radio).

2012: Magli

The eight-year-old Chinese Crested was supposed to “move” Valle off the podium in 2013, but the judges decided that one victory was enough for this dog. Magli is a bald dog, and on his face there is a clearly visible tuft of whiskers. He became the first four-legged pet not from the United States to win the competition for the title of ugliest dog.
Champion 2012 - Hairless Chinese Crested

Bev Nicholson brought Magli from England, where this dog had already won the title of ugliest dog in 2005.

Magli is a therapy dog ​​that entertains children, the elderly and people with disabilities. disabilities. In 2016, he received the title of the most heroic dog for excellent performance of his duties.

2011: Yoda

This Chihuahua-Chinese Crested mix deservedly won the prize - the dog is very easy to confuse with a rat, which is what its owner Terri Devina Schumacher did at the first meeting. Terry's daughter found the two-year-old dog and brought it home.
The ugliest dog of 2011

The baby weighed about 800 grams, and the protruding fur did not hide the skin. “Color” was added by slanting, bulging eyes and a tongue hanging out of the mouth. Yoda died a year after his “coronation” at the ripe old age of 15.

2010: Princess Abby

The four-year-old chihuahua seems to bow to everyone he meets. But in fact, her hind legs are longer than her front legs, and her back and one of her legs are curved. The dog has no left eye, but “rabbit” ears different sizes. And all of Abby's problems come from inbreeding.
The ugliest dog of 2010

The dog was picked up on the street and placed in a shelter, where Kathleen Francis adopted it. The new owner said that for her Princess Abby is the most beautiful.

2009: Pabst

The boxer mix, named after beer, is distinguished by its strongly forward lower jaw. Because of this defect, the dog's lower front teeth are always visible. Pabst was taken from the shelter by Miles Egstad, who liked the “face like after bitter beer.”
Winner of the competition for the ugliest dog of 2009

Pabst became the first winning dog in seven years without any Chinese Crested blood. Miles's friends suggested that he enter him into the competition, and the victory was unexpected for everyone. Pabst “kicked off” the competition favorite, Rascal, from the pedestal.

2008: Gus

The three-legged, one-eyed Chinese Crested was rescued from a shelter and went to live with Janine Teed in California. But the dog had not only external problems - Gus suffered from cancer and died the same year that he was “crowned.” The dog lived to be nine years old.
Winner of the 2008 competition

Rascal - the oldest ugliest dog in the world 2008

In the same year, the title of oldest ugly dog ​​was won by Rascal (2002 champion). This Chinese Crested is the only one to hold the titles of the world's ugliest dog and the oldest ugliest dog.
The oldest ugliest dog in the world for 2008

Competitions for dogs with visual defects are held annually, and not only in the USA. Four-legged animals that were injured or born with disabilities are no worse than “beautiful” pets, according to the organizers of these competitions. They pay attention to the individuality and character of animals that have had to endure a lot. Competitions and awards are just unusual, but effective way to remind people that there are thousands of dogs waiting for their affection and care in shelters. Let them not take awards at shows, and let the neighbors say that there is “something wrong” with the pet. But several smart, affectionate and affectionate pets will have new owners.

It is generally accepted that the most popular dogs are beautiful and cute breeds such as Husky or . However, every year ugly dog ​​breeds are gaining more and more popularity. Thanks to their terrible, memorable appearance, they become stars in the World Competitions for the “Ugliest Dog in the World.” Next you can find descriptions and photos of such breeds and the most prominent representatives.


The ugliest breed is the Chinese Crested Sam.

The leader in such a non-standard top is undoubtedly, and she earned such “honor” thanks to a dog of this breed named Sam from America. Looking at him, you immediately want to look away. This is a bald dog with wrinkled and warty skin, where here and there you can find tufts of gray hair.

His white eyes, completely devoid of pupils, are terrifying - like in a horror film. The final chord is a terrible mouth, where only a few teeth have survived, and they look in different directions. Having looked at the photo of the freak, many do not immediately believe in the real existence of the dog, citing computer graphics.

Click to open image

Despite his terrible appearance, Sam has earned worldwide popularity: the media write about him, publish in magazines, and invite him to photo shoots and competitions.

Sam won the title of the most terrible dog in the world for three years in a row, after which in 2005 he went to another world. He was euthanized for health reasons at the age of 15.

10 years have passed, and Sam’s popularity has not faded; besides, the dog still has an equally “attractive” son, Pippi, on whom the owner also pins her hopes. We talked about the most striking example of an ugly Chinese Crested, although such ugly individuals have been recorded the most among this breed.

Ugly Chihuahua named Princess Abby Francis

In second place among the ugliest breeds in the world was the Chihuahua, namely Princess Abby Francis or simply Abby. This dog became the ugliest dog in 2010, although such rumors about the Chihuahua had circulated before. The jury of the competition was completely blown away by her curved spine and legs, which is why she gets very weak when walking. And an almost closed left eye, which complements the awkward picture. “The Star” lives to this day, and her owner Abby considers her the cutest in the world.

In the next video you will learn about the competition for the “Ugliest Dog in the World”: traditions, participants, winners.

Few people would call them beautiful, even if they are without such obvious defects. Too short height (10 inches) and bulging eyes played a role. The picture is complemented by non-standard huge ears that cover half of the head. However, for lovers of such exotics, the breed will be the most beautiful in the world.

Third place - disgusting American Staghound

This is one of the most feared breeds in the world, reminiscent of the evil hyena from the cartoon “The Lion King”. Staghounds have a long, bony, hunchbacked body and unkempt fur that grows in clumps, which together looks extremely unpleasant. Wild and aggressive in appearance, they can even become very sweet and reliable pets.

Puli mop dog

Puli are not at all attractive looking dogs, which most people associate with an old disheveled mop. The pet's fur grows chaotically, matting into clumps that resemble dirty dreadlocks. This cover completely covers the dog’s body and even its muzzle. Puli dogs are difficult to brush and bathe, so owners of this unusual breed will have to visit the hairdresser frequently. Despite their peculiar appearance, Puli are considered very smart, so they are often used for herding animals and guarding.

Bull Terrier - pig dog

The Bull Terrier is one of the most specific unpleasant dogs that is difficult to forget once you see it. They have short legs and a body, a dense abdomen and a strange egg-shaped head. The image is complemented by small slanted eyes, which is why the dog resembles a small copy of a pig. Bull Terriers are very aggressive, so they are often used for protection, as well as in competitions where you need to show courage and agility.

The Standard Schnauzer is an ugly breed with a beard

The Standard Schnauzer is not characterized by any special deformities, however, it is one of the ugly breeds due to its unkempt beard, which is often wet or matted due to drool. A beard makes the dog always sullen and dissatisfied. The shaggy eyebrows are also terrifying, and all together turns the animal into a strict uncle who is angry with everyone and everything.

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Video “The most terrible dogs on the planet”

A video compilation of the TOP 12 ugliest dog breeds in the world.

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