Home Oral cavity Boris greenblat reviews. Read the online book “Diagnosis of cancer: to be treated or to live? An alternative view of oncology”

Boris greenblat reviews. Read the online book “Diagnosis of cancer: to be treated or to live? An alternative view of oncology”

What is the cause of cancer according to alternative medicine?

Also, are you saying that cancer is a disease of the mind?

Negative emotions, psychological trauma and stress change hormonal balance. Evolutionarily, stress is designed as a defensive reaction that lasts minutes, mobilizing a person’s strength so that he runs away from danger or copes with it. During stress, hormones take blood from the organs and give it to the muscles; normally, the threat passes quickly and the blood returns back. And if stress is constant, then the organs are in a state of lack of oxygen for a long time and nutrients, which creates precancerous conditions.

The intestinal microflora depends on how we eat; today it is believed that, according to the function it performs, it is one of the most important organs in the body. It synthesizes neurotransmitters necessary for normal brain function. In meat-eaters, people under constant stress, after vaccines, antibiotics, chemotherapy, the microflora is greatly suppressed, few neurotransmitters are produced, as a result, the brain works in a suppressed mode, provoking a state of despondency, depression, aggression and pessimism. If there are few neurotransmitters, this sets a person to look at the world through a black and white prism, and when there are enough of them, a creative person, then he looks at the world through a color filter. There is an interesting direction called “German new medicine" It says that every stress or psychological trauma corresponds to the lesion in the brain. This focus is associated with a specific organ and causes changes in it that are clinically characterized as cancer.

To summarize, we can say that there is no single cause of oncology - it is almost always a combination of reasons: toxic environment, psychosomatic preconditions, genetic predispositions, failure of certain organs, spiritual emptiness, despondency, dissatisfaction with oneself, loss of meaning in life.

Why was man unable to adapt to aggressive living conditions?

Adaptation has its possibilities and limitations, and over the past 50 years we have been attacked by so many different toxins that the body cannot adapt in time. For example, xenoestrogens are a thousand times stronger than natural estrogens, they are still new, and the liver has not produced enzymes to break them down and eliminate them, although healthy intestinal microflora copes with them. Toxins can suppress adaptation systems, plus, as soon as a child is born, according to his immune system Vaccines hit hard and knock out the ability to adapt.

Do you have information on all types of cancer on your website?

Sometimes people come and say that they haven’t found information on their type of cancer, we tell you this and you don’t need it, there is main information, how to understand it and treat it comprehensively. The main thing is to change your worldview and diet, cleanse your body, and not what type of cancer you have, what histology.

Tell us about your approach to treatment?

The treatment protocol consists of eight components. The first component is to find the cause of your disease; if this is not done, the body will create new tumors. For example, these could be toxins in your home, constant stress, harmful radiation from Wi-fi and mobile or not proper nutrition.

Second. Systemic detoxification. It is necessary to cleanse all biological pathways for removing toxins: the intestines, urinary system, skin and lungs. Cleanse the body's filters: liver, kidneys and lymph. And also the habitat. Unfortunately, most people nowadays have contaminated: kidneys, liver, lymphatic system etc. If you do not live with Old Believers in the taiga, then you definitely have toxins and carcinogens in your house or apartment, and they need to be removed.

Third. Immunomodulation, with strong immunity, oncology does not occur, but with weak immunity, cancer develops and further destroys it.

Fourth. Changing your diet, food itself is a very strong anti-cancer protocol, any piece of food heals you, or, conversely, contributes to the disease.

Fifth. A complex of natural anti-cancer protocols and drugs according to the formula: two primary and ten secondary. For example, hyperdoses of vitamin C, insulin potentiated therapy (IPT), the drug GcMAF, cannabidiol, resveratrol, sodium bicarbonate and hundreds of other possible drugs.

Sixth. Restoration of the body. We must provide the necessary substances so that the body gains strength and engages in healing; even before the advent of oncology, the body became vulnerable; it did not receive enough necessary substances for for a long time before cancer. The disease worsens the situation, and after the methods of official medicine it becomes catastrophic.

Seventh. Creating unfavorable conditions for oncology due to alkalization and oxygenation of tissues.

Eighth. Spiritual and mental work on yourself: you must be determined to heal, believe in it, connect your spiritual and psychological components to it.

All of them must be performed daily. Understand main principle successful treatment- this is a change in worldview, without it it is impossible to heal.

How much more likely are vegetarians to avoid getting sick?

Vegetarians are different, I lived for a long time in England, where there are many immigrants from India. They were mostly vegetarians, but they ate terribly: refined foods, ate a lot of butter, flour and sweets, and by the age of 40 they were sick. Giving up animal protein or becoming a vegetarian does not create an advantage. Another thing is that most people who switch to vegetarianism understand which foods they should not eat. Therefore, 100% healthy vegetarianism, or veganism with a large proportion of live food, reduces the risk of disease significantly; there are statistics that vegetarians live on average 10-15 years longer. But we must remember that only proper nutrition will not protect you; there are toxins, carcinogens and stress that are dangerous for everyone.

What advice can you give to prevent cancer?

Vitamins, turmeric, cinnamon, herbs, ginger, garlic, all spices, and coconut oil are useful for prevention. In general, everything that is used for prevention is also suitable for treatment, the only difference is in the dosages; in case of illness, huge dosages are needed. On the YouTube channel “MedAlternative.info” there is the 5th film “The Truth about Cancer”, in which you can find out in detail the answer to this question.

How effective alternative treatment? Among those who contacted you, are there those who combine methods?

Most come after formal treatment, and there are also more and more who come immediately after diagnosis. I discourage those who integrate little from doing so: the concepts are too different, even incompatible. Combination at best can give a little more fast recovery and less toxicity from formal treatment in the early stages. But then the crippling properties traditional methods They'll take what's theirs. Most patients die not from cancer, but from treatment and complications. A professor at the University of Berkeley (California, USA) announced statistics for 25 years of his work in oncology: those who are NOT treated official means, live, on average, 4 times longer.

What is your attitude towards traditional methods of treatment?

Traditional doctors say they prolong life, but this is not true! They don't do a placebo study to prove their point. It would be ideal to conduct such studies: take a group of people with the same type of cancer, treat half of them traditionally, and give the other half a placebo (dummy medicine - author's note) and see who lives longer and how they feel. Currently, only comparative studies of the following type are carried out. One group is given an old, very toxic drug, and the other group is given a new one; if the performance of the new drug is slightly better, then doctors talk about the success of the treatment. For example, if an old drug cures in 2% of cases, and a new one in 3%, then oncologists talk about an increase in effectiveness by 50%, playing with numbers and distorting the result.

Is it really that bad, and where can I find out more about it?

Yes unfortunately. To study scientific works that support the above arguments, one must turn to medical archives scientific works US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. You can also read a 2004 article about a study by Australian oncologists in the journal Clinical Oncology. It describes a study conducted by leading oncologists in Australia, where the result of assessing the effectiveness of the 20 most effective chemotherapy drugs against the 20 most common types of cancer was a very low figure: 2.1% in America and 2.3% in Australia.

Igor Kobylyatsky

At the end of 2015, SHOCKING information began to appear in English-language sources of various naturopathic websites and societies. At the beginning, it was quickly removed, but now too many serious alternative specialists and simply adherents of an alternative approach to health are vigorously discussing what happened. Some facts of this story even leaked to the mass media. And nothing less happened than Detective story, which could easily interest Hollywood if he were not a mouthpiece for the establishment itself.

So, it all started with the fact that in two months, 12 well-known naturopathic specialists passed away and several others disappeared under strange circumstances. They were all working on one common theme and were close to publication and publicity of the results. If they succeeded, it would mean nothing less than the collapse of several official medical fields, and possibly the entire medical-industrial complex! What is this - a conspiracy theory or a confrontation between official medicine and healers?

At the end of 2015, the http://MedAlternativa.info project published an article “Why are naturopathic doctors being killed?” (http://medalternativa.info/za-chto-ub...), which spread across the Internet and became extremely popular. It collected both a lot of reposts/likes and a lot of negative comments from adherents of official medicine. The resonance was so powerful that it reached several bloggers, resources and even television. After which, on this topic, the “Witch Doctors” program of the Ren-TV documentary special project was filmed, for the filming of which Boris Grinblat, the author of this article, founder of the MedAlternative.info project and author of the book “Diagnosis of Cancer: Treat or Live? An alternative view of oncology.”

Unfortunately, most of the interview that Boris gave was cut out and did not make it into the broadcast. As a result, it does not contain the most important thing - about the action of the GcMAF protein, which is produced in our body and which is our body’s “natural medicine” against various diseases, including cancer, but which is suppressed by various pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. Which led to the conclusion that the pharmaceutical industry purposefully suppresses its effect so that people from birth become lifelong clients of this industry. The naturopaths who worked on this project wanted to tell the world about it. But we didn’t have time.

Now we can easily imagine the resonance that would result from the publication of the fact that it is vaccination that causes an irreparable blow to the immune system, and that mass vaccination is responsible for the rapidly growing cases of autism (today 1 in 50 children with a forecast of 1 in 20 by 2020). , for the fact that cancer today has become significantly “younger”, and mortality from cancer in children has generally taken first place, ahead of injuries. Because today every 3-5th person in developed countries will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime.

There is no doubt that this effect is known to vaccine manufacturers, since they are the ones behind the introduction of universal vaccination laws, lobbying leading politicians. Thus, pharmaceutical concerns, the oncology industry and the medical establishment as a whole guarantee through nagalase their profits from almost every person for many years. This can only be called genocide - a crime against humanity, since hundreds of millions of people have already become and are becoming victims. That is why these scientists were dealt with so cruelly, quickly and spectacularly.

Fragments from the program "Healers" (shortened version).
Look full version -

Diagnosis of cancer: to be treated or to live? Alternative view on oncology, Boris Grinblat

Environmental medicine. The path of the future civilization + Video disc, Oganyan Marva Vagarshakovna, Oganyan V.S.

Naturopathic Doctor, Researcher alternative oncology Boris Greenblat talks about the dangers of vaccinations and some consumer goods made using components hazardous to human health.
MedAlternativa project website:


This is our internal toxicity. And it's getting stronger. There were times when religion kept man in check. Then the USSR, as a society of moral atheism, did not allow demons/neuroses/psychoses based on egocentrism/pride, as they pleased, to feel at ease. And now - go wild raspberries. Any chernukha in the soul and on the mind. And especially among young people, yes, what’s surprising here.
All illnesses are of a mental/mental nature. And even more so, cancer. It seems even strange today not to know this.
This, of course, does not eliminate the problem of toxic products. But the reason is not food, it’s just an additional factor.
The Bible even has a literal phrase on this topic. It’s not what goes into the mouth that poisons a person, but what comes out of it (close to the meaning).

Yes, in the 50s (judging by the regional city where I lived), cancer diseases were extremely rare, strokes, heart attacks were only a few cases, but now, although the population has halved during Independence, people suffer from these diseases en masse. There is a lot of nasty stuff in modern products - waffles, ice cream, sausages, fish, mayonnaise, etc. cause irreparable harm to health. Only your own subsidiary farming will help you maintain your health. Everything is correct about vaccinations, and Doctor of Biological Sciences Ermakova speaks about the same thing.

All this is understandable. You have only added more details and subtleties, but there is no constructiveness. What solution is proposed? How to replace soap, shampoos, bottled water, etc. Is there anything to replace all this and where can I buy it?

I read Boris Greenblat's book. Very well written, outlined the problem from the very root. Readable in one go. Articles in his group and on the website helped to understand many medical aspects. Many thanks to Boris for his educational and high-quality work (including articles and video translation) and making this material freely available.
I strongly recommend that you read his book and publications in the group and on the website. You will learn a lot.

Comrade LISITSYN voices the exact opposite point of view. What goals do YOU ​​pursue by agitating people to refuse vaccinations for children? What alternative do YOU ​​have to vaccinations? After all, you have to be an absolute idiot to stop vaccinating your child against tuberculosis, smallpox, meningitis and hepatitis. Are you in favor of reducing the population or what?

Why do ordinary people like scary movies so much? It turns out that this is an opportunity to pretend to relive your fears, become more confident and even let off steam. And this is true - you just need to choose an exciting horror film that will make you really care about the heroes.

Silent Hill

The story takes place in the city of Silent Hill. Ordinary people wouldn't even want to drive past it. But Rose Dasilva, little Sharon's mother, is simply forced to go there. There is no other choice. She believes that this is the only way she will help her daughter and protect her from psychiatric hospital. The name of the town did not come out of nowhere - Sharon constantly repeated it in her sleep. And it seems that a cure is very close, but on the way to Silent Hill, mother and daughter get into a strange accident. Rose wakes up to find that Sharon is missing. Now the woman needs to find her daughter in a cursed city full of fears and horrors. The trailer for the film is available for viewing.


Former detective Ben Carson is worried better times. After accidentally killing a colleague, he is suspended from the New York Police Department. Then the departure of his wife and children, an addiction to alcohol, and now Ben is the night watchman of a burned-out department store, left alone with his problems. Over time, occupational therapy pays off, but one nightly round changes everything. The mirrors begin to threaten Ben and his family. Strange and frightening images appear in their reflection. To save the lives of his loved ones, the detective needs to understand what the mirrors want, but the problem is that Ben has never encountered mysticism.


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The material was prepared using the ivi online cinema.

According to the World Health Organization, cancer is one of the ten leading causes of death worldwide. In countries with high level income situation is even worse: oncological diseases are second only to coronary disease heart and stroke. Millions of people receive this diagnosis every year and millions die because... official medicine, despite all the modern and very expensive methods of diagnosis and treatment, is powerless to prevent this bitter fate for the majority of patients. WHO forecasts are also disappointing - ​mortality from cancer will only increase every year. That's why cancer diagnosis usually perceived as a terrible sentence. Generally recognized in medicine genetic theory the emergence of cancer, according to which anyone can get it completely suddenly, only strengthens people’s fear of this disease. And this idea of ​​cancer in our society is considered generally accepted and beyond doubt.

Book " Diagnosis of cancer: to be treated or to live?"changes this idea in the reader to a radically opposite one, destroying the stereotypes imposed in this area. Author Boris Grinblat(naturopathic doctor and practitioner of alternative oncology) reveals the reasons for the failure of traditional methods of treating cancer and offers an alternative view of the nature of cancer, the causes of its occurrence, and also introduces the reader to natural methods its treatments, which have proven their effectiveness in practice. The book is intended for a wide range of readers, and not just cancer patients or oncologists. For cancer patients who can get rid of the imposed false stereotypes, it will not only give hope for healing, but will also become a kind of guiding map that will open the door to new life, free from disease, and will also indicate simple steps in this direction that are available to anyone, regardless of physical and financial condition. For oncologists, if they really would like to follow their calling (to successfully help patients recover from their disease, and not to make a business out of their illness), this book can be the impetus for a deeper study of the issue and the search for truly effective and safe methods of treating cancer. And for all other readers who do not belong to the above categories, the book will allow them to understand what health is from the point of view of naturopathy, and this, in turn, may encourage them to take responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones, and thereby preventing not only the occurrence of cancer, but also any other diseases.

The diagnosis is cancer. Treat or live?

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