Home Gums Bacterial conjunctivitis in infants. Conjunctivitis in newborns: causes and treatment

Bacterial conjunctivitis in infants. Conjunctivitis in newborns: causes and treatment

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in infants appear already 2–3 days after the infection begins. If the cause of the disease is an allergy, signs of the pathological process can be noticed immediately after contact with the allergen. And to provoke strong reaction Any little thing can damage a baby’s body: dust, dry air, skin care products, etc.

General symptoms of conjunctivitis in newborns may appear as follows:

  • the occurrence of intense lacrimation;
  • hyperemia of the whites of the eyes;
  • the formation of a thin whitish film on the surface of the diseased eye;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • difficulty opening the eyes after sleep (they stick together due to intense secretion of purulent mucus);
  • swelling of the conjunctival sacs;
  • redness of the skin under the eyes.

These symptoms of conjunctivitis in infants do not appear immediately, but develop gradually as the pathological process progresses. As a rule, one eye is affected first, and if the inflammation is not stopped in a timely manner, the second one is affected.

To nonspecific symptoms of conjunctivitis in infant can be attributed:

  • tearfulness, irritability;
  • constant desire to scratch your eyes;
  • restlessness during sleep;
  • decreased appetite.

If you have any problems with your newborn's eyes, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. You should not self-medicate, especially if the diagnosis has not been confirmed.

Causes and development factors

The reasons for the development of conjunctivitis in a newborn child are often associated with the birth process. Any infectious diseases of the genital tract in a pregnant woman, if they are not cured on time, can cause the development of pathology in the baby.

However, even the complete health of the mother, the sterility of the nursery and careful care skin crumbs cannot protect him from this disease.

The reasons for the development of conjunctivitis in a newborn are often associated with the following factors:

  • weakness of the immune system;
  • viral or infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy;
  • genital herpes in a young mother (during passage through the birth canal, the child can catch an infection);
  • incomplete compliance with the rules of care for a newborn or lack thereof.

Conjunctivitis in infants can also occur due to dirt, dust or a foreign object getting into the mucous membranes of the eyes, which are still too fragile and tender. Although, of course, not all factors that can cause this pathology in a child depend on the young mother. However, to prevent unpleasant consequences they must be remembered and, if possible, avoided.

Types of pathology

Conjunctivitis in an infant can be:

You can recognize the type of conjunctivitis in an infant by the following signs:

  1. If there is purulent discharge from the eyes, then conjunctivitis is bacterial in nature.
  2. For redness and irritation of the eyes, accompanied by lacrimation and swelling of the conjunctival sacs. we can talk about the allergic etiology of the disease.
  3. If conjunctivitis of the eyes in an infant is combined with symptoms of pharyngitis, this indicates a viral origin of the pathological process.

Another sign is that there is no effect from treating the disease with local antibacterial drugs There can be 2 options:

  • conjunctivitis in infants is of non-bacterial origin;
  • pathogenic microflora living on the conjunctiva of the eyes has developed resistance to the drug used.

To correctly prescribe treatment, a child should not engage in self-diagnosis, because many eye diseases have similar symptoms.

Which doctor treats conjunctivitis in infants?

An ophthalmologist treats conjunctivitis in newborns. But if it is not possible to visit a specialized specialist, a competent pediatrician or family doctor can prescribe therapy for a small patient.

Diagnostic features

Diagnosis of eye conjunctivitis in newborns is often based on visual examination of the cornea and conjunctival sacs. At bacterial origin pathology, purulent discharge from the eyes of children is taken for bacteriological research. Based on the results of the study, a accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Other diagnostic procedures are also carried out in parallel:

  • biomicroscopy;
  • cytology of a smear from the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • virological study.

If conjunctivitis in newborns is of allergic origin, an allergy test and a study to determine the level of IgE antibodies in the blood are performed.

Therapeutic approach

How to treat conjunctivitis in infants? Do not carry out any activities without the instructions of the attending physician. Caring for a child suffering from this pathology involves following the following rules:

  1. Before seeing a doctor, no medications should be used. If the visit is postponed for some reason, the only drops that can be used to treat eye conjunctivitis in newborns, regardless of age, are Albucid. If you suspect allergic nature If you have a disease, the baby should be given an antihistamine syrup or suspension (Loratadine, L-Cet, etc.).
  2. Before dripping the child’s eyes with a drug prescribed by a doctor, they must be treated with regular tea leaves or decoction. medicinal plants: chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.
  3. To completely cure conjunctivitis in newborns, it is necessary to wash both eyes, even if pathological process occurs in only one of them.
  4. Under no circumstances should you put a bandage over your child’s eyes - this can cause active proliferation of pathogenic microflora.
  5. Antibiotic ointments should be used very carefully to treat eye conjunctivitis in an infant, so as not to provoke even more intense irritation of the mucous membrane of the visual organs.

So, having dealt with the question regarding the rules for treating the eyes of newborns, it is necessary to move on to the key point - how to treat conjunctivitis in a baby? Choice medication directly depends on the type of pathological process.

  • Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in infants is carried out using an antibiotic (Albucid (10% solution)) or ointments (Tetracycline).
  • If the question arises of how to treat viral conjunctivitis in an infant, then it is necessary to use antiviral drugs: Actipol, Trifluridine, Poludan, etc.

How to treat conjunctivitis in a newborn if the disease is caused by an allergic reaction? Under such conditions, only antihistamines(can be in the form of syrup or suspension): Loratadine, Ketotifen, Alerdez, L-Cet, etc.

If we talk about the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in a newborn with eye drops, then in this case the drugs Dexamethasone, Cromohexal, Allergodil will be effective. However, it is important to know how to treat your baby correctly in order to avoid adverse consequences for his health. To do this, you need to carefully study the instructions for use of the chosen medicine, because even antiallergic drugs can cause harm to the baby if handled incorrectly.

Home Recipes

Treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns at home using folk remedies is allowed only in the form helper method. And only on the condition that the baby needs to be provided emergency assistance to prevent the spread of infection.

So, how to treat conjunctivitis in newborns if you don’t have it at hand pharmaceutical drugs? The most effective means are considered:

  • Camomile tea . To prepare it, you need to pour 3 g of dried chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Strain and use to wash the child's eyes (warm). Every day you need to make a new infusion.
  • Decoctions of sage and eucalyptus . The principle of preparation and use for the treatment of conjunctivitis in infants at home is the same as in the previous version.
  • Infusion or decoction of a series of tripartite and whether marigolds . These herbs relieve irritation and redness, and also have antiallergic properties, so if the question arises of how to treat conjunctivitis of allergic etiology in an infant, preference should be given to these plants.

How to cure conjunctivitis in newborns if you don’t have any of the above herbs at hand? You can use regular brewed black or green tea. However, it should not be strong - fingers should be clearly visible through it (this can also be assessed visually). The baby's eyes should be washed every 1–1.5 hours.

It is advisable to treat conjunctivitis in infants with tea for all types of the disease without exception. It washes out pus well in case of bacterial conjunctivitis, reduces the activity of viruses in case of viral etiology of pathology, and also relieves swelling, redness and itching of the eyes - in case of an allergic type of disease. The tea can be used in parallel with eye drops.

Features of prevention

In order not to wonder how to cure conjunctivitis in a newborn, young parents need to take a responsible approach to the issue of primary, and, if necessary, secondary prevention of the pathology. The leading role in this case is given to:

As you can see, a woman should take up the issue of prevention during pregnancy, because often recurrent conjunctivitis in newborns is most often a consequence of previous expectant mother pathologies.

Useful video about conjunctivitis

The birth of a child is one of the most happy days in the lives of parents. But along with the joy of motherhood and fatherhood, young parents have to face numerous problems. One of them may be an ophthalmological disease such as conjunctivitis, which is diagnosed quite often in newborns, but with proper treatment is quickly eliminated. Therefore, it is important for young parents to be able to recognize the symptoms of conjunctivitis in order to consult a doctor in time.

Conjunctivitis in newborns has its own varieties depending on the cause. It is important to distinguish them for selection adequate treatment. The disease can be bacterial, allergic and viral.

It has a mild course, but affects both eyes in turn, so it is important to start treatment as quickly as possible. Bacteria and viruses, having penetrated the body, can disrupt the functioning of children’s internal organs that are not yet fully formed.

It differs from a viral one in that it affects only one eye. Accompanied by a thick purulent discharge, which is very frightening for mothers. But it is worth knowing that purulent conjunctivitis is treated quickly and easily, despite the severe course of the disease.


Young parents should know what to do if their newborn develops conjunctivitis in order to act correctly. Babies have a very weak immune system and therefore cannot cope with the many infections that live around them. The situation is aggravated by violation of sanitary and hygienic standards in maternity hospital and presence congenital anomalies the baby's visual organs.

Inflammation of the conjunctival membrane of the eye in newborns is provoked by the following reasons:

  1. Lesions of an infectious nature. These are a wide variety of viruses and bacteria (chlamydia, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus). A child becomes infected with them when he passes through the birth canal of an infected mother or when using poorly sterilized obstetric items.
  2. Allergy. A newborn is very sensitive to many substances in the environment. Therefore, dust, animal hair, and even some pharmacological preparations(sulfacyl sodium) can cause inflammation of the conjunctiva.
  3. Other ophthalmological pathologies. In this case, conjunctivitis is a secondary form of such eye pathologies as blockage of the lacrimal duct, inflammation of the lacrimal sac.
  4. Autoimmune response. A rare form of pathology that develops in newborns as a result of a conflict in the functioning of autoimmune systems.

Conjunctivitis in a newborn may develop due to contact with the eye. foreign body, weak immunity(especially in premature babies), if hygiene is not observed while caring for the baby.


Parents themselves can determine inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye by characteristic signs. Doctors identify several common symptoms that are characteristic of all types of conjunctivitis.

These include:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • redness of the conjunctiva.

A newborn baby is restless, constantly squinting due to photophobia and trying to rub his eyes.

Viral conjunctivitis is accompanied by a characteristic symptom - the affected eye may become covered with a thin, whitish film. First, all the signs appear in one eye, and then they can be noticed in the second. If the disease is viral in nature general symptoms supplemented by rashes in the form of small pustules with liquid contents. The disease progresses sluggishly, but over a long period.

A distinctive feature of bacterial conjunctivitis is purulent discharge from the eye, which dries overnight and prevents the baby from opening his eyes in the morning.

More detailed symptoms of the types of childhood conjunctivitis are discussed in the following table.

Type of conjunctivitis. Features of symptoms.
Pneumococcal. The pus released during this form of conjunctivitis forms thin films on the eyes. Eyelids become covered small rash similar to dots, they swell and become inflamed.
Diphtheria. Accompanied by an increase in body temperature in the baby, a set of usual symptoms. In addition, whitish films appear on the mucous membranes, and when you try to remove them, the conjunctiva begins to hurt and bleed.
Staphylococcal. Characterized by inflammation and swelling of the skin around the eyes. Pus accumulates along the edges of the eyelids, which forms crusts. A newborn baby becomes restless, constantly wakes up, screams from pain and pain in the eyes.
Gonococcal. The eyelids swell, become purple-bluish, and the child practically cannot open them. The discharge from the eyes is serous-bloody. With this type, inflammation spreads to. Gonococcal conjunctivitis requires emergency treatment, otherwise serious complications may develop.
Allergic. At first, the symptoms coincide with viral conjunctivitis, when both eyes are affected. But then the pathological process involves the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and mouth. There is no temperature, no pus either.
Chlamydial. Accompanied by copious discharge of pus, which disappears briefly after washing, but then reappears. Pain syndrome insignificant, other structures of the eye are not affected.

Important! Some other eye diseases have similar symptoms, so you should not make a diagnosis yourself, otherwise precious time may be lost and treatment may be carried out incorrectly, which can lead to complications. Often similar symptoms manifest as obstruction of the lacrimal canal.

Diagnosis and treatment

If untreated, conjunctivitis can be very harmful to a newborn who does not know how to resist negative impact environment. Any disease can have the most unfavorable prognosis for yet fragile organism. At the first signs of conjunctivitis, before treating your baby, you should consult a pediatrician or pediatric ophthalmologist. After an examination and a series of tests, they will prescribe treatment that should help the baby. To differentiate the types of conjunctivitis, a scraping is taken from the conjunctiva and a piece of discharge (purulent, serous, hemorrhagic) for further examination.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns involves conservative therapy(ointments, drops, eye massage). Only on special occasions difficult cases at an advanced stage of the inflammatory process, if conjunctivitis does not go away for a long time, prescribe surgical treatment. But such cases are rare due to the fact that in the first and subsequent years of a child’s life, high-quality monitoring of his health status is carried out.

The newborn should be observed by a neonatologist, pediatrician, or ophthalmologist, who will develop a treatment regimen depending on the diagnosis, the characteristics of the child’s body, and the identified complications.

Bacterial form

For bacterial conjunctivitis, antibacterial drops are used. Typically, targeted treatment is used after identifying the bacterial agent. If the infection is generalized, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used in the form eye drops and ointments (Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Levomycetin). Antibacterial drops are prescribed (Actipol, Signicef, Oftalmoferon, Ciprofloxacin, Poludan).

Viral conjunctivitis

For viral conjunctivitis, drugs such as “artificial tears,” as well as warm compresses, are used to eliminate general symptoms. As a base, drugs with interferon are used, and in case of the herpetic nature of the disease, drugs based on Acyclovir are used.

Treatment of allergic type

If present in newborns, antihistamine drops (Astemizole, Fexofenadine, Cetirizine) are used for treatment. If severe allergic reaction, it is possible to use drops with Dexamethasone or Prednisolone. As an alternative, use combined agents with interferon, metacele and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component.

Instillation of medicinal drops is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • in the first 6 days, instill 1-2 drops every 3 hours;
  • the next 4 days of instillation are carried out after 5 hours;
  • in the following days and until complete cure make instillations every 12-18 hours.

Ointments are placed behind the lower eyelid while the baby is sleeping twice or thrice a day. If we talk about how long the disease is treated, then average duration therapy is 7-10 days. If it is necessary to use several products at once, the break between their use should be at least 10 minutes.

Neonatal conjunctivitis

If a newborn is diagnosed with neonatal conjunctivitis, the cause of which is blockage of the lacrimal gland or a reaction to the instillation of drops, massage of the area between the eye and nose is prescribed. Massage treatment for conjunctivitis helps the lacrimal gland restore its function.

Traditional therapy

Treatment of inflammation of the conjunctival membrane of the eye of newborns using folk remedies is highly not recommended for a number of reasons.

They are as follows:

  1. If the pathology is caused by an allergen, treatment with folk remedies can cause a deterioration in the baby’s condition.
  2. Conjunctivitis caused by a bacterial agent will only develop more actively if not treated with medication.
  3. Viral conjunctivitis none folk remedies unable to eliminate.

Before visiting the doctor, you can do a little treatment at home using folk remedies. Treat the conjunctiva with infusions of chamomile, calendula, sage, green or black tea, and aloe. To wipe, soak a cotton swab in the prepared broth, and then treat the eyes in one direction (towards the nose). Such a light medicinal massage for inflammation helps eliminate crusts and pus from the eyes, eyelashes, and eyelids.

Few people in childhood are spared such a disease as conjunctivitis. Even the children from whom caring parents They don’t take their eyes off, they are not protected from rubbing their eyes with dirty hands, and there is no way to hide from the dust in windy weather. In view of this, it is necessary to know how conjunctivitis manifests itself in newborns and how it is treated.

Symptoms of the disease

Conjunctivitis - inflammatory process, passing in the conjunctiva of the eye, in other words, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed. Although the eyelids and tear fluid create mechanical barriers to infection, when the immune system is weakened, bacteria and viruses attack mercilessly. Sometimes the disease is allergic in nature.

Although the baby cannot yet say what exactly is bothering him, with this disease the result, as they say, is “obvious”, or rather, before our eyes. So, signs of conjunctivitis in an infant:

  • eyes turn red and swell;
  • possible formation of yellow crusts on the eyelids, especially in the morning, discharge of pus from the eyes;
  • after sleep, it is difficult to open the eyelids, they are literally glued together;
  • the baby is capricious in bright lighting due to photophobia;
  • sleeps poorly, appetite reduced.

Children who have learned to speak will complain of pain, a burning sensation in the eyes, as if something had gotten there. Vision temporarily deteriorates and becomes blurry. In infants clinical picture much more pronounced than in adults: swelling from the eyes can spread to the cheeks, and an increase in body temperature is possible.


Conjunctivitis, of course, should be treated by a doctor. But if, due to circumstances, it is impossible to quickly apply for medical care, before a medical examination, you need to help the child. To do this, it is important to know the types of conjunctivitis, because, depending on the pathogen, treatment will differ.

Bacterial conjunctivitis- there is pus, the eyelids stick together, the conjunctiva and the skin around the eye are dry. At first, as a rule, only one eye becomes inflamed, and later the infection spreads to the second.

Viral conjunctivitis- a satellite of ARVI, that is, it arises along with high temperature, runny nose and sore throat. The lesion always begins in one eye, quickly moving to the second, while the discharged fluid is clear and abundant. Eyelashes do not stick together.

Allergic conjunctivitis- clear liquid flows from the peephole, I really want to rub the affected area. Often accompanied by frequent sneezing. Symptoms go away if the allergen is removed.

How to treat

If you start treatment on time and correctly, you can cope with the disease in 2 days. The problem is that for treatment one month old baby Not everyone is suitable medications.

The basis of therapy is washing the eyes (if there is pus), after which they use eye drops depending on the type of infection and the age of the patient. Let's consider what effective means used in the treatment of children under one year of age.

When is conjunctivitis bacterial?

At bacterial infection use drops for conjunctivitis, which include an antibiotic. These include:

  1. Phloxal. Active substance- ofloxacin. Allowed from birth. Administer 1 drop 4 times a day.
  2. Tobrex. Active ingredient- tobramycin. Newborns – 1-2 drops up to 5 times a day. For older children - every 4 hours.
  3. Levomycetin. Use with caution in children under 2 years of age. 1 drop is instilled into the conjunctival sac at intervals of 5 hours.
  4. Tsipromed (ciprofloxacin). Allowed for children from 1 year. They are instilled depending on the situation, from 4 to 8 times.
  5. Oftaquix (levofloxacin). Also in pediatric practice it is used to treat children after 1 year. Every 2 hours, 1 drop, but no more than 8 times a day.
  6. Albucid. Please note that Sulfacyl sodium (pharmaceutical name Albucid) is available in two concentrations: 20% and 30% solution. So, children under one year of age use only the 20% form. It is not recommended to start treatment with this medicine, as a strong burning sensation occurs when instilled. The child does not forget the pain, so the second, third and subsequent instillations will turn into torture for both the baby and you. The medicine is administered 1-2 drops up to 6 times a day.

Excellent product allowed from birth

It is recommended to apply ointment at night, as therapeutic effect it lasts longer than drops. For the smallest children, floxal and tetracycline ophthalmic ointments are suitable (precisely the ophthalmic one, the one with a substance concentration of 1%).

When is conjunctivitis viral?

Interferon is our body’s protector from viruses

Antiviral drops either contain interferon or a substance that stimulates its production. A group of these drugs acts as immunomodulators that relieve local inflammation. Some of them act as anesthetics (reduce pain). Interferon-based products stimulate the restoration of affected tissues.

  1. Oftalmoferon (based on alpha-2b recombinant interferon). Diphenhydramine and boric acid, included in the composition, additionally provide an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. Newborns can be treated.
  2. Aktipol (para-aminobenzoic acid). An interferon inducer, that is, it stimulates the production of its interferon. The instructions say that clinical trials have not been conducted on children, so the drug can be used in children when the expected benefit outweighs the possible risk.

Interferon drops are always stored in the refrigerator, so warm them in your hand to room temperature before injecting them into the conjunctiva.

When is conjunctivitis allergic?

If you suspect an allergy in your newborn, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only early detection allergen can significantly help the baby, because all antihistamines only relieve symptoms, but do not remove the cause. Moreover, antiallergic drops have age restrictions:

  1. Cromohexal (cromoglicic acid). Used in children over 2 years of age, but with caution.
  2. Opatanol (olopatadine). According to the instructions, it is allowed from 3 years of age. And on babies the effect medicine has not been studied.
  3. Allergodil (azelastine hydrochloride). Used in children from 4 years of age.

Therefore, if you suspect allergic conjunctivitis in a newborn, give him an antihistamine, for example, fenistil drops for oral administration, and visit a pediatrician and, if necessary, an allergist.

About proper instillation

  1. Newborns are only allowed to put drops into their eyes using a pipette with a rounded end.
  2. Lay the baby horizontally on a flat surface. It’s good if there is an “assistant” nearby to fix the head.
  3. If the drops “live” in the refrigerator, do not forget to warm them up in your hand. You can check the temperature by dropping a drop on back side wrists. If there is no feeling of cold or warmth, proceed with the procedure.
  4. With pre-washed hands, pull back the lower eyelid and drop 1-2 drops into the inner corner. It is believed that only 1 drop of solution can fit into the conjunctival sac, the rest will go to the cheek. But, since the child often spins and does not like this procedure, manufacturers advise administering 1-2 drops. Excess liquid is blotted with a sterile disposable napkin.

Familiarize yourself with the technique of instilling drops

General principles of treatment

  1. Almost all drops have a limited shelf life after opening. You need to monitor this and not use them after the expiration date.
  2. Even if one eye is affected, the medicine is instilled into both.
  3. It is important that the pipette does not touch the eye when instilled, otherwise it will become infected.
  4. Even if the baby closes his eyes, drip into the inner corner between the eyelids. When he opens his eyes, the medicine will still go where it is needed.
  5. If there is a lot of pus or mucus in the eye, first cleanse it, otherwise no drops will help: they will dissolve in a huge accumulation of bacteria. Children's eyes are washed with warm chamomile decoction, tea leaves, furatsilin solution or regular boiled water using sterile cotton wool.
  6. Frequent instillation during the acute course of the disease is due to the fact that with profuse lacrimation, the medicine is quickly washed away, which means its effect stops after half an hour. For this reason, putting ointment behind the eyelid at night is effective: its effect lasts until the morning.
  7. Treatment is continued for another three days after the symptoms have disappeared.

Chamomile, having an anti-inflammatory effect, is suitable for washing the eyes. For this, a decoction is prepared


To get conjunctivitis as little as possible, you need to follow simple rules hygiene:

  • bathe and wash the child daily;
  • room, toys, and bed dress must be clean;
  • the newborn should have his own towel, with a separate one for the face and for washing;
  • regularly wash your baby’s hands with soap, in particular after a walk; older children stand with early age teach proper hand washing;
  • regularly take your baby for walks fresh air, the bigger, the better;
  • foods consumed, especially fresh fruits, are washed thoroughly;
  • baby food must be balanced and complete;
  • If possible, ensure that the child does not rub his eyes with dirty hands, especially when playing in the sandbox;
  • regularly ventilate and moisten the children's room;
  • do not contact sick children.

Needless to say, treating children always requires greater concentration and effort on the part of parents. But conjunctivitis can be quickly defeated. Follow the doctor's recommendations, be patient, and the problem will be solved in 2-3 days.

Conjunctivitis in newborns is common. This is explained by the fact that in the first months of a baby’s life, his eyes are imperfect, the visual system is being formed, and therefore is vulnerable to infections. The progression of the disease usually occurs rapidly and with improper therapy may cause complications that will negatively affect vision in the future. For this reason, every mother should know in advance how to recognize conjunctivitis in a newborn, what the disease looks like in a photo, and how to treat a baby at home.

This is what the disease looks like in a newborn baby

What is conjunctivitis and how does it manifest in children?

With conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes occurs. The pathology is usually caused by an allergy or infection of viral origin, in more rare cases - bacterial or fungal origin. Conjunctivitis in children under one year of age and older is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • redness, stickiness, swelling of the eyelids;
  • swimming eyes;
  • redness of the mucous membrane (bleeding in the conjunctiva);
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • mucous, purulent, watery discharge from the eyes;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • itching and pain in the eyes;
  • the child screams, is capricious, refuses to eat, and sleeps poorly.

If these symptoms appear, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to show the baby to an ophthalmologist, since such signs often indicate other eye diseases (inflammation of the cornea, lacrimal sac, non-opening of the lacrimal duct, etc.).

Types of disease

The following types of conjunctivitis are distinguished:

  • Adenoviral - a child becomes infected through airborne droplets. The baby's temperature rises to 39°C, chills, headaches, sore throat, increased submandibular lymph nodes. The disease first affects one eye, then moves to the other. Characteristic sign– discharge of grayish fluid from the eyes, appearance of small bubbles and small films separating from the eyes inside century
  • Enteroviral or hemorrhagic is a little-studied disease provoked by an enterovirus. Transmitted by contact. Characterized by strong serous or purulent discharge from the eyes. May affect cranial and spinal nerves.
  • Herpetic - the disease is caused by a virus herpes simplex, penetrating into the body by airborne droplets or contact. The main symptoms include blisters characteristic of herpes.
  • Bacterial (chlamydial is isolated separately) - the cause of inflammation of the conjunctiva is pathogenic bacteria ( Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, gonococci, pneumococci, etc.). Infection occurs in various ways, including in the womb. Infection often awaits children in kindergarten. The disease is characterized by a cloudy, viscous discharge of grayish or yellowish color, causing eyelids to stick together. There is dryness of the diseased eye and the skin around it.
  • Allergic – the disease is characterized by severe lacrimation, burning, itching.

Conjunctivitis in infants and older children occurs in acute or chronic forms. The latter develops with a weakened immune system of a month-old baby, problems with metabolism, and prolonged respiratory infections.

Causes of the disease

A newborn's eyes are vulnerable to conjunctivitis because he lacks tears, which protect the organ of vision from the penetration and spread of infections. When the baby was in the womb, he did not need them, and therefore tear ducts covered with a gelatin film, which usually breaks through after the first cry of the newborn. It takes time for them to form properly, and therefore even at 4-7 months, eyes per year infant very vulnerable.

The first tears in a baby appear at 1.5-3 months, but still do not completely protect the eyes from viruses, bacteria, fungi, which are the most common cause inflammation of the conjunctiva. Pathogenic microorganisms can infect a baby’s eyes while still in the maternity hospital, especially if he was born premature or weakened.

Conjunctivitis can be congenital (for example, chlamydial). In this situation, infection occurs during childbirth or in the womb, if during pregnancy she suffered from a bacterial or viral illness or there are genital tract infections.

Among the reasons for the development of conjunctivitis in newborns, one can also highlight poor nutrition, poor hygiene, high humidity in the room, excessive bright color. Smoke can cause illness chemical substances, poisonous gas.

Diagnosis of pathology in infants

Diagnosing conjunctivitis in a newborn during examination by a doctor usually does not cause difficulties. To determine the causative agent of the disease, a specialist may prescribe following methods research based on the collected material:

  • scraping, smear - with the help of special devices, changed cells are taken from the affected part of the eye and sent for analysis to the laboratory;
  • cytological examination - involves the use of a special dye, with the help of which the type of conjunctivitis is determined and the pathogen (bacteria, fungi) is detected;
  • direct immunofluorescence - the action is aimed at detecting chlamydia;
  • PCR – detects the slightest traces of a virus, fungus, bacteria from the remains of their DNA;
  • allergen test.

In addition to these tests, a blood test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), bacteriological, seroscopic, histological and other examination methods may be needed. After determining the culprit of the disease (virus, bacteria, fungus, allergen), the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at destroying it.

What is the treatment?

Therapy for infants is specific, so self-medication is unacceptable. Usually conjunctivitis is caused by a viral or bacterial nature and are transmitted to humans due to poor hygiene. This means that during illness it is necessary to limit the baby from contact with other children and, if possible, with adults.

Even if conjunctivitis affects one eye, both are treated during treatment

During treatment, both eyes of the newborn must be treated, even if symptoms of the disease appear in only one. Therapy begins with a healthy eye so that inflammation does not spread to it. You need to use a different swab for each eye. Before using eye drops, they must be cleared of pus and washed with a special solution.

Pharmacy drugs

If the cause of conjunctivitis is an allergen, it must be detected and removed from the baby’s environment. When this is not possible, the child's contact with the allergic substance should be limited as much as possible. During treatment, the baby can be given antihistamine in the form of eye drops or tablets.

  • Levomycetin 0.25%;
  • Tobrex.

For therapy, the doctor may prescribe Tetracycline or Erythromycin eye ointment. They contain antibiotics that effectively kill bacteria.

If the problem is caused by a virus, antiviral medications are needed - antibiotics are powerless here:

  • Poludan drops are effective against herpes and adenovirus;
  • Oftalmoferon helps with pathologies of a viral and allergic nature;
  • Zovirax ointment is used for herpes;
  • for conjunctivitis viral origin Tebrofen ointment is used.

At fungal disease the action of the drug should be aimed at combating precisely the type of fungus that provoked inflammation of the conjunctiva. Otherwise, the therapy will be delayed.

Folk remedies

At home, without consulting a doctor, only eye rinsing is acceptable. A decoction of chamomile, sage or weak tea is useful here. After the first signs of conjunctivitis appear, rinsing is done every two hours, then three times a day. To do this, soak a cotton pad in herbal decoction and wash the eyes, moving from the temple to the nose. Treat until all signs of the disease disappear.

At initial stage diseases, doctors recommend wiping the eyes of a newborn with weak tea or chamomile decoction

How to avoid getting sick?

To prevent chlamydial or herpetic conjunctivitis in a pregnant child, a pregnant woman should monitor her health and get tested in a timely manner. Having discovered a problem, it is necessary to treat diseases that can be transmitted to the child before birth.

You can protect an already born baby from conjunctivitis by following the rules of hygiene. It is necessary to keep the apartment clean and ventilate the room. Newborn care items should be almost sterile. It is important to ensure that family members do not touch the child without first washing their hands. It is also necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the baby’s hands and eyes. An older child must be weaned from the habit of rubbing his eyes with his hands.

Health activities that strengthen the immune system and physical state baby. These include daily walks in the fresh air, hardening procedures, and gymnastics.

Young mothers often notice that their child’s eyes become watery, red, and swollen, and he becomes restless and capricious.

Bacterial is often called. Its difference is that usually only one eye is affected, and a thick purulent discharge appears, which can frighten parents. Although the disease is severe, it usually resolves quickly and the risk of complications is minimal.

Viral form alternately affects both eyes, but is easier to tolerate. But it is very important to start treatment in a timely manner, since viruses will penetrate the baby’s body and negatively affect the child’s health. internal organs and systems that have not yet been formed.

Therefore, treatment of the disease, regardless of its form, must be timely and correct.

Causes of disease in infants

Even under conditions of ideal hygiene and sterility, the risk of contracting conjunctivitis for a newborn still exists. different. The factors that provoked the inflammation will determine the form of its course.

Main reasons:

  • Child passing through birth canal, may catch an infection of gonorrhea or chlamydia there, which will cause infection of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Infection of the mother with oral or genital herpes.
  • All kinds of bacteria in the mother's body.
  • Entry of dirt or some foreign body into the organ of vision.
  • Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules.

A number of factors do not depend on the mother herself, while others can be taken into account and prevented. It is especially important to take care of sterility and cleanliness to prevent the risk of infection of the baby while passing through the birth canal.

Conjunctivitis causes a lot of suffering, both for the baby and for the mother. Although it is successfully treated, consequences and complications are still possible. This occurs when therapy is not started in a timely manner, when inflammation is advanced and changes in the structure of the membrane begin.

The most dangerous is gonorrheal inflammation of the conjunctiva, which the baby contracted during childbirth. IN in this case Timely therapy is especially important.

Symptoms: signs and photos of the disease

In order not to confuse conjunctival inflammation with other diseases, it is important to know its symptoms in newborns. This will help to make a timely diagnosis and select correct measures therapy.

Symptoms of the disease in infants:

  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Severe lacrimation.
  • First one eye becomes inflamed, and then the other.
  • It is possible to cover the eyes with a thin white film.

With purulent conjunctivitis, the symptoms will be slightly different:

  • The baby's eyes fill with purulent contents.
  • Swelling and tearing appear.
  • The organs of vision do not open well in the morning, as pus causes them to stick together.
  • Redness, irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Most often, only one eye is affected, less often - two.

Noticing these unpleasant symptoms, show your baby to the doctor as soon as possible.

The photo below shows the main symptoms of conjunctivitis in newborns:

What should parents do?

If you notice the first symptoms of the disease and changes in the eyes, consult a doctor. For conjunctivitis, you need to consult an ophthalmologist and pediatrician. The doctor will confirm or refute the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment measures.

It is not recommended to self-medicate or use any drops without a doctor’s prescription. Unless you can wash your baby’s eyes with Furacilin solution, sodium chloride or decoctions of medicinal plants.

Treatment methods and regimens

The treatment regimen must be prescribed by a doctor. He will decide whether the baby needs to be hospitalized in a hospital. If the specialist allows you to be treated at home, he will prescribe the medications that need to be used.

But do not use them without a doctor's prescription. You will find more information about treating a baby with this disease.

On the first day of the onset of the disease, you should not bathe your baby, especially if he has a fever. Newborns have poor thermoregulation, so they quickly become hypothermic.

It is better to wipe the baby's body with a soft towel dipped in warm water. Wipe as gently as possible, and then wipe the child dry to avoid colds.

It is not recommended to walk with the baby during the acute phase, especially in summer. Active ultraviolet radiation increases inflammation on the conjunctiva and can cause severe lacrimation and pain. Read about what you can and cannot do for conjunctivitis.

When walking, cover your baby's head and face with a wide-brimmed blanket mild headache cleaning. A stroller for a newborn should be used with a voluminous canopy that provides protection from the sun.

An important part of therapy is proper cleansing of the child's eyes. For this, use a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Use it to gently remove discharge from the eyes, moving from the outer to the inner edge. Use different discs for the eyes.

This procedure can be carried out 3-4 times a day. Decoctions of calendula or chamomile, a weak furatsilin solution can be used (about the use of furatsilin for conjunctivitis -). Make sure that the solutions are not hot - this may cause additional damage.

For bacterial forms of conjunctivitis antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Newborns are allowed, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

It can treat most infections caused by staphylococcus. The product is used in maternity hospitals from the first days of babies’ lives for prevention and treatment.

An effective remedy for bacterial lesions is Levomycetin, which also destroys bacteria. It can be used when different forms course of the disease in newborns. The product is also used in the form of an ointment, placed behind the eyelid area several times a day.

In addition to medicines, important role plays in treatment correct mode day. A sick newborn needs enough rest - sleep at least 12 hours a day. Sleeping during the day restores strength. Make sure that the bright rays of the sun do not fall on the sleeping child - this way the damaged mucous membrane will heal faster.

Feeding regimen is also important. The baby should be put to the breast on demand. Typically, breaks between feedings do not exceed 2-3 hours. The antibodies that the baby receives from the mother's milk help his immune system fight infection.

For babies receiving complementary foods you need to eat once every 2.5-3 hours. It is better to choose dishes with a liquid consistency that have undergone sufficient heat treatment.

Sufficient fluid intake is also important. Infants need to be fed with clean boiled water. This is important if the child is prescribed antibiotics. This will speed up recovery and minimize the risk of negative consequences.

Forecast and preventive measures

If therapy is started correctly and in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable. If you delay, complications are possible and Negative consequences, including visual impairment.

It is better to start thinking about prevention when planning a pregnancy. You need to undergo examination by a specialist and, if microorganisms are present, begin to fight them.

During pregnancy it is also important to undergo regular examinations. Often conjunctivitis in infants is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms that encounter the child in the birth canal.

The danger is that urogenital infections may be asymptomatic in women. Therefore, after birth, specialists treat the newborn’s eyes with antimicrobial drugs, for example, sodium sulfacyl solution 20%.

After discharge from the hospital, the mother must properly care for the newborn’s eyes. They are washed with boiled water. For the eyes, it is important to use different cotton pads or swabs. Rinse them from the outer edge to the inner.

If you clean it completely the first time visual organs If it doesn’t work, take another tampon and repeat the procedure. Monitor your baby’s hygiene and take measures to strengthen his immunity.

Conjunctivitis is not a dangerous disease, but timely and competent therapy is important to help prevent complications. If there are suspicious symptoms, show your baby to a specialist.

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