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Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s proper nutrition for days. Seven rules of healthy eating for schoolchildren

The portal provides direct contacts of proven bioenergeticists, bioenergeticists, bioenergy therapists, bioenergy correctors in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. These are people with super-strong energy who will diagnose your aura and biofield, cleanse and restore your aura (biofield) from energy dirt, restore energy and improve your life better side. Contacting our specialist is an opportunity for you to choose a real professional who will help you!

Aura. What is the human aura and its functions?

Aura- this is a kind of energy layer, the framing shell of the physical body, the basis of electromagnetic fields.

Functions of the human aura- primarily protective, protection and adaptation of a person in conditions environment, outside world, and cumulation of energy from space. The aura is defined by the following terms: chakras, shape, color, density, thickness and smoothness of the outer shell.

The shape of a person's aura.

The generally accepted shape of the human aura is considered to be egg-shaped, elongated above the head, and symmetrical. A change in shape and loss of symmetry appears as a result of the cessation of self-improvement, a kind of hole, a violation of the psychological portrait of the individual due to incorrect (inflated or underestimated) self-esteem, internal (mental) substitution of life values.

Signs of a breakdown of the human aura, biofield.

Signs of breakdown of a person’s aura, biofield are: malaise, loss of strength, possibly slight chills, suicidal impulses, fear for no reason or panic attacks. If you feel all these signs, and especially unreasonable fear, then this is most likely a breakdown of the aura, and not some kind of acute respiratory infection. Don't worry, it can be treated! A breakdown of the aura is also popularly called the evil eye.

At the initial stage, you don’t have to panic and you don’t have to run around in a panic looking for witch doctors and healers, because... y relatively healthy person this goes away in two to three days. A person’s aura will recover on its own if the people around you or you yourself do not aggravate this process. If in a week there have been no changes for the better, and the condition has only worsened and systematic bad luck and unwillingness to live have been added, then it is possible that this is not even the evil eye, but damage. In that case it's better.

If there is a hole in the aura, starting to pump your body with energy on your own will be ineffective, as the energy will still leave the body. First you need to close the resulting holes in your aura, and only then fill it with energy. For example: there is no point in filling a leaky vessel with water - the water will go away anyway.

Restoring the aura yourself.

* Stand up, calm and normalize your breathing, slightly bend your knees. Give yourself the idea that now you will restore your health and biofield yourself. Smile.
* Free your head from thoughts. Because nothing should interfere.
* Stretch your relaxed arms forward, then to the sides, then up, try to feel hard shell cocoon of aura. You should be able to feel the boundaries of the aura the first time. Visualize the cocoon of the aura as a “package of light.”
* Try to mentally rotate this cocoon around its axis without moving your body. You just need to imagine it. Initially, it may seem like nothing is happening. Don't worry or think about it. In this exercise, thoughts and mind are the enemies of this practice. * Ignore thoughts. For each inhalation, rotate the cocoon half a turn, and for each exhalation, turn the second half a turn. It is necessary to make 10 turns clockwise and 10 counterclockwise.
* After that, walk around the room and don’t think about anything. Next, repeat the same thing, just imagine that the aura cocoon has holes (holes), and the shell itself has become sticky and viscous like honey and it sticks to itself... In the process of turning the aura cocoon around the body, the existing holes themselves are covered with this sticky shell, the irregularities float and tighten... It is also necessary to make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise. After you master the tactics of sealing holes, you will no longer need to do the first exercise.
* Now you have no holes or holes, everything is sealed and overgrown. You have an elastic and whole aura, which has correct form and is ready to repel any attacks. This picture must be fixed in your mind!
* After this, immediately get down to work or something that requires maximum attention. By doing this, you will force your mind to work and switch to new tasks. And the brain will automatically record the result.

With each new time, restoring your aura will take less and less time than the previous one and take only a few minutes. The main principle of this exercise is visualization, turning off thoughts and intention.

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A black aura is an unnatural shade, but a consequence of an evil magical influence or the development of a deadly curse. And also black color is a reflection of human nature, character, behavior and karma. Is black often associated with something good? Typically, it brings to mind darkness, death, negativity and fear. Let's figure it out.

In this article

What does it mean

Many people love dark colors in clothing and interior style, and no one is wary of this color. Alternative magical institutes for the study of the biofield (AMIB) believe that the black color does not mean anything bad, but speaks of the richness of emotions, because if you mix three primary colors (red, blue, green), the output is a black light beam.

Such an aura occurs in a focused person who is ready for struggle and competition. These individuals can, despite obstacles, move towards the goal without sparing themselves. Their environment characterizes them as sensitive, natural, decent and diligent.

Black color is an expression of true rebellion, the last degree of chaos, which pushes for change, but sometimes pulls into the abyss. Dark color fields are, rather, a sign of freedom and rebellion, reincarnation in darkness. Such people clearly limit their personal space and strive to improve the sexual sphere of life through knowledge. They are always reciprocated and quickly become attached to them.

The only downside to such dark energy is the inability to give a real assessment in a situation where the energy is in full swing and overflowing. If the possibilities are calculated incorrectly, disappointment will ensue, and thin body will simply flow out of the shell, the person will feel emptiness and pain.

The main character traits of carriers of such energy are rage and anger. Sometimes in extreme situations the person literally becomes red hot. A black biofield with gray notes speaks of prolonged depression, a melancholic state, a loss of strength that leads to suicide, thoughts or a desire to harm other people. Envy is also black.

Unfortunately, for owners of such a biofield, a positive interpretation of dark energy is used extremely rarely. The black spectrum of the aura is usually attributed to the destructive element, suggesting that this tone kills flesh and soul.

What to do

Often the aura becomes dark in color due to outside influence. For example, a powerful energy attack that changes a person's character slowly consumes the soul, and vitality leave a person, turning him into a zombie.

As a result, damage is caused to spiritual values, the level physical development and, of course, the central nervous system. Corruption appears as a black border near the natural aura and attracts death and destruction.

Finding out the reason

In fact, damage disrupts the connection between the astral shell of the body and the physical one. This is an invasion of a person’s normal aura by a malicious program that will not allow one to receive vital energy. An imbalance between the spiritual and material world will make a person irritable, vulnerable and touchy. And if the black aura was acquired as a result of the imposition of damage by someone, then the black biofield will sooner or later lead to a painful perception of the world.

Signs of damage:

  • isolation into oneself, non-acceptance of positivity and denial of positive energy;
  • constant headaches, shift appearance, dizziness, increased sweating;
  • loss of sleep, aching bones, lack of energy and depression;
  • death of pets and loved ones.

If a person who wishes harm to another does not have enough abilities in the field of dark magic, he can turn to a necromancer for damage or the evil eye.

We clean it ourselves

The energy of the conspiracy will help eliminate the black aura thus obtained. You can remove a mark from a person only on a new moon.

Go outside at the moment of scarlet dawn and take water with you in previously unused containers. Look at the sky and say the text:

“There are 3 dawns in the sky: the first is me, the second is my sister, and the third dawn is my will. 3 dawns, 3 sisters reflected in the water, bury yourself in the crack of the fence from the servant of God (here say the name of the person who suffered from the influence of someone else’s will). Whoever takes this water from the crack in the fence will only break my will over the servant of God (name again). Go, 3 sisters, 3 dawns through the mountains of Ararat, through damask steel knives, through the holy blood. With the holy key I close the gap, I close my words. The one who takes this water from the crack will only interrupt my will over (name). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading, pour the enchanted liquid over the fence.

Alternative way

In addition to damage, a dark aura occurs due to energy vampirism. The influence of a powerful infernal force comes down to a radical deformation of energy with painful sensations.

The following practices will help:

  1. Joy in the soul and spiritual progress. Happiness is a strong assistant in the fight for the purity of the aura. Get rid of moral negativity, let go of grievances and bring goodness and joy. Only such emotions should accompany you on an ongoing basis.
  2. Meditation. Cleanse the aura by activating the necessary chakras and connect. No less useful will be physical exercise, for example, from the Qigong system, which also eliminates negativity and protracted phenomena relating to.
  3. Autotraining. Destroy dark energy with your willpower. If you lack self-confidence, turn to spiritual healers or psychics.

Don’t hesitate, often due to a sudden loss of energy a person simply dies.

Impact on character

It is believed that black means the absence of light. A person with such energy rejects life and does not accept it as it is. Failures, illnesses, and quarrels are attracted to the black field. This color expresses terrible intentions, panicky thoughts, hatred, anger, aggression. The more black there is in a person, the less room there is for God.

It has long been believed that such an aura is a sign of negativity, characteristic of sorcerers and witches who have undergone an initiation ritual. Often these people are considered lycanthropes or vampires, taking away strength from those around them and adding darkness and despondency even to their personal lives. According to one version, a person with a dark biofield is pure evil, a familiar of the Devil, or simply a carrier evil eye. And all because black is the color of death.

If you have met a person whose energy is in the black tones of the biofield, stay away from him, he can do harm and even take a piece of your soul. It's about superpowers and simple negative emotion. These people are too selfish, therefore, for the sake of goals, they are capable of betraying friends and taking the side of enemies. Such people do not know pity and regret.


If everything in your life suddenly became bad, think about whether you crossed someone’s path. Seek help from professionals if you do not want to lose your identity or life.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

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