Home Pulpitis The effect of prolonged sleep on the human body. How sleep affects a person’s mental health What affects sleep

The effect of prolonged sleep on the human body. How sleep affects a person’s mental health What affects sleep

People spend one third of their lives sleeping; this is an important process in their body. A person cannot stay awake, but a night's rest does not always bring relief. How to sleep correctly, is it possible to save time on it and be cheerful and active - these are the most popular questions for many people.

What is sleep

One scientific definition not yet. A rough description of this phenomenon sounds like this:

(lat. somnus) - natural physiological state, characterized by a reduced reaction to the outside world.

The study of this phenomenon began relatively recently - about 50 years ago. Before this, information about what happens to a person in this state was quite primitive and abstract. There were beliefs that the soul goes to some astral travel, and all dreams are impressions and echoes of such travels. And although the science of sleep - somnology - is developing very actively and rapidly and has learned much more than in the entire existence of mankind, there are still a lot of mysteries in this area.

It is reliably known that during oblivion the following reactions occur:

  • the sleeper is in relative peace and relaxation;
  • the sleeper’s perception of reality is somewhat limited, but not completely - some senses still work;
  • various cyclical reactions occur in the brain, which differ from the reactions of the brain during wakefulness;
  • active regeneration of cells throughout the body occurs;
  • the information received during activity is organized;
  • neurons rest and energy accumulates for the formation of new neural connections;
  • blood circulation slows down, pulse decreases, becomes deep and slow;
  • Only the stomach is actively working, the pace of work of the rest internal organs decreases, body temperature decreases.

A person spends 7-8 hours a day in the kingdom of Morpheus. This time is divided into several cycles, approximately 4-5. Each cycle consists of a slow and a fast stage. Each stage is caused by activity in one lobe of the brain.
The slow phase consists of three stages:

  • Stage I- drowsiness, immediately after falling asleep, does not last long, quickly disappears due to external stimuli, breathing, eye movements slow down, absurd thoughts and dreamlike hallucinations appear;
  • Stage II- light, shallow, this phase takes up more than half of the total sleep time, the activity of all muscles, breathing, temperature decreases, but a person in this phase is still easy to wake up;
  • Stage III- slow deep dream or delta phase: it is very difficult to wake up a sleeping person, all processes are slowed down as much as possible, brain rhythms are reduced to 2 GHz; in this phase, various disorders may occur, as a result, sleepwalking and talking in a dream appear.

After the end of the third phase, the fast stage begins or REM phase. During this phase, brain activity increases, eyeballs they begin to move quickly, all processes in the body are activated, but the muscles, on the contrary, become constrained and seem to be paralyzed. This period accounts for the largest number of dreams. But even during such activity, waking up a person is still problematic.

Did you know? Musical group R.E.M. named after fast phase sleep.

After graduation REM sleep one cycle ends, which lasts 90 minutes, and a new cycle begins with the first stage of the slow phase. It is best to wake up between 90-minute cycles. In this case, the person feels cheerful and rested and easily gets out of bed.
The study of brain function and the activity of the body as a whole made it possible to determine basic sleep purposes for humans:

  • rest for the muscles and organs of the body;
  • replenishment of body energy;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • memorization and formation of long-term memory;
  • analysis general condition body and correction of identified deficiencies;
  • formation of cells, including cells.

Benefits of healthy sleep

The positive properties of sleep determine it benefits for human health:

  • health promotion and wound healing, treatment of diseases;
  • complete rest for the whole body;
  • maintaining a good figure - with lack of sleep, a feeling of hunger appears and excess weight begins to gain;
  • maintaining normal attention and concentration;
  • prevention of depression;
  • disclosure of creative abilities.

Not sleeping: harmful to health

It would seem that a person sleeps quite a lot - a third of his life is spent sleeping. Is it possible to sacrifice this time and spend it on study, entertainment or work? History and research suggest that doing this is extremely harmful. Suffice it to remember that deprivation of this type of rest was one of the methods of torture and even execution.

With prolonged wakefulness, the following consequences are observed:

  • impaired glucose absorption and, as a consequence, the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • muscle pain;
  • color blindness;
  • visual impairment;
  • depression;
  • psychosis, attention and concentration disorders;
  • hallucinations;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • pain in the head, throat, nausea.

It turns out that refusing to travel to Morpheus is a rather dangerous idea, and it is undesirable to do so.

Sleep-wake schedule

Any extreme is harmful, and the secret of success will be in the golden mean - correct mode rest and wakefulness. And here you need the right approach and some preparation.

What time do you go to bed?

Both ancient mystics and modern scientists have identified several time zones in which it is recommended to go to bed. They can be characterized as follows: fall asleep as close to sunset as possible. That is, the optimal time to fall asleep is from 22.00 to 23.00. It is during this period that the part of the brain that is responsible for the mind and psyche rests. Therefore, those who go to bed after 23.00 have impaired mental activity. If you continue to stay awake after 11 pm, your vitality also begins to decline.
At first, negative changes will not be noticeable, but over time they will accumulate and make themselves felt.

Important!Therefore, it is necessary to follow the regime and go to bed around 22.00. This rule is true for both children and adults.

Healthy sleep

To sleep properly and healthily, you need to follow these rules:

  • you should always go to bed same time- both on weekdays and on weekends;
  • two hours before going to bed you should not take any food;
  • no need to drink alcohol or other tonic drinks, herbal ones are better - they will help you relax and calm down;
  • Fresh air will help you fall asleep; it’s best to take a leisurely walk or go out onto the balcony;
  • you need to clear your mind of worries and thoughts, get in the mood for the night: don’t watch TV, but rather read, knit, do a calm activity that will calm and relax, for example, a warm bath is good for relaxation and sets you up for rest;
  • ventilate the bedroom;
  • you need to sleep in the dark or with a dim, dim night light;
  • It is not recommended to look at the phone during or before falling asleep - the bright light of the screen will drive away drowsiness and put the body into an excited state;
  • you need to sleep comfortably, preferably with a minimum of clothing, it is better to cover yourself with another blanket so as not to freeze;
  • the bed should be flat, not too soft, but not hard;
  • You need to wake up slowly, smoothly; calm music with increasing volume and gradually increasing light in the room are suitable as an alarm clock.

These simple rules will help you sleep peacefully and fully.
There is no definite data on the duration of rest, because for some people 3-4 hours is enough, and for others 8 hours is not enough. Research conducted by the US National Sleep Foundation, after studying more than 300 scientific works about sleep, showed that the norm varies depending on the age of the person, that is, the younger the person, the more time is required.

Here's a breakdown of sleep times by age group:


It is this length of night's rest that will allow you to be calm, focused and active for the rest of the day.

How many hours to sleep during the day

It has long been known that children under 6-10 years old need to sleep during the day. But do adults need to sleep and how beneficial is it for them?

Did you know? Winston Churchill claimed that the secret of his productivity was a full day's sleep. And in Japan and China, day rest for workers is the norm in most enterprises.

Scientists from the French Association for the Study of Sleep, conducting round-the-clock temperature measurements, determined that at night a person’s temperature drops between 3 and 5 o’clock - these are the so-called “bull” and “wolf” hours: intervals when you especially want to sleep. But during the day, from 13 to 15 hours, a similar picture was recorded - body temperature decreased, although not as much as at night. These data allow us to conclude that you need to sleep twice a day.

A short immersion in the kingdom of Morpheus during the day will allow the body to rest and relieve accumulated tension, increase attentiveness and improve reaction; at this time, joy hormones - endorphins and serotonin - are released into the blood. People who allow short nap breaks during the day reduce their risk of heart attacks and strokes.

During the day, complete rest for one or two hours is not always possible, so you need to sleep without plunging into a deep stage. That is, a nap for twenty to thirty minutes will bring relief and freshness, while a nap for more than 40 minutes will “give” a feeling of heaviness in the head and a decrease in reaction.

What happens if you sleep a lot

Sleeping too much is just as harmful as not getting enough sleep. Research by Harvard University scientists conducted from 1986 to 2000 shows that with prolonged sleep (more than 9 hours), practically the same deviations appear as with lack of sleep:

  • memory and concentration are impaired;
  • labor productivity decreases;
  • the risk of developing obesity and diabetes increases;
  • blood circulation is disrupted, in particular the blood supply to the brain, causing headaches;
  • depression occurs.

The state of excessive lethargy and prolonged sleep is called hypersomnia, she is called various injuries headaches, mental disorders, apnea. Often appears in adolescents or as a result of taking narcotic drugs.

Therefore, sleeping more than 12 hours, difficulty waking up, lethargy and dozing during the day can serve. In this case, it is better to see a doctor and get examined.

How to sleep less and get enough sleep

Using knowledge of sleep phases and monitoring the sleep of infants, elderly people and some animals in the 20th century, it was developed polyphasic sleep theory. The main idea of ​​this theory is to divide the rest time into parts throughout the day. As a result, the quality of sleep improves and its duration decreases. The reduction occurs due to a decrease in the number and duration of the slow phase. After all, the main beneficial features, including rest, occur only in the REM sleep stage, which accounts for 20-25% of the total rest time.

There are several options for polyphasic sleep:

  1. Dymaxion- 4 times for 30 minutes every 6 hours = 2 hours.
  2. Uberman- 6 times for 20 minutes every 4 hours = 2 hours.
  3. Everyman- 1 time at night (1.5–3 hours) and 3 times during the day for 20 minutes = 2.5–4 hours.
  4. Biphasic- 1 time at night (5 hours) and 1 time during the day (1.5 hours) = 6.5 hours.
  5. Tesla- 1 time at night (2 hours) and 1 time during the day (20 minutes) = 2 hours 20 minutes.

The transition to a new regime requires careful preparation:

  • first you need to get used to the regime - fall asleep and wake up at a strictly defined time;
  • when adapting, start with biphasic sleep - sleep twice for three to four hours;
  • transition to polyphasic rest, consisting of 3-4 hours of sleep at night and several rest periods during the day.

Important! You should know that this method of sleep is not recommended for people with heart problems, nervous system disorders, or adolescents.

One of the problems with this way of life is the inability to live in rhythm with others around you. Thus, Buckminster Fuller, one of the first who decided to switch to rest in the “Dymaxion” mode he created, was forced to abandon this type of sleep three years later, due to contradictions in the daily schedule with his companions. Steve Pavlina, who decided to repeat Fuller’s experience, also refused to continue this mode of life due to a lack of synchrony with the outside world.

Did you know? Among the adherents of polyphasic sleep and the first practitioners are Leonardo da Vinci, who slept for 15-20 minutes every 4 hours, as well as Salvador Dali, Peter the Great, Goethe. They all managed to rest in a very short time. And one of the variants of polyphasic sleep is named after Nikola Tesla. It is believed that Tesla rested in this mode.

One of these modes allows you to completely relax in a very short period of time. And although this method has not been thoroughly tested by science, numerous experiments and the experience of polyphasic sleep adherents confirm the theory that you can sleep little and be alert and active the rest of the day.

Video: practice of polyphasic sleep

Practice of polyphasic sleep: reviews

To be fully active, I sleep at least 8 times, preferably 9-10. If I don’t get enough sleep, then I just pass out either very early in the evening, or I can sleep for a day


I recently read about how you can increase the duration of the REM sleep phase, about the REM rebound effect. Everything is banally simple: you need to deprive yourself of the REM sleep phase a day before the intended practice. That is, for example, today we sleep from 11 pm to 5-6 am, interrupting the REM phase. The next day the body will try to compensate for the losses. I myself often have to get up early, and just the next day everything works out well with what was postponed.


For myself, I decided to master the Everyman mode, I see it as the best, that is, I plan to take a 20-minute nap several times during the day, and at night as long as necessary. For me, the main thing is not to reduce sleep time, but to get enough sleep and phase. I plan to sleep in transport. As I already said, learning to fall asleep quickly is the hardest thing, while thinking about this problem I came across an interesting method by Steve Pavlin - how to fall asleep in 30 seconds. It is noteworthy that before I found it I decided to try something similar. The essence of the method is to convince your body that the sleep resource is limited, that is, if I now, quickly, do not fall asleep in a few seconds, but lie down and think about all sorts of nonsense, then this time will be at the expense of sleep time, and it will always be so. Only this trick will allow you to fall asleep in a few minutes. During the day you need to take one or several naps, a maximum of 20 minutes, maybe 5. This is in order to show the body - “here’s the time for you to sleep, if you don’t fall asleep, you won’t sleep, and it will always be like this.” This is, of course, also a variant of sleep deprivation, but not as severe as the classic transition to polyphasic sleep. In fact, nothing in the daily routine changes, you just need to clearly get up on the alarm clock, always limiting your sleep time to a certain time, no more, no less, and take a nap several times a day for 5-20 minutes. I also forgot to mention, I’ll have to get rid of caffeine (coffee, tea), this is also a problem for me, so I’ll switch to and herbal teas. I suspect that you can forget about the phase during the training period.


Sleep is still a mysterious phenomenon, but extremely necessary for a person, because it is impossible to live without sleep. Properly organized, it brings relief and relaxation, improves health, and therefore it is important to prepare for it. The following tips and recommendations will allow you to sleep peacefully and fully.

First of all, it should be noted that there must be balance in everything, that is, wakefulness must be balanced by enough sleep and vice versa, so that a person can feel rested. When this balance is disturbed, problems immediately appear of different nature such as insomnia, high irritability or laziness, as well as problems directly related to health. Based on these facts, it can be argued that both lack of sleep and very long sleep are equally harmful to human body.

Benefits of long sleep

Long sleep can be beneficial in cases that depend on the physical and moral state of a person. For example, when overworked, heavy daily physical activity and lack of opportunity to get a good night's sleep. IN in this case Lack of sleep accumulates in the body, all human resources are depleted at a certain point and in order to fully recover, a person will need more time to rest.

In cases where a person is too exhausted, sleep can last a day. A sick person will need the same amount of time to regain his strength.

The harm of long sleep

Harm long sleep is based on overwork, into which a person plunges when there is an excess of the sleep hormone. With excessively long sleep, the body begins to get tired, and as a result, it does not regain strength, but loses it. Long sleep also destroys the internal passage biological clock, which means that, to a certain extent, it restructures the functioning of the body. As a result, the level of laziness and reluctance to do something increases. The result can be severe overvoltage and high risk formation of depression.

Often, long sleep serves as a conscious escape from problems, that is, “I’m sleeping, which means I don’t see anything, I don’t solve anything.” This is the basis for many, the emergence of new and strengthening of old complexes. As for physical health, prolonged sleep can lead to an increase in migraines, stagnation of blood in the vessels, high blood pressure, swelling of varying degrees.


What, exactly, is long sleep, how long does it last? Doctors say that the normal duration of sleep and wakefulness for a certain person its. But there is an approximate distinction by which you can find out whether a person is sleeping within normal limits. So, sleep is considered long if its duration exceeds 10-14 hours or more. Therefore, for a person who only needs 7-8 hours of sleep, 10-11 hours is already too much. The distinctions are arbitrary, but they help to navigate the calculations of time spent on sleep.

Project problem:

Objective of the project:

Project product:



Municipal educational institution Buturlinovskaya average

secondary school No. 1

Festival of Research and creative works students


Information and research project

Subject: “How does healthy sleep affect human longevity?”

Project manager: Iskra Olga Yuryevna, biology teacher.

1. Introduction. Healthy sleep- the key to longevity. Objective of the project.

2. What to do if you don't sleep well?

3. Why is lack of sleep dangerous?

1. Introduction. Objective of the project.

Lack of healthy sleep leads to improper brain processing of information. When you don't get enough sleep, your brain begins to categorize information using more controlled processes, which can lead to potentially devastating errors in processing new data quickly and accurately.

Sleep deprivation prevents the brain from quickly and correctly classifying information that can be critical in life-saving situations for doctors, firefighters, soldiers and parents. Many everyday tasks in our lives require proper categorization by the brain, especially for people in demanding professions.

It is natural for a person to sleep because he wants to sleep, and not because it is time. And it is also natural that he wakes up when he has had enough sleep, and not because he has to. But the lifestyle of a working person does not allow living according to such a scheme. Therefore, many suffer from lack of sleep and sleep disorders.

Project problem:

For my peers, the topic of healthy sleep is very relevant. Many of them are in a state of chronic “lack of sleep.”Impaired sleep quality or lack of quantity leads to daytime sleepiness, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, etc. That is, daytime physiological and mental condition person, which leads to a decrease in his performance.

Objective of the project:

Collect information about such concepts as “healthy sleep”, “insomnia”. Find out the factors of healthy sleep.

Project product:

useful tips to help maintain health and prolong human longevity.

Healthy sleep.

Healthy sleep is the key to health and success in your career, and its absence is a sure guarantee of decreased ability to work and the occurrence of various diseases.

Dream - a certain physiological state, the need for which arises in a person regularly. This condition is characterized by a relative lack of consciousness and skeletal muscle activity.

Dream - This is a significant and important part of every person’s life. During sleep, our body must recover psychologically and physically, stock up on strength and energy for a new working day.

Healthy sleep requires 6-10 hours, and 8 hours of sleep is considered ideal. Each person has an individual need for sleep, and it is necessary to determine the optimal period of time for you to get enough sleep and provide conditions for healthy, full sleep.

Signs of healthy sleep:

a person falls asleep quickly and unnoticed;

sleep is continuous, there are no night awakenings;

the duration of sleep is not too short;

sleep is not too sensitive; the depth of sleep allows a person not to react to external stimuli.

Therefore, healthy sleep is a calm, deep and uninterrupted process. It is natural for a person to sleep because he wants to sleep, and not because it is time. And it’s also natural that he wakes up when he’s had enough sleep, and not because he has to. But the lifestyle of a working person does not allow living according to such a scheme. Therefore, many suffer from lack of sleep and sleep disorders.

Impaired sleep quality or lack of quantity leads to daytime sleepiness, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, etc. That is, a person’s daily physiological and mental state deteriorates, which leads to a decrease in his performance.

What to do if you don't sleep well?

If you sleep poorly, often wake up in the middle of the night, or suffer from insomnia, then do not rush to immediately run for a sedative or medication.insomnia treatment and sleeping pills. Perhaps it's all about improper preparation for bed. Refreshing deep sleep is so characteristic of a healthy person that it would not be worth dwelling on this subject if health were not such a rarity. The main factors of sleep disorders are nervous and mental disorders.

A detailed consideration of them is the topic of a separate and very solid work, but here we will focus only on the basic rules.

2. It is advisable to go to bed no later than 22-23 hours.For a normal night's sleep, 5-6 hours is enough. The most useful time for sleep is from eleven o'clock in the evening to five o'clock in the morning. In any case, sleep must cover the time from two o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the morning. At this time, sleep is the strongest; you should try to sleep at least one hour at this time. Sleeping during the day is not recommended. If you are tired during the day, you should perform Savasana. It is especially undesirable to sleep before sunset. The duration of sleep depends on what you eat during the day: the less you eat, the less sleep you need. Centenarians sleep little - no more than 4-6 hours a day. A three-shift work schedule is undesirable, especially a schedule where the shift changes every week.

3. It is recommended to sleep with your head facing north (or east).The requirement for correct orientation of the body in space is associated with the need to harmonize electromagnetic fields. Driving directions electromagnetic waves the earth's crust and man must coincide. Using this method, Academician Helmholtz even treated people.

4. It is better to sleep on a hard, flat surface.On soft feather beds, the body inevitably sag, and this causes a disruption in blood supply spinal cord And various organs, which are jammed. It also leads to pinched nerve endings, which can adversely affect any part of the body. It is not without reason that doctors recommend that those who have suffered a spinal injury and those suffering from radiculitis sleep on a completely hard bed. Ideally, the bed (at least under the mattress) should be made of unpainted and unvarnished boards. But it’s nice and easy to install a sheet of plywood on a mesh or other base. On top you can put a wadded blanket and a blanket or even a regular wadded mattress in 1-2 layers. For healthy people, it is better to do without a pillow or limit yourself to a thin and fairly dense pillow. It keeps it in good condition cervical region spine, improves cerebral circulation, promotes normalization intracranial pressure, prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face and neck. However, patients with cardiovascular insufficiency and bronchial asthma You should not give up a pillow until the underlying disease is cured, and during periods of exacerbation, you can use two or three hard pillows.

5. It is advisable to sleep as naked as possible.When it's cold, it's better to cover yourself with an extra blanket.

6. The worst thing is to sleep on your stomach all the time. It's best on the sideturning over several times during the night from one side to the other (the turning occurs automatically) so as not to overload the kidneys and other organs. You can sleep on your back.

7. Night drafts are very harmful, they lead to runny nose and colds.It is best to open the window, but close the door tightly. Or leave open window in the next room and do not close the door. You don’t have to be afraid of a drop in temperature, the main thing is to avoid drafts. As a last resort, you can properly ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. To avoid colds, it is recommended to sleep in socks.

8. Human sleep is divided into cycles, each of which consists of phases of “rapid” and “slow” sleep of varying depths. Typically cycles last from 60 to 90 minutes, and it has been noted that healthy people The cycle is approaching 60 minutes. However, by the morning, especially with excessively long sleep, the cycles are greatly extended. At the same time, the proportion of “rapid eye movement” sleep, during which we dream, sharply increases. For complete rest, it is enough to sleep 4 of your biocycles. This is how many long-livers sleep. However, it is normal to sleep 6 biocycles. It is very important not to interrupt sleep during the biocycle. If you wake up a person in the middle of one of these intervals, he will feel unrested and exhausted. Therefore, it is better to get up not according to the alarm clock, but according to the “internal clock”. If you set an alarm clock, then estimate that there are a whole number of cycles per sleep. IN extreme conditions You can sleep for two biocycles. But for many this all seems like an unattainable dream. Some people sleep for 10-11 hours and can’t get up, while others, on the contrary, suffer from insomnia.

9. The main rule for lovers of long sleep: do not lie in bed!As soon as a person wakes up (and this can be early in the morning), you need to smile, stretch, throw off the blanket and get up. And usually people look at their watches: “Oh, it’s only 5 o’clock!” and lie down again. But the benefits of such aging are very doubtful. If you start getting up at 4 or 5 in the morning, you will have a lot of time for gymnastics, water procedures, housework. True, for the first 5-7 days in the morning or afternoon you will want to sleep, but this is not a true need, but only a habit of the body. Then it will pass. But it is advisable to perform relaxation (Shavasana) several times during the day.

10. Before going to bed, it is recommended to free yourself from stimulants. nervous system experiences of the passing day.Do contemplation, shavasana, tune in to good sleep, giving rest and restoration of strength to the whole body. There is a well-known wise aphorism: “A calm conscience is the best sleeping pill.” To speed up self-improvement, a person must, before going to bed, analyze all his thoughts, words and actions that took place during the day. See what laws were violated, etc. Self-analysis can be carried out in any position, but it is best to lie on your back with your legs extended and your arms facing upward so that the muscles of the whole body are relaxed. In this position, the vital activity of the muscles requires a minimum amount of energy, which means that more of it is supplied for the functioning of the brain. If your legs are very tired, it is better to lie on your back with your legs bent and pressed to your chest. This pose helps to relax the veins of the legs, facilitates blood circulation and heart function.

What are the dangers of lack of sleep?

Lack of healthy sleep leads to improper brain processing of information. Scientists University of Texas found that when there is a lack of sleep, the brain begins to categorize information using more controlled processes, which can lead to potentially devastating errors in processing new data quickly and accurately.

Researchers have found that sleep deprivation prevents the brain from quickly and correctly classifying information that can be critical in life-changing situations for doctors, firefighters, soldiers and parents. Many everyday tasks in our lives require proper categorization by the brain, especially for people in demanding professions.
The study included 49 volunteers aged 19-20 years. The brains of people who have sleep disorders shift from an information-integration processing strategy to a rule-based strategy. Some problems with categorizing information are associated with conscious, overt processing of data by the frontal systems of the brain, which suffer primarily from sleep deficiency, American neurologists say.

Physiologists also believe that differences in the brain's cortical white matter predict cognitive vulnerability to negative consequences lack of normal sleep.

Now about insomnia.

The worst way out of the situation is to take sleeping pills.

Dale Carnegie offers some good rules for combating insomnia:

1. If you can't sleep, ... get up and work or read until you feel sleepy." Indeed, going to bed without any desire makes no sense. If “the time has come,” this does not mean that the body needs sleep. When such a need appears, a person will fall asleep even to a march being performed by a brass band under the window. There are quite a few short sleepers who don’t go to bed before one or two in the morning, and are already on their feet by 6-7 in the morning. So don’t torture yourself by tossing and turning on your side, it's better to get up and get to work."

2. Remember that no one has ever died from lack of sleep. Anxiety due to insomnia usually brings more harm than insomnia itself." People are often afraid of getting little sleep. A stereotype has been imprinted in their heads: “you need 8 hours to sleep.” Unable to sleep, they get nervous, but this only aggravates insomnia. If you don’t want to get up, you can stay in bed, you just need to come to terms with the loss of sleep, tell yourself: “It’s okay. I’ll just lie down, relax, think about something.”

3. Relax your body"It’s very good to relax on the floor before going to bed, but not for very long. Then lie down in bed and “let go of your thoughts.”

4. Exercise. Make yourself so tired that you are unable to stay awake." Physical exercise good at any time of the day, only intense training is not advisable in the last 2-3 hours before bedtime. Walking on the fresh air. You can make it a rule after dinner to get dressed and go out, walking with a brisk step

5-6-7 kilometers. No less valuable are hardening procedures that normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

And further Some tips for insomnia sufferers. Don't sleep during the day! Even if you feel very drowsy, it is better to go for a walk, then in the evening there will be a greater need for sleep. You can take Shavasana, relieve fatigue, but do not sleep for 2-3 hours! Avoid coffee and other stimulants in the evening. Don't eat heavily before bed. The first thought upon awakening should be filled with the joy of anticipation of the coming day. For example, you can say to yourself the phrase: “Life is beautiful and amazing.” When you wake up, do not lie in bed for a long time. Getting out of bed quickly gives you longevity.

Before getting out of bed, do the awakening exercise.

Starting position: lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body, fingers clenched into fists. The exercise consists of three parts:

1) stretch simultaneously with the fist and heel of one side of the body, for example, the left;

2) stretch with the fist and heel of the other side (right);

3) stretch with both arms and legs together. Perform the exercise three to five times. This exercise prevents radiculitis and lumbosacral diseases. If you don’t want to get up, then massage your ears, tap your palms on your forehead, cheeks, chest, thighs, and you’ll be back to sleep.

Remember that we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Therefore, it is important to take care of this third of our lives and maintain its natural natural rhythm.

Tips for ensuring full and healthy sleep (project product).

Slide captions:

Healthy sleep = human longevity Healthy sleep = human longevity. Author - Zheregel Yana. Director - Iskra O.Yu. Municipal educational institution Buturlinovskaya secondary school No. 1

Sleep is a natural and very important process for the human body. Sleep is a small life filled with vivid dreams, bliss and relaxation.

The human body is designed in such a way that at the end of each day it must rest or sleep. Every person needs sleep just like air or food. If a person does not follow a sleep schedule or suffers from insomnia, then his body wears out faster, and various deviations arise that lead to illness. The human body is designed in such a way that at the end of each day it must rest or sleep. Every person needs sleep just like air or food. If a person does not follow a sleep schedule or suffers from insomnia, then his body wears out faster, and various deviations arise that lead to illness.

In order for your sleep to be complete and your body to remain young and healthy longer, you need to adhere to certain rules.

Maintain a sleep schedule. You need to get up and go to bed at the same time, no matter how much you sleep. Instead of sleeping on weekends before lunch, distribute these hours on weekdays, and on weekends get up in the morning in the same way as on weekdays. Go to bed at the same time regularly. After just a month and a half, you will have a desire to sleep at the time you go to bed according to your schedule and you will wake up without an alarm clock. Maintain a sleep schedule. You need to get up and go to bed at the same time, no matter how much you sleep. Instead of sleeping on weekends before lunch, distribute these hours on weekdays, and on weekends get up in the morning in the same way as on weekdays. Go to bed at the same time regularly. After just a month and a half, you will have a desire to sleep at the time you go to bed according to your schedule and you will wake up without an alarm clock.

Your sleep should be uninterrupted. If your sleep is interrupted, you will feel sleep deprived throughout the day. It is better to sleep 6 hours continuously than 8 hours restlessly. Don't allow yourself to lie in bed after you wake up. Do not overuse naps during the day, as this can lead to insomnia. Your sleep should be uninterrupted. If your sleep is interrupted, you will feel sleep deprived throughout the day. It is better to sleep 6 hours continuously than 8 hours restlessly. Don't allow yourself to lie in bed after you wake up. Do not overuse naps during the day, as this can lead to insomnia.

Create a comfortable environment in the room where you sleep. Comfortable bed and pleasant bed dress contribute good sleep. It's better to sleep in a nightgown from natural material, and when it’s cold, it’s better to cover yourself with a blanket. Remove from the room where you sleep all household items that make noise. Create a comfortable environment in the room where you sleep. A comfortable bed and pleasant bedding promote good sleep. It is better to sleep in a nightgown made of natural material, and when it is cold, it is better to cover yourself with a blanket. Remove from the room where you sleep all household items that make noise.

Have a nice sleep!!! Have a healthy sleep!!!

Programming, projecting, influencing and controlling your dreams can be a method by which you can solve real problems using your subconscious mind.

Using dream incubation to influence them can form a set of exercises for realizing lucid dreams or it could be exercises aimed at independent decision problems. The method described in this article is about preparing for a specific dream, not about controlling dreams while you sleep. For the latter, see the wiki article on lucid dreaming. In this article, you will learn how to program your dreams to help you solve your problems and gain inspiration.


    Believe in this method. If you are not convinced that it can work, then you will make the process more difficult for yourself because your mind will fight hard, keeping you awake in the wee hours. If you're willing to give dream programming a chance, it can be an unexpected and inspiring way to use dreams to solve problems.

    Select a problem or unsolved situation that is of interest to you. Avoid piling up problems; it should be something specific and pressing.

    Before you go to bed, ask your mind to mentally work on a problem that bothers you while you sleep. Don't forget to ask him to work on a solution or perspective on the situation.

    Decide which method suits you best. Below are two methods for "programming" and influencing dreams. Each of them is equally effective, it's just that there are two different approaches, and it is up to you to decide which one is more suitable, so you will need to learn programming and managing the content of your dreams through trial and error. Both methods have supporters and opponents.

    Clearing the mind of all thoughts.

    1. Remove all thoughts about the problem from your mind. Andy Baggott believes that there is no point in continuing to think about the same problem if you are going to leave the solution to your subconscious mind. One of the main problems of your waking consciousness is that you will most likely not be able to stop concentrating on the issue at hand, you will have difficulty falling asleep, and the result will be overtiredness. Instead, he recommends putting aside all thoughts about the problem that needs solving and entrusting it to your subconscious during sleep:

      • Read your favorite book.
      • Write a poem or piece of prose. Or write a letter to a friend.
      • Talk to someone about anything other than the issue that worries you.
      • Spend time with your pets or read a book to your child at night.
      • Try to avoid stimulants such as TV, movies, video games, etc. because you run the risk of dreaming about them all night.
      • Remind yourself that if you still haven't been able to come up with a solution to a problem, thinking too hard won't help you. Have faith and trust your subconscious.
    2. Try to sleep. Lie down and relax. Put aside all extraneous thoughts about your problems and try to fall asleep.

    Focus on the problem before bed

      Lie down, relax and focus on the problem you would like to solve or on finding the inspiration you need.

      Close your eyes and imagine key images for your dream. If you are unable to do this, read your programming notes (if you have made them) again, imagine the sounds in the background of the image, what you see and how it feels.

      Fall asleep with these images and sounds in your head.

    • Try to sleep in a quiet place, avoiding any distractions.
    • Don't forget about the small details, they are important too.
    • You may not be able to influence dreams for a certain time, but don’t give up trying.
    • Lie in darkness and silence long before you are going to sleep, at this time replay the dream in your mind and slowly float away into the distance.
    • A simple way to distinguish a dream from reality is to draw a symbol on your hand before going to bed. As you fall asleep, think that “When I look at my hands, I will realize that I am dreaming” or something similar. If you wake up and realize it's not working, try again. Eventually, you will think in your sleep, “My hand!” And lucid dreaming must begin.
    • Try to place the symbol on the ceiling or near the bed, in a place that you can easily access. Look at it for a few minutes before you fall asleep and after you wake up. This will help you remember your dreams better.
    • Let soft music play that relates to your sleep.
    • Re-read your dream journal often.
    • If you remember your dreams, it means they are lucid.

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