Home Prosthetics and implantation What threads are needed for a dream catcher. How to make a dream catcher with your own hands - practical tips

What threads are needed for a dream catcher. How to make a dream catcher with your own hands - practical tips

Classic dream catcher from Evgenia Sultanova

A real DIY dream catcher
Do you have trouble sleeping or are you tormented by nightmares? Or maybe your friends are having a holiday, but you don’t know what to give them? Try making a dream catcher with your own hands and hang the amulet above the bed, on the side of your head. This thing is Indian, very ancient.

According to Indian beliefs, a dream catcher collects all dreams, but only allows access to a sleeping person good dreams, and delays all kinds of nightmares. They simply cling to its threads, like a fly in a spider's web.

Anyone can make a dream catcher like this, it's easy! I suggest you read this master class, watch the video tutorial and try to create your own dream catcher.

This step-by-step instruction has already become legendary and was distributed to many sites. In some places the author is no longer indicated. I won’t make a secret of this and will honestly say who created this beauty. Author - Evgenia Sultanova, link under the master class.

If you require more information, then go to my post of the 7 best master classes on how to make a dream catcher.

What you need for work

  • Any wooden hoop is the basis. The ideal option is a willow twig. But even the inner half of the hoop will do. Diameter 15 cm.
  • Long, 12 meter cord, 2 mm thick.
  • Large beads or beads.
  • Several feathers.
  • Fast-hardening glue. Take the transparent one.
  • Craft knife or scissors.


Fixing the cord on the hoop

To secure the cord, tie it around the hoop, leaving an end 15 cm long. I advise you to immediately leave 15 centimeters of cord for the future tail for tying feathers. Take the other end of the cord and wrap it around the hoop.

Make sure that the cord is stretched well and lies tightly. Alternatively, you can use braid instead of cord; the amount of braid required depends on its width.

Wrap the hoop completely

Wrap the entire hoop in this manner. Tie the ends tightly. Some made multi-colored hoops from different colors of threads. The rainbow hoop will be more beautiful. You can even weave a pattern or ornament, but this requires experience. For now, let it be monochromatic.

We tie the starting thread

Tie the starting thread tightly next to the knot from the cord. She will be the beginning, it is from her that the web of the trapping net begins.

Weaving in a circle

3-4 cm after the start, make a half-knot around the hoop. That is, wrap the thread around the hoop and thread it through the resulting loop. Tighten. Continue weaving the first row around the entire hoop.

The first row is ready

Make the same half-knots at equal distances throughout the hoop. The distance between the end and the beginning may be a little less. This is not scary, and some Indians even welcomed it.

Second row of weaving

Now make a half-knot again, but this time wrap the thread not around the hoop, but around the thread itself at the level of the first row.

Weaving inside

Beads and beads in a dream catcher

Thus, going in a circle and reducing the distances between the nodes, weave a web. Tie the last knot fully. Cut the ends of the thread close to the knot and coat the knot with a thin layer of glue.

Please note that from time to time beads or large beads need to be threaded into our network as we work. The Indians used wooden beads, modern authors are experimenting with plastic materials.

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands

Additional ponytails

In the first steps we left the tails of the initial cord. Now cut 30 cm of cord twice and tie the pieces as in the picture.

Ponytail decorations

You need to thread beads onto the cord. Tie one end to a feather. If you have a feather without fastening, simply place the end of the cord and the feather next to each other and tightly wrap them with thin wire or thread.

You can thread a large bead through the other end. To prevent the beads from sliding down, tie knots.

Loop for fastening

Cut another piece of cord. Thread it through the hoop at the top and tie the ends together. Turn the cord so that the knot is at the bottom. Fold the resulting loop in half and make a knot close to the hoop.

Thread a bead with a large hole onto the loop folded in half. Make another knot.

DIY dream catcher


That's all! Your personal dream catcher is ready! Now your dream will be protected and not a single nightmare will pass into your dream reality. We wish you only pleasant nights!

© Evgenia Sultanova

Video master class - DIY dream catcher

Video instructions for creating a dream catcher using suede cord.

General information about the dream catcher - its meaning

If you still don’t know why you need a dream catcher, then, as mentioned above, this Indian the talisman protects you during sleep from evil spirits and bad dreams ideas . Evil spirits are afraid to approach the Hunting Ring, and bad dreams become entangled in the web. Good dreams, without the “burden” of negativity, possessing pure energy, flow unhindered, like pure water through the network.

Weaving is made from harsh threads, leather, deer sinew and a willow rod bent into a hoop. An even number of feathers are woven at the bottom of the hoop. Hang on the wall, above the head of the bed. Every morning, the dream catcher “self-cleanses” itself of captured energy debris by interacting with sunlight.

Since the 60s of the 20th century, with the development of the hippie movement and fashion for everything ethnic and traditional, interest in dream catchers has grown to unprecedented heights. Since then, in circles interested in esotericism and New Age, this amulet has become a kind of “must have” - an obligatory element of home decoration.

Inspiration ideas and useful links

A lot of information and ideas on dream catchers can be found on the page https://goo.gl/o4XpKf

Natalia Makovskaya presented a very high-quality step-by-step MK with a large number of detailed photos and a description of all stages of creating the Dream Catcher - https://goo.gl/4vxqRi

Another full lesson from a person for a long time creating dream hunters. The author makes traps both for himself and for sale, arranges master classes in real life - https://goo.gl/LAcX71

Some sources specifically indicate that the dream catcher should be made of branches. Complete master For a class on such a catcher, see the link - https://goo.gl/6vFmPp

Beautiful DIY dream catcher

Advanced dream catcher design.

Oriental style hunter option at https://goo.gl/yBH5xE

An example of the use of peacock tails in the design of a dream catcher.

Chic Indian amulet.

How to make a classic Native American dreamcatcher

If you want your dream catcher to be truly correct, then try to avoid any synthetics in your work. And select the feather according to the one for whom you will make the hunter. For example, the feathers of a pheasant, rooster, eagle, hawk, falcon and other daytime birds are classified as strong solar in energy. That is, the masculine principle.

And the feather of an owl, duck, partridge, guinea fowl is feminine energies. Of course, all this is conditional, and by and large, it is important only for creating an accurate, technologically accurate, catcher. You can take something simpler for simplicity. But if precision is important to you... Next, see what some of the bird feathers used to create a dream catcher look like.

Eagle and buzzard feathers

Pheasant feathers

Short-eared owl

Guinea fowl

Dyed rooster feathers


If you use natural stones when weaving, then take those that suit your energy, or just personal stones with which you already have some kind of relationship.

Suitable for use amethyst, black agate, onyx, cat eye, jasper, amber, coral, rose quartz, serpentine, malachite.

Making a hoop

The simplest solution is to buy a wooden hoop. But, of course, the ideal solution is willow twigs, cut from the willow yourself. In winter, branches can also be cut, but in this case they will have to be steamed in hot water for some time.

Choose young branches, no thicker than 6 mm . Make a cut on the branch at an angle of 45 degrees using a sharp knife. This technique will allow you to connect both ends of the branch without a joint. By bending a branch into a ring you will get a perfect circle, without protrusions. Then, after joining, we tie the joint with a strong thread, temporarily, until the workpiece dries. By the way, you can dry willow on a radiator.

What you need for work

  • willow hoop;
  • pheasant feathers and black marabou feathers;
  • wood beads;
  • stones: jasper, rose quartz, labradorite;
  • threads 100% wool;
  • cotton threads;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment".

First stage- braiding a hoop with cord or yarn. At the end, we fix the thread and make a loop so that the trap can be hung in the future.

Let's start weaving a web. You can take thin threads like Iris. Traditionally, an odd number of joining angles between the thread and the hoop are made. Usually 9 or 11, and it is important to make the same interval between joints, as well as control the tension of the frame. If you use beads, place them on the web in random order.

All subsequent circles inward will decrease, while the number of joints will remain the same as in the first pass, the distance will simply decrease. Measure the thread immediately with a reserve, for example, this catcher took about 110 cm of thread for the web.

Beads and stones weave as you wish.

When you reach the center, you will need to finish weaving. The hole in the center is designed to let good dreams through, but the technology makes it extremely inconvenient to simply weave further. There are masters whose central hole is so small that one can only marvel at the filigree of their work.

Then comes the turn of feathers. We tie them to the hoop with threads. The places where the threads and feathers are attached are regulated at 3, 6 and 9 o'clock, if we consider the circle as a dial. Additionally, you can tie the threads for another 8 and 4 hours.

You can put beads, stones, etc. on these feather threads.

After all our actions, the dream catcher will look like this.

Before hanging the catcher at the head of the bed, it should be cleared in the sun. Place the trap in a sunny place and leave it for a day. By evening, your catcher will be ready to catch bad dreams.

DIY dream catcher

© Anna Varnashova — https://goo.gl/v1yEff

Video - dream catcher from Anastasia Gerasimova

This video explains and shows in sufficient detail the principle of creating a dream catcher, I recommend watching it!

If you want to make your sleep restful, get rid of nightmares, and also refresh your interior with an unusual exotic decoration, the best solution would be to make a “dream catcher” amulet that hangs at the head of the bed. Of course, today you can easily purchase a finished product. But you must agree: a dream catcher made independently, with good intentions, will be more effective.

If you want to make your sleep peaceful, and also refresh your interior with an unusual exotic decoration, the best solution would be to make a “dream catcher” amulet.

The process of creating this product is quite simple, and large financial costs are not required. What kind of amulet is this and how to make it? You will learn about this from our article.

What it is?

This talisman first appeared in North America, it was used by local Indians.

This is interesting: It is believed that a dream catcher has the ability to protect people from bad dreams, but it makes pleasant dreams more vivid and memorable.

People practicing the technique lucid dreams, also uses a dream catcher. They claim that it helps them better navigate the world of dreams. It is better if a person makes a dream catcher on his own, thereby endowing each element with a special meaning.

This amulet is best made from natural materials, using willow twigs, natural threads, wooden or clay beads, bird feathers (ideally, an owl or an eagle).

It is believed that the feather is a symbol of air, which gives the owner of the amulet the abilities of a bird, for example, the ability to see in the dark. But if you can't find feathers, don't worry and use more prosaic materials.

  • You don’t have to attach much importance to all the beliefs if you want to make a dream catcher just as a decoration. In this case, you can choose its decor and color depending on your preferences.
  • A classic dream catcher should be woven according to the North American type. It will help you see only pleasant and colorful dreams, and bad ones will get tangled in threads and disappear with the dawn.

Kytgyom is a dream catcher common in Siberia. It is not woven to sort dreams into good and bad. Its purpose is to catch and enhance all a person’s dreams. Most often used by shamans. Kygtyom helps them learn to understand their subconscious and become aware of themselves in a dream.

Origin One of the ancient legends tells about the day when the leader of the Indian people climbed the the highest mountain

. There he came to a vision in which he saw an ancient teacher of wisdom in the form of a spider. While they were talking, the spider bent an old willow branch into a circle, decorated it with a bird's feather, and then began to weave a web inside the circle. At the same time, he said that this willow circle is a symbol of human life. A person is born, grows, enters adulthood, then begins to grow old and takes responsibility for new newborns. And so the circle closes. The hoop made of vine also symbolizes life path

each person. Telling all this, the spider continued to weave a web and only left a small hole in the center.

He went on to say that there are many different roads a person can take, but everyone chooses their own path. There is passion in every moment of life. It can be good, guiding the right path, or evil, forcing a person to choose the wrong path. The web itself is a perfect circle with a hole in the middle. Good thoughts will pass through it to a person, and bad thoughts will get entangled in the web and disappear at dawn.

Possible options in the photo

Dream catcher with many feathers and beads

Dream catcher with beads, seed beads and decorative feathers

Small pendants in the form of a dream catcher

Dream catcher made of five rings with feathers

Dream catcher with beads and beads

Shamanic dream catcher

Meaning of colors

When creating a dream catcher, you need to decide on its color in advance. We recommend not making a talisman that is too bright, as it can attract incredibly colorful dreams to you, which will make it difficult for you to get enough sleep.

  • Let's find out the meanings of the main shades:
  • White: Healing, unity, calm, chastity, success, focus, light, purification. This is the color of spirituality and purity. It can energize you, elevate you and cleanse you of negativity. Black: mystery, peace, tranquility, water, static. Color of the Absolute. It symbolizes infinity and the feminine inner strength
  • . Helps strengthen mental strength.
  • Red: fire, strength, activity, energy, passion. Provides energy reserves in the body. Capable of activating creative impulses. Possesses special energy of will and power.
  • Pink: goodness, femininity, harmony, love, tenderness. The color of heartfelt love. Helps awaken love for life.
  • Orange: movement, desire, rhythm, sensuality, joy. The color of the sun. It will ensure harmony of polarities, alignment of male and female perceptions of life.
  • Yellow: intuition, freedom, intelligence, admiration, meaning. Color of Primary Matter. Arouses interest in spiritual values. Capable of healing the mind and body. Helps strengthen immunity.
  • Green: life, faith, harmony, gentleness, creation, determination. The color of immortality. Fills a person with energy to implement what is planned.
  • Blue: peacefulness, creativity, calm, ease, knowledge, devotion. The color of truth. Able to fill you with optimism and clear your mind. Develops the ability of clairvoyance.
  • Blue: depth, time, mystery, stability, knowledge, security, wisdom, peace. The color of spiritual renewal. Balances all aspects of life. Purple: intelligence, mentality, hope, mystery, humility, mutual understanding, spirituality, inspiration. The color of the soul. Helps you accept all life events with peace of mind

. Feeds a person with the energy of inspiration. You just need to choose a color (or several), focusing on your personal needs.

In this case, the talisman will be most effective.

Tools and materials

A set of materials and tools for making a dream catcher

  • To create a dream catcher you will need:
  • Willow branches;
  • Natural threads;
  • Bird feathers;
  • Clay or wooden beads;
  • Needle with a wide eye.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Make a hoop of a suitable diameter from a willow branch. First create a circle, starting from the thick end of the twig, then wrap the entire branch around it. You can use several branches, this way you will make the base stronger and it will not deform from the tension of the threads.
  2. If there is no willow, you can take a ready-made hoop (preferably wooden). Even the inside of an embroidery hoop will work. It is advisable to tie them with thread or leather cord. There is no need to wrap the willow with anything; it will look very beautiful without it.
  3. To make a large circle for the catcher, you will need 15 willow twigs different diameters. The thickest one will be the main one, the small ones will be secured under it. In our example, in addition to the main big catcher, there will also be three additional small rings.
  4. After you have prepared the base, take a skein of thread. Choose the color whose meaning you like best. It is important that only one thread is used during work; it must not be broken. Therefore, the skein must be large.
  5. If the base of your dream catcher has a diameter of about 30 centimeters, you will need approximately 5 meters of thread. Secure it around the hoop, wrap it several times and tie it tightly with a knot.
  6. Leave a small free edge; it will be needed to attach the finished talisman.
  7. Start making a web inside the large ring. Take the thread, leave a little space near the main knot and throw it over the top of the ring. It is important that it is not too tight.
  8. WITH reverse side take the thread out and thread it through the resulting loop. When performing subsequent steps, try to make all nodes the same.
  9. Leaving even spaces along the entire length of the base of the ring, tighten the knots tightly. But do not overtighten, so as not to break the thread and deform the willow frame. If you are making a small amulet, make eight knots if possible. This will symbolize the 8 legs of the spider that weaved its web. If the circle is large, you can knit as many knots as you like. In this case, it is desirable that their number be odd.
  10. Make the last gap between the nodes smaller than the others.
  11. Having completed the first round, throw the thread over the first straight piece of thread between the stretched knots and make a loop exactly in the middle. Tighten the knot.
  12. Each subsequent loop should pass in the middle between the loops of the previous level.
  13. If the thread is well stretched, the network of loops will pull it towards the center, creating the appearance of a real symmetrical web.
  14. On the third circle, string beads onto the thread. They symbolize drops of dew on the web. Give preference to wooden beads or rosaries made of juniper, which can be bought in souvenir shops. Thread the thread through the eye of the needle - this will make it easier for you to string the beads.
  15. Repeat the previous steps until the end of the row. After you have made a few more rows, you can re-string the beads in any order.
  16. The more loops you make, the smaller the diameter of the circle will become. Leave a small hole in the center, secure the last knot well and trim the remaining thread.
  17. Also make a web on the small main circles. You can use threads of other colors.
  18. Make feather decorations. Take a small base, a couple of large feathers, beads and thread with a needle. If you wish, you can paint the feathers any color. Be sure to sanitize them if they are not store bought.
  19. Make a small hole in the center of the rod with a needle and pull the thread through with a knot tied at the end. Then string beads onto it and lower it down. The beads will cover the feather shaft and add aesthetics. You will need three of these pendants. Then each of them will need to be attached to a small base.
  20. There is no need to make additional small circles, just attach feathers to the main circle on the garter.
  21. There are a lot of options for decorating an amulet. For example, a small spider made of beads on an improvised cobweb will look beautiful.
  22. The final stage is assembling the finished amulet. To make it convenient to hang the dream catcher over the bed, you need to make a loop. Take a simple strong thread, secure it at the top of the main great circle catcher Tie tightly and connect to the free edge of the thread that you left initially.
  23. Small rings can be attached to the main catcher using a thread threaded through a willow hoop. At your discretion, place them at different heights or symmetrically to each other.

Congratulations, your personal dream catcher is ready.

Master class (photo)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Step 13

Step 14

Step 15

Step 16

Step 17

Step 18

Step 19

Step 20

Step 21

Step 22

Final appearance of the product

Video. How to make a dream catcher with your own hands?

How to use

Since you created it with good intentions and thoughts, any additional training or activation of the talisman he will not need.

To make your sleep sweet, you need to know where exactly to hang the dream catcher. Most often it is mounted at the head of the bed so that it can catch your dreams. You can also hang it in the center of the room, for example, above a chandelier. Here he will catch all the evil spirits.

This is interesting: Since all the worst things disappear with dawn, such a talisman does not require special care. Sometimes it needs to be taken out Fresh air and the sun for cleansing and ventilation. This will help the trapper establish a more powerful connection with nature.

As you have seen, there is nothing difficult in creating a dream catcher. We hope our article will help you understand weaving techniques and you will be able to create your own unique dream catcher. This talisman will not only protect you from bad dreams, but will also become an original decorative decoration for your interior!

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A dream catcher is an unusual Indian talisman that was used as a guardian of peace and well-being at home. Our ancestors believed that it was able to stop negative energy and prevent evil images from entering the night dreams of its owner.

At the end of the 20th century, Italian designers began to use this amulet, using it to decorate the interior of a room. The openwork circle, which was decorated with voluminous beads and feathers, organically fit into the basic concept of avant-garde and classic style, allowing you to combine all decorative elements into a single ensemble and create a visual connection between the color accents that dominate the room.

Color Meanings

To weave an exclusive dream catcher with your own hands, you will need detailed instructions, in which each point is described step by step. But before that, you need to decide on the shape of the future decorative element, as well as its color scheme. In Indian philosophy, each shade was assigned its own sacred meaning, which enhanced the specific properties of the talisman. Let's get acquainted with the meanings of the main colors: Before making a dream catcher with your own hands, choose the colors that suit your personal preferences. This can be several shades, the meaning of which will help you balance certain areas of life. In this case, your trap will be most effective.

Important! Experts do not recommend making the amulet too bright, because it will attract very realistic and incredibly colorful dreams to its owner. Because of this, a person may lose peace and the next morning there will be a feeling of chronic lack of sleep or nervous tension.

Making a personal amulet - Master class No. 1

You can make your own dream catcher at home. We invite you to watch a detailed master class, which explains step by step the weaving of threads using the “spider web” technique, and also shows how to easily decorate the amulet.

Initially you will need to purchase materials such as:

  • Hoop made of natural wood. The best option would be a willow twig or a birch log.
  • Floss threads. If you want your knitting to be voluminous, you can buy yarn with added silk.
  • A “gypsy” needle with a blunt end, through which the beads used in the process of decorating the dream catcher can easily pass.
  • Colored feather (you can purchase 5-8 pieces).
  • A leather, suede or satin cord through which the talisman will be attached to the wall, cornice or at the head of the bed. If you want to make a product in an ethnic style, then twine, thick wire or woolen thread are quite suitable.
  • Bugles, voluminous beads and other decorative elements that will decorate the finished talisman and create a specific pattern.
For your amulet to work, start making it in good mood. You can turn on relaxing music that will help you open up. creative potential and concentrate on the process. So let's get started:
  1. We lay out all the material in front of us, as shown in MK.

  2. We take a wooden ring, circle or hoop, and begin to wrap it tightly with the prepared threads. If you have a branch, then before doing this you will need to bend it and secure it with staples or adhesive tape.

  3. Fix the free edge of the cord. After the base of the dream catcher is completely wrapped with threads, you need to weave the inner part. The pattern and shape of the weaving may be different, but we will use the “gossamer” technique.

  4. We tighten one or two knots with the free end of the thread, depending on its texture.

  5. We stretch the thread along the base and secure it correctly at a distance of 2-4 cm, twisting it around our workpiece.

  6. We fix all subsequent turns at the same distance from each other. You should get a beautiful web.

  7. After the first circle has closed, it is necessary to thread the free edge of the thread into the needle so that it is convenient to follow the sequence of the weaving technique when creating the second row.

  8. We pull the thread through the first loop using a needle. Pull it in the center and fix it as shown in the photo.

  9. We quickly weave the second circular row to the first, bringing it closer to the center of our dream protector.

  10. When two rows are created, we move on to the decor lesson. We take prepared beads or glass beads that will serve as decoration.

  11. We create the third row of our weaving, following technology. But before tying the next knot, we thread a bead through the thread.

  12. As soon as a beautiful row with beads made of wood or glass is ready, we make three ordinary rows, trying to maintain the clarity of the contour lines and the lightness of the “web”.

  13. After this, create a new row using small beads. We do it the same way as in the first scheme.

  14. We weave the final row of our catcher without beads. We fix the thread by creating a tight knot and cut off the remaining part. Our talisman is almost ready.

  15. Now you need to use your imagination and decorate your home amulet, taking into account individual preferences. You can use a peacock or hazel grouse feather, bright braid and other textured materials that can highlight the features of the bedroom interior.
  16. In our case, we take the prepared lace, carefully fold it in half and fix it on the hoop as shown in the figure. As a result, one lace should be on top and three on the bottom.

  17. We put two beads on the bottom laces different color. You can take bugles and also use them as decoration.

  18. We place our plumage in the resulting hole, located between the beads and the cord. you can use different type feathers, differing in thickness, length and color.

Your exclusive dream catcher is ready. It can be fixed on a ring or a branch, and you can also attach a hook to the top cord to make it easier to hang at the head of the bed.

Beautiful talisman “Web for dreams” - Master class No. 2

This instruction explains in detail the process of how to create a triangular or eight-pointed amulet. Even a beginner can do it, because the weaving technique does not require specific knowledge and skills. Let's start!

We will need:

  • a twig of willow, birch or willow;
  • any threads that you enjoy working with;
  • beads made of wood or stones;
  • thick needle (options for embroidery are not suitable);
  • glue with a transparent texture, scissors and a good mood.
Prepare all the materials and lay them out on the table. Now you can begin to create a talisman that will become a spectacular decoration for your room.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Create beautiful patterns from bugles of different colors, add pearlescent and matte beads, as well as beautiful beads. Then your dream catcher will be truly exclusive and one of a kind.

Spider web for a children's room - Master class No. 3

You can also make a beautiful amulet for a children's room using brightly colored materials. This decorative element will attract children's attention and laconically decorate the interior.

Or this option:

Trap with bells - Master class No. 4

Some ideas for inspiration

To ensure that your amulet works the first time, we recommend watching the video.

Good luck with your experiments, creative inspiration and pleasant dreams!

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

Many people have heard about such an amulet as a dream catcher, and some wanted to create such a product with their own hands, using step-by-step instructions with photos and videos for beginners. It is believed that this magic item protects the dreams of the sleeper, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom. This decorative decoration can be hung above the bed, on curtains and canopies, as well as simply on a chandelier or under the ceiling. Let's look at several detailed master classes on self-production dream catchers

A wonderful dream catcher is not only magic amulet, protecting against bad dreams, but also an excellent interior decoration

What is a dream catcher for?

This ethnic amulet is a trap for disturbing dreams and nightmares; it is able to protect the sleeper from negativity and bad thoughts. In addition to its magical properties, the dream catcher also performs an aesthetic function, decorating the interior of the bedroom and bedside area in the room. Even in the process of creating a talisman and weaving parts, the master must be in a good mood and try not to allow bad thoughts. This is the only way to charge it for colorful and positive dreams.

A dream catcher is an unusual and mysterious thing from the distant past with its own history and legend, which fits perfectly into modern world and the life of many people. Even in ancient times, the Indians wove such amulets for their homes from thin twigs and feathers, using certain techniques.

To understand the meaning of this magical artifact, it is better to turn to ancient legends and myths:

To see every night colorful, clear and good dreams, you can make your own dream catcher. Many even believe that this magical attribute helps to see prophetic dreams, get answers to your questions from your guardian spirits and harmonize the space in the bedroom.

There are several important conditions and rules that should be followed when creating a personal talisman or amulet as a gift:

Today, the amulet is used as a protective amulet against bad dreams; many people make a dream catcher with their own hands, following step-by-step instructions with photos and diagrams for beginners. Let's consider several options for making it yourself.

Master class on creating a home talisman

Only a dream catcher created with the best intentions and wishes can truly protect against nightmares, as many people believe. Therefore, before starting work, it is better to free yourself from all negative thoughts and tune in to the positive.

What materials and tools will be needed:

  • wooden hoop or small metal hoop (length up to 15 centimeters);
  • thick woolen threads or floss;
  • a cord made of leather or satin to secure the product to a wall or chandelier (length 12 m, thickness 1.5 mm);
  • beads with large holes inside, glass beads for decoration;
  • feathers (6-8 pieces);
  • transparent PVA glue;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • Crochet hook.

Manufacturing stages:

The dream catcher is ready! Feathers and beads can be of any shade and size, the main thing is that all the elements look beautiful together.

White web of dreams

A dream catcher can transform any room, creating an atmosphere of comfort and magic. The product can be hung not only near the bedside, but also in the reading corner. What you will need to create it:

  • medium sized wooden fingers;
  • multi-colored beads with wide holes inside;
  • suede lace (3-4 meters long);
  • light decorative feathers;
  • PVA glue (but it’s more convenient to use a special glue gun);
  • small shells with holes made in advance (1 package can be bought at a specialized craft store);
  • waxed cord (1 to 2 meters long);
  • ribbons, ruffles and light lace.

Preparing all materials and decorations

Let's start making:

The video below shows step-by-step making of a dream catcher from cotton threads, a hoop and beautiful beads.

There are several more original options for magical dream traps:

Don't forget to choose in advance the place where you plan to hang your personal talisman. This can be either the head of a bed or a baby's cradle, or a chandelier with curtains. Shown below interesting master class on how to create a dream catcher with your own hands with step-by-step instructions with photos and diagrams for beginners.

Now it is already quite difficult to find out for certain the history and the exact date the appearance of this amulet. However, there are quite a lot of different legends and versions on this subject, one of which leads to the origins of the lost civilizations of the American Indians.

The “Dream Catcher” or “Dream Trap,” as it is also called, was extremely popular among the aborigines of Eastern Siberia and the North, and was also used by the indigenous inhabitants of the New World. In appearance and shape, the amulet more closely resembled a sieve, because... had a round frame through which the threads were wound. Intertwined, they created bizarre patterns that carried a certain meaning.

Due to its wide popularity among different nations and generations, the meaning of the amulet, like its appearance, may differ significantly from each other. Let's consider the two most popular and in demand in modern life kind.

If we talk about the Dream Catcher of North American Indians, it is obvious that it serves as a kind of amulet, attracting both “evil” and “good” spirits of dreams. At the same time, “evil” spirits get stuck in the web, dying with the first rays of the morning sun, while “good” spirits are let through to the sleeping person through feathers, bringing with them only good and rosy dreams.

The indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia interpret the effect of this amulet in their own way, using it mainly in shamanic practices. Their interpretation is as close as possible to the name of the amulet itself. There, the spirits are not divided into positive and negative, but become entangled in the fur of the amulet, then flowing down to the sleeping shaman in the form of dynamic images. This gives the shaman a certain strength and allows him to independently cope with the “evil” spirits with whom he fights in a dream.

Making a Dream Catcher

It is generally accepted that an amulet will “work” only if it is made using only natural materials. It is also necessary to understand that the Dream Catcher is created in the form of a circle in the image and likeness of the Sun traveling across the sky. And the circle that it represents is a symbol of infinity.

To make the frame, a thin willow rod is most often used. It can also be replaced with any other base, for example, a metal rim. We form a circle from the rod and begin to wrap it with thread clockwise, without using fastening knots either at the beginning or at the end of the weaving.

After you finish weaving the circle, start making the web. Don’t be upset if it doesn’t turn out very evenly and asymmetrically, the main thing is the mood with which you make the amulet, as well as the correctly selected materials. During weaving, it is recommended to use prayers or spells and think only about good things.

During the weaving process, you can also use additional decorative elements, such as beads.

When the hoop is ready, you will need to tie pre-prepared feathers on threads from below. This is very important element designs, and their choice must be taken extremely seriously. Ideally, for a female amulet these should be owl feathers, for a male amulet these should be eagle feathers. However, not everyone has the opportunity to get these particular feathers, so these can be the feathers of any other, and always a living bird.

Using the Dream Catcher

In order for you to have only rosy and bright dreams, you need to place the amulet correctly. It is most often recommended to be hung at the head of the bed, but it will be just as effective if placed in the center of the room. There he will catch “evil” spirits, preventing them from entering your dreams. The main thing is not to hang it on the wall, since the Dream Catcher should be easily blown from all sides.

However, it is worth remembering that it does not need to be cleaned under any circumstances. The amulet cleanses itself with the appearance of the first rays of the sun, thereby killing its captives. But it won’t hurt to ventilate it occasionally, so that domestic drafts will not harm your Catcher.

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