Home Tooth pain Circle for fortune telling with a needle drawing. Summoning spirits with a needle (Ouija board in Russian)

Circle for fortune telling with a needle drawing. Summoning spirits with a needle (Ouija board in Russian)

I remembered a childhood game. More precisely, this activity is not at all for children, and there is little fun in the case when the session is successful. But in our country it is mainly children who engage in spiritualism. It just so happens that they have little affinity for materialism and fear, but they have more than enough desire for adventure and thrills. So, the challenge of the spirit.

More than once, everyone watching Hollywood cinematic works has seen in horror films or other mystics and thrillers a Ouija board, which is a tablet with letters and numbers, along which the medium moves with a special pointer - as if he is doing this under guidance otherworldly forces who want to chat. In Russia, the analogue of such a board is a sheet of paper and an ordinary sewing needle: it does not look as impressive, but, as anyone can see in practice, the tool turns out to be much more effective, accurate and objective.

Anyone can make this spiritual set: take a sheet of paper and draw three circles inside each other - concentric. You can simply stick a compass with a needle into the center, draw the first circle, move the foot away and draw the second, then the third. Divide the central circle in half; write “YES” in one semicircle, “NO” in the second. Divide the area of ​​the next circle into ten parts and number from 0 to 9. The last circle is for letters. That's it - the spiritual tablet is ready.

Now we thread the needle. We lower the end of the needle into the recess resulting from the compass in the center of the tablet (or you can pick it out yourself if you, for example, printed out a picture) and holding it by the thread, make sure that the needle hangs at a slight angle, which will allow it to very easily rotate around its axis from light blow (blow lightly on the needle from different sides), without leaning in any one direction. The needle, rotating, will point with its eye, like a clockwise hand, at a number or letter - depending on the answer required in a particular case.

The session itself should be carried out by placing a sheet of lined paper on a flat surface, in a room with complete absence drafts, since the needle on the thread is very sensitive (this is why the answers of the spirits will be very accurate). However, I must warn you that drafts and even noticeable wind will not be a hindrance during powerful contact: in such cases, it happens that the needle even leaves a noticeable mark on polished surfaces, and in the absence of contact, no climatic miracles will help.

Some prefer for a spiritualistic session at night or in specially darkened rooms, candles, invoking spells and even an altar. From practice, I can say that all of the above only helps the mental attunement of the medium; It was possible to establish very fruitful contacts both in electric light, in broad daylight, and in ordinary kitchen table. Although a candle is, of course, the simplest magic switch: by lighting a candle, we begin the ritual, by extinguishing it, we end it (or cut off unwanted communication).

I must warn you: calling spirits does not only mean Elvis Presley, a woman or your deceased relative - this is even more unlikely. The call usually comes from entities living in a given place, most often brownies (and here you can ask yourself a question about the consequences: for example, will you continue to be comfortable living in your apartment if you find out that someone unknown is always next to you ?)

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is a common ancient ritual that has come down to the present day from distant ancestors. They were convinced of the veracity of the method, which would make it possible to learn about future events.

“Road of Desires” - how to tell fortunes with a thread

One of the popular fortune telling with a needle and thread is “The Road of Wishes”. This method will even help change your life.

Take a long red thread - you need to embroider the picture with it for 40 days. As you thread the thread through the eye of the needle, say your request loudly three times.

Do a single stitch in one day. In total there will be 40 of them. If there is not enough thread for the whole picture, then the dream is not destined to come true.

Important: Having received a negative answer, you cannot make this wish again.

Otherwise, higher powers will refuse to give you truthful answers. The next day at the same time of day, make 2 stitches. It can be located next to it, on top, on the first one - it doesn’t matter. Manipulations are carried out over 40 days.

The smoother and clearer your stitches are, the easier it will be for you to reach your goal. If the picture is done carelessly, if it is askew, then it will be extremely difficult to achieve anything. It is also likely that things will not happen the way you want.

When the picture is completed, you need to voice the dream again 4 times and bow to each side of the world. Keep the embroidered image with you until your dream comes true.

One of the most common fortune telling is fortune telling using the alphabet and a needle. As you know, these are very popular manipulations that are used during spiritualistic séances and fortune telling using a pendulum.

The ritual can only be performed from 5 am to 6 pm. The ritual is prohibited to be performed at night, during periods of illness, depression, or loss of strength.

You can limit yourself to the simplest attributes (a needle and thread on which it will hang, a piece of paper on which the letters of the alphabet will be written in a circle). Also, do not forget to write Yes on one side of the alphabet and No on the other.

To get the clearest answers possible, clean the needle first. It can be carried several times with fire or dipped under running water. Before the ritual, be sure to ask higher powers to allow you to lift the veil of secrets and see what was previously hidden from you.

Afterwards you will need to check whether the needle works. To do this, you need to hang her up, wait until she stops oscillating and ask some simple question to which you know a clear answer. For example:

My name is Masha? I am 30 years old? I live in Sochi?

If the tool passed the previous test correctly and answered all questions “yes” or “no” (it was drawn to the required inscription on the paper), this indicates that it is ready for use. Next, another test needs to be done. Say the question:

What's my name?

If the attribute begins to move from one letter to another, swinging in the air, and correctly answers the question posed, then you can start working.

Read alternative fortune telling Yes-No.

Almost always, such divination requires the support of higher powers. That is why, when starting manipulations, say three times:

Spirit, appear, give me answers to my questions, help me make the right decision, be my comrade-in-arms and helper.

Despite the fact that such manipulations cannot be done without the help of a spirit, this part of the ritual can be risky, since an inexperienced magician is not always able to call upon someone specific, and he has to be content with the assistant who appears to him.

However, no one can say with complete certainty who exactly will contact you. However, there is a way to protect yourself. For example, you can combine rituals and perform a ritual. In this case, you will not just be calling on some spirit from other world, and specifically the soul of his deceased relative.

But to successfully carry out such manipulations, practice is also necessary. Remember, such fortune telling is not carried out alone, but always in the company of other people. If the needle begins to move chaotically from one letter to another, this may indicate that the spirit that has arrived is extremely angry and is not ready to communicate with you.

In such a situation, it is necessary to apologize for the disturbance and release the magical assistant. Be sure to distribute responsibilities among the ritual participants. One person should ask the questions, the other should write down the answers.

You can only get answers to 5 questions. They are all asked one by one. You can announce the next one only after you have heard the question for the previous one. If you follow these rules, you will protect yourself as much as possible.

You only need a needle and thread to tell fortunes for children. There are many methods of fortune telling that will help you find out when you will become pregnant, what the gender of your baby will be, and so on.

This method will help determine whether you are having a boy or a girl and how many babies there will be. The needle must be taken into right palm. Hold the magical attribute suspended, and place your left hand. Quickly lower the needle three times into the space between your thumb and the rest of your palm.

Now you need to place the magic pendulum over the center of your palm and ask a question that worries you. If the instrument begins to move clockwise, this indicates that a girl will be born. When the needle swings from right to left, it warns of the birth of a boy.

If the attribute remains motionless, this indicates that you will not have offspring yet. Once you have the information you need, you can clean the needle again by passing it three times between your thumb and the palm of your left hand. After this, ask a question about what the gender of the second baby will be.

If the needle responds, this indicates that you will have more than one baby and now you know the gender of each of them. If the attribute does not respond, this means that you will only have one child.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is very common. This ritual goes back far into antiquity. Our ancestors also believed that this is one of the most exact ways determine what the future holds.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread

This kind of fortune telling is also called Road of Desires. Our great-grandmothers used it. With its help, you can significantly change your life 40 days after you finish the magical embroidery.

You will need fabric, red thread and a needle. The thread must be very long. While you are threading it through the eye of the needle, quietly voice your desire. Very soon you will find out whether it will come true or not.

In total you will have to make exactly 40 stitches. If there is not enough thread, this indicates that the wish will not come true. Important: if you receive a negative answer, you cannot make this wish again. Otherwise, the Higher Powers will punish you for trying to be cunning.

When you start fortune telling, make the first stitch and mentally ask the Higher Powers to fulfill your special desire. Once the first stitch is completed, leave the work. The next day, make one stitch again. It can be placed next to the first one or superimposed on it.

This ritual is carried out for 40 days. The smoother your path is, the easier your path to fulfillment will be. If the work is done sloppily, crookedly, then the path to fulfilling your dream will be the same, there is a high probability that everything will not turn out the way you would like.

When the last stitch is completed, say your wish again (4 times). In this case, you need to bow to all cardinal directions. You need to wear the finished embroidery until your wish comes true.

Alphabet ritual

This is one of the most ancient methods of fortune telling. In order to carry out the ceremony, you will need to arm yourself not only with a needle and thread, but also with a sheet of paper on which the alphabet will be written.

This fortune telling session is held from 5 am to 6 pm. It is better not to perform the ritual at night. It is also undesirable to take up the ritual during depression, after severe physical activity, after food and a sleepless night. Otherwise, the body will not have enough energy to complete the fortune telling process.

This practice is similar to fortune telling using a pendulum or the ritual of summoning a spirit using a magic tablet. Only in this case, instead of a specially enchanted pendulum or a special board, a needle will appear.

How to get ready for work?

Before you start telling fortunes with a needle and the alphabet, you need to get in the right mood. To do this, first of all, you should cleanse yourself and the main attribute of fortune telling.

It is very simple to prepare for the ritual yourself. Firstly, you need to have a good rest, gain strength, ask the Higher Powers to allow you to find out everything that was hidden until this moment.

Before you start guessing, be sure to check the magic attribute. To do this, hang the needle by the thread, wait until it stops swinging from side to side, and ask a simple question. Pre-explain to the attribute that if it swings left and right, the answer will be negative, if back and forth, then positive.

My name is (your name)?

Am I (required number) years old?

I live in the city ( real place residence)?

If the first test of the attribute is successful, then this indicates that it is ready for use.

Now do the final test. You will need a piece of paper on which the alphabet will be written. The alphabet of the language you consider native is used. Now you should also ask any simple question. It's best to ask what your name is.

If everything is done correctly, the Higher Powers are ready to help you and reveal secrets, then the needle will begin to move from one letter to another, smoothly swinging in the air. Pay close attention to which letters it stops at. If the answer to your question is correct, then the attribute is ready for fortune telling.

Subtleties of the ritual

Almost always, with such fortune-telling, the help of the spirit is necessary. Therefore, when you begin to perform the ritual, you can say three times:

Spirit, come. Help me find the answer to the question, help me make the right decision, become my assistant and ally.

Although when carrying out such a ritual the call of a spirit is almost inevitable, sometimes its appearance can be quite dangerous, since you cannot always be sure that it is a good spirit that will come to the rescue; perhaps an evil entity from the other world will come and will not want to leave after the ritual .

Therefore, if you are inexperienced, you can rely on the help of your ancestors. In this case, before performing the ceremony, you can call the soul of a deceased relative if you were in good relations during life, and ask him to help with fortune telling.

If the needle begins to return chaotically over the alphabet sheet, then this indicates that the spirit is either angry or not in the mood for contact. In this case, be sure to immediately ask him for forgiveness for disturbing him and let him go in peace.

It is advisable to place the letters in a circle when writing the alphabet on a sheet of paper. This way you won't get confused and will be able to more clearly understand which letter the needle is pointing to. You can also write yes and no inside the circle. This will help you get a clear answer to the question asked.

Detailed fortune telling on a circle with a needle can give answers to 3-5 questions that interest you. Remember, if you ask for help from higher powers, you should not be overconfident and assume that they will tell you everything about the past, present or future.

Choose only the most important issues questions that interest you and ask them slowly, carefully. As soon as you feel that the Higher Powers are not ready to give an answer, ask the next question or stop the ritual.

Fortune telling on needles for children

Place needles under the sharp edge left palm and lower the sharp end three times into the space between the thumb and the entire palm. Now place the pendulum over the center of your palm and ask the question that interests you.

If the needle begins to move in a circle, this indicates that you will have a daughter. If the needle swings from side to side, then you will have a boy. If the needle remains motionless, then for now you will not have children.

Using this fortune telling, you can also find out how many children you will have. Once you have determined the gender of your first child, lower the needle between your fingers again and ask the question again. If the needle does not respond, then you will have one child, and so on, according to the same principle.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is quite simple. If you spend enough time practicing, you will soon be able to predict the future perfectly.

The appearance of various types of predictions and fortune-telling is directly due to a person’s desires to find out about certain events that will happen, have happened or are happening in his life. People have been trying to find out about their future since ancient times. This desire is due to the emergence of various life problems, which (as most believe) can be corrected with the help of fortune telling.

Fortune telling using a needle and thread is considered the most popular and famous type of fortune telling. No one knows exactly when this type of magical ritual arose, which, according to most, originated among the Gypsy people. In ancient times, for representatives of the gypsy nationality, conducting various fortune-telling and performing magical rituals was a common activity in everyday life, that is, an activity that ensured their existence, and not something unique. However, it is necessary to take into account that the gypsies take this ritual very seriously, because in their opinion, it is the thread that is considered the main connecting link between the real world and otherworldly forces.

To accomplish this magical ritual Gypsies try to take only new needles, into the eye of which a red silk thread is threaded during the ritual. But in our time, with such a ritual, women do not focus their attention on what color thread is used in the ritual.

It is possible to make predictions using a needle various methods, for example, prediction using a needle and a circle. For this type of prediction, you can take a thick sheet of round-shaped paper (in this fortune telling, cardboard can be taken in size as regular dish). Then you need to write down the letters on this cardboard; they can be arranged in order or randomly. Then they hang the needle on a thread and ask exciting questions. However, it is necessary to remember that first before the ritual process you need to pronounce a special set of letters. For example, you can say this, “Oh Spirit of such and such, give me the answer to the question that worries me and tell me to find the right solution in this or that situation!!!” and so on. It is also recommended that before starting such magic ritual girls need to take off all their jewelry and have their hair down.

Prediction using a needle and thread can also be done with a circle but without writing letters, you can simply divide the circle into two equal parts. Such sides can mean answers “yes - no”, “loves – doesn’t love”. However, with this type of prediction, you need to ask the questions that concern you as clearly as possible so that they can be answered in monosyllables, either yes or no. However, first, to check the validity of this fortune-telling, it is recommended to ask questions that the fortuneteller has already resolved. In the case when the answer that the needle and thread shows turns out to be identical to the fortuneteller’s answer, then this prediction is truly considered valid and therefore you can further ask exciting questions.

Prediction with a needle and thread has no consensus these days. Some regard such fortune-telling as fun entertainment, while others claim that this is a rather serious magical ritual.

For most women who resorted to this type of fortune-telling, the result of the fortune-telling turned out to be correct (if the questions were such as the date of marriage, the name of the betrothed, how many children there will be, and so on). For other fortune-tellers, such predictions actually came true only to some extent, and for other girls, the predictions received during such fortune-telling did not actually come true.

And at the end of the topic, it is necessary to say about an important detail, the fact is that these days there are quite a lot of fans of one concept, which claims that the needle moves during such a ritual not because the spirits who were called upon during the ritual help (according to many ), and the movement is determined by the thoughts of the fortuneteller, who performs this ritual with the help of a needle and thread. Here it is necessary to explain that during the performance of this ritual there is an absolute concentration of thoughts and desires, and the result of which is the movement of the thread and, of course, the needle along the known letters. It is in this situation that the fortuneteller gets the result she wanted so much, and it is soon transferred to reality.

An ancient magical ritual, which is based on a simple needle, and with the help of which you can get a prediction about the future, about the appearance of children, about their number, who will be a boy or a girl, whether your dreams will come true, and the like. Predictions using an ordinary needle and silk or ordinary thread is one of the popular fortune-telling, because it is accessible to any person; there is no special knowledge or special skills to perform this magical ritual.

A few words about preparation

Any type of magical ritual that is performed with the help of needles or cards requires adherence to special requirements. One of the main rules of any fortune telling is that all auxiliary things must be new. In the case when you want to perform a ritual using a needle, you need to buy a new needle, especially for fortune telling. Ordinary needles that you use for sewing will not be suitable for this purpose.

When purchasing a needle and thread for fortune telling, you must avoid haggling and change.

Before the beginning of the magical ritual on a sewing needle, the needle must be “consecrated.” To do this, hold the needle over the light of a church candle or fumigate it with incense.

To perform any magical ritual, the same applies to fortune telling with a needle and thread, is necessary in evening time, after the sun has set, and it is best to carry out fortune telling at night at twelve o’clock. This is not surprising, because the light of the sun does not give rise to mysticism, but the energy of the moon contributes to this.

All magical rituals, including those using a needle and thread, must be performed completely alone.

You also need to get rid of all irritating factors, for example, turn off equipment, electrical appliances and lights. You must work in absolute silence and by candlelight.

Before starting fortune telling, you need to remove all jewelry, belt, accessories, wash off makeup, and remove the cross. Also remove all hairpins and let your hair down, wear a wide T-shirt or a nightie.

Tell me the needle...

An ancient magical ritual using a sewing needle, and in most cases with thread, has ancient roots and various variations:

  1. Almost all girls really want to know the number of future children, and who will be a boy or a girl. Getting answers to such questions couldn't be easier! You need to take a new needle and thread a new thread into the eye as well. white not too long, the same length that you use when sewing. Next, take the end of the thread right hand and open your left hand. Then the needle must be lowered three times behind the thumb of the open left palm, and then placed the needle exactly above the middle of the left palm. To do this, you need to place your right elbow on the table so that your hand does not move.

It’s easy to find out who your baby is going to be: When the needle starts spinning in a circle, it means you’re having a boy. If the needle moves from side to side, then the gender of the child will be female.

This prediction using a needle helps you find out who will be your first boy or girl. This kind of fortune telling is the most popular among expectant mothers.

In addition, with this fortune telling you can find out how many children you will have. The actions are the same, only you need to take breaks before each action. For example, the needle “predicted” that you would have a boy. So after this, lower the needle three more times into the space between thumb, and continue - in this case, the needle will show the gender of the next child.

When the needle stops, it means there will be no more children. In the case when the girl already has children, the needle first points to the existing child, and so on.

  1. In addition to the child, women and girls want to know the answers to questions regarding love and destiny. There is one interesting ritual with which you can find out the name of your betrothed.

In the evening you need to take a basin and fill it with water, then at the edges of this basin you need to attach pieces of paper with male names. Then the pelvis needs to be pushed under the bed. Then you need to take the needle and place it on the window so that its eye points to the north.

At dawn you need to get up, take out a basin and throw a needle into it. And whose name the needle points its eye to will become your betrothed!

  1. Prediction using a needle and thread for love. This ritual is the easiest way to find out whether a wish will come true. You need to take a clear and smooth glass filled with plain water, as well as a needle with black thread. First you need to wet the thread, and then thread the thread into the corner. Next you need to place four glasses on the sides church candles, and the electricity should be turned off. Next, you need to make five knots on the thread, while repeating your desired dream. Next, grab the very first knot, lift the top of the needle, and watch its behavior above the water.

If the needle goes in a circle clockwise, then your dream will come true when reverse side then alas.

If the needle makes a pendulum movement, away from you and towards you, then soon your wish will come true. Otherwise, your dream will remain a dream. And in the case when the needle remains motionless, then it is probably that nothing is clear yet and whether it will come true or not will depend only on your actions.

Such an ordinary and irreplaceable thing in the household as a needle can be used as a rather powerful prop of a magical ritual in the hands of people who want to know their fate.

One of the most common fortune telling, which allows you to get answers to any questions asked, is the ritual with a saucer and an alphabet circle. For accurate information, you will need to call the spirit.

Fortune telling on a saucer

There are many ways to find out the future and get answers to your questions. For this, various attributes are used: beans, books, needles, wax, hair, cards. Fortune telling on a saucer with an alphabet circle looks very similar to a ritual. Participation will also be required during it.

For the ritual, the alphabet and a saucer with an arrow are used - these are attributes of the spirit. He guides them and gives an accurate answer. The answers “yes” and “no” are additionally indicated on a piece of paper - this will help avoid ambiguity and will not take your breath away for long.

Fortune telling with a saucer is similar to a simple pendulum using a needle and thread. For him, it is also necessary to summon the spirit, but he only gives answers to questions in the form of “yes” or “no”. There is also a more complex form with an alphabetic circle.

For the ritual you need to use plain paper or a wooden board. It is important to apply the alphabet in a circle, this will facilitate contact with spirits. For additional convenience, it is recommended to write greeting and farewell words, as well as numbers from 0 to 9.

The ritual does not guarantee a correct prediction if there is no good connection with the spirit or if evil forces have come into contact. , will in any way oppose the ritual. Or confuse the fortuneteller by giving incorrect answers.

In order for fortune telling by alphabet to be accurate, magicians advise asking several questions, the information about which is known and obvious. The danger of the ritual lies in the possibility of causing trouble. Coming from the other world evil spirit will not want to leave the space and will decide to stay.

If you are not confident in your own abilities or have no experience in communicating with Higher Powers, use. Call on good spirits or your closest deceased relative for help.


The main attribute used in the ritual is the saucer. It is important that it is white and new. No one should use it before you. An important element of fortune telling is paper with an alphabet circle. The larger it is, the more convenient it is for the spirit to communicate with you.

How to prepare for fortune telling in a circle:

  1. Draw a contrasting arrow on the saucer. After the ritual, no one will use the plate for its intended purpose, so you can use a permanent marker.
  2. Get together in a small group, tune in and don’t make any noise. You can perform the ritual alone.
  3. Need to disable mobile phones and do not use them to record the fortune telling process.
  4. Each participant must prepare a list of questions in advance.
  5. Sit in the corners or around the table.
  6. Choose a leader - he turns to the spirit, everyone else waits for his command.

You cannot interrupt the presenter - the spirit may become confused and angry, and become uncontrollable. One more thing important condition- you need to choose in advance who you will call and write down his name on paper. Dead close relatives or good spirit helpers are suitable for this. You cannot summon angels and demons.


After all conditions are met, you need to sit down at the table. Participants place their hands on the dish, the presenter pronounces an introductory phrase.

Spirit come! We call upon the spirit (name)!

You need to say the words three times. There is also a special phrase to check presence.

Spirit, are you there?

If the Higher Powers have honored the fortune-tellers with their presence, the dish will begin to move. The arrow will turn towards a positive answer on the paper. If there is no reaction, there is no point in continuing the ritual. You can try to summon the spirit again, but you need to do this carefully, excessive persistence will anger him.

If the spirit has arrived and an answer about its presence has been received, you can begin fortune telling in a circle:

  1. The presenter asks questions from the list. Waits a few minutes, giving the Higher Power time to think.
  2. It is important to carefully observe the movement of the arrow and follow the letters. Around which he stops a little longer - combine them into words.
  3. It is forbidden to remove your hands from the saucer or push it.

Sometimes the plate moves too quickly; you need to choose one participant in the ceremony who will record the information received. He doesn't need to hold the saucer.

Additional terms

In addition to the basic rules, there are some features that must also be observed. During the ritual, it is important to open a window or window - the spirit will enter the room and exit unhindered.

All fortune-telling was previously performed only by candlelight - this is an optional condition, but part of the tradition. The same question cannot be asked several times in a row. did not answer - information is prohibited.

After all answers have been received - Higher Power You can let go and thank him, always by name. If the spirit does not want to leave, read a prayer. During it, ask three angels by name to free you from his presence.

Fortune telling with a needle

This ritual also requires the presence of several people at once. Fortune telling on a circle with a needle is carried out similarly to its variety with a saucer, but there is also distinctive features. Here, whatman paper with letters is also used as a response board, but a pendulum is used as an otherworldly conductor.

Fortune telling with a needle and the alphabet requires preparation.

  1. Take a new needle. A red thread is threaded through it. The ends are aligned and tied with a knot.
  2. Place a wax candle in the center of the table.
  3. Take whatman paper with a circle, letters and numbers.
  4. All fortune tellers sit down at the table. One person is the leader, all the rest are participants in the process.
  5. It is important to prepare all questions in advance on a separate sheet of paper.
  6. Draw a pentagram inside a circle for fortune telling with a needle.
  7. The point is placed in the center, the eyelet with the thread should be tilted to the side.

After everything preparatory activities observed - evoke the spirit. The phrases used are the same as in the saucer ritual.

The presenter asks questions, and everyone carefully observes which letters or numbers the needle and thread turned to, and the answers are written down. First you need to ask all the simple ones that can be answered unambiguously. And then move on to more complex issues.

You can lay out a circle from playing cards- and, based on their interpretation, determine the answer of the magical assistant. The meanings are the same as in simple layouts.

After the ritual with the thread and needle, the spirit must be thanked and released. They blow out the candle and read the “Our Father” prayer three times.


If you are new to fortune telling with a needle or circle and this is your first spiritualistic session, take the advice of an experienced magician or abandon the ritual altogether. Otherwise dangerous consequences can't be avoided.

During such rituals, there is a risk that an embittered entity will come. An experienced magician will be able to recognize it and drive it away in time, but a beginner will not be able to do this. The spirit can cause physical harm or want to settle in the house forever.

Many who tell fortunes at a young age make the classic mistake of asking the entity to show itself. Thus, an evil spirit easily penetrates into the human world and remains here forever. The consequences of such a ritual are unpredictable and dangerous for all its participants.

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