Home Wisdom teeth How do children's cat allergies manifest? Cat allergy - how to help your child? Treatment of cat protein allergy

How do children's cat allergies manifest? Cat allergy - how to help your child? Treatment of cat protein allergy

Representatives of the cat family easily conquer the hearts of children and adults. Kids love to play with fluffy beauties, pet them and hug them.

After contact with the pet, the child begins to feel unwell. Any deterioration in health may be a manifestation allergic reaction.

To distinguish a cat allergy from another disease, you need to understand the symptoms of the allergy.


Cats pose a particular danger to children with allergies and children with reduced immunity.

In this case, even a short-term interaction with an animal may cause the baby’s body to react unpredictably.

If the cat is used to walking outside, the allergy may be a reaction to pollen, Poplar fluff and dust, particles of which inevitably “come” into the house along with your pet.

Many parents ask themselves why their child is allergic to cats? The answer may lie in genetic predisposition, excessive attention to hygiene, the presence concomitant diseases(hay fever, atopic dermatitis etc.).

What to do if you are allergic to a cat

If an allergist has identified the cause of the allergy, and the cause is a cat, it is necessary to provide the baby with the correct treatment.

Most often it involves taking decongestants and antihistamines. medicines.

Sometimes used local drugs, capable of eliminating the manifestation individual symptoms– allergic conjunctivitis, nasal congestion.

The following will help reduce the severity of allergies: preventive measures:

  • Daily wet cleaning;
  • Frequent ventilation of the room;
  • Regular washing of cat litter, washing bowls and toys;
  • Cleaning carpets, replacing them with washable coverings;
  • Isolating the cat from the child (if this cannot be done, you need to put the cat’s litter box and food bowls in another room);
  • Feeding the animal with high-quality feed;
  • Regular washing of the pet (1-2 times a week).

Cat breeds that do not cause allergies

Since a child’s body reacts not to a cat’s fur, but to its saliva, urine and skin, an animal of any breed can become the culprit of an allergy. Hypoallergenic cats are considered to be those breeds whose saliva and skin contain less allergen.

These breeds are:

  • Balinese;
  • Oriental Shorthair;
  • Javanese;
  • Devon Rex;
  • Cornish Rex;
  • Siberian;
  • Sphinx.

Some more facts about cat allergies:

  • The saliva of kittens contains less allergen than the saliva of adult animals;
  • Cats are less allergenic than cats;
  • After castration/sterilization, the amount of allergen in cat saliva decreases;
  • Light-haired cats are less allergenic than dark-haired cats.

Before buying a pet, agree with the seller that if necessary, you can return the kitten back.

About 25% of the world's population suffer from allergies to various irritants. Allergic reactions cause unpleasant symptoms, force you to make adjustments to your lifestyle. Children are often susceptible to allergies. A negative reaction of the body can be not only to food, plants, chemical substances, but also on domestic animals, in particular cats.

Determining what exactly caused the allergy is not easy. The external symptoms of different manifestations are almost the same. Before treating a child, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis to determine the allergen.

Causes of allergy to cats in children

The mechanism of development and causes of allergic reactions to various irritants are not completely clear. Allergy is the body’s reaction to contact with certain factors. According to one version, the immune system directs macrophages to the “agent,” which swallow the foreign antigen and digest it internally.

Another mechanism for the occurrence of allergies is that the immune system itself begins to produce proteins that settle on tissues. And when the cat allergen penetrates again, an allergic reaction is triggered. Immunoglobulins connect with the allergen using special receptors and produce immune compounds that disrupt tissue function. U mast cells the membrane ruptures, histamine is released from it into the intercellular fluid. This is what gives the typical allergy symptoms.

There are several suspected causes of cat allergies:

  • Genetic predisposition. Mutations occur during intrauterine development, the “program” of the immune system goes astray.
  • Excessive attention to hygiene. Parents, trying to sterilize everything around them, immerse the child in artificial isolation. His immune system is not trained to protect the body from microorganisms. As a result, it weakens and is unable to withstand serious threats in the future.

None of the theories presented today provides a clear explanation of why children develop allergies.

Reference! The cat itself is not the causative agent of allergies. It can be caused by fur, secretions, or skin particles. Sometimes shampoo or pet food can trigger a reaction.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

A child's allergic reaction to a cat can manifest itself in different ways. There may be one symptom or a whole complex of them. Signs of allergies may also indicate the presence of other, more serious diseases.

Typical symptoms of a cat allergy:

  • nasal congestion;
  • regular sneezing;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • presence of dry cough;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • redness and rashes on the skin, itching;
  • tearing and pain in the eyes.

Suddenly, the child may become lethargic, drowsy, and have a bad mood. Symptoms may occur immediately after contact with the animal or several hours after it. Cat allergies can be seasonal. During seasons when the child’s immune system is stronger, the animal may not cause irritation.


When the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you should not immediately “sin” about the presence of a cat. First, you need to temporarily remove the child from contact with the animal. If the symptoms do not disappear, then the source of irritation should be looked elsewhere. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult an allergist. He will refer the child for allergy tests, which will help determine the causative agent of the allergy.

Often a child has allergies external signs rhinitis, dermatitis, conjunctivitis. Before making a diagnosis, you need to have your cat examined by a veterinarian for the presence of infectious diseases which she can pass on to the child (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, lichen).

Treatment with drugs

How to get rid of cat allergies? Cure allergies modern medicine not yet possible. Most effective method counteract the disease - eliminate contact with the allergen. Besides symptomatic treatment is used, which includes:

  • Taking antihistamines – they stop the action of histamines, which cause allergy symptoms.
  • The use of vasoconstrictor drugs can reduce swelling and remove stagnant mucus from the body.
  • Taking general antisymptomatic medications has a complex effect on the child’s body.

1st generation antihistamines are very effective against allergy symptoms:

  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil.

The above remedies are contraindicated in infants, because they cause a lot side effects. From the first month of life, Fenistil drops can be prescribed for oral administration. Fenistil gel is suitable to relieve irritation and itching on the skin.

Quickly relieve allergy symptoms antihistamines 2 generations that do not cause addiction and drowsiness:

  • Claritin;
  • Loratidine;
  • Ebastine;
  • Zyrtec.

To remove toxins and cleanse the body, it is recommended to take enterosorbents:

  • Polysorb;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Atoxyl;
  • Enterosgel.

Eye drops for allergies:

  • Cromoglin (allowed from 1 month);
  • Kromosol (from 2 years);
  • Lecrolin (from 4 years old).

To relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and facilitate nasal breathing in a child, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops into the nose:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Prevalin.

Important! Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs for children is prohibited. The maximum duration of use is 4-5 days.

From 2 years of age, medications can be prescribed in spray form. Effective new generation sprays:

  • Avamis;
  • Nasonex.
  • Fliconase (from 4 years old).

Except medications For allergies to cats, the following treatment methods are used:

  • Ultrasonic inhalation;
  • Herbal medicine;
  • Lipid therapy;
  • Lymphotropic therapy.

Folk remedies and recipes

The use of such drugs should be in addition to the main treatment. It is worth considering that many plants themselves are allergens and their use for the treatment of children should be agreed with an allergist.

Proven recipes:

  • Pour 1.5 teaspoons of string into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Wipe the baby's skin with warm infusion.
  • Dilute dry dill with water 1:2. Infuse and apply as compresses to the child’s skin.
  • Manifestations of allergic conjunctivitis can be eliminated by rubbing the eyes with infusions of chamomile or calendula.

If it is not possible to avoid contact of the child with the cat and allergic manifestations not very intense, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.
  • Isolate the cat and its accessories from the child.
  • Remove long-pile carpets and wool items.
  • Limit the child’s tactile contact with the animal.
  • Wash your child's hands and change clothes more often.
  • Wash things with special anti-allergenic products.
  • It is recommended to bathe your cat 2 times a week.
  • Feed the animal only high-quality food.

Cat breeds that do not cause allergies

Cat breeds with minimal risk of allergic reactions child's body:

  • Asher;
  • Bombay;
  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • Devon Rex.

Some studies have shown that cats are less likely to cause allergies than cats. Also, small kittens are less allergenic than adults.

An allergy to cats in a child has the same manifestations as other types of allergies. And they are all treated the same. The most effective way to get rid of an allergy is to eliminate its source. Symptomatic treatment antihistamines and other drugs can only temporarily block the manifestations of the disease. If a cat is the cause of your child's allergy, it is better to stop keeping the pet in the house.

Why are children allergic to cats? How to fix negative symptoms? Find out the answer by watching the following video:

When there are animals in the house, for example, cats, then direct contact with children is simply inevitable. However, if a child has an allergy, then the animal’s fur will act as an active allergen, causing the appearance of rashes on the skin, redness, itching and other irritations. To block such a reaction, parents are advised to understand the etymology of the child’s allergic reaction to cat fur. It is also worth considering the possible specific course of the disease.

When small child there is a predisposition to allergies, immune protective functions are reduced, then minor contact with an animal can provoke an atypical manifestation of the body’s reaction.

The main symptoms are manifested in the following signs:

  • upon contact with a cat, the mucous membrane of the eye begins to be irritated, tearing occurs, and then redness of the eyeball occurs;
  • Possible nasal congestion, difficulty breathing;
  • the appearance of slight sneezing;
  • if the allergen is strong enough for the body, an allergic cough occurs;
  • the child is drowsy and lethargic;
  • worsening mood and appearance of irritability;
  • rashes and minor redness appear on the skin.

Attention! If a child has several of the above symptoms, it is recommended to give an antihistamine (approved for the treatment of children) to avoid complications, or to cause ambulance(if the child is too small).

Manifestation primary signs Allergies after contact with animal fur occur instantly or can make themselves felt after a few hours. It has been determined that a child’s body can react to wool breeds of cats, but not show any allergic reactions when in contact with hairless animals.


The atypical reaction of the child’s body is explained genetic predisposition. When one of the parents is allergic to pets or during fetal development in immune system changes occurred and the cells succumbed to mutation, thus making the child’s body vulnerable to future allergens.

It is important! Long time after birth, the allergy may not manifest itself in any way, and the child will calmly come into contact with animals, but after three years an irreparable condition may arise every time he touches a cat. Statistics confirm that the main allergic reactions in children to cats are observed between the ages of three and seven years, but cases cannot be ruled out when a child suffers from allergies after a year.

Allergic reaction to cats one year old child difficult to determine, since the symptoms may be no different from the manifestations of food allergies. The main symptoms are nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, and skin redness (especially on the face). To accurately confirm the diagnosis and establish the causative agent-allergen, a detailed examination is necessary.

Carefully! Sometimes children develop an allergy due to a cat’s allergic reaction to food containing components that irritate the receptors. Characteristic signs are sneezing and irritation of the ocular mucosa.

When a cat allergy is diagnosed in a newborn, this is evidence that the baby’s immune system is completely weakened. Therefore, there is an urgent need to strengthen protective functions.

How is the disease diagnosed?

To identify atypical reaction the child's body on the animal requires testing followed by consultation with a therapist and allergist. In medicine, several methods have been identified to confirm the diagnosis of allergies:

  1. Scarification scraping. From skin A small scraping is taken from the child, the materials of which are examined in the laboratory, and then a reliable result about the allergen is provided.
  2. Provocative test. This method The study involves the manipulation of instillation of a certain provoking liquid into the nose, which causes allergic manifestations of the body. Thus, the tendency of the child’s body to be allergic to cats is determined. Then, if skin redness or tearing is present, a smear is required for analysis.
  3. Blood analysis. This research manipulation is carried out to determine IgE - a cat allergen, confirming the body’s tendency to atypical reactions.

The doctor must correctly collect anamnesis, study the main and additional symptoms, and then compare them with test data. Based on this, a diagnosis is made and further treatment is determined.

Treatment methodology

If a child is diagnosed with an allergic pathology to cats, then a certain course of treatment is prescribed.

An approximate treatment regimen includes:

  • taking antihistamines that help eliminate the effect of the allergen, which provoked a pathological reaction in the body ( Zodak, Suprastin);
  • medications that relieve swelling of inflamed mucous membranes, since swelling is one of the complications clinical picture (Sudafed);
  • therapy that blocks the manifestation of the main symptoms ( Nasonex and others);
  • antiallergenic injections. They are used to stabilize the condition of an allergic person (determined by the doctor based on the symptoms present).

To prevent possible recurrent manifestations of allergic reactions, it is necessary to observe preventive actions. To do this, during the period of active therapy, the child should be completely restricted from contact with pets. It is also necessary to avoid contact with people who have cats. Parents are advised to maintain constant cleanliness in the house by wet cleaning (twice a day). An obligatory point of prevention is ventilation and ventilation of rooms where a child may be. Additionally for general strengthening the child’s body needs to drink a vitamin-mineral complex, which will be selected by a general practitioner.

It is important! The above preventive measures can be used if the child does not suffer from allergy symptoms, but there are prerequisites for a similar reaction of the body to cats and cat hair.

You can learn how an allergic reaction to animals manifests itself in children from the video.

Video - Children and animal allergies - expert commentary

Traditional therapy

Unconventional remedyRecipe
Motherwort decoctionYou should take about 50 grams of dry plant per 500 ml. water and boil for half an hour. Then, after the broth boils, let it brew (two hours). Then strain and apply for instillation into the nasal passages. If swelling of the nasopharynx is observed, then you can use a decoction to gargle. Motherwort has strong antiallergic properties, namely it relieves swelling and eliminates itching.

There is a stereotype in society that allergies to cats arise solely because of fur. If this were so, then contact with hairless cats would remain absolutely safe for allergy sufferers. But in fact, allergies to Sphynx dogs are quite common in children and adults.

The cause of the problem is not the cat's hair, but what the animal excretes. Cat dander and urine contain proteins, which, being extremely light substances, settle on furniture and things. In addition, an allergic reaction can be provoked not by the animal itself, but by dust or pollen that it brings from the street.

Symptoms of a cat allergy in a child

Let's look at how allergies to cats manifest themselves in children. Parents should be wary if:

  • the child suddenly starts sneezing;
  • a runny nose not associated with a cold appears;
  • breathing becomes difficult, dry cough, wheezing, shortness of breath occurs;
  • eyes become red or watery;
  • the skin in places where the cat has scratched or bitten turns red;
  • the child becomes lethargic and drowsy.

With a phenomenon such as a cat allergy in a child, symptoms may appear immediately or some time after contact. Sometimes it is seasonal: it goes away in the winter and worsens in the spring.

What to do if you suspect an allergy

Don't immediately start wondering where to put the cat if your child has allergies. First you need to consult a specialist and limit contact with other potential allergens. You can give the cat to friends not forever, but for a while, to make sure that the problem is not caused by overeating chocolate or tree pollen. In addition, you need to remember that sources of allergens settle on furniture and things, that is, they do not immediately disappear along with the animal.

It is also advisable to check the cat for the presence of invasive or infectious diseases that can be transmitted to people. Symptoms that make you suspect your child is allergic to a cat may actually be signs of other illnesses, perhaps more serious.

For example, the cause of itching and redness turns out to be lichen or scabies, and rhinitis in some cases hides toxoplasmosis, chlamydia or mycoplasmosis. In cats external manifestations These diseases may be absent, but in the child they manifest themselves acutely. Also, in some cases, the problem is not caused by the pet itself, but by its shampoo, food, toys or litter.

At the doctor

To make a diagnosis, the doctor always conducts a survey. You will need to tell the following:

  • Does the child have allergy attacks without contact with a cat?
  • what is the relapse rate;
  • is he suffering? allergic diseases one of the family members;
  • how often the house is cleaned;
  • does the baby have chronic diseases and what is used to treat them.

The doctor should examine the skin where the rash appears. If the child gets an appointment after clinical manifestations allergies disappear, you need to show those places where the rash was most profuse. The results of some tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. laboratory tests and tests.

If a child’s allergy to a cat is confirmed, but the animal cannot find another home, then following a few steps will help improve the situation. simple recommendations. To prevent allergic reactions, it is recommended:

  • ventilate the apartment as often as possible and thoroughly wet clean;
  • minimize the child’s tactile contact with the cat (it is advisable that he does not pick it up or bring it to his face);
  • protect the child from contact with objects used by the animal (it is better to keep the cat’s bowl, bed and toilet in a room where the baby does not enter);
  • replace carpet and long-pile carpets with linoleum or laminate;
  • Wash your child’s hands and change his clothes as often as possible;
  • bathe your cat regularly using anti-allergenic shampoo;
  • Feed your cat good quality food.

Cats are usually less allergenic than cats, and the younger the animal, the fewer allergic reactions it causes. Allergies sometimes occur to cat markings or to cat secretions during heat. For this reason, castration or sterilization of the animal may be a solution to the problem. Light-colored cats are also less allergenic than those with dark or patterned coats.

Used to treat cat allergies medicinal methods, which eliminate all other types of allergic reactions. Antihistamines relieve symptoms and normalize the patient’s well-being. Your doctor will tell you what to do if your child is allergic to a cat. He will appoint effective drug and select the dosage taking into account the baby’s age and body weight, as well as other significant factors.

Allergy is not a disease, but a condition of the body. This reaction is abnormal, since allergens are substances that are harmless to the normal body. Both children and adults are susceptible to it, and can be caused by a variety of irritants. One of these is wool. pet. How does an allergy to cats manifest itself and how is it treated?

Causes of an allergic response

Allergies to cats occur in people of any age. Those who react to dust, mold and pollen are especially susceptible to it. Experts say significant role factor of heredity. If one of the parents is exposed to an allergen, then in almost 100% of cases it will be passed on to the children. There are 2 main groups of reasons:

  1. Substances brought in by a cat from the street. Particles of dust, fluff, and plant seeds can stick to the wool.
  2. Elements (proteins) contained in saliva, skin particles, urine, and pet’s claws. They act when the body's defenses are weakened, causing a response to the allergen.

To release antibodies in response to an irritant, it is enough to be in the place where the cat was. Allergenic particles will be on carpets, furniture, and bedding.


The first symptoms of a cat allergy usually appear within a few minutes of contact with the animal. However, due to the stability of cat proteins, the first signs may appear several days after the pet is removed from the apartment.

Symptoms are often determined by the location of contact with the potential allergen:

  • when applied to the mucous membrane of the eyes, inflammation develops (). It manifests itself severe itching, swelling of the eyelids and cornea, hyperemia, intense lacrimation, short-term violation vision;
  • if particles get through nasal cavity, then inflammation of its mucous membrane occurs (). Characteristic signs are congestion, difficulty breathing, constant sneezing, profuse watery discharge, sometimes with blood streaks;
  • when hitting Airways inflammation of the bronchi occurs (bronchitis). Symptoms are cough, redness, tickling sensation in the throat, soreness. If you do not receive urgent treatment, the process will become more extensive ( bronchial asthma). Added to the listed symptoms are shortness of breath, heaviness in chest, hoarse breathing, panic attacks;
  • If you pet a cat, a skin reaction will develop. Signs: rashes in the form of pimples, itching, peeling and hyperemia of the skin. In addition to the point of contact, symptoms may appear on the neck, chest, face, and abdomen.

General manifestations are a slight rise in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes, lethargy, apathy, fatigue. They arise on an individual basis.

How do allergies manifest in children?

An allergic reaction occurs in newborns serious symptoms posing a danger to life. Severe swelling often develops, which can lead to difficulty breathing, even stopping it.

Most often, manifestations in infants occur on the skin or in the digestive tract; less often, the inflammatory process begins in the nasal cavity or the mucous membrane of the eyes. Typical symptoms in young children:

1. Frequent watery stools, refusal of milk, constant regurgitation, crying during feeding;
2. Rashes and redness throughout the body that occur in direct contact with the pet.

Allergies to cats in older children develop more intensely and more often than in their parents. The symptoms are the same, but with a more severe course:

3. Severe swelling eyelid, the child has difficulty opening his eyes;
4. Inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes;
5. Fever, dizziness, migraines;
6. Constant sneezing, sometimes without a break;
7. Difficulty in inhaling and exhaling;
8. If treatment is not timely, cyanosis (blue discoloration of the skin) develops, signaling a lack of oxygen (suffocation);
9. Quincke's edema - swelling of the face, arms, legs, and genital area.

You can prevent the fight against allergens from pets by early initiation of “communication” between the child and the pet. This minimizes the likelihood of developing allergies. It happens that children grow up and get rid of an inadequate reaction due to the body’s adaptation to external factors.

How is it diagnosed?

You can find out if you are allergic to cat fur by contacting an allergist. After the examination, he will prescribe a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the irritant and a Prick test (injection test).

Replace full examination maybe express method. It involves reading the reaction between a drop of blood and a test strip. The result cannot be considered 100% reliable, since the test only shows the presence of susceptibility to similar allergens ( cat protein, pollen, dust). The express method cannot determine which irritant you are allergic to.

How can you treat allergies?

If an allergic reaction to cats is detected, the doctor will recommend eliminating contact with the animal. Without this there is no point in further treatment, since symptoms will appear periodically.

Drug treatment consists of the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenkarol, Claridol, Clarotadine, Lomilan, Claritin, Zyrtec, Trexil, Telfast and others). They are designed to combat symptoms, since active substances block chemical reactions.
  2. Anti-edema drugs - diuretics (Lasix, Mannitol). Reduces fluid and mucus accumulation.
  3. Membrane stabilizers (Ketotifen, Cromohexal, Cromoglin). Their action is to strengthen cell membranes, which prevents the release of histamine, a substance responsible for neutralizing allergens.
  4. Hormonal agents in the form of ointments and sprays (Advantan, Akriderm, Nazonex, Nosephrine).
  5. Glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethosone). They are rarely prescribed, as they have a number of dangerous side effects.

If you do not exclude contact between an allergic person and your pet, the treatment will be ineffective. In this case, the development of Quincke's edema, asthma and death is possible.

Now you know what to do if you have an allergy to cats and how to identify it, especially if it appears in a child. Remember these tips. It’s better to save it, because then you can quickly refresh your knowledge and compare the symptoms.

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