Home Stomatitis Unified State Examination in history preparation from scratch. How to effectively and quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam in History

Unified State Examination in history preparation from scratch. How to effectively and quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam in History


Purchase additional literature to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Don't buy the first textbook you come across. It’s better to carefully study them in the store - whether the information is in clear language, what year of issue you are holding in your hands, whether the authors clearly explain the solution, whether all the material is collected in the book. Only after the manual satisfies all your requirements, feel free to buy it.

Solve the suggested tests daily. You may come across some familiar questions and you will be able to answer them with ease. When analyzing your answers, focus on the incorrect ones. Don’t be lazy to work on your mistakes so you don’t make them again. Memorize dates, definitions, facts - you will definitely remember them at the Unified State Exam. If for some reason you have not studied for several days, try to repeat the material you have already covered, at least briefly, to “refresh” the information in your memory.

Make cheat sheets. It’s not a fact that you will take them with you on . But you will remember what you wrote down. Write down the dates that will definitely appear in the tests. Don't forget to add your names famous people who contributed to history. Pay special attention to definitions, since Part B focuses on terms. Part C suggests more of an answer. Therefore, read as much as possible to be able to navigate, even if you come across a difficult question.

Throughout the year, try to participate in school competitions- this will be a wonderful help for passing the Unified State Exam in the subject with excellent marks. Don’t be lazy to visit the library if you don’t have some material at home.

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  • pass the exam for 100

Admission to university is just around the corner - it's time to think about exams. There is a lot of competition in your specialty, and it is advisable to pass all subjects with the highest scores. Among these subjects is also history, but somehow you are not friends with it. How to quickly learn all the huge amount of information required to pass the history exam?

You will need

  • Go to a bookstore and try to just read history books. It is enough to read one page to understand how clearly the author presents the material. Also arm yourself with a couple of special test guides.


Despite the huge volume of material, the exam is the same as the others, and the exam itself is just a small obstacle that must be overcome in order to achieve the goal. Do not panic. History, like the Unified State Exam in general, is not as scary as it seems, no matter what they say.

History is not just a collection of facts that need to be memorized. She is very logical. Of course, names, dates, names of princes and emperors will simply have to be learned, but otherwise everything can be divided into blocks, which will make learning much easier. For example: politics, social sphere, culture, wars.

In each point of each paragraph of the textbook there are a couple of important facts and there are details, often unnecessary and confusing, or presented in such a way that it is simply impossible to remember them. Forget about them for a while. Imagine that soon New Year and that you assemble and decorate an artificial Christmas tree. First you need to assemble the tree itself, i.e. attach the “paws” to the “trunk”, then wrap it in a garland of light bulbs, and only after that hang the toys. So: don’t try to hang toys if the tree has not yet been assembled! The period of the reign of Alexander II, for example, was all about the abolition of serfdom, judicial, zemstvo and military reforms, and then the number of attempts on his life and the construction of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood on the spot where he was mortally wounded.

Helpful advice

Talk to those who took the Unified State Exam in History last year. What were the questions that they found difficult?
Make contact with your history teacher. He works to help you. Surely he knows and can recommend good teaching aids.
If the story doesn't give in to your mercy, talk to your parents about a tutor. It is better to spend money on a tutor than to enroll in a university next year or choose a less prestigious university.

Perhaps every university teacher dreams of students who study diligently throughout the academic year. However, today's youth often do not take their studies so seriously, leaving more time for hanging out with friends and playing on the computer. Therefore, many students usually prepare for oral exams in a hurry. Even if you don't have much time left before exams, you can organize your time properly if you want.


The first thing you need to pass with flying colors is proper preparation. Choose a system that suits you and stick to your schedule. When looking through tickets, try to deal with the most difficult questions first, leaving for last what you are familiar with.

One of the most common student mistakes is planning the preparation process. Most students are divided into equal parts before the exam, working on the tickets sequentially, from the first to the last. But while you are on the last tickets, the previously covered material may completely fly out of your head. Therefore, try to first learn all the C grade tickets. After this, you can memorize the same tickets more thoroughly. And finally, study all the questions thoroughly. This multi-step work will help you pass the exam.

Before you manage the money left before the exam, make yourself a clear plan of action, find out whether you are a night owl or a lark. Based on this, you can better plan your time. Don't forget to take short breaks. Long work can tire you and discourage you from working further. The usefulness of cheat sheets can be debated. But the fact that you can learn the material with their help is a fact. While you are copying information onto a cheat sheet, you are choosing and storing the most important facts and formulas in your head. Even if you don’t use any of the cheat sheets, they will help you better prepare for the exam.

Learn to relax properly. If, while studying for an exam, you feel afraid of the upcoming test, step away from the table and take a few deep breaths. Do not sit down at the table until you are completely calm. Instead of coffee and energy drinks, drink better herbal teas. They tone up no worse.

Don't be dramatic. Instead of repeating on the way to the audience that you are nothing (even if this is true), it is better to assure yourself of the opposite. On the way to the exam site, better study the material you are familiar with. This way you will cheer yourself up psychologically.

Be confident. Even if the ticket is not familiar to you, be calm. Sit and think, try to read the ticket completely and make a plan for your answer. Soberly assess your capabilities, allocating a certain period of time to each question. Try to stick to this schedule. Start with the easiest tasks first. When you go out to answer the ticket, don’t lower your eyes to the floor. Be confident and don't hesitate. Even if you can’t answer a question exactly, think about it and maybe it will pop into your head.


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Each of us has been tested at least once in our lives. Regardless of the importance and significance of the test, any person experiences a certain amount of anxiety and fear when writing it. You can cope with it, the main thing is to have the right mindset and follow the basic rules when taking it.



If you think about it, it turns out that schools give pretty good preparation for passing the Unified State Exam. They basically consist of the following: stay at home and study, study and study again. But overload can cause both a nervous breakdown and fatigue, which is equally undesirable to experience before an exam. It's better to prepare, but in advance.

Preliminary preparation should begin about a year in advance. I mean for the academic year. As soon as the first of September has passed, you can immediately begin your search. The safest thing to do is to seek the help of those who teach at. Such people have much more experience, plus they can suggest some “tricks” that will help when passing the exam. Again, the presence of recommendations plays an important role. When someone “from the outside” comes, you have to take his word for it. But in fact, it is not known what kind of teacher he is and how he teaches.

In a few years, the Unified State Exam in history will become mandatory for all Russian high school students. History frightens many not so much because of its complexity as because of the volume of material. Dates, names, important events, their causes and consequences, battles, reforms, revolutions - everything needs to be learned. If you have to take this subject in a few months, then the advice of our center’s teachers will undoubtedly be useful to you.

What does the Unified State Examination in history consist of?

The first part includes 19 tasks. You must choose the answer or write the correct one, establish the correspondence, and also correctly determine the sequence.

In the second part you will have to complete six tasks with detailed answers. Basically this is an analysis of a fragment of a historical source, the point of view of some historical figure or historian, as well as historical essay dedicated to a specific period.

The duration of the test is 210 minutes. Minimum score - 32.

Read more about preparation

  1. Practice. Solve tests, especially since previous years’ assignments are publicly available. If you make a mistake, be sure to work through and learn this topic.
  2. Prepare yourself using school textbooks and FIPI manuals. There is nothing in the assignments that is not in the school curriculum. University textbooks are, of course, good, but they may not contain the answer to the question you will encounter on the exam. Most often it is recommended to prepare using the textbooks of A. A. Levandovsky and N. S. Borisov. Don’t forget to refer to well-known historical memoirs and monographs, this will help you better understand the material. We also remind you that in order to best prepare for the Unified State Exam in history, you should get a manual recommended by FIPI and practice completing the tasks. Try not to miss any of them, since you may encounter a similar exercise on the Unified State Examination itself.
  3. Don't memorize, but learn the dates. Pointless cramming will not help you. Each date should be filled with meaning and associations; try to imagine the event in detail. By the way, it is advisable to learn the month and day along with the year.
  4. Write down the characteristics of the rulers. Note the years of his life and reign, features of the economy and politics, the main events that have occurred so far this person was in power. This will help you when completing tasks from the second part.
  5. Have a good rest. During breaks between classes, watch good historical films and documentaries. For example, such as “Romanovs”, “ Palace coups", "Youth of Peter", "War and Peace", films by Leonid Parfenov and other film masterpieces dedicated to different periods Russian history.
  6. Don't go to extremes and don't judge superficially. In a historical work, there is no need to describe Stalin as a bloody tyrant, or Catherine the Great as a quarrelsome person. Analyze the achievements and actions of political figures of that time that influenced the formation and development of states, try to be objective. Under the leadership of Stalin, our country defeated fascism, and Catherine the Second became almost the most successful ruler of her time.
  7. Record everything you learn in a notebook. It’s better to have several notebooks - for notes, dates and terms. Be sure to write down everything that appears in the exam tasks, especially if you are encountering this “something” for the first time. Firstly, this way you will better remember the meaning of a term or date. Secondly, taking notes will help you quickly refresh your memory of what you covered the day before the exam.

The last, but most important piece of advice: don’t be lazy, read and remember key events and dates. Don't leave it until the last minute, there won't be enough time! If you are more or less confident in your abilities, but feel that something is missing, we recommend enrolling in intensive courses. Under the guidance of an experienced teacher, you will be able to quickly and effectively repeat school curriculum in history, work through exam tasks and fill in gaps (if any). We wish you success!

Modern graduates must decide in advance where they will go to study after graduating from school. It is for this reason that students need to know what subjects they will take in order to enter university. This opportunity allows children to start early. And our article will tell you how to do it yourself.

Statistics show that most graduates choose humanities subjects such as history, social studies, literature, and so on to take the exam. Please note that no one has yet said that passing literature or social studies will be much easier than passing a test in physics or chemistry.

Thus, our article will tell future graduates how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in History from scratch.

History structure

Every year, the structure of the exam in a particular subject is changed by the organizers. However, the essence remains the same: control of knowledge on the history of Russia. The Ministry of Education decided in 2017 that the history exam will consist of only two parts. This is not a reason for sadness or joy. The examination package of tasks consists of 25 questions. 19 of them should be given a short answer, and the remaining 6 should be given a detailed answer.

Exam questions are divided by difficulty level: basic, advanced and high. The higher the level, the higher the score for the correct answer. You need to know all these subtleties in order to understand how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history. In order to complete all tasks, the examinee has 4 hours, so the graduate must allocate time in advance in order to successfully write the work. For example, you can spend no more than 7 minutes on simple questions. The student has the right to spend up to 60 minutes on difficult ones.

When should you start preparing for the exam?

The future graduate must understand that it is impossible to properly prepare for the Unified State Exam in history in a week. During testing, the graduate must demonstrate knowledge of Russian history from the 6th grade, when children begin to study this subject.

Russian schoolchildren study the history of the Fatherland for 4 years. Imagine how much information you will need to read and remember again.

It is best to start preparing in advance, that is, in 10th grade. Need to go to school library, take textbooks on the history of Russia for grades 6, 7, 8 and 9.

As you read through the tutorials, you will need to create a chronological table of events in Russian state. During all this time, it will be no less useful to compile a mini-directory in which historical figures, information about what time they lived, who they were, what they created, and what reforms they carried out.

In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, it is necessary to complete various tasks, as well as pass tests on topics. It is very important to create a work schedule or schedule according to which you will prepare. Now you understand history and get good scores.

There are several techniques that will help you remember a large amount of information even faster and better; we will talk about them further.

Mnemonic technologies

Many of you have no idea what mnemonics are. For those who work with a large amount of information, mnemonics are simply necessary. So what is it? Mnemonics is a set of special methods and techniques for memorizing the necessary information by making associations and connections. Students actively use this technique. The brighter your association, the faster and easier the information will be stored in your memory. You ask about how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history using mnemonics? Very simple. The methods of this technology make it possible to remember the biography of historical figures.

It is enough to remember your friend who is at least a little similar to the historical figure in character, appearance, and so on. Or maybe because they have the same name. The funnier and brighter the association, the easier it is to remember the information.

We are moving on to the next technology that will help you remember numbers and dates.

How to remember the date

A lot of students complain that it is very difficult or impossible to remember a particular date. This problem also includes the difficulty of remembering the formula. In order for the numbers you need to become firmly established in your memory, you need to mentally correlate them with a number that you remember well. It could be your friends and family's birthdays or someone's phone number. You can correlate the date with familiar numbers. There is another method to remember the formula. First you need to stop perceiving it as a formula. Look at it carefully, perhaps you will see some kind of figure in it. Maybe she will remind you of a word.

Attention! Be sure to write down these associations, and review your acquired material before the exam.

Cheat sheets

Many teachers have a negative attitude towards this. But in vain! The cheat sheet will come to the aid of a person who has better developed motor memory. The thing is that when a student writes down material on paper, some of the information remains firmly in his memory. In addition, the cheat sheet is also useful for its structure. It does not contain unnecessary information, because only the most important material remains on the sheet. Also, using a cheat sheet is convenient to refresh your knowledge in your head.

Three sentences

This mnemonic method is useful for those taking a humanities subject, including history. The essence of the technique is that the student first reads a lecture or a paragraph of a textbook on the topic of the ticket, and then selects 3 main sentences from the material that will convey the material presented. They must be spoken out loud at least 3 times and then written down. This technique activates several types of memory at once. For other subjects you can compose work in the same way.

Universal questions

KIMs in history consist of questions of this type. What are they? Here are a few examples to give you an idea:

  • arrange events in chronological order;
  • establish a correspondence between the event and the year;
  • enter the term in question;
  • fill in the gaps in the text (sentence);
  • enter the name of the figure discussed in the text;
  • study the map and complete tasks on it.

Our article has come to an end. You've read a lot useful information about how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history. We hope you find it useful. Good luck with exams!

Hello, dear readers of the site, applicants, teachers and, probably, parents! All of you, of course, are rooting for applicants to pass the Unified State Exam with 100 points and enter the prestigious universities. This desire is understandable. However, its implementation depends on the quality of the preparation itself.

In the last post, when we examined Khrushchev’s reign, I promised that I would post a post on this topic. Preparing for the Unified State Exam in history is quite a serious undertaking and should not be approached with disdain. In this article, I will analyze the mistakes that 95% of all guys make, and also outline the paths that you can follow to successfully prepare for history.

It is no secret that there is a lot of material on history, and learning it all is an extremely labor-intensive task. How to do this correctly? Read on and find out!

Many students make unforgivable mistakes. Now I will list them, if you do this, stop doing it. So, let's prepare for the exam in history correctly!

Common Preparation Mistakes

Mistake #1. Students simply read the history manual, thinking that once they read it, they will remember everything. When you read it, you are sure that you know the topic. Alas, this confidence is refuted by the very first verification test.

CONCLUSION: Reading is not high-quality memorization of material!

Mistake #2. Students hope to be able to learn the material a week before the exam. As a result, they delay studying the material, then “wake up” and realize that they don’t have time to do anything, since there is clearly a lot of material.

CONCLUSION: never delay studying the material, especially history!!!

Mistake #3. Students read the textbook, try to remember all the dates and definitions - but they fail, since there are so many of them.

CONCLUSION: never try to learn everything thoroughly - it is impossible unless you have a photographic memory!

Mistake #4. Students begin preparing for the Unified State Exam in history 10 months before the Unified State Exam and do so sequentially, studying topics in chronological order. As a result, they only have time to prepare for the topics, but do not have time to solve the tests or practice their solving skills.

CONCLUSION: If you started preparing for the Unified State Exam in history in 11th grade, then prepare not in chronological order.

Now I’ll actually explain how exactly you need to prepare for the Unified State Exam. There are two ways.

The first way

You have been preparing since 10th grade. In this case, you need to prepare chronologically, sequentially. That is, first Ancient Rus'... etc. by periods. After studying each period it is necessary take tests immediately. How exactly to teach? Take a notebook with notes (school or the one filled out during preparation with a tutor), take a normal allowance, and cards. Maps can be downloaded from the Internet. Also prepare a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

Choose a topic. First, you read the notebook, refreshing your memory of the general material, then you read the SAME TOPIC in the textbook or manual, comparing what is new in the textbook and what is not in the notebook. At the same time, look at the map corresponding to this period. On a piece of paper, write down a plan for an ORAL answer on THIS topic. The plan should be complete, but the wording itself should be short. The volume of the plan should not exceed a notebook sheet, but it should be segmented into points and sub-points.

By doing this, you immediately hone at least three skills: the skill of working with texts, the skill of summarizing material and writing it down in a new short form- plan. Search skill new information in addition to what has already been studied. In addition, by making a plan for each topic studied, you receive short plans for answers to all topics of the course! In the future, to remember the material, it will be enough to just look at the plan! A history course designed in this way will guarantee your quality preparation.

Instead of maps and books, it is better to use. After all, visual presentation of material is 5-10 times more effective.

The second way

You have been preparing since 11th grade. In this case, the time for sequential study you do not have. Or rather, there is. But in order to thoroughly work on each topic, you will have to spend at least 3-4 hours a day! After all, every topic has personalities, wars, reforms, etc. Therefore, you prepare in blocks. For example: block " Foreign policy. Interaction with the South." Here you are looking for all the wars that Russia waged with the East and South, starting with Ancient Rus' and until 1991. You analyze these wars according to plan: Prerequisites, Reasons, Reason, Course of events, Results.

Write down the plan for each war in a separate notebook. Of course, you use maps, manuals, and the Internet. Next, take a topic, for example, “Serfdom,” and look for all the material from 1497 to 1861. Make a plan on this topic that is extremely short in scope, but complete in content.

Of course, after each topic you decide subject tests. By doing this, you, firstly, create a plan for each topic, and secondly, study the entire topic from beginning to end! Having studied all the topics in this way, you will not need to think about those periods that you did not have time to study! This is simply impossible with this approach!

Here, Dear friends getting ready for the Unified State Exam in history! Of course, you may think that this is unrealistic. But believe me, the main thing when preparing for the Unified State Exam is not memorization of the material, but its systematization! Also look at this material on self-preparation for the Unified State Exam... And memorization occurs by itself after working on each topic independently directly during systematization!

The third way

For today however self-study It's no good at all for several reasons. The main ones are the children’s illusions about their time, as well as the illusion that they simply have an excellent memory, thanks to which they will instantly remember everything.

In fact, when they begin to analyze topics, despondency arises, and sometimes nervous breakdowns- because there is really a lot of material.

Therefore the third way proper preparation for the Unified State Exam in history is associated with professional training, when a professional prepares you for the Unified State Exam. I am such a pro, and since 2015 we have opened our training courses, in which all the theory is laid out on the shelves, according to the Unified State Examination Codifier.

Thanks to our courses, dozens of children have already passed exams with scores above 90 (!) in this discipline and entered a university on a budget. Because in our courses we also build an individual strategy for entering the university. Nobody does this, only us!

To find out more about our courses, just click on this button:

Congratulations - you have chosen one of the most difficult exams. Every tenth of those who took the Unified State Examination in History in Kaliningrad region in 2016 did not exceed the minimum threshold. 60% scored between 36 and 60 points. Only 26 people out of 594 who took the test scored more than 81 points, which allows them to enter a decent university without any problems. 100 points – one person.

Have you changed your mind yet?

Let’s be clear: independence is a matter of responsibility. Even when turning to teachers and tutors for help, you realize that the Unified State Exam in History is your choice and the responsibility lies solely with you. But you will get a profit.

How to prepare yourself for the Unified State Exam in History

1. Motivation

How the History exam is taken upon admission to law faculties civilian universities and command specialties of many military schools. Studying in these specialties is prestigious and in many ways guarantees a comfortable life. It's worth trying for this.

And knowledge of history allows you to maintain a conversation in decent company and look at everything that happens with special cynicism. And wonder why everyone praises Viking. So we’ll try.

2. Purpose

Determine exactly the minimum score for which you need to pass the exam. You need 80 points. Wonderful. Use a statement of purpose - publicly declare your intentions - this will make it harder to give up on them. Remember - a person can pass with fewer points than he wants. But he will never give up for more!

3. Teachers and tutors

Not all school teachers are happy with the news that their student is going to take history. Especially if in previous years this wonderful student did not show any zeal. At the same time, most likely, your teacher knows history and has experience preparing for the exam, which means you should be friends with him. Tell your teacher about your choice honestly in advance. You may need to listen to some stream of consciousness. Take it for granted - if you cannot immediately list all the Rurikovich-Kalitichs and Romanovs - the teacher’s words are justified. You can, of course, try to lie and not talk about your plans. But on February 1, when you submit your application to choose the Unified State Exam, everything will be revealed. Better become allies early.

Discuss your preparation plan with your teacher. Carefully write down all his advice. If he organizes additional classes– be sure to visit them. This way you will achieve several goals: calm down the unhappy person, get a bit of knowledge on history and a good grade on your certificate.

In the end, the teacher can recommend a good tutor for you. If you consider it possible and necessary for yourself to spend time and money communicating with a person whose functions you can perform yourself -

4. Timing

On the one hand, the sooner the better. It is ideal if you have already decided on the direction of your preparation in the eighth grade. In the ninth year we prepared and successfully passed the OGE in History. All last years successfully participated in the History Olympiads.

All the same, in the eleventh grade it is necessary to deliberately prepare for the test in the Unified State Exam format. Repeating and practicing historical material on Unified State Examination tasks.

If you are a complete zero in history and realized the need to prepare in September of the eleventh grade, you still have enough time, which is not worth wasting.

5. Time management

Take time to prepare. At least three times a week for two hours. During the first lesson, read the theory and watch video lectures. Secondly, solve tests. Thirdly, sort out unclear questions.

Preparation plan for the Unified State Exam in History

1. Structure of the Unified State Exam in History

In order to understand how to prepare, you need to know what the exam consists of.

In 2017, 19 questions of the first part and 6 questions of the second part will await you. There are no questions with a choice of one answer for a long time.

Actually, in the exam itself they will test your knowledge of the so-called. didactic units, which can be divided into several groups:

Dates. 862 - the date of the calling of the Varangians to Rus'. 1773 – “Boston Tea Party” Total 491 dates incl. 113 dates on general history.

Names. Alexander Nevsky, Mamai and Khrushchev. 415 names.

Concepts. Rope, cut and tax in kind. 259 concepts.

Characteristics of historical processes and phenomena, as well as the identification of cause-and-effect relationships. Tasks 5 and 7, tasks with documents and task 23. For example:

Historical documents. Tasks 6, 10, 12 and 20-22. You are given the text of the document. Task 6 even has two texts. After reading, you need to choose from the proposed answers those that relate to this text. Answers will include dates, names and concepts, as well as characteristics of historical processes and phenomena. Detailed instructions on working with documents

Map. Tasks 13-16. Here, the source material for verification is a map depicting a certain event in history. They again check dates, names and concepts, as well as characteristics of historical processes and phenomena.

Problematic issues of history. Eat historical facts, there is no point in arguing with them. There was a Horde invasion and there was also a yoke. But the scale of the influence of the yoke on the Russian state and society can be assessed in different ways. There are different points of view, for example, on the results of the policy of war communism. Knowledge of points of view is tested in task 24.

Historical essay. Task 25. You are given a choice of three periods, one of which must be described. For example:
- 1462-1505
- 1762-1796
- 1945-1953
One period will be taken from the 9th to 17th centuries. Another is from the 18th-19th and the third is dedicated to the 20th century. Again, it is necessary to know dates, names and concepts, characteristics of historical processes and phenomena, cause-and-effect relationships and evaluate them all. We can say that task 25 summarizes all the previous ones. Except there are no pictures.

Dates, names and concepts are closely interrelated.

Ivan the Third in 1480 won a victory in Stoyaniya on the Ugra River over Khan Akhmat, who did not enjoy the support of many Horde Murzas and was distinguished by a weak character, thereby putting an end to the 200-year Horde yoke. In 1478 and 1485 Novgorod and Tver were annexed to Moscow, which virtually completed the process of unifying Russian lands around Moscow. To a single state unified laws were required, and Ivan the Third decided to issue a new Code of Laws, which happened in 1497. In this Code of Laws, the “St. George’s Day” rule was first introduced, which limited the transfer of peasants from one land owner to another, which marked the beginning of the process of enslavement of the peasants. Thus, the period of the reign of Ivan the Third was one of the most successful in the history of Russia, and it is no coincidence that he received the nickname “The Great”

This text contains four dates, two names, six concepts, three cause-and-effect relationships, and an assessment of the period. You have just read a historical essay worth eleven maximum points.

Thus, it is necessary to learn who did what and when, as well as what it led to. That's the trick.

2. Periodization of history and stages of preparation for the exam.

The difficulty lies in the fact that in addition to didactic units in history, certain periods are distinguished: the Old Russian state, the Age of Ivan the Terrible, the reign of Catherine the Great. And already in the first tasks you will encounter dates from very different eras. At the same time, reading the entire textbook first and then starting to solve problems will not be the best solution. By the time you reach the end of the textbook, you will have forgotten what happened at the beginning.

It is better to divide the entire history into a number of periods and preparation into several stages:

  1. 862 - 1132 Old Russian state
  2. 1132 – 1242 Decline of the Old Russian state. The Age of Fragmentation. Invasions from East and West
  3. 1283 – 1462 Formation of the Russian centralized state
  4. 1533 – 1597 Ivan the Terrible and Feodor
  5. 1598 – 1613 Reign of the Godunovs and Time of Troubles
  6. 1613 – 1682 First Romanovs
  7. 1682 – 1725 Peter the Great
  8. 1725 – 1762 Palace coups
  9. 1762 – 1801 Catherine the Great and Paul
  10. 1801 – 1825 Alexander I
  11. 1825 – 1855 Nicholas I
  12. 1855 – 1881 Alexander II
  13. 1881 – 1894 Alexander III
  14. 1894 – 1917 Nicholas II
  15. 1917 - 1921 Revolutions and Civil War
  16. 1921 – 1928 USSR in the 20-3 years. NEP. Collectivization and Industrialization
  17. 1939 – 1945 World War II and Great Patriotic War
  18. 1945 – 1953 Post-war reconstruction
  19. 1953 – 1964 N.S. Khrushchev “Thaw”
  20. 1964 - 1984 L.I. Brezhnev “Stagnation”
  21. 1984 – 1991 Perestroika and collapse of the USSR
  22. 1991 – 2012 Liberal democratic reforms. Modernity

IN academic year, from September to May, 35 academic weeks. Give each period one week. Relax during the holidays. And you will have 13 weeks left to repeat and solve the full versions of the Unified State Examination.

I want to clarify that for some people it is easier to solve on paper. And someone absolutely rightly believes that the author’s work should be rewarded.

So here it is:
1. Downloaded the book and saved the tree.
2. Of the 500 rubles that you pay for the purchase of three collections by Roman Pazin, at best the author will get 20%.

Download them. Really download it - you must solve them. Set the printer's print properties to 4 sheets per page and double-sided printing. You will spend about 4 times less paper.

Find Roman Pazin from Samara online and transfer the required amount to his Yandex.Wallet.

6. Real Unified State Examination in History

Until 2013, real Unified State Exams were regularly posted online. After 2013 the shop was closed. Therefore, when you come across advertisements for their sale anywhere, keep in mind that you will be deceived. At best, they will send you 2013 options. And because the deal was fraudulent on both sides, you are unlikely to complain to the police. If you want real options, there are no others and there won’t be any. But these are worth solving.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in History

1. Writing notes

Even if you have downloaded all the textbooks and collections of diagrams, still make your notes. When you write it down, you remember it better. This statement is still true. Especially if you use one of the modern note-taking techniques. Especially if you develop your own way of structuring information that is convenient for you. Here you can see an example of a history table.

2. We write cheat sheets for tasks 24 and 25

There are not many problematic issues. Their list is approximately known.

It's better to write essays for everyone possible periods. And memorize them. It’s difficult to learn everything – learn the 20th century. At the same time, learn dates, names and concepts for most tasks.

And I said write cheat sheets. Under no circumstances should you bring them to the exam. Moreover, do not bring phones. If they catch you, they will kick you out. It will be very disappointing.

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