Home Prosthetics and implantation Antimicrobial syrup Biseptol for children: instructions for use, cost within the Russian Federation and recommendations from parents. “Biseptol” suspension for children: instructions for using children’s syrup, reviews, what Biseptol suspension helps with, recipe in Latin

Antimicrobial syrup Biseptol for children: instructions for use, cost within the Russian Federation and recommendations from parents. “Biseptol” suspension for children: instructions for using children’s syrup, reviews, what Biseptol suspension helps with, recipe in Latin

Hi all!

Today I'll tell you about medicine, which was purchased for a child, but also helped me out. This is Biseptol in the form of a suspension - inexpensive medicine with antimicrobial properties, but is not an antibiotic.

A combined antibacterial drug containing sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.


  • Full name - Antimicrobial agents Medana Biseptol Suspension
  • Where to buy - any pharmacy, there is no shortage
  • Cost - about 130 rubles per 80 ml bottle
  • Shelf life - 3 years
  • Country of origin - Poland
  • Vacation - I took a prescription without it, no one asked for the recipe


Outer packaging is cardboard, appearance standard, “pharmacy”. But it’s interesting to me that this square is depicted on the front part, consisting of a mixture of colors)) looks unusual.

The bottle contains some information - about the active ingredient, expiration date and storage conditions, and the manufacturer.

Inside is a dark brown glass bottle with an identical design, a measuring cup and kilometer-long instructions for use. As usual, I’ll hide the instructions in a quote.

The bottle is neat and heavy. It has the manufacturing date and expiration date stamped on it.

The bottle is closed at the top with a small screw cap. Unscrewing it is as easy as shelling pears, there is no child protection, so hide it away...

The neck is quite narrow and gets dirty, so after I have measured out the required portion, I wipe the neck, otherwise the whole bottle will gradually become sticky.

The measuring cup has a scale with divisions, making it easy to measure the desired portion. It is convenient for an adult to drink a suspension from such a glass, and older children can also be given the drug from it.

But for a 3-year-old child, taking medicine from a glass turned out to be inconvenient, so I used a measuring syringe from Nurofen, or, in principle, pour the suspension into an ordinary teaspoon.


For 5 ml of suspension: sulfamethoxazole 200 mg, trimethoprim 40 mg

Excipients: macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate, magnesium aluminum silicate, carmellose sodium, citric acid monohydrate, methylhydroxybenzoate, propylhydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharinate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, maltitol, strawberry flavor, propylene glycol, purified water.


Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug:

Infections respiratory tract: chronic bronchitis (exacerbation), Pneumocystis pneumonia (treatment and prevention) in adults and children;

ENT infections: otitis media(in children);

Infections genitourinary organs: infections urinary tract, chancroid;

Gastrointestinal infections: typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, shigellosis (caused by sensitive strains of Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei);

Traveler's diarrhea caused by enterotoxic strains of Escherichia coli, cholera (in addition to fluid and electrolyte replacement);

Other bacterial infections(possible combination with antibiotics): nocardiosis, brucellosis (acute), actinomycosis, osteomyelitis (acute and chronic), South American blastomycosis, toxoplasmosis (as part of complex therapy).


Hepatic and/or renal failure(creatinine clearance less than 15 ml/min);

Aplastic anemia, B12-deficiency anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia;

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency;

Concomitant use with dofetilide;

Lactation period;

Children's age up to 2 months or up to 6 weeks at birth from a mother with HIV infection;

Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides, trimethoprim and/or other components of the drug.

WITH caution: dysfunction thyroid gland, heavy allergic reactions in the anamnesis, bronchial asthma, deficit folic acid, porphyria, pregnancy.


Biseptol suspension is a viscous, medium-thick liquid.

In color - opaque, with a yellowish or whatever shade.

The aroma is just like washing powder, to be honest. Chemistry is chemistry. Although the flavor is stated as strawberry)). Well, I only have associations with cheap strawberry soap.

The taste is tricky. Just pour the suspension into your mouth, it seems sweet. You swallow it - and there it is, an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. It’s good that according to the instructions, the medicine can and should be taken with water.


Inside, after eating with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Adults and children over 12 years of age: 960 mg every 12 hours; at severe infections- 1440 mg every 12 hours; at urinary tract infections- 10-14 days, with exacerbation chronic bronchitis - 14 days, with traveler's diarrhea and shigellosis- 5 days. Minimum dose and dosage for long-term treatment(more than 14 days) - 480 mg every 12 hours.

Children: from 2 months (or 6 weeks at birth from mothers with HIV infection) to 5 months- 120 mg each, from 6 months to 5 years- 240 mg each, from 6 to 12 years- 480 mg every 12 hours, which approximately corresponds to a dose of 36 mg/kg per day.


📎For the first time Biseptol in the form of a suspension was prescribed to a child in the fall, when my daughter once again caught the virus in kindergarten, and then developed a temperature. The pediatrician called to the house said that my throat was red, but I could do without serious antibiotics like Amoxiclav, but I would have to take Biseptol. Of course, the treatment included other medications - nasal drops, Miramistin for treating the throat, and plenty of warm drinks.

Biseptol was prescribed in a dosage of 5 ml, or a flat teaspoon, twice a day, after meals. The temperature subsided 3-4 hours after taking the suspension and did not rise again. The child has become more active. On day 3 complex treatment My daughter felt fine and had no complaints about her throat. Fortunately, Biseptol did not cause any side effects. From the gastrointestinal tract too, although I was preparing for the worst, because after antibacterial agents My daughter most often develops constipation.

📎My experience with Biseptol. Once, after eating a delicious store-bought pizza (oddly enough, the expiration dates were fresh), I began to feel discomfort in my stomach, namely bloating, cramps, and after a while - diarrhea (I hope no one is eating now while reading this review ). Diarrhea was not a one-time occurrence, but repeated. And then I decided to self-medicate (I don’t recommend this to anyone, although let’s be honest - 90% already treat themselves 😀).

Since the relationship between eaten pizza and gastrointestinal problems was obvious, it is quite clear - I either have more or less poisoning mild form, or intestinal disorder. Biseptol took a full measuring cup, that is, 15 ml, twice a day. The bottle with the remains of the suspension from the child ran out - I bought a new one. After a couple of hours of taking the first dose, the rumbling in my stomach decreased and the diarrhea stopped. On the second day there was still a little discomfort, in total I took Biseptol for 3 days or more loose stool no, everything returned to normal. Side effects did not have.


Biseptol in the form of a suspension - inexpensive effective medicine, which is no worse in action than antibiotics, but has a milder effect and does not disturb the natural flora in the intestines. Of course, the taste is not very good, and there are flavors in the composition, so if your child or you personally are prone to allergies, be careful. And of course, you should take this drug only as prescribed by your doctor, especially when it comes to small children.

One of the most famous and controversial antibacterial drugs, sold in Russia - Biseptol. In the 80-90s of the last century, Biseptol was at the peak of popularity. The drug was prescribed by doctors of all specializations, from a local pediatrician to a highly specialized urologist. Patients, having felt the effectiveness of the product, perceived it as a panacea for all ills. If at first we did not risk buying Biseptol without a doctor’s prescription, then soon such a “trifle” as a specialist’s recommendation began to seem unnecessary. Biseptol was seen as a panacea for any infection and was taken almost uncontrollably for any reason, not excluding a common cold.

Meanwhile, any antibacterial medicine is not at all so harmless. And many ardent fans of Biseptol were convinced of this, unfortunately, from their own experience.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large number of safer and more effective antibacterial drugs. Sales and popularity of Biseptol have faltered. However, until now, therapists and pediatricians write the long-learned words “Tab.Biseptoli” in recipes. And to this day, our pharmacies can sell Biseptol on the recommendation not of a doctor, but of a friend, neighbor or a complete stranger who gave advice in line for bread.

In this article we will try to highlight the positive and negative sides drug and answer the main questions: is Biseptol safe? Should I take this medicine uncontrollably and what are the risks?

Composition and release forms of Biseptol

Few people know that the name hides both the composition and the action of Biseptol. The particle “bi” comes from the Latin prefix “bis” - twice - and means that the composition includes two components. The second part of the name - "septol" - apparently comes from the Latin "septicus", literally meaning "rotting". In pharmaceuticals, drugs with the root “septol” in their names belong to the group of antiseptics.

So, what active ingredients are included in the composition? Biseptol is combination remedy, consisting of two components: sulfamethoxazole in a dose of 400 mg and trimethoprim in an amount of 80 mg. The figure indicated in the patented name “Biseptol 480” means nothing more than the total mass active ingredients drug.

Pharmaceutical industry produces four main forms of release:

  • Biseptol 480 mg - tablets for adults;
  • Biseptol 120 mg - tablets for children;
  • Biseptol 240 mg - suspension for children. 5 ml of medicine contains 240 mg of a combination of sulfomethoxazole and trimethoprim;
  • Biseptol 480 mg in ampoules containing a concentrate from which solutions for infusions are prepared - intravenous drip injections, or, more simply, droppers. Biseptol in ampoules is indicated for use in a hospital setting.

Some manufacturers have developed a syrup for children, Biseptol, containing 240 mg active ingredients.

The most popular forms of release, which doctors and their patients most often have to deal with, are Biseptol 480 mg in tablet form and Biseptol 240 mg suspension for children.

>>Recommended: if you are interested effective methods getting rid of chronic runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and persistent colds, then be sure to check out this site page after reading this article. Information based on personal experience author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now let's return to the article.<<

How does Biseptol work - pharmacological action

Sulfamethoxazole is the main component of Biseptol, which has a fairly strong bactericidal effect. It disrupts the synthesis of dihydrofolic acid, which is necessary for microorganisms to function. Trimethoprim enhances the effect of sulfomethoxazole. Synergy, that is, the summation of the effects of Biseptol's components, was first described in the late 60s.

The ratio in which the components are dosed is precisely adjusted. If in a Biseptol tablet it is approximately one to five, then when absorbed into the blood, the ratio of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim drops to one to twenty. These concentrations are necessary for the peak, maximum synergistic effect of the components.

Does Biseptol still have anything to do with antibiotics or not?

This question worries patients so often that it is simply necessary to dot the i’s. So, an antibiotic is a medicinal substance of natural (animal, plant or microbial origin) that has an antibacterial effect that completely suppresses both the growth and reproduction of bacteria. The modern pharmaceutical industry also produces semi-synthetic antibiotics.

Upon careful study of the instructions for Biseptol, it becomes obvious that its components have nothing to do with antibiotics. Both substances included in the drug were synthesized in the laboratory. Sulfamethoxazole belongs to the group of sulfonamide drugs, and trimethoprim is used exclusively to enhance the effect of the main component.

The answer to the question whether Biseptol belongs to antibiotics or not is clear and beyond doubt. Biseptol is a medicine from the group of sulfonamides that has an antibacterial effect. But not an antibiotic.

However, it is naive to believe that a product that is not one of the notorious “harmful” antibiotics is as safe as colorful sweet vitamins. Sulfonamides are also serious drugs that must be taken exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, you may face not entirely pleasant consequences, including the formation of drug-resistant microorganisms. It is not without reason that all antibacterial agents - antibiotics, sulfonamides, and representatives of other pharmacological groups - are prescription drugs. And you shouldn’t forget about this.

Biseptol: indications for use

The answer to a common and seemingly simple question, what does Biseptol help with, cannot be unambiguous. After all, the combination of sulfamethoxazole and trimetroprim is a serious drug, the selection of which requires careful collection of information. Ideally, if this is done by a specialist. Let's try to figure out in what cases Biseptol is the drug of choice and when it is better to choose another medicine.

The main indications for the use of Biseptol are, of course, diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The spectrum of action of the sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim complex is quite wide and includes a wide variety of gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, protozoa and even pathogenic fungi. Streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, salmonella, chlamydia, toxoplasma and other microorganisms are exposed to the bactericidal effect of the drug. Tuberculosis bacillus, Treponema, Leptospira, and pathogenic viruses are resistant to Biseptol.

A fairly wide range of microorganisms sensitive to Biseptol determines the same extensive list of diseases for which the medicine is used. Let's try to figure out in what cases this drug is prescribed.

The most common gram-positive bacteria that usually cause diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract are staphylococci and streptococci. The high effectiveness of Biseptol against these microorganisms allows it to be successfully used for bacterial pharyngitis and tonsillitis - sore throat.

Biseptol also gives positive results for bacterial bronchitis. However, I would like to note that inflammation of the bronchi is often caused by viruses that are resistant to the action of antibacterial drugs. Therefore, be prudent: if you have a cough, you should not take such remedies without a doctor’s recommendation.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - sinusitis - is most often caused by the same cocci, less often by chlamydia, mycoplasma and viruses. Despite the fact that the drugs of choice for sinusitis are antibiotics, sometimes Biseptol is still prescribed.

Is treatment of intestinal infections justified?

The activity of the drug against Escherichia coli allows the use of Biseptol for acute intestinal infections. It is important that the effect of the drug also extends to enterotoxigenic strains of the pathogen. Enterotoxigenic E. coli is responsible for severe bloody diarrhea, which is accompanied by general intoxication of the body. In addition, there is experience in using the drug for salmonellosis.

However, before deciding to use any antibacterial agent for intestinal infections, you should remember one important nuance. All pathogens of these diseases are eliminated on their own within a week. In plain language, a week after infection the disease will stop without any treatment. This also applies to the notorious salmonellosis, the diagnosis of which sometimes leads the patient and his relatives into a state of panic.

Standard protocols for the treatment of acute intestinal infections do not include the use of any antibacterial drugs. The basis of therapy for such diseases is to ensure sufficient fluid intake.

In severe cases (for example, when an infection develops in young children or the elderly, in patients with weakened immune systems), it is still possible to prescribe antibacterial drugs. And again, Biseptol is not the gold standard in such cases - there are many other, safer drugs. For example, drugs from the nitrofuran group are not absorbed into the blood at all. The effectiveness and safety of these drugs is based on the fact that they work only in the intestinal lumen.

Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, treatment of intestinal infections with Biseptol is absolutely unjustified.

Urinary tract infections

Escherichia coli is recognized as the most common cause of urinary tract infections. Approximately 80% of all inflammatory processes in the bladder are caused by this pathogen. Therefore, Biseptol, which is active against E. coli, in some cases gives good results for cystitis.

However, it should be remembered that the drug of choice for urinary tract diseases is still a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. You cannot approach the treatment of these pathologies negligently: with inadequate therapy, there is a fairly high risk of chronicity of the pathological process. Untreated cystitis threatens chronic inflammation of the bladder, which is difficult to treat.

Why is uncontrolled use of Biseptol dangerous for cystitis? In fact, everything is very simple: frequent use of Biseptol over a long period of time has led to the gradual emergence of resistance to the components of the drug. As a result, the effectiveness of the drug decreased significantly.

In the treatment of many infections, the initial relief obtained by the patient is taken as complete healing. In fact, with the uncontrolled use of Biseptol, and other antibacterial drugs, there is a possibility that some particularly resistant microorganisms have survived. With this development of events, the disease enters a latent chronic phase. Chronic cystitis may not appear for some time, and this is its particular danger.

Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Cystitis and other urinary tract diseases should be treated by a doctor, and uncontrolled use of Biseptol for these pathologies can be fraught with complications.

Biseptol for colds: necessary, contraindicated or useless?

One of the most common misconceptions of Russian patients is blind faith in the powerful power of antibiotics for any disease. It is impossible to connect this confidence with objective reasons. Our citizens stubbornly want to treat influenza, colds and ARVI with antibiotics. The worst thing is that caring mothers often conduct these experiments with their children.

Let's look into this, of course, important issue. Are antibacterial drugs, which include Biseptol, necessary for colds or acute respiratory viral infections?

To do this, first of all, you need to remember that colds, flu, and acute viral diseases - ARVI - are caused by various viruses. And we already know that Biseptol, like any other antibacterial agents, does not affect viruses. Absolutely. Thus, using it for a cold, we will not get any effect. Except for the side effects.

Helpful information: 30 broad-spectrum antibiotics: new generations, list, review by group

A common cold or acute respiratory viral infection usually goes away on its own within a week or a little more. However, in weakened patients, young children, elderly patients - all those who have malfunctions of the immune system - the disease can take a protracted course. This leads to complications of the pathology and additional infection by bacteria. In such cases, an antibacterial drug is usually necessary. And the use of Biseptol tablets will be very appropriate.

How to notice this line between a viral and an already complicated viral-bacterial infection? For a person far from medicine, this is indeed not so simple. One of the symptoms of a complicated viral disease is a sharp deterioration in the condition. For example, a significant increase in temperature after several days of illness and a period of relative calm. In this case, the fever either does not stop at all, or after taking antipyretic drugs, the temperature drops very slowly and not for long. A complication of the infection may be indicated by the appearance of a severe cough, accompanied by the discharge of sputum. A cold complicated by a bacterial infection should be treated by a doctor, who will select the correct antibacterial drug.

The course of treatment with Biseptol is selected individually for each patient.

The drug is prescribed to children starting from 6 weeks of life. Young children are usually prescribed a suspension or syrup. Most often, Biseptol suspension is sold in pharmacies, the annotation to which clearly describes the recommended treatment regimen depending on the age of the child.

The standard dosage of Biseptol for children from six months to five years is 240 mg twice a day. 5 ml of suspension or syrup contains exactly 240 mg of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, so dosing the drug is very convenient. Even if you lose the measuring spoon that usually comes with the medicine, there will be no problem taking it. After all, a standard teaspoon contains exactly 5 ml of solution. One teaspoon of Biseptol suspension or syrup in the morning and evening is enough for the child to receive the daily dose of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.

If the child is able to swallow a tablet, he is prescribed a tablet form of Biseptol at a dose of 120 mg. Children under 5 years of age take 2 tablets twice a day.

Starting from 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 480 mg twice a day, and it is most convenient to buy Biseptol tablets.

Starting from the age of 12, Biseptol is prescribed in a dose of 960 mg. Frequency of application - twice a day.

The course of treatment is selected depending on individual factors and can range from 5 days to two weeks. In severe cases, the doctor has the right to prescribe doses that exceed the standard recommended by 50%.

Features of the use of suspensions

I would like to draw attention to the features of taking Biseptol suspension. Typically, the manufacturer tries to warn the patient to shake the bottle before using the medication. And unfortunately, not everyone complies with this requirement. Why is it so important to read the annotation for Biseptol to the end and remember to shake the bottle of suspension?

Any suspension is a two-fraction system in which the active substance is present in undissolved form. It is evenly distributed only after vigorous shaking. Otherwise, you risk drinking a teaspoon of suspension containing not 240 mg of Biseptol, but much less, and it is not possible to determine the exact mass.

If you bought Biseptol syrup, you can safely give it to your child without prior manipulation of the bottle - the syrup is absolutely homogeneous.

And finally. All children's forms of Biseptol - both syrup and suspension - have a pleasant taste. Children are usually happy to be treated with such “edible” medications, so be careful and keep the drug out of reach.

Rules for taking, or How to take Biseptol?

Therapy with any medication should not be chaotic. If you have to take antibiotics or sulfonamide antibacterial drugs, you should be especially attentive to treatment. Both the effectiveness of the drug and the likelihood of adverse events depend on compliance with the rules of administration.

How to take Biseptol correctly? You just need to remember the following rules:

  • it is necessary to observe a 12-hour interval between doses. For example, take the morning dose at 8 am, and the evening dose at 8 pm. Failure to comply with the regimen threatens to reduce the antibacterial activity of Biseptol;
  • You should take the drug (both tablets and suspension) only after meals. Otherwise, the medicine has an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach;
  • the minimum course of therapy should be at least five days. All those who like to be treated in three days should arm themselves with patience. Otherwise, you risk getting a complication of the infection, which will also be difficult to respond to antibacterial therapy.

Side effect

If you carefully read the instructions for Biseptol, the abundance of information about the side effects of the drug can shock even the most experienced reader. But in practice, things are not so threatening.

As a rule, in recommended doses, both tablets and Biseptol suspension are well tolerated. The side effects that are most often reported do not usually require discontinuation of the drug. Among the most common adverse events I would like to note:

  • dermatological manifestations in the form of rash and urticaria. Allergic reactions are more likely to occur in sensitized (sensitive) patients;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, occasionally diarrhea, loss of appetite, stomatitis.

With long-term use of high dosages of Biseptol, side effects may be more pronounced. Occasionally, serious allergic reactions are recorded, and candidiasis may develop due to changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora.

I would like to reassure those patients who, having read the instructions for Biseptol to the “Side Effects” section and are horrified, make a responsible decision to be treated with traditional, and not “harmful” medicine.

The list of side effects includes all symptoms that were recorded during drug trials. The number of patients participating in clinical trials is usually several thousand. Post-marketing trials last throughout the entire sales period of the drug. Each patient is a potential participant in these studies, and the occurrence of a new side effect will be recorded in the abstract. Therefore, the likelihood of most side effects occurring in light of the large numbers is extremely low. Thus, the manufacturer of Biseptol describes the possibility of hematopoietic disorders, but if the recommended doses are followed, this effect is observed in only one out of several hundred patients.


Biseptol is prescribed for the treatment of children, but it is not recommended to use the drug in infants under six weeks of age. In addition, Biseptol is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim perfectly penetrate the placental barrier. High doses of Biseptol components are also found in breast milk. Consequently, pregnant and lactating women will have to select other, safer antibacterial agents.

In addition, Biseptol is contraindicated in patients with severe diseases of internal organs: liver, kidneys, as well as hematopoietic disorders.

Separately, I would like to note individual sensitivity to sulfonamide drugs as a contraindication. The likelihood of an individual reaction is usually extremely low and is possible in sensitized patients. Be careful when taking Biseptol if you have ever had an allergic reaction to medications (for example, allergic rhinitis). For those patients who have experienced any manifestations of sensitivity to streptocide, phthalazole, or sulfadimethoxine, Biseptol is strictly contraindicated. The likelihood of an allergy in this case is very high!

If side effects occur during treatment, it is very important to inform your doctor immediately.

When does Biseptol not work?

I would especially like to note that for angina caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus, Biseptol is not recommended for use. The fact is that strains of group A hemolytic streptococcus are almost completely resistant to sulfonamide drugs. Over a long period of therapy with antibacterial drugs, microorganisms have formed on which sulfamethoxazole does not have a bactericidal effect.

An error in selecting a drug for tonsillitis can lead to complications, especially in young children. This is why an examination and consultation with a doctor is necessary: ​​only a specialist can distinguish streptococcal sore throat from staphylococcal sore throat.

A question of choice, or what to replace Biseptol with?

The pharmaceutical market is usually saturated with analogues that can fully replace the drug. It is often difficult even for a doctor to understand the abundance of different medications. But for a person who has nothing to do with medicine, the excessive abundance of analogues or generics can be confusing. Let's try to figure out what can replace Biseptol in Russia.

Most often, Biseptol is sold in pharmacies in tablets and children's suspension produced in Poland. A fairly common drug from the French company Senexi Bactrim is also not inferior in quality to the original product. The Russian company Pharmstandard produces a cheaper analogue of Biseptol in tablets and suspensions - Co-trimoxazole in a dose of 480 mg and 240 mg, respectively. Medicines under the same name are also produced by other Russian pharmaceutical companies. All of them have affordable prices.

Other modern analogues of Biseptol are extremely rare. Sometimes pharmacies offer very high-quality Dutch Bi-septin in tablets (manufactured by NaturProduct) and Septrin, produced by the world-famous English concern Glaxo.

With the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory system, the use of antimicrobial drugs is indicated. One of them is Biseptol for children. It treats a range of diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria.

A description of Biseptol for children, release forms and composition of the drug, reviews of it from caring parents, the recommended price for children's syrup and other useful information about the medicine are in the article.

Composition and release form

Biseptol is a popular drug intended for the treatment of respiratory organs. The sweet syrup format is convenient for children to take.

The main active ingredients of the drug are sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Take the drug only as prescribed by your pediatrician. Does not belong to the group of antibiotics.

The product actively copes with many infections. It is effective in combating pathogens such as:

We suggest that you study the instructions for use of Biseptol syrup for children before using the medicine.


Syrup is prescribed for pathologies associated with an increase in the number of pathogens. Other forms of the medicine can be used to treat diseases of the skin or genitourinary system. Syrup is often used to treat ENT diseases:

The main symptom of these diseases is a lingering cough. Pain in the lung area is possible.

With a sore throat, there is pain, redness of the throat, and enlarged tonsils. Sinusitis is characterized by the formation of a runny nose. ENT diseases can be accompanied by high body temperature and a “weakness” state.


Biseptol is a fairly strong drug. Before using it, you should read the instructions.

In some cases, taking the medicine is not possible. One of the contraindications is individual intolerance to the components.

Neglecting this information may cause allergies. It manifests itself in local skin rashes, redness, itching, etc.

The active ingredients of the drug can settle in the kidneys and liver. Therefore, Biseptol is not recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of these organs.

You should not take syrup if you have pathologies of the circulatory system and the thyroid gland.

In case of acute deficiency of folic acid in the body, the decision to take Biseptol is made together with the attending physician. Children under one year of age are prescribed milder medications.

The degree of effectiveness of the drug

The active components of the drug are similar in structure to the substance PABA. Pathogenic microbes need it for development. Due to its similarity to PABA, sulfamethoxazole penetrates into the cells of harmful bacteria, affects their growth and reproduction.

Biseptol is effective in eliminating microorganisms that are sensitive to it. A decrease in the symptoms of the disease is observed within 4-5 days after the start of treatment. But there are bacteria that have developed immunity to the active substances of the drug. Then the syrup will not have the desired effect. The doctor must select the medicine.


The use of syrup should be dosed. The dosage of syrup for children depends on age.

From 1 to 2 years you should take 120 mg of the drug. The maximum dose for children aged 2 to 6 years is 240 mg.

Between 6 and 12 years the dosage can be doubled. It should be between 240 and 480 mg.

How to use

The course of treatment with the drug is 5 days. You should continue to take it even if your symptoms disappear. Their absence does not indicate complete recovery.

During treatment, the following foods are excluded from the child’s diet:

  • flour products and sweets;
  • legumes;
  • White cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes.

During treatment, limit the child's exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to increase the daily volume of clean water. With regular use of Biseptol, studies should be carried out to identify pathologies of the circulatory system. The active substances in the syrup can change the composition of the blood.

Compatibility with other drugs

Biseptol is not compatible with all medications. The possibility of combining medications is discussed with the pediatrician. Particular caution should be exercised in relation to drugs such as:

  • Levomycetin;
  • Folic acid;
  • Novocaine;
  • Diuretics;
  • Furacilin.

Combination with diuretics increases the tendency to bleeding. Substances that can increase the acidity of urine, when taken simultaneously with Biseptol, can lead to the formation of salts in the urine. These substances include vitamin C.

Side effects and overdose

The syrup is well tolerated. But the possibility of side effects remains.

They are expressed as follows:

  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • vomiting and nausea, loss of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction;
  • decrease in the amount of glucose in the blood;
  • abnormalities in the urinary tract;
  • inflammatory process in the liver area.

An overdose of Biseptol is fraught with exacerbation of side effects. There are stool abnormalities and a headache. Pain in the gastrointestinal tract may occur. In this case, with pronounced signs of overdose, hospitalization and emergency medical care are indicated.

Price in Russia

The cost of the suspension within the Russian Federation is 110-140 rubles. The price of syrup for children is affected by the region, the volume of the bottle and the price of the pharmacy selling Biseptol. A pediatrician's prescription is not required to purchase.

If the storage rules are followed, the shelf life of the syrup when unopened is 5 years. After opening, the drug is good for 8 months. It should be stored out of the reach of children and in a dark place. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

Biseptol suspension combines a good therapeutic effect and a pleasant taste. The drug affects a large group of pathogenic bacteria, suppresses their vital activity and reproduction.

The instructions for use will tell you what Biseptol suspension helps children with, what are the contraindications and side effects of the children's medicine.

Composition, active ingredients

100 ml of the drug contains 4 grams of sulfamethoxazole and 0.8 grams of trimethoprim. These substances are the main medicinal components of the medicine.

Auxiliary Ingredients medicine:

  • magnesium aluminum silicate;
  • carmellose sodium;
  • lemon acid;
  • methylhydroxybenzoate (preservative E 218);
  • propylhydroxybenzoate (preservative E 214);
  • macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • maltitol (food additive E 965);
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate;
  • strawberry flavor;
  • propylene glycol;
  • distilled water.

Description and release form

The suspension is in a dark glass bottle, closed with a plastic screw cap. The volume of the bottle is 80 ml. A transparent plastic cup is placed on the lid, intended for dosing the drug.

The drug is a liquid (suspension) of white or soft cream color with the smell of strawberries.

Detailed instructions are included with the bottle of suspension. from drug manufacturers. The bottle and instructions are placed in a cardboard box.

When is it prescribed?

Biseptol is used to treat many infectious inflammatory diseases of the lungs(pneumonia, including fungal) and bronchi (), genital organs, ears, nose, larynx and throat, stomach, intestines (in particular, “travelers’ diarrhea”, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever).

In combination with other means the solution is used in the treatment of cholera. This drug may be indicated for brucellosis, toxoplasmosis and a number of other diseases.


According to the instructions for use, Biseptol suspension for children is not prescribed if The following diseases have been identified:

  • liver failure;
  • renal failure;
  • some types of anemia and blood diseases;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • I am prescribed one of the drugs for arrhythmia – dofetilide.

The drug is not prescribed to infants under 2 months of age., you should not drink it if you are hypersensitive to the main or auxiliary ingredients of Biseptol.

Under the close supervision of a pediatrician Biseptol can be used to treat children with thyroid diseases and some hereditary diseases.

How and after what time does the medicine work?

The main components of the drug affect a large group of pathogenic microbes. The main component of the drug is sulfamethaxozole.. Trimethoprim enhances and consolidates its effect.

Both substances affect the bacteria, and they stop producing folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of their DNA. As a result, the reproduction of microorganisms stops, and over time they die.

Thus, sulfamethaxozole and trimethoprim have a bacteriostatic effect on microbes.

In mild cases, recovery begins on the second or third day from the start of treatment, in cases of moderate severity - on the fourth or fifth day.

If you stop taking the suspension after a couple of days, the bacteria will continue to multiply, and the therapeutic effect will be reduced to zero. Therefore, the drug is taken in courses, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Dosage and frequency of administration at different ages

The drug is prescribed to babies from 2 months of life. The exception is children born to HIV-infected mothers. The doctor can prescribe Biseptol suspension for them from the age of six weeks.

When selecting the required dose of the solution, calculate that the body should receive 36 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight per day.

Based on this, in the instructions for use of the medicine The following approximate dosage is given:

  • for children from 2 to 5 months – 120 mg per dose;
  • for children from 6 months to 5 years – 240 mg per dose;
  • for children from 6 to 12 years old – 480 mg per dose;
  • For children over 12 years of age, the medicine is dosed in the same way as for adults - 960 mg per dose.

The medicine is taken twice a day, every 12 hours. In case of a complex course of the infectious disease, the dose may be increased by the doctor.

The longer the treatment, the smaller the single dose the pediatrician will prescribe. Depending on the type, form and severity of the disease The course duration ranges from 5-7 days to 3 months.

How to take, special instructions

The suspension is taken orally, for the exact dosage of the medicine, a measuring cup is used, which is placed on the lid of the bottle.

If any adverse or allergic reactions occur, you should stop treatment and contact your pediatrician.

Biseptol is prescribed when the expected therapeutic effect from its effects exceeds the risks from possible side effects.

The attending physician, when prescribing single doses, takes into account the geographic location of the region, since bacteria can be active differently in different areas.

During long-term treatment, the pediatrician should monitor the composition of the child’s blood and urine., especially if he had previously been diagnosed with renal failure.

For long-term courses, drug manufacturers recommend taking folic acid.

You need to drink a lot during treatment, since water prevents the formation of crystals in the urine (prevention of crystalluria).

The duration of the course should be as short as possible, while at the same time sufficient for cure.

Interaction with other drugs

Biseptol can enhance the effect of some medications and reduce the effect of others.

Only the attending physician can know all the intricacies of drug compatibility, therefore Biseptol should never be used for self-medication.

The suspension can be taken together with some antibiotics, antiviral drugs, painkillers and antipyretics (and).

Biseptol enhances the effect of a number of drugs necessary for diabetes, and indirect anticoagulants (substances that prevent thrombosis). The drug also increases the effect and toxicity of phenytoin (an epilepsy drug).

Dofetilide (a drug used for arrhythmia) is not prescribed with Biseptol. Taking the suspension together with pyrimethamine (a medicine for malaria and toxoplasmosis) may lead to the development of a type of anemia.

There is a large list of medications with which Biseptol is prescribed with caution or not prescribed at all (for example, diuretics and antidepressants).


In case of drug overdose the following conditions appear:

With prolonged overdose observed:

  • thrombocytopenia (decreased number of platelets in the blood and bleeding);
  • leukopenia (decreased number of leukocytes in the blood), megaloblastic anemia;
  • yellowness of the skin.

In case of a one-time overdose, gastric lavage is done (induce vomiting) and a diuretic is given.

If it turns out that an overdose was committed more than once, or some time has passed since taking the drug, the doctor prescribes medications that reduce the effect of biseptol.

In severe cases The child may be prescribed a blood purification procedure - hemodialysis.

Side effects

Side effects of the drug can manifest themselves in different ways. In case of individual intolerance to the usual doses of the medicine, children may experience the following symptoms:

It must be said that side effects of the medicine at the dosage prescribed by the doctor are extremely rare.

Prices in pharmacies in Russia

Biseptol suspension can be bought in almost all pharmacies in Russia, this medicine can be ordered online in pharmacy chains.

Cost of the drug in pharmacies Moscow ranges from 119 to 124 rubles per bottle, St. Petersburg - from 122 to 134 rubles, in Krasnoyarsk, Abakan, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk the drug costs 122 - 140 rubles, in Vladivostok and Khabarovsk - 111-136 rubles, in Rostov- on Don and Perm - 122-128 rubles.

The average price in Russia is 125 rubles.

Storage and release conditions, shelf life

The medicine, according to the instructions, sold by prescription. But many private pharmacies and online stores offer to buy it without a prescription.

Store the medicine in a dark place, the storage temperature should be no more than plus 25°.

Since the suspension has a sweetish taste and pleasant smell, children may mistake it for a treat, so the bottle should be hidden away from small children.

Unopened, unopened medicine can be stored for three years from the date of release. The instructions do not say anything about the time of use of Biseptol after opening the bottle.

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  • Runny nose
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    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
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      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
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  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Children's bodies are too often exposed to viral or bacterial infections, which mainly affect the ENT organs and the respiratory system. If in case of a viral disease the child’s body can overcome the disease on its own, then in case of bacterial infections it is difficult to cope without the use of antibacterial therapy. The choice of antibiotics for a child must be approached with extreme care, and only a doctor should prescribe them. Very often, instead of antibiotics, doctors prescribe sulfonamide drugs, which also effectively cope with pathogenic microorganisms, have a milder effect, and are well tolerated. A popular drug from the sulfonamide group is considered Biseptol, which has been on the market for many years, but still has not lost its popularity.

For children, Biseptol is available in the form of a suspension for oral administration. Unlike some antibiotics, the drug can be used for children from 3 months of age. Biseptol suspension has an affordable price, as well as many analogues, which, if necessary, can replace the drug. Before carrying out treatment with Biseptol or its analogues, it is important to carefully study the instructions and consult with a pediatrician.

Biseptol is an antibacterial drug that allows you to cope with various infectious diseases. First of all, it should be noted that Biseptol does not belong to the group of antibiotics, but still its mechanism of action is aimed at destroying various infections. Most often, Biseptol is prescribed to children for bacterial diseases of the bronchi and lungs. It is widely used for pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media or sore throats. The drug has also found wide use in cases of soft tissue damage, intestinal infections or bacterial diseases of the genitourinary system.

The drug Biseptol in the form of a suspension belongs to antimicrobial drugs from the sulfonamide group. It is a combination drug because it contains 2 active components, each of which has its own effect.

A few years ago, the drug Biseptol was one of the most popular antibacterial drugs. It has been widely used in various fields of medicine to treat bacterial diseases. At the moment, many doctors have refused to prescribe it and prefer more modern drugs. Despite the controversial attitude towards the drug, Biseptol in suspension is present in almost every pharmacy. Moreover, it is prescribed for children, considering it one of the time-tested and available drugs. Considering the ambiguous opinion of doctors about the drug, parental reviews of Biseptol are quite good. To understand the positive and negative aspects of the drug, it is important not only to consult a pediatrician, but also to study the package insert with instructions.

Composition and release form

Biseptol in suspension for children is available in 80 ml dark glass bottles. The solution has a light cream color and a strawberry aroma. The package with the drug contains instructions, as well as a measuring spoon. The active components of the drug are sulfamethoxazole 200 mg and trimethoprine 40 mg. On the packaging, as well as on the bottle, there is the inscription “Biseptol 240”. In addition to the main components, the composition contains auxiliary substances, including flavorings.

Mechanism of action

Suspension for children Biseptol– a combined broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. It is highly effective in the treatment of diseases caused by protozoa and pathogenic fungi. It has a pronounced bactericidal effect, disrupts and blocks the synthesis of dihydrofolic acid, and prevents its conversion to tetrahydrofolic acid. The drug shows its high effectiveness for the treatment of diseases caused by the following group of pathogenic pathogens:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • meningococci;
  • gonococci;
  • coli;
  • salmonella;
  • Haemophilus influenzae.

The mechanism of action of the drug is aimed at suppressing the aggressiveness and vital activity of other gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, which often provoke the development of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and ENT organs. The active components of the drug have the ability to integrate into the bacterial cell of microbes, preventing their growth and reproduction. Due to this property of the drug, the effect after its use will be noticeable within 2 to 3 days.

It is important to understand that Biseptol, as well as its analogues, are systemic drugs. They do not eliminate cough, runny nose, sore throat, but at the same time they act on the very cause of the disease, thereby stopping the symptoms of the disease and speeding up the recovery period.

Indications for use

Medicine Biseptol suspension - instructions for use for children describes in detail the conditions and diseases for which the medicine can be taken. The main indications for its use are the following diseases:

  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • pleural empyema;
  • streptococcal sore throat;
  • pneumonia;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • bacterial diarrhea;
  • typhoid and paratyphoid fever;
  • cholangitis;
  • acne;
  • pyoderma;
  • skin suppuration;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • toxoplasmosis.

The list of diseases for which Biseptol suspension can be used is quite large, but as practice and reviews from parents show, the effect of the drug is much better if the medicine is taken from the first days of the disease. In advanced cases, treatment with Biseptol may not bring the desired result, which will lead to complications and the prescription of stronger drugs.

Doses, method of administration

The instructions for use of the Biseptol suspension describe in detail the doses of the medicine for children, but the drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, based on the diagnosis, the child’s age, weight, and characteristics of his body. The following doses are considered standard dosages:

  • Children from 3 to 6 months – 2.5 ml.
  • From 7 months to 3 years – 2.5 – 5 ml.
  • From 4 to 6 years - 5-10 ml.
  • Children from 7 to 12 years old – 10 – 15 ml.

It is recommended to take the drug twice a day at equal intervals. The duration of treatment is 4 – 7 days. For severe infections, treatment with Biseptol may last for 2 weeks. Using Biseptol for coughs with bronchitis and pneumonia, treatment can last 10 days. If after 3 days of taking the drug there are no positive dynamics, the doctor may discontinue the drug, prescribe an analogue or another stronger antibiotic. How to take Biseptol To get the maximum effect from treatment, the doctor will advise you individually for each child.


Like any other drug from the group of antimicrobial agents, Biseptol has contraindications, which you must familiarize yourself with before taking the medicine. You should stop using children's Biseptol if:

  • increased sensitivity to the composition;
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • children up to 3 months of age.

Unlike other broad-spectrum drugs, Biseptol suspension has fewer contraindications, but a child can still take the medicine strictly as prescribed by the attending physician.

Side effects

Reviews from parents who used Biseptol suspension indicate that the drug was well tolerated, but in practice there were cases when unwanted side effects appeared after taking the medication, including:

  • nausea, urge to vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • skin rashes.

The overwhelming majority of side effects are mild and disappear after stopping the drug, but if symptoms are severe, it is better to consult a doctor. If the drug is not suitable for the child or there is no effect from its use, the doctor prescribes another medicine with a different composition.

Features of use

In order for the effect of treatment with Biseptol to bring good results, it is important to follow some rules during its use:

  1. Before giving the prepared Biseptol syrup to a child, you need to shake the bottle.
  2. There should be at least 12 hours between doses of the medication.
  3. During the intake process, strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.
  4. Biseptol for children should be taken after meals.
  5. In combination with Biseptol, you need to take probiotics, which can protect the intestines from the development of dysbiosis.
  6. The drug should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.
  7. Treatment should not exceed 5 - 10 days.

It is important to understand that Biseptol suspension is intended for the treatment of bacterial diseases. The drug does not act on viruses and cannot be used for prophylactic purposes.


Biseptol suspension refers to affordable and cheap drugs that can be bought at any pharmacy in the city. The instructions contain information about the prescription dispensing of the drug, but as practice shows, many pharmacies dispense the drug without a prescription. The price for Biseptol suspension is about 150 rubles per 80 ml bottle.

Biseptol suspension – price in some pharmacies it may differ slightly, but in any case this drug is one of the affordable and cheap drugs.

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