Home Smell from the mouth What was your most unpleasant medical procedure? The most frightening medical procedures for men Scary medical procedures.

What was your most unpleasant medical procedure? The most frightening medical procedures for men Scary medical procedures.

photo: neuroplus.ru

Eat medical procedures simple and not scary, but on the contrary, there are terrible and unpleasant ones, so I’ll tell you about the latter.

The most unpleasant procedure which I had to do is angiography. Do not do it voluntarily, only according to doctors' indications. This is very unpleasant and painful procedure. How did I find her? Absolutely by accident. I had an MRI of the cerebral vessels, where they revealed 2 (!) aneurysms. As it turned out, this serious illness, which often causes sudden death. I was admitted to the hospital and the examination began. One of the procedures was angiography.

This is me after an angiography, they immediately applied a tourniquet

They put you on a table, you lie naked, covered with a sheet, there are many people in white coats around, a lot of equipment and various sensors. They smear your groin with alcohol so much so that everything burns. Then they pierce the artery in the groin to the bone with a huge needle. It was hellish pain. They inject a coloring liquid into your blood and look at your blood vessels on the screen. One of the sensors circles around your head, when it gets closer, there is intense heat in your head and you are on the verge of losing consciousness. Then you jump onto the gurney on your own, like a caterpillar, but you cannot bend your limb, otherwise you will be covered in blood. Then they apply a tourniquet tightly, causing a huge bruise on the body. You can't walk. So you lie on your back for a day, go to the toilet under yourself (in a duck), then slowly walk with a limp. Such a procedure cost about 10 thousand 3 years ago, but if it is a referral from a doctor, then of course it is free. Thanks to angiography, the doctors saw that there were no aneurysms, none at all, and the vessels were clean. Everyone exhaled. Later they added that aneurysms are best seen with a CT scan, and not with an MRI, and if there is no headache, then most likely there are no aneurysms, and my head really doesn’t hurt at all.

photo: interclinik.ru

The second unpleasant procedure that I remember was gastroscopy. I went through it twice and always felt very sick and there were fountains of tears from my eyes. It is done when you need to check your stomach. You have to swallow a large and long cord, while your mouth is treated so that it doesn’t feel anything, but your throat still hurts. As soon as I remember, the gag reflex appears again. They say that there are some painless techniques, but I did it for free on referral in a regular hospital and the sensations were terrible. Interestingly, the first time gastroscopy showed that I had gastritis, but 2-3 years after proper nutrition showed that I was healthy, I was already surprised.

photo: almazovcentre.ru

The third terrible procedure in my memory is MRI of the brain. But here, too, it may depend on the device. I did it twice: for the cerebral vessels (costs about 2 thousand rubles 3 years ago) and separately for the head. So, when they made the vessels, it didn’t seem so scary, the apparatus crackled and that’s all. But today I had an MRI of the brain (thank you, it’s free, with a doctor’s referral). They put me in a huge apparatus, like a coffin. And then explosions began, as if a neighbor was drilling a wall with a hammer drill, but for some reason he was doing it with your head. The sounds were very strong and unpleasant, I had a headache, and after that I walked around as if in a fog, the condition was so disgusting. So you had to lie in the device for 15-20 minutes, which is quite a lot, it seems like an eternity, as if everyone had forgotten about you. The procedure is not at all pleasant, I would not have gone voluntarily, but then the doctors themselves directed it. I don't know the result yet.

Tell us, what terrible medical procedures have you undergone?

You never know what a trip to the doctor could turn out to be - simple
a recipe or procedure with a scary name. However, not everything is like that
terrible as it seems. We will try to explain a little what is wrong with you
will do if the following words appear in your direction...
  • Gastroscopy

What is this? A small fiber optic camera is placed through a tube into your stomach through your esophagus.

When is it prescribed? For indigestion, hyperacidity and other digestive problems.

It hurts?
Rather unpleasant. Throughout the procedure you will feel
gagging, and increased salivation will also not add to the procedure
charms. Besides, the straw won't actually seem that big to you.
small when it ends up in your throat. Directly during
gastroscopy you will not feel pain (thanks to local anesthesia
spray), but after two or three hours you will feel irritation like
for a cold.

Why is it needed? After gastroscopy
yours will tell you almost everything that happens in your
stomach. Through the same tube, he will be able to take stomach tissue for analysis -
and will tell you even more.

  • Barium enema

What is this?
A barium enema is given before x-rays of the lower intestine.
Once in the rectum, barium helps the radiologist identify deformities
and intestinal damage.

When is it prescribed? For intestinal bleeding and diarrhea.

It hurts?
No, but as with any enema, there is little pleasure. Moreover, after the
procedure, you will have to retain fluid in the intestines until
The doctor won't do an x-ray.

Why is it needed? An X-ray of the intestines can show both small, easily treatable cracks and cancerous tumors.

  • Sigmoidoscopy (RRS)

What is this? A special tube with an “eye” at the end is inserted into the rectum for 3-5 minutes, during which the doctor examines the intestines.

When is it prescribed? For pain in the rectum, bleeding and stool disorders.

It hurts?
Extremely unpleasant. Before the procedure, the patient must wait about 5
enemas to cleanse the intestines. You can leave the sensations during RRS
no comments. Although children and patients with acute pain are treated with
local and general anesthesia.

Why is it needed? To figure out what's wrong with your gut.

  • Brain biopsy

What is this? Using a special drill, a hole is made in the skull and a tiny piece of brain tissue is removed.

When is it prescribed? If you suspect malignant tumor or infection.

It hurts? Surprisingly, no. The skull bones and brain do not feel pain, so the patient is not even given anesthesia.

Why is it needed?
If the biopsy shows a cancerous tumor, the doctor will be able to choose the most
effective for you. If you have an infection, a test will show what kind

  • Cardiac probing

What is this? A thin plastic tube is inserted into an artery in the groin or wrist and slowly pushed toward the heart.

When is it prescribed? At acute pain in the heart area or if there is a suspected problem with the heart valve.

It hurts?
Certainly. But before the procedure, patients are usually given local
anesthesia and painkillers, so that discomfort is reduced to

Why is it needed? Once the tube
introduced, a special liquid is passed through it, clearly visible under the rays
x-ray. This way the doctor can get a good look at your blood vessels and
judge their condition.

  • Lumbar puncture

What is this?
Another name for this examination is lumbar puncture. Draw conclusions:
at lumbar puncture the doctor will make a puncture on your back in the area
lower back and leave the yoke until cerebrospinal fluid Not
will begin to flow out of the needle itself. Having collected enough for analysis
quantity, the needle is removed.

When is it prescribed? For diagnosing meningitis, inflammation and brain cancer.

It hurts?
No, if you first receive a local anesthetic injection. If in
During the puncture, the doctor accidentally touches a nerve with the needle, you may experience
discomfort and leg cramps. In some patients the procedure
accompanied by prolonged migraines.

Why is it needed? To find out what exactly you are sick with and what antibiotics can treat it.

  • Urethral smear

What is this? A small cotton swab is briefly inserted into the urethra ( urethra).

When is it prescribed? If you feel a burning sensation or other discomfort when urinating.

It hurts?
Quite unpleasant for healthy person and painful for the patient.
The severity of the sensation depends on how advanced the infection is. But
You can completely tolerate it.

Why is it needed? Using a smear, your doctor will determine what kind of infection you are suffering from and what antibiotic you need.

  • Mammogram

What is this? X-ray of the mammary glands (in other words, breasts).

When is it prescribed?
For chest pain. But in general, doctors advise women, especially after
50, undergo examination every six months - to notice in time
malignant formations.

It hurts? A little. To obtain a clear image, the breast is compressed between two metal plates.

Why is it needed?
Most often - for prevention. In many countries, including
Russia, working government programs on cancer prevention
breasts, and the first weapon of doctors in this case is a mammogram.

  • Cystoscopy

What is this? A thin tube of a special cystoscope device is inserted into the urethra up to the Bladder.

When is it prescribed? For problems with urination and kidney disease.

It hurts?
In most cases, yes. Although, it all depends on the condition
is the urethra located, is there inflammation or deformation, etc. However, even
In a healthy person, such a procedure can cause understandable
feeling of discomfort.

Why is it needed? To find out the condition of the bladder mucosa, if there are stones, find out their size and position.

  • Cardioversion

What is this? Two powerful shocks of electricity are sent through your heart: the first stops it, and the second starts it up again.

When is it prescribed?
At severe violations heart rhythm. That is, when your heart beats
not regularly, like a healthy person, but every other time, as he wants.

It hurts?
Since cardioversion is prescribed in extreme cases, as a rule
is in a state of lethargy or even half asleep and does not feel pain.
Cardioversion is much more dangerous for the performing doctors - they may also
“to kick the bucket”, but without therapeutic indications.

Why is it needed? To restore normal heart rhythm.

  • Arthroscopy

What is this? A fiber optic camera is placed into the joint so the surgeon can see what's going on inside.

When is it prescribed? At constant pain or serious knee injury.

It hurts?
In most cases, arthroscopy is performed under general anesthesia, much
less often (if the patient, for example, is allergic to the drug) - under local.
Then after the procedure the knee will ache for several more days.
Special elastic bandages will help cope with discomfort.

Why is it needed? To understand how damaged your joint is and how to treat it.

  • Liver biopsy

What is this?
A needle and a thin scalpel are inserted into abdominal cavity, after which the surgeon
cuts off a small piece of liver tissue and takes it out.

When is it prescribed? For yellowing of the skin and eyeballs.

It hurts?
During the procedure - no, since a biopsy is performed under local
anesthesia. Unpleasant sensations will appear later, when the anesthesia begins
"to depart." The main thing is not to breathe when you are asked to do so, otherwise the needle and
the scalpel may go too deep into the liver.

Why is it needed?
To diagnose cirrhosis, hepatitis or inflammation. Less commonly, biopsy
helps to detect traces cancers, originating in others

Every day the beauty and health industry offers new technologies. Girls in pursuit of an ideal appearance test everything on themselves. But some procedures cause real pain. Are you ready to endure this?

Thread rejuvenation

The thread rejuvenation method allows you to lift sagging facial tissues and fix them in this position. This procedure can be done as a preventative measure starting at 25-30 years of age, when the first signs of aging appear on the skin. Thread rejuvenation is also done when there is visible sagging of facial tissues. Of course, the procedure is not pleasant. It runs under local anesthesia. A microscopic puncture is made at the temple, where a thread is inserted, and then with the help of a needle it is passed under the skin and brought out in the cheekbone area. Then the thread is stretched - this is how the lifting effect is achieved. It doesn’t sound very pleasant, but there is a result and no traces.

The average price for one procedure is 45,000 rubles.

I installed threads six months ago. Yes, the feeling is not very pleasant, especially when the threads are inserted. And it hurt to sleep for about three weeks, and then it went away. At first there was a little swelling, but not much.

Alisa, 29 years old


Hemocorrection can be called an innovation in medicine. This treatment technology aims to cleanse the blood of painful substances. As a result, the disease maintenance mechanisms break down, and developing processes stop. This is a kind of body detox, but instead of drinking natural smoothies, they take blood from a vein, clean it and return it back. This type of treatment can be chosen not only for rejuvenation and improvement of skin condition, but also for the treatment of serious diseases, such as hepatitis C, pneumonia, neurodermatitis, hypertension, and so on.

The average price for one procedure is 8,000 rubles.

The procedure itself lasts 4-5 hours. Two catheters are placed in both arms. Blood is taken from one and poured into the other. The sensations are unusual both during and after the procedure. A liter of blood is purified in one procedure.

Lina, 32 years old


Mesotherapy is the subcutaneous injection of cosmetic cocktails into problem areas. When vitamins are administered locally, they act more effectively on the deeper layers of the skin, and the tissues are renewed faster. Mesotherapy allows you to fight cellulite, scars and stretch marks, as well as wrinkles and acne. This procedure is not very painful, but discomfort can't be avoided. Injections are carried out using an ultra-thin needle to a depth of 1.5–3.9 mm. After mesotherapy, there will be redness and marks from injections on the skin, but they go away quite quickly.

The average price for one procedure is 5,000 rubles.

I did facial mesotherapy on the advice of a cosmetologist to get rid of age spots. I really liked the result: the spots almost disappeared, and my face felt fresher. In general, my facial skin became very good after a course of mesotherapy: smooth, beautiful, even color.

Karina, 27 years old


Bioreinforcement is the same injections, only they are done using a different technique. It’s as if the face is stitched with gel threads, thanks to which the drugs are evenly distributed and the regeneration process starts. The result is a tightened face. Even though an anesthetic cream is applied before the procedure, the injections affect the nerve endings and pain cannot be avoided. Typically, bioreinforcement is recommended when you have folds, drooping corners of the eyes or eyebrows, or a blurred chin contour. Such problems most often arise after 30-35 years.

The average price for the procedure is 13,000 rubles.

I’m just over 30, and every six months I get bio-reinforcement done so that I don’t go under the knife at 40-45 plastic surgeon. At first it was unpleasant, but over time you get used to these sensations.

Yana, 30 years old

Deep peeling

Deep peeling is one of the most radical rejuvenation procedures. It is done to eliminate signs of aging, renew and improve skin condition. You can expect such a result only after you have been filmed upper layer skin (yes, this is the essence of such peeling). Unlike regular peeling, deep peeling affects the deeper layers of the skin, which means it can solve the most serious problems. This procedure is not only painful, but also leaves behind marks. You'll have to walk around with a red face for a while, but apparently the effect is worth it.

The average price for the procedure is 8,000 rubles.

I decided to undergo deep peeling to remove wrinkles. I got rid of them, but my face suffered greatly, the skin became very thin and sensitive.

Larisa, 46 years old

Manual anti-cellulite massage

Despite the fact that now there are many different hardware procedures to combat cellulite, manual massage is not inferior to them in its effectiveness. During this procedure, the specialist warms up the tissue with mechanical movements, crushes body fat, eliminates stagnation of lymph and fluid, massage also has a lymphatic drainage effect. As a result, all metabolic processes in the body are activated, blood intensively circulates through the vessels and collagen and elastin fibers are produced - in general, you cannot leave a cosmetologist without an anti-aging effect. The hands of a master can be much stronger than the machine, so there will be an excellent result and painful sensations, and bruises after the procedure. But then you can show off on the beach.

The average price for the procedure is 4000 rubles.

It really helps! Especially if you are an experienced massage therapist, it hurts, it’s true, but it’s tolerable. And regularity and frequency are also very important. Volume goes away, cellulite disappears right before your eyes.

Anastasia, 39 years old

Removing a bunion

Removing hallux valgus is not about smoothing out wrinkles; you cannot do without pain. When the bone is on thumb protrudes and becomes deformed; this not only looks unsightly, but also causes discomfort. The type of surgery varies depending on the extent of the problem. For example, a doctor may surgically remove the bump on the finger, or you can artificially fracture the bone and move it in the desired direction. After the operation, you will be able to walk the next day, but do not forget about the fixing bandage and additional support in the form of crutches.

The average price for the procedure is 27,000 rubles.

After the operation, I was in a cast with crutches for two months. Right now I'm working on my finger. The leg is swollen, the finger is not yet fully extended. I experienced more pain after the operation than during the anesthesia.

Valentina, 34 years old

Rib resection

What you won’t do for a wasp waist! Some are even ready to say goodbye to the rib.

Usually the operation takes place on the 12th pair of ribs - they are not completely removed, but only cut down to the best possible condition. During this procedure they do general anesthesia, so you won’t feel the process itself. But after the operation, the patient faces a recovery process, which is unpleasant. Yes, your waist size will decrease, but that’s not all. Possible complications: scars, kidney prolapse and internal organs will no longer be as safe as before.

The average price for the procedure is 30,000 rubles.

I know a girl who had her lower ribs removed - they stuck out somehow unaesthetically, the operation was successful, her figure became very beautiful. But after a couple of years, the kidneys may drop and there is a risk of injury to internal organs.

Galina, 30 years old

Fire facial massage

They have already learned how to restore hair with the help of fire, and the matter has come to the face. Thanks to the Chinese cosmetologists who came up with this. Only, unlike burning your hair, this procedure will bring much more discomfort. First, the doctor applies a special composition of oil and herbs to your skin, and then a towel soaked in alcohol is placed on your face, which is set on fire. Heat will provide stimulation metabolic processes at the cellular level. Cosmetologists convince that it is safe, because the aromatic oil solution will protect the skin from fire. Such radical procedures are usually done for rejuvenation.

The average price for the procedure is 2000 rubles.

I did fire massage. Warming up is slow and deep. I felt warm inside, not outside. There are painful sensations, but everything is tolerable.

Olga, 37 years old

RF lifting

RF lifting - face lifting under the influence of radio waves. Fading skin, wrinkles, scars, photoaging - patients usually come to this procedure with precisely such problems. The procedure is carried out using a special device that acts on the deep layers of the skin (dermis). Heating occurs to 60-65 degrees, fibrils (string protein fibers) lose moisture, become unable to stretch, and collagen molecules curl into tight spirals - a powerful lifting effect is achieved. Due to the current and radio waves, you may feel a tingling sensation and warmth. But the result is worth it!

The average price for the procedure is 6,000 rubles.

Many people criticize the RF lifting procedure, but I am happy. It all depends on the device and the cosmetologist himself. I don’t know how to describe the sensations, but they were unusual, there was discomfort, but I didn’t have to endure it for long.

Taisiya, 41 years old

Modern medicine today is very developed. A particularly huge leap has occurred over the past fifty years. Today, many medical procedures and treatments of the past may terrify you, but they happened nonetheless.


Medieval doctors named the four most important body fluids. These are blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm. It was believed that excess or deficiency of these fluids affected human health. In particular, many doctors believed that many sick people simply had too much blood and the excess needed to be drained. This was done with the help of leeches or by punctures and cuts on the body.

Mercury has been extremely popular in medicine. The ancient Persians and Greeks used it as an ointment, and Chinese alchemists believed that mercury helped prolong life.

ECT, or electroconvulsive therapy, was first used in the 1940s as an alternative to lobotomy for patients with mental disorders.

In 1863, Italian chemist Angelo Mariani patented a medicinal drink made from coca leaves. He called it Vino Mariani. As you guessed, coca leaves are used to produce cocaine.

The discovery of radium led to an entire industry of luminous products, as well as medicines created by charlatans who advised adding radium to drinking water for the treatment of various diseases.

Modern anesthesia– a fairly young science by the standards of medical development. Previously, belladonna was used for anesthesia in combination with other ingredients. The wrong combination or the wrong dosage could lead to death.

Dead mice were used in medicinal purposes V Ancient Egypt, where dead mice were mixed with other ingredients and used to relieve toothaches. Later in England, warts were treated with mice cut in half. Today we know that smoking is harmful. But smoking used to be considered a healthy activity. For example, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, inhalation tobacco smoke was a treatment for asthma.

Human urine has been used as an antiseptic. The Romans used it to whiten teeth. Even now, in folk medicine, urine is often used.

Each of us has passed through more than once preventive examinations: at school and university, when applying for a medical record or passing a military commission. Walking through the offices of doctors tired of dozens of patients, wasting hours of life in queues to see specialists whose qualifications are sometimes questionable - these are the main reasons that the culture of clinical examination is not particularly instilled in our population.

The life hacker is convinced: it’s worth taking care of your health even when nothing hurts. The disease is more treatable in the early stages, and identifying risk factors before symptoms appear the right way save both health and money. And for those who are not tempted by the services of free medicine, there are private clinics and testing laboratories that allow you to conduct a “technical examination” of your body, bypassing municipal hospitals.

Examination by a dentist

Visiting the dentist at least once every six months should not be neglected, even if you have no pain. An examination by a specialist will reveal hidden areas of caries, abnormal tooth growth or gum disease at an early stage.


Blood pressure (BP) measurement

The norm of blood pressure for each person is individual; it is generally accepted that the indicators of a person aged 20–30 years should be in the region of 100–130/70–90 mm Hg. Art. If your indicators blood pressure differ significantly from those indicated, then you should not postpone your appointment with a therapist. Also helpful: A heart rate below 50 beats per minute and above 100 beats per minute is considered abnormal and requires evaluation by a doctor.


An indispensable diagnostic procedure intestinal diseases, which is recommended to be done every two years. Many people neglect it because of the unpleasant sensations that arise during the examination, but modern medicine offers the procedure under anesthesia.

Examination by a neurologist

Do not forget that many diseases are neurological in nature, and the list of their symptoms is very extensive. A preventive visit to a neurologist’s office will help prevent the development of such diseases.

Tetanus and diphtheria vaccination

Vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria is necessary every 10 years.

Hepatitis vaccination

This is all?

No, not everything. Do not forget that when you reach the age mark of 40–45 years and are predisposed to certain diseases, the list of recommended procedures will have to be expanded. Care must be taken to prevent exacerbation of existing chronic diseases and remissions of those from which you have been cured. In this case, the individual list of recommended procedures will also increase. Do not neglect visiting your doctor on time and stay healthy.

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