Home Pulpitis Allergy on the body from the cat. What is dangerous about cat allergies - symptoms and how to get rid of it forever

Allergy on the body from the cat. What is dangerous about cat allergies - symptoms and how to get rid of it forever

Allergy- serious illness, depriving a person of the joy of communicating with cats. Tears, uncontrollable sneezing, rashes and itching are the most harmless manifestations of the disease. Can an allergy sufferer enjoy the presence of a cat in the house without harming their health?

Allergy is a disease that is often inherited. A person suffering from allergies at some point experienced a “failure of the defense system”: the immune system mistakes a harmless substance for an enemy. Scientists do not fully understand the mechanism of excess immune reaction, although research in this area does not stop around the world.

Why do cats cause allergies?

Saliva, urine and other fluids produced by a cat contain proteins that cause allergies. By licking, the pet spreads the allergen throughout its fur coat, so some people have the misconception that it is the fur that causes allergy symptoms. In fact, the provocateur is a foreign protein that has entered the body, and not the wool itself. Often the reaction occurs to industrial feed or litter for the toilet, so before you look for a pet new house, you should take blood tests to determine the allergen.

How does an allergy manifest itself?

Depending on the severity of the disease, individual characteristics and the amount of allergen entering the body, the following reactions are possible:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes, sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose;
  • photosensitivity, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, red eyes;
  • skin rash, often itchy, appearing in the area of ​​contact with the allergen or throughout the body in a mirror pattern;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing, wheezing.

Signs of an allergy to pets are nonspecific. Similar symptoms appear with allergies to rodents, pollen, food, dyes and much more. There are cases where the disease subsides after several years of living next to a cat, but communication with other people's cats causes unpleasant symptoms. Apparently, the immune system “gets used” to the allergen of a particular cat and stops fighting it. However, if the patient has difficulty breathing, such experiments can only be performed under the constant supervision of a doctor.


Treatment of irritated mucous membranes can be carried out with the help of drugs that reduce the amount of fluid - diuretics. Also, for irritation of the nasal mucosa, you can use drops or sprays with xylometazoline, and for irritation of the eyes, special ointments. If the allergy is very severe and accompanied by suffocation, call immediately ambulance, a necessary series of emergency resuscitation actions.
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03.10.2016 15:48:48, RuslanaTina

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Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. Can a cat allergy be cured? Those. It is necessary - if not everything is done - to urgently do all the tests for intolerance and allergies.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

For many people, a cat is a full-fledged member of the family, parting with which is unacceptable. Many people get pets when they begin adult life separately from their parents or start their own family with a loved one. However, according to statistics, symptoms of allergy to cats are common in adults - every sixth person suffers from them. This limits or completely eliminates the possibility of communicating with furry creatures, which, of course, is very offensive.

Before purchasing a pet, you need to find out how allergies to cats are expressed in adults and make sure that you definitely do not have one.

Some time ago there was an opinion that allergies arise from animal fur. Allergy sufferers found a completely logical way out of this situation - they got a hairless cat and fully enjoyed its affection and warmth. However, this was not possible in every case - sometimes Sphynx cats also caused cat allergy symptoms in adults and children. The photo below is an example of such a pet.

The whole point is that The allergen is not the cat's fur itself, but what the animal carries on its hairs. Sebaceous glands four-legged friends produce protein, which is perceived negatively by the body of some people. The human immune system may perceive cat protein as a threat, which is why a runny nose, cough, rash and other unpleasant symptoms occur.

In addition, cats that roam freely outside can carry dust, lint, pollen or mold particles on their fur. A person may be allergic to all this, so if you notice unpleasant symptoms after you start letting your pet out for a walk, it makes sense not to do this, no matter how much the cat asks to go outside.

Allergies can occur to dry pet food. Manufacturers add meat production waste and chemical components to it, to which the human body can react with itching, runny nose and other negative manifestations. In this case, a pattern is revealed - the allergy occurs immediately or some time after you pour the food into the bowl. Then you need to choose another mixture, a more expensive one, or switch the animal to natural food.

It’s not just your pet’s food that is dangerous, but also cat litter. After an owner changes the formula in his cat's litter box, he may feel bad smell, which seems to settle in the lungs. It intensifies after the pet uses the toilet. For most, this smell does not pose any danger, but for others it causes allergies. More expensive and high-quality fillers usually eliminate the problem.

How to express

Typically, cat allergies in adults develop under the influence of provoking factors. Even if you have never had problems interacting with cats, under the influence of hormonal changes in the body or severe stress, the immune system may fail. This is especially true for those people who have animal allergies among their immediate family.

The symptoms of cat allergy in an adult and a child are the same. Most often, allergic rhinitis occurs, accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • runny nose with copious discharge;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • swelling around or inside the nose.

If you are allergic to cats, rhinitis is often accompanied by conjunctivitis. Eyeballs they turn red, the eyelids swell, and swelling of the face occurs. The eyes are constantly itchy, watery, sometimes painful, and vision may temporarily deteriorate. If no measures are taken, the swelling may increase so much that instead of the eyes only narrow slits will be visible.

If the allergen gets into Airways, then allergic bronchitis develops. At first it feels like a sore throat or bronchi, then there is a feeling of heaviness in the lungs or pressure on the chest. After this, a paroxysmal cough develops, which may be accompanied by shortness of breath.

Bronchial asthma is special case body reactions to cat protein. This disease can develop even after a single case of close contact with an animal, if the person initially had genetic predisposition to that. In addition, asthma can result from constant contact with cats if the patient has not taken any measures against an allergic reaction.

Skin manifestations of cat protein intolerance are also possible. In this case, the allergy manifests itself as a rash, itching, redness or peeling of the skin. The rash can appear in the form of small pimples or large papules filled with clear liquid. Most often, skin reactions occur at the site of contact with wool, food or litter, but general damage to the skin throughout the body is also possible.

Important! Manifestations of allergies to cats in adults can be combined, for example, rhinitis is often accompanied by conjunctivitis or bronchitis.

In addition to local reactions, it is possible general deterioration condition. You may feel that your temperature is rising, although it remains constant, and it is unusual for allergies to increase it. In addition, after contact with a cat, an allergic person feels weakness, drowsiness, irritability, loss of concentration and decreased performance, and emotional sensitivity often increases.

How to treat

The first thing to do when an allergy to a cat occurs is to move away from it so that the concentration of the allergen in the blood does not increase. After this, you need to take an antiallergic drug that will block chemical reaction, occurring in the body.

To determine which medicine is best for you, you should consult your doctor. One of the following antihistamines is usually prescribed:

  • first generation - Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil;
  • second generation - Claridol, Clarotadine, Lomilan, Claritin, Rupafin, Cetrin, Zirtec;
  • third generation - Telfast, Allerfex, Erius, Ezlor, Dezal, Fenkarol, Gistafen.

Third generation drugs are considered the most effective– they also have a smaller list of side effects. First generation antihistamines are the cheapest, but they are sedative drugs, that is, they cause drowsiness and weakness.

Second generation drugs can be called the golden mean - they are effective and do not affect too much nervous system and belong to the middle price category.

To get rid of a runny nose, you can additionally use antiallergic drops or sprays. The following drugs are considered popular:

  • Claritin;
  • Loratadine;
  • Benadryl;
  • Sanorin Analergin;
  • Nasonex;
  • Cromohexal.

In addition, you can rinse your nose with sprays based on sea ​​water. These include Aqualor, Aquamaris, Marimer, Humer, etc. Also reduce the severity of symptoms allergic rhinitis rinsing your nose will help saline solution or chamomile decoction.

To remove puffiness from the eyes, lotions are made. To do this, a cotton pad is moistened in a decoction of chamomile, mint or sage, and then applied to the closed eye. The same can be done with a weak solution of Furacilin.

If you are allergic to cats skin rash and itching, then topical gels and ointments are used. They are divided into non-hormonal and hormonal. The latter are more effective, but can negatively affect the body when frequent use. Among all external use products, Bepanten, Comfoderm, Ftorokort and Akriderm can be distinguished.

Is it completely curable?

All of the above remedies are not intended for the treatment of allergies to cats in adults and do not affect the body’s ability to perceive cat protein as a threat.

They only relieve the symptoms of such a reaction.

If you continue to be in contact with the cat, the allergy will occur again and again. Of course, you can constantly take antihistamine tablets, but in addition to the fact that this is harmful to health, this approach gradually becomes addictive to the drug, and it stops working.

It's hard to turn down the opportunity to have a furry friend, so some people don't give up hope of getting rid of allergies forever. Fortunately, medicine has already come up with a way to treat allergies to cats in adults. There is a special immunotherapy that eliminates the need to grab a handkerchief every time an animal appears in sight.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is carried out over several months as prescribed by a doctor. The patient is injected subcutaneously with a substance containing cat protein in a small concentration. This forces the immune system to reconsider its views on furry friends.

Important! At first, injections are given every day, then the frequency is reduced, and at the end of the course, 1 injection is given every 5-10 days. ASIT helps to completely get rid of allergies - the body stops perceiving cat protein as a threat, so there is no runny nose, itching, cough and other symptoms.

During therapy, signs of allergy to cats in adults do not always disappear. Only the severity of reactions decreases.

Sometimes, while a person intensively searches for information about whether cat allergies can be treated in adults, it goes away on its own. This usually happens after serious changes in the body, for example, after a hormonal imbalance. Sometimes an allergy resolves itself using the “knock on fire” method – the patient purposefully constantly contacts his own cat in order to force the body to take it for granted. Within a few days, an addiction to cat protein develops, and negative reactions do not occur. Only during this period will you have to constantly take antihistamines

and apply preventive measures. During habituation, the allergy most often disappears only to your own cat - to everyone else the reaction will be the same.

If an allergy appears suddenly, and a furry pet already lives in the house, then parting with it is the most extreme step, which not everyone can decide to take. In this case, it is recommended to undergo ASIT and additionally protect yourself from possible reactions body to cat protein. To do this, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

All this will allow you to temporarily rid yourself of unpleasant symptoms, and some manage to constantly coexist with a cat in this mode for a long time, even without the use of immunotherapy.


Symptoms of an allergy to cat fur in adults, as well as to other irritants, can occur at any age, therefore, at the first suspicion of animal intolerance, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an allergist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then you need to choose the best path for yourself - give your pet to a new home, undergo long-term therapy, or constantly use tablets, sprays and ointments (the latter is not recommended).

In contact with

Having got an animal, a person does not even imagine that the smallest particles of cat saliva and skin can be recognized by his immune system as enemies. The body, in defense, will begin to secrete antibodies, which will force it to experience the whole bouquet allergic symptoms. But cats are the second most common cause of allergies in humans; The number of people with cat allergies is twice as high as those with dog allergies.

What are the symptoms of a cat allergy?

Allergy symptoms are not always directly related to the presence of an animal in the house - allergens can be carried on the clothes of people who have been in contact with a furry pet. As a rule, allergies appear a short time after a person comes into contact with particles of the cat's epidermis, cat urine or saliva (more than 90% of allergy sufferers react to them). And if the level of sensitivity to the allergen is low or the amount of irritant is small, allergy symptoms may not develop until several days after exposure to the allergen. Saliva gets on the cat's fur when the animal licks itself; The largest number of allergens is contained in the saliva of males.

Cat allergens can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa and redness and pain in the eyes, which usually leads to tears and a stuffy nose. Any contact with a cat is especially sensitive people may even cause a rash on the face, neck, or upper chest. Often allergies are accompanied by fatigue, tiredness, a person constantly coughs due to postnasal drip - when due to inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, sinuses or nasopharynx, mucous secretions flow into the lower parts of the respiratory tract. However, if a person has a fever, chills, nausea or vomiting, these are signs of illness, not allergies.

When allergens enter the lungs, they are bound by antibodies and cause symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, and wheezing. Allergies to cats can cause acute attack asthma or turns out to be the cause of chronic asthma. If a person suffering from chronic asthma is also allergic to cats, in about a third of cases contact with the animal can cause an asthmatic attack.

It is worth adding that it can be difficult to determine the cause of the allergy if the animal is constantly at home. It happens that allergies are caused by other reasons - for example, dust mites(allergy to them is similar to feline symptoms). Before taking action, it is important to consult a doctor and make sure that the allergy is caused by your pet.


If you are allergic to cats, a person may cough, sneeze, itchy face, especially the nose and eyes, the eyelids are red, swollen, and tears flow. Areas where your cat may have scratched, bitten or licked are red and inflamed. Sometimes, in especially severe cases, a person breaks out in a rash. If the patient already suffers from asthma, meeting a cat can provoke difficulty breathing and an asthmatic attack.

How is a cat allergy diagnosed?

Typically, the presence of allergies is determined using two methods - a skin test and/or a blood test. Skin tests can be either superficial (application) or intradermal (injection). Skin tests take little time to process results and typically cost less than a blood test.

Skin tests are performed by an allergist in a special office to reduce the likelihood of complications during testing. In superficial testing, the doctor will shallowly prick or scratch the surface of the patient's skin (usually the forearm or back) with a special instrument (scarifier) ​​and apply either a substance containing the suspected allergen or a completely harmless substance (for a control test) to the injection site. Most often, a person is tested for several allergens at once.
The presence of allergies is determined by the following signs: plot skin where the allergen was applied becomes red, itchy, and swollen. Usually these unpleasant phenomena disappear about thirty minutes after the start of the test. It is worth adding that some medications taken by the patient may interfere with the test, so it is recommended to clarify this issue with your doctor.

A blood test is usually used if the patient's health condition or age prevents skin testing. In such cases, a blood test is taken from the person at the doctor's office or laboratory and tested for antibodies to common allergens, including cat saliva. Of course, obtaining a result takes longer than with skin tests, but unlike the latter, a blood test is safer - there is no risk of an allergic reaction.

How to cure cat allergies

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of allergies. It is only possible to alleviate the intensity and frequency of its symptoms using the following methods:

  • taking precautions
  • taking antihistamine medications
  • undergoing allergen-specific immunotherapy
  • using home remedies

Cat allergy tablets

Allergy symptoms can be reduced or prevented by taking the following:

  • Antihistamines containing diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine, Bendaryl), chloropyramine (Suprastin), loratadine (Claritin) or cetirizine (Zyrtec). Relieves allergy symptoms and prevents allergic attacks.
  • Nasal sprays containing corticosteroids, such as fluticasone (Nazarel, Flixotide) or mometasone (Nasonex, Elocom). These drugs are used in the treatment of allergies and the prevention of asthma and allergic rhinitis.
  • Aerosols for inhalation, active substance which is cromolyn sodium (Cromolyn, Intal, Kromospir). Used in case of bronchial spasms to prevent their occurrence.
  • Leukotriene inhibitors such as montelukast (Almont, Montelar, Singlon). These drugs have bronchodilator properties and help relieve persistent allergic rhinitis.


Allergen-specific immunotherapy (also known as desensitization or hyposensitization) can help a person get rid of seasonal allergies, allergies to insect bites and even allergy-induced asthma. True, this method of treatment is useless when food allergies. Allergen-specific immunotherapy works like this: the human body is exposed to ever-increasing doses of the allergen in an attempt to change its response to it. immune system.

In the case of cat allergies, immunotherapy does not always work. This is a long process that can take adults literally several years. Side effects usually not very pronounced, they are easy to get rid of by adjusting the dose. In some cases it is possible to develop anaphylactic shock Therefore, procedures must be performed in a medical environment and under the supervision of a physician.

Immunotherapy should not be given to children under five years of age.

Treating allergy symptoms at home

Rinsing your nose is one way to ease an allergy attack. Using salt water or a special solution cleanses the nasal passages and reduces the accumulation of mucus in them (which can drain into the lower respiratory tract, causing inflammation). The solution can be either purchased or made at home by mixing half a teaspoon of salt with a glass of boiled warm water (if rinsing will cause discomfort, the amount of salt should be reduced).

It can also reduce the intensity of allergy symptoms. medicinal herb butterbur; exist medical research, confirming that drugs based on it can alleviate the course of seasonal hay fever (however, it is unclear how effective their use will be in the case of cat allergies). Worth choosing medicines based on butterbur, which have undergone special processing; The pyrrolizidine alkaloids found in unprocessed butterbur can cause liver harm. It is also not recommended to use butterbur if a person is allergic to its related coltsfoot.

It is popularly accepted to use biologically as anti-allergenic agents. active additives and acupuncture sessions, but the effectiveness of both has not been confirmed by medical research.

Precautions for cat allergies

The above remedies can help reduce the intensity of allergy symptoms, but you can get rid of them completely only if you follow the following safety measures:

  • Never touch, cuddle or kiss cats. It's surprising how many allergy sufferers don't follow this simple rule.
  • Before receiving guests, you should find out if any of them have a pet. Such guests may carry tiny particles of cat saliva or skin flakes. In this case, it is worth meeting on neutral territory - for example, in a cafe.
  • What to do if necessity forces you to spend some time with people who have a pet? The first step is to ask them in advance (a couple of weeks in advance) not to allow the animal into the room where the person suffering from allergies will sleep. It is also recommended to start taking allergy medications early; they will help prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Allergy to a cat in a child

Scientists are still fiercely debating whether cats contribute to allergies in children or not. Different studies showed different results. In general, we have so far agreed on the following: cats do not cause allergies in children if they lived in the house before the birth of the child. Children who have lived with pets from the very beginning are less susceptible to allergies than their non-pet-fed peers. However, introducing a cat into the life of a child already susceptible to other allergies can only worsen the situation.

What to do if you are allergic to cats, but don’t want to give the animal away?

Of course, the easiest way to get rid of allergy symptoms is to remove the irritant - the animal that causes it. However, some pet owners are ready to do anything for their sake. Fortunately, there are methods that, although they do not promise that cat allergies can be cured, are quite capable of helping to reduce its manifestations even if there is a cat in the house.

  • It is recommended not to allow the animal into the room where a person suffering from allergies sleeps. If the cat's owners live in country house, it is advisable to let your furry pet out for a walk as often as possible (of course, after first making sure that the animal is safe).
  • After petting your cat, it is preferable to wash your hands every time. If possible, a person who is not allergic to cats should take care of the animal (fill and wash water and food bowls, take out the litter box, comb it, trim its claws).
  • It is also recommended to bathe your cat more often. If the animal is not very afraid of water, and the person suffers less from allergies, it is worth washing the cat on a regular basis.
  • It is worth getting rid of carpets and upholstered furniture. Wooden floors, laminate, linoleum, tiles and no textile wall coverings will all help reduce the number of allergens in the home.
  • It is preferable to use floor mats made of dense materials that can be washed in hot water, and regularly wet clean them.
  • It is advisable to install an air purifier and frequently change the filters in your air conditioner and/or heater.
  • The humidity level in the house should be around 40%.
  • Also, those suffering from allergies to cats can benefit from using a HEPA type filter in their apartment or work area - high efficiency air filters. They are able to block allergens - cat dander, saliva and fur, as well as pollen, dust mites and so on.
  • It is recommended to wear a cloth mask over your face while cleaning or dusting. But the easiest way (if there is necessary funds) involve a person who is not allergic to cats in cleaning.
  • And if the allergy to an animal is so severe that all the above measures do not help, you should think about immunotherapy.

Cats that are not allergic

In about 10% of the population who suffer from cat allergies, symptoms are caused by a special protein produced by the animal's body - Fel d 1. Some cat breeds produce it in smaller quantities than others.
The key word here is “less”. There are no completely, 100% hypoallergenic cat breeds. Even hairless cats wash themselves with their own saliva and, like people, get rid of dead skin flakes. However, for people with mild allergies it is quite possible to have pet, if you select an animal from one of the following breeds:

  • Sphinxes (Canadian, Don, etc.)
  • Siberian
  • Balinese (Balinese)
  • Bengal
  • Burmese
  • Colorpoint color
  • Cornish Rex
  • Devon Rex
  • Javanese
  • Oriental Shorthair/Oriental Longhair
  • Russian Blue
  • Siamese

Allergic reactions to cats vary: from mild (sneezing, coughing) to serious manifestations (for example, an asthma attack). An allergy is a strong reaction of the immune system to animal dander, which the body perceives as a source of danger. As a result, the body produces a substance called histamine, which provokes an allergic reaction. It is possible to reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions with the help of medications, but they are not suitable for everyone, so it may be necessary to deal with allergies in other ways.


Taking medications

    Talk to an allergist. If you have a cat allergy, talk to your doctor about the extent of your symptoms. If the allergy is severe, your doctor may advise you to find another home for your pet. If symptoms are mild, changing habits or changing medications may be enough.

    • The type and dosage of drugs is always individual, so follow the recommendations of the doctor and the manufacturer.
  1. Take antihistamines. Due to contact with an allergen, the body produces histamine in excess. An antihistamine blocks the receptors with which histamine interacts, reducing the cellular effect of increased amounts of histamine in the blood. This means that antihistamines reduce symptoms of allergies, including sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny nose. First generation antihistamines (such as diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Diphenhydramine)) cause severe drowsiness and may need to be avoided. Antihistamines may also cause dizziness, dry mouth, headache and indigestion. Try taking different drugs to find what's right for you.

    Use decongestants. Decongestants help relieve swelling of the nasopharynx that occurs as a result of an allergic reaction. These remedies also reduce other symptoms of allergies, so they may help you if you have other symptoms in addition to a swollen throat and nose.

    Ask your doctor about steroids. Steroids suppress the immune system by reducing inflammation. These drugs are most effective when constant use and are sold by prescription only. The first results do not appear immediately, so the effectiveness of the drug should be assessed after at least two weeks.

    Ask your doctor about injections. If your allergies are difficult to control, you may need special injections (immunotherapy) to reduce your reaction to cat dander. The injections contain a small amount of the allergen. Every week or two you will be given an injection, gradually increasing the amount of allergen in the drug. The course usually lasts 3–6 months. Injections allow you to train your body not to react to cat fur.

    How to minimize contact with cats

    1. Don't go into houses where there are cats. If you have severe allergies, ask people in advance if they have cats. If there is, say that you cannot come due to allergies. Meet these people in other places or invite them to your place.

      Be careful when interacting with people who have cats. If you went to a place where there is a cat, there may be traces of dander on your clothes, which can cause an allergic reaction. When you get home, wash your clothes in hot water to remove any traces of cat dander.

      • This also applies to the clothes of people who have cats. Traces of cats, including fur, remain on clothing. Tell the person that you have severe allergies and explain that you have to keep your distance, but don't make a big deal out of it.
      • At work, try not to sit next to people who have cats, but don't be impolite. Yes, you have an allergy, but your behavior may offend a person. Calmly explain the situation and offer a compromise.
    2. Don't touch cats. This one may seem obvious, but it is extremely important for you to avoid direct contact with cats. This will reduce the risk of developing allergies, since a reaction can be triggered by allergen residues on the hands. Allergic reactions are caused by a protein in cat saliva (Fel D1).

    How to treat your cat

      Keep your cat outside the house. If you can't bring yourself to give up your cat, try relocating it outside (if you have your own home). You can place the cat in a separate house in the yard. This way the cat will be able to walk outside during the day.

      Create cat-free zones in your home. If you reduce the amount of cat dander in the areas where you spend most of your time, you will be less likely to encounter cat dander. allergic reactions. Don't let your cat come into your bedroom. Since you sleep in the bedroom, you will be inhaling cat dander all night if she is nearby. Hold closed doors all rooms where cats are not allowed.

      Try living separately from your cat. To check whether your cat is really causing your allergies, move it to another home for 1-2 months. Clean your home thoroughly to remove traces of dandruff and clean at least once a week. Observe your allergies and how they change.

      Bathe your cat every week. Your cat probably won't like it, but you might want to try bathing her once a week. You can entrust this to a family member who does not have allergies. You cannot bathe your cat more than twice a week, otherwise the fur will begin to get tangled and dry out.

      Brush your cat daily. To reduce hair in your home, brush your cat's fur thoroughly for 10-15 minutes every day. Discard the wool immediately. To prevent the allergen from spreading throughout the house, do it outside. Ask a family member to do this for you if you can.

    How to purify the air

    1. Clean your home regularly. If there is a cat in the house, you should clean it often. Wipe off dust, wash clothes, and brush the surfaces of the sofa at least once a week. Use brushes that attract cat hair, and collect the hair with tape or adhesive roller. Discard the wool immediately. You can also:

      • Use a vacuum cleaner to avoid lifting allergens from the floor into the air.
      • Sweep the floor daily in areas where cats frequent. Allergens on the floor will rise into the air if you walk on or sit on them.
      • If possible, replace carpet with tile or wood. If you have carpet, always vacuum it with a HEPA filter.
      • Wash your cat's toys, bedding, and bedding in hot water as often as possible. This will also reduce the number of allergens in your home.

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