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Message about the name Dmitry. The meaning of the name Dima - useful information

The meaning of the name Dima will be interesting to know not only for its owners, but also for parents who chose this option for their heir. It is especially popular in Russia and is one of the twenty most common male names among Russians. An interesting happy fate awaits Dmitriev.

History of the origin of the male name Dmitry

The origin of the name Dima is associated with a word from the Greek language: “Demetrios”. It was brought to Russian soil from Byzantium. The name quickly spread throughout all cities and became very popular among the people.

This situation continues to this day. Modern parents often choose this name for a boy.

The meaning of the name Dima

Translated, the name means belonging to or dedication to the goddess Demeter. Literally: “Belonging to Demeter.” She was the goddess of fertility. Therefore, the name under discussion is also often given the meaning of “fertile”, “farmer” and other similar ones.

Angel Day and Patron Saints

When choosing a name for a child, it is worth familiarizing yourself with his patron saints, as well as other interesting information. For example, the associated Angel Days.

If we look at the church calendar, then one of Dima’s patrons is Prince Donskoy. He is considered the protector of the home and family. Another patron of Dmitriev is the namesake Great Martyr Prilutsky. He is considered the healer of all those who ask from physical and mental suffering.

The same list includes the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica, who suffered for the Christian faith, and some other saints who left a significant mark on the history of the Orthodox Church.

Name Angel Days are celebrated on the following days:

  • June 1st;
  • November 8;
  • 24 February;
  • May 28.

Character and fate associated with the name

It is interesting that the character and fate of a person largely depend on the name he receives. The main traits of Dmitriev’s nature are perseverance and determination. In most cases, they become the owners of a solid (or even tough) complex character. Dima easily turns out to be a leader in any company and inspires sympathy among those around him. To some, he seems a little boring, since he never oversteps his moral boundaries, does not fail difficult situation, is very responsible and would rather give up his goal than go over his head.

The boy Dima can be a little capricious and demanding. Only with age will these traits develop into real stubbornness. Little Dmitry gets sick often. They are especially susceptible to sore throats, bronchitis, colds. In general, boys' health is poor. Outwardly, babies usually look like their mother.

At school, boys with this name study well, behave calmly and quietly, which attracts special love from teachers. Dima loosens up only among close friends. Despite his modesty and calmness, he can easily fight back against the offender.

Dmitry is not delivered to parents special problems. They are especially attached to their mother, but mature age They begin to gravitate more towards their father.

Adult Dima is inclined to make choices or perform actions without calculating possible consequences. As a result, he often regrets what he has done.

At a conscious age, Dmitry forgets about whims, but becomes very impulsive and even explosive. This is especially evident when someone hurts a man’s pride. Dima can tolerate insults for some time, but in the end he explodes.

Men with the name in question can easily find mutual language with the people around you. Therefore, they achieve particular success in professions related to communication. Analytical warehouse intelligence makes them excellent leaders. Dmitry always strives for growth. Such representatives of the stronger sex cannot be happy at the bottom rung of the career ladder.

Compatibility of the name Dmitry with patronymics

The name Dmitry is considered universal in combination with patronymics. It sounds good both with simple short versions - Ivanovich, Olegovich, and with long complex ones - Svyatoslavovich, Veniaminovich, Sigismundovich.

Meaning of the name Dima from the point of view of the horoscope

Zodiac signs to some extent influence the meaning of the name Dmitry. So Dmitriev Aries has increased emotionality. These are very difficult people to communicate with and are capable of reacting aggressively to any criticism addressed to them.

Taurus people with this name are true homebodies. They are ready to do everything from home - work, have fun, shop for food and clothing. These men are wonderful family men, but often their spouses end up getting bored with them.

The Dmitry twins rush to extremes, without thinking at all what will happen next. They often become involved in conflicts. They hate boredom and routine.

Dima Cancers are cheerful and cheerful. They can conquer any representative of the fair sex in a couple of minutes. But they are prone to cheating and are burdened by family life.

Leos Dmitry consider themselves special and unique. You can only approach them with flattery and numerous compliments. home life goal such men - high post and money.

Dima Virgos by all possible ways try to avoid noisy companies. They are literally obsessed with cleanliness and demand the same from others. These men carry out all their work strictly according to a schedule from which they do not like to deviate.

Dmitry Libra is not known for his generosity. Your significant other is unlikely to receive expensive gifts from such a man. But they are energetic, strong and know how to achieve whatever they want. Another negative trait of these men is their tendency to depression.

Dima Scorpios are very self-confident. Nothing can affect their peace of mind. They are excellent at hiding their real emotions and lying. But such men always come to the aid of loved ones even in the most difficult problems.

Sagittarians - the owners of the name under discussion are sociable and friendly. They are not characterized by duplicity or hypocrisy. Often such men are prone to alcoholism and other problems associated with addiction.

Dmitry Capricorns know how to find a use for themselves in any area of ​​life. They easily adapt to the situation and feel comfortable under any conditions. Often such people turn out to be deeply religious and regularly attend church.

Dima Aquarius is trying to find the secret in everyone. They often choose an unusual profession and a life partner, in which there is some kind of mystery. They can boast of a broad outlook and feel great in any company.

Dmitry Pisces are creative and artistic. Trying to dominate other people. They dream of living in luxury, without particularly bothering. They often hide in their “shell”, avoiding the hardships of real life.

Who is suitable for Dmitry - compatibility in love and marriage

Dimas are romantic and amorous. They easily enter into new relationships and devote themselves wholeheartedly to them. At the same time, interest in the chosen one can quickly subside if she does not constantly surprise her man.

Dmitrys love unusual, mysterious women. They are not afraid of difficulties when pursuing the lady they like. They have a moderate sexual temperament. They know how to make a good impression on a girl.

There are Dimas - confirmed bachelors or men with that name who marry repeatedly throughout their lives. The thing is that they are jealous and demand that a woman fully correspond to their ideals.

Dmitry dreams that his wife will constantly take care of him and fulfill all his wishes. Despite his jealousy, he himself is prone to cheating. He is very attached to children, caring for them all his life.

For real happy marriage Dmitry will have Vera, Anna, Isabella, Lydia, Tatiana. He will be able to build short-term bright and interesting relationships with Yana, Julia, Sofia, Zhanna, Regina.

Great people named Dmitry

In addition to the saints listed above, among the great people with the name under discussion, the following also stands out:

  • chemist Dmitry Mendeleev;
  • composer Shostakovich;
  • critic and publicist Pisarev;
  • Kozlov rocket and space technology designs;
  • musician Dibrov;
  • actors Kharatyan and Nagiyev;
  • journalist Gordon;
  • opera singer Hvorostovsky.

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Dmitriy - Greek name(sounds like Dimitrios). Interpreted as “earthly fruit” or “dedicated to Demeter” (the goddess of agriculture and fertility, called “Mother Earth”). completely absorbed the joy, active principle, reliability characteristic of the Earth. Church Slavonic form - Dimitri, Old Russian - Dimitr.

The meaning of the name Dima manifests itself in childhood. He often suffers from various respiratory diseases, which is why he requires constant attention, is capricious and shows instability of character. But still he is full of kindness and complaisance, although in school years His stubbornness and temper may appear. Dmitry is ambiguous in his relationships with classmates. This can break him, but the opposite happens - such situations strengthen him.

The secret of the name Dima in the professional field: the work of a programmer or researcher is most suitable for him, there is a high probability of success in trade and medicine. It is better for Dmitry to choose a field of activity where constant communication with people is necessary. In a company, a person with this name is sure to be the center of attention. His charm allows him to enjoy success with beautiful women. Dima, the meaning of whose name we are considering, loves comfort, coziness and various pleasures. A cheerful company can make him have a lot of fun and even drink, but not too much: he is not in danger.

In life, Dmitry is hardworking and copes with failures easily. He makes his own career and quickly adapts to different situations. He always finishes things he starts and works well in a team. There is only one drawback of his in communicating with people - sometimes he lectures them quite incorrectly. But still, for the sake of his friends, Dima is ready for a lot. Although, due to his impulsiveness and stubbornness, it is difficult for him to be with them for a long time. Injustice and insults can drive him to a furious state. Diplomacy is not his strong point. Dima always has the desire to be the best, to be the first.

In priorities: he is insanely attached to luxury, drink and food. Creating an appropriate standard of living is difficult not only for him, but also for his loved ones, especially his wife.

Dmitry is very amorous. Moreover, each time he is so captivated by new feelings that he sometimes forgets about his current sympathy and suddenly becomes interested in another woman. Often this develops into deep feelings. But it is not possible to build a long-term and strong relationship, since Dima does not understand the psychology of women well. For this reason, a large number of marriages are possible. And if children are born in them, then they all bathe in the care of their father. Romantic relationship Dima maintains relationships with women at any age. For Dmitry, his mother is an authority for life.

Names of women with whom happiness in marriage is possible: Elena, Anna, Lilia, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Yana, Natalya. It is impossible to build relationships with Angela, Vika, Irina, Inna, Marina, Yulia, Sofia.

The meaning of the name Dima will be very useful for parents choosing a future for their child, which to some extent depends on what the child is named.

The name Dmitry conveys reliability, stability and steadfastness. It is not surprising that it has become widespread and quite popular, because there is a great significance for the name Dmitry in history.

According to average statistical indicators, the name Dmitry, in terms of popularity, ranks fourth in cities, and in rural areas it is firmly established in fifth place in the lists of popularity of names.

Analyzing the meaning of the name, we can conclude: Dmitry’s energy shapes his character in poverty and patience. But his patience and calm are periodically replaced by a real explosion of indignation and anger.

Dima's energy turns into impulsiveness and hot temper for the people around him. He quickly copes with the negativity in his soul, forgetting about the offense.

He knows what the name Dmitry means, namely about the negative features of his character, but he cannot cope with himself, and the accumulated tension seeks release.

The outcome of events depends on what the output of Dmitry’s negative energy will be. His future fate may depend on this.

The secret of the name Dmitry implies kindness, cheerfulness, will, an active lifestyle and sexuality. But the patronymic - Dmitrievich, assumes that its owner has perseverance, responsibility and willpower.

Would you name your child this name?

This popular and beloved name has Greek origin. The history of the name Dmitry speaks of its origin from the word demetrios, which means: belonging to Demeter - the goddess of Olympus. Demeter patronized the fertility of the earth and the love of a mother for her children. The literal meaning of the name Demeter is Mother Earth. Another interpretation of the name Demeter is the mother of barley.

Analyzing the meaning of the name, we can assume that it is interpreted as the fruit of the earth, or a farmer.

History reminds the Slavs of the most famous representative of the Dmitrievs of past centuries - Dmitry Donskoy, Prince of Moscow. Prince Dimitri created the famous and strong Moscow principality, uniting the scattered Russian communities around himself.

With an iron will, he managed to suppress the internecine princely wars, and through joint efforts won a victory over the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Historians associate the origin of the name Dmitry with Greek roots, but the great Dmitrys remained in the ears of Russian people: Mendeleev and Mamin-Sibiryak, Kabalevsky and Shostakovich. The list can be endless.

Name forms

Simple: Dima Full: Dmitry Antique: Dimitri Affectionate: Mitya.

As a child, Dima is uncontrollable and capricious, but with age, stubbornness becomes more and more apparent in Dmitry’s characteristics. Growing up, Dmitry becomes cruel to his opponents. And most often, this is due to parents’ mistakes in upbringing, because the child needs to be nurtured to be organized and his energy directed in a useful direction.

As an adult, Dmitry experiences both ups and downs. Unfortunately, his characteristic laziness disrupts the stability of the flow of the river of his life.

He strives to get everything from life to the fullest, enjoying the comfort and coziness of everyday life.

The characteristic of the name Dmitry, in communicating with others, implies verbosity and talkativeness. Dima tries to speak out about everything at once - at the same time, so he often gets confused in his words and thoughts. He does not know how to perceive his interlocutor and hears only his inner selfish voice. In society, Dmitry feels relaxed and easily adapts to the new environment.

He knows how to build long-term relationships with people who are indifferent to him and loves company, has many friends.

Dmitry most often achieves success in jobs that involve active communication. A person named Dmitry can become a talented researcher, programmer, or devote himself to medicine.

Studying Dmitry’s characteristics, we can draw a definite conclusion that we have before us a generator of original ideas. Therefore, Dima-Dmitry-Dimitri often chooses creative professions.

Although he can prove himself as a political or public figure. But the monotonous work unsettles Dimka.

Dima is an adventurer and often takes unnecessary risks, but at the same time, his adventures end successfully, although he is severely punished for mistakes. This is facilitated by the fact that he is able to make decisions quickly and in a timely manner.

Dmitry has a strong and strong-willed character: smart, decisive, persistent and selective. But the fictional world obscures its essence. The character of the name Dmitry is characterized by stubbornness and intransigence.

Dmitry can be described as a sociable person, although communicating with him is not always pleasant.

Dima's sociability and ability to easily cope with troubles are highly appreciated by friends and colleagues.

In serious matters, Dmitry is controlled by logic. But, unfortunately, he cannot show proper diplomacy. Dima is ready to take risks, using his subtle intuition and he loves to work. Only monotonous tasks that require long-term concentration unbalance him.

Pride is his weak character trait, which is combined with excessive directness and excessive truthfulness. He always and everywhere tries to be the first and the best.

Dmitry, sometimes sensitive and receptive, carefully tries to hide this from others.

After all, these traits are in no way combined with love of life, optimism and activity.

The owner of the name Dmitry is outwardly balanced and calm, but is able to amaze those around him with a causeless explosion of negativity and the intensity of sudden passions in the most inappropriate place.

He tends to withdraw into his inner world, is overly subjective, selfish and does not strive to put himself in the place of his interlocutor.

Character traits

Love of life









IN love relationships Dima behaves like a real man. The name Dmitry is characterized by amorousness - being carried away by new feelings, he forgets about his former lover. The secret of romantic feelings for beautiful women will worry Dmitry until his old age.

His compatibility is high with a woman who will meet the mother’s requirements and is similar to her. Most likely, Dima will be married more than once.

To create a comfortable and cozy environment for her beloved, the woman next to him will have to work hard. IN family relationships the wife will face the grumpiness of her husband. But Dmitry will adore children and maintain excellent relationships with them.

The meaning of the name Dmitry for a boy

Dmitry is of Greek origin. The name comes from "demetris", which means "belonging to Demeter". In this form it can be found only in the CIS countries.
The meaning of the name gives the child practicality, sociability and efficiency.

As a child, Dima is spoiled by his family, and as a result he can become capricious, talkative, overly bold, and sometimes to the point of recklessness. The child is responsive and open, capable of taking risks. He has abilities, but, unfortunately, does not use his inclinations.
Dima is friendly, diligent and calm boy. He is proud of himself, considers himself the best, so it is difficult to be friends with him.

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During his school years, Dmitry shows his independence and self-will. He may succumb to the influence of not entirely positive older friends. A child will study well if he is surrounded by boys who strive for knowledge.
At work he shows himself to be an efficient and resourceful employee. Will achieve success by choosing the profession of engineer, programmer, web designer, research fellow, doctor, architect, designer, athlete, race driver.

Control Dima's circle of acquaintances, make sure that he does not fall under the influence of dubious friends. Try not to follow his whims, otherwise in adulthood his willfulness will develop into stubbornness. Direct his activity in a useful direction.

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The boy loves to lead an active lifestyle. Loves to travel and go fishing. He plays sports and often goes hiking.
He has many friends and spends most of his time in the company of friends.

According to statistics, the name Dmitry has remained one of the most popular names for newborn boys in Russia for several years. Great-grandmothers used the diminutive form Mitya, and now Dimas live in every yard. There is a certain meaning and the prerequisites for its appearance are known.

“Dedicated to Demeter” is the ancient Greek meaning of the name Dmitry. It owes its appearance to the goddess of fertility. Thanks to this mythical character, another form appeared - Demetrius. The Greeks borrowed from mythology with caution; it was believed that calling a person Zeus, Aphrodite or Hermes could easily incur the wrath of the gods. Because of this, it can be assumed that the name Dmitry or its variations were used in exceptional cases, and its owners came from upper layers society.

Despite the foreign origin of the name Dmitry, it quickly migrated to the Slavs. In many ways, this spread was facilitated by the settlement of the Hellenes in Eastern Europe. The meaning has not changed at all, but church calendar more than a dozen dates are indicated with name days associated with folk beliefs and signs. During the baptismal ceremony, the clergyman names the child Demetrius, in accordance with the calendar. It was also customary for the Slavs to call men Dmitr, and young men and children - Domka.

Among the holy martyrs and Orthodox figures there are a large number of people named Dmitry, as in the history of the Slavic states, princes, legendary personalities and outstanding commanders. For example, Prince Vladimirsky, False Dmitry and others.

General behavioral traits

The science of anthroponymy will help you understand what the name Dmitry means in a person’s destiny. She studies interpretations, backgrounds and mysteries in various cultures and communities around the world. According to the definitions of scientists, fate may depend on the name. By naming a child the name Dmitry, parents will most likely predetermine his main traits.

From an early age they show persistence and vigorously defend their position, but interest quickly fades, and aspirations and goals are lowered.

  • They practically do not change their opinions on many issues, remaining principled in disputes until the last days.
  • Such persistence often leads adults into trouble, but men quickly find ways to solve them.
  • They are always looking for a reason to accomplish even a minor feat in order to increase their self-esteem.
  • Among the other qualities inherent in people with the name Dmitry, responsiveness and kindness should be noted, which corresponds to the indicated meanings and interpretations.
  • There is no place for envious feelings in their souls; grievances are quickly forgotten, nullifying their experiences. They are prone to laziness and are wary of serious events, as well as the high expectations of others.

They require attention to themselves, in many ways life situations relying on the support of loved ones, but do not shift responsibilities onto the shoulders of others.

  • In disputes and struggles, he uses any arguments in favor of his words.
  • Often in an excited state due to suspiciousness, touchiness and gossip.

Study and choice of profession

The well-known characteristic of the name Dmitry allows us to draw conclusions about his school years.

They make diligent students in the humanities, so there is no point in insisting on a deep study of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

  • They easily make friends in class, participate in group events, skits, and games.
  • In class, they are the first to raise their hand after teachers ask questions.
  • They always want to stand out through expressing their thoughts.
  • Such students have a strong passion for languages ​​and literature.
  • They rely heavily on personal biases when writing essays.
  • They read works with twisted storylines and heroes with incredible skills.
  • Dmitriev's literacy is more intuitive.
  • Assimilation of material occurs with amazing speed when a period of boundless laziness passes.

In search of a suitable profession, they may make the wrong choice. The reason for hasty decisions is a hot temper.

Dmitry Vadimovich Kharatyan (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor)

Over time, they understand their predispositions and feel a true calling. From suitable professions can be distinguished:

  • journalist,
  • manager,
  • scientist,
  • musician,
  • composer,
  • politician.

Lawyers, financiers, teachers, athletes named Dmitry, unfortunately, do not achieve success in their careers.

Health, illness and consequences

  • The sickness of babies named Dmitry makes them capricious.
  • They catch colds due to a small draft, and are also prone to illness respiratory tract. All these factors indicate the impossibility of serious sports activities.

After 30 years, men should think about proper nutrition and consuming large quantities healthy products, enriched with calcium.

Boys spend a lot of time at home, while their peers play on fresh air and get acquainted. By protecting children named Dmitry from respiratory diseases, mothers deprive them of quality communication.

This state of affairs is reflected in the character, because they rarely visit kindergarten on permanent basis. Therefore, low self-esteem and seeking positive feedback from other people have roots in childhood.

Love and family relationships

In love, guys named Dmitry are looking for a triple return. Their mother's influence accompanies them throughout their lives.

  • A woman must take care of her husband with serious effort.
  • Dimas rarely sacrifice their desires for the sake of their beloved, but they do pleasant things to receive a portion of laudatory speeches.

Attachment to parents plays a role in the development of personality. The character of the chosen one is usually compared to the character of the mother.

  • They become husbands early, succumbing to impulsive decisions.
  • They are amorous and treat adultery as an adventure.
  • They want to see order and a cozy atmosphere in the house.
  • They enjoy spending time with their family, including their parents.

Suitable names for Dmitry:

In general, it is common for them to marry girls who are strong in spirit.

Forecasts for unions with, Victoria, Zinaida and Julia are unfavorable, which means that a man’s temper can ruin a marriage with a weak-willed lady.

Famous namesakes

Historical chronicles show how many interesting and great people were bearers of the name Dmitry. For example:

  1. Pozharsky – national hero, who liberated the Principality of Moscow from the Tatar-Mongols;
  2. Mamin-Sibiryak is an outstanding Russian playwright;
  3. Medvedev is a modern political figure;
  4. Ushakov – compiler explanatory dictionaries, member of the Academy of Sciences;
  5. Donskoy - ruler of two principalities;
  6. Kharatyan is a successful actor;
  7. Merezhkovsky is a literary critic and author, part-time translator and philosopher;
  8. Astrakhan - Russian director;
  9. Thessalonica is a great martyr.

They were all passionate people who devoted themselves to what they loved. Probably, the meaning of names makes its own adjustments to fate.

Astrology, talismans, symbols

Based on the works of esotericists, we can say what the name Dmitry means in some alternative sciences.

  • Born in different time, Dimas are under the protection of the planet Saturn.
  • Their stone talisman is lapis lazuli, and astrologers consider them to be influenced by the zodiac sign Scorpio.
  • For flowers, you should give preference to chrysanthemums, and among trees, choose rowan.
  • The main color is purple and its shades.
  • Has the meaning lucky number – 7.

The sonorous and truly proud name Dmitry. What does this beauty mean? male name? It has quite interesting origin. This name originates from the name of Demeter, the ancient goddess Greek mythology, patroness of soil and fertility. What does the name Dima mean? The meaning of the name Dmitry can be interpreted as “fruit brought to earth” or “gift of Demeter.” Thanks to such an unusual and noble origin, the name Dmitry has absorbed reliability, a joyful beginning and firmness - that is, everything that is characteristic of the earth. What is the secret of the name Dmitry? This is what we will talk about.

Basic character traits

As a rule, children named Dmitry often get sick in infancy. They are susceptible to respiratory diseases and often contract various infections, including rubella, mumps and chickenpox. Because of this, a boy named Dima needs constant care and attention, over time getting used to the fact that everyone and everything should revolve around him. Throughout his childhood and most of his youth, his mother ardently took care of her son due to his illness, so for the rest of his life she would become his ideal woman. Dima is quite a capricious child, nervous system who is quite unstable, so constant crying and hysterics are characteristic of him.

However, oddly enough, with age, demands and the desire to always be in the center of attention turn into stubbornness and the desire to reach the top in anything. Therefore, Dmitry often holds leadership positions, and their promotion through career ladder more like an elevator that rushes upward at incredible speed. As for intelligence, Dima has a sharp and inventive mind, loves to solve various logical problems. Curiosity and love of work are also inherent in the boy. The owners of this name love comfort, it is difficult for them to limit themselves in anything, any, even the smallest, inconvenience causes them a lot of suffering, makes them angry and nervous.

Distinctive features of the owner of the name Dmitry

The secret of the name Dmitry is that he is incredibly brave and fearless, without a doubt he will rush into the thick of the battle, without even thinking for a second about the consequences. This must be why many great commanders bear the proud name Dmitry (Pozharsky, Donskoy). Unfortunately, Dmitry has a rather unpleasant sin - he is quite amorous and flighty. For Dima, there is nothing terrible or shameful in breaking up with one girl and starting courting another on the same day. This must be the reason why people with this name may get divorced several times in their lives.

Dmitry's touching attitude towards children deserves special attention. Dima will protect his child until his death, while caring and loving as much as not every mother is capable of. In addition, Dima is affectionate with animals, even as an adult, he can bring a wounded stray kitten into the house and leave it, making it a member of the family.

Dima is incredibly loyal to his friends, he is ready to help them in anything without a doubt. Sadly, this is why Dmitry is often taken advantage of, and he is too gullible to notice it.

Dmitry's hobbies

The secret of the name Dmitry is also that he early age characterized by curiosity and purposefulness. As a rule, boys with this name are attracted to exact sciences, they love solving geometric problems and complex algebraic equations, which not every adult can understand. In addition, Dmitry has a clear talent in sports disciplines, including football, basketball, boxing and even equestrianism. Danger and risk are attractive to Dmitry, as a result of which he will, without fear, mount even the most likeable horse or enter the ring with an aggressive and dangerous opponent.

Positive traits of Dmitry

Brave and smart, Dmitry attracts attention, he can easily win over any person. It is interesting and fun to be with him, easy-going, the owner of this name calmly reacts to unexpected or unpleasant situations. Dmitry makes friends easily. Dima can defend his friend to the last drop of blood, he is ready without a doubt to give for loved one life.

If a friend or relative is in a bad mood, Dmitry will definitely cheer you up with his perky and funny jokes. There are always a lot of friends and comrades around Dmitry, as it is interesting to spend time with him. Dima always becomes the “soul” of the company. People often go to the owners of this name for advice, which they share with great willingness. Innate leadership qualities give Dmitry the impetus to quickly and easily climb the career ladder.

Dmitry experiences failures painlessly and does not give up his goal under any circumstances. The owners of this name are always purposeful, they know what they want from life. It is difficult to lead him astray from the intended path, since Dima goes to what he wants through any thorns and obstacles with the confidence of a tank.

Negative traits of Dmitry

The secret of the name Dmitry is also that he experiences insult and injustice very hard. At such moments, he is extremely hot-tempered and can lash out even at the person closest to him. Keeping emotions under control is difficult for Dmitry; he needs to speak out, otherwise nervous breakdown and depression cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, the owners of this name are quite demanding of people. Dima sincerely believes that everyone should be as selfless and smart as himself, which is why there is a feeling that Dmitry is overly proud and narcissistic.

TO negative traits Character can also be attributed to the fact that Dmitry puts his goals and desires above all others, and, if necessary, can go over people’s heads without a twinge of conscience. Sometimes he can be tyrannical, which will negatively affect others. He can be overly ambitious and picky, likes to stick his nose into places where people don’t ask.

The influence of the seasons on the character and fate of the owner named Dmitry

What does the name Dmitry mean? Dima's character very often depends on what time of year he was born. Let's consider all four options.

The mystery of the name Dmitry: winter. Boys born in the winter season and bearing the name Dmitry are most often very stubborn and stubborn children, who only ingrain these qualities in themselves as they grow up. In addition, winter Dmitry is smart beyond his years and quick-witted, loves to look for a way out using non-standard solutions.

The secret of the name Dmitry: spring. Dima, born in spring, is soft-hearted and truly sincere. He loves animals and is ready to take all the cats and dogs in the city under his wing. Dima, born in spring, knows how to see the beauty of nature, best vacation for him it will be to lie in the shade of trees in a meadow or dig in the beds.

The secret of the name Dmitry: summer. Dima, born in the summer, is cheerful and playful. He is distinguished by a special attitude towards close people; he is ready to forgive them for any behavior and even betrayal. However, despite such an easy attitude to life, Dima is quite self-critical and dependent on the opinions of others, loves to be in the center of attention, which he tries to do all the time.

Autumn Dmitry. Dima, born in autumn, is prone to contemplation and observation. He has an irresistible craving for beauty, appreciates art and music, and often studies himself creative activity. Depression and blues, unfortunately, are also inherent in the autumn Dima, but he easily overcomes them, especially if he has the shoulder of a loved one nearby, whose support Dmitry greatly values.


What does the name Dima mean? What kind of character and temperament are the owners of this “strong” name endowed with? Dmitry has an unusual temperament. Sometimes one gets the impression that all four types of temperament are combined in him. Sometimes even the most unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary situations cannot make him angry. And sometimes, on the contrary, even a small thing can make Dima very angry, however, he will try with all his might to hide this irritation. From childhood, Dmitry learns to control his emotions, which, undoubtedly, he masters perfectly by the age of 20-25.

It’s pleasant to be around Dmitry, warmth and positive emotions emanate from him; Dima is simply not capable of being angry or offended for a long time. I am ready to apologize to a dear person even if I am innocent. Dmitry's temperament can be compared to a spring: he can only withstand a certain load, but can break at any moment.

Dmitry in love, his personal life

What is Dmitry like in love? The secret of his name suggests that he is passionate and gentle at the same time. Dmitry enjoys great success among the fair sex. But unfortunately, Dmitry is fickle. One love for life is not about him. As a rule, Dima continues to have a craving for women until his old age, so it is not uncommon for Dima to take a mistress or file for divorce, inflamed with feelings for another woman. However, the owner of the name Dmitry is possessive in relation to women. Dima will never tolerate betrayal from his other half; trust in a relationship is too important for him.

Dmitry loves to be surrounded by luxurious women, this raises his self-esteem and makes him even more self-confident. As a rule, women themselves find the company of the domineering and mannered Dmitry pleasant, which is why they love to spend time with him.

In marriage, Dmitry is unhappy in most cases. Dima does not trust and value his wife’s opinion too much, preferring to make decisions on his own and not consult with his significant other. As a husband, Dima is extremely difficult to climb: grumpy, picky, harsh and unshakable. He can go to the left more than once, without considering it a sin and without experiencing pangs of conscience.

TO sexual relations Dmitry takes the choice of a partner extremely seriously, preferring experienced and sophisticated women who are ready to take the initiative into their own hands. He loves sex, even talking about it gives Dima pleasure, as he is confident in his own abilities.

Dima likes to give surprises to his other half, and the more expensive the gift, in his opinion, the better. Thus, Dmitry can present his beloved with a fur coat or new car, subject to availability of funds. He himself accepts gifts quite coolly.

The secret of the name Dmitry: name compatibility

Dmitry will be especially happy in marriage with owners of the following names: Elena, Evgenia, Olga, Anna, Daria, Lyudmila. A rather successful party for Dima will be: Angela, Sofia, Victoria, Maya, Galina, Alina, Irina and Svetlana. Unfortunately, an unsuccessful marriage awaits Dmitry with Christina, Anastasia, Nadezhda, Oksana, Yulia, Ekaterina and Maria.

Interesting facts about those named Dmitry

What kind of father will the owner of the name Dmitry be? The secret and meaning of the name tells us that most often Dima gives birth to sons, given that they are expecting no less daughters. He will care for and cherish his child, will never give offense and will be a mountain for him in any situation. Thanks to this, Dmitry turns out to be a wonderful dad who is ready to give his child everything to the last shirt. It is believed that it is precisely in order to give his children the best that Dmitry works so hard, thereby killing his health for the sake of his offspring. Despite his frequent hobbies with women, Dmitry can only have one true love in his entire life.

In order to attract Dima's attention, you need to have not only a spectacular and good looks, but also to be rich inner world, since Dmitry will never pay attention to the “dummy”. Surprisingly, most of all Dmitry likes women with unusual color hair: red, ash blonde, very dark brunette.

Professions in which Dmitry will be successful

What does the name Dmitry mean? What professions are suitable for Dima? Possessing a sharp mind and ingenuity, Dmitry will be an excellent leader. He will make a wonderful engineer, architect or foreman. Dima will also be in demand as a highly qualified doctor or programmer. As a rule, the choice of professions such as designer, archaeologist or teacher will not be very successful.

Famous people named Dmitry

The following famous people have the name Dmitry:

  • Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (commander).
  • Dmitry Pozharsky (commander).
  • Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak (writer).
  • Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (chemist).
  • Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (composer).
  • Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev (President of Russia 2008-2012).

Astrology named after Dmitry

Planet: Uranus.

Color, which Dmitry needs to choose: blood red.

Tree: ash, rowan, elm.

Animal: tiger, lion, walrus.

Stone, associated with luck: sapphire.

Numbers, which will bring good luck: 02, 37, 89, 104.

Name options: Dmitry, Dima, Dimochka, Dimulechka, Mitya, Mityusha, Mitrofan, Dimitri.

Now you know the secret of the name Dmitry. For a child, it will definitely bring good luck, as it is a real, strong, proud masculine name.

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