Home Wisdom teeth A speech of gratitude from parents to the school. prose text options

A speech of gratitude from parents to the school. prose text options

Graduation party in 11th grade is both a joyful and sad event. The children are happy that it ended like this difficult stage in their lives, they are actively making plans for the future, and parents look at all this with sadness, because time has flown by so quickly and their kids have already become adults.

On this solemn day, I would like to thank the teachers for the knowledge that they invested in the children, for the patience with which they taught them, for the care, guardianship and love with which they came to lessons every day.

We bring to your attention words of gratitude to teachers from parents at the 11th grade graduation, which you can take as a basis when preparing a solemn speech.

We have selected examples for you acceptance speech for class teachers and subject teachers.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher

Your work is invaluable! You have become a second mother for our children. All this time you have instilled in them a love of books and new knowledge. Looking at today's graduates, we can say with confidence that your efforts were not in vain. Order, discipline, high academic performance, numerous victories in competitions, olympiads, competitions, indicate top level Your professionalism. There will still be many graduation ceremonies and final calls in your life, but a small part of your soul will forever remain with those who graduate today. Please accept our gratitude and low bow!

Words of gratitude to the mathematics (algebra) teacher from parents at the 11th grade graduation

Mathematics (algebra) is a science that helps us live and overcome life's obstacles every day. And you not only taught the children your subject, but also showed them how various computing processes help in conquering the world. Please accept our gratitude for putting so much effort and patience into the guys and treating them with understanding. Thank you for the care you gave to the children and the piece of soul you gave to each of them!

Words of gratitude to the native language teacher from parents at the 11th grade graduation

You spent a lot of time with our children, put knowledge in their heads native language and literature. Each child will retain a piece of your efforts. They will help them in their future studies and life. Thank you for never refusing to help them, for being a faithful advisor and assistant for them. You will forever remain in the hearts of children, and not only in their hearts, but also in their heads, because it was you who laid the basic knowledge of their native language and the culture of communication.

Parents' response at the 11th grade graduation with words of gratitude for the biology teacher

Thank you, wonderful, talented teacher and simply good man! You opened for children amazing world all living things: plants, animals and other inhabitants of our beautiful planet. You infected them with the ability to see and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Returning from your lessons, the children spoke with delight about the miracles that you told them about. It is immediately obvious that you are a teacher who loves his job. Thank you for teaching children to notice the beautiful world that surrounds them and to appreciate the lives of all the inhabitants of the planet!

Words of gratitude to the chemistry teacher

At first, your subject for children was very mysterious, it seemed that it was connected with magic. Laboratory work and experiments have always aroused great interest among children. Your audience always reminded the children of a wizard's workshop. They never ceased to be surprised by the powders that inexplicably produced substances of unexpected colors, thick clouds of colored smoke and various modifications. You managed to ignite sparks of passion and curiosity in the souls of your students. I think that each of them will remember the formula of water and oxygen for the rest of their lives. Thank you for your enormous wealth of knowledge and contribution to the development of our children!

Gratitude to a computer science teacher in prose

Thanks to you, dear teacher, we have comprehended most interesting science and learned to work in a team, like buttons on a keyboard. You taught us a lot. Now we can safely conquer any network peaks. After all, it’s true what they say: “He who owns the information owns the world!” Let your lessons always remain as informative, interesting and vibrant!

Words of gratitude to the geography teacher

Thanks to you, our children understand what a huge and mysterious world we have. Over the years of study, they learned a lot of new, interesting and beautiful things. They know what rivers flow in different countries, where the forests rustle, where the seas and oceans are, where the mountains rise into the sky and much more. Traveling with you across the world map, children discovered a lot of new things: continents, islands, countries and cities, new lands, new animals and other peoples. You told your students about the secrets of great discoveries, as a result of which they became acquainted with famous travelers, learned about ancient civilizations. By rotating the globe in class, young people discovered the planet Earth. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, “school angels” and “keepers of knowledge”!

Words of gratitude to the physics teacher

Thank you for your attention, care, and hard work! After all, teaching children the laws of Newton, Ohm, Ampere, and other famous scientists is actually not easy. You have devoted many years to our children and made great efforts. You are a teacher with a capital T, your students appreciate and love you. We, parents, wish you success in the future. educational activities, capable students, new discoveries in lessons and safe laboratory work, and also remain the same kind, bright, understanding person that you have been all these years.

Words of gratitude to a foreign language teacher

It’s hard to imagine the modern world without interaction different nations and constant communication. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of a foreign language (English), which helps people of different nationalities communicate. This became possible for our children, thanks to the high professionalism of the foreign language teacher ( in English). You have helped children expand their horizons of communication and increase their level of cultural enrichment. After all, learning another language involves immersing yourself in the culture of another country. Thank you for your invaluable work! We wish you that your health only gets stronger every day, and your heart fills with love. Be happy today, tomorrow and always!

Words of gratitude to the history teacher

It is difficult to imagine your future and the future of your country without knowledge of history. We learn from the mistakes and achievements of our ancestors, which we learn about thanks to a history teacher. Thank you for giving our children the opportunity to be proud of the history of their country, its many heroic victories and unsurpassed minds. They understand that they are also involved in creating history, so they will try to leave only a bright mark on it.

Who doesn't like a word of gratitude from a friend, acquaintance, or anyone else? This happens after any good deed or kind words. Only a grateful person who cares about people, their donated time, strength, and love can express words of gratitude.

Such a person does not take good deeds or gifts for granted; who can he be grateful to? For example, expressing sincere words of gratitude to a teacher from parents at graduation, boss, friend, doctor, etc.

Things to Remember Before Writing a Thank You Letter

Despite the fact that teachers are required to high requirements, and the public rarely finds words of praise and gratitude, many parents and students remain grateful to their teachers. How can parents express gratitude? Maybe dedicate a poem or song to them? Everyone makes their own decisions. In any individual case, the teacher will be pleased, he will be pleased that his work was noticed.

After all, the teachers have countless difficulties:

  • small salary;
  • checking notebooks and preparing for lessons day and night;
  • overcrowded class;
  • disrespectful attitude and indifference, etc.

Teachers spend a lot of time with children. They can be called second parents who try to teach their children useful things and prepare them for the difficult adult life. Keeping these and other nuances in mind, you can write words of gratitude to the teacher from your parents at graduation in this way.

Text writing sequence

1. Address by name and patronymic.

2. Describe your inner feelings towards the teacher.

3. Mention your observations over many years of study (what exactly the teacher did for the child, what help he provided, what good qualities he showed, etc.).

4. At the end of the letter, indicate your full name.


You should not write too loud and empty phrases, do not exaggerate, but describe real feelings. After all, almost any teacher can be praised for something good.

Samples of letters of gratitude (words) to teachers:

1. Dear Maria Petrovna!

On behalf of our entire family, we express our gratitude to you for your years of study, for your huge contribution to the development of our child’s personality. You did a lot for him and for the whole class, and even the school. Our son (or daughter) often talked about your interesting lessons and excursions. We have also heard that you adhere to good rules, and you won’t just be strict. He/she is always in a hurry to get to your lessons, because he knows that Maria Petrovna will not let anyone get bored.

Thank you also for treating us, parents, with respect and tact. You have always understood that although we do everything possible to protect children from danger, children rebel and sometimes it is impossible to keep track of them, no matter how hard you try. We are pleased to be collaborators with such an attentive and warm-hearted teacher like you. We will never forget you.

Sincerely, Morozov family.

2. Dear Alexander Tikhonovich!

Thank you for considering our child's abilities, although at first glance he seems hesitant and indifferent to learning. Thanks to this, our child has achieved great success in many subjects.

We also appreciate your talent for explaining complex things. in simple words, for example, you used visual examples to allow children to use their imagination and understand something. You greatly influenced the worldview of our son (daughter), awakened the desire to learn new things, and showed that knowledge is not wasted time.

Have you ever embarrassed your children or noticed them? best qualities, not shortcomings. We will remember you, your work and patience with warmth.

Sincerely, Nikitin family.

Undoubtedly, many teachers deserve to hear words of gratitude, because praise gives strength to continue working, despite a difficult profession.

The last bell of 2017 for graduates of 9th and 11th grades will ring already at next week. On this day, there will be ceremonial assemblies, at which congratulations, wishes, and parting words will be heard, after which thousands of children will go to see off the wonderful school years.

A selection of congratulations on the last bell, presented by the “News to the Top Ten” website, will help you choose warm words with which you can congratulate students and teachers on the last bell; the selection includes congratulations from parents to teachers, as well as from teachers to students and from students to teachers.

Last call 2017: congratulations

The last bell will ring for students in Russia on May 25 and 26. Somewhere this holiday will be celebrated widely, somewhere last call will become a symbolic event. All schools will definitely hold ceremonial assemblies with congratulations and obligatory ribbons with bells.

Congratulations on the last call of graduates

The last bell rang
And summer invited me to visit.
We learned our last lesson,
Believing that knowledge will shed light
On the thorny path of life,
On the road to the top and glory.
Congratulations on the last call,
Everyone who has the right to rejoice today.
Let it ring like rain for you,
And bathes you in the happiness of childhood.
You will remember him
In life in a fairy tale kingdom.

Last call congratulations to students

The sound of a bell and tears in the eyes,
Everyone is standing and saying goodbye to school now!
And it’s clear that it’s difficult for everyone,
And everyone wants it back
Back, back to the past
Where everyone stands as children.
Well, don't be sad, because you are students,
And say goodbye from the bottom of your heart, remembering these days!

Last call - farewell to childhood.
The last bell rings only once.
You will leave school with a huge inheritance,
What shines with knowledge from smart eyes.
Last call, how sad it is.
The last call is the crown of happiness.
You once came to school not by chance.
And know that life is not over yet.
Last call is just the beginning
For those who are confident that they know their path.
And let your childhood already fade away,
You can look into your future.

Words of gratitude to teachers on the last call from parents and students in prose

Graduates, like birds, leave school with their wings spread and take off into free flight. We, parents and teachers, watch with delight and sadness as you fly out of the doors of your native school, and with it, partly, from your parental home. From today you have become adults. Now you can safely take independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And what your life will be like depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think through everything clearly and carefully, don’t be led by other people’s desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will definitely be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it awaits you just outside the school door!

Congratulations to you, our dear teachers, who have endured and loved us for so many years, on the Last Bell. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work you invested in us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you uttered! Thank you for your love, support and important tips that we will remember for the rest of our lives! A new, bright future awaits us, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything you knew, putting a special meaning into each word, we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us in the right direction and thanks to you we now know what darling let's go! Happy Last Bell to you, our beloved teachers!

Congratulations to graduates from the class teacher at the last bell

Dear Guys! There is so much ahead of you! Victory, fulfillment of desires, well-deserved success will come to you, you will learn a lot more new things and one day you will take your children to first grade... Today, at the school holiday of the Last Bell, I want to wish you good luck, Have a good mood and inspiration for your entire long, happy life!

Today, together with the Last Bell, we are seeing off many boys and girls into adulthood, but we will remember each student and continue to respect, love and be proud of them! All of you dear students, will different destinies, but let them all be equally happy!

Congratulations from parents on the last bell of grade 11 in prose

The day of the Last Call has come! Today you are still schoolchildren, but very soon, having passed the exams with honor, you will become adults, and along with congratulations, I wish you a happy future, a prosperous life, in which there is a place for seriousness and fun, love and devotion, fulfillment of desires and successful work! Keep in your heart the memories of school days and live easily!

The last bell closes the student years with strong gates with a silver lock, and ahead is the long road of adult life, and what it will be like is up to you to decide! Please accept my congratulations and wishes to always be people with pure thoughts, noble deeds and happy fate!

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Words of gratitude to the school from parents

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents and graduates are a sign of respect and appreciation for the talent of a teacher, whose work is not easy, but requires daily dedication and achievement. The teacher becomes a mentor for many children for more than one year. Students thank you for the knowledge, patience and care shared. Parents thank the teachers for putting so much effort into raising and educating their children.

How to say words of gratitude to the school and teachers?

There are several universal tips:

  • Try to do it in 3 minutes, maximum 5.
  • Try to avoid complex ornate phrases and terms. This may smack of dry formalism. Need to say more in simple language.
  • Avoid focusing on any individual teacher in your speech, with the exception of the class teacher. The more general the speech, the better. If necessary, after the official part, you can personally thank your favorite teacher.
  • Speak clearly, at an average pace, and you can give vent to your emotions a little.
  • Do not do it sad face, even if you say rather sentimental things.
  • To bring a little warmth and personal sympathy for the teacher into your speech, why not dilute your words of gratitude with a genuine story about the teacher’s care for his students.
  • Avoid excessive gestures; a simple smile will suffice.
  • After the speech has been made, it will be very appropriate to present bouquets of flowers to teachers with a slight respectful bow.
  • Pre-memorized speech is preferable to reading text from a piece of paper. This gives the speech a touch of seriousness and responsibility.
  • You can give a speech either individually or in a pair/company of parents/students. In the case of a joint performance, you can completely stage a mini-scene.

The text of gratitude to the school from parents consists of a greeting and the main part - the actual words of gratitude themselves.

Remember the main thing: it doesn’t matter to whom your words are addressed - representatives of the school administration or teachers - sincerity is important. Words spoken from pure heart, will find a response in the hearts of teachers.

Examples of text “Words of Gratitude to Teachers from Parents”

“We would like to sincerely thank our dear teachers and express our deep gratitude for the daily 11-year long and responsible work of raising our children, teaching and caring for us! Your contribution is great: new knowledge along with nurturing friendship, respect and love in the hearts of students. Regardless of the weather, hardships or illness, you went to school with our children. You empathized with their failures. They rejoiced at the victories. Thanks to you, children will go through life as civilized, literate and well-mannered people. Thank you for your knowledge and friendly assistance. My deepest bow to you for your difficult work!”

Sample 2

“What does the word “teacher” mean for our children? Comrade and mentor! Someone who shares knowledge and life values ​​with children, passing them on from generation to generation. There are no words to fully thank you for your hard work. Not everyone is capable of this! You need to have many positive qualities and be a very strong-willed person to last in a modern school for many years. And, moreover, be able to cope with the diverse characters of schoolchildren! This is the most amazing feat! Hurray for you!

Text of gratitude to the school principal from parents

“Thanks to your efforts, training was organized educational process. We sincerely thank you for your administrative efforts, the harmonious learning conditions you created and the professional staff of teachers. And we are also grateful for taking care of us and creating a comfortable, friendly and cozy atmosphere!”

Ending school year For many teachers it becomes a sad event, because they have to say goodbye to their beloved students. Many graduates were so captivated by a certain subject that they chose it as their future profession. At the last bell and graduation, touching words from parents to teachers are always heard, expressing all gratitude and respect to teachers for their hard work. Beautifully formulate words for teachers primary school, 9th and 11th grades, as well as prepare a performance at a concert, our selection will help.

Touching to tears words of gratitude from parents to a primary school teacher at graduation in poetry and prose

We wish you health and happiness, many, many for long years forward!

Graduation in primary school- a very exciting event, during which parents always say heartfelt words of gratitude to the first teacher. Over these 4 years, the children have matured a lot and learned a lot thanks to the talent of the teacher. The work of the first teacher is special - you need to be able to find the key to each child, combine the educational process and the learning process, choose the right words, gently and carefully adapt the kids to new conditions. In a word, you need to have kind hearted and patience, to be a first-class teacher. Looking at their grown-up children, parents cannot be overjoyed at their success. Therefore, I always want to say heartfelt words of gratitude from the parents to the teacher. primary classes at graduation in poetry and prose.

Examples of touching words and congratulations to the first primary school teacher in verse and prose

You took the elementary class for yourself,

You are the best teacher from God,

Parents are grateful to you

And we want to tell you a lot of words:

Thank you for your great work,

For your rare patience,

We love and appreciate you very much,

We wish you happiness and inspiration!

We, on behalf of all parents,

We hasten to say thank you!

To you, dear teacher

We wish you with all our hearts -

Longevity and health,

Only good students

There are many wishes for happiness,

And the same wonderful words.

How difficult it can be sometimes

You need to raise our children.

But we all understand it

And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,

For your kindness and patience.

For children you are a second parent,

Please accept our gratitude!

Let's say thank you, teacher,

For our dear children.

You taught the basics with patience

Our daughters, sons.

Thank you for your love and care.

You gave the children warmth,

You instilled joy in their souls,

Bits of happiness and goodness.

Thank you, our kind, wonderful teacher, for the fact that our children enjoy going to school, for the fact that every day they learn about this world from a new side, for the fact that you open the doors to countries of great knowledge and skills for them. , to cities of great miracles and fun. We wish you with all our hearts to always remain the same energetic, cheerful, purposeful person who easily gets along with children and walks happily through life.

For warmth, care and patience

We thank the teacher first,

Children dote on you

Your contribution to education is invaluable!

You developed a thirst for knowledge in children,

Even small successes were noticed.

You didn’t swear at them or shout

You gave the children a lot of knowledge and kindness!

Beautiful words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th graders in prose

So the school years flew by. Behind us are lessons, copybooks with words, checking diaries and parent meetings. In a word, parental concerns that have already become familiar will no longer bother the mothers and fathers of graduates. However, at the last bell in grades 9 and 11, they always want to read out heartfelt words to those people who gave their children knowledge - teachers. Thanks to them, the children enjoyed learning and going to school. And even if everything didn’t always work out perfectly, the main thing is that the skill of the teachers made it possible to instill a love of knowledge and hard work. Beautiful words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th, 9th grade in prose will sound great as a thank you.

Options for beautiful congratulations with words of gratitude to teachers of grades 9 and 11

Thank you, dear teachers, for being with our children every day for so many years, taking them under your wing, and not remaining indifferent to them, no matter how hard it may be for you at times! Thank you for your daily work, thanks to which children have become smarter, kinder, more friendly, and we, parents, are calmer about their future! Thank you for your attention to each and everyone, for school life The children were filled with interesting and unforgettable events, for the fact that the children learned to learn, which will undoubtedly serve as a reliable foundation for their future successes! Thank you for the wonderful crafts that decorated our home and warmed the hearts of our loved ones - you taught the children all this! Thanks to you, they know, are able, and understand a lot! Thank you!

We all start with a teacher! All the good that we have, of course, comes from teachers - from their wisdom, sensitivity, attention, understanding and enormous, boundless love for their students.

Your work is very important for everyone, without exception. After all, it’s with yours light hand Every year new students of universities, technical schools, and colleges appear. You invest in children not only knowledge, but also a piece of your heart, your soul. You rejoice at our successes and achievements, and you are upset with us when something doesn’t work out for us. You continue to monitor the destinies of your students, even when they become adults, and are always ready to help with advice and deeds. I am sure that every person sitting in the hall now experiences the most sincere feelings of love and respect for the teachers.

Low bow to you, dear teachers!

Our dear teachers! You are the best, you are wonderful, we are grateful to you for interesting lessons, for participation and support in all our endeavors, for our victories, for the desire to run to school and not leave until late in the evening. We thank you for your attention, your cordial attitude towards us, for your “cool” cool watch and confidential conversations, for creating that extraordinary atmosphere that allowed us to succeed everywhere and in everything. We wish you professional growth and new victories, and most importantly - inspiration and creativity! Thank you so much, our dear teachers, for everything!

It is very difficult to list everything for which we are grateful to teachers; the list will always be incomplete. We bow to them for their hard work and patience, for their faith in each student, for their wisdom and willingness to help those who need it. And also - for the strength, nerves, and health given to children. May the work of a teacher be blessed forever and ever!

Anyone who thinks that the class teacher has only one family will be mistaken. No, he has as many as there are students in his class. That is why for all of us this is a dear person.

Thanks myself to the class teacher for the warmth of the heart, for the great ability to see, hear and understand everything that happens in the soul of a child. Thank you for the light with which he illuminates the path of his students!

Dear teachers! Children come to you as completely unintelligent little ones. You teach them all the basics of literacy, reading and counting. You are laying the foundation for the rest of your life. And children grow up and forget about it, it seems to them that they knew how to do it and always knew it. We would like to wish you that your students, no matter how far life takes them, will always remember you with warmth and gratitude. So that on Teacher's Day, your house is always full of flowers, and your phone is ringing off the hook with congratulations.

Kind words and congratulations from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th grades in verse

Teachers are always pleased to hear beautiful poems and sincere, kind words from parents at the last bell in grades 9 and 11. On these warm summer days, you don’t really want to let graduates who have already become family leave school. I remember all their pranks and achievements, their loves and quarrels, which were always noticeable to teachers. Those words of praise and approval that schoolchildren heard from teachers will support them for a long time in adulthood. Fortunately, many parents understand what important role school teachers play in the formation of personality, how much the teacher cares about the future of their child. Therefore, kind words and congratulations from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th grades are said in verse every year. After all, there is no other profession as noble and difficult as the teacher’s creed. Words of gratitude are usually said by someone from the parent committee. However, if you show your imagination, you can think of a whole performance from all the parents.

Examples of kind words of gratitude to the teacher for the last bell in grades 9 and 11

You are a Teacher with a capital letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many long years, how many winters

You give your soul to the young!

And so the soul for many years

Stays young - that's the secret

You will be full of happiness and health!

You taught our children here

We cannot count all your efforts,

And care and labor, over these long years

We will always be grateful to you.

Although it’s difficult for you to work now,

But again you rush to your class.

Be happy always

Never be discouraged

We wish you health and goodness.

Our children have grown up quickly

And they approached the cherished line.

Even though we all believe in you,

But parental orders

You must listen now from us.

You must pass all exams

And there is no need to worry us.

We worry about you

We don't close our eyes at night,

And you should make us all happy.

Today on this May day

Please accept our congratulations

For your loyalty and love,

For your dedication to your work! We have known you for so many years,

And you know everything about us.

How good it is to be with us

You are smiling now! You are so extraordinarily kind!

And today it is no coincidence that we

Let's say thank you for everything together,

Everyone knows if you need something,

You did not allow refusal,

They always helped us with everything! Let's not talk today

Banal words, stock phrases,

We wish you good health!

We love you very, very much!

Strict and affectionate,

Wise and sensitive,

For those who have gray hair at the temples,

For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

Those who are considered middle-aged.

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,

Teaches you to achieve victories in work,

To everyone whose proud name is teacher,

Low bow and warm greetings!

The days flash by in a bright line. A solemn and bright moment has come, which will never happen again!

Today every graduate will receive a certificate.

And we, parents, understand the excitement that is gripping high school students now.

In a solemn, bright moment we will say to the children: “Good journey and good hour!”

Once upon a time, we led them into first grade sedately, worried, happy, and a little sad.

Years passed, bright and inspired, wonderful, unforgettable.

School path!

And on that path the teacher is a wonderful inflorescence, the native support and stronghold of the Nizhny Novgorod region!

Our children love their native school; it has gained honor in the Sharangsky district!

And the school’s teachers captivate you with their wisdom, diligence, hard work, cordiality, and warmth.

The students love and respect them, eagerly going to this school house.

Thank you, teachers, for your wisdom and patience, and my heartfelt bow to you to the ground.

We wish you good luck, inspiration, so that your eyes bloom with joy!

May troubles and misfortunes, bitter tears and the burdens of adversity bypass you!

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