Home Orthopedics What to feed and how to care for a British cat. Proper care of British kittens, education and feeding

What to feed and how to care for a British cat. Proper care of British kittens, education and feeding

There are several options for the origin of this type of cat. The most common version is that Roman legionnaires at the beginning of their conquests in Britain took four-legged pets with them. It was believed that this would lead to a successful voyage. Unlike the warlike legionnaires, cats conquered the island with their character and unusual appearance, for which they received the status of permanent residents. Thanks to its dense coat, which protected it from the damp climate of Albion, the British Shorthair felt quite comfortable here. Some argue that this species is related to the famous Cheshire cat, who helped Alice in her fairyland.

Character traits

Sometimes the British are called the ideal pet for a business person, because they tolerate long separations from their owner well and, when left alone, will definitely find something to do to their liking.

Character british cats is distinguished by self-sufficiency, non-aggressive temperament and a pronounced sense of self-esteem. The phrase “a cat that walks by itself” perfectly shows the attitude of this breed towards humans. The British try to maintain independence from their master and do not allow themselves to be completely subordinated to his will.

But this absolutely does not mean that this breed does not feel love for its owners. They reciprocate those people who show affection and good attitude. To the person who most often feeds and cares for his pet, he will definitely come to sit on his lap.

These felines distinguish very well the intonation with which they are addressed. Therefore, if you shout or talk to them in a raised voice, the British may become offended by the person and not show attention for several days.

A British cat is not suitable as a child's toy. Due to his calm nature, he will not show aggression when communicating with children, but will prefer to hide from excessive attention.


  • Due to its extraordinary appearance, among similar species, greatest success It is the British Shorthair cat that uses it. The description of the breed should begin with the unusual wool, which to the touch resembles a plush toy. The development of a thick undercoat was influenced by the inhospitable climate of the British archipelago. The solidity and royalty of the breed is especially evident in its appearance:
  • The body is quite massive, the paws are strong and well developed. The head is round with prominent cheekbones and rounded cheeks. The neck is short, with a characteristic skin fold, which gives the breed a lordly appearance. The nose is wide and not prominent. The ears are rounded, wide at the base;
  • the color is very diverse and is still a matter of debate. The most popular are smoky, two-tone, Siamese, and tortoiseshell. Each has its own merits, but all, without exception, are elegant and beautiful;
  • One of the most common eye colors is yellow or amber and all the variety of their shades. However, there are green and blue ones. Eye color depends on the exterior. The eyes are very expressive, large, round in shape.
  • the tail is harmonious with the body, also well developed, and has a recognizable rounded tip.

Nutrition is the key to a healthy pet

A properly selected diet and healthy food containing essential microelements and vitamins are necessary for any living creature.
There are still ongoing debates about what to feed your pets - regular, natural food or special food. It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, because each person has his own opinion. But when choosing this or that type of feeding, it is worth considering some nuances.

If the choice fell on natural food, then the diet should consist of meat and chicken (sometimes turkey). The meat must be cooked and separated from the bones to protect the animal from possible injury. You should not give the skin or paws to your cat. You can dilute the diet with liver and boiled eggs, but you should not aggravate it with such food. Cucumbers and carrots can also be tried as a good vitamin supplement. Do not forget about fermented milk products, which occupy a significant place in the diet.

If your cat is going to eat special food, you should choose a high-quality manufacturer that has proven itself in the market. The British Shorthair cat breed can be quite picky about the type of food, so it is better to give preference to special lines for this breed of pets. Typically, dyes are not used in the production of such food, so it can be replaced with a natural diet.

Your pet should be given food two to three times a day. There should also be unimpeded access to fresh food drinking water. For wellness, disease prevention and beautiful appearance, along with food, must be given and.


Wool is a source of pride for British cats. The characteristic of the breed that distinguishes them from the mass of other types of cats is their thick coat with dense undercoat, which requires careful and timely care. Two or three times a month it is necessary to comb the cat with a special brush with fine bristles. The British are exceptionally clean, but sometimes there is a need for washing. To do this, pour warm water into a basin and, holding the pet, wet its fur. Using a special shampoo, lather the coat and rinse off the foam with plenty of water. You should not pay attention to the intimate area; the British will not tolerate such treatment. After all the procedures, you should dry the coat with a soft towel and comb it after ten to fifteen minutes.

During this time, you should comb the hair once a day, and also add special food against hairballs to the diet.

Time should be spent on eye and ear hygiene as needed. To remove discharge from the eyes, you can use a cotton swab or disk soaked in clean water. Before such a procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly so that the mucous membrane does not get any infection.

Cleaning is required when soiled ears. To do this, you can also use a cotton swab and a solution of hydrogen peroxide. should be done as carefully as possible so as not to harm the animal.


For a long time, people who breed cats bred Britons with cats, but today the purity of these two species has become valuable. Some countries have legally prohibited such incest.

After about six months of life, British females begin their first heat, but mating should not be done due to the body not being fully formed.

The best option would be if the female is visiting the male. This way he will be more relaxed and will be the master of the situation, since he is on his own territory. Thanks to this, mating will be more active and successful.

If you do not want to have offspring from a pet, you should. This option is preferable to birth control, which can lead to health and hormonal problems.

Instead of a conclusion

If you take it for education little kitten, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail, and even options for nicknames for cats of British breed boys. Naming a cat is usually more difficult than naming a cat.

They say that pets are similar to their owners, but if the choice fell on a Briton as a pet, then you need to match the traits that British cats have. The characteristics of the breed - calmness, moderation in behavior and character, independence - are suitable for the same people.

The British cat is a plush miracle that will leave few people indifferent. It’s no wonder that British kittens have won the hearts of our compatriots - they are cute, calm and leisurely pets that get along well with children and dogs. They are affectionate, but in moderation; they cannot be called intrusive.

This breed of cat has its own characteristics, behavior, and care, which you must know before purchasing a pet.

Breed Features

British Shorthair cat - description of the breed is found in ancient sources. It has a rich pedigree, officially dating back to 43 AD. It was at that time that Claudius, the uncle of the murdered Emperor Caligula, having inherited an empty throne, decided to secure it by taking military action with Britain. He sent 4 Roman legions towards the islands. It so happened that the fierce legionnaires set foot on the shores of Britain not alone, but together with cats.

What does a British cat look like? The British are distinguished by their large size, with the male being much larger than the female. An adult British cat can weigh up to 5–8 kg. Representatives of this breed generally look very harmonious. British cats have a dense build and strong bones.

The British must have a compact body, a large head on a strong neck, and not too large strong paws. The breed of British cats is distinguished by the presence of a flexible, not very long, thick tail at the base, which has the shape of a cone with a rounded tip. The British straight-eared cat has a rounded muzzle profile, an elongated body, and a long tail that is slightly tapered towards the tip. British cats can have different colors: black, silver, lilac, spotted, tabby, tortoiseshell.

British Shorthair standard:

  1. The head is round, correct form. The skull is wide. The British breed means that the animal's face should be as close to a circle as possible.
  2. The nose is straight, short and wide. There is a small depression in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose.
  3. Low set small ears.
  4. The eyes are round and large. Most often - gold color.
  5. The body is strong, muscular and broad-boned.
  6. The coat can be long or short.
  7. Each Briton has its own color, which must fully comply with all the standards of a particular breed type.

Character of British breed cats

The British cat has an easy-going character. She is approachable and sociable, friendly and affectionate. Another positive character trait is that they get along well with all family members and other animals (except birds).

The character of British cats is ideal for people who spend a lot of time outside the home and do not have enough time to care for the animal’s fur. The cat is unobtrusive and is able to take care of its coat itself. A plush pet will never show its weakness under any circumstances. The reason for this is innate aristocracy.

The character of British cats is very proud. If you forgot to feed your pet, then he will definitely not ask for anything and will remain hungry. After that, he will only look at you as if you are guilty of all mortal sins.

British cat colors

The first officially recognized British woman was pure white. The desire to breed a large, strong, hardy cat with a calm character has led to the fact that the colors of British cats include 25 species. Some species are so rare that few people can afford them.

The types of British cats are varied. The first representatives had a thick undercoat and short hair. Relationship with the Persian breed gave rise to the British semi-longhair.

Types of colors can be divided into groups depending on the type of pattern, the predominance of a particular color and the type of pigmentation. British Blue is the standard color of the breed. Its coat is monochromatic, without light hairs; the undercoat is sometimes a little lighter. The lighter the coat, the more expensive the British Blue cat is valued. In kittens, it is acceptable to have a residual pattern in the first months of life, which completely disappears by the age of 1 year. The myth that British Blues must have bright orange eyes is a misconception. All kittens are born with blue or gray dull eyes.

Very rare British dogs of cinnamon and fawn colors, more often found - black, blue, white, red, chocolate, lilac.

The lilac British cat has a solid color, combining blue and pink color. It should be remembered that black and brown British Shorthair cats should not have light tan. Cinnamon is a very attractive but rare color of the British cinnamon cat breed. The British White cat may have blue or multi-colored eyes. Golden British has big eyes bright emerald color, which are planted quite widely. Small ears with rounded tips are slightly tilted forward. The British golden cat has limbs like all British cats - quite strong, with rounded paws. You can find out more about British cats of the selected species from the breeder. There you will receive full information about pedigree.

Cat care

Caring for a British cat is a unique skill, and to some extent even a talent. It’s good that manufacturers of various cat accessories think about the owners, and from year to year modernized models of houses, combs, leashes, shampoos, etc. appear on the cat accessories market, which are used to care for a pet. Your task is to understand the tools for caring for cats and use them skillfully.

So, the owner of a domestic British cat who lives exclusively in an apartment will be interested in the question of the tray and its filler. In practice, there are many cases when owners are forced to give up a pet only because unpleasant odor emanating from the toilet room. In this case, you can find a solution in caring for a British shorthair cat by choosing the right tray and filler for it. Do not under any circumstances skimp or cut out a cat's toilet space from cardboard or wood - these materials become damp and rot. The cat itself will soon not want to use such a toilet. For cat litter, it is better to buy a plastic tray, preferably with a grid.

The next factor is the filler. Some British cats do not need it, but others have a natural instinct to dig and dig. In this case, you also shouldn’t save money and collect dirty sand on the street. Firstly, sand does not neutralize the smell, and secondly, it can soon spread throughout the entire apartment thanks to the paws of a furry pet. It is better to buy granules that tend to clump when exposed to moisture, that is, you do not have to change the entire tray when the cat relieves itself; it will be enough to replace a lump of wet granules.

An important point in caring for British cats is hygiene.

The next deterrent is the wool. If there is severe shedding, contact your veterinarian; this may be a consequence of vitamin deficiency. Next, start combing. First, get your cat used to the brush, don’t hurt it, don’t pin it in corners, don’t frighten it. If these conditions are met, the combing process will bring pleasure to both you and your pet.

Sometimes it’s nice to pamper your favorite miracle. Store shelves are now bursting with various toys, vitamins, and scratching posts. These little things, which at first glance may seem like excess, will significantly affect the cat’s life. She herself will be able to sharpen her teeth on toys and claws - on a special board, and not your sofa. British kittens - their character and caring for them requires a special approach. Take care of cats correctly and get real pleasure from your work.

Cat food

If you still think that the British cat breed can eat what falls from its owners’ table, then you are deeply mistaken. Table scraps, bones, raw meat, and sweets can have a detrimental effect on the health of your furry friend. The diet of a pet, like the diet of a person, should consist of the necessary daily norm useful substances. The average British diet mature age should include every day 150 g of protein, 50 g of carbohydrates and substances necessary for digestion, water and vitamins. It is not advisable to leave a British cat without food for 2-3 days; it is important to monitor the presence of water in its bowl. Please note that the British Shorthair cat breed is very clean.

If her bowl is dirty, she may refuse to eat.

Based on this, you have several feeding options. Firstly, this is natural food, that is, one that you made for the sake of your beloved pet. Be prepared to sacrifice your time and energy for the sake of your pet's health. But it’s not so difficult to find a way out of this situation - prepare in free time for the whole week, distributing portions into bags and freezing them in the refrigerator.

What can you cook? In general, each dish should correspond to the proportion - 60–70% meat or fish, 15–20% vegetables, the rest cereals. Meat is the main product in a pet’s diet because it contains the substance taurine, a deficiency of which leads to poor vision and disruption of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. A cat treat is, of course, dairy products. However, it should be remembered that British cats should not consume foods with a high percentage of fat content; it is better to give light kefir and fermented baked milk.

Secondly, you can use industrial feed. The bright packaging depicts healthy and joyful animals, which attracts owners. Let's reveal a simple truth - no matter how expensive food is, it will never replace natural products. The food still has its advantages: the manufacturers scientifically calculated the cats’ required diet and based on this they prepared a treat for them. If you still decide to buy food for your pet, then alternate it with natural products. Remember - you are responsible for those you have tamed.

Cat health

The key to a pet's health is the result of the attention and care of its owner. After all, how nice it is to watch a healthy and active cat that has no problems with appetite, breathing and coordination of movements. Therefore, in addition to regular independent supervision, which is important, it is necessary to periodically show your pet veterinarian, because many diseases may not be visible to the human eye. For example, it is very difficult to recognize cancer, which often manifests itself in adult cats; in some cases, it may not interfere with their life processes.

British cats can be sick with AIDS, cystitis and a number of other diseases that can only be identified by a specialist.

So what can you do to prevent feeling unwell meowing friend? A proven method is to feel the cat's nose. In a healthy pet it will be damp and cool, but if it is dry and hot, this is the first cause for concern.

Try to prevent cat poisoning by hiding all toxic substances in the house in advance. Make sure that your cat does not come into contact with foreign animals that could spread the infection. This doesn't just apply to dogs or cats; Often cats get sick due to bites from ticks, fleas and other insects. In this case, it is advisable to treat the animal’s fur before going for a walk. by special means protection.

Not proper nutrition- this is a direct path to stomach or liver disease. When feeding a British breed cat with dry food alone, you expose the animal to real danger. In addition, unsuitable food can cause caries in your pet. Therefore, if your cat suddenly starts eating grass while on a walk, do not interfere under any circumstances. The pet is guided by the instinct of self-preservation; this is how its ability to self-medicate is manifested. Hence the well-known phrase “lick the wounds”: the fact is that cat saliva contains the substance lysozyme, under the influence of which the wound is neutralized and heals faster. Therefore, there is no need to worry about minor scratches and wounds.

Try to remove all objects from your home that could injure your cat.

Small kittens need feeding 2 times more often than an adult cat. Up to 2 months little kitty should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, that is, you should feed little by little, but often.

It is wise to provide your kitten with constant access to food.

This ensures on-demand feeding. Cats very rarely transmit. If overeating does happen, then it is better to return to feeding by the hour.

Harmful products:

  • butter and other fats;
  • pork;
  • bird bones:
  • sausage;
  • raw fish.

In conclusion, one more tip on how to feed a one-month-old kitten - if the kitten refuses to eat from the bowl, offer him new food from your hands and the problem in most cases will be resolved immediately. Feed your little pet correctly, and every time he will gift you with his irrepressible cheerfulness and soothing purr.

Basic information regarding cat health will help you sense danger early and take action. Remember, the life and health of a living creature depends on your attention.

Raising a pet

On advertising posters, in glossy magazines, and television screensavers you can often see the main thing actor- a little kitten, so funny, helpless, on weak legs, taking its first hesitant steps. And an unconscious desire arises to give your child the same fluffy living toy. The search begins for a newborn kitten in order to quickly take it from the cat and bring it into your home. But is this right? At what age should I adopt a kitten?

Raising cats is not only a necessary process, but also an exciting one for you and your cat. By taking home an animal, you agree to be responsible for it. The way you raise your cat will affect its future attitude towards you and family members, its character and habits.

The first thing you need to start the process of raising a cat is to give it a name. Choose a nickname that the kitten will respond to instantly—short and sonorous. Try to call the animal to you with all the names you have chosen for it, and you will understand which one you should choose by its reaction.

Tray training is an obligatory part of training from the first days of your pet's arrival in your home.

Pet stores offer many different products that will help you set up your cat's litter box. Choose the option that is most convenient for you and your pet. If he is still just a kitten, buy a small tray that is the right size. Bring the cat to its private litter box; let her remember the way to him. If the animal has done its “dirty deed” in the wrong place, explain to it that this is not possible and bring it back to the tray. Do not scold her under any circumstances, otherwise the animal will be afraid and will not become your friend. With this method of calmly explaining the situation, you will sooner or later instill in the cat “what is good and what is bad.”

Raising cats, like raising children, requires a lot of patience. In order for the animal to quickly understand what is required of it, reward it as often as possible. The British cat sharpened his claws on a special board, and not on the back of the sofa - praise him, stroke him. Show encouragement not only with affection, but also with feeding (as circus animals are fed when they perform a trick).

The British cat does not understand human speech, but is able to understand a person by intonation, behavior towards him and the pronunciation of words often used towards him (the name of the pet, the commands “eat”, “come here” and others).

Play with your cat, give her attention and then she, in turn, will be affectionate and become your friend.

Pet mating

Having sheltered a female kitten in your home, you must understand that at some point in her life there will be a period of puberty, which will be associated with the solution of many issues.

In British cats puberty occurs already at 7–8 months of life.

The behavior of your pet will tell you about the beginning of this period. Usually cats become more affectionate and begin to roll on the floor, rubbing themselves against their owners’ legs and furniture for a long time. If you notice this behavior, you know that your cat has grown up and will soon be ready to become a mother. In addition, breeding British Shorthair cats can bring good income.

If you have decided to breed, take your time. Let the cat reach the age of 1 year, or better yet, wait until she is 1.5 years old. Mating cats in early age may be unsuccessful (which will affect the health of the cat and her kittens).

When you and your kitty are ready and in the mood for mating, start looking for a suitable gentleman. It is better to look for applicants at exhibitions, but you can also use the search for advertisements about mating in the press. Look carefully at the color of the cat and the characteristics of the breed. After all, the breed and coat color will mainly influence the appearance of future kittens.

Having chosen a worthy groom for your kitty, carefully negotiate the mating conditions with his owners. This refers not only to monetary issues, but also to the premises in which the preparation and the process itself will take place. The place should be warm, clean and spacious. Bring everything you need with you: your usual cat eater, its bowls, tray, rug. You can take her favorite toys. The cat will be nervous when in a strange room. To avoid this, take her things that will create a familiar home environment.

Mating cats must be safe for both participants. Owners should take their pets to a veterinarian to be checked for invasive, fungal, infectious and viral diseases.

2 weeks before the process, it is necessary to carry out preventive deworming of animals.

When everything is ready, you can take your cat to visit the cat. You need to be prepared for the fact that animals may react to each other differently. At the beginning of the process, British cats hiss at cats and allow them to approach them after 3–5 attempts. It all depends on the stage of puberty.

Mating of cats will be successful if all its points are observed correctly. This mainly depends on the cat's readiness, because the cat can do this at any time. The process itself lasts about 7 minutes, after which ejaculation occurs. After the first time, fertilization may not occur, so animals are usually left alone for up to 3 days. After this, you can take your kitty home. Kittens are born after 58–68 days.

Today’s material will allow you to plunge into the nearby cat world, understand its features, structure and laws. A description of a British breed cat will help you with this. Of course, having become acquainted with only one breed, it is impossible to learn to find mutual language with all the cats and cats.

This article will be useful both to experienced “cat people” who have decided to acquire representatives of this breed, and to those who are just starting or planning to start caring for cats of the British breed.

Where did the British come from?

The British cat breed is one of those lucky few whose biography is rooted in events that took place before our era. In the distant forty-third year BC, the uncle of Emperor Caligula took the throne. He decided to strengthen his power by opening a war with Britain, and therefore sent troops. Upon their return, cats returned along with the Romans who fought in Britain.

The confrontation between the Romans and Celts did not end for forty years. But the British shorthair cat did not take any part in this war between people. They conquered more and more people with their beauty and affection.. Therefore, when at the end of the nineteenth century we started talking about the nation’s favorite animals, the descendants of the very cats that managed to somehow, but still reconcile two violent peoples in the past were used as a basis.

Another legend

Old scriptures and documents say that an ordinary cat suddenly turned out to be very strong and resilient, able to survive in a variety of conditions, and at the same time did not lose its charm and charm. We learn about this from G. Weir, the founder of cat exhibitions. This is the history of the British breed.

Quite often, scientists argue about which cat breeds are closest to the British. They definitely have something in common with Persian cats - a slightly flat, round muzzle, but nothing more.

Description of the breed

First of all, let's remember that the British are quite capricious, and even somewhat touchy - something, but these little animals have no less pride than their owners. The main thing is not to confuse a Scot and a Briton - their owners will definitely consider this an insult. Just remember that British cats are purebred animals who came to their appearance through adaptability, experience and mutation. But the Scotsman is a genetically bred breed, like many other cats that appeared relatively recently.

Distinctive features


Since cats almost always breathe through their nose, this is the basis of their instincts (unlike people who can independently switch to mouth breathing), it is important to pay attention to the nose and the correctness of its structure. A purebred British breed will have a short but wide nose with no bending or variation. There is a small, barely noticeable, but unnoticeable depression on the bridge of the nose. If the nose is crooked, the cat may wheeze when breathing or make other strange sounds.


The British Shorthair is an exception to the cat rule. If cats usually always “keep their eyes open,” the British breed does not have this feature. Their ears are low and at a great distance from each other. At the same time, the ears are small and slightly rounded. They have a fair amount of fur on the outside. This does not apply to the British Fold - their ears are often lowered and placed quite close, and also closer to the back of the head.


The British breed has rather large eyes, which are open and, of course, round in shape. Like the ears, they are located quite widely. The British eye color is predominantly golden. Less common are blue, bright green and lavender. Cats with both unusual and pronounced typical eye colors are valued. But dull eyes or an iris with spots, rims, and so on, are not only not appreciated, but are even considered a disadvantage.


The origins of the appearance of standards for the body and physiology of British cats go back to those distant times of their appearance. Since the British felt themselves masters of their own lands, they grew into muscular cats that have considerable strength. Moreover, they can be large or medium in size according to the international classification.

They have a wide chest, and at the same time, a massive and muscular back, which allows them to perform all kinds of pirouettes even in everyday life. Paws are short but strong, which allows the cat to periodically land on only three of the four, and use the “spare” paw as an attacking weapon in case of jumping on prey.

As for the tail, it is also quite short. Thin only in kittens, while in British cats of all ages it should taper towards the base.

Weight and size

The British breed cat is much larger than a cat, but this is expressed only in appearance, and not in their characteristics. In scientific terms, this breed is characterized by demorphism of the sexes. Kittens, regardless of gender, quickly gain weight. From small, skinny Britons, they quickly turn into miniature copies of their parents, but only in appearance. It takes them a long time to gain weight, and the process of growing up also lasts for several years.


After four years, the physical part of the British body is fully formed, and by the age of five he has a stable personality. At this age, cats weigh about five to eight kilograms, and females from four to six.


This is where the striking differences begin between breeds that are British, but at the same time fundamentally different.

There are two directions of development of this breed: long-haired and short-haired. Apart from wool, there are no differences in physical level No.

The British Longhair cat is a kind of elegant and representative aristocrat. You cannot crossbreed with other breeds, only with the British, otherwise you risk getting a wild Briton with an incomprehensible color. But it doesn’t matter whether such an animal’s partner will have short or long hair.

Despite the fact that the breed is called long-haired, the length of the coat reaches only a medium level. Without waves or curls, straight, with a rich undercoat, which provides the cat with warmth. Wherein the tail is always very fluffy. There are a variety of colors, the only exception that is not recognized is the combination of white with Siamese or partial color on the paws, face and tail.

As for individuals with short hair, they always have surprisingly delicate colors. The coat is dense and evenly distributed over the body. The average length of wool is up to three millimeters.


The predominantly monochromatic color should be uniform and monotonous so that the coat does not stand out in some places. At the same time, the British breed may have something like a haze on the coat or a shimmer of some color - this is not prohibited by the breed standard.

According to official data, there are three dozen color variations of the British.

The most popular solid types of this breed are:

  • Red breed
  • Cream breed
  • Black breed
  • White breed
  • Gray breed
  • The Lilo breed is a combination of gray, gray and pink.

The most popular two-color breeds are:

  • Gray-blue breed
  • Marble
  • Ticked breed
  • Tabby breed (“freckles” on the coat)

Recently, cats of the British breed with Whiskey-style coloring have been gaining momentum. The name comes from an advertisement for a famous food. But this is just household or colloquial name, and if you turn to specialists, they will explain to you that this is a “mackerel” type. The main color of these British people is silver.. There should be only three dark stripes on the back, and an unlimited number of dark stripes along the body. It is important that the stripes are darker, not lighter.

Cat development

Disadvantages of body parts, head

Deformation of the nose, consisting of an excessively hump of the nose. Flat forehead, large eyebrows, long nose. The nose is too narrow, the bite cannot be corrected, and the shape of the muzzle is also distorted.

Lack of the required level of “plushness”. This trait depends on the undercoat, which ideally should be smooth and very dense. Then the fur is fluffy and looks like plush. The absence of necessary signs most often occurs in large cats, cinnamon-colored cats, and tabbies.

If a pet has at least one of the above deficiencies, it will not be considered an ideal purebred.

Therefore, if you expect to take part in exhibitions or competitions, you should choose an animal of this breed with special care. And if you buy a friend for your home, then these external features do not matter - they do not affect health, breed or character in any way.


What features of the British cat distinguish it from representatives of other “cat races”? First of all, these are manners. Her pretense, and the impossibility of getting to her, is still touchable, especially if the pet doesn’t like the person. At the same time, it is a rather wayward animal, despite its cute appearance. Of the constant character traits that are inherent in this breed at any age, one can note independence and stubbornness.

The British are very friendly and affectionate creatures, they make contact very easily.

They love a friendly and gentle tone, do not tolerate orders or demands on themselves - especially if it comes not from the owner, but from someone else.


The British breed easily gets along with dogs and loves to play with children. He doesn’t like to be bothered, but in the case of a small child, he will endure until the last moment so as not to hit his paw. What's special about the British? This breed easily tolerates loneliness. If you are rarely at home, but really love cats, then a British cat is a great solution for you. They calmly remain alone with themselves, play, sleep, study external world. And although they miss the owner, they will not create a mess in all the rooms when they meet or in his absence.

Be healthy and beautiful!

The unique qualities of British cats is the ability not to get sick even in very harsh conditions. They do not have hereditary diseases, as such, and at the same time, cats tolerate cold weather with steadfastness. However, this does not mean that the British do not get sick in principle - they are characterized by diseases typical of cats.

  • Gingivitis. This is inflammation and subsequent decay of the teeth. It is important to show the animal to the veterinarian in time, because in the first two stages the disease can be cured. But it’s much easier to simply prevent it - brush your pet’s teeth and don’t let him eat any nonsense.
  • Cardiomyopathy, which occurs due to too much load or, conversely, due to its absence. The main symptoms are catastrophic weight loss, loss of interest in the outside world, the owner, toys, slowing of the pulse and breathing, and wheezing.
  • Also possible partial paralysis. Usually these are the hind limbs. In addition to the above, pay attention to your pet's pads. If they change color to blue, consult a doctor immediately.
  • British people are sometimes diagnosed with hemophilia. There's nothing you can do here either. the best option will simply monitor the pet so that it does not get injured.
  • And lastly typical disease is a fungus that appears on the claws. You can recognize it by deformation or spots on the claws, so pay attention to your pet’s paws.

To prevent heart problems, doctors recommend an examination - an ultrasound of the heart, at least once a year, ideally every six months.



The difference between the British breed and many other breeds is the lack of need for meticulous and thorough care. This breed is unpretentious in its living, although it has a number of its own characteristics, but caring for them will not require much time from you.

The first thing you need to do is remove the undercoat once a week. To do this, you should purchase a soft round brush made of rubber or a special material that will remove static from the fur. When a cat begins to shed, it is necessary to brush it daily., otherwise this process will affect your furniture.


The British are a very neat breed, and even cats, even cats, are very concerned about their hygiene, so they constantly lick their fur. Because of this, their stomachs often become clogged with fur. You do not need to wait until the kitten becomes ill and he himself gets rid of the hairballs in the internal organs, since it is not a fact that until then they will not cause harm. To prevent this, give your cat special medications, which are sold in the form of tablets and food, and dissolve lumps in the gastrointestinal tract.

And returning to the paws, be sure to regularly inspect the claws to ensure there is no fungus, cracks or chips.

Trim the nails regularly or take your Briton to a special salon if you cannot perform this procedure yourself. Don't forget to buy a scratching post.

Finally, remember that the characteristics of the British cat do not mean that standard procedure are not applicable to her. Eye washing, specialized cleaning of ears and pads - this is necessary for every purebred cat, not just the British.

How to feed, what to feed, when and where?

We immediately hasten to disappoint fishing lovers - cats don’t need fish. At all. None – be it food or regular fish. Don't believe advertisements that advertise fish food - it's just a marketing ploy. Yes, your cat will happily eat fish, but this does not mean that he will like it. What to feed British cats? - you ask. Let's take a closer look at the diet for such a cat.

  • Meat. Most of your pet's diet is meat products. Three quarters, sometimes a little less, of the diet should be a meat component.
  • The best option for a cat would be beef or poultry, as well as offal. Giving a cat a piece of meat is not a wise decision. Freeze the meat, then mince or slice it. In general, prepare the cat for food.
  • Garnish. One quarter of the diet consists of various cereals, potatoes and vegetables. This can be a side dish from your table, but you can cook it separately for your cat.
  • Be sure to give your Brit an egg every five to seven days.
  • Occasionally you can give dairy products - this can be cottage cheese or kefir, cheese, ryazhanka. You can use premium dry food - it contains all the necessary substances for a cat, but its taste leaves much to be desired, alas.

What should you not give to cats?

  • Milk. Allergy to lactose is especially pronounced in purebred cats.
  • Sweet. Even occasionally. And on holidays it’s also not allowed. Consider that your cat needs to watch his figure!
  • Marinated and salted. The marinade contains acid, which has a bad effect on the cat’s body, and salt delays the release of water from the body.
  • Alcohol and coffee. It not only harms the body, but leads to heart problems.

Remember that the British cat breed is prone to obesity, so you need to monitor their diet.

Where to buy, what for and why?

The main characteristic of a British breed cat is photogenicity. These cats love to play at any age, they can be taught to pose, and most importantly, they know how to smile! The resulting photos are simply amazing: a smiling cat in a flower pot, wearing a bath cap, hanging in the air at the moment of a jump. And what funny videos they make with their participation! These cats are sometimes too smart, but they are amenable to training. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the obedience of such a cat.


When it comes to where to buy, you have several options. The most common is the cat market. A popular but unreliable option. Prices there are twice as low, but this is where danger awaits you. It is not a fact that an animal purchased at such a market will be healthy and with all vaccinations. Of course, you can get vaccinated, treated, and so on, but is it really worth it? And a healthy kitten is better than a sick one.

From hand

You can purchase the British breed secondhand from people who breed British dogs. Reliability, like the price, will be higher, but there are pitfalls here too. You cannot always check the documents and purebredness of the breed, and you will not receive any guarantees.

If you are planning to have a British kitten in your home, then be prepared for the fact that a lot of positive emotions from communicating with this cute plush creature will not be enough - you will have to burden yourself with some worries about it.

Preliminary efforts

In order for the baby to feel comfortable and calm from the first minutes in the house, you should take care of purchasing all the necessary little things in advance.

  • To immediately eliminate problems with the toilet in the wrong place, buy a convenient tray with low sides. Choose a suitable place for it in the house, which must satisfy two conditions: be secluded and accessible around the clock.
  • At the same time, purchase the filler. Ask the breeder in advance what type of granules he uses, and choose exactly the same one so that the baby feels more familiar. And so that the kitten quickly understands where his toilet is, grab some used litter along with the crumbs and place it in the tray. A familiar smell will help the new resident find his way faster.
  • The second most important cat equipment is bowls for food and water. They can be made of stainless steel or ceramics. There are also convenient Teflon-coated options. Determine a permanent feeding area that is away from the main routes of family members.
  • To easily transport a kitten to a new home, you will need a carrier. Immediately choose a spacious and comfortable option with a durable handle and good ventilation for the future. Most likely, you will use it regularly for trips to the veterinarian or trips to the country.
  • In every home, a cat always chooses its favorite corner, guided only by principles known to it. Let the new resident determine the place where he will sleep, play and just relax. This is where you will need to put your carefully chosen bed or put up a house. True, sometimes a wayward pet prefers your old sweater or cardboard box as a cozy nest. household appliances, and the newfangled “palace” does not attract his attention at all. Now all you have to do is come to terms with it!
  • When purchasing a basket or mattress for a new tenant, you should not forget about the scratching post. If you teach your kitten to sharpen its claws on a special board from the first days of its life, you will most likely protect your furniture and wallpaper from damage. If you buy a multi-tiered house, then most likely a place where the cat can sharpen its claws is already provided in its design.
  • Kittens are the same as children, and all children love to play. Every child needs toys for their full development, knowledge of the world around them and the development of necessary life skills. Let your pet choose the objects that interest him. To prevent your slippers or favorite book from becoming them, fill the house with all kinds of plastic balls, fur mice, feather pendants and other entertainment. You can use any available means such as corks or candy wrappers as toys. The main requirement is their safety for the kitten, that is, the absence of sharp protrusions that could injure him, or parts that the pet could accidentally bite off and swallow.


The first few hours, and sometimes even days, in a new home will be decisive in your life together with your purr. Remember that the baby found himself completely alone in an unfamiliar, and therefore very frightening, environment. During this period, you will need maximum patience and understanding. Give your baby time to get comfortable and calmly explore the new habitat. If he starts to cry from fear and loneliness, gently caress and warm him, play with the baby to help him distract himself and relax. At this time, there should be no unexpectedly loud sounds in the house, or sudden and noisy movements of furniture or household members.

After the first frightening hours, the kitten will begin to explore its new habitat. At this point, introduce him to the toilet and food area. To begin with, it would be correct to limit the space to only a corridor or one room. It is normal if the baby refuses to eat and does not use the toilet at first. This is how the stress he experiences is reflected in his behavior. An animal that is physically and mentally healthy will easily cope with it and the next day, and often even earlier, its behavior will return to normal.

To make your pet's life in a new home comfortable from the first hours, follow a few simple rules.

  • Leave the kitten alone at first: do not hold it in your arms, do not offer food every 15 minutes, do not raise your voice, do not follow it.
  • If there are children in the house, then explain to them in advance that they should not show too much attention to the new resident: play with him all the time, squeeze him and pull his tail.
  • Make sure that all dangerous and undesirable places (washing machine, oven, trash can and others) are inaccessible to the inquisitive fidget.
  • When moving around the apartment, do not forget to carefully look at your feet and carefully open and close doors.
  • Place the kitten in the litter box from the first minutes of its arrival in the house. Even if he just sniffs it carefully, he will already know where the place for the toilet is. Bring your baby there as soon as you notice that he is restless and looking for a secluded place to sit. Most likely, after two or three reminders the procedure will be mastered.

Educational process

All kittens, like children, need proper upbringing. So that your life together is not overshadowed by constant conflicts, treat educational process take it seriously and always follow a few basic tips.

  • Never hit an animal as punishment for an offense or even swing at it. This behavior will firmly establish the pet’s horror of your outstretched hand, and mutual trust can be forgotten forever. To stop unwanted behavior, just say “Shoo!” or just hiss at the kitten. For cats, all hissing sounds are associated with threat.
  • When playing, do not let the kitten bite or scratch your hand. This bad habit can cause you a lot of unpleasant moments in the future, when the baby grows up. Use special purchased or homemade toys: “teasers” with feathers at the end of a stick, a candy wrapper on a string, balls or wind-up mice.
  • If you scold a cat for bad behavior, then your rebuke will only have an effect if you caught the pet at the moment of committing the offense. Then a reproachful and dissatisfied tone in the voice will be enough for the animal to realize its guilt. There is no need to shout and stomp your feet, much less beat the culprit.

How to feed

Proper feeding is based on three basic principles: regimen, correct selection of diet and separate nutrition.

  • It is very important to train the animal to receive food at the same time. This way his digestive system will work more stable, and your relationship will only become stronger from the nutrition ritual.
  • Choose only high-quality products for your pet. If this ready-made food, then you should carefully study the label before giving in to tempting advertising. In addition, do not forget that cats are big conservatives. Try to feed the animal the same food and products, making changes to the diet very gradually if necessary.
  • Choose one of the options for your pet: dry food or natural food. Veterinarians do not recommend mixing them due to different digestion rates. If you still want to give your animal natural products from time to time, then remove the dry food an hour and a half before feeding. Always following this principle, you can make a combined diet on an ongoing basis.

For very small kittens under the age of 4 months, a special (four meals a day) food intake schedule should be provided. Each meal should include one of the following ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken or ready-made canned children's meat, dry food, well-chopped raw beef. Don't forget that fresh water should always be available.

The combined diet of older individuals usually includes two types of lean meat (beef and chicken), cottage cheese and dry food.

This is a basic feeding option that may vary depending on your pet's taste preferences and health status. But there are some general taboos that all cat owners should know:

  • Do not give your pets dog food, as its composition does not meet the needs of the cat’s body;
  • You should not feed your cat fish, as this negatively affects the condition of the urinary tract;
  • products containing bones may be hazardous to the health of the animal;
  • there is no need to give your cat milk, as this will not bring any benefit to her body, but can lead to digestive upset;
  • Do not accustom your cat to eating from your table, so as not to provoke obesity and other health problems.

When mixed or natural feeding, do not forget about the benefits of vitamins. Like people, animals periodically need to take multivitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system, improve the appearance of their fur coat and improve the overall health of the body.


A thick and shiny plush coat is the pride and one of the most attractive features in the exterior of a British cat. To keep it that way forever, the fur needs regular proper care.

  • To maintain a healthy coat, Britons should be regularly given vitamin supplements containing plenty of calcium biotin and B vitamins. We must not forget about microelements, and complexes with sea kale will add depth to the tortoiseshell shades, as well as the red and chocolate color of the coat.
  • Both the examination of the eyes, teeth and ears, and the combing of the kitten’s fur must be taught from a very young age so that it gets used to this procedure and reacts to it calmly. British cats need to be combed first in the direction of the fur, and then against it. This procedure is also a wonderful massage. Animals that are accustomed to it from a young age usually get great pleasure from combing.
  • Animals should be washed every two months. Naturally, for this you need to use only special shampoos. If the wool requires more frequent cleaning, then once every two to three weeks you can use dry shampoos, which will remove dust and remove static electricity.

The British cat attracts with its softness, grace and endurance. Care and care from the owner is what cats need. Save good health Naturally, proper nutrition and adherence to the vaccination schedule will help. When buying a British kitten as a pet, you can count on a loving and devoted friend. The owner should not allow a familiar attitude towards the animal and must understand that this is not a soft toy.

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    British cat

    Despite the fact that the British cat appeared relatively recently, it has rapidly gained popularity. Unlike many other breeds, it is mobile, active, and has a calm character.

    The British are attached to their owners, and especially to children. Cats are unpretentious in care and quickly adapt to any living conditions. There are sixty-two types of colors in the breed.

    The peculiarities of this breed include its self-sufficiency. She communicates with the owner only if she considers it necessary. British cats get used to the order prescribed by the owner. When everyone leaves the house, the cats sleep, and when their owners arrive, they begin to lead an active lifestyle. Cats of this breed are clean.

    Chocolate Briton - photo, description and character

    History of the breed

    The breed was first bred in England at the end of the nineteenth century. The Briton was obtained by crossing a Persian and an English cat. Since then, the British cat has gained the greatest popularity and has become the most beloved pet in the UK.

    Recently, British cats have gained popularity in Russia. The plush animal has extraordinary fur and a straight and rounded tail tip. Round ears and wide-open eyes give the British a look of absolute calm. There is a fold around the round head, which gives the rock massiveness.


    The British cat has different colors. There are solid shades and with a pattern. A cat's eyes depend on its color. If the pet has a white coat, the eyes will be blue. It is worth noting that the color of cats of this breed is not always what they call it:

    1. 1. Blue color - gray.
    2. 2. Red - red:
    3. 3. Lilac - blue:
    4. 4. Golden chinchilla - red.

    It is quite common to see cats that are silver or gold in color. This color is usually called “whiskas”. The name appeared thanks to a popular advertisement for Whiskas cat food.

    The British cat comes in two varieties: shorthair and longhair.

    The following characteristics should be included in the breed standard:

    • The animal's body is compact and powerful.
    • The shape of the head is round and thick.
    • The British have a rounded muzzle and cheeks.
    • Eyes wide open.
    • The chin is firm and the nose is short.
    • The limbs are small and the paws are round.
    • Thick at the base and rounded end of the tail.
    • The coat is short, thick, does not lie close to the body, and has a fine structure.
    • Any color can be used.


    The owner of a British cat is a lucky person. Cats of this breed have excellent sociable qualities. These are smart and undemanding animals. When meeting people, they behave with restraint. But after getting to know each other and undergoing a period of adaptation, they will become devoted and loving pets. But you can only get a best friend in exchange for the love and devotion of the owner.

    The British should spend more time. The more attention they receive, the better the relationship will be. Many British people have a calm character. They are characterized by unobtrusiveness and playfulness. The distinctive features of the breed include love for all family members, and not just the owner.

    The British cat is never tame; it walks on its own. But most of the time she likes to sleep in a lounger or be close to her owner. The British do not like to be held, but will not refuse to be stroked. Unlike other breeds, these dogs do not accept excessive affection, such as kissing. Excessive attention will only anger the cat, and he will go to a secluded place to rest.

    Cats of this breed are friendly and willingly accept other pets into their family. They are confident and not shy. They can live near other animals. The main thing is that both pets are suitable for each other in character.

    Care and maintenance

    Despite its plush appearance, the British cat is not much different from an ordinary cat. Therefore, it is easy to care for her, just like a mongrel animal. Kittens are no exception. The only thing they need is increased attention, education and feeding.

    Before you get a British kitten, you need to make sure that he has everything he needs. These things include:

    1. 1. Food bowl. The owner of a kitten will need three bowls: for dry food, natural food and for water.
    2. 2. Litter tray. He can be anything. The main requirements are ease of washing and durability. It is not recommended to give preference to plastic trays. They are lightweight, leave scratches, and are difficult to clean. The Briton is a clean cat, so the main thing is to stay clean.
    3. 3. Scratching post. From a young age, you need to accustom the animal to grinding its claws. Otherwise, the kitten will find a place for this - walls, a sofa or something else. If you cannot purchase this accessory, you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need a small cardboard cylinder, which needs to be wrapped with woolen threads.
    4. 4. House or bed. Previously, bedding was placed under the sleeping area. Today, instead of ordinary rags, you can buy a soft lounger, which you can make yourself from an unnecessary sweater. You can buy a house or you can buy a basket or box. The main thing is that the kitten likes its place to rest and sleep.

    There are other accessories that a Briton may use. You don't have to buy them, but they may come in handy:

    • Carrying. You should not leave a Briton at home alone during a vacation or a trip out of town. In this case, a carrier will definitely come in handy. You will need it for a trip with your cat to the veterinarian. The main thing is that it is sized and comfortable for the pet.
    • Toys. A cat needs them, especially at a younger age. Kittens are so playful that their day does not come without an exciting activity. To prevent the cat from having fun with the owner's things, you need to purchase several toys.
    • Comb or brush. Regardless of whether a Briton's coat is long or short, it needs grooming. The comb should have infrequent and non-sharp teeth. The brush can have a massage effect, but the main thing is that it is made of natural bristles. It is not necessary to brush your cat every day; several times a week is sufficient.

    Feeding the British

    Until six months of age, British kittens are fed at least six times a day. Every month the number of feedings decreases and new types of food are added. During the first month, the kittens are fed by their mother.

    British cats have a delicate sense of smell, so feeding and caring for them involves not only choosing the right diet, but also keeping the feeding area and its utensils clean. There should be no foreign odors.


    Kittens are easy-going and easy to care for. The main task of the owner is to explain to the baby where he will sleep, sharpen his claws and where to go to the toilet. Purebred animals quickly get used to the tray. It will be enough to show the place and the kitten will quickly get used to it.

    You can stop your cat from walking in the wrong place. To do this, you need to coat this area with formaldehyde, mustard, garlic or horseradish. Cats cannot stand these smells, so they will not want to go to the toilet there anymore.

    It is quite difficult to accustom a kitten to a scratching post. This will take more than one day. To begin with, it is advised to take the Briton to the scratching post and play with him there. The game should involve stimulating the cat to tear its claws on the proposed accessory. It won’t work the first time, but if you play daily, then after a while he will remember the place and will scratch his claws on the scratching post.

    Any pet is not only soft, flexible and fluffy. In relationships with the owner, there are times when he does not listen. In this case, the British need to be punished. It is important to understand that for a purebred animal, the dissatisfied, sad tone of the owner is a punishment. Yelling at a cat is not recommended, as the British will not associate this with punishment. Such a tone will only leave resentment in the kitten’s soul. Hitting a pet is unacceptable, as it has an excellent memory. He will remember this moment and will definitely harbor a grudge against the owner in his soul.

    Raising a British kitten requires patience from the owner. With proper care and maintenance, a British cat will grow up not only to be a beautiful animal, but also to be the best and most devoted friend.

    British health

    The British have excellent health. But, like many other animals, they can get sick. Common symptoms to watch out for include:

    • lack of appetite;
    • redness of the eyes;
    • hair loss;
    • rapid breathing;
    • cough;
    • vomit;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • low temperature.

    If you notice one of the symptoms, you should definitely contact your veterinarian, as this could be the beginning of a serious illness.

    The first sign that a Brit is feeling unwell is a lack of appetite. With serious illnesses, symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea are not uncommon. If any of the signs are detected, you need to measure the animal’s temperature. This can be done using a special thermometer. The normal temperature for a Briton is 38–39 degrees. Promotion temperature indicator indicates pneumonia or problems with the central nervous system.

    You shouldn’t judge your pet’s health problems by a hot nose. For the British it can be wet and cold, but the temperatures are still high. Moreover, even the eyes of cats will not show any signs of disease. An experienced owner should always have a thermometer on hand to measure temperature.

    Genetic diseases

    British cats are healthy and hardy cats. But they are prone to certain diseases that can be transmitted genetically:

    1. 1. Two types of blood in the population. This problem is common in the UK and cannot be cured. When a cat with blood type "B" is mated with a cat with blood type "A", this results in the birth of kittens with two types of blood. Such offspring live for two days and then die. In our country there are no methods that determine this pathology in the womb.
    2. 2. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy develops in adult cats. If kittens are found to have little weight gain, they should regularly perform heart ultrasounds and monitor this problem.
    3. 3. Obesity is a common problem in British cats. Develops due to poor nutrition and insufficient physical activity. At the first symptoms of obesity, the animal should be forced to move as much as possible.

    Other problems

    Except genetic diseases, the British may suffer from specific diseases. These include the following:

    • viral;
    • endocrine;
    • neurological;
    • rectum;
    • gastrointestinal;
    • brain diseases.

    Britons are most likely to suffer from panleukopenia and leukemia. Distemper is a disease of cats that affects the stomach and reduces the level of leukocytes in the blood. A decrease in leukocytes leads to the inability to fully perform the function of fighting various infections. It is possible to become infected with distemper from a sick animal. Little Britons may not be able to cope with this serious illness, as they the immune system unable to fight. When the body temperature increases, the animal dies from exhaustion.

    The second disease is cancer or leukemia. It affects circulatory system, arises malignancy. You can get leukemia by becoming infected from a sick animal, due to poor quality nutrition and lack of disinfection during a visit to the veterinarian. The danger of this disease is its asymptomatic course for several months. After this, the cat experiences a decrease in appetite. Cats cannot bear offspring. The British become immobile, and the cardiovascular muscles gradually stop working. Leukemia has no cure. The owner must make a decision - to euthanize the animal or maintain its condition until death with medications.

    Britons often have problems at work endocrine system. This is evidenced by obesity or exhaustion. Symptoms such as thirst and bad breath may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus first stage. In this case, the cat will need to be supported with insulin throughout its life.

    Another disease associated with the nervous system is epilepsy. In this case, the owner is asked to euthanize the animal, since the treatment does not bring results. The British are quite often prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Cats of this breed should not be fed poorly or overfed. A common disease is urolithiasis. Symptoms of the disease are:

    • blood in urine;
    • pain;
    • change in color of stool.

    In this case, you need to urgently contact veterinary clinic. The appearance of sand and stones in the genitourinary system leads to death in 80% of cases.

    Like any other living creature, the Briton suffers from respiratory diseases due to hypothermia. He may develop worms due to untimely deworming. Many Britons have problems with their eyes, teeth and nails. With proper care this can be avoided. In order for your plush pet not to have problems with the eyes, they need to be constantly washed with chamomile infusion or boiled water. Oral cavity needs to be kept clean. There are various methods of prevention - this is cleaning your teeth with a special brush and toothpaste.

    Diagnostic measures

    If symptoms of illness are detected, the cat should be taken to a veterinarian. The examination helps determine the clinical picture:

    1. 1. Examination by a veterinarian. By examining and palpating the cat, the condition of its internal organs is determined. Depending on the symptoms of the disease, a vaginal or rectal examination is performed.
    2. 2. The doctor measures the animal’s body temperature. Correct measurement can only be done rectally.
    3. 3. Examining the cat with a stethoscope. This device allows you to determine pathologies of the heartbeat, digestion, sounds in the intestines or air movement during breathing. A healthy cat's heartbeat is between 110 and 140 beats. A healthy animal can take 24 to 42 breaths.
    4. 4. The animal can be examined with an otoscope. This tool allows you to identify ear diseases. An otoscope is a cone-shaped instrument with a built-in light at the end. It is inserted into the cat's ear.
    5. 5. Ophthalmoscopic examination is necessary for eye diseases.
    6. 6. Endoscopic examination is carried out for pathologies of internal organs in cats. An endoscope can be used to examine the respiratory organs and stomach. The instrument is a bendable tube that is inserted inside under general anesthesia. The examination result is displayed on the screen.
    7. 7. X-rays are prescribed for various pathologies and injuries.
    8. 8. Ultrasound examination is the process of examining the insides of an animal.
    9. 9. An electrocardiographic study is carried out to diagnose the work of the British heart.
    10. 10. Blood test determines chemical composition blood.
    11. 11. A urine test is carried out to determine the functioning of the kidneys in cats. This examination may show the presence of diabetes mellitus or diseases of the genitourinary system.
    12. 12. A biopsy is a study that determines the presence of neoplasms in cats.

    Prevention methods

    In order for the cat to get sick as little as possible or viral disease, the owner of the British must follow the vaccination schedule. The best remedy prevention are vaccinations. They need to be done from the age of two months. At this point, kittens are not receiving milk and are not able to produce antibodies that strengthen the immune system.

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