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The biggest cats. The largest cat breeds

Going on vacation to Crimea, tourists will be able to visit local Switzerland, the famous pink lake, see a mud volcano, watch the sunrise in the Baydar Valley and enjoy the picturesque views of the Kachin Canyon.

The portal "" has prepared the TOP of the most beautiful places in Crimea, where you won’t meet crowds of tourists.

Kachin Canyon

Punched through the mountain range by the Kacha River, this canyon, 150 meters wide, is quite inaccessible. On the steep rocky slopes of the canyon there are picturesque toe-bastions, and at their feet there are huge grotto-niches.

Sites of primitive man were found in the grottoes: flint tools and bones of extinct animals. This monument of the Quaternary period of development of the relief of the foothills of Crimea clearly convinces us of the enormous destructive and creative power of flowing waters.


Zelenogorye is called “Crimean Switzerland” for its majestic mountains, green meadows and unique microclimate. Located right in the village Mountain Lake and the trail to the waterfalls begins, which is a 10-minute walk away.

In Zelenogorye you can relax in the lap of nature, as you once did in the village with your grandmother. The houses offer stunning views of the mountains, where goats, sheep and horses roam. In the spring, nightingales roam the blackberry thickets, and in the summer, cicadas chirp. Griffon vultures soar high in the sky.

Rock ships in the Opuk Nature Reserve

In the east of Crimea, at Cape Opuk, 4 kilometers from the coast there are rocks unique to Crimea. These are four Maeotic limestone reefs, characterized by absolutely incredible strength, which has prevented the sea from destroying them for many hundreds of thousands of years.

Elken-Kaya, Karavia, Petra-Karavia, Elchen-Kaya - these are the names of these inaccessible rocks, which today are a nesting site for cormorants. The Opuk Nature Reserve is located on the southern coast of the Kerch Peninsula and covers the entire massif of Mount Opuk. The reserve covers an area of ​​1592.3 hectares, of which 62 hectares are the Black Sea.

Mud volcano Jau Tepe

You will see the Jau-Tepe mud volcano, unique in size, on the southwestern plain of the Kerch Peninsula near the outskirts of the village of Vulkanovka, 12 km south of the village Leninskoe near the road Feodosia - Kerch. The vegetation typical for these places is steppe wormwood-fescue.

On the spreading slightly undulating plain, a large hill about 60 m high with steep slopes and a foot dissected by ravines immediately attracts attention. This is the Jau Tepe mud volcano. Its slopes are covered with cracked hill mud, which has repeatedly poured out from the top.

Tract Dzhangul

The Dzhangul tract is a picturesque rock formation stretching for 5 km along the northwestern coast of Cape Tarkhankut. The relief of the coast with clusters of characteristic layered rock chaos was formed by landslides; a large number of bizarre limestone figures were created by weathering and abrasion.

The largest landslide massif, Dzhangulya, is located at the Ternovskaya gully: its length is about 500 m, width – 200 m. Cormorants, shelducks, starlings, partridges, flycatchers, warblers and other birds nest among the stones, in niches and crevices of rocks. The ruins of an ancient Greek customs house have been preserved in the Bolshoy Kastel gully.
Since 1980, Dzhangul has been a protected landscape reserve of local importance. Its cozy terraces are popular among lovers of secluded relaxation alone with nature.

Sunny Valley

Solnechnaya Dolina is a village in the southeast of Crimea. Included in the Sudak Urban District of the Republic of Crimea. A most picturesque place, one of the pearls of Crimean winemaking.

The pride of local winemakers is the red dessert wine Black Doctor, in the production of which local grape varieties grown only here are used, due to the limited amount of raw materials - production volume is limited.

Koyashskoye Lake

One of the most fantastic and beautiful places on the Crimean peninsula is the pink-colored Koyashskoe salt lake. Its shores consist of crystallized salt, which has the smell of violets. The color of the water in spring is soft pink, and by summer it becomes rich red. The mirror-like surface of the lake contains incredible landscapes made up of salt icebergs and frozen stones.

This lake is actually considered to be something of a natural chemical laboratory of gigantic proportions, in which one can study the ability of microorganisms and living beings to survive in an aggressive environment. Incredibly, the bottom of the lake is an extinct mud volcano, and the pink color of the water is due to microscopic green algae that leads vigorous life activity there.

Dawn over Kiik-Atlama

Kiik-Atlama is a bare, steep cape, protruding far into the sea; the northern part is massive, with a high pyramidal peak, the southern part is lower and narrow.
The bays near the cape are difficult to access from land, so they are loved by local divers and yachting enthusiasts for relaxation without prying eyes.

Baydar Valley

The Baydar Valley is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea, located in a natural amphitheater - surrounded on all sides by mountains. The height of the valley is about 260 meters above sea level, length 16 km, width up to 8 km

Lucky - Crimean Khatyn

Laki is a disappeared village in the Bakhchisarai region of the Republic of Crimea. It was located in the middle part of the Second Range of the Crimean Mountains, in a small valley flowing from the left in the upper reaches into the Kacha River.

On March 23, 1942, the village was captured by the Nazis, all residents of the village: 16 adults and 1 child were shot (according to other sources, burned), and the village was completely destroyed for supporting and harboring partisans.

Now the Church of St. Luke, the only surviving building in the village, is being restored by the efforts of believers. The monks living here do not have such amenities of civilization as electricity, running water or a normal road. You can get here by car with decent ground clearance, but once you’ve been here once, you will never forget this place. The dizzying panorama of the surrounding mountains, the intoxicating smell of meadow grass and the echoing ringing of bells penetrate into the very heart...

A list of little-known but very picturesque places in Crimea. Not only tourists, but also local residents rarely get there.

Even experienced travelers will agree that our peninsula is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Guides to Crimea are full of tempting excursions to popular attractions: Mount Ai-Petri, Ayu-Dag, and others are well-known even among those people who have never visited Crimea. But not everyone knows that the peninsula is replete with fantastically beautiful places where not only tourists, but also local residents have never set foot.

In this article we will tell you where to go for original photos and unusual impressions.

1. White Rock (or Ak-Kaya)

A favorite place for cinematographers. Types of Ak-Kai can be seen in such films as “The Headless Horseman”, “The Fifty-Year-Old Captain”, “The Adventure of Cipollino”. It's all about nature, which resembles the Wild West with its landscapes. Snow-white sands and a rock that rises 100 meters above the valley of the Biyuk Kara-Su River. From its top there are unique views of the city of Belogorsk. Once upon a time, the Great Silk Road passed there, and in ancient times people were thrown from the top of the mountain as a sacrifice.

Now the top of the rock can be easily reached by car. This is best done in mid-April, when wild peonies bloom.

2. Koyash Lake

An amazing natural phenomenon and one of the most striking attractions of Crimea. So bright that it can be seen even from an airplane window. The uniqueness of the lake is that in summer it takes on a bright pink hue, and the concentration of salt in it is so high that the water resembles viscous jam. The lake is located in the Opuksky Nature Reserve, near the city of Kerch.

3. Mount Demerdzhi

Truly a fantastic place. This is a mountain range that spreads its possessions in the vicinity of Alushta. The mystique of this place is given by the so-called foot of the mountain. A place where you can truly feel free - for this there are several places of power that experienced guides know.

4. Tarkhankut

A wild peninsula located in the western part of Crimea. A fantastic place, pleasing to the eye with its landscapes. Snow-white sand, turquoise water, oddly shaped rocks, grottoes. It's worth going here for beautiful photographs.

5. Cave city Chufut-Kale

It’s worth walking almost 2 km uphill for a tourist to see one of the oldest fortified cities in the Bakhchisarai region spread out in front of him. Ancient ruins, beautiful views, plus mystical places and centuries-old history. Difficulty - below average.

6. Karaite cemetery Balta-Tiymez

This is one of the oldest Turkic necropolises in Europe. An equal parts sacred and mystical place. Many may think that a cemetery is not at all something worth visiting as part of a sightseeing tour. But Balta-Tiymez these days is not so much a necropolis as a historical monument with a centuries-old history. It preserves the memory of valiant warriors and charges visitors with incredible energy.

By a happy coincidence, it is located in the vicinity of the city of Chufut-Kale - both places can be visited in one day!

Crimea is the pearl of Russia. Pure Mountain air, combined with the sea, has incredible properties. This peninsula makes you fall in love with it again and again; having visited once, you will definitely want to return to feel this air and enjoy the stunning views. Konstantin Paustovsky also wrote “...For the hundredth time I regretted that I was not born an artist. It was necessary to convey this geological poem in colors. For the thousandth time I felt the sluggishness of human speech.” He was right, because words cannot convey all the beauty, so we invite you to admire with your own eyes the most beautiful places in Crimea.

1. Yalta. Mount Ai-Petri.

Ai-Petri is not the most high mountain, but because of its mighty appearance and rich history it is one of the natural monuments of Crimea. The Greeks gave the mountain the name Ai-Petri in honor of St. Peter and founded an Orthodox monastery on it, the ruins of which preserve the memory of the events of the past. More than 600 meters mountain peaks and slopes amaze with their beauty, majesty, give a feeling of security, which is why Ai-Petri has become the crossing point different nations of the world who created the history of Crimea.

2. Sevastopol. Baydar Valley.

The Baydra Valley is one of the most beautiful and impressive places in Crimea, with a rich history, as evidenced by excavations. Found fragments and materials indicate that the peoples who settled in the valley were repeatedly attacked and warred. Currently, this place attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world to admire the vastness and beauty of this place. A special influx of people is observed during the daisy flowering season, when the entire valley is covered with white flowers and turns into one big cloud.

The valley is 8 km wide, 16 km long and rises 260 meters above sea level. The Chernorechenskoe reservoir, which is actively protected, has spilled in the very heart of local residents, since it is the main source fresh water for nearby cities.

Balaklava Bay is certainly one of the most picturesque and stunning places in Crimea, but this place also keeps many secrets, mysteries, and legends. History remembers many bloody naval battles. The bay was an important strategic site where a hidden underground submarine base was located. Now this place attracts a large flow of tourists, who affectionately call it Russian Venice.

4. Belogorsk. White rock.

Ak Kaya (from Tatar White Rock) is a huge, almost vertical rock, a natural monument that rises 325 m above sea level. She is distinguished almost White color and an unusual flat top. The slopes of the rock seem to be riddled with caves; thanks to them, researchers found a lot of interesting materials and revealed many mysteries of this place. But the history of this rock is mostly bloody and frightening, as it is believed that people were executed by being thrown off the cliff. This story does not scare tourists, and they come again and again to admire this giant.

Thanks to its mighty appearance, the rock has repeatedly attracted film directors who filmed here. famous movies, one of which is "The Headless Horseman"

4. Alushta. Jur-Jur waterfall.

The Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall, which in translation from Tatar means “murmuring water,” lives up to its name, since the waters of the mountain waterfall do not fall with a terrifying roar, but shimmer and gurgle like a stream. A picturesque place in which a waterfall sings among the mountains and well-placed plants gives a special flavor. This babbling waterfall pours out 270 liters of water per second.

5. Alupka. Vorontsov Palace.

The Vorontsov Palace, whose construction was carried out by Edward Blore, fits perfectly into the local color. The creator very organically managed to combine English style from ancient to modern. There were also oriental elements, as evidenced by the South entrance of the building, on which there are drawings of a lotus and a Tudor flower, as well as carved decorations. There is also an inscription in Arabic, which means: “And there is no winner but Allah.”

6. Alushta. Valley of Ghosts.

The name of the valley did not happen by chance. Huge rocky stones, as if scattered throughout the valley, have bizarre shapes, similar to human figures or the profile of a person’s face, and at sunset they cast amazing shadows that resemble rapidly moving images. Each person sees something different that his imagination tells him. The mountain itself attracts with its changes. Depending on the time of day and the location of the sun, it can change its color.

The Kadagar Reserve can certainly be considered one of the most beautiful places in Crimea, because this place skillfully combines the expanse of the steppe, the endless and gentle waters of the Black Sea, as well as mountain peaks that strive to pierce the skies. This place time after time attracts not only tourists to admire the indescribable beauty, but also scientists, as well as representatives of various organizations.

The most unusual place on the Crimean peninsula this is Lake Koyashskoe. Thousands of tourists come from different parts of the world to admire this unusual pink lake. It's all about the algae that lives here. During photosynthesis, a red pigment is released, which gives the water a red tint, but does not evaporate as the lake dries, so the hotter and drier it is, the brighter the color of the water becomes. This lake is also the saltiest on the peninsula, its average annual salt levels are 360 ​​grams per liter. The water of the lake is also extremely useful and valuable, since it contains a lot of iodine and beta-carotene.

9. Lavender fields.

Few people know that in Crimea there are lavender fields that are not inferior to those in Provence. In several places on the peninsula, farmers grow an amazing plant with a stunning color and an equally stunning smell. The influx of tourists sometimes upsets farmers, because careless visitors to the fields trample and take too many flowers as souvenirs, but if visitors respect the work of the owners of the fields, then they do not in the least interfere with taking photographs and admiring these wonderful places.

10. Gaspra village. Bird home.

The Swallow's Nest can rightfully be considered a symbol of the Southern Coast of Crimea. The building, located on a steep cliff, is about to fall straight into the Black Sea. The view of the Swallow's Nest is amazing; it seems that a little knight lives in it, because this miniature building resembles a castle. In fact, when bringing the Swallow's Nest to life, Baron Rudolf von Stengel took as a basis medieval castles Germany, and now tourists from all over the world come to see it.

The inside of the Swallow's Nest is quite modest, and there was no room for the baron to turn around, since the dimensions of the building are only 10*20*12 meters.

Swan Islands are an ornithological part of the Crimean Nature Reserve. Bird protection and breeding are carried out here. From the name you can understand that the main inhabitants are swans, but here you can meet all the birds that live on the peninsula. Not everyone knows how to get here, because you can only get there by water.

11. Yalta. Livadia Palace.

Livadia Palace is one of the most famous and beloved architectural monuments of Crimea by tourists. It is known mainly due to the fact that the summer abode of the last Tsar Nicholas II was located here. It was he who built a completely new palace on the site of a dilapidated palace, mainly due to the fact that the emperor’s large family simply did not have enough space. Tourists are now flocking to the summer residence of the king to see how the royal family lived, because everything is in its place unchanged, even photographs are left in place, which speaks of the liveliness of this building.

12. village Upper Massandra. Massandra Palace.

After construction was frozen for 7 years due to the death of Count Vorontsov, who originally created this palace, the estate was purchased for Alexander III. The architect Messmacher expanded the building, added stairs, balconies and terraces, covered the walls with yellow tiles and the new castle began to shine. Unfortunately, Alexander III never had time to settle in the castle, and the estate passed to Nicholas II. He, in turn, visited the residence in memory of his father, but still preferred to stay in Livadia.

More than 1,000 different plants grow around the castle, which undoubtedly attracts botanists from all over the world.

13. village Marble. Marble Cave.

Marble Cave is a very interesting and unusual place that is accessible to travelers at any time of the year. The length of the route inside the cave is 1.5 kilometers, which makes it possible to perfectly see the limestone deposits, which are several thousand years old.

14. Sevastopol. Cape Fiolent.

Cape Fiolent is one of the most beautiful capes on the entire peninsula. The main component of the cape is volcanic rock. Due to the ancient volcano, which was active 150 million years ago, at the foot you can see the remains of frozen lava. At the moment, the volcano is destroyed by sea waters and covered with limestone growths. The unique nature untouched by man, magnificent air and privacy attracts more and more tourists from all over the world.

Unusual plants grow here, and the history is shrouded in secrets, riddles and legends.

Cape chameleon is very mysterious and interesting place. An animal that had never lived in these places gave its name to the entire cape. Why is this so? Firstly, the outline of a piece of land is very reminiscent of a bending animal, and secondly, like a chameleon, it can change its color depending on many factors, be it the time of day, season, weather, direction of the wind and sun.

16. p. Zelenogorye. Lake Panagia.

Among the mountains in their very heart there is a deep-water lake Panagia, which has an emerald color. Its waters are filled by the nearby Kushen-Uzen River. The water in the lake remains cold all year round due to its glacial origin. The view of this picturesque place is mesmerizing, but if you take a swim in this magical reservoir, you are guaranteed a surge of strength and vigor. The waters heal and seem to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul.

18. Yalta. Wuchang-Su waterfall.

Crimea is rich in waterfalls, each of which is unique, but the Uchan-Su waterfall is the highest and most abundant of all on the peninsula. The total height of the water fall from the two water sites is almost one hundred meters. By the way, this is even higher than Niagara Falls itself. And this giant is fed by a completely inconspicuous river, the length of which is only 7 km. But the waterfall is not only beautiful, but also useful; it is a source of fresh water for local residents.

19. Sevastopol. Chersonese Tauride.

Tauric Chersonesos, which translated from Greek means “Taurian peninsula,” is the ruins of an ancient Greek trading city, which was at the crossroads of sea routes. It was very rich and actively developed, which attracted many conquerors. Currently, the site is part of the UNESCO heritage and is a historical and archaeological reserve, where excavations are periodically carried out to this day in order to learn more about the city.

The oldest street in the city, which stretches straight along the Black Sea coast. It invites guests to stroll along the seashore, enjoying the sea air and pleasant-looking nature. Famous poets and writers have repeatedly mentioned this street in their works. And of course, the Yalta embankment boasts the best restaurants, discos and entertainment on the entire peninsula.

Crimea is real paradise on the ground. It is a volatile and mysterious place. It doesn't matter how many times you've been here before. You will definitely discover something new. Traveling around the peninsula will never be boring or mediocre. Delightful mountainous terrain, medieval castles, green gardens, azure lakes and a warm, clear sea.

Any traveler will be able to create a route based on their preferences and desires. Every tourist will receive an unforgettable experience. Are you intrigued? Then read our material, in which we have collected the best corners of the resort.

Yalta embankment

Be sure to take a walk along the main street of the city. About 1.5 million people appear there every year. The length of the avenue is 1.5 km. The city's main attractions are conveniently located within a short distance. Small souvenir shops and boutiques, restaurants with delicious food and small cozy cafes and attractions. Neither children nor adults will be bored. In summer you can go boating, and in winter you can feed the swans.

On the Lenin embankment there are the main monuments and architectural objects of Yalta: the Chekhov Theater and the plane tree of Isadora Duncan.

Palm trees and rosalia, fountains and quaint benches for relaxation, stunning views of the sea. Are you looking for beautiful places to relax in Crimea? Be sure to visit the Yalta embankment.

Koyashskoye Lake

Between Kerch and Feodosia a real miracle of nature is proudly located. This reservoir has the saltiest water on the entire Crimean peninsula. Mineralization indicators reach a record level: 390 g per liter. But it attracts visitors unusual color lakes.

Depending on the time of year, it changes from soft pink to rich red. The reason lies in an unusual underwater inhabitant: a rare algae lives in the water. During the process of photosynthesis, it releases coloring pigments.

From time to time the passage to the natural monument is blocked. Make sure you are allowed in before you go. And remember that you are in a unique place: this is home to 10 species of birds listed in the Red Book. Be careful and attentive, do not light fires, do not collect salt or clay. Feel unity with nature and it will give you joy.

Karaite kenasses in Evpatoria

Historically important building for the Crimean Peninsula. This temple complex was built back in the 19th century. Each visitor gets the opportunity to touch antiquity, feel like part of a legend and briefly plunge into those times when everything was different.

For those who are unfamiliar with historical expeditions, there will also be entertainment here. Kenassy can be safely included in the list of “The most beautiful places in Crimea”: you will see for yourself by looking at the photo and reading the description.

Just read the names of the courtyards: marble, grape, ritual... Arched galleries, exquisite architectural objects, huge stained glass windows and lots and lots of greenery. Grapevines gracefully twine around posts and roofs. By visiting this corner, you will get real aesthetic pleasure. You will not only take interesting photos, but also relax your soul.


Are you looking for beautiful places in Crimea to relax by car? Try visiting this cave city. It will definitely appeal to all lovers of secrets and riddles. You will not only be offered several types of excursions, but will also be allowed to walk among the stone buildings on your own.

Getting here is quite easy: you will find signs anywhere in Bakhchisarai. Most of the cave area has been destroyed. But even time could not diminish the greatness of Chufut-Kale. He became even grander and more impressive.

Most popular places to visit: Holy Dormition monastery and Dead City. People come to the monastery, hidden in the rocks, for answers to eternal and personal questions, for the sake of cleansing the soul and unity with God. And most of them find what they were looking for.

But no one has canceled the simple contemplation of views. Come and you definitely won’t regret it.


The name of the attraction translates as “flying water.” It is difficult to come up with a more poetic name for the powerful stream of water flowing from the top of Mount Ai-Petri. This place also has its own legend. They say that the girl, kidnapped by the dragon, wanted to return to the people and save them from the drought, and therefore turned into a water curtain.

Nature is the best creator. Getting to one of the 100 most beautiful places in Crimea, you will find yourself surrounded by centuries-old oaks and beeches. The waterfall itself is located among relict pine trees.

We recommend coming here in March or April. At this time, the flow of water beats more powerfully and loudly. In summer and early autumn there is practically nothing to see: due to the drought and heat, tourists will only be able to admire a couple of meager streams. In winter, the water freezes, but this does not discourage real travelers. In cold weather, Wuchang-Su resembles a huge ice organ.

There is parking near the waterfall: you can easily reach it by car.

Valley of Ghosts

The name of the attraction itself attracts tourists. Who doesn't love riddles and mysticism? Ancient legend says that once the inhabitants of this area were attacked by nomadic tribes. Mastering a foreign land, they knew neither pity nor compassion. For this, nature itself turned them into stones.

In reality, of course, you won't see anything supernatural. But this does not make the flow of visitors any less: the amazing panoramas opening in the valley attract attention and make you believe the old legends.

Centuries-old monoliths, reminiscent of human silhouettes in their shape, will leave dozens of stunning shots on your camera. But don’t rush to leave immediately after the tour: stay to watch how interesting they are playing Sun rays on the stones, each time turning them into something new.

By the way, one of the episodes of the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was filmed here. You will see a sign by one of the stones.

Livadia Palace

This building is also a house museum. It has a rich history and is located near the most beautiful city of Crimea - Yalta. The exact location is the village of Livadia. Previously, this was the residence of the Romanov family. Now anyone can get into the legendary house.

The courtyard in front of the building is decorated with huge flower beds in which bizarre and rare southern plants grow. The white stone from which the building is made gives the building an aristocratic appearance.

Exhibitions are often held inside. Two of them operate constantly. You can learn about temporary exhibitions in advance from the announcements.

In the palace you will look at the relics, feel the spirit of antiquity and get the opportunity to touch real art. A couple of centuries ago, kings walked here, and now you can follow in their footsteps. What are you waiting for?

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Why do travelers search? beautiful views Crimea? To admire the nature of an unfamiliar region and take good photographs. The southern part of Russia attracts not only with the scorching sun, but also with its unique flora.

You can get acquainted with the best examples of Crimean vegetation in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It is located near Yalta, in the village of Nikita, and is open at any time of the year.

Tourists who come in the spring find delicate tulips blooming, and autumn visitors enjoy the chrysanthemum ball. A riot of colors, neat paths, cozy benches - you will definitely get aesthetic pleasure. The garden is divided into several zones:

  • adventure park;
  • cactus greenhouse;
  • "Paradise".

You will definitely find something interesting for yourself.

Marble Cave

There are Crimean miracles not only on the peninsula, but also below it.
Go underground and a new unknown world will open up to you. The underground kingdom you will see is one of the most beautiful in Europe. Getting to the attraction is not easy. The marble dungeon is located 18 km from Sevastopol. You can get there by car or by bus: minibuses run regularly from the city. The marble cave is divided into several parts. You can see them all on excursions. There are a lot of stalactites in this place. Each of them has a unique name, an interesting origin story and unusual shape. One will remind you of a giant pillar, the other will seem very similar to a castle.

Don't forget to take warm clothes to the dungeon. If visiting the beautiful cities of Crimea in hot weather does not require a sweater and long pants, then we strongly recommend stocking up on woolen socks and knitted pullovers. Then you will definitely not catch a cold, and the trip will leave only positive impressions.

bird home

The TOPs usually start with this attraction, but we left it for dessert. This is the most visited and recognizable place on the peninsula. It is even considered the calling card of Crimea. It is located on the southern coast, in the village of Gaspar.

You can get there by excursion boat or by bus from Yalta. If you have a car, you can get there on your own.

Swallow's Nest is a historical architectural monument, a real medieval castle. Now the building hosts excursions and exhibitions. The exhibitions are updated every two months: photographs, text information, sculptures and other interesting exhibits.

Not far from the main building there is a wishing tree. If you are here, be sure to think about your deepest dream and tie a ribbon. The magic of this place will help your wish come true.

Emerald Lake

The view is breathtaking. The lake is clear as a tear. The water is colored a rich emerald color. People who visit this place feel a surge of strength and inspiration. And it’s not just about the reservoir, but also about the flora surrounding it. Get to this island wildlife not easy. It is located in Zelenogorye: the journey by car will take from 30 minutes to an hour.

Any city in Crimea is beautiful in itself, but what it hides is no less beautiful. It is not necessary to take expensive flights to touch the authentic monuments of bygone centuries and untouched wild nature.

Conquer the vastness of Russia. In the article we listed some of the attractions of the peninsula. But there are still many wonderful places that you definitely need to see with your own eyes. Only then will you be able to answer the question of which city in Crimea is the most beautiful. Travel, experiment, gain new experiences. Good luck!

All domestic cats found in urban areas and beyond have common roots. They are believed to be a subspecies of the forest cat, domesticated 10,000 years ago. According to statistics, there are 600 million domestic cats in the world today, and each of them belongs to 1 of 256 breeds.

Over a period of thousands of years, each breed has acquired individual traits and parameters that a person can easily navigate when choosing pet. Cats differ not only in appearance, each has its own individual temperament and even a tendency to hereditary diseases. These characteristics make up business card each breed.

Below is information about the largest cat breeds, the star cat Omar and the humane ban on one of the cat nominations in the Guinness Book of Records.

The largest domestic cat

This cat was found in Australia - he turned out to be a 3-year-old Maine Coon named Omar. The cat is 120 cm long and weighs 14 kg. The cat's owner, Stephie Hurst, claims that her pet was big before - Omar's weight was already 10 kg in a year. She also assures that this is not the limit and Omar is still growing.

Omar the cat - the largest cat in the world

The cat gained worldwide fame after Stephy decided to create a personal account for him on the social network Instagram – omar_mainecoon. As of June 2017, Omar has over 60,000 followers, and his photos and videos receive thousands of likes.

Soon, media representatives began to contact Stephie to talk about her pet and take a photo with the star cat. Also, data on Omar’s weight and height have been sent to representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, from whom they are awaiting confirmation of the establishment of a new record.

Officially, today the record belongs to the Maine Coon Ludo from the British city of Wakefield, whose length reaches 118 cm.

According to Omar's owners, he is a calm cat who prefers to lead a measured lifestyle. During the day, Omar loves to walk around the yard, keeping the dogs company, lie on the trampoline, or hide in secluded places. Favorite treat cat - kangaroo meat.

Previously, the Guinness Book of Records also presented the nomination “The fattest cat in the world.” The record belonged to a cat named Himmy, whose weight was 21.3 kg. But at the age of 10 he died from respiratory failure. Then representatives of the Guinness Book of Records decided to exclude this nomination from the list in order to prevent the deliberate overfeeding of animals in order to set records and gain fame for the owners.

Top 10 largest breeds

These cats are the undisputed favorites of all family members. They are affectionate and are able to let both the owner they have designated for themselves and strangers approach them. Bobtails know how to get out of difficult situations, for example, finding a way out of a closed room or cage. They also often exhibit a predatory instinct; they love to hunt for insects.

This breed of cat appeared on the Kuril Islands, which is why it got its name. The main distinguishing feature is considered to be a very short tail, despite its impressive size. The weight of a male representative reaches 7 kg, height 35 cm.

Bobtails are full of energy, love to play a lot and are always looking for the company of people. These cats are patient and do not show aggression, even if they experience discomfort from excessive affection. WITH early age they are obedient and trainable.

8. Pixiebob. Pixiebob cats are artificially bred in the United States of America. The Americans tried to create a cat that looked like a lynx. As a result, this was obtained large breed. The weight of male representatives reaches 8 kg, height – 30-35 cm.

Despite their slightly wild appearance, these cats are affectionate and loyal. They get along easily with other pets in the house, especially with dogs, with whom they often walk around the yard. The pixie bob breed is the only one allowed to have multi-toed paws due to its genetic characteristics, and this factor does not in any way affect participation in exhibitions and competitions.

This breed lived for hundreds of years on the shores of Lake Van in Turkey, which is why it received its name. It is not known exactly how long ago they appeared in those places, but scientists define the Turkish Van breed as very ancient. The weight of male representatives reaches 9 kg, height – 30 - 40 cm.

These cats show themselves as loving and affectionate animals, often playing and spending time with their owners. They are even ready to become entertainment for children, but only on the condition that they do not torment them too much. Turkish Vans are trainable and especially love games where you need to catch toys on the fly.

6. Norwegian forest. The Norwegian Forest is similar in appearance to the Maine Coon breed, and some scientists adhere to the theory that these cats have common ancestors. The weight of a male representative reaches 10 kg, height – 30 cm.

Norwegians are very smart cats, are able to quickly learn standard commands, even as kittens. These cats thoroughly remember the location of things in the house, they are not aggressive and patient, but do not like affection in large quantities. They appreciate most when they are treated like full-fledged members of the family.

5. Siberian. Siberian cats are a domesticated indigenous breed that has become widespread in Russia. The weight of a male representative reaches 12 kg, height – 33 cm.

The character of the Siberian cat cannot be called simple; they do not like to obey the will of others and are very capricious. Usually in the family they choose a leader for whom they respect, and may not even notice the rest of the family members. These cats rarely play playfully in the yard, preferring balanced and calm behavior. Although favorite toys can still make cats want to run around the apartment with them, to the surprise of their owners.

4. British Shorthair. The British Shorthair cat resembles a favorite soft toy from childhood, which leaves no one indifferent. The weight of male representatives reaches 12 kg, height – 33 cm.

The British Shorthair cat is independent and intelligent. It is not for nothing that they are often defined as cats for businessmen. The British do not outwardly show affection for their owners and rarely come to them for affection. At the same time, they delicately allow themselves to be played with, but if possible, they step aside. Despite this, the British are considered loyal animals who get bored when alone. Another feature is that they will never allow themselves to spoil property in the house, carefully bypassing all decorative elements in the apartment.

3. Chausie. The third place is occupied by the Chausie breed - these are cats known even in Ancient Egypt. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height – 40 cm.

Chausies cannot stand loneliness, they try to be close to their owners when they are at home, they also enjoy playing with children and generally like to move a lot. Their character is peaceful, and their intelligence develops rapidly, so representatives of the Chausie breed are often used in the household.

2. Maine Coon. Second place went to representatives of the Maine Coon breed - cats from North-East America. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height – 41 cm. And the maximum body length, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is equal to 1.23 m.

Despite their large size, Maine Coons are domestic and affectionate, loving their owners. But the wild nature will take its toll if you bring the cat to a pond, where he will prove himself to be a real hunter, freely walking along the water in search of prey.

Savannah cats have a calm character and easily adapt to new living conditions. They are not afraid of water and love Fresh air. Another nice one characteristic feature This breed has a devotion comparable to that of a dog.

Top 5 biggest wild cats in the world

Lions, tigers and leopards, which belong to the cat family, are, of course, the largest representatives of these. But this rating is based on little-known cat breeds that look almost indistinguishable from domestic pets, but live in the wild.

Amur forest cats live on Far East. The weight of male representatives reaches 6 kg, height – 35 cm.

Most of all, these cats love to feast on birds and chipmunks. They may even hunt roe deer, but this does not happen often. On average, Amur forest cats live 10 years.

This cat is considered a representative of Equatorial Africa, living in forests. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height – 50 cm.

African golden cat

These wild cats are considered loners in life, and their species itself is recognized as very rare. Being predators, cats prefer to hunt at night and rest in the treetops during the day.

3. Speckled cat. The second name of this species is the fishing cat. It was not obtained by chance, since speckled cats are considered virtuosos in catching fish. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height – 41 cm.

The fishing cat is an excellent swimmer due to its muscular build. There are cases when they even entered into fights with artiodactyl cubs and won.

2. Bush cat (serval). This is the most graceful cat in the rating. Weight adult cat on average 8-15 kg, but can reach 18 kg, height – 65 cm.

Servals are capable of jumping 3 m in height; they practice such jumps while hunting. Servals forage for food both below and above the ground. They live in Africa. Distinctive feature Bush cats are considered to have the ability to live in captivity, and, if necessary, even become tame. Servals are also known to mate with members of the domestic cat family.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by the ocelot. The size of this cat is impressive - the weight of male representatives on average reaches 16 kg, height - 50 cm. They live in the tropics of America. Ocelots feed on both birds and snakes; often even small mammals are present in their diet. There are cases when ocelots coped with pigs and even donkeys.

Lately In the circles of wealthy people, the idea of ​​keeping a wild cat at home, rather than its domesticated relative, became popular. Unfortunately, people do not understand that this can be detrimental to freedom-loving animals. Therefore, lovers of large and seemingly wild cats should pay attention to the domestic Savannah and Maine Coon breeds. The cost of the former today varies greatly and reaches 1.5 million rubles, average price– 300,000 rubles. As for Maine Coons, their price is much lower - from 25,000 to 70,000 rubles.

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