Home Children's dentistry Inexpensive nebulizer. Which nebulizer to choose for a child

Inexpensive nebulizer. Which nebulizer to choose for a child

IN modern medicine one of the most common and effective ways treatment of respiratory diseases is the use of the inhalation method of administering drugs.

This method therapy for respiratory diseases has clear advantages over others, because it allows the drug to be immediately delivered in the minimum effective dosage to the tracheobronchial tree. At the same time, the absorption of the drug is so high that the effect occurs almost immediately. When administered by inhalation medication the condition of a child with a cold improves much faster than with another method of administration.

Almost every person knows how to do inhalations at home, and how they are carried out in medical institution. But at home inhalations are most often carried out the old fashioned way, using improvised means, which has many disadvantages. And visit a clinic or any other medical institution not always a sick person can; moreover, in some situations emergency treatment is necessary inhalation administration medications to control, for example, seizures allergic cough.

Therefore, the real salvation is the purchase of portable home inhalers for children, which are very easy to use, can accurately dose the medicinal substance, are always at hand, which is why they can be included in the treatment regimen for any disease respiratory system.

What is a nebulizer?

Special portable devices for inhalation are produced industrially. They are called nebulizers. By the way, the name “Nebulizer” itself comes from the word “nebula”, which Latin language translated as cloud or fog. With their help, liquid medicinal substances, therapeutic solutions under the influence of compressed air are converted into aerosols or cold steam (fog), which are sprayed into the upper and lower parts of the respiratory tract.

The nebulizer has become an indispensable portable device for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases respiratory system, including almost all inflammatory diseases, ranging from laryngitis and pharyngitis, ending with pneumonia, as well as bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. But for the treatment of the uppermost parts of the respiratory tract, nebulizers are not effective enough, which is why they are not often used in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis in children and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

Questions are often asked about whether there is any difference between a nebulizer and an inhaler. In fact, none, because a nebulizer is an inhaler. But inhalers can be called special canisters of medicines that asthmatics use for themselves. But after using the medicine, such a can can no longer be filled with the substance. A nebulizer is a universal inhaler for children and adults.

>>Recommended: if you are interested effective methods getting rid of chronic runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and persistent colds, then be sure to check out this site page after reading this article. Information based on personal experience author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now let's return to the article.<<

The scope of the therapeutic effect of nebulizers depending on the aerosol dispersion

Nebulizers convert medicinal solutions into aerosols, in which microparticles of the substance have a diameter of 1 to 10 microns. And the smaller these particles are, the more distant parts of the respiratory tract they can enter. For example, aerosol particles 1-2 microns in size are able to reach the alveolar system of the lungs, while large particles of 10 or more microns settle mainly only in the nasopharynx.

Let us provide in more detail the data on the correspondence between the sizes of aerosol particles and the areas of the respiratory system that they can affect:

  • 8-10 microns - oral cavity;
  • 5-8 microns - upper respiratory tract: nasopharynx, larynx;
  • 3-5 microns - trachea and bronchi;
  • 1-3 microns – bronchioles;
  • 0.5 - 2 microns - alveoli.

The nebulizer is capable of adjusting the size of aerosol particles using special nozzles in order to regulate the range of drug delivery to the source of the inflammatory process. The smaller the particle, the further it can penetrate the respiratory tract. But you need to know that very small aerosol particles, although they penetrate far, passing through the upper parts of the respiratory system, are not very effective for treating inflammatory diseases of the larynx and trachea.

The main tasks assigned to inhalers (nebulizers)

Each of us has an idea of ​​why inhalations are needed. Their main role is the treatment of respiratory diseases. When using modern inhalers, the following tasks are performed, which are very important in the treatment of respiratory diseases:

  • elimination of bronchospasm;
  • strengthening the drainage function of the respiratory tract;
  • sanitation of all parts of the respiratory system;
  • eliminating swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi;
  • fight against the inflammatory process;
  • delivery of an aerosol with medicine to the most remote areas of the respiratory system - the alveoli;
  • toning local immune reactions;
  • normalization of microcirculation in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • prevention and protection from exposure to allergens.

As can be seen from the above list, inhalers cope with many tasks and are used in the treatment of almost all diseases of the respiratory tract.

For what diseases and conditions is the use of inhalers contraindicated?

Despite the fact that the inhalation method is very effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, there are a number of contraindications that limit the use of nebulizers. Such diseases include:

  • stage III hypertension;
  • giant cavities in the lungs;
  • respiratory failure degree III;
  • individual intolerance to drugs used for inhalation;
  • pulmonary, nosebleeds, tendency to them;
  • early post-infarction and post-stroke period;
  • cardiac arrhythmia and failure;
  • spontaneous pneumothorax due to bullous emphysema;
  • body temperature over 37.5°C;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis, complicated by cerebrovascular accidents.

The main types of nebulizers used to treat children

It was already mentioned above that nebulizers are capable of converting a medicinal solution into cold steam or fog with a given size of aerosol particles. Nebulizers do not have many of the disadvantages of steam inhalers, although their price is much higher.

Depending on how the medicinal solution will be converted into a cold aerosol, there are several types of nebulizers:

  • ultrasonic,
  • compressor,
  • membrane

Steam inhalers stand out separately.

Each of them has its own range of applications, its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in more detail. After all, nothing ideal exists in the world. And based on these characteristics, it will be possible to decide which inhaler is best to choose for a child.

We can immediately say that the best inhaler for children or adults is not a device from any well-known brand, which is sold at a very high price. The best inhaler will be the one that fully meets all consumer requirements.

Steam inhaler, its advantages and disadvantages

There are several types of inhalers (nebulizers) for children and adults, as mentioned above. But first, we will focus on the simplest one, which has been used for a long time, a steam inhaler, so that we can immediately conduct a comparative analysis and determine the advantages of modern inhalers over the essentially old steam inhaler. This is very important in order to understand how to choose the right inhaler.

For many decades and even centuries, a primitive steam inhaler, which was constructed from improvised means, was used in the treatment of colds and inflammatory diseases. Hot water was poured into a container, the sick person covered himself with a towel and breathed in hot steam, which contained infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants and essential oils.

Then this method was minimally modernized when an ordinary kettle was used as a steam inhaler, into the sock of which a tube made of cardboard or thick paper was inserted, through which the patient inhaled the hot vapors of the medicinal solution. This method is most suitable for warming the upper respiratory tract, softening the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and trachea.

But a steam inhaler of this “homemade” design is not suitable for children, because it can cause serious burns to the mucous membrane of the respiratory system and the skin of a child who is not yet able to control the breathing process, especially with hot air. But it is quite possible to avoid such troubles if you use modern steam inhalers, which are equipped with a device for regulating the steam supply and its temperature, and also have several attachments, including those designed specifically for children.

This inhaler can be used to inhale a child with a cough, runny nose, etc., because with it you can not only treat inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, but also strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to harmful environmental factors. Steam inhalers improve blood circulation, strengthen the nervous, genitourinary, endocrine systems and general tone of the body.

By the way, steam inhalers have proven to be excellent in cosmetology because they can effectively cleanse skin pores, rejuvenating it from the inside.

However, it is prohibited to use a steam inhaler for treatment if the patient’s body temperature exceeds 37.5°C. In addition, when heated, not all medicines are able to retain their healing properties, because most of the medicinal substance is destroyed. As a result, the content of medicinal active substances in the steam is very low. And getting a child to breathe warm steam is extremely problematic.

Although warm steam helps your baby clear his throat better, it softens his breathing. But when using steam inhalers for children, there is a high risk of “spreading” the infection into the most distant parts of the bronchopulmonary system, which can lead to the development of bronchitis in the child, bronchiolitis, or even pneumonia.

Steam inhalers have a low price and availability, which attracts buyers. But not a single steam inhaler is capable of delivering a medicinal aerosol to the lower parts of the bronchopulmonary system.

Ultrasonic inhaler: advantages and scope of application

Ultrasonic inhalers use ultrasonic vibrations to “rock” the medicinal solution, turning it into a mist (aerosol). This type of nebulizer has maximum efficiency. The devices are virtually silent in use and have compact dimensions.

Ultrasonic nebulizers often come with batteries, which allow them to be used in any field conditions. Ultrasonic nebulizers are great for children, they are safe and easy to use.

But they also have their drawbacks. Not all medications can be used in these inhalers, because ultrasound can destroy them, in particular, hormones, expectorants or antibiotics. Using this inhaler, you can perform inhalations with medicinal herbal decoctions, essential oils, mineral water, soda, and alkaline inhalations.

!!! But it should be remembered that not all ultrasonic nebulizers allow the use of herbal decoctions and solutions containing ether, oils or suspensions (including essential oils). In many of them the use of such substances is strictly prohibited! Always carefully read the instructions before use, each inhaler is individual.

When using inhalers of this type, you have to use many additional accessories, for example, gels or containers for medications, which can be attributed to its “disadvantages”.

The above features do not allow us to call ultrasonic inhalers universal. However, reviews of ultrasonic inhalers used for children are mostly positive. The silent nature of the inhaler allows it to be used for this procedure while the child is sleeping or as a game, which is perceived by children as very exciting and interesting.

Typically, the average duration of an inhalation procedure with an ultrasonic inhaler is about 15 minutes, during which microparticles of a medicinal aerosol are sprayed over the inflamed surface of the respiratory tract. On average, the consumption of the medicinal solution is 1 ml per minute, containing 0.5 ml of the drug itself.

Compressor nebulizer: scope, advantages and disadvantages

Compressor inhalation systems are often called jet systems. They have a certain similarity with their ultrasonic counterparts in their performance characteristics. However, the compressor inhaler for children and adults is somewhat larger in size and weight. It is noisier in operation because the basis of this device is a compressor that creates a powerful air flow.

But this type of nebulizer does not require the purchase of additional accessories for inhalation, but may require replacement of connecting hollow tubes and nebulizers after 1-2 years. At the same time, the inhalation system is very reliable, and this is already an important advantage. In addition, this inhaler is very convenient to use at home.

The undoubted advantage of this inhaler is the fact that in practice it shows its pickiness in the use of various medicinal solutions that are not destroyed during an inhalation session. In addition to all of the above, the advantage is the relatively low price.

This nebulizer freely produces “fogging” of almost all medicinal substances without disturbing their structure. And among all types of nebulizers, a compression inhaler for children is considered the most optimal, acceptable and popular, because it can be used literally from the moment of birth. Doctors recommend the use of this inhaler for children under one year of age with virtually no restrictions.

The inhaler creates finely dispersed aerosols that penetrate into the farthest parts of the respiratory system using rarefied pressure. The higher the inhalation rate, the more intense the aerosol formation rate will increase. Thus, compressor inhalers can be activated by inhalation (automatically) or by using a special valve that blocks the air flow. The first type of inhaler is very convenient when treating expensive medications in order to maintain strict dosage of the medicinal solution and control its consumption.

Inhalations using a compression nebulizer are used to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma, allergic cough and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

The most popular models of compression nebulizers include Dolphin and Omron inhalers of various models.

Membrane nebulizer: main characteristics

In practice, the membrane type of nebulizer has several names - mesh inhaler, electronic mesh or MESH inhaler. This name is associated with its one structural component - a vibrating plate or membrane, which has a large number of tiny holes through which a medicinal aerosol is formed when the medicinal solution passes through it. Passing through this “sieve”, water droplets are crushed into microscopic particles, forming a medicinal mist.

When using a membrane inhaler, very small doses of the drug will be required, significantly saving its consumption. Compared to its counterparts, ultrasonic or compression inhalers, not to mention the steam inhaler, atomization and particle deposition during use of the mesh inhaler is very high.

The undoubted advantages of MES nebulizers include their compactness, low weight, noiselessness during operation, cost-effectiveness of drug consumption, low electricity consumption, and the ability to use batteries. The mesh inhaler allows children to use almost all types of medications without compromising their healing power. The therapeutic efficiency for the mesh nebulizer is very high.

But this seemingly ideal version of the inhaler was not without its drawbacks. The mesh nebulizer is quite expensive and requires very careful care, as well as careful use. If the regime and technique for washing the membrane, drying it and other operations are not followed, then the device may very soon fail.

Autumn and winter are a period of colds and viral diseases, the clinical manifestations of which can be rhinitis, cough, and sore throat. In the treatment of such diseases, inhalations with drugs or traditional medicine are often prescribed. Modern technologies make it possible to choose the best inhaler depending on its purpose and features; it must be remembered that there are different models of these devices: used exclusively in cosmetology, intended for the treatment of adults, convenient for use by children.

Which inhaler is better to buy??

Before choosing the best inhaler, you first need to decide?

And only after deciding on the type of inhaler, you should choose the manufacturer and model. As for the best manufacturers of inhalers, Omron is the leader in popularity. Among children's inhalers, the locomotive nebulizer from B.Well is a huge success. Among the steam models, the most popular inhaler is Chamomile.

If the inhaler is intended for occasional use, and there is a child in the house, then it makes sense to look towards children's models. They are very reminiscent of toys, and it will be much easier to convince the baby to “breathe.” Children's models can also be used by adults. But the operating mode of almost all children's models is 20 to 40 (20 minutes of work - 40 minutes of rest). And 20 minutes is the maximum - during this time the devices get quite hot. Therefore, if procedures need to be done regularly, then it is better to buy a more powerful and versatile inhaler.

Usually, when you hear the word inhalation, you vividly imagine a bowl of boiling water or boiled potatoes accompanied by a large terry towel. It is a rare mother who will have the courage to subject her beloved baby to such a test. Although the benefits of inhalation for diseases of the nose, throat and lungs has been repeatedly proven by scientific research.

Fortunately, modern medicine is doing everything possible to make treatment methods effective, comfortable and painless at the same time, and offers loving mothers all the benefits of inhalations in a convenient form. We are talking about modern devices for inhalation therapy, or inhalers. What types of inhalers for children exist, we will talk about their advantages and disadvantages in this article.

From this article you will learn:

Before moving on to the analysis of individual types of devices for inhalation, let’s consider what the essence and benefits of this method of treatment are.

The medical dictionary defines the term inhalation as a method of administering drugs, which is based on inhalation of steam, gas, smoke or dry powder with a certain particle size.

The therapeutic effect of inhalation is based on the fact that with this method of administration, medicinal substances can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. What cannot be achieved with conventional methods, such as rinsing or spraying with aerosols.

In addition, unlike tablets and capsules that are taken orally, inhaled drugs are immediately delivered to their destination and do not pass through the digestive system. Thus, they begin to act faster and with fewer side effects.

Inhalations are used for:

  • inflammatory diseases of the nose, throat, trachea caused by both viruses and bacteria;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hereditary lung diseases (cystic fibrosis).

From potato steam to nebulizer

Inhalation methods have come a long way from simply inhaling steam over a cup of hot water to modern complex devices - inhalers. Pharmacies and online sites selling medical equipment offer a wide range of different devices that differ in size, shape, and price.

How to choose an inhaler for a child among such a variety and not make a mistake? But not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. After all, all inhalers, based on the principle of operation, are divided into 4 types, having studied which, you can easily select the desired device.

The modern medical industry produces the following types of inhalers for children:

  • steam;
  • compression;
  • ultrasonic;
  • membrane or mesh inhaler.

It can be called the grandfather of all modern inhaler models. The main principle of its operation is the delivery of medicinal substances to the respiratory tract using water vapor. This can be the direct formation of steam from a solution containing medicinal substances, as, for example, in a pan of hot water over which the patient breathes.

Or, as in modern electric inhalers, the drug from a separate container is automatically sprayed into a chamber with water vapor and supplied to the patient in this form.

Although the steam of freshly boiled potatoes can also be considered the simplest steam inhaler, we will still focus on its modern representatives - electric steam inhalers.

What advantages and disadvantages do they have?


  • A price affordable for families of any income level. The average cost of an electric steam inhaler is about 1,300 rubles.
  • Does not make noise during operation.
  • Easy to operate, no need to buy replacement accessories, working parts are easy to clean and disinfect.
  • Possibility of inhalation with solutions of medicinal herbs, decoctions, infusions, essential oils, mineral water.
  • Constant comfortable steam temperature is about 45⁰C.
  • Ability to adjust the size of steam particles for inhalation into the nose and mouth.


PROHIBITED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 1 YEAR OF AGE. The fact is that wet steam, acting on the mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract, leads to its softening and swelling. Infants have much narrower airways than adults and lack the skill of coughing. All this together can lead to blockage of the trachea with large volumes of sputum and the development of an attack of suffocation.

In children over 1 year of age:

  • It is difficult to keep the child strictly above the mask during inhalation.
  • It is impossible to carry out the procedure during sleep or with a lying baby.
  • Large particle size of steam, due to which medicinal substances do not penetrate beyond the upper part of the trachea. In other words, it is impossible to use for bronchitis, asthma, and other diseases of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antispasmodics are destroyed at high temperatures, so they cannot be used in steam inhalers.
  • It is prohibited to use steam inhalation at body temperatures above 37.5⁰C.


Thus, steam inhalers should be chosen by parents of children over 1 year in the event that the main purpose of their use is the treatment of runny nose, uncomplicated colds and seasonal viral diseases of the nasopharynx.

The following types of inhalers for children: compressor, ultrasonic and membrane - are combined into a common group of devices called a nebulizer. They are named so because they create ultra-fine particles of the medicinal substance (from the Latin nebula - cloud, fog).

As they say, a classic of the genre. The most versatile inhaler for a child of any age. Its operation is based on spraying the medicinal substance with a strong air flow, which is created by a compressor. The medicinal solution turns into a suspension of ultra-fine droplets - an aerosol that penetrates into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract.


  • The cheapest of all nebulizers. The average price is from 1800 to 2500 rubles, depending on the model.
  • Equipped with masks in 2 sizes – adult and children. Some models have nasal attachments, additional mouthpieces and mouthpieces, which allows the use of compression inhalers for any diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • Easy to use, equipped with all necessary consumables, working parts are easy to clean and disinfect.
  • Suitable for use with almost all medicinal substances, including antibiotics and hormones.
  • Does not react with medications and does not reduce their effectiveness.
  • The technical features of the compression nebulizer make it possible to use it in babies from the first days of life, including premature babies; during sleep; in bedridden patients.
  • The ability to change the size of aerosol particles and thereby regulate the level of entry of medicinal substances into the respiratory system.
  • Inhalation-exhalation valves on modern, more expensive models, which allow medication to be nebulized only during the inhalation phase. This function is especially useful when treating with expensive drugs and in cases where it is necessary to strictly calculate the dose of the administered drug.
  • Availability of models for children in the form of bright toys.


  • High noise level, approximately 60 dB. Exactly the same as from a working electric razor.
  • Quite large in size and weight, so it is impossible to take it with you on trips.
  • Most models are not suitable for inhalation of herbal decoctions, infusions, and essential oils.


Compressor nebulizer- Ideal for home use by the whole family. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of all parts of the respiratory system, including relieving an attack of bronchial asthma. Not suitable for babies who are frightened by loud noises.

It was invented after the compressor nebulizer as a portable alternative. Its operation is based on the transformation of a medicinal solution into an ultra-fine aerosol using ultrasound. Ultrasound in the device is created by a thin plate that vibrates.


  • Does not create noise during operation.
  • Lightweight, compact, has replaceable batteries, so it is convenient for use on trips and walks. Some models are equipped with car charging adapters.
  • The most “hard-working” of all nebulizers. Can spray up to 30 ml of medicinal substance in 10-15 minutes. Due to this, it is able to irrigate almost the entire mucous membrane of the bronchial tree with the drug, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Easy to use.


  • There is no uniform scheme for the use of medicinal substances in ultrasonic nebulizers. Different models may use completely different drugs and formulations. For example, some manufacturers allow the use of essential oils, while other devices are designed only for a water base. Therefore, before purchasing, you must carefully read the instructions.
  • The need to be in close proximity to the nebulizer during its operation, since the distance between the spray chamber and the mask is very short. This limits the use of an ultrasonic nebulizer in infants under 6 months and in bedridden patients.
  • Replaceable accessories (cups for medicines), which periodically need to be replaced with new ones.
  • High price. The average cost of an ultrasonic nebulizer is about 2500-3500 rubles.


When choosing an ultrasonic nebulizer, you must carefully read the attached instructions about the permissibility of using certain medications. This is especially true for parents who want to use the device for the treatment and prevention of bronchial asthma and allergic diseases. Ideal for the treatment of colds, ARVI, runny nose, pharyngitis, bronchitis in babies over 6 months.

Membrane or mesh nebulizer

Belongs to the modern class of inhalers-nebulizers. The principle of its operation is based on the transformation of a medicinal solution into an ultra-fine aerosol due to the oscillation of a very thin mesh membrane with nanoholes.


  • It works silently.
  • Lightweight, compact.
  • Operates on AA batteries and mains.
  • Design features allow it to be used in any position, including horizontal (the angle of inclination may differ for different models).
  • Economical.
  • The ability to use any medications, including hormonal drugs, bronchodilators, antibiotics, essential oils.
  • Does not come into contact with medications and does not change their effectiveness.


  • Very expensive. The price of multifunctional models from well-known manufacturers reaches 8-9 thousand rubles.


It is the most advanced among nebulizers. It should be recommended to families with children who constantly need an inhaler, for example, patients with bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, allergic diseases.


  • Can be used in all nebulizers ONLY finished dosage forms, specifically designed for inhalers.
  • Do not attempt to administer crushed or dissolved tablets and capsules through the device.
  • It is forbidden to dilute medicinal solutions with boiled or distilled water. For these purposes, only 0.9% sodium chloride solution (saline solution) is used.
  • The use of essential oils in children under 1 year of age is prohibited.
  • Essential oils are used only in modes that create large particle sizes (at least 8 nm), since in this case they remain on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. If the particle size is smaller, the oils will enter the bronchi, which can cause severe spasm with the development of suffocation.

Choosing an inhaler for a child is not an easy task. But knowledge of the principles of operation of various inhalers will help parents not to get confused in the variety of companies and names and choose exactly the device that will best meet the needs of the family.

It copes well with the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. During operation, water vapor from the device enters the upper and lower respiratory tract, warming them and filling them with medications. The effect of such inhalation is noticeable from the first procedures, since the medicine not only gets inside, but, being sprayed in the body, settles on the inflamed areas.

How to choose the right nebulizer for a child

To do this, you need to decide on the purposes that the purchased device will fulfill. Manufacturers of inhalers try to take into account the wishes of their consumers, which is why there are many devices on the market with different functions and configurations.

There are several types of inhalation devices:

  • Compressor;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Steam;
  • Membrane;

Compressor devices

The principle of operation of such a device is to distribute compressed oxygen, air or a medicinal mixture by aerosol spraying. The nebulizer creates the optimal number of droplets needed to penetrate both the upper and lower respiratory tract. Any mixture of medications can be used in a compression nebulizer, without any restrictions.


The device makes a loud buzzing sound when operating. However, if the device is purchased for a child who likes to run around the house while the vacuum cleaner is running (and there are quite a few such children), then a compression device is more suitable than any other. The sounds of a vacuum cleaner and a nebulizer are similar and a mother will be able to attract the attention of her restless baby by setting the device to spray. While the child is looking for the source of the sound, the mother can easily carry out the inhalation procedure.


Ultrasonic devices

During inhalation, the medicinal mixture is sprayed using high-frequency vibration of the piezoelectric crystals of the device. The device produces minimal noise during operation, which is optimal for inhalations for a small child.

The device has disadvantages:

  • It is not recommended to use this device for spraying antibiotics and suspensions, since ultrasound destroys the structure of drugs.
  • When using the device, difficulties arise in adjusting the particle size required for spraying.

Steam inhalers

Let us note right away that inhalation with conventional steam inhalers can be very dangerous!

Many parents use steam devices when performing inhalation. During times of shortage in our country, pots of boiling water with herbs or just boiled potatoes were used everywhere for inhalation. Such steam inhalations are useful, but not for children. And not because such procedures are not effective, but because the water in the pan is boiling water. A child can turn around, push the pan and all the boiling water will be on him. Do not put your baby's life and health at risk.


A steam nebulizer is most often used for cosmetic purposes and to warm the nasopharynx during a runny nose. It will not cope with a dry chest cough. Steam appliances have a low price, which attracts buyers.

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