Home Dental treatment Troodos Mountains. Troodos Mountains – the unique world of Cyprus

Troodos Mountains. Troodos Mountains – the unique world of Cyprus


The Troodos Mountains (Greek: Τρόοδος) are famous among tourists for their mountain ski resorts, where people ski from January to March inclusive. Agree, for the hot Mediterranean Cyprus, located next to Africa, this is an unusual phenomenon! The highest point of Troodos is Mount Olymbos (Olympos, Olympus), which has a height of 1952 m.

Troodos on the map of Cyprus

Where are the Troodos Mountains

The main mountain range of Cyprus is located in the western part of the island of Cyprus, adjacent to the resorts of Paphos and Polis. In terms of area, it occupies approximately a third of the territory of Cyprus, and in terms of impressions from the striking sights, it probably ranks first! Tourists come here to admire the flora and fauna, visit the colorful mountain villages of Cyprus, and see preserved ancient Byzantine monasteries and Orthodox churches.

Weather and climate in Troodos

The mild Mediterranean climate of Cyprus has helped Troodos become a ski center. Thanks to the wet, snowy winter, snow remains on the mountain slopes of Olymbos for three to four months and invites travelers to ski.

In the dry, hot summer, the air temperature in the mountainous region of Cyprus can reach +35 C, and in winter there are even frosts down to - 10 C - almost the Alps, only the altitude is too low!

Excursion Troodos

The mountain range on the territory of Cyprus was formed by nature due to volcanic activity more than 70 million years ago. During this time, deciduous and coniferous forests grew on the slopes, the main representatives of which are Cypriot cedar, pine and oak; the tree-free areas are covered with giant cacti and creeping junipers, and fragrant Mediterranean herbs and shrubs live next to them.

The air of Troodos is clean, there is silence, peace and coolness everywhere, which is quite a rarity for Cyprus. Thanks to these qualities, the Troodos Mountains have become a favorite holiday destination in summer, in the sultry heat and in winter - while chilly, humid winds reign on the coast, on the mountain slopes of Troodos the weather snows and sweeps, giving special pleasure to lovers of active winter recreation.

To make an excursion to Troodos an interesting experience, the Tourism Authority and the Cyprus Forestry Commission have developed a whole list of hiking trails and routes, and then laid them to the tops of the mountain range. Taking a walking map of Troodos with you on a trip, you can see a lot of interesting plants and animals: Cypriot mountain sheep - mouflons - are found in the mountains, foxes, hares, squirrels and other representatives of the Cypriot and Mediterranean flora live.

Hiking routes in Troodos will show travelers the Caledonian Falls and introduce them to trout farms that operate on mountain rivers. The most popular are the Platres trout farm on the Krios Potamos river and another one on the Diplos Potamos river. By the way, next to the latter there is a full-flowing Hantara waterfall.

There is also an unusual bird farm here - but its birds weigh more than a ton! To the west of Nicosia is the village of Agios Ioannis, which has an interesting local attraction - an ostrich farm. The trip to meet ostriches is organized on a special train, on which you can ride around the farm.

For those who do not really like to walk on the mountain slopes, we recommend booking a jeep trip around Troodos.

And finally, about the goodies while traveling through the Troodos mountain range. Of course, the main task to complete is to try the candied fruits and sujuko nuts, drink a glass of homemade Cypriot wine and snack on it with halloumi cheese - a local goat-sheep specialty.

Troodos attractions

Kykkos Monastery

The full name of the famous Kykkos Monastery is the Holy Imperial Stavropegic Monastery Holy Mother of God Kikkskaya. People strive to visit it to see the icon of the Mother of God, created by the Apostle Luke during the earthly life of the Virgin Mary. Somewhat to the right of the icon you can see a black cast of a hand, serving as a reminder - a person’s withered human hand is a symbol of the Lord’s punishment for attempting to desecrate the holy face of the Mother of God.

Tourists are attracted by the unusual architectural airiness of the monastery, the richness of its interior, ancient frescoes and mosaic paintings depicting scenes from the Old and New Testaments. The monastery church consists of three vestibules, the main one is dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God, the southern one is dedicated to all the Saints, and the northern one is dedicated to the archangels Gabriel and Michael. There is a church and archaeological museum at the monastery.

Every year on September 8th, the Kykkos Monastery hosts a celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is worth seeing. The most difficult thing is to go through the winding mountain path leading to the Kykkos monastery, laid along a mountain serpentine.

Troodos and alpine skiing

Mount Olymbos (Olympus) has four 150-meter ski lifts in winter, and ski equipment can be rented in Sant Veli.

Ski season on the slopes of Olympus, Troodos

  • January March

Villages of Troodos

Each of the small villages of Troodos is engaged in a special type of craft or trade. You have to choose what you might like or be interested in.

  • Pedoulas village - cherries are grown here
  • Mutullas village - residents know how to make wooden barrels for pickles, and also bottle them from a local mineral spring mineral water
  • Kalopanagiotis town - here they sell the best fish from the mountain rivers of the island
  • Prodomos village - for those who love apples
  • Omodos village - for those who like local design: snow-white houses, bright flower beds

And here they keep the key to the gate of the Monastery of the Holy Life-Giving Cross - it turned out to be the largest key on the entire island. In Omodos you should taste real Cypriot grape vodka - zivania, the recipe of which includes basil and cinnamon, fig seeds and honey. Another attraction of Omodos is the family ethnographic museum, organized in the house of Socrates Socrates.

For the uninitiated, we reveal one secret: in August, the village hosts an annual wine festival, at the fair of which you can buy real Cypriot souvenirs: a bottle of delicious local wine, beautiful embroidered items, handmade glass crafts.

Phini village - here you should learn the art of pottery and visit the Fanis Pilavakis Folk Art Museum. If you decide to travel further around Troodos, stop for the night in Fini - small cozy hotels and Cypriot taverns serving the signature dish - pestrofa or mountain trout - are available to tourists.

Another famous pottery workshop village in Troodos is Kakopetria. But tourists also come here in search of impressions of the Byzantine churches and monasteries included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


People come here to look at the Church of Panagia tou Araka, which is located in the village. Lagoudera is a village near the Kakopetria - Troodos - Limassol highway (Karvounas intersection). The caretaker of the monastery often helps visiting tourists get to know the surrounding area, if you just ask him about it.

Church in Nikitari

This church is called Panagia Asinu. It is located 5 km from the village of Nikitari, next to the Nicossia-Trodos highway. People come to the temple to see frescoes dating from the 12th-17th centuries. The name of the church - Panagia Asinou - comes from the name of the Greek city Asinou, which was mentioned back in the 11th century.

Time for excursions to the Church of Panagia Asinu:

  • May - August 9.30-17.00
  • September - October 9.30-16.30
  • November - April 9.30-6.00

Temple in Kakopetria

The Church of Agios Nikolaos This Stegis is one of the most impressive architectural monuments of the Byzantine period in Cyprus. It is located approximately 5 km from the village of Kakopetria.

Time for excursions to the church of Agios Nikolaos This Stegis:

  • Tuesday-Saturday 9:00 - 16:00
  • Sunday 11:00 - 16:00

Trooditissa Monastery

Unfortunately, tourists are not allowed to enter the ancient monastery of Trooditissa, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, decorated with a silver frame, is kept - the monastery is closed to the laity. But, as you know, there are exceptions to every rule: every year, on August 15, the monastery hosts a noisy religious fair, which anyone can attend.

A small church from the 16th century in Byzantine style. It has well-preserved frescoes with scenes from the Old and New Testaments.

Panagia Theotoku is located a few kilometers from Kakopetria. The main temple was founded in 1502, and until about the middle of the last century the building was occupied by monks. The monastery church is rectangular with a semicircular apse and sealed porticoes. Its roof is sloping and tiled, and the floor inside is covered with terracotta tiles. The interior of the church is poor, but the wall paintings are perfectly preserved. On the north and south sides there are unfinished frescoes depicting the apostles Peter and Paul. The frescoes are made in the Renaissance style ( bright colors and three-dimensional elaboration of objects). There is also a whole series of frescoes depicting moments from the earthly life of Christ.

Next to the Panagia Teotiku temple there is another church - Panagia Podito. Both have no artificial lighting. Both are looked after by the same caretaker. If it is not in the temple, ask at the nearest coffee shop.

Monastery of the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God

The Kykkos Monastery is a functioning monastery in Cyprus. It was founded by the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos around the end of the 11th century.

The monastery, about the origin of which there are many different legends, is located at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, in the western part of the Troodos mountain range. This is one of the most famous monasteries in Cyprus, dedicated to Panagia (St. Mary) Eleusa. Its full name is the Royal Stavropegial St. Kykkos Monastery. The holy miraculous Icon of the Mother of God, painted by the Apostle Luke, has been in the monastery for more than 900 years.

During the period of its existence, the monastery was destroyed by fires 4 times and was attacked by looters, but each time the icon was miraculously saved. Since 1997, there has been a museum here, where you can see many relics of the monastery.

Machairas Monastery

Monastery of the Virgin Mary in the Troodos Mountains. The miraculous icon painted by the Apostle Luke is kept here.

The Monastery of the Virgin Mary Macheras in the Troodos Mountains near Nicosia is one of the central monasteries for Orthodox Christians and one of the three stauropegic monasteries of Cyprus. It was founded in the 12th century on the slope of Mount Macheras at an altitude of 870 m near the village of Kioni. The monastery complex burned down and was completed several times. In 1900, a covered arcade 19 meters high was added.

Initially the monastery was a small monastery. Its first monks, Neophyte and Ignatius, according to legend, at this place found an icon of the Mother of God, once brought to the island by an unknown hermit. The authorship of the icon is attributed to the Apostle Luke. In the 14th century, when the plague was sweeping across Europe, The Royal Family hid from her in this monastery. Now the monastery is open to tourists. Pilgrims and simply curious people who come here are offered a tour of the monastery, which usually ends in the forest. Tourists are given the opportunity to be alone with themselves and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. Women are not allowed into the monastery territory.

Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Troodos (Trooditissa)

Old Orthodox monastery, located in the picturesque mountainous area between Troodos and Platres. Pilgrims from all over the world come to this place to ask the Holy Virgin for relief from infertility.

The highest and at the same time easily accessible monastery in Cyprus. It is located between Troodos and Platres, 5 km from Platres. The monastery was built on the site where the icon was found Mother of God Trooditis. According to legend, it was founded by a hermit who retired from the world. The first mentions of the monastery date back to the 14th century. However, for a long time he did not attract special attention. Travelers coming to these parts found it in desolation and ruin. In the mid-19th century, the monastery burned down, after which it was restored and completed.

The main shrine of the monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms; people pray to her for the gift of a child. If you ask, they will show you a whole box of photographs from different countries. All of them are smiling mothers with little children.

Ayia Moni Monastery

High in the Troodos Mountains, in a picturesque ravine, stands one of the oldest monasteries in Cyprus - the monastery of Ayia Moni, dedicated to St. Nicholas. This is one of the oldest monasteries in Cyprus - it was founded in the 6th century. The monastery complex consists of several buildings, not at all similar friends on a friend. This is because the monastery itself was expanded, rebuilt, and each new building was erected taking into account the architectural style of the era in which construction took place. The founders of the monastery are monks Eutykhios and Nikolai. Now the monastery of Agia Moni is attached to the monastery of Chryssoyarotis. Only one monk lives here - Father Epiphanius. By the way, girls pray to Saint Nicholas asking for a good groom.

Troodos Mountains

The Troodos Mountains, due to their height, are covered with snow in winter. It is a popular resort for skiers during the skiing months. Tourists and locals alike visit the mountains during the summer to take a break from the scorching summer heat down at sea level. Walk through the forest on one of the nature trails and take in the wonderful smells and aromas and enjoy looking at the waterfalls and surrounding views.

The Troodos Mountains are unique in their geology and one of the few places in the world where scientists can study the oceanic crust without having to go to the sea. An undersea volcano that erupted 90 million years ago and the reason the island was formed gave rise to the pillow of lava that is observed throughout the mountains. The Troodos area is also home to one of the 5 most rich copper districts in the world. Some say that the name of the island "Kypros" comes from Latin name copper, "" copper.

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The villages in Troodos are very pretty, and contain folk architecture and cobbled streets. Situated on the slopes of the mountains, they are mainly located among gardens, vineyards and pine trees, complete with corresponding smells and aromas. These rural villages are renowned for their warm hospitality, welcoming traditional local cuisine.

Winter season

The Troodos Mountains in winter are a magical place to be. The atmosphere is perfectly clear, the snow, blue skies and breathtaking scenery attracts everyone, including skiers and winter sports enthusiasts. Mount Olympus is located at the top of the Troodos Mountains and has the traditional local name "Chionistra", translated as "snowy one", and is very popular for snowboarders and skiers, whether they are beginners or pros.

Troodos Nature Trails

Troodos is a picture perfect for hiking and walks. With a variety of slopes of varying degrees, it is great for people of all ages and abilities. Refer to Cyprus Nature Trails and European Intercity Path E4 publications for lists of available trails. A complete network of amazing walking routes, starting either from the top of the Troodos Mountains, with unspoilt views of the sea and nearby villages or across rivers, where the sounds of nature mix with the beauty of trees and plants invite you to a lifetime of experiences beyond your imagination and expectations. Live in the moment. Enhance your senses and experience to the fullest of one of the most beautiful places worldwide.

Cyprus, being predominantly Christian Orthodox, has a large number of Byzantine monuments. Ten of them hold such historical and artistic significance and hold such significance that UNESCO has included them in its list of World Heritage Sites. All ten churches, dating from the 11th to 17th centuries, are located in the Troodos mountainous region. The route has been geographically divided into three regions in order to travel them properly and in a convenient way: Marathasa route: Kalopanagiotis - MOUTULLAS - Pedoulas (path length 148 km). This route includes the monuments of Marathasa: the monastery of Agios Ioannis toy Lambadisti in Kalopanagiotis, the Church of Panagia in Moutoula and the Church of the Archangel Michael in Pedoulas...

Cycling can be enjoyed all year round in Troodos. Enjoying quiet paved roads, great scenery, great cycling and vibrant terrain fresh air. The official "Troodos Cycling Routes" are a 57 km path around the Troodos National Park complete with a map of the area, signage, road markings and a complete bike guide to the area. Nowhere in this natural, 57 kilometer chain does the altitude differ by more than 400 meters. It's as if Mother Nature conspired to keep cyclists rested and relaxed.

Troodos has unique ecclesiastical, folk art and wine (Old Wine Press) Museums which they relate to civilization, culture and tradition. Hidden in the pine forests of Troodos, Cyprus' famous painted churches, with their colorful frescoes on the walls and apses, are magnificent examples of Byzantine art. Ten of them have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Kykkos Monastery, the largest on the island, has an excellent Byzantine museum and a golden an icon of the Virgin Mary, allegedly painted by the Evangelist Luke.

Troodos has abundant picnic areas, which lie under the auspices of the Cyprus Forestry Department. They are located where access is easy, where there is shade and water. There are a range of options available; tables, sanitary equipment, playgrounds, barbecue sites, drinking water, parking lots and Friend - all free. Troodos has three campsites where camping is permitted for a small fee per night. The place offers basic facilities such as grilling areas, drinking water, benches, tables and washrooms. There are 5 state forest campsites with a total capacity of 2,400 persons, where camping is permitted for a small fee per night. The Forestry Department manages three of these campsites, while the other two, which are also on state forest land, are managed by other agencies. They provide facilities like barbecues, drinking water, tables and washrooms.

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The Xantara waterfall is located on the Trooditissa River (also known as Diplos Potamos) in the village of Fini, which lies at 3,400 feet above sea level and is part of the state forest. The water falls from a height of 26 feet. Situated on the outskirts of the village of Platres in Troodos Caledonia Falls is one of the highest falls in Cyprus. Water falls from a height of 40 feet. You can reach it through the path leading to it. The water that falls from Mesa Potamos Falls, being mostly gabbro rock, falls from a height of 23 feet. In Platres you can see Fall Millomeri, famous for its natural splendor. The water here falls from a height of 50 feet. Some of the falls are difficult to access as they have only recently been discovered.

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The Troodos Mountains have natural river networks that flow into winter months into surrounding dams and rivers in wider areas of the island, in all directions, thereby contributing to the island's water levels, which are very often extremely stretched during the intense heat of summer's altitude. The dams are stocked with 17 species of fish. The most popular are: Trout, perch, carp, Tike perch, roach, etc. Six dams in Troodos provide excellent freshwater fishing opportunities throughout the year. These are: - Kafizes Dam - Kalopanagiotis Dam - Palechori Dam - Prodromos Dam - Xyliatos Dam - Asprokremmos Dam.

Cyprus, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea, is an ancient and unique place that attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. Everything about it is wonderful: nature and climate, local cuisine and crafts, ruins of ancient times and preserved temples. The Troodos Mountains are the largest massif in the west of the island, which rose from the bottom of the sea almost 70 million years ago and made it possible for all living things to shelter on their slopes. For many centuries, life was in full swing in the Troodos mountains, villages were built, agriculture and industry developed.

The Troodos massif today is an abundance of villages and resorts, unique centuries-old cedars and pine forests, a special climate, plants and animals that live only in Cyprus. The highest point above sea level - Mount Olympos (1952 meters) - is famous ski resort and annually receives tourists from many countries. No less famous are the resorts and hospitals that are located closer to the coast. Clean Mountain air with the aroma of coniferous forests, cool mineral springs, optimal humidity levels - these and many other natural factors have a beneficial effect on human health.

Climate and nature of Troodos

In Cyprus, as in all countries on the Mediterranean Sea, the climate is called Mediterranean. It's hot and dry summer, and winters are wet and cool. But in the Troodos mountains, temperature changes are more smoothed out. In summer there is no withering heat; Dense coniferous forests protect you from it and from the scorching sun. In this area, compared to other regions of the country, there is a sufficient amount of precipitation in the form of showers and snowfalls. Mount Olympus covered with snow 4 months a year, the lowest temperature recorded on its slopes is 10 degrees below zero. In summer, the temperature in Troodos hovers around 30 degrees, and the highest was recorded at 35 degrees.

Mountain slopes are home to unique plants and habitats of rare animals that can only be found here. Troodos is famous for its coniferous forests, consisting of so-called black pines, and hundred-year-old cedars, some of which have lived for several centuries. Lovers flora You will find here more than 100 species of endemic plants, characteristic only of Cyprus. These are Cyprus cyclamen, golden oak, short-coniferous cedar, Brutian pine and many other representatives of the flora. One of the rare animals is the mountain sheep mouflon.

Crafts and cuisine of Troodos

The main income of the inhabitants inhabiting the mountain slopes of Troodos is agriculture, crafts, tourism activities and copper ore mining. The last occupation is the oldest; It’s not for nothing that the word copper, “cuprum,” gave its name to this entire island country. For centuries, residents have been growing grapes, fruits and vegetables, grazing sheep and goats, and ancient crafts have been preserved.

The villages of Troodos are numerous, life in them flows according to the established ancient order, but each of them is unique in its own way. These special features are given by the fishing that the residents traditionally do. For example, villages are famous for pottery, Mutullas - for excellent wooden tubs. The village of Pedoulas offers wonderful local cherries and sweets made from them, natural local wines, as well as embroidery and handmade glassware.

Troodos is also famous for its culinary customs. Every village has taverns where you can try dishes from natural products and wash them down with a glass of homemade grape wine. Traditionally a special place in nutrition local residents occupied by seafood and a variety of fish, lamb and veal, dairy and dairy products. The whole world is famous for pickled cheese made from sheep and goat milk, berries, nuts and fruits candied in grape syrup, and various varieties of grape wines. Every local family that has at least a few grape bushes necessarily makes its own wine, as well as bakes homemade bread and makes “kleftiko” - lamb baked in the oven.

Famous hiking trails of Troodos

For everyone who does not want to explore Troodos from the window of a car or bus, but wants to literally touch the rocky soil and plants and get to know Cyprus closely, there are so-called walking trails. They lie in various places of the mountain range, passing both under the canopy of pine and cedar forests, and going out to local villages. In Troodos there are no predatory animals that threaten humans, there are no rockfalls or landslides, so all routes are absolutely safe. Having had enough time and walking around, tired tourists can relax in small hotels in mountain villages and refresh themselves with local dishes and drinks. Many villages have spring water sources, next to which Orthodox churches were built in ancient times.

Covered with a large cap of snow during the winter months, Mount Olympus attracts ski enthusiasts from all over the world. Excellent infrastructure, a combination of comfortable conditions of modern hotels with traditional cuisine, safe and interesting routes - all this does not leave a single person indifferent or dissatisfied. A vacation spent on the slopes of Olympus in the middle of ancient forests fills you with vigor and health for the whole next year.

And in summer, the mountain is literally entangled in a network of hiking trails. They pass along the banks of the “cold river” Krios Potamos, whose waters are really icy, then take tourists to the Caledonian Falls or Kantara Falls. Thanks to these routes you can get to know the Cedar Valley, the Platres trout farm or the ostrich farm in the village of Agios Ioannis. Walking under the shade of coniferous trees and breathing cool, clean air, you can suddenly find yourself on a mountain slope, next to which there is a small Orthodox church, and next to it there is a healing spring. And there are many such places in Troodos that can only be reached by footpath. It is they, inaccessible to most tourists, that give such routes special attractiveness and memorability.

Temples and monasteries of Troodos

The Troodos mountain range is famous for the presence of a large number of Orthodox churches built many centuries ago. There are about six hundred churches in Cyprus, and a significant part of them are located in the villages of Troodos. All of them are of great historical and cultural value, but some are recognized as exceptionally significant and are under the protection of the state and UNESCO.

The time of construction of the temples varies greatly, but most of them were built in the 9th-13th centuries. There are temples that are more ancient, dating back to the first centuries of the new era. These are early Christian basilicas that served as places of refuge and rituals during times of persecution for the servants of the new religion. From them, only the remains of buildings located underground or in the thickness of rocks have survived. Many ancient basilicas served as the basis for the construction of Orthodox churches in subsequent centuries.

During the reign of the Byzantine Empire, temples and monasteries were built on a large scale. But the monasteries have hardly survived, unlike church buildings, many of which have reached us in excellent condition. For construction, local types of stone and a special fastening mortar were used, so the pattern and color shade of the church walls are the same for all of them, and the structures perfectly withstand winds and bad weather to this day.

The architecture of the Troodos temples is typical of Cyprus. Previously erected churches do not have much high walls stand in the shape of a rectangle, on one or two levels, depending on the conditions of the mountainous area. The roof is usually gable and covered with red tiles. Some buildings have a roof consisting of outer and inner wooden layers, which provides a comfortable microclimate inside the temple both in summer and winter.

Churches have one entrance and 1-2 narrow small windows. Such churches, with gray walls, without domes and crosses, look strict and very modest from the outside, merging with the surrounding landscape. But as soon as a person enters the church, he is immediately amazed by the beauty and uniqueness of the ancient frescoes, icons, and carved iconostasis. In some temples, the frescoes have been preserved differently, having been damaged by time or human hand, but what remains is impressive and delightful.

Orthodox churches built after the 12th century have a slightly different architecture. The area of ​​the buildings is much larger, their cross-section is shaped like a cross, and there are also several entrances and windows. The walls, made of the same local stone, are made higher, which gives the temples a more majestic appearance. They seem to be reaching into the sky, and this impression is also created by the high windows and nearby bell towers. The roofs are made in the shape of domes and tiled in figurative patterns. And not only the walls, but also the domed ceilings are covered with paintings from the inside.

In the very west of the Troodos area is located. Founded in the 11th century, it is still a functioning monastery. It is famous for the fact that it still preserves the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which was created during her lifetime by the Apostle Luke. The face of the Mother of God and the baby Jesus was originally covered with velvet, which could not be lifted under any circumstances; now it has been replaced with a silver frame. The chronicles of the monastery contain a lot of interesting information both about life in the monastery for many centuries, and about the life of all of Cyprus. The monastery buildings were erected in different time, many were originally made of wood. The interior decoration is also rich: painted walls, ancient icons with gold and silver frames, unique iconostases.

Not far from the Kykkos Monastery, just 20 km, is the village of Kalopanagiotis and another Orthodox monastery, Agios Ioannis Lampadistos. It consists of three main temples, built in the 11th, 12th and 15th centuries and richly painted with frescoes. Many of them are perfectly preserved. The second church contains the relics of St. John the Lampadist, over which healings took place several times.

If you walk just 2 km to the south from this monastery, then in the village of Mutullas you can find the wonderful Church of the Mother of God Mutulla. Founded in 1279, it has traditional architecture, but the well-preserved frescoes are a little different from the usual. They have more red shades, the depicted figures are somewhat distorted. The temple is famous for its source of pure spring water.

Not far from this village and higher in the mountains is the village of Pedoulas, which is famous for its cherry orchards. No less remarkable, built in 1474. The well-preserved frescoes, of which the most striking are the full-wall images of the Archangel Michael and the Virgin Mary surrounded by archangels, are distinctive feature this church. In addition, the architecture of the building is also interesting: one wall is missing, but instead a tiled roof goes down to the ground.

The village of Kakopetria, famous for its pottery, is also famous for the wonderful church of St. Nicholas. Founded in the 11th century, it painted frescoes until the 17th century. Therefore, their colors and style of depiction are somewhat different; many frescoes have been preserved completely.

1 km from Kakopetria is the village of Galata, which has several Orthodox churches. One of them is the temple of Panagia Podithou. The architecture and the tiled roof are traditional, but the frescoes, executed in the 14th century in the Italo-Byzantine style, immediately attract attention with their volume and brightness of ancient colors.

The villages of Nikitari, Pelendri, Lagoudera, Palechori, Platanistasa, Louvras - all of them are no less famous for their Orthodox churches. Each village of the Troodos mountain range is a real treasure, a combination ancient history with reality, culinary and cultural traditions with modernity.

Formed 70 million years ago, the Troodos mountain range is the oldest landmark of the island and the famous ancestor of Cyprus. Today, the Troodos Mountains shelter on their slopes cozy and picturesque villages, Byzantine monasteries, and ancient ruins that attract tourists from different countries.

The cool mountain forests growing on the slopes of the Troodos Mountains are an ideal refuge from the heat on a sultry summer day. More than a hundred species of plants grow in these Cypriot forests: pines and oaks, outlandish giant cacti and strawberry trees, cypresses and junipers, alders and old cedars. By the way, Cypriot cedar recently celebrated its 800th anniversary.

The Troodos Mountains are a nature reserve. In summer, vacationers escape here from the coastal heat, and in winter, the slopes of Mount Olympos are entirely at the mercy of skiers. This Cypriot resort is noticeably different from all the others: people come there not to lie in the sun and swim in the ocean, but to wander among the mountain ranges, enjoy clean air, and relax in silence and coolness. To provide nature lovers with something more than campsites and eateries, the Tourism Authority, in collaboration with the Cyprus Forestry Commission, has created a variety of hiking trails to the peaks of the Troodos Mountains.

Telephone code

8-10-357-25/29-phone number


Mount Olympus is equipped with four 150-meter ski lifts, and the necessary equipment can be rented in Sant Veli. The ski season lasts from January to the end of March.

Villages of Troodos

An overview of the villages of Troodos is a separate page in the traveler’s diary, because each of them is famous for its special craft. For example, the village of Pedoulas specializes in growing cherries; in the village of Moutoulas they bottle mineral water from a local spring, while simultaneously making wooden tubs. The best fish in Kalopanagiotis. Apples are sold in the village of Prodomos.

The village of Omodos is especially picturesque with its snow-white houses covered with grapes and bright flower gardens. A fabulous atmosphere permeates everything. By the way, it is in Omodos that the largest key on the island is kept - the key to the gates of the Monastery of the Holy Life-Giving Cross; in the local church there are even Russian icons. You can also visit the ancient press and see in person the apparatus for preparing zivania. The life of Cypriot families is described in detail in the ethnographic museum in the house of the talkative Socrates Socrates, where his family has lived for 400 years to this day.

In the village you can rent a room or a house. There are several options: Pantelis House, a house for 4-5 people, located a minute's walk from the village square, prices range from 18 to 35 pounds; Marios House, house for 4 people, price - from 17 to 32 pounds; Stavris House, house for 2-3 people, price - from 16 to 26 pounds.

Another village, Fini, is famous for its pottery and the Fanis Pilavakis Folk Art Museum. Small hotels for visitors have long been built here, and there are restaurants serving delicious trout (pestrofa in Greek).

Maps of Troodos

Troodos cuisine

The village of Zygi is famous throughout Troodos for its fish taverns, which serve about 15 dishes of octopus, squid, shrimp, scallops, mussels, cuttlefish, a variety of sea fish, etc.

As for prices, if you are planning to eat a hearty and inexpensive meal, any tavern will do, and it’s worth trying the meze - this is a set of dishes served as a set. Cost about 15 Cypriot pounds for two. There are both meat and fish mezes. Souvlaki - Cypriot kebab and keftedes - Cypriot cutlets, dolma and moussaka also look appetizing. Well, real kleftiko - lamb cooked in a tightly closed oven - is only possible when visiting local residents of Troodos villages.

5 things to do in Troodos

  1. Take part in the festive celebrations in the Kykkos Monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which falls on September 8th.
  2. Traveling through the Troodos Mountains, taste local sweets made from fruits and nuts in candied grape juice (sujuko), as well as homemade wine and fragrant goat cheese (halloumi).
  3. On August 15, visit the noisy religious fair taking place in the closed Trooditissa monastery.
  4. Buy exquisite embroidery and delicate handmade glassware from the village of Omodos, complete with a bottle of aromatic wine, during the annual wine festival in August.
  5. Ride a special train through an ostrich farm in the village of Agios Ioannis, west of Nicosia.

Popular hotels in Troodos

Entertainment and attractions of Troodos

Mount Olympos - the highest point of Cyprus, Cedar Valley, the village of Fini, the famous pottery village of Kakopetria. There are also numerous churches and monasteries here, some of them are included in the UNESCO list of world cultural values ​​and are under state protection.

Kykkos Monastery

The monastery complex, called Kykkos in the world, has its full name - Holy Imperial Stavropegial Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Kykkos. The uniqueness of this place is that within its walls one of the three oldest miraculous icons Mother of God, created during the earthly life of the Mother of God and at her request by the Apostle Luke. Right there, just to the right of the icon, there is a black cast of a hand, another reminder of punishment: the withered hand of a person symbolizes punishment for attempting to desecrate the face of the Most Holy Theotokos with one’s thoughts and touch. But besides the holy relics, the beauty and airiness of the monastery’s architecture, its rich decoration, amazing frescoes, and intricate mosaic paintings on the walls are captivating.

In the intricate, numerous transitions, the no less intricate history of Christianity seems to be read, as evidenced by scenes from the Old and New Testaments on the walls. The stone cathedral church of the Kykkos monastery is divided into three parts, the main of which is dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God, the southern - to All Saints, and the northern - to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. Ancient icons, ancient manuscripts, various church utensils, religious books, rare archaeological treasures are kept in the southwestern part of the Kykkos Monastery, namely in the halls of the Church Archaeological Museum.

The only difficulty is the path to the monastery. One of the sections of the road leads along a mountain serpentine.


In the village of Lagoudera there is also the Church of Panagia tou Araka, it is located 15 km from the village of Agros, near the Kakopetria - Troodos - Limassol road (Karvounas intersection). Near the temple there is a small monastery building with cells, in which the local caretaker of the holy monastery still lives, who, at your request, will be happy to give you a short tour of the surrounding area.

Troodos in winter

Church in Nikitari

Another church, Panagia Asinou, is located 5 km from the village of Nikitari, near the main road Nicossia - Troodos, the path runs through Vizakia and Nikitari about 20 km north of the village of Kakopetria. Visits are allowed in May - August from 9:30 to 17:00, in September - October from 9:30 to 16:30, in November - April from 9:30 to 16:00. The temple has preserved paintings from the 12th to 17th centuries, and the name of the church comes from the Greek city of Asine, known since the 11th century.

Temple in Kakopetria

One of the most interesting monuments of the Byzantine era in Cyprus is the church of Agios Nikolaos Tis Stegis, located 5 km from the village of Kakopetria and open from Tue. on Sat. from 9:00 to 16:00, on Sunday. from 11:00 to 16:00.

Trooditissa Monastery

Another ancient monastery of Trooditissa is closed to tourists; it is famous for its miraculous icon of the Mother of God in a silver frame. Other monasteries, Chrysoroyatissa and Macheras, although they cannot boast of relics of this level, are also very interesting.

Authentic Cypriot liqueurs and wines can be purchased on the territory of all monasteries.

Walking routes

There are also a number of walking routes in Troodos that run around Mount Olympus, along the picturesque Krios Potamos River and past the Caledonian Falls. For example, from the Platres trout farm, one of the most popular hiking routes runs through the mountains, following the bed of the Krios Potamos river. Another route takes you to the Hantara (Handara) waterfall on the Diplos Potamos River. There is a trout farm nearby. The shortest way is to go 1.5 km along a country road, starting from the village of Fini, the other way is to go from the village of Pano Platres, however, it will lengthen to 5.5 km. You can also travel during a jeep safari.

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