Home Hygiene Cigarettes Pall Mall Azure. Pall Mall cigarettes - history and classification What is the strength of pall mall demi blue cigarettes

Cigarettes Pall Mall Azure. Pall Mall cigarettes - history and classification What is the strength of pall mall demi blue cigarettes

I'm already quite happy with myself for a long time I don’t smoke, but among my friends and acquaintances there are still quite a lot of people who still smoke. and they do this in quite large quantities.

Therefore, during the time I smoked myself, and while my friends smoke, I know almost everything trade marks cigarettes and today I want to tell you specifically about one quite famous brand cigarettes, which is called PaLL MaLL or Pal Mal.

For as long as I can remember, cigarettes called PaLL MaLL could be bought at almost any kiosk or store. Moreover, previously all cigarettes were sold quite openly. Now cigarette trays need to be covered and they are not put on display.

Initially, when I was a teenager, these cigarettes had only one option. The peculiarity of these cigarettes is that it was these manufacturers who first began to experiment with the size of the cigarettes themselves. And if at one time there was a cigarette standard that was 85 mm, then later this manufacturer increased this standard to 100 mm.

Also, these cigarettes are especially loved by young people for their manufacturing technology. It’s just that in these cigarettes they began to use filters that, when inhaling smoke, did not give a sore sensation, and there was also no such unpleasant feeling and sensation of bitterness in the mouth.

I would also like to note that in Russia these cigarettes began to be sold around 1997 and are still being sold to this day. Of course, they have now changed the size, the color of the pack, but if you still remember the first PaLL MaLL cigarettes, then their coat of arms itself has remained unchanged, and the letters themselves have not changed either. That is why these cigarettes are so popular.

The coat of arms of Pal Mal cigarettes consists of two lions, which together rest on a shield.

On this moment On sale you can find Pal Mal cigarettes of completely different tastes, and it is these that I want to talk about further.

For those who don’t really like thin cigarettes, manufacturer Paul Mol offers the buyer three different options thick cigarettes, which differ from each other both in the color of the packs themselves and in the nicotine content in them.

The strongest cigarettes in this series are those with red packs. They contain 0.8 mg of nicotine, but 10 mg of tar. These cigarettes are quite strong and are not in such great demand.

Most of all in use is a pack blue color. In these cigarettes, the content of both tar and nicotine is already much less, and it is 6 mg of tar and 0.5 mg of nicotine.

Well, you can also find very light cigarettes with an orange pack on sale. These cigarettes are usually bought by those who either quit smoking or by women. These cigarettes contain 0.4 mg nicotine and 4 mg tar.

You can also see these same cigarettes in a thin version; such cigarettes are considered ladies’ cigarettes.

For those who like something more interesting, Pal Mal also has menthol-flavored cigarettes. These cigarettes are sold in green packs. But they are not in great demand; personally, I think that you can buy them just to indulge yourself. But I don’t recommend buying them all the time, since menthol turns out to be quite large negative impact on the heart.

And of course, Pal Mal also has a whole series of super thin cigarettes. These cigarettes are usually preferred by girls and many women. These are exactly the kind of cigarettes I smoked back in the day.

Such cigarettes are no longer sold in red packs, where the content of both nicotine and tar is quite high. But there are super thin cigarettes in blue and orange and with menthol flavor. And for those who like cigarettes with different flavors, they are also sold in a tropical flavor.

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Cigarettes "Pal Mal", photos of which are in this article, are very popular among smoking people. Immediately after the release of this brand, cigarettes became widespread throughout the world.

Brand history

Pal Mal cigarettes appeared in 1899. They were manufactured by the Butler Company. And the brand name comes from popular game seventeenth century. It used a spatula (maleus) and a ball (palla). Initially, “Pal Mal” was planned to be made in a premium class.

In 1907, the cigarette brand was bought by the American Tobacco company. Testing and innovation have begun. New designs and production technologies were created: tobacco filling, cigarette sizes. But there was no filter in those distant times. But thanks to innovations, smoking has become much more enjoyable and easier.

“Pal Mal” reached its highest popularity in 1960. In America, the brand came out on top. The new design was completely justified. Long cigarettes (ten centimeters each) appeared, creating a new standard. This format has become in great demand among smokers.

The brand's peak popularity was achieved in part due to gambling advertising. And this further boosted cigarette sales. In 1966, the Winston brand appeared on the tobacco market, which became a strong competitor to Pal Mal. The new brand also began to be sold in various options. And the Pal Mal (cigarettes) brand began to lose its market position.

Somewhat later, the brand became the property of another American company. But by this time, Pal Mal began to lose its position in popularity, since it still did not have a filter. He appeared only in eighty-seven. And a new design appeared on the market. Now "Pal Mal" is one of the most popular brands, which is sold in sixty countries around the world.

Cigarette standards

Initially, manufacturers did not intend to produce cigarettes different types. And while this happened, a long period of time passed. Initially, cigarettes had a standard length of 85 millimeters. Later new ones appeared. Thin Pal Mal cigarettes began to be produced with a length of 100 millimeters.

Thanks to new technologies and experiments, tobacco has become much better and more enjoyable. Now it is softer, which does not cause a sore throat. And the brand logo remains standard and does not change.

Pack design

The Pall Mall logo immediately became memorable. As is the style of his writing - nouveau. It is an integral part of the design cigarette packs. They depict the coat of arms and two royal lions, which rest on a shield. There is a motto written on it, which translated means “Through thorns to the stars.” Same - part state seal Kansas.

Below the shield is a banner with another Latin motto. Translated: “Under this banner you will win.” Pal Mal (cigarettes) have another slogan on their packaging.

Over the years of development of the brand, the design of the packs has undergone many changes. But he was always easily recognizable. The tar and nicotine content must be printed on each pack. Aromatic cigarettes are easily distinguished by the color of the packaging.

Types of cigarettes

Tobacco manufacturers are now striving to produce several varieties of cigarettes of the same brand. Companies focus on types of smokers. Some people need strong cigarettes, others prefer weaker ones, with lowest content nicotine and tar.

And some tobacco market consumers like to smoke flavored cigarettes. Moreover, the length and thickness of the “smoking stick” are important. All this creates demand, and accordingly, the production of several types of cigarettes is required. And the more there are, the better.

In 2008, Pal Mal changed its appearance again. The colors of the packs have changed. They turned blue, orange and red. At the moment, the main line of the brand consists of three versions:

  • RAD. Contains (mg) 10 tar and 0.8 nicotine.
  • BLUE. Contains (mg) 7 tar and 0.6 nicotine.
  • AMBER. Contains (mg) 4 tar and 0.4 nicotine.

In addition, new cigarettes of the Pal Mal brand with menthol have appeared. And a series of Super Slims format:

  • Tropic Twist;
  • Blue;
  • Menthol;
  • Aromatic.

Thanks to the variety of types, Pal Mal is a cigarette suitable for any type of smoker. This makes the brand one of the most popular in the world. People are attracted by the wide selection of cigarette types offered by the tobacco market. In addition, this company spends a lot of money on advertising, which also helps to increase its popularity.

Taste qualities

Manufacturers of tobacco products in modern times focus not only on the design of cigarette packaging, but also on their taste. Products containing menthol give freshness to your breath. And the super slim format has several scents. Tropic Twist has notes of tropical sweets. Any Aromatic has its own subtle, “airy” aroma.

Spreading the brand around the world

On Russian market“Pal Mal” (cigarettes) appeared in 1997. And from that time on they are still in unabated demand among the smoking population. They are mainly bought by young people under the age of thirty. In 2005, Russia became one of the first countries to introduce new format brand - superslim.

Pall Mall is one of the oldest cigarette brands. There are several legends where this name came from. Some historians claim that it was based on the name of a once popular game, the main equipment of which was a ball and a special shovel - palla and maleus. Others are convinced that Pall and Mall are named after the London alley of the same name. Probably, now we will never know why cigarettes have such a name. What is known for certain is that it is on sale for the first time Pall Mall appeared at the end of the 19th century, in 1899, and the first owner of this brand was the Butler & Butler Company.

At their dawn, these cigarettes were positioned exclusively as premium cigarettes. Having existed quietly and peacefully until 1907, the brand was taken over by the American Tobacco Company. In an effort to attract as many new customers as possible to the Pall Mall brand, the company bosses decide to take an unprecedented step - they come up with a new elongated cigarette size (85mm) and call it King Size. Now this size is considered classic and standard, but then, coupled with a new way of filling tobacco, allowing the cigarette to be drawn much easier and more pleasantly, this move had the effect of a bomb exploding, instantly making Pall Mall cigarettes one of the most popular. But these cigarettes gained real popularity in the mid-60s, and again the craving for experimentation helped. This time, the bosses of American Tobacco decided to release an even longer version of cigarettes - 100mm. And again success, Pall Mall cigarettes become the most popular in the USA.

However, subsequently the popularity of this brand only decreased. This happened due to the fact that until 1987 Pall Mall remained cigarettes without a filter, while competitors had long since introduced them into their products

Currently, the Pall Mall brand is owned by the world's second largest tobacco company - British American Tobacco, and is one of the company's four best-selling cigarettes.

In our stores You can always buy Pall Mall cigarettes the following varieties:

Pall Mall

Pall Mall

Pall Mall

Pall Mall
Nanokings Amber

Pall Mall
Nanokings Blue

Pall Mall
Nanokings Silver

Pal Mal cigarettes, the types of which vary, are quite popular among many smokers. The brand was founded in 1899 by one well-known company In Great Britain. It was from this period that tobacco products became widespread throughout the world. Initially, the founders of the company planned to produce premium cigarettes. An interesting fact is that the brand got its name thanks to a popular game that people were fond of in the 17th century.

Cigarette classification

Speaking about types, it should be noted that initially the manufacturers had no idea how to produce cigarettes various types. The Pal Mal cigarette brand has gone through quite a long period of history, but still retains its popularity to this day. The most successful year for the brand’s founders was 1960, when tobacco products were recognized as the best among other analogues around the world. This success was due to a change in design.

It is known that the standard length of a cigarette is 85 mm. But the Pal Mal manufacturers did not want to adhere to generally accepted parameters and decided to replace this length with 100 mm. It was this factor that influenced the further popularity of the company.

Today the Pal Mal brand belongs to one well-known American brand, which distributes products in 60 countries around the world. Cigarette manufacturers prefer to experiment with tobacco products, and this is not surprising. In addition to deviations from standard sizes, new technologies and methods are used to create each type.

Thanks to this, the company managed to achieve good results and a pleasant taste of tobacco. When smoking, a person does not experience an uncomfortable sore throat. The products have a pleasant, mild taste, which sets this brand apart from many others. It is worth noting that the only constant thing throughout for long years

became the brand logo. Manufacturers preferred to leave this part the same, since thanks to the logo the brand can be distinguished from many others.

Types of Pal Mal cigarettes Today, the creators of tobacco products are producing several types that are intended for different types of smokers. Cigarettes differ not only external design
  1. packaging, but also the internal contents. Each type contains different amounts of tar and nicotine. So, Pal Mal cigarettes can be divided into the following types:
  2. Pall Mall RED. Tar reaches 10 mg, nicotine - 0.8 mg.
  3. Pall Mall BLUE. Tar content - 7 mg, nicotine - 0.6 mg.

Pall Mall AMBER. The composition contains 4 mg of tar and 0.4 mg of nicotine.

Based on the above indicators, we can say that Pal Mal cigarettes are suitable for both the most heavy smokers and those who cannot tolerate high nicotine content. All these types have one feature in common, namely a soft and delicate taste.

Today this brand is very popular in about 100 countries around the world.

Taste qualities have also not faded into the background, and tobacco products simply surprise with original solutions. For example, Pall Mall MENTHOL will add a little freshness to your breath. Super Slims format cigarettes also differ not only in packaging design, but also in flavor solutions. These can be Super Slims Tropic Twist with notes of tropical sweetness or Pall Mall Superslims Aromatic, which surprise with a bright aroma. Each pack has a characteristic color and markings that indicate the tar and nicotine content of the products.

Brand: Pall Mall

Tagline: Pall Mall. A hit of mild taste.

Industry: tobacco industry

Products: cigarettes

Brand launch year: 1899

Brand owner: British American Tobacco Group

Pall Mall- one of the tobacco brands with a long history.

Cigarette brands Pall Mall were introduced in 1899 by the Butler & Butler Company. Initially they were positioned as premium cigarettes. The name Pall Mall cigarettes comes from the name of a popular 17th century game involving a ball and a paddle - palla and maleus.

In 1907 stamp Pall Mall was purchased by American Tobacco. It was on these cigarettes that the new owners tested all the innovations in design and production technology, namely: king-size (currently standard size for cigarettes 85 mm), a new method of filling tobacco, which makes smoking cigarettes easier and more enjoyable.

Pall Mall has reached highest point popularity in 1960, when the brand became the number one brand in the United States. The risk in experimenting with design paid off. Pall Mall released new long cigarettes (100 mm), thereby creating a new standard in cigarette production.

Exceeding the standard size of 85 millimeters, manufacturers Pall Mall conquered the hearts of all smokers who are partial to everything that inspires admiration with its grandeur and size.

Pall Mall achieved popularity in 1960, when they became the number one brand in the United States. At that time, gambling was advertised on the pack, which contributed to sales. That same year, the company launched "longs", or 100mm cigarettes, (creating a new standard, this time for long cigarettes). Later in 1966, Winston began to do the same. What led to this Pall Mall began to lose its position in the market. Interestingly, when it appeared in 1940, Pall Mall there was a slogan “travels the smoke further” (“delivers smoke further”). A more well-known slogan became the words "Outstanding" and "Moderate" in cigarette advertising throughout the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century.

In 1994 Pall Mall and Lucky Strike were purchased by Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation as American Tobacco began to lose market position. Cigarettes Pall Mall significantly lagged behind their competitors, as they were still unfiltered cigarettes. It was not until 1987 that cigarettes were equipped with a filter and released to the market.

On July 30, 2004, Brown & Williamson merged with R. J. Reynolds Tobacco, at which time R. J. Reynolds Tobacco was going through difficult times. The joint company is named R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. The company continues to produce cigarettes without filter and Pall Mall with filter for the American market. While British American Tobacco makes and sells Pall Mall outside the USA.

Currently Pall Mall- one of the most famous international brands of British American Tobacco, which is sold in 60 countries around the world.

In addition to size, manufacturers Pall Mall They also experimented tirelessly with cigarette production technology. As a result of these experiments, they managed to significantly change the taste of the brand. New technology filling of tobacco made the smoking process easier and relieved smokers of a sore throat. Cigarettes began to have a very delicate mild taste, which makes this brand stand out among others today.

The only thing that has not changed since the founding of the brand is the cigarette logo. Famous logo Pall Mall, its memorable art nouveau style - all this has become an integral part of the design of cigarette packaging. The pack features a coat of arms with two royal lions resting on a shield with the motto "Per aspera ad Astra" (Through thorns to the stars). The same motto can be seen on the state seal of Kansas. Just below the shield is a banner with another Latin motto - “In hoc signo vinces” (Under this banner you will conquer). Another famous slogan Pall Mall, which appears on the packaging - "Wherever Particular People Congregate".

Cigarettes today Pall Mall They are successfully sold in more than 100 countries around the world and are very popular. Convenient pack design, perfectly recognizable logo, familiar taste - all this makes cigarettes Pall Mall favorite cigarettes that you don’t want to change.

To emphasize their modernity, cigarette manufacturers began to actively experiment with the color of packs, and bright and saturated samples of purple, orange, blue and green appeared on sale. As for the variety of flavors and differences in shape, thin and standard cigarettes are produced in various flavors, including menthol.

Since its appearance on the Russian market in 1997 Pall Mall enjoys continued popularity among adult consumers under 30 years of age.

In 2005, Russia became the first country in the world where Pall Mall appeared in a new format "superslims".

In 2008 Pall Mall once again changed their appearance: the colors of the pack changed to bright blue, orange and red. Now to the main line Pall Mall includes three versions: Pall Mall RED containing 10 mg tar and 0.8 mg nicotine; Pall Mall BLUE containing 7 mg tar and 0.6 mg nicotine; Pall Mall AMBER containing 4 mg tar and 0.4 mg nicotine.

Pall Mall - Pall Mall MENTHOL and Super Slims format cigarettes: Pall Mall Super Slims Tropic Twist, Pall Mall Superslims Blue, Pall Mall Superslims Menthol, Pall Mall Superslims Aromatic.

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