Home Pulpitis What to do to become popular. Goodbye pessimism! Optimism is a new lifestyle

What to do to become popular. Goodbye pessimism! Optimism is a new lifestyle

Don't wear a mask. People can tell right away that you're faking it. You have to be authentic, so be who you are and be proud of it. Think about your strengths. By the time they start college, most people have outgrown the person they were in high school. If you haven't already, you need to do a good job of growing up. Your time in college is ideal for getting to know yourself better. And by the time you decide on the choice of your specialty, you should be proud of it because it can become a determining factor in the development of your personality and career.

Please. Open doors for people, don't hesitate to help carry books, offer to help with homework, help a person find their way around college. Only your kindness can help you do this.

Be friendly. Try to make small talk with everyone. Make an effort to talk to someone or help someone you wouldn't normally do. Don't be bone man. Try chatting about things like: weather, sports, school, college life, travel, hobbies, weekend or vacation plans, movies, music, and favorite TV shows. Stay up to date with the latest celebrity gossip, news and sports, so you'll always have something to talk about. Talking about the weather gets boring really quickly.

Have a good sense of humor. Don't tell stupid, ingrained jokes. Be witty. Search for funny material online or watch funny TV shows or movies to get ideas.

Dress in fashionable clothes. You don't have to imitate Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian to look stylish, but you don't have to dress like you just rolled out of bed (which is what some students look like). After all, some could be seen in pajamas even at school. For guys good option could be a button-down shirt, T-shirt, pullover or sweatshirt with jeans or shorts. A hoodie with a hood will also work. For girls - an interesting top, pretty haircut, modest makeup. Try to dress appropriately for the climate and terrain. Many students, having decided on their major, begin to dress the way they would at work, for example: business clothes for business majors, more pretentious clothes for artistic majors. This rule is observed especially carefully during internship, practice, etc. Many students wear their work clothes to college, especially if they work after school. Some specialties will require you to wear a special uniform, for example, a robe and cotton trousers for nursing and dental specialties, a police uniform for law enforcement, etc. There are girls who went to Lately to school in attractive dresses and skirts - if you have such a good and attractive dress, then don’t be afraid to wear it to college.

You are not required to attend parties. Only amateurs attend parties all the time. Drinking alcohol is a sign that you are insecure and therefore turn to alcohol to feel confident. A truly stylish and “cool” person does not need this doping. Attend a nice party once in a while (like a relative's wedding), but don't make it a lifestyle choice. Typically, students who celebrate parties the way Toby Keith does in his "Red Solo Cup" video get laughed at all the time.

Don't join too many clubs. Joining too many clubs is a sign that you are desperate and just want to be accepted everywhere. Only participate in clubs and activities that you are genuinely interested in or that are related to your major. Do not join a nursing club unless you plan to continue doing so in the future.

Don't try to hide your shortcomings. College is exactly the place where they cannot be hidden. Don't be afraid to do something that you will later regret because it was "not cool." No one has yet defined a standard by which to judge what is “cool” and what is not. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what is "cool" and there are many other aspects that determine this, such as where you live. So, don't try too hard, relax. Who cares if you like Justin Bieber, or like watching Tom and Jerry, or even listening to Lawrence Welk in your dorm. If you like Justin Bieber, don't be afraid to blow up your speakers with his compositions. College students today like to be "ironic" anyway.

Earn good grades. Grades are not an attribute exclusively for “nerds”. Grades will make you “cooler”: after all, this is a future job that will allow you to earn money to buy cool cars, houses, etc.

Don't be addicted to Facebook and other social networks such as MySpace. Time spent on Facebook is usually wasted time. When you are on the Internet, listen to music, enjoy funny jokes and photos, watch YouTube, and if you get tired of all this, start studying.

You don't need a girlfriend/boyfriend or sex to look "cool". Sometimes having a girlfriend/boyfriend in college can distract you from other interesting activities, or from achieving your main goal - getting an education for future career. But if you find someone you like, don't be afraid to make the first move. But remember that you may well expect dramatic consequences.

Don't be afraid to express yourself. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in and do what you think is right, even though it may not be popular. Every person has their own opinion, so be sure to respect other people's differences and treat everyone equally. If you don't think that sex or partying is "cool", or that voting for a certain political candidate is not "cool", then act in accordance with your beliefs.

Many girls want to become popular among classmates, friends and schoolchildren. If you are one of them, know that anyone can achieve their goal. You just need to know how to become the most popular in school and class.

If you can’t boast of beauty, relaxedness, charm or intelligence, it’s possible to become the epicenter of attraction. Believe in yourself and follow a few simple rules.

Before I tell you how to succeed and become popular at school, I’ll tell you what not to do. Wrong actions, instead of getting results, will doom your efforts and attempts to become popular to failure.

  1. You should not gain favor with classmates and friends through flattery.
  2. Even if friendship with a certain girl or group of students will be beneficial, do not put yourself down to create a friendly relationship.
  3. Copying behavior popular girls and imitation of manners will lead to nothing good.
  4. Don't date boys in order to appear worthy and interesting.

Schoolchildren, seeing that you happily fulfill their wishes and follow their lead, will communicate, but such friendship cannot be called sincere. Do not forget that by sacrificing pride and dignity, you will not be able to gain real popularity in school or class.

Step-by-step action plan

  1. Communicate with all your peers without trying to join a specific group. You will achieve popularity if your circle of friends is unlimited. Talk to everyone and don't neglect anyone.
  2. Remember, the key to popularity is goodwill. You will not be able to achieve your goal with the help of aggression and anger. If your character is complex, try to become kinder and focus on nice talking and sincere friendship.
  3. Support good mood. A smile will help attract the attention of children from school, provoking them to communicate. Go to school in the mood.
  4. Will help increase popularity and attractiveness. IN school years boys fight for attention beautiful girls. Take care of your skin, nails and hair. Choose stylish, beautiful and clean clothes.
  5. Meet older students. Friendship with high school students is perceived by peers as an indicator of coolness. By gaining their trust, you will be on the right path to the top of popularity.
  6. Do something fun and interesting. With the help of an unusual hobby, you will attract attention and attract interest. Having chosen an interesting activity, be it dancing or wrestling, try to achieve success. As a result, there will be an incentive to share achievements with peers.

Here's how to become popular in school. When moving towards your goal, do not behave extremely defiantly, do not impose yourself and forget about embarrassment. Otherwise, instead of popularity, you will gain a reputation as a frivolous schoolgirl who thinks only about herself.

Video tips

Be a relaxed and natural person. As a result, your peers will begin to consider you an interesting person, spending time with whom is very pleasant. Don't copy an existing school star.

How to become the most popular in class

All girls dream of becoming popular among their classmates. Nevertheless, some girls are invited to holidays and given gifts, while others are ignored.

If you think that your popularity among your peers is minimal, try to correct the situation with step by step instructions. By following the recommendations, achieve your goal and climb to the top of popularity, which can even go beyond the classroom.

  • Take care of your appearance . Even if you don’t shine with exceptional beauty, pay as much attention to your image as possible. Keep your nails and hair clean, wear neat clothes and take care of fresh breath. Agree, greasy hair and torn tights will alienate your classmates.
  • Find your style . It is not necessary to go to extreme measures involving dyeing your bangs green color, using a large amount of cosmetics and accessories. It's better to dress properly. Only the right items will help hide figure flaws, and a fashionable haircut will highlight the beauty of your face.
  • Actively participate in class life . Alternatively, you can publish a school newspaper, participate in extracurricular activities, keep a diary, come up with skits and quizzes. If you're not good at acting, try becoming a school director.
  • Use your talents . If you know how to embroider, sing, dance or draw, use your talents to win over your classmates. Invite them to the next concert or competition in which you intend to participate. As a result, your classmates will be able to learn something new about you. None of them school competitions, exhibitions or concert programs should not take place without your participation.
  • Be interested in history and the world . You will be able to gain popularity among your classmates if you can interest them. Knowledge about sports, music, fashion trends or the latest in cinema will help. Tell your classmates about interesting things, trying to keep the conversation from becoming a one-sided lecture.
  • Hospitality and generosity . If a classmate asks for a book or CD with an educational video, don’t be greedy. Invite your classmates to visit, entertain and treat them. If it's your birthday, try baking your own cake and treat the whole class. Demonstrate your culinary skills and attract attention.
  • State your point of view . Regarding events that happen in class or at school, you should have your own point of view. Express it with reason. Treat other people's opinions with respect.
  • Special attention pay attention to developing a sense of humor . A girl who is constantly serious and gloomy will not be popular at school or in class. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise, instead of a school star, you will become a jester. Watching humorous TV shows, reading jokes and anecdotes will help develop a sense of humor.
  • Unexpected action . You can make a huge impression on your school colleagues with the help of an unexpected act. For example, ask a handsome friend to meet you after school or drive up to the school threshold in the side seat of a nice car. It is not worth making an impression with cigarettes, strong drinks or psychotropic substances. They will only bring bad fame.

Agree, the steps that I propose to take to achieve the goal are as simple and understandable as possible. At the same time, they are very effective and have repeatedly demonstrated their effectiveness in practice.

During their school years, all children try to gain popularity among their peers. Especially in high school, when they begin to rapidly mature physically and mentally. When trying to get the desired status, the main thing is to avoid making a serious mistake. In an effort to gain popularity, you can commit rash and ill-considered actions, which you later have to be ashamed of.

What is popularity and why is it needed?

While studying at school, children study various disciplines every day in order to gain knowledge. They constantly make attempts to gain status among classmates and friends. There is nothing wrong if a girl strives to gain popularity. Each person needs to get to know each other in order to exchange opinions and useful data, which has a positive effect on the development of communication skills, which will definitely be useful throughout adult life.

Communication skills - the ability to talk to by different people without hesitation. During such communication, a person learns to understand psychology, which helps in school, at work, and even in creating relationships.

In the article, I shared methods for achieving popularity at school and in the classroom, which are widely used by teenage girls. Surely at school you saw how friends, in order to gain popularity and attract attention, use bad habits. Remember, for teenagers, alcohol and cigarettes are forbidden things that have nothing to do with real popularity.

Before you take action, think carefully about whether you need great popularity. Identify the reasons why you are still unpopular. It may turn out that popularity is not needed; a couple of good friends are plenty.

Don't try to change to please your peers. You will achieve success if you can live in harmony with yourself. Time will pass, the environment will change, but you must remain yourself. Each new change will make you better and more natural.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to become popular. Not every girl decides to declare this openly, but nevertheless, the majority dreams of receiving universal love and recognition. So what do you need to do for this?

To become popular, you must first learn to be confident:
  • If suddenly there is a good moment to show your “I” - don’t stand on the sidelines, but act! If you don't believe in yourself, no one will believe in you. Throw your complexes aside and reveal your true self.
  • Don't be afraid to speak up when you have something to say. Don’t be silent, don’t create the image of a gray mouse. You know a lot of jokes and funny stories - great, share them with others. Love to read and can bring up several in a conversation or argument interesting facts- act! People will be interested in you.
  • Develop your skills and expand your range of interests. Learn to do something better than others so that you have no equal among those around you. This will give you even more confidence, and you will be able to socialize more easily.
Expand your circle of acquaintances. Use all the methods available to you to do this - make new friends at work (or school), in gyms and dance clubs, on the Internet in the end. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation first, don’t be afraid to invite a new acquaintance to the cinema or to the park for a walk. How more people will know about you and love you as a person - the sooner you will gain popularity. Try to stand out from the crowd. Get a new hairstyle, learn how to apply makeup correctly, find your own style. And remember, you don’t have to be fashionable to become noticeable. The main thing is to emphasize your individuality and feel comfortable at the same time. If you like the way you look, then believe me, those around you will feel the same. You will not become popular if you do not get rid of your fears and complexes. If you don’t want to go to a party because few of your old acquaintances will be there, gather your courage and go make new ones. Feel free to dance and have fun, be positive and attract attention. At first it will be scary and unusual, and then you yourself will begin to like being socially active.

Popular people are friends with everyone. You need to learn to communicate not only with peers, but also with older and older people. younger age, with people in leadership positions, with store clerks and grandmothers on benches. Be friendly and unobtrusive, try to help people whenever possible, and most importantly, do it all from the heart. When a girl tries to please everyone and literally squeezes out a smile, believe me, this is very noticeable from the outside.

Don't be afraid to laugh at your failures. We are all not perfect, and if you have made some mistake, do not isolate yourself and do not wait until everything is forgotten. Will not be forgotten! So that in time you don’t have to blush for what was said or done today, don’t be shy and joke about yourself. The most important thing you should remember is to remain yourself in any situation. When a person bends over backwards to get into a new company and bends under those around him in an effort to rise to a new social level, the result is often sad. Society loves open and natural people

who do not hide their own emotions under other people's masks. So try not to lose your “I” in the pursuit of popularity.

There are many forms of holding public events, the main purpose of which is to meet new interesting people and establish useful contacts. These include conferences, parties, presentations, and club get-togethers. However, even having met a useful and interesting person, we can easily not interest him and miss good chances for a career and decent earnings.

How to become the center of everyone's attention and the “persona grata” at any party? Here practical advice and recommendations:

1. Create an interesting image. It shouldn't be bright and flashy. Such an image is more likely to cause negativity among others (which, by the way, is used by some public people who want to make money on their notoriety). It should attract precisely with its inner depth, grace and simplicity. It is not at all necessary to dress up in an expensive suit from a famous fashion designer and insanely expensive jewelry. This won’t surprise anyone now. Maximum simplicity combined with taste and utmost accuracy is what people react to. Light, unobtrusive perfume and almost imperceptible. Simple but elegant clothes, neat and discreet hairstyle.

Glasses with the right frames will give you a wonderful charm. If you can see perfectly without glasses, glasses can be ordered without diopters.

An original accessory will add special charm to you in the eyes of the public. Not an insanely expensive iPhone or a glamorous dog under your arm. You will be interested in theatrical binoculars or an elegant brooch inherited from your great-grandmother, an original fan, a cigarette in a long holder - everything that your imagination is capable of. The main thing is that the accessory fits harmoniously into your image.

2. Develop your own style of behavior and communication. There is no need to play someone else’s role that doesn’t fit well with your personality. Don’t try to appear more successful, better, more beautiful, and smarter than you are in ordinary life. Those around you will immediately notice any note of falsehood, pretense and mannerism. This will push them away faster than you can establish more or less close contact.

Interlocutors are attracted by simplicity and naturalness in communication. Speak only on topics that are interesting to you personally, in which you have some knowledge, and can enrich your interlocutor with new knowledge.

Find your own unique character trait, personality, zest that will attract others to you, and will not force you to strain yourself in attempts to portray someone who, in principle, you are not.

Once you do this, you will be pleasantly surprised at how willingly people will reach out to you.

3. Smile. Do not put on a rubber smile in the “Hollywood” style. Moreover, you shouldn’t smile all the time. This will cause confusion among others, and perhaps some may think that you are mocking them.

Smile only when making eye contact with someone around you. Try to make your smile look natural, relaxed and friendly.

React with a smile to the jokes of your interlocutors. When communicating with a person, depict a slight half-smile, indicating your friendly disposition.

Be careful with your laughter. Loud and harsh laughter is perceived by people as a manifestation of rudeness and disrespect. As a result, you begin to irritate others, which will add to your popularity, but with a minus sign. Laughing should be polite, quiet and to the point. For example, in response to a joke from your interlocutor or accompanying your own funny story.

4. Speak quietly. Some people try to laugh loudly and talk emotionally in order to attract the attention of others, like, look what a cheerful, sociable and sociable person I am. Often the reaction of others is exactly the opposite. Your “loud” behavior will be perceived as a sign of extreme bad manners, and the list of potential interlocutors and would-be (or could be) admirers will rapidly decrease.

If you need to talk to a person located at a considerable distance, you should never shout to him from afar. It’s better to come up and chat calmly at a comfortable distance.

5. React to compliments with restraint. Often, both women and men begin to react violently to compliments, trying with all their appearance to make it clear that they always look like this, and this is theirs. natural state. Do not belittle your merits, but also do not attribute false shortcomings to yourself. Smile naturally and thank the person for the compliment. This will be a worthy and impressive response to courtesy, since it is an element of politeness in communication.

6. Try to be an interesting conversationalist. Here the breadth of your natural horizons and the degree of your reading will help you. The ability to maintain an easy and relaxed conversation on any topic will show you as an intelligent and valuable interlocutor. Do not try to prove at any cost that you are right, even if your interlocutor is wrong a hundred times. A person has the right to be mistaken, and flaunting his wrongness can cause him deep irritation and subsequent refusal to continue communicating with you.

You should also not talk about things about which you have only vague ideas. In conversation with knowledgeable person your incompetence will quickly become obvious to him, and you will lose value in his eyes as an adequate interlocutor. Nobody wants to communicate with idle talkers.

7. Keep the conversation going with questions. The interlocutor will be pleased if you express interest in the conversation and in him personally. Call him by name, the person likes the way it sounds, and he subconsciously becomes more inclined towards you.

Find out about his occupation, hobbies, praise him for some merits or achievements.

If the interlocutor sees that he is indifferent to you as a person, he will quickly lose interest in the conversation and switch to others present.

8. Keep it a little suspenseful. Don’t put all the information about yourself out there. A person is always attracted to understatement and mystery. However, if the interlocutor asks a question concerning you, answer as sincerely and honestly as possible.

Do not overload your interlocutor with unnecessary information that does not interest him. You should also not start complaining about life and dump your everyday and family problems on a stranger. No one is interested in other people's difficulties.

Popularity on social networks


1. Earn credibility in any field of knowledge. Select a topic that interests you and find like-minded people online. In the process of communicating with them, you will learn a lot of unique and useful information, which will give you the opportunity to become a recognized expert in your chosen information field. By sharing your experience and helping people solve their issues, you will earn a lot of popularity points. You will also make a lot of useful contacts that will be useful to you in the future.

2. Visualize your posts. An original photo or video will not only add representativeness to your information, but will also evoke positive emotions among network users, provoking numerous “likes” and reposts.

3. Stay in the information trend. People are mainly concerned about information that concerns socially significant events that are exciting the Internet. However, it should be taken into account that there are not many really long-lasting trends, and it is necessary to change the topic of posts to a new trend in time. Keep your nose to the wind and your ears open.

4. Work with exclusive. By being the primary source of original content, you will earn your credibility and the desire of the “residents” of the network to visit your page again and again in search of fresh and “hot” content.

5. Promote your content. Even the most exclusive content can be so specific that it will not resonate well with most visitors. To update the topic, you can entice users with provocative questions.

You can also use it in distribution keywords, placing them in a specially designated place. This will allow search engines to quickly find your material.

And, of course, you can use your friends’ likes and recommendations to promote your content.

6. Be as brief as possible. The huge volume of content on the Internet necessitates short, catchy headlines and small, compact texts. This will ensure that your content is fully read and assessed for its usefulness.


1. “Catching” photographs. Each of your photographs should have a “zest”, a special charm that will not leave the viewer indifferent. Really dose interesting photos. Don't post them all at once. Otherwise they may remain unappreciated.

2. Use hashtags actively. It's real effective method attract a specific target audience to your photos. And if your photos meet the expectations of your guests, they will become yours forever.

3. Indicate the geographic coordinates of the location in the photo. Users are curious to see places they've already been to and compare their impressions of those places with the impressions evoked by your photos.

4. Establish friendly contacts with users with similar interests. Help in promoting their pages will not go unnoticed. As a thank you, they will help you promote your content.

5. Keep your profile open. This is the main condition for access to your content and future recognition of you as a photography guru.

6. Link your account to accounts of other social networks. This will greatly increase the likelihood of people visiting your page from third-party sources.

7. Learn from Instagram gurus. They give you the opportunity to take a piece of their success and promote your content in original ways.

8. Do original photograph for profile. This will become an “anchor” for random passers-by.

9. Use for processing photos most popular filters.

In order to gain fame on this portal, it is enough to upload original and unique videos. In this case, chance plays a big role. A well-directed and elegantly produced long video can only be watched by your subscribers. And a ridiculous three-second farce can break viewing records.

The main condition here is the choice of video topic and regular posting of original content. Your fans will definitely find you.


The main conditions for gaining popularity in this microblog are:

1. Provoke people, ask pressing questions, force them to comment and enter into discussion.

2. More interactivity and interaction with other users. The blog must be lively and active. Then he will attract followers.

3. Add more relevant and valuable information. People are interested in receiving new information on issues that interest them, learning new facts, and sharing their impressions about them. You should give more than you receive.

4. High level literacy and language culture will attract more users than the use of jargon, obscenities and highly specialized slang. Respect your readers, they will respond to you with increased traffic.


Everything here is extremely simple and clear. Ask original questions, be active, interact with other users and your rating will steadily grow, to the delight of you and your online friends.

How to become famous in school (or class)?

To do this, try to adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Dress neatly and discreetly.

  2. Try to find your niche in school affairs, where you can become a leader and confidently maintain primacy.

  3. Be independent, do not succumb to the herd instinct and do not hesitate to directly express your opinion on any issue. You will definitely be respected for your directness and honesty.

  4. Try not to discuss others behind their backs.

  5. Never refuse help if you see that a person really needs it.

  6. Strive to excel in as many subjects as possible. Smart people respected everywhere.

  7. Don't curry favor with teachers and school administration.

By following the suggested tips, you will undoubtedly achieve success and recognition!

How to become popular is a problem that interests many people, especially more or less young and active people who strive to achieve success, rather, not at work, but among their peers. Another thing is that not everyone knows how to achieve this rather difficult goal. From the article you will understand how to become a popular person or in social networks, of which there are many, and almost every one requires individual approach, or in real life, specifically - at school.

Why do people need popularity?

To begin with, I would like to say a little about why people need this at all. Popularity, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s on the Internet or in real life, is an extremely fragile thing. It's very easy to lose your fans. But, despite any potential difficulties, a person has long strived for power, and to become popular means to feel not like an ordinary schoolboy from an unknown town, but a real star. To be in the spotlight, to receive praise, to know that people like you... This is the dream of even modest individuals who do not particularly know how to pretend to be a world celebrity, let alone those for whom becoming famous is almost the goal of life.

In general, many people have a desire to become famous. But it’s one thing to play the guitar and present yourself in front of a crowd of millions of fans; it’s another thing to become famous on the Internet or at school, because it’s much easier. Well, forward to new information!


Become famous person in such a large social network, where even without beginners there are enough professionals with millions of subscribers, it is difficult, but possible. At the same time, you are given the opportunity to show all your best qualities, because only then can you become truly famous.

Many people who post their videos will sooner or later think about how to become popular on YouTube. However, ordinary viewers may also have such a desire. And this is not surprising, the fame of major reviewers, let-players and other interesting guys haunts me, I want to try to become famous myself. Of course, in a place like this, this can be done in one day if some disconcerting video gets onto the network and spreads at the speed of sound, but this is not what people need.

The recipe for success is very simple: to become famous on YouTube, you need to upload high-quality, interesting or useful videos. It should be clear if this is filming; if you have to do dubbing, the microphone should record in such a way that there are no unnecessary sounds or extraneous noise; When reviewing or walking through, you should take those programs/games/movies/products that are interesting to users, etc. It is also advisable to create a public page on VK with a link to your channel, so that an additional audience will come from there. If you post videos that are truly interesting to viewers, you will gain subscribers. Over time, there will be more and more of them, and one day you will realize that you have already become popular.

"In contact with"

We cannot ignore the most famous social network in Russia and the CIS countries. Many people, especially girls, are very concerned about the question of how to become popular on VK. The main criterion for “stardom” is numbers, namely: the number of likes, subscribers and commentators. And this is a double-edged sword, because when we first look at the page of popular people, we really see how many users like a particular person. And then everyone wants it too, and then all individuals are interested in how to become popular. You can become famous in VK in several ways.

The first one can be called fake. Getting subscribers, likes and even comments is now a common thing. Nevertheless, visually it will look like popularity, so this method is suitable for those who care about the opinions of others. Perhaps a certain percentage of guests who accidentally visit the page will become interested and stay. But for this you need to post quality content and not throw up the wall.

The second is more difficult, because it already discusses how to become popular on VK using your own strength, brains and other advantages. To do this, you need to lead an active online life: comment on posts in groups and public pages, find friends with similar interests there, communicate with them, like their posts, make interesting posts or notes on your walls, post nice photos. If you have the talent you have, you can post your sound recordings or drawings. You can also post your own photos that can resonate with others. But the main thing is not to forget about people, constantly communicate with them and maintain contact, at least one-way (periodically contacting friends and subscribers when there are a lot of them).


Despite everything, many people still use this social network. Surely many girls are interested in how to become popular on Odnoklassniki. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity, of course, may also be concerned about this issue, but to a lesser extent than beautiful ladies. However, there is no point in thinking too much about this topic, since the scheme here is the same as in VK: you need to have many friends, communicate a lot and post quality content.


Are you wondering how to become popular on Twitter? The answer is simple: be a creative, original and competent (very desirable quality) person and be able to express your thoughts briefly but interestingly. It is then that you will become famous on Twitter, where the most suitable phrases are reposted and screenshotted, and when they appear regularly, they are eagerly awaited.


This social network is also gaining enormous popularity. Post your pictures, which can be quite funny and interesting, look at the photographs of other users, including professionals, find yourself a photographer for any purpose - all this is provided by Instagram. We will also look at how to become popular on this social network, but it is worth noting that talent and the ability to see beauty will come in handy here.

All you need to do to become famous on Instagram is post photos. But which ones are another question.

First of all, quality. No one will like blurry pictures where you can’t tell whether the photo is a raccoon or a dog. Clarity is what everyone loves. Remember that you don't have to have an expensive camera to take good photos.

Secondly, interestingness. Photos of wallpaper, food, slippers or something ordinary and not particularly attractive will not interest potential subscribers. This means you need to create truly high-quality content that can captivate users and please them.

Thirdly, variety. But it’s worth noting that it should be in moderation. Nobody likes to look at the same kittens every day, but if, after regularly posting cute pictures, you suddenly publish a black one, not everyone will like it.

Thirdly, the effects. You shouldn't go overboard, of course, but use a couple of interesting filters to make your photo more attractive - why not?

You can attract people to your images only by being active. Let the pictures be wonderful; without PR, no one but you will need them. This is why you should look at other people's photos, like them and comment on them. Most users usually react to a new person, which means they like you, after which, if they really like your content, they subscribe and become regular followers.


From the Internet to reality. Almost every girl thinks about how to become popular at school or outside of it, and every guy simply dreams of being respected and obeyed by everyone. But at work, and often at university, people are much less interested in the notorious fame. At school, everything is different. Here, many teenagers are very concerned about how to become more popular in class, because no one wants to be a gray mouse, unnoticed by anyone.

There are several ways to achieve intra-school fame:

1. Thanks to studying. If you have brains, then why not use them? The main thing is that if you study well, you will not receive the title of “nerd,” which is offensive to schoolchildren. However, if giving the correct answers over and over again in different lessons does not seem like something difficult, you can help your classmates. This should be done in a friendly manner, with a smile. Sooner or later everyone will understand what an irreplaceable person they have in their class. If at the same time you know how to communicate well with people, then you will automatically become popular.

2. Thanks to connections. If you and your parents/friends/relatives can organize something interesting for teenagers, you will become popular among your peers. Exciting activities like going to the theater/cinema/exhibition or throwing a party will appeal to your classmates. Also, someone may be delighted by unusual acquaintances. In the lower grades, children take pride in meeting older students, and in older grades, they take pride in making friends with celebrities and famous personalities.

3. Thanks to talents. Do you know how to draw, play musical instruments, dance or something else? Usually people like talented individuals, and they are always surrounded by attention. If you lack it, perhaps your classmates simply do not know what you are capable of. Then it's worth showing them this. By the way, school clubs, KVN, etc. are also great way show yourself in a favorable light.

4. Thanks to communication skills. This is the most easily accessible for those who can talk. It’s enough just to make friends with many people, find interesting topics for conversations and behave in society like a duck to water, as you will automatically become famous in your circles, even without other talents.

Appearance doesn't matter

We've looked at how to become popular on social networks or at school. But you can also make a certain thought that is universal for all of the above and has an effect on others life situations, be it university, work or just a new company.

You don't have to be beautiful to become popular. Many actors do not have ideal appearance, but people like them, they become world celebrities. This is because beauty is replaced by such qualities as charm, charisma, sociability, etc. A sense of humor and the ability to speak interestingly and captivate your interlocutor with your speeches are especially important. Take YouTube: fame came to some people thanks to their ability to joke, comment and pleasant voice, and not their appearance. You can have a pretty face, but be such a stupid, uneducated and uninteresting person that all potential admirers will quickly be disappointed.

How much to wait

Many people don't know how to wait. Having read manuals on how to become popular, some begin to act, but when the coveted fame does not come the next day or a week later, they give up. It is important to understand that nothing happens instantly. It may take months or years before you become truly popular. The main thing is to believe in your goal and do exactly what you like, for yourself, for your pleasure, and not for the sake of abstract fame. If you don't love what you do, no one will love you, which means you won't become popular.

Bottom line

So, what can you take away from the article? Some short summary:

  • The city's sociability and courage are impressive.
  • The ability to present information is extremely important.
  • Patience will always come in handy.
  • The main thing is not appearance, but charm and charisma.
  • A sense of humor is needed in any situation.
  • You always need to believe in yourself.

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