Home Children's dentistry One explicit and two secret novels by Ilya Averbukh. Ilya Averbukh - biography

One explicit and two secret novels by Ilya Averbukh. Ilya Averbukh - biography

Ilya Averbukh. Biography

Averbukh Ilya Izyaslavovich is one of the most famous Russian figure skaters, who performed in ice dancing and therefore gained worldwide fame. The athlete was born in Moscow on December 18, 1973. Ilya Averbukh started figure skating at the age of 6. Initially, Ilya Averbukh trained alone, but then he was sent to dance, and this is where the mentors were right. Ilya Averbukh began his professional career with Zh. Gromova, and later went to N. Linichuk and G. Karponosov.

Luck smiled on Averbukh in the nineties: the athlete twice won the World Junior Championships in a pair with M. Anisina. They were considered the main contenders for victory. But an unexpected romance with Ira Lobacheva instantly negated the couple’s potential.

In 1992, athlete Ilya Averbukh began performing with Lobacheva. Three years later, after getting married, they moved to America. Starting from 1993 (and until 2002), the star couple became winners of the national championship within their category four times, as well as winners of the European and World Cup. The 2002 Olympic Games brought silver to their treasury. But the years and previous injuries began to make themselves felt more and more often. A couple of years after the Olympics, the couple Ilya Averbukh and Irina Lobacheva completed their performances, and soon the athletes became the happy parents of their son Martin. After finishing his professional career, Ilya and his wife returned to their homeland and began their own production activities. The company he created, “Ice Symphony,” began organizing various kinds of ice television projects. At the beginning of the new century, Ilya Averbukh became the inspiration for the shows beloved by millions of television viewers: “Ice Age” in several seasons, “Stars on Ice” and “Ice and Fire”.

But achievements in the production sphere were overshadowed by troubles in personal matters. Soon Averbukh and Lobacheva officially divorced, maintaining friendly relations and frequent meetings, so as not to traumatize their son’s psyche.

The creative fate of the young and promising famous Ilya Averbukh has recently become the subject of discussion on the Internet and in the press. Numerous fans who have admired his colorful performances on ice for several years now want to know more about his creative plans, family and children.

Childhood, the path to success

The future was born famous athlete December 18, 1973 in Moscow. Ilya’s parents, Izyaslav Naumovich and Yulia Markovna, were far from sports. My father was an engineer, but in the “roaring nineties” he became an entrepreneur. The mother, in order to be closer to the child, parted with the profession of a microbiologist and got a job musical director V kindergarten. She loved figure skating and dreamed that her son would someday become a famous figure skater. Younger brother Daniil is also an athlete, a champion in foil fencing.

At the age of five, Ilya first stepped on the ice at the Avangard stadium, but several days passed and he was expelled due to physical unpreparedness. After this, the mother received several more refusals with similar explanations. Finally, persistence won out: Zhanna Gromova agreed to train Ilyusha and soon discovered extraordinary abilities in him. Ilya recalls that if it weren’t for his mother’s persistence, he would not have become a famous figure skater, especially since he didn’t want to do it at all, dreaming only about football.

At first, Ilya was engaged in single skating, but at the age of thirteen, some problems with coordination of movements were discovered, and he was transferred to a sports dance group. He trained with Natalya Dubinskaya and Oleg Epstein, then Natalya Linichuk took him on. In 1989, he joined the national team, and the following year, dancing with Marina Anisina, he became a two-time national champion among juniors.

There was hope that the couple had a great future, but there were constant scandals between them, and the coaches decided to change their partner. Since 1992, he has been skating in tandem with, and in 1994 they took second place at the national championship, and then received bronze awards for two years in a row.

They had known Irina since childhood, but seeing her as an adult beauty, Ilya fell in love at first sight. In 1995, having become a married couple, they and their coaches left for the USA and trained there until 2000. In 1997, victory in the national championship in ice dancing, and in 1998 in winter Olympic Games oh they were fifth. Having won the World Championship in 2003, star couple returned to Russia, deciding to engage in coaching and producing activities.

Creation of the “Ice Show” project

December 25, 2004, when the couple performed at a farewell show in front of their audience, can be considered the day of farewell to amateur sports. She and Irina could have stayed in America, trained amateur teams and had a decent life. But Ilya dreamed of creating such an ice show in his homeland that it would have no equal in the world.

In 2004, Ilya Averbukh founded the Ice Symphony company. It is worth noting that no one believed in this idea except himself. But after five years it was possible to say that the dream had come true. He managed to return the former authority to the Russian figure skating, popularize it through the performances of the best skaters and return the well-deserved love of the viewer.

The company organized the following events:

  • show tour “Russia is waiting”;
  • "Italian Carnival";
  • In 2007, a show for the anniversary of Tatyana Tarasova.

Together with Channel One, the company provided viewers with:

  • 2006 - “Stars on Ice”;
  • 2007 - “Ice Age”;
  • 2008 - “Ice Age 2”;
  • 2009 - “Ice Age. Global warming" and others.

After each season, tours are planned around Russian cities, where Averbukh acts as a presenter. Many movie and show business stars are happy to take part in the project. The fact is that the director of the project gives the opportunity to actors and others famous people try yourself in a new image. and character. In addition, participation in the project increases popularity and ratings. From December 2007 to June 2008, the project’s artists with their “Ice Age” visited 60 cities in Russia, Spain, Germany and the USA.

The ice musical “Carmen”, which premiered in Sochi in June 2015, became a beautiful and significant event. The meaning of this ice performance was different from the traditional one that spectators were accustomed to seeing. For example, in one action 60 actors appear at once, in another - unexpected explosion music and the viewer sees a fiery flamenco dance. Averbukh slightly changed the plot, adding new events and selecting appropriate music. Here you can hear melodies by Bizet, Ravel and Shchedrin and modern music by Roman Ignatiev.

In 2014, Averbukh produced a television project on Channel One, “Professionals’ Cup,” and in the same year, the New Year’s premieres of “Mom” and “Baby and Carlson” were shown. Ilya Averbukh also took part in the filming of many documentaries and feature films. Ilya Averbukh first appeared in films in 2004, it was the crime drama “Time of the Cruel,” where he played the role of a journalist.

Subsequently, many more roles were played. Today “Ice Symphony” is a rapidly developing project that can be called an unsurpassed leader in directing ice programs not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Personal life of a sports star

In 1995, they married Irina Lobacheva. But when they first became skating partners, he was only 16 years old. It was a beautiful, amazingly romantic relationship. In 2004, son Martin was born. When the couple returned to Russia, Ilya began creating his own show, Irina opened a figure skating school for children and at the same time performed in ice shows.

Cooling between them came after Ilya got really interested in the “Ice Symphony”, disappeared at work day and night, the spouses communicated only by phone. In addition, one after another rumors arose about his passion, first for the young, then for Alisa Grebenshchikova, the daughter of the lead singer of Aquarium. All this strained and offended Irina as a woman.

Relations with Ilya’s mother, Yulia Markovna, were also far from ideal. The mother-in-law believed that their marriage was inferior, since Irina was not Jewish by nationality. When Martin was born, her dislike for Irina became even stronger. According to the skater, Ilya always listened to his mother and could not truly stand up for his wife. In 2014, the divorce was announced, which came as a surprise to everyone around. They thought that a breakdown would occur in his work, because Irina took part in all his ice performances. But this did not happen, they remained on friendly terms.

Now he answers questions about his personal life unequivocally: “I’m married to my work.” Ilya helps the family, sometimes takes his son home, takes him to his rehearsals in order to distract him from computer games, which the boy, in his opinion, is carried away beyond measure.

The son does not dream of following in the footsteps of his parents, early years hates skates. They don’t insist: to each his own. Martin Averbukh studies in a good school, does excellent academically, and prefers tennis among sports activities.

Averbukh's ex-wife now has new man. The chosen one's name is Ivan, he works as the second coach on her team. He is 16 years younger than Irina, and she did not pay attention to him as a man. But one evening after work they went out together, got to talking, it turned out that he had loved her for a long time, but was afraid to admit it. Found common interests and hobbies, Ivan became a person close to her, and she and Martin too a good relationship. Now they live in a civil marriage, are happy and think about common child. According to Irina, this is a reward for all the trials that she had to endure.

Attention, TODAY only!

Ilya Izyaslavich Averbukh is a figure skating star of the USSR and Russia, Honored Master of Sports and multiple champion of ice dancing, silver medalist of the Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, America. After completing his sports career, he found a use for his talent by creating his own ice show, which today is watched with great interest by millions of television viewers in the post-Soviet space.

The outstanding athlete of Russia and the USSR Ilya Averbukh was born into an intelligent Moscow family in December 1973. He is Jewish by nationality, which he has always been proud of. At the age of 15, when asked by one of the coaches to change his last name, Ilya stated that he was born Averbukh and would remain so.


Coming from an intelligent Jewish family, Ilya Averbukh was born in Moscow on December 18, 1973. Father, Izyaslav Naumovich, a talented engineer-inventor, worked at the Compressor plant, and at the same time taught mathematics at one of the capital’s technical schools. Mom, Yulia Markovna, is a microbiologist by profession, but after Ilya was born, she got a job as a music worker in a kindergarten to be closer to her son. The family has another son, Daniil, who became the European champion in rapier fencing.

Ilya has admitted more than once that he owes his creative abilities primarily to his mother, who still remains a great dreamer and inventor and helps him choreograph numbers for ice shows and performances. As in almost any Jewish family, Ilya’s parents began to think early on where to send their son for his harmonious all-round development. Ilya himself loved to play football with the boys, but this game seemed too rustic and rustic to his relatives.

The boy flatly refused to study music, so he family council it was decided to sign him up for figure skating. Despite his obvious abilities, five-year-old Ilya initially studied without much zeal, and was soon even removed from training. But his mother, who really loved watching figure skaters perform on TV, firmly decided to make her son an Olympic champion and began to look for a worthy coach for him.


So, Yulia Markovna finally found a coach who was able to see that her son was a promising, capable student. Such a coach turned out to be Zhanna Gromova, who immediately took the boy very seriously. Mom took Ilya to classes twice every day. It was decided that Averbukh would become a singles skater. But life put everything in its place: when he turned 13, in one month Ilya stretched 12 centimeters. Now the young skater had problems with coordination of movements (however, they were temporary) - his jumps were not so ideal. In this regard, Ilya Averbukh was transferred to pair dances. This option turned out to be more interesting for him, and he stayed here forever.

So, despite the fact that the grandparents hoped that their beloved grandson would learn to play the violin, the boy became a figure skater. Ilya Averbukh, whose biography has been studied to the smallest detail by his fans, recalls that he would play football with great pleasure. He likes to work hard and get a fairly quick result, the result of his efforts, but in figure skating it doesn’t work that way, you have to work for a very long time. He didn't really enjoy going to all the required training. He, frankly bored, monotonously and pedantically practiced the same movements.

Everything changed after the first world championship held for juniors. Ilya skated together with Marina Anisina. Young people became winners. From that moment, Ilya realized that figure skating would forever remain in his life.

New coach

Soon, Ilya Averbukh’s coach changed - Natalya Linichuk became him. In life young man big changes have taken place. The aspiring skater joined the Russian national team - he began skating in pairs with Marina Anisina. This brought the couple unprecedented success.

Thanks to their skater abilities, the couple won the World Junior Championships twice.

Note: Marina Anisina was married to the famous actor Nikita Dzhigurda and gave birth to two children. But today the spouses do not live together.

Probably, Marina’s intractable character is to blame for everything. It was because of him that this star couple broke up: Averbukh and Anisina. Ilya continued skating with another figure skater - Irina Lobacheva. Averbukh's coach changed again - Gennady Karponosov became him.

Together with Irina, the skater achieved enormous success in sports. The couple won the World Championships in 2002. They then became European champions the following year and Russian champions. At the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, the couple took second place. And this despite the fact that they missed several seasons due to Irina’s knee injury.

In addition, Ilya managed to graduate from the Moscow Academy of Sports and Physical Education. The skater's older brother also achieved great success in sports - he became a fencing champion.

Ice show

Ilya Averbukh Having finished his career in big sports, Averbukh and his partner decided not to stay in America to perform in professional shows, but to return to Russia. Already in 2004, Averbukh founded his own ice show, which he called “Ice Symphony”. The best figure skaters, including European, world and Olympic champions, took part in the theatrical performances. Participants of the Ice Symphony went on special tours throughout the country. For example, one of the festive programs was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Tatyana Tarasova, who trained more than one generation of champion figure skaters.

The ice show of Ilya Averbukh, together with Channel One, has produced a number of popular television shows. Among them are “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, “Ice and Fire”, “Bolero”. After each TV show, the project participants went on a tour of Russian cities. During which Averbukh acted as the host of the show program. In the 2010s, he staged his own musical on ice, called Lights big city" The first performance took place at the Rossiya State Concert Hall in Moscow.

Averbukh himself did not limit himself to the role of producer and host of ice shows. He is trying himself in the film industry. As a producer, he acted in the sports melodrama “Hot Ice,” dedicated to the fate of people whose lives are in one way or another connected with figure skating. The film was attended by figure skaters Roman Kostomarov, Alexey Yagudin and famous artists - Anna Bolshova, Lyudmila Artemyeva. Averbukh himself played in “Hot Ice” as a cameo, that is, in the role of himself. As an actor, Averbukh first appeared on screen in 2004 in the detective film “Time of the Cruel” by Vsevolod Plotkin and Alexander Stefanovich. He played journalist Ilya Gavrilov.

The film itself is based on a story by writer Eduard Khrutsky called “Silent Death.” The events of the film take place in the early 90s, when many law enforcement officers left the profession due to poverty wages. Some remained in the service of the authorities, others in gangster groups. A time of cruelty is coming, in which everyone survives as best they can. In 2005, Averbukh played in the musical “Night in Disco Style” by Felix Mikhailov and Yegor Druzhinin. The skater got the role of a young man on the ice. In 2012, he took part in the multi-part musical film “After School”, playing the role of driver Ilya Averbukh. Now the ex-skater is 43 years old, he continues his career as a showman.

For victory!

"Ice Age" 2008

His wife Irina Lobacheva also took part here. Averbukh trained her and Dmitry Maryanov as a couple on the project. The project was a stunning success; subsequently similar shows were created from 2007 to 2009 - “Ice Age”, “Ice Age-2”, “Ice Age. Global warming". And also from 2010 to 2012 such projects as “Ice and Fire”, “Bolero”, “Ice Age. Professional Cup". The popularity of the show was so great that it was decided at the end of each season to organize tours for the participants in Russian cities, near and far abroad. At the performances, Averbukh was the presenter.

Film career

Ilya Averbukh made his film debut in 2004, starring in Vsevolod Plotkin’s crime drama “The Time of the Cruel” as a journalist. In 2008, he became the producer of the series “Hot Ice”; in the film, in addition to cinema stars (Ekaterina Guseva, Boris Nevzorov, Lyudmila Artemyeva), famous figure skaters also starred in the film. Olympic champions, multiple champions of Russia, Europe and the world: Irina Slutskaya, Alexander Abt, Alexey Yagudin, Roman Kostomarov, Alexey Tikhonov, Povilas Vanagas and many others. In the spring of 2010, Ilya Izyaslavovich created, based on the cartoon Winx Club, a Russian version - “Winx on Ice”.

Personal life

Ilya and his family

Ilya Averbukh Ilya has a younger brother, Daniil, who also once decided to connect his life with sports. He is a professional fencer and has already become the European champion among cadets. After the successful start of pair collaboration with Lobacheva in 1992, she and Ilya began a serious romance. After several years of romantic relationship, the couple married in 1995. The partners actively supported each other, despite the fact that due to Irina’s injury in 2001, they had to refuse to participate in all Grand Prix from 2001 to 2002 seasons. The year 2004 for Averbukh was marked not only by career success, but also by the birth of his son Martin. However, despite the many difficult and joyful moments experienced together with Irina, the couple divorced in 2007. The exact reasons for this decision of both spouses are unknown. Ilya left all his joint property to his wife and son, whom he tries to see as often as possible. After the divorce, Ilya maintained friendly relations with his ex-wife.

The famous figure skater, multiple world champion, ice dancing master, wonderful coach and producer, Ilya Averbukh, is constantly in the center of attention of his fans. His personal life interests many.

Ilya Averbukh has many sports awards. He received gold in various championships four times, silver three times, and bronze five times.

He was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports. In 2003, Ilya received the Order of Friendship. In 2008, Averbukh was given the national award “Russian of the Year”. In the same year, he won the TEFI award for creating the show “Ice Age”.

Ilya Averbukh and his new wife: first wife

Ilya Averbukh was married to his wife, his figure skating partner Irina Lobacheva, for 12 years. At the end of 2007, the couple divorced. Making the decision to divorce was difficult. At the trial, Averbukh told the judge that he and Irina were adults, had lived together for many years, it was difficult and painful for them to take this step, and also asked that the process not be delayed and take place without unnecessary emotions and mental trauma.

Having gone through this whole difficult divorce procedure, as they themselves claim, they both breathed a sigh of relief. He took full responsibility for providing for his ex-wife and son.

Ilya Averbukh and his new wife: the couple’s divorce

Ilya refused to divide the jointly acquired property - everything remained in the possession of Lobacheva and their son Martin. At that time, Martin was three and a half years old. The former spouses tried their best to protect their son from the painful perception of divorce. But since dad was not at home often, due to work, nothing changed for little Martin, he was used to being with his mother all the time.

The former couple still have normal friendly relations. The child often sees his father, Irina not only does not interfere with their meetings, but also helps them to come true. As Averbukh himself says, everything is fine: the child stays with him overnight, they play, read books, discuss computer games, which my little son is passionate about.

Ilya Averbukh and his new wife: a novel by Ilya Averbukh’s ex-wife

Ilya Averbukh's ex-wife Irina Lobacheva was in romantic relationships with his partner in the Ice Show, Russian theater and film actor Dmitry Maryanov. For the sake of Irina, Dmitry broke up with his girlfriend Olga Silaenkova. Martin, Irina’s son, became good friends not only with Dmitry himself, but also with his son Danya (from his marriage to Olga Anosova). Sometimes Lobacheva said that she wouldn’t mind having another child.

However, the figure skater was in no hurry to get married; she says that she was burned in her first marriage. The actor pleases his beloved in everything; under his patronage, Irina was offered a role in the film “My Obnoxious Grandfather.” Dmitry Maryanov convinced the director of the film that the figure skater could become a good actress. But filming the film was the last point in their relationship. Irina Lobacheva and Dmitry Maryanov themselves confirm this information, but refuse to comment on anything.

Ilya Averbukh and his new wife: rumors of an affair with Alisa Grebenshchikova

After the divorce, many women sharpened their attention towards the lonely Averbukh. Each tried to do something to attract his gaze. There were rumors about his new romance with project participant Alisa Grebenshchikova - the daughter of the legendary lead singer of Aquarium, the young actress won the heart of the coach.

It soon became clear that Alice was pregnant. They said that the father of the child is Averbukh. And as if confirming this, Alice separated from her husband even before giving birth. However, the skater did not comment on the rumors.

Averbukh’s next passion was the charming actress and singer Valeria Lanskaya - she also participated in his project. However, after Lera left the show, rumors about their romance stopped. Now Ilya lives alone.

Averbukh Ilya Izyaslavovich is a famous figure skater. It gained its popularity thanks to rating projects on Russian television. Many people recognized Averbukh as the coach and producer of the Ice Age show. True, it is worth noting that in addition to this, Ilya has a lot sporting achievements, giving reason to be proud of this man (twice world champion among juniors, silver medalist of the 2002 Winter Olympics), winner of a number of state and public awards, including the Order of Friendship, multiple winner of television awards.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ilya Averbukh

Ilya Averbukh is an athlete who managed to become a media personality in as soon as possible after officially retiring from big-time sports. Organizer of ice shows and large-scale television projects, which millions of people watch with bated breath.

Averbukh is a very multifaceted person with a lot of talents. In his shows, he himself acts as a director, choreographer, director and producer. The appearance of such an extraordinary personality on Russian television gave rise to a number of questions among journalists, to which answers have already been found today. In particular, a few years ago the following questions were relevant: Height, weight, age. How old is Ilya Averbukh? Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that Ilya’s height is 177 cm, weight is 70 kg, age is 44 years.

Biography and personal life of Ilya Averbukh

The biography and personal life of Ilya Averbukh are inextricably linked with ice. Mine life path this talented person started in Moscow on December 18, 1973. Averbukh owes his success to his parents, who were fans of figure skating and firmly decided that their son should become a figure skater. At the same time, Ilya himself was initially, to put it mildly, not enthusiastic about this idea. However, already the first coaches saw enormous potential in the boy. He achieved his first victory at prestigious competitions at the age of 7. IN teenage years Averbukh is being transferred to pair skating in view sharp increase growth.

Averbukh's first partner was Marina Anisina. Together with her, he twice won the title of junior champion. But later, due to the obstinate nature of his partner, he was forced to break up with her. Ilya’s second partner was Irina Lobacheva. It is worth noting here that she also became the skater’s life partner. After 3 years, the couple got married, although after a while the marriage broke up, but Ilya is raising his son Martin.

The 90s forced many athletes to emigrate. Averbukh and Lobacheva were no exception. They went to America, where they continued training, which yielded results - Ilya and Irina are repeated champions of the Russian Federation, silver medalists of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. In 2002, at the peak of their sporting success, the couple announced their decision to end their professional career. It remains a mystery what prompted this decision, but Averbukh and Lobacheva really left the big sport and then performed only as amateurs.

In 2002, Averbukh tried himself as a TV presenter and commentator. Even then, he was hatching the idea of ​​​​creating a big project for “former” figure skating stars. This is how his ice show was born, which attracts full houses across the country. Having gathered a team of professionals around him, Averbukh, a former professional athlete, puts on musicals that sell out in all cities of Russia, and millions of viewers across the country watch with bated breath the progress of events in the television projects on which Averbukh works. “Stars on Ice”, “Ice and Fire”, aired on central television, these shows had enormous ratings, which certainly flattered Ilya and gave him an incentive to move forward. After receiving a TEFI statuette (2008), he conceived a similar children’s show and in 2018 the Ice Age television project was released. Children".

Between 2008 and 2018, Averbukh became the author of several more high-profile projects that attracted massive public attention. So in 2010 the world saw the musical “City Lights”. In 2014, Averbukh was one of the directors of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi. Immediately after this, the ice show “Carmen” thundered throughout the country, which literally “blew up” Sochi, and then became a success throughout Russia. The last bright event in Ilya’s life was the premiere of the ice performance “Romeo and Juliet”, in which he invited his closest friends to participate. The main roles in the project were played by Olympic champions: Yagudin, Tatmyanina, Marinina, Kostomarov, Volosozhar, Trankov. This project is truly amazing with its pomp and decoration. More than 100 people worked on the creation of the costumes alone, total The members of the creative group exceed one hundred and fifty. The performance features 22 international-class athletes, ballet dancers, musicians and vocalists. However, experts are confident that this is far from being Averbukh’s last project; he will be able to surprise the audience, already tempted by his own talent, more than once.

Family and children of Ilya Averbukh

Ilya Averbukh’s father, Izyaslav Naumovich, worked at the compressor plant. My mother worked as a music player in a preschool institution. Ilya’s younger brother, Daniil, is famous in another sport and is a European fencing champion. Ilya Averbukh’s own family and children is a question that also interests journalists. And if everything is clear with the star’s past, his wife was his partner Irina Lobacheva, then with Ilya’s marital status today everything is not so transparent.

After divorcing his wife in 2007, he is in no hurry to enter into an official relationship. De facto, remaining an enviable bachelor who devoted himself to raising his son. From time to time, he is credited with having affairs with women, but he does not officially confirm any of them. So in 2007, the press was actively discussing Averbukh’s relationship with actress Alisa Grebenshchikova. A year later, Valeria Lanskaya was considered a potential wife for Ilya.

Son of Ilya Averbukh - Martin

The son of Ilya Averbukh, Martin, was born on March 3, 2004. Even then, the child, bursting at the seams, could not save the marriage of Ilya and Irina. At the same time, the boy grows up in love and is not deprived of the attention of his parents. Ilya fully provides for his ex-wife and son, and actively participates in the upbringing and education of the boy. He was the initiator of Martin becoming a student at a prestigious metropolitan lyceum; he spends a lot of time with his son and takes him on vacation. However, the press does not talk much about him.

Today it is known that the boy did not follow in the footsteps of his parents and has no desire for figure skating. Martin is passionate about Formula 1 racing. However, it is not yet clear whether he is ready to connect his life with this. While the guy travels the world with his father and gets impressions from new discoveries.

Ilya Averbukh's wife - Irina

In 1995, Ilya Averbukh tied the knot with his partner Irina Lobacheva. Irina, like Averbukh, became interested in figure skating from early childhood. But she achieved maximum success in sports precisely in tandem with Ilya. Ilya Averbukh's wife, Irina, could become a worthy rear for Ilya. But I couldn't find it mutual language with the skater’s mother, whose opinion he valued very much. In addition, the fame that came to Averbukh after the end of her professional sports career gave rise to many reasons for jealousy. In 2007, the couple decided to separate. The divorce process went through without conflicts, Averbukh left all his acquired property to his ex-wife and son Martin. Moreover, the former spouses have maintained a rather warm and close relationship. Irina gladly takes part in ice shows produced by Ilya.

Today nothing is known about the figure skater’s personal life. In 2009-2011 lived in a civil marriage with actor Dmitry Maryanov. After breaking up with him, she tries not to comment on personal relationships with men. On this moment trying his hand at coaching.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ilya Averbukh

Ilya Averbukh is a progressive person, so it is not surprising that on the vastness of the World Wide Web there is Instagram and Wikipedia of Ilya Averbukh. In addition, he has his own website.

All these media resources tell in detail about the life and work of Averbukh. They reveal all the secrets of his large-scale projects, both realized and still remaining in the maestro’s dreams. The figure skater’s Instagram is dominated by photographs from the filming of television projects and working moments on the creation of new ice shows. Occasionally there appear photos with my son, which are taken during joint travels around the world. Article found on alabanza.ru

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