Home Dental treatment What does a cat symbolize on jewelry? Find out what a cat's meow means Why doesn't my cat stop meowing.

What does a cat symbolize on jewelry? Find out what a cat's meow means Why doesn't my cat stop meowing.

Many people find a cat's constant meowing very annoying. Why do cats meow? It is believed that there are more than 30 different sounds that a cat meows, and the number will depend on how often it interacts with other cats and with non-cats, such as people and dogs. Yes, Your cat can talk to your dog too!

We humans are accustomed to using lexicon to communicate with each other, and over the years cats have learned that we respond to vocal sounds much better than to body language or smells, which are the main sources of communication between cats.

Why do domestic cats "talk"?

When domestic cat meows, she is trying to tell us that she wants something, such as "open the doors", "I'm hungry" or "hey! Look at me, I want to be tickled!"

Many of the meowing sounds that a cat uses to communicate with humans are variations of the sounds that a kitten uses to communicate with its mother. This happens because cats perceive their owner not as a leader (as happens in dogs), but as a mother figure. Cats depend on our food and the comfort we give them, and that's why they act like little kittens around us.

Cats that spend a lot of time interacting with other cats will use other means of communication: body language, scents, and other forms of feline communication. They primarily use their voice during mating and during communication between mother and kitten.

It is important to pay attention to any change in your cat's behavior, including if your cat is meowing very often, as this may be a sign that she is unwell. It is worth consulting with your veterinarian to determine whether your cat's behavior change is related to poor condition her health.

What sounds does a cat make and what do they mean?

All sounds that a cat makes can be divided into three large groups.

· Rumbling - produced when the mouth is closed.

· Vowel sounds - made when the mouth closes. This is a meow.

· Loud intense sounds - the mouth is wide open and tense.

There are many different sounds within these groups. However, there are well-known sounds that most cat owners know, and in a broad sense their meanings are the same, namely:

· Normal meowing – seeking attention. Used to communicate with owners or kittens (“well, do you still love me a little?”)

· Clattering of teeth - excitement and disappointment. This can often be seen when cats look at birds through a window and are unable to catch them. (involves rapid movements of the jaw).

· Growling – the cat warns others to stay away.

· Squeaking (kittens) - usually used to attract the mother's attention when kittens are hungry or cold.

· Hissing - usually used as a threat to other cats, but can also be a sign of fear.

· The so-called “Cat Concert” - used when searching for a mating partner.

· Purring is a sign of satisfaction and relaxation, but is also used for self-soothing if the cat is in pain.

· Squeal – used as an indicator of pain or distress (“Just try and step on my tail again!”)

· Chirps are friendly sounds that are often used to greet other cats and their owners.

Why won't my cat stop meowing?

A cat's excessive meowing is often caused by her learning that she can get what she wants through meowing. This can become a habit, and the cat begins to meow more and more often. This can be quite cute, however, if she starts meowing all night or drives you crazy during the day, then it's time to break this bad habit.

The first step should be to completely ignore her meow. Meowing is used by a cat to get what it wants, so don't give it to your cat when she's meowing (like food), but give it to her when she's being quiet. Likewise, give your cat lots of attention and affection when she is silent and ignore her when she meows.

Don't yell or scold your pet when he meows. If this cat behavior persists, then you may need to resort to a spray bottle: spray some water on the cat when it meows (although I personally don't like this method as it can scare some cats). This won't hurt the cats, but they will soon learn that meowing is followed by a shower, and this will stop the excessive meowing. This can be especially helpful for cats that meow all night for attention. Remember to cuddle and play with your cat before bed.

Some owners use the following trick: a cat can stop meowing if you blow on its face. Why don't you try this with your cat next time she meows? Will it work?

Symbols and myths about cats and cats.

The cat symbolizes royalty. This is a solar symbol. “The sun, looking down into the underworld during the night, could be called a cat, as it was, for it also saw in the darkness,” writes Helena Blavatsky, talking about the mythological culture of the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians called the cat "May", which translated means "seeing".

cat in Ancient Egypt considered the sacred animal of the sun god - Ra . According to legend, the sun god Ra, having turned into a red cat, swims across the underground Nile River every night to rise again in the sky and illuminate the Earth. The greedy and insidious serpent Apep, wanting to swallow the luminary, drinks water from an underground river and seeks to destroy the sacred animal.
So shown in legends of ancient egypt the struggle of two forces: darkness and light. It is presented as a fierce battle between the serpent Apophis and the sun god in the form of a cat. The battle took place near the city Heliopolis under the sacred tree of life - the syquimora. The red cat, symbolizing the sun god Ra, cut off the head of the terrible serpent and the forces of light won in a fierce struggle with the forces of darkness! As a sign of gratitude for saving the Earth from the forces of darkness, people built sacred temples in honor of the cat, personifying the Sun, and held ceremonies of worship there before the sacred animal,
who saved people from the terrible serpent, the embodiment of evil. These temples are still in operation and people, remembering this accomplishment, are grateful to cats, these sacred animals that every night, in the form of a red cat, defeat the evil dragon.

The cat, according to Helena Blavatsky, was identified by the Egyptians with the moon: “The moon was a contemplative in the night skies, and the cat was its equivalent on earth.” Thus, the cat was perceived by the Egyptians as the Moon - the goddess of joy and fun, whom they called Bast. This mythological image contains the most beautiful qualities of a woman.

According to myths of ancient Egypt, Bast was depicted as a woman who, instead of human head there was a cat's head, and in his hand was a sister. Sometimes in the images she was with the head of a lioness, which corresponded to the godlike Sekhmet and Tefnut. In later times, the cat was endowed with royal power and identified with the goddess Isis.

From Egypt, the domestic cat spread to other countries, but this took many years. In Europe it became known about 2 thousand years ago. The first report of the appearance of cats in Europe can be found in Plutarch in the 1st century AD. e.

Ancient Greeks, according to mythology, the cat symbol was associated with the goddess of hunting - Artemis. She was credited with an evil and unbridled character. Her ability to see in the dark, changing the shape of the pupil, brought the image of the Cat closer to the symbol of the Moon. Since the cat's pupil changes in accordance with the changes lunar phases.

According to mythology of ancient Rome, the symbol of the cat was identified with the image of the beautiful Diana - the goddess of fertility, who blesses the birth of all life on Earth. Her femininity and fertility placed next to the image of Diana the image of Typhon, whom the independent Diana leaves, turning into a cat. In Ancient Rome, the cat - this proud and freedom-loving animal - served as a symbol of freedom and independence, was an indispensable attribute of the goddess of freedom Libertas and was depicted next to her.

Myths ancient East cats are credited with strength and intelligence, in Tibet they are called the "celestial eye". The cat symbolizes feminine energy- Yin is endowed with secret power, notes Cat-and-cat.com. The cat's large round eyes glowing in the dark turned her into a mysterious night animal. She is believed to be able to communicate with otherworldly forces and, thanks to this, can transform and dispel negative energy.

Slavic peoples associate the image of the Cat with dark forces, attributing to him lust and laziness. According to Slavic mythology, The cat is the embodiment evil spirits.

The image of a cat has its female embodiment and is always associated with witches, which is why everyone is so afraid and does not like black cats.

More according to ancient belief, the cat is associated with other world, with the world of dreams and visions. According to Slavic mythology, the cat was created from the mitten of the Virgin Mary, it is considered to “carry dreams on its sleeve,” protect small children and drive away all evil spirits. That's why so many exist lullabies about cats.

In Rus', domestic cats appeared only at the beginning of the 11th century, thanks to travelers and sailors.
They quickly gained universal love and popularity: the saying “It’s not a hut without a cat” has long appeared. According to current laws, stealing a cat was punishable by a significant fine, several times higher than the fine for stealing a cow. Calico cat , according to legend, brought happiness to its owners; they also believed that a black cat in the house saves from thunderstorms and from thieves. Leafing through the good old fairy tales, we see the majestic figure of the Cat Bayun, who sits on a pillar, beats all the people, casts an irresistible sleep and tells fairy tales, and the Cat Kotofeich, who also defeated the Snake and taught people how to make fire.

In Pushkin, the Scientist Cat is not at all so simple: the image of the Oak is a symbol of the World Tree, or the Tree of Life, the golden chain is a symbol of the Paths along which this scientist walks day and night. This is a kind of tamed and ennobled version of the cat Bayun.

Can turn into a cat fairy tale hero, the winner of the monster Ivan Popyalov, the hero of the Belarusian fairy tale of the same name.
The motif of the hero's transformation into a Cat is also known in the East Slavic cycle of fairy tales about Ivan the Cat's son (more often - Ivan Suchich or Ivan the Peasant Son). In some of these fairy tales, the Cat (along with him, the Cat Kotovich, the brother of Ivan Tsarevich, sometimes appears) can be both the embodiment or assistant of the snake and the snake fighter. Both of these functions are combined in the tale of Volya Volovich, who, after each battle with a snake, meets with “Kotishch, open your eyes,” threatening to eat him. The hero kills the Cat, puts on his skin and, under the guise of the Cat, enters Baba Yaga.

There have long been stories about cats that could turn into people and take on the appearance of beautiful maidens. Aesop's fable "Venus and the Cat" tells the story of a cat who fell in love with a handsome young prince. Venus, the goddess of love, agreed to transform the animal into a charming girl; the young people met and eventually got married.
However, the goddess was not sure that the cat’s transformation was complete: on their wedding night, she let a mouse into the couple’s bedroom. Forgetting about everything in the world, the girl rushed at the mouse and devoured it. The goddess, whose suspicions were confirmed, decided that it was better to turn the girl back into a cat.

All superstitions have their origins in myths. There are these types of mythical cats: “demon cat”; "brownie cat"; "destroying cat"; "guide cat"

The cat is a demon

In mythology, a cat acts as the embodiment or assistant of the devil and evil spirits. There is a belief about a special cat devil, an evil spirit from which sorcerers borrow their power. In some cases, the cat acts as a witch. In Slavic folk culture, the result of an action black cat most often it becomes illness, damage, the evil eye, death.

Often in folklore you can find the motif of the transformation of a cat into a person and the reverse transformation of a person into a cat, as well as its consequence - the presence of forms that combine elements of a cat and a person. The elusiveness of the boundaries between feline and human partly helps explain the origin of folklore names like Kot Kotofeich, Kotofey Ivanovich, etc.

The cat is a guide

Often a cat plays the role of a conductor between the human world and the other world. The cat is both a link between worlds and at the same time a victim. It is believed that evil spirit all animals born blind can see. Cats certainly fall into this category. .

Cat - brownie

In Rus', the cat has long been revered as keeper of the hearth, a symbol of comfort. It is no coincidence that in many countries there was a sign: before entering a new home, you must let the “hostess” - the cat - go ahead of you. She will ensure well-being. A bed was placed where she lay down.

In the Vladimir region, this ritual has long been given another meaning: the one who crosses the threshold of a new house first is the first to die. And since a cat has nine lives, and not one, like a person, it was allowed in first - it will be reborn to life again. The cat is so connected with its owner that it itself can perform some of his duties, namely: play the role of the patron of the house and livestock. Cats are the main guardians of houses. They protect our homes from the invasion of evil, from “uninvited guests” which are very difficult for a person to see.

All cats, regardless of breed, have an amazing ability. They can redistribute and generate negative energy by processing it into lighter energy. Probably if you have pet, then you noticed that if something hurts you, then a friend on four legs is already right there. Cats always sense where their care is needed.

Cat is a destroyer

Cats, which are described in legends, have a special function. The image of a cat in Slavic legends is quite specific - it is a cat-creator and a cat-destroyer. The motifs of the learned cat are common in various tales. Pushkin's scientist cat, walking "around the chain" is a cute and harmless creature compared to its folklore prototype - the monstrous Cat Bayun,

Cat Baiyun

Cat Bayun - Russian character fairy tales. This cat tells fairy tales while sitting on a pole, but at the same time he pretends to be asleep and “beats up all the people.” The word "bayun", according to explanatory dictionary Dahl, comes from “bait” or “bait”. This means “to speak, to tell,” and Bayun himself is, respectively, “a talker and a storyteller.” The image of the cat Bayun combines the features of a fairy-tale monster and a bird with a magical voice. Fairy tales say that Bayun sits on a high iron pillar. He weakens everyone who tries to approach him with the help of songs and spells. The most a shining example The dual nature of the fairy-tale cat is the image of Baba Yaga's cat from the fairy tale "Baba Yaga".

The cat is a toy

Another unusual fairy tale character - playful cat from the fairy tale "Little Ivan - Great in Mind." This cat plays the magic harp, and his playing makes everyone who hears it dance against their own will.

Fire earth cat

In the Urals there were legends about earthen cat. This huge cat walks underground and guards treasures, and only its fiery ears are visible on the surface. According to legend, wolves are afraid of her fiery ears, but for humans, the Earthen cat does not pose any threat, and can even become an unexpected savior. Cats in Ural and Siberian mythology act as assistants to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

The cat is an amazing animal that has lived next to humans for more than five thousand years. This is a proud and independent creature, but sensitive and responsive to kindness. Of course, there are other favorites among people, such as dogs, hamsters or fish, but cats are the most beloved of all domestic animals. These pets live in all corners of our planet, and this is good news. They are very soft, gentle, small fluffy lumps that give a person warmth and affection. They bring out the best feelings in us. People have always believed that they are the ones who get cats, but in fact it's quite the opposite. Since ancient times, cats have always accompanied humans. But at the same time, they never served him like other animals. Living nearby, they maintain complete independence and friendly neutrality. One day, scientists decided to count how many domestic animals live on our planet, and it turned out that there are only 400 million of them, and the largest number of cats live in the United States. And in Indonesia there live 30 million of these cute and wonderful animals, in France there are more than 8 million.

Precisely because such a person always lives and lived next to a person great amount cats and cats, people come up with various legends, fairy tales, traditions. Each nation has them differently, each nation sees these cute creatures in its own way.

Therefore, the cat not only entered mythology different nations, but also became the hero of many folklore and literary works.

Today, the cat is one of the most beloved pets in many countries. In addition, in some cultures, the cat is a symbol of royalty. In Feng Shui, a cat symbolizes home and comfort. She vigilantly guards family happiness. The cat symbol always helps to get out difficult situations and helps in the fight against evil. These cute creatures are a traditional amulet for attracting money, good luck and protection to your home or business.

The cat is often found in medieval heraldry. These animals have an understanding of freedom, since the cat does not want to be caught or imprisoned. The cat is not discouraged and cunning... Therefore, endowing cats with a symbol of freedom, the ancient families of the Swabians, Swiss and Burgundians introduced them into their coats of arms
In the Middle Ages France and Switzerland the cat was depicted on the coats of arms of the most famous and ancient families. The independence and love of freedom of this animal have been worthy of respect in all centuries. The cat is an ardent defender of his territory, he is cheerful and cunning. This is exactly how we see it on the ancient coats of arms of the Swabians.

In France cats were considered witchcraft animals. White and black cats were endowed with special miraculous properties. In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition declared cats to be tools of the devil. They were burned and drowned along with the “sorcerers.” In general, there are many superstitions associated with cats, and most of them are more naive than absurd.
The goddess of fertility, love and beauty Freya in Scandinavian mythology rode in a carriage driven by cats. In China, the cat also symbolized motherhood and the guardian of the harvest. They believed that if you hang a bunch of cat hair on the door of a young mother’s room, the baby will definitely be happy.
In Japan, only the very wealthy could become the owner of a cat. a famous person. Keeping an animal required enormous expenses: it was customary to dress up the pet in every possible way, feed it only from gold and silver dishes with specially prepared food, and even assign a personal servant to it. Rich Japanese took very small kittens into their home, who had not yet learned to hunt, so they did not even know how to catch mice. Well, ordinary residents of the Land of the Rising Sun believed that an ordinary image or figurine of an animal would help scare away rodents.

In Islam, the cat also has a special place. She, the only animal, is allowed entry into the mosque and complete freedom of action there. Muslims believe that the cat was born in Noah's Ark from the sneezing of a lion.

According to one of the myths, it all started with the beloved cat of the Prophet Muhammad. Her name was Muezza. The Prophet loved her so much that he never disturbed her sleep, and used the water she drank for ablution before prayer. She also loved to sleep on his lap during sermons. In general, she behaved like any beloved domestic cat. One day the pussy fell asleep on the sleeve of the master's robe, prepared for morning prayer. Without hesitation, Muhammad cut off the sleeve on which the animal was dozing and got dressed. When Muhammad returned from prayer, Muezza woke up and bowed to the Prophet, and he stroked the cat's back three times. Due to the fact that the hand of the Messenger of Allah touched the back of the animal, cats almost never fall on their back, but land on their paws.

Another myth says that the dark stripes on the animal’s skin are traces of the prophet’s fingers. One day, a cat killed a snake that had climbed into the sleeve and was about to sting Muhammad. Ahead of the Prophet, who was about to put on clothes with death hidden in them, the cat bravely jumped onto the sleeve, bit the snake to death and proudly showed the prey to Muhammad. Was it Muezza? For his salvation, the Prophet touched the cat's forehead and forever left four clear lines on it, marking the blessed animal.

In addition, Muhammad also forbade selling cats for money or exchanging them for goods. This is a free being, not property, the Prophet respectfully believed.

Muhammad's love for cats was shared by his loved ones. Thus, the Prophet's friend Abd al-Rahman even earned the nickname Abu Huraira, the father of cats, because wherever he went, he had a kitten with him. In addition, being the caretaker of the mosque, he made sure that the surrounding cats were always fed. Because of this, the cat tribe in the mosque itself increased significantly. Cotopapa lived up to his nickname.

And so, since the time of the Prophet, cats have been revered by all Muslims. And they are not just revered! Poems were composed in their honor; the Sufis compared the purring of a cat with the performance of dhikr - the rhythmic repetition of the name of God, which is why mustachioed tabby cats were used in hospitals, believing in the healing power of their purring. Cats were even used as an example to other Muslims.

Sufi legends also tell about the sheikh’s cat, who helped the teachers clean up the school (isn’t that the prototype of Mrs. Norris from Harry Potter?). One day this cat sacrificed himself to save the dervishes. Another sheikh, Abu Bakr al Shibli, after his death, appeared in a dream to one of his students and told him that he had gone to heaven. However, he was not awarded such mercy for his religious zeal. Allah said to him: “Do you remember the cold snowy day in Baghdad, when you were walking, wrapped in a warm cloak, and suddenly you met a freezing kitten. You took it and warmed it under your cloak. Because of this kitten, you are forgiven.”

In the 13th century, the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt and Syria, al-Zahir Baybars, ordered the founding of a special “cat garden” where the cats of Cairo could find shelter, food and drink at any time. Since then, this place has changed hands many times, but the Sultan’s decree was strictly carried out, and is still being carried out to this day. Every evening, thousands of Cairo cats flock to the garden, where people come with baskets full of food for them. Whatever changes it promises new Age, cats must be fed.

And today, many Islamic cities are overrun with cats, which are groomed, cherished and allowed to go wherever this freedom-loving, but surprisingly affectionate creature decides to go. After all, after death, the cat goes straight to heaven, where he can tell the Prophet about your kindness.

According to Blavatsky, a cat more often than other animals takes the shape of a circle (like a snake coiled into a ring) and is therefore a sacred animal.
Symbols and myths about cats and kittens speak of the admiration of these animals by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, the inhabitants of Tibet and Switzerland. The fact that the image of a cat was used as a symbol of love of freedom and independence allows us to understand what kind of treasure the owner of this amazing animal owns. Listen with your heart to what your cat is trying to tell you, and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about life, about people and about yourself.

It has long been known that cats are independent animals. A cat behavior may cause conflicting feelings. The animal's character may not be as flexible as you expected.

To find with her mutual language, you need to pay attention more often and learn to understand the cat’s actions.

What does a cat's meow mean?

You can often hear complaints that cats annoy their owners by meowing. It turns out that with their sounds they can act on people’s subconscious and thereby achieve what they want. Most often they meow when they are hungry. But it happens that this is how they show their bad feeling and ask for help.

So that the animal does not interfere unpleasant sounds, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for him. Feed him well, show him what a pet you care. Take the cat in your arms, caress it, talk to it. Maybe he just needs attention. If the meowing continues, you should pay attention to his health. Therefore, you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian.

Why do cats rub their feet?

Many people believe that a cat rubbing against its owner's legs means a greeting or a request. In fact, this is how she leaves her scent. By this she tries to show in front of other animals that this person belongs to her pack. On the head of cats, in the temporal part and at the mouth, a specific substance is secreted, which they use to mark their person. They also do this in order to feel comfortable and recognize their own and others.

Some cats relieve fatigue from their owner's legs in this way. In this case, friction against the legs occurs when the person is already lying down.

What does scratching mean?

In general, feline scratching is often regarded as aggressive behavior. But this does not always indicate the animal’s bad temper. If the kitten is small, then this is quite acceptable. After all, this is how he understands the world. Yet these “cute creatures” are predators by nature.

But sometimes even adult cats strive to bite or scold their owner. In this case, your pet has very developed hunting instinct. He perceives your moving legs and arms as “prey.” To satisfy the desire of the “hunter”, purchase special toys for him.

Sometimes curtains and furniture suffer from scratching. Cats don't do this out of spite. When scratched on the surface, they remove old nail scales. And they also keep the paw muscles toned. Damaged furniture and curtains are not pampering for them, but a necessity. Therefore, you should think about buying a scratching post.

Tail movements

Cats use their tail to express emotions. If the tail is raised up, approximately forty-five degrees, and begins to move to the sides, then the animal is in bad mood. When frightened, the tail is straight and the hair on it stands up.

If the tip begins to tremble, it means the animal is interested in something. And if he is straight and often trembles, this is a manifestation of friendliness.

Choosing a kitten

The habits of all cats are generally similar. But how can you find out about the character of an animal if it little kitty? How to determine who we choose for ourselves?

There is a theory according to which hormones influence their development. They have an effect on both the body and behavior. Therefore, these two factors are connected, which means that the kitten must be selected based on the expression of its face.

When choosing, you also need to pay attention to your parents. Since kittens are constantly with their mother while growing, they have time to learn basic skills.

Scientists have proven that cats - fathers influence habits and preferences even in the embryonic period. Therefore, if possible, take a closer look at your parents.

The breed plays the biggest role in a cat's character. Therefore, first of all you need to choose suitable breed. The period of socialization of a kitten takes place in the first four months. All the skills he can acquire will last a lifetime. Therefore, the owner’s task is to teach his pet everything necessary. And in the end get the maximum positive energy and the joy of communicating with this independent being.

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Cats have this property: as soon as they appear in the house, it turns out that they have always been here - even if an hour ago you didn’t have any cats. They live in their own time stream and act as if the human world is just a stop on the way to something much more interesting
Terry Pratchett

In many mythological traditions, the cat is associated with the moon (the ability to change the shape of the pupil symbolizes the phases of the moon), with the idea of ​​fertility and fertility. In addition, in some cultures it is also a solar symbol and is associated with the idea of ​​royalty.

A cat can mean evil and the forces of darkness. The fertility of cats, their ability to see at night, and their brilliant round eyes have turned them, in popular belief, into a mysterious beast that knows secret powers. Witches, as well as midwives (in folk beliefs almost identical) have a black cat with them (black is the symbolic color of the night, its secrets).

An example of an ambivalent understanding of this symbol is given by Egyptian mythology.

The Egyptians imagined the moon as a cat, writes E.P. Blavatsky. “The moon was the voyeur in the night skies, and the cat was her equivalent on earth; and thus the common cat was adopted as an expression, as a natural emblem and living reproduction of the moon. The sun, which looked down into the underworld during the night, could also be called a cat, as it was, for it also saw in the darkness. The cat was called in Egyptian may, which means sighted, from the verb may - to see.

In the Book of the Dead, the sun god Ra appears as the “great cat.” It is said that every night, when Ra begins to swim along the underground Nile, the serpent Apep, wanting to destroy him, drinks all the water from the river. Ra, in the form of a red cat, fights with him and cuts off his head under the sacred syquimore (tree of life) of the city of Heliopolis. Thus, the cat here acts as one of the hypostases of the sun god Ra. Rivalry with the snake made the cat become the sacred animal of the Sun God. The sacred cat and all its brothers have long enjoyed special honor and respect in Egypt; special temples were built for them. People surrounded them with love and care, remembering the important service that a cat provides every night to everyone on earth.

Moon in Egypt was the personification of Bast (Bastet) - the goddess of joy and fun. everything that is tender in a woman and mother. Bast was depicted as a woman with the head of a cat, holding a sister in her hand. She was identified with Mut, as well as with the lioness goddesses Tefnut and Sekhmet (Bast is sometimes depicted with the head of a lioness), and later with Isis, which reveals the connection of the image of the cat with the idea of ​​royalty.

Ancient Greeks Bast was identified with Artemis - the goddess of the hunt, the daughter of Zeus, with a decisive and aggressive character. The chthonic unbridledness of Artemis is close to the image of the Great Mother of the Gods - Cybele in Asia Minor.

IN roman mythology Artemis is known as Diana, who was also considered the personification of the moon. She is the goddess of vegetation, obstetrician. The cat is Diana's companion; she keeps him at her feet. Diana takes on the form of a cat to elude Typhon.

U Chinese the cat, being a nocturnal animal, belongs to the yin principle (feminine, darkness, moon, etc.). He has evil powers and the ability to transform. In addition, in China they believed that the cat was able to drive out evil spirits.

IN Scandinavian mythology, the goddess of fertility, love and beauty Freya rode in a cart pulled by cats.

Among the Celts, the cat is a chthonic force, a funeral symbol. Symbolized evil forces and was often sacrificed.

The Quechua Indians have a belief about a special cat devil, an evil spirit from which sorcerers borrow their power.

IN Christianity cat - Satan, darkness, lust and laziness.

It is believed that the cat acts as the embodiment or assistant of the devil, evil spirits. According to legend, witches often took the form of cats and rode black cats to the Sabbath.

The cat is often found in medieval heraldry. “Cats have an understanding of freedom, since the cat does not want to be caught or imprisoned. The cat is resilient and cunning... Because of this, the ancient families of the Swabians, Swiss and Burgundians introduced cats into their coats of arms as a symbol of freedom.” (Hans Biedermann, Encyclopedia of Symbols).

Younger Edda

In Noatun, Njord had two children: his son was named Freyr, and his daughter was Freya. They were beautiful and powerful. There is no ace more glorious than Frey, he has power over the rains and sunlight, which means the fruits of the earth, and it is good to pray to him for the harvest and for peace. The prosperity of people depends on it. Freya is the most glorious of goddesses. Her domain in the sky is called Folkwang. And when she goes to the battlefield, she gets half of the killed, and the other half goes to Odin, as it is said here:

It's called Folkwang
there Freya decides
where the heroes will sit:
equal number of warriors
those who died in the battle,
shares with Odin.

Her chambers are Sessrumnir, they are great and beautiful. And she rides on two cats harnessed to a chariot. She is the most favorable to people's prayers, and by her name noble wives are called mistresses. She really likes love songs. And it is good to call on her help in love.

Source: “Younger Edda”, Scientific Publishing Center “Ladomir”, Moscow, 1994, pp. 44-45.


A fiery lover, and one who knew
Only the call of knowledge, they love to decorate the house,
Under the autumn days, a big and affectionate cat,
And chilly, like them, and also a homebody.

Cats are friends of science and sweet fun,
For them, neither the silence nor the darkness of the night is heavy,
Erebus would have chosen them for the mourning team,
Whenever I could pacify their rebellious nature.

They rest in brooding pride,
Like ancient sphinxes in the silent desert,
Frozen in dreams that have no end;

Their powerful back sparkles magically,
And a scattering of stars, as fine as pollen,
Their wise eyes shine mysteriously.

Charles Baudelaire

The newest song about cats

Homemade Mephistopheles in the early morning sun
polishes elegance and leonine posture.
My cat is very well-mannered - mischievous, but friendly.
In addition, he is musical and extremely fastidious:
Beethoven is not to my taste, and Debussy is a charm.
And at night, it happens, my ardent music lover
take it and go through the entire keyboard.
And I'm glad! The Parisian genius is akin to his nature.
Probably in a former life the conquistador of harmonies
caught mice in the basements of one of the philharmonic societies.
He understood and strengthened, standing firmly,
the innovative charm of the cat accord -
a night mixture of notes of rain and wind
The cat fascinates me and infuriates the tradesman.
Thanks for that too.

The French love cats. Verlaine was a cat himself.
How wonderfully he purred to the capricious moon,
suffered from insects, drowned himself in wine,
a gloomy homeless cat, a bully and a narthex,
Like a white crow among church cats...
The French love the cat like we love the bullfighter,
as Russia or China loves the night - the dragon.
Cats are otherworldly. Former deities
they have not lost the secrets of magic.
Doesn't a cat's drowsy gaze teach us about life?
“Love tides, love tides.
Rhythm of life. And not only ethereal verbs,
but everything—light, roses, and stars—are not sexless.”
He squints - and the darkness is saturated with the light of his green soul
looms like the silhouette of a demonic goat.
Cat souls are ancient, their souls are androgynous,
they contain female languor and male rage.
And these souls are strange, dissolute and innocent,
lovingly combine both youth and old age.

My cat, Philip of Spain, with the contempt of a sovereign
reproaches dogs for loyalty, and rats for sycophancy,
accepts offerings calmly and arrogantly
and looks down on our follies.
In cats I honor the great teachers of sadness,
after all, a cat of any era is an expert on its diseases.
Softened at first by the toys of progress,
Our age of trenches and tanks becomes more and more iron.
We cherish, grow and multiply sorrows,
Without truth we run wild and spread among weeds.
The sown grains will return as a harvest -
cats know this no worse than peasants.

Cats look like owls. According to God's Plans
was the original breed of their winged
and with a horde of fiends, which from the threshold
driven by Saint Anthony, she was a friend.
In anger, the cat is terrible and the real Schopenhauer,
a tank-bloated demon with the traits of a charlatan.
Usually cats are sedate, even arrogant
and everyone agrees on one thing - that man is insignificant,
that you cannot escape death, and sooner or later does not matter.
So let's lie down on a sunny bed!

My handsome big-eyed man lay down under the clock
and sleeps to the sound of a lullaby, a funeral ringing.
And what does he care about the lamentations of the owl Ecclesiastes?
and all your wisdom, O decrepit Solomon!
Sleep, the embodiment of laziness, blissfully and innocently,
while I'm settling scores with someone who's gone forever
and the piano laughs at my sadness,
showing teeth, a grin of coal and ice.
And remember, well-fed sleepyhead, that a cat’s life is short,
that your relative wanders hungry and no one’s,
that tramps writhe from the accuracy of slingshots
and die like Socrates, forgiving the executioners...

Do not value anything, avoid vanity
and bask in the sunshine, blessed cats!

Federico Garcia Lorca

My animals

My beast is not a lion, beloved by the crowd, -
It seems to me that he is just a big dog.
No, yellow tiger, with a silent foot,
It gives me more sweet dreams.

And, the symbol of Bacchus, quick, voluptuous,
As if made of steel, a well-aimed leopard;
He is all like a beautiful genius of fiction,
The father of legends, the beast is a god, sorcerer and bard.

I also love black panther
When she looks ahead
In some non-life sphere,
Like a scary sphinx in the blue desert.

But if from Asian, African
I will tear away the dream of the holy deserts,
Among our lives, both flat and bourgeois,
My desired one is a cat.

She is in herself, in an elegant miniature,
Connected these three animals.
There are sparks in her glossy skin,
She has the wandering intoxication of passions in her blood.

She passes through the rooms silently,
Always chasing your dream,
Falls in love suddenly and madly,
And he loves witches, and he loves the dark.

There is an unknown charm in her pupils,
They contain phosphorus and circles of otherworldly spheres,
She captivated the terrible Edgar,
The tragic Baudelaire was captivated by her, -

Two geniuses in love with dreams
My two brothers in the world abyss,
Where we are given immeasurable suffering
And the infinity of living music.

Konstantin Balmont

Cat symbolism- the topic is varied. A cat is a domestic furry animal loved by many. Today, more than 70 cat breeds are known.

Many people have them as a special member of their family. Cats were domesticated during Ancient Egyptian times, but there is some evidence that domestication began around 9,500 years ago during the Neolithic era. People used to keep them for their hunting abilities.

Cat as a symbol

The cat, as a symbol, carries mainly double meanings, and always balances two opposite things - for example, light and dark, rest and action, external and internal, up and down, good or bad, etc.

Overall, the cat is a symbol of patience, independence, curiosity and courage. The cat is a very spiritual animal; she is known for her ability to wait and act only when the time is right.

As a rule, the symbolism of a cat depends mainly on where and how you meet it. Seeing a cat in a dream has a different meaning than, for example, meeting one in reality. A cat can also become your totem.

Cat symbolism: meeting a cat in real life

The cat is a mysterious animal that helps you embrace your independence and curious nature.

When you encounter a cat in real life, there are three important meanings that can help you learn more about life. The cat spirit is trying to tell you something. It could be:

  • Deep secret. Cats are known to keep the secret of their death. Meeting a cat can mean that either you are hiding something, or someone close to you. A secret can be good or bad, and you need to trust your instincts to find out the truth before it hurts you. This may be a red flag for you.
  • Start signal. If you are faced with some kind of life change and are resisting it, don't do it! Meeting a cat is a trigger signal for their adoption. This is a sign that they are waiting for you good changes. Resistance can create problems in life.
  • No risky behavior. Cats have 9 lives and this makes them risky. Sometimes risks are an integral part of life and they are important for moving forward. If you encounter a cat, this may mean that you may take a risk. You should not be afraid of failure because this risk can lead you to success, otherwise you can learn a valuable lesson from it.

Cat as your spirit animal

The cat is your totem. Cats are considered highly magical creatures in spiritual world. Their presence around people can have a direct impact on them. Many people have a cat as their spirit animal or totem. Let's see how the cat symbol affects their lives:

  • Nine Lives. The cat totem means that you can learn lessons from all nine lives of a cat. Every life represents a risk that you could take, but it is important that you evaluate the outcome first. This does not mean that you can blindly jump into the well. Have you ever seen a cat hunting for food? She remains motionless and shows skill when the time comes to attack. She remains motionless and calculates her chances of catching her prey. You must learn from these tactics and act when the time is right.
  • Ability to see in the dark. Cats can see in the dark; their retinas can detect movement even in very low light. When a cat is your spirit animal, it means that you must also have keen eyesight to see things that are not visible. You have to pay attention to the smallest details that usually remain hidden from view.
  • Ability to enjoy sleep. Mostly, cat owners claim that their pet is lazy most of the time. Cats really enjoy their sleep and don't want to be disturbed. Time of sleep and rest charges the body to full capacity. Therefore, take your time and enjoy your sleep. Don't think too much about working during quiet hours so your brain can rest.

Main characteristics of a totem cat

  • smart- knows when and how to make the right decision;
  • defensive ability- protects not only yourself, but also loved ones;
  • independent- but uses social connections more than anyone else;
  • very confident- has a deep connection with the inner self;
  • sensitive- because they feel what is really hidden behind the words;
  • agile– quick in action, but at the same time careful;
  • curious- wants to know everything and loves to explore.

People with a cat totem are always in search of enlightenment. They are known in their circle for their gentle nature and know how to see their better side. Although they are kind-hearted and care about others, they still, if necessary, know how to guide them on the right path. These are sharp thinking individuals. People are automatically drawn to them because of their sensitivity. They are loved because they know how to make others happy.

Strength and weakness

People with a cat totem have unique strengths and weak sides that make them different from others.

Their strengths:

  1. smart: people with a cat totem are often smart and know how to make the right decisions;
  2. independent: People with a cat totem are the most independent and do not require the help of others. They are self-sufficient and know how to cope with their lives and problems;
  3. self-confident: they know what they are doing and are happy with it. These are people who find pleasure in being alone and do not need the help of others;
  4. vigilant: People with a cat totem are laconic. These are the people who sit back and enjoy the show in silence. They observe their surroundings and notice minimal changes that are often ignored by other people.

Their weaknesses:

  1. singles: Because people with a cat spirit are very independent and make decisions on their own, they often neglect the rest of the world. Sometimes this habit leads to disaster because working in a team is much more beneficial than working alone in many scenarios. Also, seeing a thing from others' point of view can completely change the picture, but totemic people will not do this because they like to work alone;
  2. self-confident: confidence and self-confidence are just a few millimeters apart from each other, and these people don't know when they cross the line. Since they are very confident in their decisions, sometimes they may even hurt others and are reluctant to change their minds. Even if they are wrong, they will not want to accept it;
  3. manipulators: people with a cat totem know how to use their powers to manipulate others and change the game in their favor;
  4. tricky: they can easily deceive people. Many times they selfishly use their intelligence to deceive others.

The variety of cat colors and their meaning

Cats are presented in different colors, and each color symbolizes its own special meaning. Each cat color has a special message. Here are some of the most common cat color symbols:

Red cat symbolism: big changes. Ginger cats encourage a new beginning - they symbolize significant change. They are ecologists and predict global changes. Like other cats, they also help in energetic healing. Red cats are a sign of leadership, courage and confidence. They appear as a sign to accept a new beginning.

Symbolism of gray cats: harmony and childhood. Gray or silver color is associated with mystery; You must have seen that spirits and mystical beings often appear in silver color. Gray cats are associated with harmony, mystery and silence. Most of us spent our childhood next to such a cat, because their old souls love to be near young ones.

These cats bring good luck, emotional stability, peace and love. In Thai weddings, there is a ritual in which a gray cat is given as a gift to the brides as a sign of good luck and love for the couple. Basically, gray cats connect people to the present by making them remember their past experiences. Gray cats are a reminder that bad times good things will pass and good ones will come.

Symbolism of white cats: purity. White is a spiritual color for cats. You may have noticed that psychics usually have white cats. White cats are supporters of people; they have special healing gifts. White cats are considered good luck charms in many parts of the world.

The spiritual meaning of a white cat is purity and positivity. If you treat a white cat well, it is said that it will bring money and higher levels of spirituality. Contrary to all these beliefs, in some parts of the world, white cats are also a sign of bad luck, especially when they cross the road.

Black Cat Symbolism: Physical Healing. It may surprise you that the symbolism of a black cat is physical healing because in most parts of the world a black cat is considered a bad omen.

Herbalists and witches often had black cats - this associated them with bad luck, but people forget that they both have special healing powers. The Puritans believed that black cats brought bad luck when they came from Europe to America. They believed that an executed witch could return in the form of a black cat after seven for long years expectations. In Europe and Australia, mostly black cats are considered a sign of good luck.

The spirit world highly values ​​the power of black cats as their medicinal instincts are amazing. For thousands of years they have been assistants to herbalists.

Symbolism of cats in literature

Cats have been used quite widely in art and literature.

  • Remember "Puss in Boots"? The tale is known all over the world in different versions, but main story remains the same: this is a very smart partner for a person.
  • Another cunning cat character from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Cheshire Cat . This is a very mysterious character and his appearance and disappearance in different time confused not only Alice, but also the readers.
  • Crookshanks from "Harry Potter" and Garfield are also two of the most famous cats in literature and both symbolize mind and intelligence.
  • But, for example, a Japanese cat "Hello Kitty" is a symbol of innocence and purity.

Dreams and cat symbolism

Dreams are very powerful way communication. They are a message from the subconscious to our soul. According to some traditions around the world, seeing a cat in a dream is a bad omen, but this concept is changing every day.

Seeing a cat in a dream mainly symbolizes sensuality and the feminine essence. In ancient Egypt, cats were believed to have the ability to travel between dimensions. For this reason, many people think that when a cat appears in your dreams, it is bringing a message from another dimension.

Here are some dreams and their interpretations:

  • the cat bites you: when you see a cat biting your leg, it means that you are losing your balance in real life and neglecting what is important in achieving your goals. If a cat bites your hands, it means that you are forgetting your feminine nature;
  • two cats are fighting: cats are a symbol of feminism, this dream could mean that two female figures in your real life are experiencing problems;
  • cat fights with dog: this means that you will avoid someone who is deceiving you;
  • cat eats bird: this means that a romantic relationship awaits you;
  • cat chasing a mouse: means that luck is with you and you will get what you want;
  • run after the cat: when you see yourself running after a cat, it means that you are going through a bad situation and cannot cope with it;
  • when the cat follows you: someone secretly admires you.


The cat symbolizes independence, purity and guardianship. Our ancestors considered them Gods and Goddesses. They are powerful beings and their presence in your life can completely change you.

Whether you see them in real life or in your dreams, they give you a unique message that you must decipher. Because they are guardians and want to warn you about an upcoming event on your way, but it is up to you how you accept this message.

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