Home Stomatitis Year of the Dog: characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog. People born in the year of the dog Man born in the year of the dog characteristics

Year of the Dog: characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog. People born in the year of the dog Man born in the year of the dog characteristics

Years of birth according to the Dog sign: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Male Dog - personality characteristics

The Dog Man has a whole set of positive qualities. He is intelligent, honest, kind, generous, fair and lives by the laws and code of honor.

The Dog Man is active and knows how to find a common language with many people. His pleasant manners and cheerful disposition allow him to be a welcome guest in any company.

The Dog Man is always the first to be where trouble has occurred or next to those who need help. Very often a man is born into everything that happens in the world around him, and he cannot be absolutely happy while at least one person remains unhappy.

The Dog Man is full of enthusiasm and nobility. He is brave and honest, well-mannered and always in great shape, full of respect for others and expects the same in return. He is attentive and dexterous, does not lose sight of any detail and is famous for his powers of observation.

A man born in the year of the Dog believes in morality and prides himself on being straightforward and reliable. He, a fighter for justice, will not hesitate to point out to a smoker the sign “Smoking is prohibited” and, without hiding, will express his suspicions if he does not trust someone.

The main thing in choosing friends for a Dog man is emotional contact, spiritual aspiration, the principles of brotherhood, equality and freedom. Most men born under this sign do not like noisy companies, carousing, various events where a lot of people gather, and especially if base instincts are indulged there. He would rather go to the movies or a restaurant than go to conquer Mountain peaks. Also, the Dog man is partial to food and loves cooking different countries and is not afraid to try exotic dishes.

It is easy to communicate with a Dog man. He almost never argues or defends his point of view, he is restrained in his emotions and manifestations, he is not stubborn and good-natured. However, with less close people he behaves suspiciously, distrustfully and experiences a constant feeling of anxiety.

Many Dog men have a pessimistic view of the world. The fact is that they perfectly feel the strengths and weaknesses of other people and are very picky about their own. positive aspects and critical of shortcomings. The Dog Man will never criticize others, but is constantly engaged in self-examination and self-flagellation. He has a “dark humor” and often makes fun of himself. To be an optimist, he has too critical a mind. In most cases, the Dog man is skeptical about the world.

Although the Dog man has difficulty expressing his thoughts, he has exceptional instincts and quickly forms his opinion about who he is talking to. When communicating with him, you need to remember that he absolutely cannot stand cunning and deceitful people. The Dog Man subconsciously divides all people into two categories: either friend or enemy. There are no halftones or multi-colored stripes for it. Everything in the world is black and white.

Before allowing a person to approach him, the Dog man checks him, finds out all the positive and negative sides, observes the reaction and then makes a decision: this is a friend or an enemy. He looks closely for a long time and allows only a few to approach him. But if you become his friend, then this is for life. Patient and accommodating with his friends, he is equally impatient, uncompromising and ruthless towards those he considers his enemies.

Also, a man born in the year of the Dog has a quality that distinguishes him from other signs of the eastern horoscope. This is vindictiveness. If someone offends a Dog man, his friends or relatives, then there will be no mercy or forgiveness for this person. He is vindictive and will remember for the rest of his life how poorly he was treated. And as part of his thirst for revenge, he is ready to transgress any standards of morality and morality, committing acts worthy of all condemnation. But, to the honor of the Dog man, it should be noted that he resorts to this extreme only in the most blatant cases of injustice towards him.

The Dog Man does not strive to be the first in anything. He does not want to be a pioneer and prefers to follow the beaten path. It is in his character rather not to lead people, but to work diligently for the benefit of the common cause, without demanding recognition of his merits.

The Dog Man is not prone to hoarding, he does not need material goods and often, even with a good salary, is content with a modest lifestyle. For him, relationships in the family, at work and good opinion those around you. However, if he needs money, he is better than others in getting it.

The Dog Man is a very talented and gifted person, but he is full of complexes that prevent him from achieving success in all his endeavors. His many abilities are suppressed by endless doubts and self-doubt. To maintain performance and unlock potential, he needs the support and encouragement of others.

In addition, according to the eastern horoscope, the Dog is a karmic sign. All his life he serves someone, remaining in the shadows, forgetting about his interests. He does not know how to live for himself, enjoying and being happy. If he is asked for help, he will do everything in his power, but he himself will never make it difficult for others with his problems. And thanks to his heightened intuition, he anticipates troubles among close people and tries to take them upon himself. Close people are the most important to him. For their sake, he is ready to sacrifice a lot, even personal happiness.

Dog Man of the Year – Career

As a rule, a man born in the year of the Dog lacks ambition and the desire to be a leader. It is enough for him to be right hand leader and first among minor persons with the main person. The Dog Man knows how to quickly navigate a situation and give timely advice and tips.

Therefore, he can easily fulfill the role of advisor and assistant. He knows his place very well and can become a professional in any business. He quickly learns everything, has a strong mind and easily finds the right solution. Business managers usually value such assistants because they are efficient, hardworking, loyal to the job, do not require much remuneration, and, most importantly, do not think of taking a leadership position.

The Dog Man can do the hardest work and is especially indispensable in all kinds of emergency situations and extreme situations.

Despite the fact that the Dog man is a very gifted person and he has qualities that allow him to succeed in any profession, he often lacks goals and driving motives, and is also hampered by self-doubt, stiffness and indecision. He needs constant support for his actions from those around him. But if he has a good leader, or a powerful driving factor in the form of family debt, then he will be able to achieve great results and occupy a fairly high position.

A man born in the year of the Dog is distinguished by hard work, openness, and honesty. He is also responsible, always brings things started to completion, and strives to complete them as efficiently and quickly as possible. You can entrust him with any, most important matter. For this person, the main thing is to understand the meaning of the requirements placed on him, he must imagine the ultimate goal, what is required of him, and then everything will be fulfilled ahead of schedule and in the best possible way.

If a Dog man occupies the post of head of an enterprise, then, as a rule, he enjoys great authority among his subordinates, since he is distinguished by his fairness, ability to listen and help, compassion, does not leave unfinished matters, and prefers to solve the most difficult ones on his own, without putting anything on the shoulders of others. The Dog Man is not vain, and even when occupying a high position he remains modest, kind, generous, and easy to communicate with.

For a man born in the year of the Dog, it is important to feel that he is doing something useful for humanity, even if it bears fruit after millennia. If there is such faith, then he will move mountains, otherwise he will not budge.

If the Dog man does not find a use for himself, then he will become melancholic, grumpy, engage in self-criticism and see an enemy in every person more and more often.

Most men born in the year of the Dog prefer professions related to the arts and humanities. They love literature, archaeology, biology, history, some have the gift of clairvoyance and can predict the future. It is better for them not to deal with professions related to finance, since they are overly generous and selfless and do not know how to wisely manage money, neither their own nor that of others.

Many Dog men can pursue a career in interior design and real estate real estate. They feel great the world and I'll help you choose right place for recreation, trade, restaurant, etc.

Often a man born in the year of the Dog can be found in a trade union; he can be the head of a large public organization, engage in guardianship and protection of the interests of disabled people and orphans.

He knows how not only to create conditions for recreation, but also to help the homeless and poor. Having excellent business qualities, the Dog man always inspires confidence in others, and is usually respected and appreciated for his good, honest and responsible work.

In the year of the Dog these were born famous people, like Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Socrates. Also, according to the eastern horoscope, many holy martyrs were born in the year of the Dog.

Their excellent knowledge of psychology leads to the fact that they become psychotherapists or priests - after all, it is to them that people turn in the most critical moments of their lives.

Dog man horoscope – love and family

A man born in the year of the Dog is handsome, charming, kind and generous. He is well versed in women's nature and skillfully manipulates women's weaknesses. As a rule, he is expressive and sensual, sexy and gallant, trying to look like a “fatal man.”

This man is very easy to get along with and very easy to break up with. He lives with his heart, not his mind, and cannot live without sexual pleasures, romantic relationships and hobbies. But, he does not like fleeting romances and from early youth he has been looking for a caring, “warm” woman with whom he could create a happy family. It is very important for him that his companion has a highly developed maternal instinct, because he himself loves children very much.

A man born in the year of the Dog is considered a very faithful and devoted partner. He is a wonderful family man, a homebody who craves the warmth of the hearth. For the woman he loves and for his family, the Dog man is ready to do anything.

Often the Dog man meets the most important love in his life in early youth and is faithful to her in spirit to the end. As a spouse he is very loyal, but also distrustful and cautious. And nervousness, anxiety and jealousy prevent him from being absolutely happy. He is often unsure of his partner’s feelings and, as a result, becomes pessimistic and unhappy. The woman who has connected her life with him will need to constantly prove her love to him and make sure that he has confidence in the future.

The Dog Man is quite unpretentious in terms of living conditions. Can be content with the most minimal comfort. Life with him, as a rule, is quite monotonous, but he subconsciously looks for that woman who will not have any special, “outlandish” requirements for life and relationships.

It is important for him that she adheres to ancient traditions, and first of all be a wife and mother, protecting the home, and only then fulfilling other social roles. At the same time, she must cope perfectly with the role of courtesan, cook, nurse and be devoted and true friend. , care, care and support in Hard time. But, in turn, he himself actually gives her everything he has and remains faithful until the end of his life.

What the Dog man dislikes most in women is rudeness and bad manners. He is offended by women who use obscene words, wear miniskirts, talk about open relationships, and even with a cigarette in their mouth. He needs the opposite image.

The Dog man’s attention will be attracted by the quiet, calm woman, who loves to spend evenings at home rather than at noisy events. It is necessary that she is educated and well-read and can share her impressions until the morning. Next to such a woman, a man born in the year of the Dog will feel cozy and comfortable.

In addition, the Dog man is a great worker, and will demand the same from his partner. A lazy person will not be able to win his love, and, moreover, he will despise her as completely useless to society.

In the family, as in life, the Dog man does not strive to be a leader. He will calmly give the reins to his wife, the main thing is that she does it calmly and “without fireworks,” easily and gently guiding his actions in the right direction. It is important for a Dog man to know that his opinion is taken into account.

Therefore, a woman living with him needs to ask his advice and ask for help as often as possible. This will bring great joy to the Dog man and he will feel needed even more. You will let him know that he is for you a real man, on whose shoulder you can always lean. And to keep this man near you forever, it is enough to show him your love. It's so little and so much at the same time.

A man born in the year of the Dog simply melts when his beloved gives him her love and attention and makes small pleasant gifts. And the one who will give him a candlelight dinner or a romantic evening under the moon will be remembered by him for the rest of his life.


By Chinese horoscope 2018 will be the Year of the Dog. This is the patron saint of everyone who was born in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 or 2006. And of course, everyone who has yet to be born in the new year 2018. Komsomolskaya Pravda talked to astrologer and astropsychologist Inga Lozanchich and found out what character traits are usually characteristic of these people.

- What character traits are inherent in people born in the year of the Dog?

First of all, it is worth noting that Eastern astrology characterizes people the way they appear to people and society. How they feel about it is another question. People born in the year of the Dog never trumpet their plans. They do everything in silence, and then present others with a fait accompli. They are usually quite ambitious, but these ambitions are not expressed in a conceited way. They don't need to show off. The main thing is that it is strong and reliable. And it’s generally better not to inform others again. It is important for them to stand firmly on the ground, and for this they need a profession that will provide normal level life, and quality relationships. At the same time, Dogs are aware that high-quality relationships cannot be built without love. Usually they have enough intuition and instinct to distinguish “one-day sparkles” from something truly serious and deep.

- They are lucky in family life?

They have an instinct for people they can trust. They will not enter into a relationship with an unreliable person. Dogs are characterized by affection. In their entire life, they can only have two or three reliable, deep connections. Dogs are believed to be loyal. In reality, they are just owners. They do not want to share their loved ones with others.

- Are these people fighters by nature? Or would they rather humble themselves and endure it?

They will not fight when they understand for sure that the forces are not on their side. They don't have the courage to bang their heads against the wall. They will quietly increase their potential and shoot at the moment when they are ready to win.

- Will 2018 really be a more successful year for Dogs than the rest?

Once every 12 years, when the sign under which a person was born comes into force, this is a chance for him to reach a new level. We begin to understand ourselves better, the meaning of life, our goals become clearer. The vision of everything that is happening deepens. You just need to listen to yourself and notice in time all the changes and opportunities that open up this year.


We remembered which of the St. Petersburg stars were born in the Year of the Dog. It is worth noting that they actually share some similar character traits. They are all exemplary family men, very hardworking and persistent people. However, read more for yourself.

Oleg Basilashvili

Oleg Basilashvili is a real knight. He is never afraid to speak his mind and is known not only for his legendary film roles, but also for his fight for justice. The People's Artist of the USSR has repeatedly stood up for those who are detained at rallies, and this year he wrote a letter in support of the arrested director Kirill Serebrennikov.

I simply wrote to a person in trouble in order to support him. The way I would support any person. Personally, I don’t know Serebrennikov. I saw his performance, only one. And that’s all,” the actor told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Basilashvili has one more characteristic bright line everyone born under the sign of the Dog. He is a faithful family man. He lived in his first marriage for only eight years, but he has been together with his second wife, Galina Mshanskaya, for more than half a century! The couple has two daughters, a granddaughter and a grandson, in whom Oleg Valeryanovich dotes!

Actress Alisa Freindlich

Alisa Brunovna has always been a hardworking and extremely purposeful person. Even at school, she definitely decided that she would become an actress. At the university, young Freundlich received thanks and certificates one after another for her exemplary studies. At the age of 27, the artist became the “first lady of the theater.” Leningrad was full of rumors about her talent. Resounding success in cinema soon followed.

Despite her all-Union fame, Freundlich never “bent her fingers” and did not demand any special conditions for herself. However, such enormous fame backfired on the actress. None of her three husbands could come to terms with Alisa Brunovna’s popularity. Now her family is her daughter Varvara and grandchildren: Anya and Nikita.

Football player Alexander Kerzhakov

Alexander Kerzhakov spent almost his entire sports career at Zenit. For his loyalty to the “blue-white-sky blues”, the fans adored Kerzhakov, and he reciprocated their feelings.

Attachment is characteristic of Dogs, as is gullibility. However, the second character trait played cruel jokes on Alexander more than once. In 2011, the athlete lost more than three hundred million rubles. The scammers, who were supposedly supposed to invest in the business, were advised to Kerzhakov...by his long-time friend.

Everything was based on trust, I didn’t sign any documents,” the footballer later admitted.

Alexander's common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova also played on trust for a long time. The girl had serious problems with drugs, and from time to time she assured her husband that she would “quit.” But the words remained words.

Now Kerzhakov has a white streak in his life. He is happily married to Milana Kerzhakova, and this year the couple had a son. The couple are actively involved in charity work.

Figure skater Evgeni Plushenko

Evgeni Plushenko could well become Olympic champion not only by figure skating, but also in self-confidence! Before the Games in Sochi, the athlete had serious back problems. But for the sake of high goal he took to the ice and won his fourth Olympic medal! True, I still had to withdraw from the singles competition. The injury prevented him from even starting the performance.

Like typical Dogs, Plushenko is reliable and faithful in family life. His first marriage was not entirely successful and lasted only three years. But he and Yana Rudkovskaya have been together for more than ten years. The couple got married this year.

Actress Irina Mazurkevich

Irina Mazurkevich’s luck can be envied. National fame came to the actress early - at less than nineteen years old, when she played main role in the film "Miracle with Pigtails". Then there were “Say a word for the poor hussar”, “Three in a boat, not counting the dog” and dozens of other notable and not so noticeable film roles.

To be honest, I never really thought about popularity, maybe because I started acting early. The thing that people fight so hard for, resort to tricks, came to me on its own, in due time and on a silver platter. “I was just ready to take my chance,” admitted Irina Stepanovna.

Mazurkevich was very lucky not only in her career, but also in her personal life. At the age of 23, she married People's Artist of the RSFSR Anatoly Ravikovich, who was 21 years older than her! It was absolutely happy marriage, which was destroyed only by death. In 2012, the artist passed away, and Irina Stepanovna never met anyone better than her beloved Ravik.

The dog is very stubborn in achieving its goal. Her stubbornness sometimes goes to the extreme. The dog is cynical, which is why many people don’t like it. She gives a lot of comments, loves to teach and guide people on the right path. The dog criticizes everyone with or without reason, he will always find something to complain about. People born in the year of the dog are pessimistic; they do not expect anything good either from life or from the people around them.

The dog does not tolerate injustice. She is a skeptic, but she has a wonderful sense of humor, a sharp mind, and a broad soul. The dog fights and knows how to cope with its petty nature, but it does not always succeed.

People born in the year of the dog do not like mass gatherings and rarely receive guests in their home. They love silence and solitude. The dog is noble, it has developed maternal feelings, as well as a sense of duty. The dog is faithful and devoted, you can rely on it in difficult situation. A dog, like no other, knows how to keep other people's secrets. She herself will not tell personal secrets; she is modest, sometimes even too modest.

It is often difficult for a dog to express his thoughts; his eloquence leaves much to be desired. But she is smart and an excellent listener. You want to trust a dog, it is happy to help others, happy to listen and support. Her devotion borders on self-sacrifice. All these qualities make you respect and love a dog.

The dog is a symbol of justice; it expresses a strong protest against any injustice and does not calm down until it corrects the situation. The misfortunes of other people, wars, and natural disasters bring great sadness to the dog. She worries about strangers no less than about her family. A dog will never defend stupid people or people who are wrong in its opinion. She is a philosopher at heart, a person of strict moral principles.

Regardless of whether a dog lives poor or rich, it is generous and selfless. This does not mean that money means nothing to her; the dog knows the value of money, but parts with it without regret. She can easily do without comfortable living conditions, as long as there is development for her mental activity. She does not strive for luxury in life, but if necessary, the dog will be able to earn as much money as she needs.

Dogs make excellent leaders: responsible, fair, active, hardworking. The dog will succeed in industry, in production, and will become an active public figure. The dog has an innate ability to control people. People do not resist the power of a dog, since it is fair and does not seek to profit at the expense of others. The dog is hardworking, so its business will succeed.

In love, a dog is sincere and honest. She will never deceive or betray her chosen one. She approaches the choice of a life partner wisely and responsibly. But in love, a dog is often expected to be disappointed, since its hobbies are fickle, which gives it dissatisfaction and anxiety in love feelings.

Choosing a life partner for a dog is not an easy task. A dog will be happy with a horse that provides the dog with every right protect itself, but at the same time retain the right to some independence. With a tiger, the dog will experience a rich life; they will constantly find themselves in various adventures, which will bring them closer and closer. But the dog will often conflict with the tiger about justice. Paired with a tiger, the dog will always remain in the shadow of his glory. Paired with a serene cat, the dog will find peace and tranquility. The dog won't find it common language with a dragon who will not accept her criticism and sarcastic remarks. The dog also cannot stand the whims and superficiality of a goat.

It’s probably no secret to anyone that the coming year 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The dog legally comes into its own on February 16, 2018 and will retain its influence on people until February 4, 2019. You will read about all this in this material about what characteristics the Year of the Dog has, what qualities people born at this time are endowed with, as well as what years correspond to this animal.

Honesty is here main feature character that is inherent in a dog. People born in the year of the Dog are distinguished by their nobility, remain faithful to principles, people and deeds, and are also very loyal to negative qualities character of other individuals.

It is typical for such people to experience betrayal at least once in their lives, although the Dog is able to deal independent decision any tasks. She is attracted by affection and attention, she is very sensitive and caring, strives to protect the weaker, and acts as a defender of her family and friends.

In addition, the dog is distinguished by its reliability, generosity, independence, and aggressiveness - in the case when it is attacked, voicing claims and reproaches. Such a person is a serious competitor, a very attractive partner and a rational businessman.

The dog does not like public demonstration of his sensual sphere and experiences, but at the same time he turns into a very passionate and ardent nature, remaining alone with his loved one. May in some cases show harshness in communication, but tries to avoid as much as possible conflict situations. In a dispute he always shows his nobility.

Positive qualities of the Dog sign

The Dog’s demonstration of ambition and nobility adds a unique advantage to it in partnerships. People born in the year of the Dog always choose a fair battle rather than behind-the-scenes intrigue. They are distinguished by straightforwardness in the sensual sphere of life, fidelity in love relationships, but at the same time systematically suffer from frequent mood changes.

Due to uncertainty or temporary bad luck, the Dog is able to disconnect from the sensory sphere of life. In those cases when everything is fine with her, it is difficult to find a more positive being in the sphere of love relationships.

A dog is a sign of perfectionists; it is seduced by harmony and tranquility in the home, it strives for a reliable family support and manages to earn money. cash. At the same time, such a person will never go over his head to achieve success.

Negative qualities of the sign

Due to its coldness, laziness and pessimism, the Dog risks encountering difficulties in realizing its wonderful career opportunities. In some cases, the Dog does not accept wise advice from others, shows excessive self-sufficiency and ends up losing when it relies solely on itself.

In addition, representatives of this sign often suffer from completely causeless anxiety. It is important for a dog to control its health; be sure to practice some physical activity to control the level of one’s internal aggressiveness.

In the Year of the Dog, you may meet both noble personalities and very negative ones on your way, from whom you will have to protect your home or partnerships.

High probability of meeting your ideal life partner or finding a suitable activity.

The Year of the Dog promises to pass best for those people who are: Dogs, Rats, Dragons and Pigs. It will become quite difficult for people-Oxen, Sheep and Roosters. And positive - for Tigers, Monkeys, Rabbits and Horses.

What are people born in the year of the Dog like?

It is typical for people born in the year of the Dog to be constantly busy with some kind of activity. They cannot be seen in a state of idleness, since they are always on alert.

A dog, like an animal, performs the function of protecting its home and its family. She is not very willing to show off her feelings with emotions. Only in particularly extreme cases can a dog demonstrate his feelings to others and even cry.

People born in the year of the Dog are very stubborn in achieving their goals. Moreover, this stubbornness can sometimes reach extremes.

The Dog is also somewhat cynical, which often causes discontent among others. She loves to make various comments, teach, and instruct others on the “true path.” Moreover, she can go very far in her desire to criticize, whether there is a reason or not - she will always find fault with something. The Dog is also pessimistic; it is not used to expecting anything positive either from people or from life in general.

What irritates her most is injustice. She acts as a skeptic, but with a wonderful sense of humor, a sharp mind and a broad soul. The dog is used to fighting and knows how to rein in its petty nature, although this does not happen in all situations.
Dog people do not really like mass gatherings; they are not very hospitable, preferring silence and loneliness to noise.

This is a very noble animal with developed maternal feelings, as well as an excellent sense of duty. She is distinguished by loyalty and devotion; it is easy to rely on her in difficult situations. life situations. Another plus is that the Dog keeps other people’s secrets well, although it itself is reluctant to tell its own secrets due to its natural modesty.

Dogs often suffer from expressing their thoughts; she is far from the most eloquent person. But at the same time she is a wonderful listener. The dog wants to be trusted, it readily helps others, listening and supporting them. And her devotion often reaches the point of self-sacrifice - thanks to all these qualities, the animal is loved by others.

Regardless of whether a dog lives poor or rich, it is distinguished by its generosity and selflessness. This, of course, does not mean at all that finances do not matter to her, but the dog knows the value of money very well, however, she spends it without regret. If necessary, she is able to live in a not very comfortable environment, the main thing for her is that her mental activity develops.

In the love sphere of life, he is distinguished by sincerity and honesty. She is not capable of deceiving and betraying her loved one. Choosing a life partner for a dog is always very reasonable and responsible. But she often faces disappointments along the way, because her hobbies are very fickle, which adds to her dissatisfaction with life and anxiety in love.

Characteristics of a Dog Man

Such a representative of the stronger sex can do everything possible for his beloved girlfriend, children and close circle. He often has a gloomy appearance, has a slightly sarcastic and melancholic demeanor, and may suffer from low self-esteem, which is why he makes little effort to create a career.

Uncertainty and doubts often prevent such a man from realizing the full extent of his natural abilities and talents. To reach his full potential, he vitally needs support from other people, as well as encouragement in his aspirations. Such men are characterized by pessimism; they easily fall into depression, especially if their beloved leaves them.

The loyalty of such a man is in reality simple affection for his “mistress”. It is very easy for him to have affairs on the side; he often leaves his numerous mistresses in order to save his family.

Having decided to marry such a man, a woman with a very high probability will have to endure his infidelities, since it is unlikely that she will be able to change him. It’s easy to both get along and diverge with a Dog man. But in the end, the woman will have the feeling that nothing is lost.

Description of the Dog Woman

The appearance of such a lady, as well as her manner of behavior, often demonstrates to those around her a strong character, although in fact this is not entirely true. The Dog Girl is distinguished by uncompromisingness, healthy ambition, generosity, and is inclined to always complete what she starts. logical conclusion, plus has a lot of patience.

These ladies are characterized by the presence of a logical, masculine mindset, a strong character, as well as sufficient perseverance to achieve their goals. The Dog woman is also distinguished by her intelligence, intelligence, romance, although with some passivity and lack of faith in her own strength.

She often analyzes herself for a long time, so even without looking at her natural abilities, some life events seem to pass her by, and she simply watches them detachedly.

In the field of work, such representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by discipline; they fulfill their professional obligations with great responsibility. They are able to use intimacy when they want to achieve some goal.

In company, the Dog exhibits a modest and reserved demeanor. The dog is sincerely devoted to the home and its offspring, but it is not the most faithful wife in the world. When choosing a sexual partner for herself, the Dog Girl does not show pickiness, which can someday play a cruel joke on her.

Before deciding to start a family with someone, the Dog will spend a long time searching for his ideal. She needs a firm and strong personality nearby who can provide her with help and support.

Which years belong to the Year of the Dog?

Let's consider the order of the years of the Dog according to different elements

  • In 1911, it was the year of the Metal Dog.
  • In 1922 - Water Dog.
  • In 1934 - Wooden Dog.
  • In 1947 - Fire Dog.
  • In 1958 - Earth Dog.
  • In 1970 - Metal Dog.
  • In 1982 - Water Dog.
  • In 1994 - Wooden Dog.
  • In 2006 - Fire Dog.
  • In 2018, the Year of the Earth Dog has arrived.
  • And in 2042 there will be a year of the Metal Dog.

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