Home Tooth pain F.G. Angles about the effects of alcohol on the human brain

F.G. Angles about the effects of alcohol on the human brain

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I am a surgeon, I have been operating on patients all my life. And I saw something that ordinary people don’t see.
A person does not have an organ that does not suffer from the “intake” of alcoholic products - any kind, no matter whether it is vodka, wine or beer. However, the brain suffers the most and the most severely.
Because there the concentration of alcohol is maximum. If we take the concentration of alcohol in the blood as one, then in the liver it will be 1.45, and in the brain it will be 1.75.

I won’t describe in detail the terrible picture of a “shrinked brain” (at autopsy, in most people who simply drink, the brain is wrinkled, sharply reduced in volume, the meninges are swollen, the vessels are dilated, and the convolutions of the brain are simply smoothed out), but upon closer examination it turns out that changes in nerve cells are as dramatic as those caused by poisoning with very strong poisons.

These changes are irreversible. Which inevitably affects mental activity.
In this case, first of all, the highest, most perfect functions of the brain suffer, while the lower ones - primitive ones, approaching subcortical reflexes - persist longer.

Tyrshanov and Reitz from Bekhterev's laboratory established a much stronger effect of alcohol on young developing organisms.
When puppies “drink” alcohol for 1.5-3 months, a striking difference in the size of the head of the “drinking” and normal puppies was established.
When weighing in all cases the cerebral hemisphere, especially frontal lobes Alcohol-treated puppies weighed less than control puppies.
The effect is more noticeable the more early age started giving alcohol.

Alcohol-induced brain damage can be compared to skull trauma.
With a concussion, when even microscopic examination reveals no changes in either the membrane or the vessels of the brain, clinically we observed loss of consciousness for a period of several minutes to several hours, and subsequently severe headaches.
If, after a head injury, even slight hemorrhages or point necrosis are found in the substance of the brain or in its membranes, we are talking about a brain contusion (concussion).
In this case, loss of consciousness often lasts for many hours and is revealed by loss or damage to the function of nerves and groups of nerves.
Subsequently - persistent headaches, and in the long term - early hypertension.

The changes that occur in the brains of people who “drink” alcohol cannot be regarded as anything other than gross anatomical changes that lead to the weakening and loss of certain brain functions and to the deterioration of the functioning of the entire central nervous system.

Changes in brain matter are caused by alcohol causing red blood cells to stick together.
The higher the alcohol concentration, the more pronounced the gluing process.
In the brain, where the adhesiveness is stronger (since the alcohol concentration is higher), it leads to serious consequences.
The fact is that the diameter of the smallest capillaries approaches the diameter of red blood cells.
And if red blood cells stick together in the capillaries, they will close the lumen of the capillary.
The supply of oxygen to the brain cell will stop.
This oxygen starvation, if it lasts 5-6 minutes, it leads to death, that is, to the irreversible loss of a brain cell.
And the higher the concentration of alcohol in the blood, the more intense the gluing process and the more brain cells die.
Therefore, each “drink” of alcohol is accompanied by cell death in an amount that increases, the stronger the “intoxication”.

Long-term “consumption” of alcohol leads to degeneration and atrophy of tissues and organs, which manifests itself especially sharply and early in the brain.
Autopsies of “moderate drinkers” showed that their brains contained “cemeteries” of dead cortical cells (V.K. Boletsky.)
Abstracts scientific conference By pathological anatomy psychosis. M., 1955, pp. 106-107).

Changes in the structure of the brain occur after several years of “drinking.”
Observations were carried out on 20 patients in Stockholm.
The youngest of them “used” alcohol for 7 years, the rest - for an average of 12 years.All subjects were found to have a decrease in brain volume (as they say, “shrunken brain”).All found obvious signs brain atrophy. The cerebral cortex, where mental activity occurs, memory function, etc., has undergone changes. In patients, changes were also found in other areas of the cortex.
All 20 were also subjected to psychological tests.
They clearly showed a decrease in their thinking abilities.

People have long noticed that people who “drink alcohol” (even if they later stopped “drinking”) often develop early so-called “senile” dementia.
This is explained by the fact that in such people there is a rapid destruction of brain cells, which can cause degradation of their mental abilities at an early age.
Nerve cells begin to deteriorate very early, as a result of which, after 60 years, a person’s thinking abilities usually decrease.

In people with outstanding mental abilities nerve cells much more, so at 70 and 80 years old (and I.P. Pavlov at 86 years old) they are smarter than those around them.
But for “drinkers” the destruction goes much faster, so a sharp decline Their mental abilities begin even before the age of 60 (early “senile” dementia).

Consequently, if the “use of alcoholic beverages” is widespread among the population, then there will also be a general “stupidization” of the people.
This process is further intensified due to the appearance of a large percentage of defective and mentally retarded children born from “drinking” parents.

Many people tend to attribute all the evil caused by alcohol to alcoholics.
Like, it’s alcoholics who suffer, they have all these changes, but what about us? - we “drink in moderation”, we don’t have these changes.

We need to be clear.

Attempts to attribute the harmful effects of alcohol only to those who are recognized as alcoholics are fundamentally wrong. In addition, the terms themselves: “alcoholic”, “drunkard”, “heavy drinker”, “moderate”, “light drinker” - have a quantitative, not a fundamental difference.
Therefore, changes in the brain are quantitative, but not qualitative, differences.
Some consider alcoholics only those who drink themselves to the point of delirium tremens. This is not true.
Binge drinking, delirium tremens, alcoholic hallucinosis, hallucinatory dementia of drunkards, alcoholic delirium of jealousy, Korsakoff psychosis, alcoholic pseudoparalysis, alcoholic epilepsy and others - all these are consequences of alcoholism.
Alcoholism itself is any “consumption” of alcoholic products.Destructive to health, life, work and well-being of society.

If we ask any so-called heavy drinker whether he considers himself an alcoholic, he will answer categorically that he is not an alcoholic. It is impossible to persuade him to undergo treatment, although everyone around him groans at him. He will claim that he “drinks in moderation” (by the way, this is the most insidious term behind which alcoholics hide).

If someone were to advocate, either verbally or in print, the “moderate use” of hashish or marijuana, or to suggest teaching children with early years It is “cultural” to take chloroform - what would we say about this person? At best, we would decide that he is a madman who should be placed in a psychiatric hospital. At worst, that this is an enemy who is going to cause untold disasters to our people.

Why don’t we place in a psychiatric hospital or imprison those who throughout the country promote the “use of alcohol from an early age” - the same drug, which in its harmful effects is no different from chloroform?

It cannot be said that in modern literature there are no attempts to take alcohol under protection and exclude it from the list of drugs. Some authors, without scientific data, try to prove through various conclusions, often contradictory, that alcohol is not a drug.

So, E.A. Babayan and M.Kh. Gonopolsky in the book “ Tutorial on Narcology” write: “...alcoholic “drinks” cannot be considered narcotic, and alcoholism cannot be included in the category of drug addiction...”
How do the authors motivate such a judgment? Unfortunately, the authors do not provide a single scientific fact or experience refuting the position about the narcotic properties of alcohol. They are limited to purely philistine judgments, very far from science.
On pp. 14-16, the authors present in table form “ Distinctive characteristics drugs and alcoholic drinks."
In the very first lines it is written that alcoholic “drinks” are classified as food products, and drugs are classified as medicinal and chemicals.

But, firstly, alcoholic “drinks” also belong to chemical substances, and secondly, if trade organizations, in pursuit of easy money, classify alcohol as food products, then it is unlikely that scientists should blindly follow them.

Let’s say, if trade organizations and the Central Statistical Office classify alcohol as a dairy product, then, according to Babayan’s logic, it will be necessary to recommend that children take it through a pacifier?
Such judgments cannot be justified even for the average person, especially since there is serious official scientific data on this matter.
In particular, A.N. Timofeev in the book “Nervous-mental disorders in alcohol intoxication"(L., 1955) writes:
“Alcohol is a fatty drug that has a paralyzing effect on any living cell.
The cells of the central nervous system (CNS), especially the cells of the cerebral cortex, are most sensitive to alcohol.
The paralyzing effect of alcohol on the central nervous system goes in the direction from its most differentiated departments to its less differentiated ones and manifests itself more sharply the more alcohol is administered” (p. 7). “... alcohol, having a paralyzing effect on the higher parts of the central nervous system, disinhibits its lower parts.
This explains the excited behavior of a person, since the inhibitory process in the higher parts of the central nervous system has already suffered.”

“... The paralyzing effect of alcohol on the higher parts of the central nervous system affects even a small “consumption” of alcohol.
The associative process becomes difficult and slows down. Judgments become superficial.
Difficulties arise when comprehending a complex situation” (p. 8).
“...Movements lose their former speed and accuracy... At the same time, euphoria develops, i.e., increased well-being as a result of stimulation of the subcortex, which has escaped the control of the cortex.
Euphoria, by removing demands on oneself, almost eliminates the possibility of a critical attitude to one’s statements and reduces the ability to control one’s actions.
This explains the false assessment of his achievements, his performance, which, in his opinion, and not according to objective indicators, is improving, which is not true.
Alcohol euphoria and decreased criticism lead to a loss of vigilance” (p. 9).

The state of euphoria, increased well-being from small doses of alcohol, is, according to Krapelin, the result of relief motor processes due to the weakening of the regulatory influence of inhibitory centers.
This revival of movement is analogous to the cheerful bliss of a maniac with his painful desire for movement, which is a consequence of not increased nutrition, but on the contrary, depletion of the brain, distortion of its normal functions.

“Here is the scientific evidence by which a true criterion must be developed for the correct judgment of the effect of alcohol on spiritual life our people,” says Krapelin.

It turns out that this is what this “food product” is! Those who persistently convince their readers that alcohol is not a drug, but a food product, would do well to first look at a textbook on pharmacology, physiology and psychiatry.

VC. Fedorov, I.P.’s closest student. Pavlov, in “Proceedings of physiological laboratories named after. I.P. Pavlova" (1949) publishes an article entitled "On the initial effect of drugs (alcohol and chloral hydrate) on the cerebral hemispheres."
This name alone suggests that I.P. Pavlov and his school believe that alcohol is a drug, which, like any other drug, has its own characteristics, and only differs in details from other drugs. It is believed that all phases of the influence of alcohol on the central nervous system are extended.
The initial phase - euphoria - is more pronounced with alcohol, which explains the attraction to alcohol in human society.

Student I.P. Pavlova M.K. Petrov in “Proceedings of physiological laboratories named after. I.P. Pavlova” (vol. 12, 1945) writes: “With the slightest “intoxication,” a person becomes more relaxed due to the fact that he has already partially thrown off the haze of inhibition that is determined by upbringing.”
(What kind of “wine drinking culture” can we talk about if, with the slightest “intoxication”, what is given by upbringing is discarded - that is, the culture itself! - F.U.).
“Under the influence of alcohol, his tongue loosens, he becomes less restrained and often says things that he would not say in a normal state.
Under the influence of alcohol, some people become unusually cheerful and excited; others, on the contrary, cry: others get into a fight; and still others develop an unusual appetite.
All this occurs as a result of the lack of usual control on the part of the activity of the cerebral cortex, weakened under the influence of alcohol, which at the same time induces the subcortex and enhances its activity.”

N.N. Vvedensky in his book “On the Sanity of Alcoholics” (M., 1935) writes:
“Alcohol is a narcotic poison and, of all the tissues and organs of the body, has the greatest affinity for nervous system
“Ingestion” of this “food” product, that is, “intoxication”... from a formal medical point of view can be considered as mental disorder, close to manic state“(What a “food” product! - F.U.).
He is also in the article “On the effect of alcohol on humans” ( Complete collection works, vol. 7, L., 1963) writes: “The effect of alcohol (in all alcoholic “drinks” containing it - vodka, liqueurs, wines, beer, etc.) on the body is generally similar to the effect of narcotic substances and typical poisons such as chloroform, ether, opium, etc.” (p.146).

With such an effect of alcohol, what scientist would deny that alcohol is a drug and a paralytic poison?!
Instead of refuting the statements of trade organizations and statistical departments that classify this poison as a food product, E.A. Babayan and his co-authors themselves persistently try to convince their readers of this.

V.T. Kondrashenko and A.F. Skugarevsky (“Alcoholism”, Minsk, “Belorus”, 1983) already today write: “The main pharmacological effect of alcohol on the central nervous system is narcotic” (p. 35).

Even from a formal point of view, it cannot be denied that alcohol is a drug.
Thus, the TSB (vol. 2, p. 116) says verbatim: “Alcohol is a narcotic poison.”

The desire to prove that alcohol is a food product is especially dangerous because its toxic properties have several times stronger effects on the child’s body.
Y. Grubbe (“Alcohol, family, offspring,” 1974) writes: “Pharmacologist I.N. Kravkov points out that in children over ten years of age, a strong toxic effect, that is, poisoning and even death, is observed from 2-3 tablespoons of vodka, which corresponds to approximately 15 grams of pure alcohol.”
The very fact of classifying alcohol as a food product leads to a loss of vigilance by parents, which can end in tragedy for the child.

This provision has received international recognition.
In 1975 The World Health Assembly decided to “consider alcohol to be a drug of detrimental health.”

All of the above confirms the need for the CSB and trade organizations to remove all types of alcoholic “beverages” from the group “ food products” and included them, along with tobacco products, in the group of “narcotic substances”.

Do Good! Live Soberly!

He performed complex operations on the heart, esophagus and lungs. He is the inventor of the artificial heart valve and the method of its manufacture. A doctor and scientist can be considered a national treasure in the field of medicine and you can safely listen to his advice.

In 1983, Academician Uglov gave his iconic report “Alcohol and the Brain.” This is not just a story about why you shouldn’t drink, but really worthwhile information, supported by arguments and research. The editors of “So Simple!” will tell you about the most important and interesting thoughts. Don’t forget to tell your children or grandchildren about this, because from 16 to 20 years old they begin to drink alcohol for the first time and often end up getting poisoned.

The effect of alcohol on the body

All organs suffer from alcohol consumption, but most of all the brain. And this is easy to understand if you consider that it is in the brain that the greatest accumulation of it occurs. The dura mater is tense, the soft meninges are swollen and full of blood, the vessels are dilated. Necrosis of areas of the medulla occurs. And believe me, we are not just talking about alcoholics.

A more subtle study of the brain of a person who died from acute alcohol poisoning showed that changes in the nerve cells in the protoplasm and nucleus were as pronounced as in cases of poisoning with other strong poisons. You can object that it all depends on the quantity, and since a person dies from alcohol, it is understandable why the brain reacts this way.

But Fedor Uglov claims that the same changes in the brain are observed in drinking people, whose death occurs from causes unrelated to alcohol consumption.

In the brain there is a strong overflow of blood, often with rupture of blood vessels in meninges and on the surface of the cerebral convolutions. The described changes in the brain substance are irreversible. But this is not the greatest evil of alcohol.

The supply of oxygen to the brain cell stops due to the gluing of red blood cells. Such oxygen starvation, if it continues for 5–10 minutes, leads to necrosis - the irreversible loss of a brain cell. The higher the concentration of alcohol in the blood, the more brain cells die. Autopsies of moderate drinkers have shown that their brains contain entire cemeteries of dead cortical cells. Agree, most people can be classified as moderate drinkers.

Changes in the structure of the brain occur after several years of drinking alcohol. To confirm this fact, 20 people were taken for examination. Five of them clearly showed a decrease in thinking abilities even during normal conversation. All showed clear signs of brain atrophy.

It has long been proven that people who drink a lot, and even those who have already stopped drinking, develop so-called senile dementia early on. But it is a big misconception that it appears only in alcoholics. Attempts to attribute bad influence alcohol only to those who are recognized as alcoholics is fundamentally wrong.

In 1975, alcohol was recognized as a drug. It is enough to encourage people to drink in moderation and tell them that it is harmless, and they will readily follow such advice. And most of them will become alcoholics in the future. You can drink once a month, on major holidays, and exercise the rest of the time... Still, the effect of alcohol on the brain will be detrimental.

When drinking alcohol, all brain functions and all higher senses suffer. Any creative worker who drinks alcohol causes irreparable harm to his abilities and the work to which he devoted his life. It’s sad to look at talent that disappears before our eyes and dies under the blows of narcotic poison.

No matter how great the disorders in the mental functioning of the brain caused by alcohol may be, nevertheless, as scientists admit, the most important changes take place in mental life and in the character of the drinking person.

The first thing that scientists pay attention to in the behavior of a drinker is a decline in morality, indifference to responsibilities and duty, to other people and even to family members. It is interesting to note that even dogs notice these features in the physiognomy of drunkards and get angrier at them than at sober ones.

With the massive consumption of alcohol, the phenomena of premature degradation among people are increasing every year, and along with the increase in the number of degenerate children - the stupidity of the people. Humanity watches indifferently as the destruction of its own national mind, unsurpassed in its cruelty, is persistently and inexorably carried out.

“Let all those who said that sobriety among the people is unthinkable, that it cannot be achieved through prohibition, be ashamed. This does not require half-measures, but one decisive, irrevocable measure - to remove alcohol from free circulation in human society forever! We must follow the path of awakening the consciousness of the people themselves, so that they voluntarily give up vodka, which is sold at the lowest price,” Academician Uglov said at the conclusion of his report.

It all starts with moderate amounts of alcohol. This then develops into a destructive habit. It is clear that a lot of money and interests have been swirling around alcoholic beverages since ancient times. They will always be on the shelves and available, even after prohibited hours.

Just think about the fact that you have children, family, parents, for whose sake it is worth leading a sober and healthy lifestyle, and not finding joy in a glass in a difficult situation.

Fedor Uglov was born on October 5 (September 22), 1904 in the village of Chuguevo, Kirensky district, Irkutsk region, on the great Siberian Lena River. Father - Uglov Grigory Gavrilovich (1870–1927). Mother - Uglova Anastasia Nikolaevna (1872–1947). Although his family of eight lived very modestly, his parents managed to provide higher education to five of their six children. When Fyodor expressed his desire to study, the father gave his son 30 rubles for the journey and a ticket for the ship, saying that he would not be able to help him in the future.

In 1923, F. G. Uglov entered Irkutsk University. He continued his studies at Saratov University, graduating in 1929. After receiving his diploma, Fyodor Grigorievich worked as a local doctor in the village of Kislovka, Lower Volga region (1929), then in the village of Otobaya, Gal region of the Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1930–1933) and in the Mechnikov hospital in Leningrad (1931–1933). After completing his internship in the city of Kirensk, he worked as the chief physician and head of the surgical department of the interdistrict hospital for water workers (1933–1937).

In 1937, F. G. Uglov came to Leningrad and entered graduate school at the Leningrad State Medical Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians. Among his first scientific works There were articles “On abscesses of the rectus abdominis muscle with typhoid fever"(1938), "On the question of the organization and work of surgical departments on the distant periphery" (1938). After defending his candidate's thesis on the topic “Mixed tumors (teratomas) of the presapral region” (1939), F. G. Uglov worked as an assistant (1940–1943), associate professor (1944–1950) in the department of surgery of this institute.

During the Soviet-Finnish War, Fyodor Grigorievich served as senior surgeon of the medical battalion on the Finnish Front (1940–1941), and during the Second World War - chief surgical department military hospital. He also operated during raids, in low light, in the piercing cold, saving dozens human lives. Survived the 900-day siege of Leningrad. Throughout this time, he worked in the besieged city as a surgeon, head of the surgical department of one of the hospitals.

In 1949, Fyodor Grigorievich defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Lung resection”. Since 1950, he worked at the Department of Surgery of the First Medical Institute named after Academician I. P. Pavlov (now the St. Petersburg State medical University). For more than 40 years he headed the department of hospital surgery and created a large surgical school.

Fedor Uglov is considered a pioneer of cardiac surgery in the Soviet Union. He worked as director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Pulmonology. Author of works on the problems of esophageal surgery, portal hypertension, hypothermia in thoracic surgery etc. One of the first in the USSR (1953) to develop methods for the surgical treatment of heart defects, he successfully performed complex operations on the esophagus, mediastinum, for arterial hypertension, pancreatic adenoma, ventricular aneurysm, for lung diseases, congenital and acquired heart defects, and aortic aneurysm. Suggested a number operational techniques and tools, for example, Uglova access - quick access to root of the lung for pneumonectomy: anterolateral incision of the anterior chest wall with the intersection of one or two ribs. He is also the author of the invention “Artificial heart valve and method of its manufacture” (1981, 1982).

F. G. Uglov is a surgeon with a unique surgical technique; after performing operations, he was repeatedly applauded by many famous surgeons in the world. His monographs “Lung Resection” (1950, 1954), “Lung Cancer” (1958, 1962; translated into Chinese and Polish), “Teratomas of the Presacral Region” (1959), “Diagnostics and Treatment of Adhesive Pericarditis” (1962) became widely known. ), " Surgery portal hypertension" (1964), "Complications during intrathoracic operations" (1966), "Cardiac catheterization and selective angiocardiography" (1974), "Pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment of chronic pneumonia" (1976), "Basic principles of syndromic diagnosis and treatment in activities surgeon at polyclinics" (1987). He has published more than 600 articles in various scientific journals.

The world-famous surgeon, along with his medical activities, carried out extensive educational work. His first fiction book was published in 1974. "The Surgeon's Heart". She immediately won the love of the widest readership. The book was reprinted several times in Russia and translated into many languages ​​of the world.

F. G. Uglov - author of books "A Man Among Men" (1982), "Are we living our time" (1983), "Under the White Robe" (1984), "Lifestyle and Health" (1985), "Captive of Illusions" (1985), "From the Captivity of Illusions"(1986), “Take care of your health and honor from a young age” (1988), “Lomehuzy” (1991), “Suicides” (1995), “Trap for Russia” (1995), "A man is not old enough" (2001), "Truth and lies about legal drugs"(2004), “Shadows on the Roads” (2004), as well as more than 200 articles in art and journalistic magazines.

Back in the 50s, Fyodor Grigorievich began the fight for sobriety in the country: he gave lectures, wrote articles, letters to the Central Committee and the Government. His articles and speeches on radio and television remained in the memory of readers and listeners for a long time, notable for their sculptural, visible evidence, uncompromising judgments and conclusions. In these conversations, he will forever continue the battle for the lives and health of people - a battle that he fought at the operating table for more than 70 years with a scalpel in his hands.

Since 1988, Fedor Grigorievich has been the permanent chairman "Union for the struggle for national sobriety". His report at a scientific conference in December 1981 in Dzerzhinsk on the influence of alcohol on social life gave birth to the massive Fifth Temperance Movement in the USSR and the CIS, the leader of which he was invariably until last days own life. The selfless work of F.G. Uglov to establish sobriety in the country saved the lives and health of millions of our compatriots.

Awarded the title of laureate of the Lenin Prize (1961) for the development of surgical methods for treating lung diseases, the Sklifosovsky Prize, the First National Vocation Prize in the category “For Loyalty to the Profession” (2002), international award St. Andrew the First-Called in the nomination “For Faith and Fidelity” (2003), Prize named after. A. N. Bakuleva. Laureate of the competition “Golden Ten of St. Petersburg - 2003” in the nomination “For honest service to the Fatherland” (2004).

He was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the medals “For Military Merit”, “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “Inventor of the USSR”, and the gold badge of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2003). F. G. Uglov is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon in Russia and the CIS.

Fedor Grigorievich Uglov left us on June 22, 2008 at the 104th year of his life. Buried on June 25, 2008. The funeral service took place in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

12 life principles of Fedor Grigorievich Uglov

  • Love your homeland. And protect her. The homeless don't live long.
  • Love the job. And physical too.
  • Know how to control yourself. Don't lose heart under any circumstances.
  • Never drink or smoke, otherwise all other recommendations will be useless.
  • Love your family. Know how to answer for her.
  • Maintain your normal weight, no matter the cost. Don't overeat!
  • Be careful on the road. Today it is one of the most dangerous places to live.
  • Don't be afraid to go to the doctor on time.
  • Spare your children from health-destroying music.
  • The mode of work and rest is laid down in the very basis of the work of your body. Love your body, spare it.
  • Individual immortality is unattainable, but the length of your life largely depends on you.
  • Do good. Evil, unfortunately, will happen on its own.


Surgeon's heart-1974 This book, widely known in its time, is based on documentary material(in some places, only for reasons of tact, the author had to change the names). In it, Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov talks about his life and work, about the high duty of a doctor and every Person. A brilliant and courageous experimenter, a most skilled surgeon, he saved the lives of thousands of people. The book was published in Georgian, Armenian, Estonian and other languages, and was reprinted several times in Russia.

Download the book The Surgeon's Heart

Man among people- 1978 Notes of a Doctor - such a modest subtitle for this book. Academician F. G. Uglov shares his thoughts about the relationships between people in society, about the high concepts of honor, duty and love. The book was reprinted 3 times in Russia, as well as in a number of Union republics. It was read in full on All-Union Radio.

Download the book A Man Among People

Are we living our time?- 1983 If you are careless about your health, you can quickly use up vitality, even if a person is in the best social and material conditions. And vice versa. Even with financial difficulties, many shortcomings, a reasonable and strong-willed person can save life and health for a long time. But it is very important that a person takes care of longevity from a young age... If a person’s life is filled with interesting and useful content, if a person observes basic rules of hygiene, work, rest and nutrition, often communicates with nature, does not smoke or drink, and is busy favorite activity, lives in a healthy family and everyday environment, avoids excesses, leads an honest open life and does not experience remorse, inner fear, engages in physical labor, hardens himself in winter and summer, then we can safely say that the life of such a person will be joyful, healthy and long. Nothing weighs on a person more and has a detrimental effect on his health than discord with conscience, his own unseemly actions, and black envy.

Download the book Are we living our time?

Under the white robe- 1984 The outstanding surgeon of our time, Academician Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov, had the happy fate to be among those who do not limit themselves to easy, beaten paths, but are looking for new ways in the fight for the life and health of people. The reader of his book, written in the first half of the 70s, will certainly agree with the author’s conclusion: “Living beautifully means never, under any circumstances, losing your human dignity.”

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Captive of illusions- 1985 Fedor Uglov dedicates this book to a burning topic: how to protect human health, how to ensure that everyone lives a bright, full-blooded spiritual life, and does not lose themselves as an individual, as a creator? The author reflects on how to deal with the antipodes of our morality, lifestyle and, above all, alcohol consumption: he shows the grave consequences of this vice. The book is based on a lot of real-life material and interesting medical research. Stunning statistics and real-life examples are provided. In 1986, with minor additions, the book was republished under the title “FROM THE CAPTIVITY OF ILLUSIONS.” Completely reprinted in Roman-Gazeta (5 million copies). Translated into the languages ​​of a number of Union republics.

Download the book Captivated by Illusions

Lomehuzy- 1991 Having experienced a period of some sobering and enlightenment, society again plunged into the darkness of alcoholic dope. The government and the central leadership of the party, abandoning any struggle for a sober way of life, approved a “drunk” budget for 1991, unprecedented in history. The country was brought to the brink of disaster in the economic, environmental, and most importantly - in morally. And all attempts to at least to some extent improve the situation in the country, while maintaining the same level of alcohol consumption, not only did not produce any results, but also worsened the situation. Alcohol turned out to be stronger than everyone else... This forced Fedor Uglov to take up his pen again.

Download the book of Lamechuza

Suicides- 1995 Alcohol drinking and smoking are based on lies, which are presented to the people by the enemies of sobriety under any pretext. It's only worth it drinking man tell the truth about alcohol and tobacco, but tell it in such a way that he believes this truth, and the person stops drinking forever. This is the basis of the method of G. A. Shichko, which allows, without any drugs, without vows, but only with the words of truth, to sober up drinkers, stop smoking tobacco, etc. The purpose of this brochure is to tell people the truth about alcohol, and also point out individual examples false arguments, most often used by the alcohol mafia to fool weak people and not let them out of the alcohol network.

Download the book Suicides

A man is not old enough- 2001 At sixty, life is just beginning! There is so much strength like I didn’t have in my youth. Run up the stairs, drive a car, get everything done on time. In the profession, wise with experience and full of creative plans, you are on horseback. ABOUT family relationships It’s not customary to say, but the fact that a father gives birth to a baby in his seventh decade speaks for itself. And all this is not fantasy if you live as taught by F.G. Uglov, a brilliant doctor listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-operating surgeon in the world. From time immemorial people have been looking for the secret of longevity. Some went into medical experiments, some into magic, some tried to create greenhouse conditions around themselves. To all this Fedor Uglov says: “No!” - and gives his advice to those who do not want to put up with impending old age. After all, science has proven: we live much less than the time allotted to us by nature.

Download the book A Man Is Not a Century Long

2004 The latest book to date by Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov once again calls on readers to think, analyze the terrible situation that has arisen as a result of a catastrophic high level consumption of legal drugs in our country: “I see my task,” says the author, “to tell the strictly scientific truth about what tobacco and alcohol are and what they bring to the people and the country. I hope that the reader will understand why the people live so poorly and how the mafia gets richer and fatter.”

WITHdownload bookTruths and lies about legal drugs


Medical and Social Consequences of Alcohol Use. Report at the All-Union Conference on Combating Alcoholism, Dzerzhinsk, 1981 (abbreviated). This report is considered to be the beginning of the modern, fifth sober movement, the honorary leader of which is Fedor Grigorievich Uglov.

Download the report: medical and social consequences of alcohol consumption


Weapons against the nation(application from 1,700 doctors). We, doctors, professors and academicians of medicine, appeal to you with a request to discuss and make a decision on the official recognition of alcohol and tobacco as drugs, which have become widespread in the country, have caused and are causing enormous harm to individuals and society, threatening the very existence of our Fatherland as a cultural states...

Download the appeal of 1700 doctors

Video from F.G. Corner

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov 2004(amateur photography). The congress of all temperance movements in the country, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov, took place in St. Petersburg on October 9-10. Delegations from many regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine arrived to congratulate the patriarch of the temperance movement. Warm, sincere words of congratulations were heard, Fyodor Grigorievich received a lot of gifts, and all his comrades-in-arms received an unprecedented charge of strength and vigor in the fight for the just cause of sobering up our people, our bodies, souls and consciousness.

I'll give you tomorrow"TV KOMSET", Stupino, 2004 TV company "TV KOMSET", Stupino. The program was created for the centenary anniversary of Fyodor Grigorievich. In it we see not only the savior of human hearts, but also learn about the work of his whole life: the struggle to save our people from the terrible social evil caused by alcohol...

Testament Fedor Uglov 2004 - the oldest practicing surgeon (from 1930 to 2004), who worked in all areas of surgery and was the first in the world to perform many fundamentally new operations, pronounces a monologue from the 100th anniversary of his own life.

Methodological materials and articles

Some paths to longevity. As a result of improved social conditions and the level of medical care average duration human life in Soviet time increased to 70 years. However, this period can be significantly extended. Academician Uglov outlines the basic, simple and accessible ways to a long active life. In addition to eliminating smoking and drinking alcohol from your life - bad habits, the harmful effects of which on health do not require proof - Fyodor Grigorievich recommends refraining from profanity and foul language, avoiding excess weight, and also observing the regime of work, nutrition, rest and sleep. A regime is not a burden, but, above all, a reasonable change of work and rest, cheerful work and healthy fun, a condition for the fullest use of one’s capabilities with minimal costs.

Download Some Paths to Longevity

Smoking and lung cancer(To help the lecturer). From a brief overview of the current state of the issue of lung cancer, it is clear that its incidence is growing from year to year. Data from recent years on this issue leave no doubt that tobacco smoking is the number one factor in the occurrence of lung cancer and in its increasing frequency.

Download Smoking and lung cancer

Alcohol and the brain(lecture given on December 6, 1983 at the House of Scientists of the SOAN USSR in Novosibirsk). There is no disease that is not made worse by drinking alcohol. There is no such organ in a person that would not suffer from taking alcoholic “drinks”. However, the brain suffers the most and most severely...

Download Alcohol and the Brain

Lifestyle and health(To help the lecturer. 1985). Issues of longevity and human performance are covered. A person’s health is protected not only by doctors - it largely depends on himself, on the people around him, on the environment in which a person lives and works. The publication was recommended by the scientific and methodological council for the promotion of medical and biological knowledge under the Board of the Leningrad organization of the Knowledge Society of the RSFSR.

Download Lifestyle and Health

Truths and lies about alcohol(methodological manual for club workers. 1986). In the course of cultural and educational work aimed at clarifying the truth about alcohol consumption, it is necessary to emphasize that the use of alcoholic “drinks” has a detrimental effect on human health, entails irreversible changes in his body and harms the entire society. In this methodological guide, Fedor Grigorievich Uglov touches on all aspects of alcohol consumption.

Download Truths and lies about alcohol

Sober up! All scientists in the world have proven that any dose of alcohol destroys the brain and destroys its most perfect functions: morality, nobility, patriotism, selflessness, honor, conscience... At the same time, they are destroyed reproductive organs, And this means that not only the present is perishing, but also the future of man as a rational being...

Download Sober up!

This article became a kind of repetition and addition to the famous report at the All-Union Conference on Combating Alcoholism in Dzerzhinsk, with which Fyodor Grigorievich laid the foundation for the modern, fifth sober movement.

Download Medical and social consequences of alcohol consumption

Right to motherhood. I would like to appeal to Russian women, to their minds, hearts, capable of great love: the future of the Russian people depends on you, more than on men! If you yourself stop drinking alcohol and direct all your will, mind, and energy to weaning men from this harmful habit, you will do, perhaps, more than the mothers and great-grandfathers on the Kulikovo Field!

Download Right to motherhood

Where do the adherents of “cultural” wine drinking lead?. The spread of drunkenness, to one degree or another, was involuntarily associated with illiteracy and lack of culture of the people. It is known that drunkenness never comes to people on its own. It is, as a rule, propagated by those who profit from the production and sale of alcoholic “drinks.” The less literate a people is, the more predators there are who are trying to get them drunk and fool them...

Download Where do the adherents of “cultural” wine drinking lead?

Robbery strategy - the enemy's fail-safe weapon. Facilities mass media, being in the hands of people alien to Russia and its indigenous population, they are bending over backwards to present our country and our life under Soviet power in black colors...

Alcohol dramatically changes a person’s psyche and character, often pushing him to do illegal things. When consuming alcohol in any form and in any doses, an inevitable and inescapable process of personality destruction occurs, which is practically uncontrollable and cannot be influenced, and the degree of this destruction increases in geometric progression to the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption. A person, even one with a higher education, does not notice how he becomes different: ruder, stupider, and loses initiative.

For a long time, the consumption of alcoholic “drinks” was the sad privilege of men. There were 10-20 times fewer women drinkers. The Russian woman has always been particularly chaste in this matter, for whom drinking a sip of wine was “shame and sin.”

In recent decades, women have become increasingly involved in drinking, and in some countries the number of drunkards among the fair sex is approaching the number of male drunkards.

In our country, a woman lasted longer than in the West, but in Lately under the influence of unbridled propaganda of drunkenness (both disguised and open), which is carried out through cinema, television and literature, the Russian woman has rapidly slipped into a drunken swamp, creating a real threat to the future of our people.

If the consumption of alcoholic “drinks” by men brings with it innumerable disasters to the family, society and the state, then the consumption of wine by women aggravates all the serious consequences - especially by its influence on the offspring. Our people are facing a great danger, which has penetrated into the most precious, the most sacred - the bowels of the mother! This danger exceeds that associated with alcohol consumption by men, since heredity from the mother is transmitted more often, and by female line. In the consumption of alcohol by a Russian woman, pathological heredity will find an inevitable path to both physical and moral degeneration of the Russian people.

It is known that the character of the people is very stable. It remains unchanged for centuries. No hardships and hardships, including the Tatar yoke, which lasted 250 years, changed the character of the Russian people. High moral qualities were passed on, as they say, with mother's milk, and the nobility of the Russian person was brought up primarily by the mother, i.e. Russian woman.

The insidiousness of alcoholic products and their particular danger lie in the fact that, having a destructive effect on the mind and morality, they quickly change a person’s character. Massive consumption of alcohol causes real threat profound changes in the people for the worse.

The Russian woman showed instability to the machinations of our enemies, succumbing to the disguised propaganda of drunkenness, which was presented from a pseudoscientific position. “Dry wines are healthy”, “moderate doses are harmless”, “cultural wine drinking is the key to solving the problem of alcoholism”, etc. These and similar judgments with scientific point From a social standpoint, they are a hostile act against the people. In France and Italy they drink good natural dry wines. However, drunkenness and alcoholism, the percentage of patients with cirrhosis of the liver and defective children there are higher than in other countries, since per capita alcohol consumption in these countries is one of the first places in the world.

There are no “moderate doses” of alcohol, just like drugs. This was proven almost a hundred years ago. As for “cultural wine drinking,” it was invented specifically as a trap for simpletons. Even 80 years ago, the first People's Commissar of Health Semashko said that “cultural drunkenness is as stupid as hot ice,” because wine and culture are not compatible in any dose. Later, the school of academician I.P. Pavlova proved that after taking even small doses of alcohol, everything that was given to a person by upbringing disappears in the brain, i.e. culture.

Arose among our women in last years addiction to wine is especially regrettable because a woman in all centuries has had and still has the high role of being an instrument of moral development and improvement of human society. A woman has always been distinguished by a more subtle, moral soul, a bearer of the best ideals of humanity. Thanks to her high spiritual qualities, the woman has always been a zealous advocate of sobriety. And such a gentle and bright moral force is in mortal danger.

I would like to appeal to Russian women, to their minds, hearts, capable of great love: the future of the Russian people depends on you, more than on men! If you yourself stop drinking alcohol and direct all your will, mind, and energy to wean men from this harmful habit, you will do, perhaps, more than your great-grandfathers on the Kulikovo Field! Such a great threat looms over the Russian people due to the increase in drunkenness among men and, especially, women.

A woman, being a great moral force, can and should not only remain morally on the pedestal, but also, using intelligence, perseverance, and love, influence a man. I can safely say that if our girls and women showed more mature thinking, understanding and concern for the future of our people and the future of their own families, they would, in the vast majority of cases, prevent the consumption of alcohol by men, and those who were already drinking would return to life. We have many examples of a woman’s influence both on the development of drunkenness in the family and on the complete sobering up of a drinking husband.

An outstanding surgeon, scientist, teacher, author of books. Born on October 5, 1904 in the village of Chukuevo, Kamensk region, Kirensky district (Kirensk), on the Lena River, north of Lake Baikal. His family of eight lived very modestly. Deciding to study as a surgeon, in 1923 he traveled to Irkutsk for three weeks: by two ships, by boat, by car and on horseback, repeating the feat of Mikhail Lomonosov. Later, he transferred to Saratov, where he completed his studies in 1929. Afterwards, he worked as a local doctor in his homeland, Siberia. During the Great Patriotic War was a military doctor, head of the surgical department of the hospital. He also operated during raids, in low light, in the piercing cold, saving dozens of human lives. All Leningrad blockade stood at the operating table. Since 1950, he has been working at the Department of Surgery of the First Medical Institute named after Academician I. P. Pavlov (now St. Petersburg State Medical University). Already in the 70s, surgeons from many countries around the world sought to personally meet Fyodor Grigorievich, about whom legends were formed, and to see the heart operations he performed. Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov promotes a healthy lifestyle - his first book, “The Surgeon’s Heart,” was published in 1974 and was reprinted many times, and the next one is called “A Hundred Years is Too Short for a Man.” Among the secrets of longevity, the academician names moderation in food, sobriety, good deeds and hard work.

Sleep at least 7-8 hours (11:30 - 7:30)

Don't take negative information to heart

Love, laugh more

Get up from the table slightly hungry ( after five minutes the desire to eat disappears and lightness appears. And no hunger and no heaviness)

About the dangers of alcohol

Alcohol is no less evil than any other drug. Alcohol consumption shortens life by 20-25 years. Any dose of alcohol reduces blood vessels in the brain. Red blood cells stop getting there, and brain cells die after some time. As a result, even after moderate consumption of alcohol, a whole cemetery of dead nerve cells remains in the human brain. And after a few years, his brain shrinks and decreases in volume. After moderate consumption of alcohol, the brain returns to normal only after 20 days. All this time a person works with a “drunk” brain. A lethal dose of alcohol is 8 grams per kilogram of weight. So alcohol is a real poison. According to according to WHO, in the world, every third person dies from causes related to alcohol consumption. Drunkenness in Russia has become the main destroyer of society.

About the dangers of smoking

Smoking negatively affects the heart, blood vessels, liver and most importantly the brain. Tobacco shortens life by 7-8 years.

The three main reasons for shortening life are overeating, alcohol and tobacco.

Don't take public transport when you can walk.

Leave the table a little hungry and know when to stop in your intimate life.

Never drink or smoke!

Study and work all your life. Do only good to people and do not wish evil.

Diet F. G. Uglov

9.00 - tea or coffee without sugar ( comment from the author of the site KAKRAS.RU: better - clean water, fresh vegetables with vegetable oil and fruits)

11.00 - boiled egg and eight prunes.

14.00 - 200 g of boiled lean meat and 100 g of raw vegetables plus an orange or tangerine.

17.00 - 30 g of cheese and an apple.

20.00 - a glass of kefir ( comment from the author of the site KAKRAS.RU: the optimal intervals for eating are at least four to five hours, so that the stomach has time to rest and restore the mucous membrane. Meat can be replaced with vegetable protein. Animal proteins and vitamin B are provided by a hard-boiled egg in the lunch ration. A glass of kefir won’t fill you up,” so you need some other vegetables to “sip on,” for example, boiled beets and carrots.)

Books by Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov

"Surgeon's heart"(1974) - in it Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov talks about his life and work.

"Man among people"(1978) - notes from a doctor. A book about relationships between people in society, about the high concepts of honor, duty and love.

"Are we living our time?"(Co-authored with I.V. Drozdov. 1983) - how to preserve life and health even in difficult conditions. If a person follows basic rules of hygiene, work, rest and nutrition, often communicates with nature, is busy doing what he loves, and is honest open life, engages in physical labor, hardens himself in winter and summer - the life of such a person will be healthy and long.

"From the captivity of illusions"(1985, after editing - 1986) - how to protect human health

"Lifestyle and health"("To help the lecturer." 1985) - covers issues of longevity and human performance. The publication is recommended by the scientific and methodological council for the promotion of medical and biological knowledge under the Board of the Leningrad organization of the Knowledge Society of the RSFSR.

"Lomehuzy"(1991) - having experienced a period of some sobering and enlightenment, society again plunged into the darkness of an alcoholic dope. The government and the central leadership of the party, abandoning any struggle for a sober lifestyle, approved a “drunk” budget for 1991, unprecedented in history. The country was brought to the brink catastrophes in economic, environmental, and most importantly - moral terms.

"Suicides"(1995) - alcohol drinking and smoking are based on lies, which are presented to the people by the enemies of sobriety under any pretext. The task of this brochure is to tell people the truth about alcohol.

"A man is not old enough" (2001) - advice to those who do not want to put up with impending old age. At sixty, life is just beginning!

"Truths and lies about legal drugs" (2004) - a story about what tobacco and alcohol are and what they bring to the people and the country.

"A hundred years is too short for a person" - another book by Academician Uglov.

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