Home Removal The cat squints his eye and tears up. Why do cats have watery eyes: causes, symptoms and treatment

The cat squints his eye and tears up. Why do cats have watery eyes: causes, symptoms and treatment

It's not uncommon for pet lovers to find that their cat's eyes are watery. Attentive owners, of course, will immediately want to rid their pet of this problem. So why do my cat's eyes water and what can I do about it?

What to do first?

First, you need to calm down. Hitting on eyeball a small foreign object can cause one of your cat's eyes to water. Fluffies love to roll around on the floor, where tiny particles are almost inevitably present. If dust or hair gets on the surface of the eye, then an unconditioned protective reflex is triggered. The lacrimation intensifies and the foreign object is washed away. Most likely, the cat will cope with this problem on his own, but you can help him by simply washing him with warm water. boiled water. You need to drip water so that it flows from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.

This makes it easier to wash foreign particles from the surface of the eyeball.

Often, a cat may accidentally touch the sclera while washing. This may also be the reason why your cat's eye is watering. In these cases, you need to observe the animal for at least several hours. If tearfulness is caused by these reasons, and the cornea is not damaged, then it will soon go away on its own.

Other external reasons

Why else do cats have watery eyes? As you know, cats are territorial animals. Therefore, they zealously defend their territory and the cats living on it from other cats. Often cats fight fiercely. During a fight, animals can damage their eyes. In addition, mechanical damage can occur when running through bushes or colliding with a foreign object. Such reasons are confirmed by the presence of other injuries in the cat. Mild damage to the cornea may only result in excessive tearing. But in order to avoid the development of complications in this case, it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian. If necessary, he will prescribe anti-inflammatory drops or drops that enhance the regeneration of eye tissue.

Why do my cat's eyes water? This phenomenon can be caused by too bright light. By nature, cats are nocturnal animals. The visual system of cats is designed in such a way that they can see perfectly in the dark. But even in the light sunny day cats see well. However, the bright light from fluorescent lights causes them to squint, and irritation from too much light can cause your cat's eyes to water. Bright light is also harmful to the human visual system. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the lighting at home is comfortable for both the owners and their pets.

Causes of lacrimation in kittens

What to do if a kitten's eyes are watery? If the kitten has tears in its eyes after sleep, in this case there is no need to worry too much. In kittens, clear discharge is not a symptom of any pathology. This happens only because the kitten has not yet learned to properly and regularly care for its eyes.

The anatomical features of the skull of some cat breeds, such as the British Fold, Persian, which are expressed by shortened lacrimal ducts, are the reason that cats of these breeds have watery eyes throughout the first year of their life. By the time the shape of the skull is finally formed, lacrimation, as a rule, stops.

Another cat breed is characterized by increased tearfulness. Don Sphynxes often have a genetically inherited anomaly - entropion of the eyelids. This deviation causes the cilia to constantly scratch the surface of the cornea, causing a foreign body effect. This is why a cat of this breed has constantly running eyes. This problem is eliminated by the surgical method.

Experienced owners know that kittens must be wormed for the first time before the age of one month.

Diseases that cause lacrimation in cats

Lacrimation is a normal physiological process characteristic of all healthy animals. Normally, it is almost invisible. Only after the animal sleeps can small discharge be detected in the corners of the animal’s eyes. But if a cat has been watering in one eye or both for quite a long time, then the reasons may not be so harmless.

If a cat's eyes are running, and at the same time the pet is sneezing and coughing, then this may be a symptom of a cold. You can catch a cold in cold weather; wool that gets wet during rain cannot warm the animal, and a cold draft is an additional factor that increases the risk of a cold. A cat with a cold, in addition to watery eyes, coughing and sneezing, has the following symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • hot and dry nose;
  • runny nose;
  • elevated temperature.

It happens that only one eye of a cat is watery.

The cause of this phenomenon may be an eye disease such as keratitis or conjunctivitis. This bacterial inflammation is treated with special eye drops that contain an antibiotic. wide range actions. In severe cases, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotic injections. If a cat's eye is watering, but the animal feels well and does not refuse to eat, treat it with Anandin, Tsiprovet, Bars, Iris or Diamond Eyes drops. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and it is quite possible that several treatments will solve the problem. If pus is flowing from the eyes, local treatment you can use special eye ointments, such as Tetracycline or Levomycetin. But in any case, when pathological discharge from the eyes of a cat, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. He will show you how to properly treat a watery eye, determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Caring and loving “cat owners” have probably repeatedly noticed how their purrs sometimes “cry”, and therefore asked a natural question: why do the cat’s eyes water?

Protect your eyes from dust and other foreign bodies Animals, just like humans, are helped in everyday life by tears. That's why sometimes tears should appear in your cat's eyes.

It is considered natural in terms of physiology when a cat’s eyes water after sleep. He usually washes himself or you wipe the corners of his eyes with a dry cloth. Caring owners have made it a rule to periodically give their pets “ bath days", carefully (so as not to damage the eyeball) by washing the eyes and ears with cosmetic discs or cotton swabs dipped in warm boiled water.

It’s another matter when the purring dog’s tearfulness is constantly observed, and this tearfulness is accompanied by a sad and lethargic appearance of the animal. Why do cats have watery eyes and what to do in such cases?

This process should not be perceived as natural, nor should it be assumed that in this case The purr will begin to wash itself. “Kill” the infection at home, only by washing your pet’s eyes with various disinfectants, without the intervention of a veterinarian is also not advisable.

When to contact a veterinarian

Examine the cat carefully. If the tears are clean and transparent, without any admixture of pus or blood, there are no signs of swelling, and the cat plays with pleasure and has an excellent appetite, there is nothing to worry about. Your pet does not require treatment, but only proper care.

A visit to the veterinarian is required if the following signs are detected:

  • The cat doesn't eat well.
  • Her snot is flowing.
  • He often scratches his eyes.
  • Cloudy or purulent tears.
  • Dull eyes.
  • The cat is too excited or, conversely, too lethargic.
  • The cat's eye is swollen.
  • There are deep scratches and cuts around the eyes.

In specialized veterinary clinics they will always be able to accurately determine the diagnosis and correctly state the cause of watery cat eyes.

Causes of excessive tear production


Excessive tearfulness is generally characteristic of small kittens, especially babies whose eyes have just opened. Often they are licked by the mother cat. If the eyes of a kitten that has already been weaned from its mother are watery, do not worry. Usually, with age, the secretion of fluid stops. When copious discharge tears and sticky eyelids, wipe the kitten’s eyes twice a day with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. This should be done with extreme care and caution.

The reason for your pet's frequent tears may also be due to the characteristics of its breed. So the muzzle of a Scottish fold cat is short and snub-nosed. At the same time, the tear ducts are too short. Thus, tearing occurs with any slightest irritation.

Persians may have watery eyes because representatives of this cat breed have a very short muzzle in addition to large bulging eyes. Motes, dust and infections plague Persian cats more than others.

If your Scots or Persian's discharge is clear and not profuse, it should be perceived as a characteristic of the breed and constantly take care of the condition of your pet's eyes.

They may have congenital entropion of the eyelids, often leading to watery eyes as the cornea scrapes against the eyelashes. And although not every Sphynx cat suffers from this defect, nevertheless, if pathology occurs, surgery is required.


The cause of watery eyes may be a bacterial or viral infection that causes the cat's eyes to become swollen. But only a doctor can say this for sure after a special examination of the furry patient. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, your purr will be prescribed anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications.


A purr's watery eye may also indicate an existing allergy. Here the causative allergen can be people chemicals, food, pollen, dust or fur hanging on the cat's eyelids. Caring owners will need to determine specific reason allergies and protect your pet from contact with the pathogen.


Why are my kitten's eyes watering? The cause may also be common worms. In this case, the veterinarian will recommend anthelmintic prophylaxis.

Infectious diseases

Cats' eyes also become watery due to rhinotracheid, calcivirosis, chlamydia, as well as other diseases that are extremely dangerous for both cats and their owners. To avoid these diseases, it is advisable to vaccinate the animal in a timely manner. A special point to be made about Cataracts is characterized by clouding of the eye lens. Treating it is quite difficult, but necessary. Otherwise, the purr faces complete blindness. Cataracts occur due to headaches and eye injuries, metabolism, diabetes, exhaustion and some chronic diseases. Identify this disease early stage quite difficult. In the later stages, the cat experiences deterioration in vision, production of tears and clouding of the eyes.

Glaucoma affects cats with impaired outflow of intraocular fluid and increased intraocular pressure. Four-legged patients are depressed, often “cry” and are afraid of light. There is redness visual organs and pupil dilation.

Mechanical damage to the organs of vision

If injured, your cat's eyes may become swollen. Tears in this case indicate the healing process. Contact the veterinary clinic and they will always tell you how to treat your furry pet. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe Cornegerel drops, which will moisturize the eyes well and help in the healing of small wounds.


Only specialized veterinary clinics can tell you the correct answer to the question: why do cats’ eyes water and how to treat this disease? Here they will accurately identify all the causes of eye problems and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Watery eyes in cats are not uncommon - according to statistics, for example, in kittens this pathology manifests itself before the age of one year in 70% of cases (avoids eye problems). After reading this material, you will know what to do if your cat’s eyes are running, when to see a veterinarian, and when to treat it yourself.

Why do my cat's eyes become watery and sour?

The most common cause of increased tearing is a common cold.

This diagnosis does not always occur in the cold season; the cat can be blown out in a draft or after a bathing procedure. Usually, with a cold, sneezing, lethargy, sour eyes and loss of appetite are added to the lacrimation.

The fact that the animal begins to rub its eyes with its paw for a long time may also indicate a cold.

At the kitten's

If the baby is separated from its mother too early, the kitten's eyes become sour from the inability to take care of itself. Souring is the same tearfulness. Having matured a little, he himself will begin to put his little face in order.

If the discharge around the eyes is clear and odorless, there is no need to sound the alarm. Just help your baby - wipe his eyes with a damp cotton pad.

Do not use cotton swabs to wash the eyes of kittens and cats - they can injure the eyes.

When to sound the alarm

If your cat rubs his eyes with his paw or pus accumulates in the corners of his eyes, be wary. The distress signal has sounded and your task is to respond to it correctly! That is, take the cat to the vet.

A visit to the veterinarian is mandatory - there are many reasons for excessive lacrimation, so no conscientious doctor will undertake to recommend treatment in absentia.

Other reasons why a cat's eye is watery:

So, let’s summarize for what symptoms a trip to the veterinarian is mandatory:

  • purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • cat's red eye;
  • Red and swollen eyelids;
  • changes in fur color around the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy of the cat;
  • whitened lens of the eye;
  • film on the eyeball.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian after diagnosis. accurate diagnosis. A trip to the veterinarian or calling a specialist to your home is the first thing the owner should do. The veterinarian will want to know when deworming was carried out, vaccinations, the cat’s diet, how and when lacrimation appeared, what preceded it - be prepared to answer these questions.


For treatment, drops from veterinary and regular pharmacies, antibiotic ointments and eye films are most often used.

If tearfulness has become a pathology, then veterinarians bacterial conjunctivitis Instillations are most often prescribed:

  • Levomycetin – antimicrobial drops with fast local action. The antibiotic is sold in a regular pharmacy. It is inexpensive: a bottle of 5 ml. 6 rubles (9 UAH);
  • Kanamycin - a cure for diseases bacterial pathology. The antibiotic can be purchased in pharmacies for 12 rubles. (13 UAH);
  • Sulfacyl sodium – transparent eye drops for therapy of people. Approved for use in cats for eye diseases. The antimicrobial drug is sold in regular pharmacies - a bottle costs 27 rubles. (16 UAH);
  • Sofradex is an antibiotic with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Prescribed for superficial eye infections, allergic conjunctivitis. In Russia the bottle is 5 ml. Costs 326 rubles, in Ukraine – 64 UAH.

Allergic tearing, as we have already written, goes away after the end of the hormonal course of treatment.

Here's what to do when viral infection and only a specialist will tell you how to treat it!

How to properly instill eye drops

All therapeutic procedures should be carried out in a calm, natural environment. Stroke, caress the cat, talk to it in a gentle and calm voice.

If you are not sure that you can handle the animal on your own, call someone for help - let the assistant hold the cat in his arms during the procedure. Overly aggressive animals can be pre-wrapped in a terry towel.

Your next steps:

  • Soak a cotton pad in warm water and wash your cat's eyes. Rinsing is a mandatory step before each instillation.
  • Take in right hand bottle of medicine, and with your left hand pull your eyelid down.
  • Place the required number of drops into the resulting gap.
  • Make sure that the medicine gets into the eye and not onto the animal's fur.
  • After instillation, hold your pet tightly; at this time, he feels itching and burning. It is necessary to hold it so that the cat does not scratch the itchy eye with its paw.
  • Be sure to praise and pet the cat after all manipulations. Give your pet his favorite treat.

For local therapy, in addition to drops, eye ointments with an antibacterial effect can be prescribed: “Levomycetin”, “Tetracycline”. They need to be placed behind the third eyelid.


To prevent your kitten's eyes from watering, follow these rules:

Eye washes and drops can be used for prevention in kittens and adult animals.

How to wipe a kitten's eyes at home?

Decoctions of calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile and sage successfully remove small discharge from the eyes of kittens.

You can wash your cat's eyes, if necessary:

Eye drops for daily care

  • Leopard;
  • Diamond eyes.

How to wipe and rinse a cat's eyes

If eye treatment for kittens has already been prescribed and you carry out the procedures at home yourself, then we offer you a short instruction.

You will need:

  • gauze pads/cotton pads;
  • pipette/disposable syringe;
  • towel;
  • delicacy!

Catch and restrain the animal by wrapping it in a towel. Invite someone from your family to join you - you may be surprised by the fact how much strength is hidden in your beloved baby. The towel is designed to soften the desperate resistance of the cat, which hates any manipulation!

Start manipulating. Soak the crusts with a napkin or cotton pad soaked in the medicinal solution and remove them.

Take a new cloth or disc and soak it in the healing solution. Big and index fingers spread your eyelids and rinse them, moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Try to ensure that the medicinal solution moistens the conjunctiva generously. If you have experience, then rinsing can be done with a disposable syringe (without a needle), injecting the solution directly under the eyelids.

Blot your animal's eyes with a clean, dry cloth.

The very last thing is to talk kindly to your pet, pet him and treat him with his favorite treat. You must somehow apologize for the forced “torment”.

And of course, remember that regular eye hygiene, teeth brushing, manicure/pedicure should become a habitual procedure for your pet.

Stories from cat owners

Taras:“While we were living at the dacha, my bully got into a fight and other cats scratched his eye. In the first days we gave him Albucid (Sodium Sulfacyl), but there was no improvement. I had to take the cat to the city to the veterinary clinic. The doctor prescribed Sofradex. They gave him drops for 5 days, 2 times a day. The tearing has gone away, the eye has healed.”

Raisa:“At the age of 3 months, our little British girl’s eyes were constantly watering. We washed it with warm tea, and then instilled “Diamond Eyes” drops. We bought them at a veterinary pharmacy. They do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye and do not sting. Place 2 drops in each eye 2 times a day. In addition to these procedures, the doctor prescribed us vitamins to strengthen our immune system.”

Video on how to wipe a cat's eyes

If domestic cat suddenly your eyes start to water, don’t panic right away. Most often, this phenomenon is physiological norm. However, in some cases, tearing may be a consequence of pathology. Therefore, at such moments, your pet requires special attention.

Why do healthy cats have watery eyes?

The eyes of a kitty cat can produce tears for almost the same reasons as human eyes:

  • during yawning;
  • immediately after and during sleep (if the cat suddenly opened its eyes and immediately fell asleep again);
  • in case of contact with a foreign object (eyelash, hair, etc.);
  • in a dusty room;
  • in strong winds (if the cat is outside or on an open balcony).

In such cases, human intervention is usually not required. The cat can handle the situation itself by starting to wash itself. Tearfulness is also considered normal in certain breeds. These include:

  • Scottish;
  • British;
  • Persian.

In general, the presence of tears in a cat should not cause much concern for owners if a number of conditions are met.

When should crying in cats not be a cause for concern?

It is quite easy to check whether the appearance of tears in a cat is a pathology. You just need to carefully observe the eyes of your pet. So, if your cat has watery eyes, what should you do at home? Nothing, that is, no need to worry if:

  • eyes are clean, not injured;
  • there is no swelling or signs of inflammation;
  • the pupil responds adequately to changes in light brightness;
  • the cornea is shiny;
  • there are no signs of foreign objects;
  • no additional allocations;
  • there is an anatomical predisposition;
  • does not cause disturbance to the animal.

Of course, even in this case, it is better to watch the cat for a while. But there is no point in taking any action.

Tearfulness as a symptom

However, in some cases, watery eyes indicate that something is wrong with the cat’s health. The reasons for the appearance of such a symptom can be very different.

And what should you do if your cat’s eyes are watery? What to do at home? In some cases, you can help the animal yourself. However, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian. Only after an examination will a specialist be able to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe a course of treatment. What can cause watery eyes in a cat?


Cats do not get sick as often as people, but they still get common diseases. colds. Their symptoms are usually pronounced and even the most inattentive owner will be able to understand that his a pet not healthy.

In such situations, cats become lethargic, refuse food and sleep more than usual. Standard signs of a cold also appear: runny nose, cough, sneezing. All this is often accompanied by tearfulness.

The disease usually goes away in 4-5 days. If symptoms persist longer, the animal should definitely be taken to a veterinarian.

Infections and viruses

Various infections and viruses can also cause watery eyes in a cat. Most often, pets suffer from toxoplasmosis, microplasmosis, herpesviosis, chlamydia, and calcivirosis. The symptoms of such pathologies are mild, and often only lacrimation can alert the owner.


Conjunctivitis is often the cause of watery eyes in cats. With this disease, pus is released along with tears, the color resembling ordinary dirt, but more liquid form. As the animal sleeps, pus can blind the eyelids, preventing the eyes from opening.

Entropion (turning of the eyelids)

This pathology is usually a consequence of injury or infectious diseases. With such a disorder, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes covered with microcracks, which leads to regular inflammation and conjunctivitis. The only way to rid an animal of entropion is through surgery.


Tearfulness can be caused by allergic reaction. Most often observed in cats food allergy. It is not difficult to track and cure it, simply by returning your pet to its usual food. However, if the reaction is caused by some chemical substances(air fresheners, washing powders, perfumes, etc.), then the cat must be shown to a specialist. Only a veterinarian will be able to identify the irritant and prescribe the necessary medications for treatment.

Eye diseases

The appearance of a film on one or both eyes of a cat, clouding of the lens, lack of reaction to light - all this may indicate that the pet has serious eye diseases, such as cataracts, inflammation of the cornea (keratitis), increased eye, blood or cranial pressure. In such cases, to prevent the cat from losing its sight, a visit to the veterinary office is indispensable.

Other reasons

Often the animal's eyes begin to water due to foreign objects getting into them. You cannot rid your cat of them on your own. In this situation, there is only one way out - take the pet to the nearest veterinary hospital.

Sometimes healthy cats tears may appear due to blockage tear duct. This problem can be solved by special cleaning and only by a veterinarian.

My cat's eyes are watery, what should I do at home?

The eyes are a very complex and important organ. Therefore, if your cat’s eyes suddenly begin to water, then you should not self-medicate. If there is any suspicion of serious illness or injury, it is better to immediately take the animal to a specialist. But providing first aid to prevent your pet from harming itself even more is highly recommended.

Regular (clean) tears can be removed using cotton swabs or discs soaked in warm water. You need to wipe the eye from the center to the edge or from the ear to the nose.

In case of inflammatory processes Instead of water, it is better to use chamomile infusion. In addition to being anti-inflammatory, it also has a calming effect, relieving itching and burning.

It is easy to prepare such a decoction or infusion yourself by purchasing a chamomile collection at any pharmacy. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times a day.

In addition to chamomile decoction, kittens' eyes can be wiped with infusions of St. John's wort, sage or calendula. Regular, strongly brewed tea also works well for washing the eyes.

Besides medicinal herbs products can also be used pharmaceutical industry: saline solution, furatsilin (1:5000), 2% boric acid solution.

As for drops for instillation into the eyes, they should not be used without a prescription. In general, for these purposes it is quite acceptable to use conventional human medicines. The main thing is to follow the dosage prescribed by the veterinarian.

How to rinse a cat's eyes or apply drops?

In order not to injure yourself and the cat, it is better to wash your eyes or instill drops together. First you need to wrap the animal in thick fabric and gently press it between your knees. The second person, holding the animal's head, carefully performs necessary procedures. After this, the cat must be held in a motionless position for 10-15 seconds, and only then can it be released. If the procedure is performed by one person, then it is best to position the cat with its back to you. This way she will not be afraid of a large number of foreign objects.

To wash each eye, you must use a separate cotton pad or swab to prevent infection transfer. If the doctor has prescribed drops, then the animal’s eyes must also be washed before using them.

During the process of washing or instilling, you need to talk to and pet your pet. This will calm the cat and healing procedures will take place without unnecessary nerves, both for the animal itself and for its owner.

Sometimes owners notice that one cat's eye is watering. When an animal is in pain, it often tries to communicate this through its behavior, and its body itself signals the slightest malfunction with discharge from the eyes, an increase in temperature and some other factors. But situations arise when increased tearfulness in a cat is the norm and even a sign of improvement. To help your pet, you need to understand the causes of this symptom and take the necessary measures.

Causes of tearfulness in cats

There are many reasons for tearfulness, but cats almost always have watery eyes after sleep, and this is normal. But if your pet has watery eyes in one or both eyes during the day, and there is also purulent discharge, then this indicates a disease. In this case, you must definitely go to the veterinarian. There are a number of reasons why a cat may have watery eyes:

Kittens up to a year old do not yet know how to properly care for themselves. Mom does everything for them. For a British kitten, everything is even more difficult than for the Persians. The British have such features as an incorrect incision, trichiasis (entropion of the eyelid, itching, discomfort, eyelashes grow inward, surgery is necessary), and eversion of the eyelid.

At helminthic infestation(penetration of worms) lacrimation may also be observed, it is necessary to carry out treatment systematically. If the bathroom was not securely closed, the cat had access to household chemicals, the medicine or food did not “fit”, the pet may develop problems with the eyes, including burns.

When a cat's eye is watering due to mechanical damage, this indicates healing. Even in this case, you should take the animal to the veterinarian, otherwise vision deterioration will inevitably occur. With rhinitis, in addition to lacrimation, a runny nose is observed. This occurs due to infection entering the nasopharynx.

What to do if your pet has a watery eye?

First of all, it is necessary to assess the condition of the animal: is there diarrhea, fever, how are things going with the appetite, is the eye red, how is the animal behaving, is there any discharge from the nose, is the animal squinting its eye, is it sneezing.

If the pet has not been injured or poisoned by household chemicals, next step The eye will be washed with a light solution of furatsilin or a decoction of medicinal herbs. The cat needs to be shown to a veterinarian. Prescribe effective treatment and carry out additional research Only a specialist can.

Basic treatment methods

Competent treatment should be prescribed veterinarian. All medications are prescribed only to them. At home, you can do something only after examination and consultation with a specialist, and carelessness in using medications can deprive the cat of her vision. However, some general guidelines should be followed:

  • You need to rinse the healthy eye first, and then the sore eye. Even if there is only one problem, it is necessary to rinse both eyes with furatsilin solution.
  • In the case of an allergy, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence and remove what causes the reaction.
  • Eyes must blur medicinal ointments. If the discharge is purulent, antibiotics will be required. Use 2 times a day.
  • In case of infection, the veterinarian will prescribe necessary medications, but usually tetracycline ointment is used and chloramphenicol is instilled into the eyes.
  • For trichiasis and eversion of the eyelid, the clamp in postoperative period You can't take it off.

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