Home Prevention What is the right time to eat? Proper nutrition and exercise are the key to slimness

What is the right time to eat? Proper nutrition and exercise are the key to slimness

There are many different diets, and it would seem that there is nothing that we do not know about foods and. However, according to nutritionists, even healthy foods should be consumed at certain times of the day in order to get the maximum benefit from eating.

So, let's look at what time of day is best to eat meat, vegetables, cottage cheese and other products that make up the bulk of our diet.

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A couple of pieces of dark chocolate will provide the body loading dose antioxidants that ensure stable heart function and slow down aging. However, you should be careful, consuming more than 25 g of chocolate per day will force the body to process the excess into fat.

  • Right: in the morning
  • Wrong: afternoon

Photo: Pallbo/Wikipedia


It is much easier to burn the calories received from sugar eaten in the morning. But eating sugar in the evening is a turn-on digestive system, which can lead to sleep disturbances and excess weight.

  • Right: morning
  • Wrong: evening

Photo: GettyImages


Meat contains a large amount of iron, which supplies cells with oxygen, which in turn increases the body's resistance to disease and eliminates fatigue. Meat needs at least 5 hours to digest. Therefore, drinking it before bed burdens the intestines and causes negative processes.

  • Right: day
  • Wrong: evening

Photo: Thinkstock


A handful of unroasted nuts, about 30 g, will compensate for the lack of fatty acids omega-3. They are the ones who maintain tone blood vessels and improve the functioning of the bronchi, normalize blood pressure. Eating nuts in excess of the norm will lead to excess weight gain due to the high calorie content of the product.

  • Right: afternoon tea, late breakfast
  • Wrong: evening

Photo: Thinkstock


Buckwheat contains complex carbohydrates, for the absorption of which the body will require accumulated resources, which leads to weight loss. At the same time, by the evening, digestion slows down and the body simply does not have time to digest this high-carbohydrate product.

  • Right: dinner
  • Wrong: In the evening

Photo: zacep.com

Rice is a high carbohydrate product that will charge your body with energy for the rest of the day. However, in the evening the body simply does not have time to digest this product, which will lead to excess weight gain.

  • Right: morning
  • Wrong: evening

Photo: centr-molodosti.ru


Pasta made from durum wheat will saturate the body with fiber, which helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins. A low glycemic index, in turn, reduces the risk of developing diabetes. As a rule, pasta is a side dish for meat or fish dishes, which will make dinner too high in calories and heavy.

  • Right: the first half of the day
  • Wrong: evening

Photo: lady.mail.ru


The starch in potatoes reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, and the potato itself is rich necessary for the body minerals. However, the caloric content of potatoes is 2-3 times higher than that of other vegetables, so you should limit their consumption after lunch.

  • Right: morning, lunch
  • Wrong: afternoon


  • Right: morning, lunch
  • Wrong: evening

Photo: iamcook.ru


These fruits stimulate your work gastrointestinal tract, have a tonic effect and accelerate metabolism. However, eating oranges on an empty stomach can cause discomfort and allergies - orange juice irritates the stomach, which can lead to the development of gastritis.

  • Right: after lunch
  • Wrong: in the morning before breakfast


Apple peel has a high content of pectin, which helps intestinal function and eliminates carcinogens from the body. However, apples increase stomach acidity, which can lead to discomfort. Besides, in evening time digestion slows down, and pectin is difficult to digest.

  • Right: morning, lunch
  • Wrong: evening

Cheese is great for an early breakfast - it prevents bloating and weight gain. However, cheese is difficult to digest and eating it in the evening can lead to stomach upset.

  • Right: early morning
  • Wrong: evening

Try to eat 5-6 times a day with an interval of 2-3 hours between meals. This way you won't have time to get hungry. Your body will always have fuel. And by applying this principle of nutrition, you will be able to improve your metabolism, which is good for debugging the functioning of the digestive system and for losing weight.

Fractional nutrition means reducing portions. First try reducing the portion by 1/3. Then listen to your feelings, experiment, perhaps half of the original portion sizes will be the most optimal for you.
Some adherents of proper nutrition take 200 grams of food as the optimal serving unit. But still, this is not an ideal solution: 200 g of nuts is too much and filling, but 200 g of tomatoes is small and low in calories. The quality of food (in terms of calories, nutrition and digestibility) is more important than just its weight. You can only determine the best portion size for yourself through experience, but the good old advice that you should leave the table slightly (!) hungry makes sense. It is better if the last meal is the lightest in all respects (calorie content, digestibility, portion). Sometimes it’s better to just drink kefir 1-1.5 hours before bedtime.

Metabolism is faster in the morning than during the day and even more so in the evening, so at this time of day you can afford to eat more heavily. Cook porridge, for example, oatmeal, make an omelet or just boil eggs, eat a light salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and fresh herbs. You can diversify your morning diet with durum wheat pasta, wild rice or rice noodles. By the way, if you like to eat sweets, then it is better to do it in the morning, while your metabolism is fast (“evening” sweets are stored in the form of extra pounds).

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, they protect against heart and vascular diseases, are essential components of an anti-cancer diet, and also have antioxidant properties and participate in detoxification of the body.
Vegetables are also good because a significant part of the energy obtained from them is spent on their digestion, that is, the likelihood of gaining weight when eating them is minimal. Vegetables are best eaten raw or steamed. They should be consumed at lunch or afternoon snack.
For dinner, you can also prepare a light vegetable salad, but it’s better not to eat fruit at night. Many of them contain a large amount of acids that irritate the stomach; in addition, sour and sweet and sour fruits whet the appetite, while starchy ones, such as bananas, are very high in calories. Ideally, fruits should be consumed at 11-12 noon, the recommended later acceptable time is 17.00.

If you are not a vegetarian, then the “meat” issue is undoubtedly important to you. With proper nutrition, you can and should eat meat, but try to replace fatty meat with lean veal or poultry fillet. Limit your consumption of smoked meats, sausages, and fried meats. Try steaming, baking or boiling meat. And remember the portions. It is best to eat meat at lunchtime, ideally with meat or vegetable broth. Choose vegetables for a side dish!

Dairy products contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins that our body needs. Drink milk, kefir and fermented baked milk, eat natural cottage cheese.
Choose foods with medium to low calorie content. Be sure to enrich your diet with hard cheese with a low fat content. But it is better to keep the consumption of sour cream and cream under strict control, especially if you want to watch your figure.
It is better to eat dairy products during the second breakfast and before bed (let you always have a glass of kefir with your last meal).

Maintaining normal water balance in the body is important task, requiring self-control. Eat simple formula to determine your personal water norm. Just divide your current weight by 20. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, you need to drink about 3 liters of water per day, but again! Everything is individual and requires consultation with a doctor.
Break the volume down into the number of glasses of water you need to drink per day. Try to drink most of your water in the first half of the day. Please note: you need to drink slowly, in small sips, the water should be at room temperature. The first glass of water should be 15 minutes before breakfast. This way you awaken the body and prepare it for the work ahead - digesting the first meal.

By the way, you can add a little lemon juice to the water: it contains substances that break down fat, it helps speed up metabolism and has powerful antioxidant properties.

Some people also add a spoonful of honey in the morning, claiming that this is the best drink to start the day. If you love and eat honey, why not try it?!

How to eat fruits and vegetables correctly? None of you need to be reminded of how many benefits fruits and vegetables bring to the human body.

By eating a certain amount of these goodies during the season, our body accumulates the required amount of energy, which it so needs, especially in the autumn-winter period.

But gorging yourself on fruits and vegetables during the season is not enough. Need to know, how and when is the best time to eat vegetables and fruits.

Now let’s try to figure it all out, because proper nutrition will allow you to extract the maximum amount of benefits from these products and not harm your health.

Need to take into account individual characteristics each person when consuming fruits and vegetables. Because one is allowed to eat everything, while the other must observe certain restrictions that will allow him to maintain normal health.

First of all, you need to know when to stop everything. After all, when this or that fruit (vegetable) ripens, you shouldn’t pounce on it and eat your fill. If you do not follow this, you can get poisoned, and very seriously.

Your diet should be balanced. Also no need to eat several types of fruits and vegetables at the same time. Some of them may not combine well with each other and this will lead to stomach upset.

In general there is a generally accepted daily norm , which should not exceed half a kilogram. Three hundred grams of which can be allocated for fruits, and two hundred for vegetables .

But observing only the weight specification is not enough. You also need to know how to eat vegetables and fruits correctly. After all, there are categories and varieties of these products that are not recommended to be consumed daily.

For example, regarding fruits, You can eat apples every day, pears, peaches And apricots. But it is better to consume pineapple, grapes, melon, mango no more than twice a week.

As for vegetables, then cucumbers, tomatoes,various salads You can eat it literally every day.

Because raw vegetables are very healthy, but those vegetables that can be heat-treated - beets, carrots, potatoes, zucchini and others - lose a certain amount of nutrients during processing.

And they have a lot of calories. In this case, it is better to limit their use.

Researchers have long proven that It is better to eat any vegetables and fruits before lunch. The limit is four o'clock in the afternoon. After this time, it is better to refrain from consuming such products. Otherwise, they will not bring any benefit and may harm your health.

These are just three main characteristics for this product category. But each of this category has its own rules of use.

Regarding fruits, the following recommendations can be made::

1) Fruits are most useful when raw and ripe, so you should avoid canned fruits, heat-treated juices and compotes.

2) Your preference should be fresh food. It is also good to drink freshly squeezed juices.

3) Foreign fruits, rubbed to a shine with wax (for presentation and longer storage), bring practically no benefit.

4) The palm should be given to the products that are actually grown. If you don’t have your own bed or garden, then it’s better to buy at the market from gardeners and gardeners who do this.

5) Fruits tend to be quickly absorbed, so it is better to eat them shortly before eating a more substantial meal or a certain time after it.

6) It is good to take fruits in the morning, on an empty stomach. From the very morning you will thus charge your body with vigor, energy, and strength.

7) Eat fruit as dessert(as is often done here) strongly not recommended. If you eat your main food with fruit, fermentation processes will begin in the stomach, which will lead to discomfort and bloating.

8) Some varieties of fruits great benefit They are brought when they are eaten together with the skin. It is in it that the necessary vitamins are stored.

9) Fruit jams and preserves are good in medicinal purposes. But they contain great amount sugar, which will harm your figure. Therefore, you shouldn’t eat them with spoons and even every day.

Arm yourself with these generally accepted norms for eating fruits and vegetables. But It’s also worth knowing the features of each these products. Let's give a few examples. There are categories of people for whom sweet fruits are contraindicated - diabetics.

Apples You should not eat before taking a more substantial meal. Here pears are great for increasing appetite. Therefore, they should be consumed before eating the main meal. Pear also has a diuretic effect. Don't fill yourself up with it if you're going on a long journey.

This fruit should be excluded from your food list if you have stomach upsets. But for constipation, on the contrary, you need to eat several fruits.

A long-time favorite in our area, foreign kiwi will help well after a stormy feast– relieves heartburn and heaviness in the stomach. But never combine it with dairy products.

Bananas are high in calories. Therefore, you should not eat them on an empty stomach. Their frequent use will also not lead to anything good. This product can be used as a snack substitute. It will satisfy your hunger well and fill your stomach.

It is advisable to eat it freshly picked and do not drink it with water. Otherwise, the same fermentation process will begin in the stomach.

Tangerines And oranges, eaten in plural are likely to cause allergies. In addition, due to their acidity, they destroy tooth enamel.

It is best to consume these fruits at least an hour after the main meal. And after eating it would be a good idea to rinse oral cavity. This will help your teeth stay intact longer.

Some types of fruits are harmful not only for certain types of diseases, but are also contraindicated for nursing mothers.

Young mothers should forget about such delicacies as grapes, melon, tangerines, oranges, pears, peaches, nectarine,cherries. These products can increase gas production in a child and even cause an allergic reaction.

There are also several rules regarding vegetables..

1. Only a small amount of vegetables can be eaten raw - carrots, beets, cabbage, salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes. Therefore, you need to cook vegetables properly. Don't overcook them, they lose everything. beneficial features. It’s better to undercook it a little so that the vegetables crisp up;

2. Baked and overly fried vegetables do not provide any benefit to the body; on the contrary, they can even cause harm;

4. Steam vegetables whenever possible. This method of processing products allows you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and essential nutrients. to the human body elements;

5. It is better to use as a dressing natural products– lemon, garlic, onion;

6. Eat more freshly picked vegetables - radishes, onion, cucumbers,tomatoes.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are very healthy and necessary for the human body. Learn to eat them correctly to get only benefits for your body!

According to them, it seems that their diet is balanced, and they eat exclusively healthy foods and do fitness, but for some reason the scale needle is frozen in place.

There may be several reasons for this, and one of them is the diet.

The best way to control your appetite and stay active during the day is to eat 4 to 5 small meals a day.
At the same time, the dishes should be healthy, low-fat and healthy, so that you are full and do not feel the desire to “eat” anything extra.

  • Never go more than 4 to 5 hours without food. This may seem strange, but main mistake leading to excess weight - systematic malnutrition. It has been proven that with 1 - 3 meals a day, people consume significantly more calories than with 4 - 5 meals a day.
  • However, it is important not only to meticulously choose foods for your diet, but also to know at what time you need to eat each of them in order for it to bring maximum benefit. The point is that in different time day, the body requires foods of a certain nutritional value.

So, what exactly should you eat at each meal to stay slim and fit?

Breakfast (6 - 9 hours)

Research shows that 35% of women neglect their morning meal. Some people “don’t have enough time,” while others strive to reduce their total calories consumed during the day.

However, as practice shows, the effect is exactly the opposite. During the day, the body will try to catch up, and as a result, you will unnoticed by yourself eat much more food than you could.

Breakfast does one more thing the most important function- it “starts” the metabolic process. That is, the foods that you eat during the day will be absorbed by the body faster and to a much greater extent.

According to the findings of nutritionists, from 6 to 9 a.m. digestive enzymes most active. At this time, it is recommended to eat protein foods. Proteins are digested slowly, which will keep you from feeling hungry until lunch. It is better to avoid carbohydrates - insulin levels are still low, and carbohydrate foods cause a decrease in blood sugar. As a result, by 11 o'clock in the afternoon you will want to eat again.

The best choice

1. Low-fat cottage cheese/yogurt. Yogurt is the most useful product. It is rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, as well as beneficial microorganisms that enhance immunity and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But this only applies to natural yogurt. When you add various fruit fillers, sugar automatically appears in the yogurt. Therefore, even if the jar says “0% fat,” but the yogurt is strawberry, cherry, peach, etc. - then with a minimum of benefits, there are plenty of calories in it.

2. Cheese Yes, most cheeses are high in fat and calories. But they also contain a lot of calcium, and the cheese also contains linoleic acid. It reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, and also... promotes weight loss, as it prevents fat from being deposited. To prevent cheese from harming your figure, watch the portion size (the daily intake of this product per day is 2 - 3 thin slices or 4 cubes the size of dice), and remember the eastern wisdom: “In the morning cheese is gold, in the afternoon it is silver, and in the evening it is lead.”

3. Oatmeal Oatmeal is a storehouse of fiber, complex carbohydrates and microelements; it contains a high percentage of vegetable protein. Oatmeal is good for the liver and pancreas, regulates blood sugar levels, its fiber has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, removes excess glucose, cholesterol, toxins and heavy metals.

4. Milk Milk can reduce blood pressure, and the calcium it contains is not only good for teeth and bones, but also prevents the deposition of fat in the body. According to studies by Italian scientists, subjects who included low-fat dairy products in their diet, all other things being equal, lost weight 35% faster than those who excluded them from their diet.

5. Eggs This product contains about 6g of protein. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, B6, B12, E, and the yolk contains rare vitamin K, folate, iron, lutein, which is necessary for maintaining vision, and choline, which helps remove fat from the liver.

As for the cholesterol contained in eggs, according to many nutritionists, only 30% of it is absorbed, and therefore does not pose a serious threat to the heart.

Lunch (12 - 13 hours)

Lunch should include:

1. Proteins (fish, seafood; meat, poultry - give preference to lean parts). Any cooking method: stew, bake, boil, grill - just don’t fry!

2. Starchy foods (brown rice, wholemeal pasta, potatoes, whole grain bread, legumes).

“Proper” starch-containing foods belong to the category of complex carbohydrates. They are digested more slowly, keep you feeling full longer, and do not increase your sugar levels or excess weight. Moreover, they are all rich in fiber, without which weight loss is impossible. Fiber-rich foods are low in calories and have almost no fat. Fiber is like a sponge: absorbing moisture, it swells and thereby perfectly satisfies hunger.

The best choice

1. Brown rice It has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, teeth, nails, and is indispensable for digestion. The shell of brown rice has a lot of fiber, and it itself is rich in vitamins A, PP and group B, essential microelements and phytonutrients, while being devoid of fat, cholesterol and sodium.

2. Pasta (made from wholemeal flour) Provides you with fiber and folic acid, which is necessary for reproductive function and iron absorption. A standard serving of pasta (and this is one glass, no more!) made from durum wheat will not cause the slightest harm to your figure.

3. Buckwheat It contains iron, pectin, which improves digestion, as well as lecithin, which is necessary for the liver and pancreas.

4. Potatoes Source of antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium. A standard serving is one fist-sized tuber - about 100 kcal. Only fried potatoes are harmful to your figure (and not only!), and also seasoned with fatty, high-calorie sauces - cheese, sour cream, butter. This “zest” can add up to 150 kcal to a dish, and several centimeters to your waist.

5. Whole grain bread Rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The main cereal grain - wheat - contains a record amount of antioxidants orthophenols, fighters against cancer cells. But they are not present in white bread at all - they were discovered by scientists only in the shell of the grain, which ends up in bran and wholemeal flour, but is cleaned off during the production of premium baking flour.

6. Legumes They are a storehouse of plant proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates, but they are completely free of harmful saturated fats.

5. Salad from fresh vegetables with olive or vegetable oil.

6. A few words need to be said about soups . Don't underestimate this dish. Soups - the best remedy from hunger. They will “warm” your stomach and improve your nutritional system. An American study found that those who occasionally include soup in their lunch intake consume 100 kcal less than those who refuse it. Moreover, this deficit is not compensated during the day. Give preference to soups with a thick consistency - from pureed vegetables or puree soups - they will simultaneously serve as both the first and second course, because if you choose soup, it is better to refuse appetizers and main courses that day. In winter, soup is food not only for the body, but also for the soul, striving for warmth and peace.

Afternoon snack (16 - 17 hours)

At 16 - 17 hours it is time for carbohydrate food - the insulin level is maximum.

Now best choice will be:
- fruits or fruit salad,
- dried fruits,
- some nuts
- 30g dark chocolate (cocoa content - at least 70%). Cocoa beans are a source of antioxidants and flavonoids, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Just for an afternoon snack (not for breakfast) , as many girls who watch their figure do), 1-2 times a week you can allow yourself to enjoy dessert. Do not deny yourself sweets at all - severe restrictions will only lead to breakdowns. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything. It is better to give up snacks rich in saturated fats, cookies, pastries and biscuits, and switch to light desserts. One serving of low-calorie dessert contains about 120 kcal. For example, coffee or berry mousse, yogurt cake, or fruit in jelly are suitable.

Dinner (18 - 20 hours)

One of the most "controversial" meals. Some are of the opinion: you should never eat after 18:00; their opponents argue that only the total number of calories consumed during the day matters, and not the time of the meal... But the truth, as is often the case, is in the middle. The healthiest and “safest” dinner for your figure is light, but not “hungry”. It should consist of fish or lean white meat and a vegetable side dish (steamed vegetable dishes are ideal).

It is highly undesirable to eat red meat in the evening.- it takes a long time to digest, and digestive enzymes are practically not produced after 19:00.
A common belief is that salads are the best food for dinner., not entirely true. The fact is that during their processing, the pancreas, which is set to rest, is subjected to heavy load.

High carbohydrate foods should also be avoided. They will raise your blood sugar levels, which will create the illusion of hunger, causing you to overeat.

Subject to correct mode unexpected attacks of hunger are not scary for you or your figure. If you still want to eat something at night, a cup of weak green tea with a spoonful of honey or a glass of warm milk will help you out. They are reducing gastric secretion and have a general calming effect.

Good day, my dear readers. Many people associate losing weight with staying in the gym around the clock and going on a hunger strike. Yes, physical exercise have a beneficial effect on forms. But the most important thing is what you eat and how you cook it. Therefore, I decided to talk about what you need to eat to lose weight. The right diet It will help you easily say goodbye to excess weight without harming your body.

I'll tell you a secret - when fighting for a slim figure, a huge number of products are permissible. However, you need to be very serious about choosing the food you will consume. When losing weight, foods that speed up metabolism are very good. Read more about what you can enjoy in the article “”. Here I will briefly talk about each food group.


This group of foods is rich in plant fibers, which are beneficial for our digestive system and. Thanks to them, a feeling of satiety comes quickly and lasts a long time.

In addition, consuming cereals is beneficial because the body is saturated with valuable elements. These include phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, niacin, iron, selenium, etc. These substances have a beneficial effect on the body. Among other things, they speed up metabolism.

  • buckwheat;
  • rice (brown, black and red are especially good);
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • barley.

Meat and fish

This is a valuable protein, so necessary for building muscle tissue. Refusal of meat when losing weight leads to the accumulation of adipose tissue and the simultaneous loss of muscle tissue. And yet, the body spends a lot of energy on digesting meat. And after such a meal you forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Nutritionists advise giving preference to lean varieties of meat - lean beef, rabbit, chicken or turkey. Also add an egg to your diet.

Some weight loss experts believe that the best meat is fish from cold waters. It is rich not only in proteins, but also in iodine and. These elements are important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the speed metabolic processes. Choose. For example, flounder, tuna, cod, pollock, etc. And seafood should not be neglected. Include shrimp and squid in your diet.

When it comes to protein, don’t worry about taking in more than 20-30 grams at a time. It will sink in later. I recently read an article, and there are even more offers to eat there. Include any protein at every meal.


This group of products is low in calories. Vegetables are also rich in fiber, the digestion of which requires the body to spend a large amount of energy. Plant fibers improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolism. In addition, fiber prevents fats from food from being completely absorbed.

  • cabbage (cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli);
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • zucchini
  • turnip;
  • celery (root), etc.


Most fruits have low carbohydrate content. Therefore, they do not have much effect on blood glucose levels. Fruits are also rich in fiber, the benefits of which I have already mentioned twice above :)

Those who are losing weight can eat:

  • grapefruit,
  • apples,
  • avocado,
  • pomegranate,
  • pear,
  • kiwi,
  • peaches,
  • pomelo and other fruits.

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