Home Tooth pain Cat eye shape. Eye shapes

Cat eye shape. Eye shapes

Disputes about the ideal eye shape among makeup artists and cosmetologists continue to this day. However, it is finally worth recognizing that there is no answer to this question, because this factor is extremely individual, and each person has a unique shape and size of the eyes.

Many argue that the types of eyes even influence a person’s character. This concept is often used in physiognomy, a method for determining personality type. However, all these categories are only approximate.

Support this point even psychologists who claim that based on the shape and type of eyes alone they can draw some conclusions about the character of a particular person. But you shouldn’t run to psychologists or try to determine the character of everyone you know by the shape of their eyes; all these assumptions are only general character, and such information should not be taken seriously.

What sizes are there?

By this characteristic People's eyes are usually divided into large and small. Often the shape of the eyes does not depend on their size. It is generally accepted big eyes ideal for both men and women. However, both forms have their own charm and merits. As for psychology, experts believe that usually people with large eyes are prone to excessive sensitivity and emotionality. They are distinguished by a fine mental organization and often have a creative beginning. But even here there are some reservations, for example, eyes can only appear large due to small facial features; such people are distinguished by rigidity in character, which can even go beyond the bounds and turn into cruelty.

But the owners of small eyes are distinguished by purposefulness, self-sufficiency, stubbornness and perseverance, and firmness of character. How to determine your eye type? To do this, you should pay attention not only to the shape, but also to the distance between the eyes.

Eye shapes

In addition to eye size, important It also has a form, of which there are slightly more varieties. What are the different eye shapes?


This type is not considered ideal, but is considered the most common. Psychologists are firmly convinced that most people with round eyes are determined and successful. But, despite their firmness of character, such people do not like to take responsibility, and it is difficult for them to make decisions that will entail serious changes. This is why great goals often remain unrealized due to fear of action.


This shape of human eyes is considered to be truly rare species, especially in our area. Psychologists attribute the following character traits to the owners of such eyes: talent, which is accompanied by excessive talkativeness and a frivolous attitude to events. Such people easily survive any troubles and approach life simply and calmly, while they have a certain worldly wisdom and creative abilities. This could be drawing, music, and so on.

Slanted (narrow)

It is a big misconception to attribute this shape only to Asians; the slanted shape is also found among many Europeans. And psychologists note that people of this type are distinguished by tolerance, sentimentality and sensitivity to even the most frivolous events, kindness and love to care for their neighbors.


The form that is considered ideal is almond. Perhaps this happened because this form is quite common among models and Hollywood actors and is considered the most beautiful. People who are lucky enough to have the one correct form They are distinguished by the presence of creativity; often among them there are great lovers of art. It is noted that such people are very attached to loved ones, cannot imagine their life without friends and family, and also easily accept someone else’s point of view.

The shape received this name due to the fact that the cut of the eyelids visually resembles an almond and is considered oblong.

If this type occurs in people with large and round eyes, then the incision takes on a rounded shape and is distinguished by a wide palpebral fissure. While those with narrow eyes have a width of the palpebral fissure that is several times smaller. It is believed that the ideal almond shape is characteristic of representatives of the East. And make-up artists advise when applying makeup to strive to visually create an almond-shaped shape, especially for those with round and narrow eyes. The type is corrected through the competent application of different light and dark shades of shadows, as well as the correct arrow. And in the photo this form looks especially impressive.

Plastic surgery

One of the most popular in plastic surgery operations - changing the shape of human eyes. This procedure is most popular among Asians. The most famous procedure is blepharoplasty. This operation is performed on the eyelids and underlying tissues to change their shape.

Plastic surgery is not cosmetic and refers to a full-fledged operation that is performed under anesthesia.

Before the operation, it is imperative to undergo an examination to make sure that the body is ready for such a load.

The procedure goes as follows: the surgeon makes two incisions, the first in the fold of skin on the upper eyelid that separates the movable part from the fixed part of the eyelid. The second incision is made just below the lash line. Scars after surgery are virtually invisible. Often the operation is performed through the conjunctival fornix, and no traces of the procedure remain at all.

After the incisions are made in the right places, the surgeon proceeds to the main actions. In case of drooping eyelid, the doctor makes a strip with a width of 3 to 10 mm according to the shape previously marked by the surgeon. Next, the doctor proceeds to excision of the fibers of the orbicularis oculi muscle, which is located under the skin of the eyelids. If there is protrusion under the eyelid fatty tissue, then the surgeon also removes excess fat tissue by dissecting the septum. All incisions are closed with absorbable sutures. As a result, you can forget about the impending eyelid, your eyes become larger, and your gaze acquires clarity, freshness and openness.

In order to determine the need for surgery, you should consult a specialist who can use computer technology to model the ideal shape for absolutely any person

What are the types of eyes according to other criteria?

Another characteristic of the shape depends on the distance between the inner corners. The eyes can be wide or close apart.

By planting depth:

  • If the eyeball is located deep in the eye socket, such eyes are called deep-set.
  • If eyeballs stick out, creating the effect of bulging eyes - we are dealing with bulging eyes.
  • If no deviations are detected, this is a normal form.

According to the location of the eye axis:

  • Classic cut - the inner and outer corners are exactly opposite each other, thereby creating a straight line.
  • European cut - outer corners point down.
  • Eastern section - the outer corners look up. Based on the location of the eye axis (a conventional straight line passing through the outer and inner corners), a Caucasoid, Asian (Mongoloid) or classic section is distinguished.

Based on all the listed characteristics, you can adjust your type and shape through proper makeup and without surgical intervention. And such a concept as an ideal form should be abandoned altogether. They simply do not exist, it is often mixed, and harmony is easily achieved through the play of shadow colors. The main thing is to take care of your health, because beautiful eyes, first of all, healthy, not “correct”.

Almost all ancient treatises on physiognomy advise starting to study a person with the eyes.

Most of the information is perceived by this part of the body.

The color and shape of the eyes will tell about the character. They reflect all the passions and inclinations.

Dragon and phoenix

Persons are attractive, resourceful, kind-hearted, talk little about themselves. If such visual organs men call them “dragon”, women call them “phoenix”.

Endowed with nobility, strength and power. These are people of enviable fate. Women are kind, famous, loved, powerful and usually rich.

The shape is angular, close to a rectangle. Iris yellow color, brilliant. People are endowed with fearlessness and impulsiveness. Active, energetic.

Women/men have strong feelings self-esteem. Young boys and girls are leaders, rebels. They don't like to lose

Slanted cat eyes

The shape of a cat's eyes resembles a tiger's. They shine, are powerful, and have a piercing gaze.

The cat shape of the eyes indicates that a person feels that a threat is approaching. People with cat-shaped eyes are life-loving people with great ambitions and are successful. They have a strong faith that allows them to succeed in anything.Sometimes frivolous, they love adventure.

Personalities are cruel, vengeful, power-hungry. Such people occupy a high position in society. They go towards their goal with the help of deception, because they are endowed with a short mind and a quick temper.

They often become victims of violence. Among them are many murderers, rapists, and leaders of criminal gangs.

The pupils are large, the gaze is assertive. Women and men with cow-shaped eyes are soft and calm. People are not impulsive; they prefer quiet family villages to socializing in a noisy company. However, they are loyal to their friends.

A person only has positive traits. He is brave, reliable, patient, very hardworking. Characterized by slowness. Such people are smart and logical beyond their years.

People with fox eyes are cunning, greedy, greedy. People are dexterous, smart, inventive, looking for benefit for themselves, even where there is none.

They value their company and focus only on what benefits them. They do not pay attention to the opinions of others; it is not significant for them.

Such people need to be feared. They know how to calculate options, assess risks, are thrifty in financial matters, and pragmatic in business.

Vengeful, attentive to details. They enjoy power, which is why they often occupy leading positions. They love superiority over others and strive to assert themselves at the expense of others.

People with slitted eyes, like a snake's, are aggressive. They quarrel and show aggression until they reach their goal.

Sly and cunning eyes. People with this form are timid, secretive, and cautious. They have a powerful intellect, are cunning, and resourceful.

Sometimes they are aggressive in communication, rude to people around them and to their loved ones. It is difficult to understand how you feel about your interlocutor.

The eyes of a born leader. Women are confident in themselves, men go towards their goals with their heads held high. They don’t give in to difficulties, don’t take a step back if something doesn’t work out.

Responsive, careerists, love to manage others. People with this eye shape need public recognition and respect from strangers.

The eyes are large with small pupils. Sometimes convex. The person is lazy by nature, does not like adventures, adventures. May not leave the house all winter, except for work and shopping.

People with eyes like a bear do not plan their future, they go with the flow. Envious.

The eyes are large, the pupils are dark, double. They have beautiful eyelids that do not hang over the eye.

People are smart, artistic, endowed with intelligence. They become doctors, scientists and writers.


They exude nobility. They don't like to attract attention to themselves, but they like to stay on top. People with deer eyes are ready to help and will not leave you in trouble.

These are homely, quiet individuals. Feel the coming of danger, possess developed intuition.

They are smart, sociable and good-natured. They rarely lie, do not quickly become attached to another, and do not show dissatisfaction.

Widely spaced organs of vision indicate a broad outlook. People are not interested in small things, they focus on the big picture. It's almost impossible to lose your temper.

People are strong in spirit, but do not like to make sudden movements or participate in conflicts. Family comes first, gives a feeling of security and reliability.

People with wide-set eyes are joyful, cheerful and full of life sensations, optimistic. They know how to enjoy freedom.

Physiognomists claim that such individuals do not know how to make their own decisions and doubt them. Vindictive, conservative, petty.

People with close eyes are weak-willed, they are “mama’s boys” who often remain lonely. Successful in politics and economics. They receive benefits and bonuses from their superiors because they adapt well to society.

A person's appearance can tell a lot to the interlocutor. Beautiful features faces help draw a person's attention to their personality. But the most expressive things on the face are the eyes. People with big eyes are rare. Do you want to know what kind of character a person has and is it worth getting to know him? Read this article.

Big eyes

Huge eyes instantly attract attention. You literally won't be able to take your eyes off the person's face. What kind of nature is hidden behind big eyes? People with big eyes are very artistic. This is not surprising, because their appearance compares favorably with the rest. Such persons often gain fame in the acting field or are involved in politics. People manage to gain fame due to the fact that they can conquer the interlocutor with one glance and force the person to listen.

Protruding eyes

People with large eyes, whose eyeballs are protruding, are characterized by incontinence of feelings. Such persons are impulsive and eccentric. But, unlike women, men quickly learn to control their emotions. Representatives of the stronger sex know how to turn their shortcomings into advantages. They perfectly understand their problems and therefore are excellent at seeing similar shortcomings in other individuals. Such persons know how to play on people's feelings and, as a result, become good leaders. Such men are distinguished by passion and inflated ambitions. But both, within reasonable limits, help people make their lives interesting and varied. It is difficult to get bored with such a person, as he is full of ideas and always keeps a few jokes in stock that can defuse the atmosphere or save any situation.

Women with bulging eyes are too emotional and they rarely learn to manage their feelings. Therefore, they tend to behave recklessly. But such people are good flirts. They know how to make the right contacts and present themselves in a favorable light.

Small iris

A person whose iris is small is an unreliable person. Such people with big eyes cannot take responsibility and do not like to commit themselves. We must pay tribute to such individuals - they know how to attract people due to their sincerity and insight. People with small irises rarely lie about their intentions, although those around them do not want to believe pretty people, believing that they are simply downplaying their merits. Therefore, individuals with big eyes cause sincere surprise among those around them when they do not live up to the expectations placed on them. Therefore, you should not be fascinated by a person with a small iris, only to be disappointed in her later. Guys with eyes like these often become pick-up artists, and women make excellent bitches.

Big iris

Have you ever wondered why a person has big eyes? The answer is very simple - it is a facial feature genetically inherited from ancestors. The character of people with large irises is very soft and malleable. They often carry lazy people on their shoulders, who shift their work onto the shoulders of trouble-free individuals. A calm and patient person finds pleasure in exhausting work. It is difficult for him to argue with others, since he considers all difficulties to be tests of fate. Soft-hearted individuals love to help others and do not expect anything in return. Their naivety sometimes seems childish. Such people believe in fairy tales until their retirement, and they like to imagine themselves as the hero of one of their favorite stories. The personal lives of people rarely go well. They find their happiness next to the person they begin to idolize. Such worship makes a tyrant and despot out of any person, who over time begins to take advantage of his exalted position.

Round eyes

What do the biggest eyes on a person say? You can see a photo of a person with big eyes above. Such persons are distinguished by good prudence. They are ambitious and at the same time too cowardly. That's why they make good leaders. People with round eyes do not like to take responsibility, but they like to receive laurels of winners. They care little about the fact that they receive honors undeservedly. It is impossible to work under the leadership of such bosses. Since managers are afraid of responsibility, they can never accurately explain the task to their subordinates and, as a result, try to whitewash themselves and make others scapegoats. Therefore, few of these individuals achieve success. Often they simply float afloat, as their charm attracts victims to them who agree to spend time and energy on satisfying incomprehensible demands. But still, people with round eyes also have their advantages. They are sympathetic and sincere, so they become good friends.

Almond shaped eyes

Do you often meet people with big eyes? Photos of such individuals appear from time to time in glossy magazines. People with large, almond-shaped eyes are sophisticated people, and therefore often achieve success in the arts. Persons draw well, play music, sculpt, or achieve success in literature. But such people may remain unknown, since they are modest and often simply do not know how to promote their creativity. But if a person can find a smart agent, he will become a world celebrity.

People with almond-shaped eyes know how to make friends and highly value loyalty. They love to establish long-term relationships and are always ready to help. Such persons never cheat on their partners, and if the relationship cools down, they break off the connection rather than look for a lover. People are distinguished by frankness, sometimes even too inappropriate and frightening. But you can’t expect betrayal from such individuals, since they can safely tell you everything they think about you to your face.

Drooping outer corners of the eyes

What do big eyes say? The character of people with drooping eyes is easy to determine. In appearance it may seem that the person is gloomy and very pessimistic. But this interpretation has nothing like reality. People with downturned eye corners are very gentle and caring. They rarely pay attention to themselves and focus on helping others. Such personalities are cheerful and optimistic. They know how to cheer you up and cheer you up. A person with loves to solve other people's problems so much that he does it even unconsciously. Therefore, others may get the impression that the person is sticking his nose into someone else’s business. But one should not take such an attitude biasedly. The person sincerely wants to help everyone who needs care and guardianship.

Deep set

People with large, deep-set blue eyes tend to over-plan. They love it when Life is going the way they want it. Such people have plans for all occasions. They always know what to do, where to invest their money and how to have fun next weekend. Spontaneous pleasures are not available to persons. But they do not strive for them, considering spontaneity something reprehensible.

Eyes are the first thing people pay attention to when looking at a person: this has been proven by research. They represent internal energy of a person, being the “windows of the soul.” Character is easily determined by the eyes, because even without knowledge of the basics of physiognomy, it is clear from just one glance a kind person or angry.

Knowing how to determine character by the eyes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. In this case, everything is important: the shape of the eyes, their size, location relative to each other, the color of the iris and whites, even the structure of the eyelashes!

Eye shape and character

In physiognomy, great importance is attached to the characteristics of the eyes, because the shape of the eyes and character are related to each other.

1. Large, bulging eyes

Those with large, expressive eyes are sincere, artistic, intelligent, sociable, and natural in expressing emotions. The beauty of such eyes is undeniable, which can cause failures in your personal life: they are too attractive to the opposite sex!

2. Protruding eyes

These are the eyes of a person who is gambling, energetic, ambitious, decisive, risky and intuitively senses the possibility of a successful transaction. Women with such eyes are distinguished by sociability, impulsive behavior, a desire for dominance, a love of risk and a tendency to act recklessly when literally everything is at stake.

3. Small eyes

Eyes of this type indicate punctuality, moral stability, strong life principles, devotion in friendship and love. However, the owners of such eyes are jealous, subconsciously feeling their imperfection. It is easy for women to visually increase the size of their eyes with the help of makeup, and men should develop self-confidence.

4. Deep-set eyes

Owners of eyes of this type are characterized by such natural qualities as daydreaming, conservative views, gullibility, vulnerability, and a calm disposition. Thanks to their natural abilities, they are well versed in financial matters, but do not like to take risks, therefore they have stability and success in relation to money.

5. Slanted eyes

Owners of slanted eyes are characterized by such character traits as optimism, courage, determination, and self-confidence. However, their tendency towards adventurism and carelessness can lead them to rash actions, recklessness and risk. However, the unshakable self-confidence of these people, as a rule, contributes to success and good luck.

6. Eyes with drooping outer corners

If the outer corners of the eyes are located below the inner corners, then the person has a sad expression on his face. People with this eye shape tend to care about the welfare of others more than themselves. Their immeasurable kindness can play a cruel joke on them: they will have to endlessly solve the problems of other people, forgetting about themselves and their interests due to weak will. Women can visually change the contours of their eyes with the help of makeup, and men will have to work on themselves in order to increase self-esteem, develop strong will and desire to win.

7. Big eyes with small irises

The eyes of this type look wide, as if from approaching danger. In such eyes, the whites are visible not only on the sides, but also below - in the form of a white stripe between the iris and the lower eyelid. Their owners have a stormy temperament and a feeling of constant anxiety, and therefore are not prone to long-term commitments. It is worth considering a job with frequent business trips and a partner from whom separation for a short period of time is possible. Insight, cunning, generosity are the strengths of their nature.

Character by the eyes: the influence of various signs

1. Eye placement

The position of the eyes relative to each other is of great importance for the harmonization of facial features. Ideally, the distance between them should be equal to the length of one eye, which indicates good relations person with family and society as a whole.

Close-set eyes indicate a weak will and excessive influence of parents on a person’s life. On the contrary, eyes disproportionately distant from each other indicate a strong personality who does not experience parental influence and care, perhaps having a cool relationship with them.

2. Color of the iris and whites

The dark brown color of the iris indicates the vital energy of a person. Blue eyes indicate the kindness of their owners, green ones indicate mystery and high intelligence, a yellowish tint of color speaks of temperament, and violet indicates the charm of nature.

White and clear whites of the eyes are a sign of health. Redness and yellowness of the whites indicate problems internal state human body. The bluish tint of the proteins speaks of the mysteriousness of nature: it occurs in people with brown eyes from birth.

3. Too visible whites

Sometimes the eyes have whites that surround the iris on all sides. People with an indomitable character who have no control over their condition have such eyes. They get angry easily, so it's best not to mess with them.

4. Eyelashes and character

Thin and sparse eyelashes usually have insufficient active people. Short and thick eyelashes are characteristic of energetic, strong individuals with a fairly aggressive character. Long eyelashes are a sign of the kindness and kindness of a person’s nature.

5. Wrinkles around the eyes

The presence of wrinkles near the outer corners of the eyes, similar to crow's feet, indicates a person's sexuality. Directed upward, these wrinkles indicate the perseverance of the character of their owners, which allows them to always achieve their goals. If lowered, they may indicate a possible divorce.

6. Heavy eyelids

Heavy eyelids indicate the decisive character of a person who also has sufficient sensuality.

Determining character by the eyes allows you to recognize many personality traits already at the stage of acquaintance, which can only appear later. long time. As they say, “forewarned is forearmed”!

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One of important issues physiognomy - what does the shape of the eyes indicate? IN general case Excessively wide eyes indicate dreaminess and sometimes even deceit in their owner. Oblong eyes are a sign of intelligence. Below is a description of the main eye shapes found. Using it, you can determine the character by the eyes.

Character of people with round eyes

The eyes are round in shape with double rounded eyelids, and the lower eyelid is well defined. The pupils of the eyes are black and very large. This is a highly favorable sign. Such eyes are found in both men and women. Chinese physiognomists interpret the male and female versions differently.

If such eyes belong to a man, they are called “dragon”. They endow their owners with all the qualities of the Dragon: nobility, strength, power, luck. These are people of enviable fate; all the leading politicians in the world have “dragon” eyes.

Female version Such eyes are called “Phoenix” eyes. Women with such eyes are kind and noble. These are true queens: they are rich, famous, loved and powerful.

Incredibly round, so-called “peacock” eyes say about the character of their owner that their owner will always be faced with the vicissitudes of fate: an unsuccessful marriage, complications with money, an unstable position, the machinations of envious people, etc. They have few friends, but they value they contain loyalty and self-sacrifice.

The eyes are round, shiny, bulging, the gaze is shifting (“monkey” eyes) - this really makes a person look like a monkey. He is active, smart, inventive, he has an excellent memory and well-developed intuition.

Triangular eyes

Triangular shaped eyes ( upper eyelid from the bridge of the nose obliquely descends to the outer part of the eye”, as if cutting it off) indicate prudence, suspicion, cunning and cruelty. And although the owners of such eyes have a peculiar character, they are smart, it is dangerous to deal with them, since deception or some kind of meanness can be expected from them at any moment. “The end justifies the means” is their motto.

Elongated eyes generally indicate great constriction and restraint. Therefore, it is very difficult for people of the Mongolian race to express themselves. This also indicates that a person has a goal and long-term plans.

If the corners of the eyes are downward, then the person is very economical in spending his energy. This speaks of stinginess, restraint, and the fact that a person is all inside. Such people are often born under the sign of Capricorn. They, as a rule, poorly realize their creative potential.

The eyes are elongated, light, the outer corners are slightly pubescent, the whites are in red veins, the pupils are white and blue, the gaze is dispassionate and piercing (“wolf” eyes) - all this reveals in the owners of such eyes people who are cruel, evil, vengeful, and power-hungry. Among them are many sadists, serial killers and leaders of criminal gangs. However, such people often become victims of violence themselves; sudden death. Despite the “bouquet” of negative properties, these people almost always occupy a high position in society.

Elongated eyes with a firm and penetrating gaze are “lion” eyes. Their owners are noble, intelligent, reasonable and courageous, they are determined and efficient. These are usually wealthy people in high positions. They are equally effective in business, politics, and military affairs.

Personality of people with small eyes

  • If the eyes are small, then the woman or man has a closed character, arrogance, stubbornness and constancy in affection.
  • Small eyes, slightly angular, with drooping corners (“fox” eyes) indicate cunning character and greed of their owners. Cunning and greedy, they hypocritically hide under the mask of goodwill, but it always comes out. Some of these people are very smart.
  • Small and deep-set eyes - be careful: they reveal people who are cunning, insincere, grumpy and often lack self-control.
  • How to determine character by eyes if they are small and dark? Such eyes indicate curiosity and quick reaction. Their owners are eloquent and active; they are patronized by the planet Mercury.
  • Small, narrow, slightly swollen eyes (“snake-like”) are considered an indication of aggression and rancor. In China, the owner of such eyes is called “a person with the soul of a snake.” Such people have absorbed everything negative traits: ruthlessness, prudence, vindictiveness, thirst for power, etc. There is always a threat hidden in their smile.
  • Small eyes with heavy eyelids, a shifting pupil and sparse eyelashes with colorless eyebrows are a sign of down-to-earth people, cunning, with practical acumen. They are prudes and selfish, but when it suits them or sometimes in their mood, they can be friendly. They are not interested in the spiritual path of development.
  • Small, stupid eyes with an absent-minded look (“pig” eyes) characterize people of small intelligence, conservative, cunning. They do not make a big career, but are in demand for work that requires painstaking work. Statistics show that such people live no more than 60 years.

Big eyes

In women, large eyes show deep and strong feelings, tenderness, emotionality, sexuality, that is, the development of all purely feminine qualities. In men, large eyes increase masculine qualities - the desire for leadership, dignity, masculinity.

Character of people with narrow eyes

Usually, narrow eyes indicate a calm disposition, reliability, but disinterest in showing feelings of love.

A narrow eye shape, the outer corner of the eye and eyebrow raised to the temple, a pupil with a sharp gaze, short but thick eyelashes - this is a portrait of a very observant, secretive, cunning, hypocritical, intelligent, selfish, self-possessed and very passionate person. Such people never lose heart. IN extreme situations They behave harshly, sometimes even cruelly, but usually they are fair in their claims. They have a quick reaction and instantly gather for a decisive blow. They are proactive, good analysts, and not afraid to take responsibility. At home they don’t like to talk about work, they are withdrawn. How to determine character by the eyes of women? They are very stubborn, and strive to subordinate their husband to their will; they do not tolerate second roles. They do a good job as an investigator who can be entrusted with a particularly dangerous case. They have a sharp, lively mind. Observant, will not miss anything. They don’t like to share their impressions with other people and know how to keep other people’s secrets. Good companions, loyal friends. They are very sexy, but in this area a lot depends on their mood. They love comfort and entertainment. Fidgety, cannot sit idle for a long time. They are difficult, but very interesting and never boring. They have a good sense of humor, are able to find something comical in the ordinary, and are great at telling funny stories and anecdotes. However, they absolutely do not tolerate other people's superiority, even in small things. Rivals are excluded from friends and communication with them is avoided. If you still have to meet with them, they prefer to do it in private, without prying eyes.

Wide human eye type

Wide round eyes show that a person is stubborn and very persistent, shows feelings violently, almost always jealous, although easy-going.

According to the knowledge of physiognomy, the eyes are wide open, the facial expression often changes due to changes in mood, the gaze is straight, point-blank, the eyebrow is arched above the middle of the eye, and sharply lowers towards the temple, the eyelashes are strongly curved upward - such a face usually appears in people who are energetic, independent, active, unbalanced, lively and intolerant of delay in extreme situations, courageous and decisive, too straightforward, sometimes to the point of insolence.

Wide-eyed people born in August are very restless, prone to depression, nervous breakdowns. At the same time, they are too kind, which brings them a lot of trouble. The look is penetrating, sometimes frightening, especially for those who want to hide any information. Visual memory is well developed, they are able to notice little things that others usually do not pay attention to. Knowing this feature, they often wear dark glasses so as not to confuse others.

How to determine the character of “January” people by their eyes? They are calmer and even more attentive and insightful. People often choose the professions of economists, lawyers, and mathematicians.

Wide eyes are characteristic of those who have strong opinions, are reliable and straightforward. There is no point in arguing with such people. They will still do as they want. Such a person’s nature is energetic, active, independent and stubborn, not tolerating delay in fulfilling requests or orders. A brave, decisive man, thanks to his courage, he is truthful to the point of harshness.

Fish eyes

Sometimes the eyes have a shape similar to that of a fish (the upper eyelid extends to the outer corner and has a downward slant). Men with such eyes are sexually liberated, even to the point of perversion. And women with a similar eye structure are frivolous and prone to cheating.

"Goggled" or bulging eyes

Protruding eyes occur in people who are quick-tempered, hot-tempered, but quick-witted. Such eyes, sitting in large and round, wide-open eyelids, are somewhat bloodshot, and the whites are speckled with bloody veins. The squirrels themselves often have an unhealthy, sometimes yellowish tint. The general impression of the eyes is “goggled”. The eyelashes are often short, the eyebrow is located high above the eye, with raised hairs. Such eyes speak of an irritable, hot-tempered person, not devoid of humanity, love for children, and outright cheerfulness (but not wit).

Myopic eyes

If a person constantly squints his eyes and his upper eyelid is raised, then this type of eye is called myopic. The eyes are located in narrowly slotted longitudinal eyelids, the outer corner of the eyelids is raised, the eyebrow is also raised towards the temple. A pupil with a sharp gaze from under short but thick eyelashes. Such eyes are usually found in people who are “on their own” - cold-blooded, selfish, insidious, with heightened sexuality. “Myopic” eyes indicate a person who is observant, secretive, cunning, and often hypocritical. Such a person is not stupid, has great endurance and unlimited egoism.

"Sleepy" eyes

The eyelids are swollen, as if they are drooping over the eyes, and the look is extremely expressionless. Thick long eyelashes, thick and long eyebrows. The general impression is “sleepy” eyes. It is not difficult to determine character by the eyes. Such eyes are found in lazy, apathetic people, but in their passivity they are not devoid of a bit of observation. As a rule, these are slow-witted people who have little energy. But the nature is rather soft than rough. Sometimes such eyes speak of a narrow-minded mind.

"Pig" type eyes

“Pig” eyes (small with heavy eyelids and a shifting gaze) speak of cunning and ingenuity, selfishness and extreme conservatism (to the point of hypocrisy). Such eyes appear small due to the small opening of the eyelids. The expression of the eyes is colorless and pale, and the eyelashes are usually sparse. Eyebrows are small and sparse. Determination of character by the eyes: a person is not rich spiritually, cunning and petty. His kindness is more a kindness of calculation than a sincere one.

"Muddy" eyes

Pupil under half-lowered upper eyelid impressive cloudy eyes. The eyebrow is a regular arch. The eyelids are pale, the eyelashes are long and sparse. Such eyes indicate a dispassionate person who knows how to penetrate deeply into other people's passions. He is insightful, incorruptible and serious, fair to the point of cruelty.

Wide-set eyes

Wide-set eyes always show that their owner is far-sighted, intelligent, active, and looks at life with optimism. Such people are constantly on the move, they come up with something, implement something, and charge everyone with their energy. They are not afraid of obstacles, easily endure failures and hardships, quickly forgive offenders, and do not engage in soul-searching. They look at life easily and move through life just as easily. Their only drawback is empty daydreaming. They often live in dreams rather than in reality.

Close-set eyes

Closely spaced eyes - the distance between them is no more than the width of a finger. Unlike people with wide eyes, these people are pessimistic, conservative, have neither a broad outlook nor a great mind. In life, it is easier for them to obey and follow orders, they have memory problems, but they remember small personal grievances for a long time. Their health is poor and they have few interests in life.

Eyes "yin - yang"

Yin-yang eyes are eyes that vary in size. Although all eyes differ in size, we do not notice this. The difference here is too big to miss. Determining character from such eyes is not difficult. People with such eyes are smart and calculating, so they often choose financial activities. They are suspicious by nature, do not like to show their feelings, and their successes alternate with failures. But in general, they always achieve both money and a good position in society. In China, for example, it is believed that the luck of people with “yin-yang” eyes is due to the fact that one eye looks at the sky and the other at the earth, that is, a person views both the secrets of the gods and the secrets of people. And whoever has the information wins.

Yellow eyes

Yellow eyes are the eyes of a tiger, so a description of the character can be done without comment. Such people have vampiric energy. If they are also set deep, then a person with such eyes is cunning and unpredictable. In extreme situations he behaves very harshly, in a fight he does not control himself - animal instincts are triggered. This is especially true for people born in December. For loved ones with yellow eyes ready to give their all, always happy not only to help, but also to serve. However, they are completely ruthless towards those who try to lead them, they do not know how to obey at all and follow exclusively their own good will. It is better to give in to their pressure, not argue, wait for the right moment when they are in a complacent mood, and then you can ask them for anything. Such people are very brave; it is impossible to intimidate them or subjugate them to the will of others. They are very hot-tempered, so you should think through every word in a conversation with them. People with such a character usually become wonderful athletes; they are guaranteed success in those sports where the ability to quickly gather oneself, show willpower, and endurance is necessary, for example, in strength sports.

Determining character by eye profile

A thorough study of the eye profile is an important aspect of physiognomy, which will allow one to determine character by the eyes. It is known and generally accepted that there are three general type eye: convex (outward curve), flat (or vertical) and concave (inward curve). Interestingly, the type of eyes identified according to each of these profiles indicates the owner's abilities as a storyteller.

  • A convex eye profile protrudes slightly above the cheekbones, and this type of profile maintains an outward curve along the entire length of the eye. Often a bulging eye is noticeable because it sticks out slightly. In general, such an eye is a sign of an intelligent, calm storyteller - a person who confidently conducts a conversation and responds impromptu to even the most unexpected arguments. This person quickly parries attacks, he always has a quick and witty answer ready, even a whole sequence of smart answers. He can talk his way through anyone, although sometimes at the cost of making the story boring.
  • A flat eye profile combines the best features of a convex eye (above) and a concave eye (below). If you look relative to a normal cheekbone, the pupil of a flat eye is on the same vertical line. A person with this type of eye is also a good storyteller, but differs from the always lively person with bulging eyes in that he must limit himself to topics with which he is very familiar. When a person with such eyes joins a conversation about an unfamiliar subject, he naturally turns into a good listener. During these periods of silence, he can weigh carefully and thoughtfully all issues relating to the subject of conversation, so that later, when he believes in his own abilities, he can be a convincing speaker, relying on a stable confidence in his ideas. People with this eye profile make excellent traders.
  • The concave eye is deep-set, the pupil is “recessed” in relation to the vertical line of the cheekbone. People with this eye type are slow, careful storytellers. If they cannot talk about a subject they know deeply, they will remain silent. Like a person with flat eyes, a person with concave eyes is persuasive in his speech, especially when he is allowed to speak for a long time.

How to tell your character by the location of your eyes

  • In people with small, deep-set eyes, emotionality is much less pronounced. This does not mean that they are soulless, just that their feelings are hidden from prying eyes. They try not to introduce any emotional elements into solving business issues. A person with small eyes makes a good customs officer or tax inspector who treats the work as a routine procedure and is not inclined to show sympathy for the complaints of the violator. If you are determined to have a close relationship with such a person, do not expect violent expressions of love and tenderness from him - they are not part of his behavioral repertoire.
  • The distance between the eyes is a sign of tolerance. This concept has several meanings, including in this case it's about the degree permissible deviation from perfection. Determining character by the eyes: the further the eyes are located from each other, the larger sector of space is covered by vision, and the closer, the less visibility. And psychologically, this sign corresponds to the breadth of one’s horizons and the degree of concentration.
  • A person with wide-set eyes has high tolerance. It is easy to communicate with him because he is open and trusting. However, in solving practical problems, he is prone to hesitation, is slow, often waits until the problem is resolved by itself, and begins to act belatedly when the situation risks getting out of control. When dealing with such people, it is necessary to take into account their indecisiveness and sluggishness. If you have to jointly solve some problems or entrust such a person with a responsible task, it is advisable to set clear deadlines and gently remind them of them. This should not complicate the relationship, since you have to deal with a flexible person.
  • The opposite sign, accordingly, indicates the opposite quality. People with close-set eyes are highly focused and strive for excellence. They react painfully when the situation does not develop as it should in their opinion. Their desire to put everything in order sometimes, not unreasonably, gives the impression of being excessively demanding, including to themselves. Such people make good managers and, alas, bureaucrats. When communicating with them, one must be tolerant of their dissatisfaction with all sorts of mistakes and imperfections. And it’s better not to give reasons for such dissatisfaction.
  • The outer corners of the eyes are an indicator of criticality. Directed downward, they indicate increased criticality of perception. People with such eyes tenaciously notice everything that goes beyond the boundaries. They make good editors, proofreaders, and various kinds of inspectors. However, in personal relationships they often fail due to their pickiness and quarrelsomeness. When coming into contact with such a person, you must be prepared for unsolicited critical comments and not be offended by them. After all, this kind of criticism is an integral property of a person and does not indicate antipathy towards you. Don't be afraid to turn to this person for advice - he will be happy to give it. Moreover, the advice will most likely turn out to be useful. After all, a critical person knows how to notice not only shortcomings, but also advantages, new unexpected opportunities.
  • In contrast, a person whose outer corners of the eyes are raised does not have critical perception. It is easy to communicate with such people, as they are not inclined to be sarcastic and find fault with trifles. However, they fail to see hidden but promising prospects in the small details of this or that case. Therefore, you should not rely too much on their judgment and advice.

Now you know how to determine character by the eyes.

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