Home Children's dentistry Where can a child have an ultrasound of the blood vessels of the head and neck? Uzdg of vessels of the head and neck - indications, conduction and interpretation of results

Where can a child have an ultrasound of the blood vessels of the head and neck? Uzdg of vessels of the head and neck - indications, conduction and interpretation of results


Brain cells are so sensitive to a lack of oxygen that even a slight disruption of blood flow leads to serious neurological pathologies. Ultrasound examination of blood vessels allows for early stage solve the problem of cerebrovascular diseases. Doctors say that this is the most reliable diagnosis of these diseases. Doppler ultrasound showing the vessels of the head and neck provides a unique opportunity to see a two-dimensional image circulatory system of the study area, and it can be done at a price of 1,000 to 12,000 rubles.

What is Doppler Doppler Doppler of the Head and Neck Vessels?

Ultrasound diagnostics is instrumental method research. Ultrasound waves penetrate the body tissues and are reflected from them, which is recorded by a special sensor. The data is processed by a computer, then displayed on the monitor, after which the image internal environments the doctor studies. Additional feature ultrasound diagnostics– Dopplerography. With its help, you can evaluate the speed and nature of blood flow in the veins and arteries. If the blood flow moves in the direction of the sensor, the computer colors it red; if it moves in the opposite direction, it turns blue.

Indications for use of the procedure

The main medical indication for performing TCD or USDG of cerebral vessels is deformation, narrowing (stenosis) or blockage (occlusion) of the extracranial (extracranial) vertebral (vertebral) or carotid arteries and intracranial (intracranial) middle, posterior, and forebrain arteries. IN clinical practice The study is prescribed for:

  • early detection of intracranial vascular lesions;
  • clarification of the degree of blood flow disturbance after traumatic brain injury;
  • detection of vascular stenosis after undergoing infectious diseases;
  • selection of optimal therapy for migraine to clarify the vasospasm factor;
  • assessment of hemodynamics in the brain after organ transplantation;
  • identifying causes poor circulation in the brain with spinal curvature, cervical osteochondrosis, compression of the vertebral arteries;
  • status tracking cerebral blood flow during the surgical operations;
  • detection of microembolism in patients with transient circulatory disorders.

Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head is prescribed by the doctor at the slightest suspicion of a change cerebral circulation. The study is also widely used for the prevention of cerebrovascular lesions in people suffering from atherosclerosis or other vascular diseases brain The technique helps prevent the development of strokes and evaluate tactics complex treatment patients.

When is the examination performed on children?

Dopplerography of the vessels of the brain and neck is prescribed in pediatric practice. This method The study helps to correctly diagnose the child and conduct a course of correct therapy for long-term headaches. If the newborn has perinatal pathology, then assessing the condition of the vessels of the head and neck provides an excellent opportunity to prevent serious disorders that over time can lead to disability.

When performing an ultrasound or TCD, a person does not experience radiation exposure, so the method is ideal for examining children of any age. Indications for Doppler ultrasound in young patients:

  • suspected injury to the cervical vertebrae;
  • residual (residual) phenomena of perinatal encephalopathy;
  • psycho-emotional disinhibition;
  • delayed speech development;
  • asthenic syndrome(lethargy, high fatigue);
  • poor memory, inattentiveness.


Dopplerography is a painless procedure. The study of tissue integrity does not violate negative influence does not have any effect on the body, so there are no contraindications to its implementation. Difficulties can arise only in one case - if the patient for some reason cannot take the supine position required for an ultrasound scan session. A relative contraindication is:

  • presence of a wound in the sensor installation area;
  • pronounced subcutaneous fat layer;
  • location of the vessel under the bone;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

What does ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck show?

The technique provides the specialist with extensive information about the blood supply to the brain based on the following data:

  • venous outflow passing from the cranial cavity;
  • the speed of venous blood flow through the arteries that supply the brain;
  • the degree of development of the reserve (collateral) vascular network;
  • kinks, tortuosity, or other vascular abnormalities;
  • violation of vascular patency, the degree of its severity.

In atherosclerosis, the location of atherosclerotic plaques and the presence of a blood clot are identified. At hypertension a decrease in elasticity, thickening of the arterial walls, and spasm of the cerebral arteries are determined. If blood flow from the brain is disrupted, dilated veins with reduced blood flow may be found. If a change in the direction of blood flow is visible, this indicates the occurrence of various obstacles in its path: the formation of an aneurysm, dissection of the arterial wall.


No special preparation is required to perform an ultrasound scan of the neck and head. Before examining the structure of cerebral vessels, you need to notify your doctor about all the medications you are taking. medicines, since there are medications that can affect the results of the procedure. The session is performed in a supine position, with a low pillow placed under the head. Before starting the study, the patient is asked to relax and breathe calmly. The procedure is carried out according to general methodological principles.

Before starting an ultrasound scan of the neck, the doctor palpates the carotid artery to determine the mobility, location of the vessel, and the strength of its pulsation. In the process of ultrasound scanning, simple techniques to study the functions of the external and main arteries: 8-10 branches are pinched with a finger, then a test is performed with tilting and turning the head. Then the doctor studies the speed of blood flow. Next, a transcranial study is performed, which evaluates the tortuosity of the internal branches of the vertebral and carotid arteries, vascular tone, and blood flow along its entire length.

How to do an ultrasound of cerebral vessels

Scanning the blood vessels of the head and neck can be done in 30-50 minutes. In order for the device to show accurate data, you need to remove air between the skin and the transducer (sensor). To do this, a thin layer of a special gel is applied to the place of its attachment, which must be thoroughly washed off after the session. Doppler ultrasound begins with the vessels of the neck. The doctor applies the sensor to the desired areas and slowly moves it along the blood flow. Then the specialist moves on to examining the vessels of the head.

For this, the uniform rules of ultrasound diagnostics are applied: data is recorded through the temples, which act as windows for better implementation ultrasonic signal. The sensor picks up the ultrasound that is reflected from the vein or artery and then sends it to the monitor. The resulting picture does not resemble the usual image of a vessel. During an ultrasound scan of the neck and head, sometimes there is a need to carry out various functional tests. To do this, the doctor asks the patient to press the vessels with a sensor or fingers and breathe deeply.

Decoding of ultrasound examination

The results, which show normal patency of the vessels of the head and neck, are as follows:

  • the carotid artery (CA) on the left arises from the aorta, and on the right from the brachiocephalic vessel;
  • the internal branch of the common carotid artery (CCA) has no other branches until the entrance to the skull;
  • the spectral wave in the CCA shows that the speed of diastolic blood flow is the same in the external and internal branches;
  • many additional branches branch off from the external branch of the CCA;
  • the waveform in the external branch is triphasic, the blood flow velocity in it during diastole is less than in the CCA;
  • the waveform in the internal branch is monophasic, the blood flow velocity during diastole is greater than in the CCA;
  • the vascular wall has a thickness of no more than 0.12 cm.

Possible disorders and diagnoses

If an ultrasound scan reveals results that are abnormal, this indicates the following diseases:

  1. Stenosing atherosclerosis. Observed atherosclerotic plaques. Their features may indicate the ability to embolize. In the early stage of the disease, increased intima-media thickness can be seen on the image.
  2. Non-stenotic atherosclerosis. The results of the study show an uneven change in echogenicity in large arteries, a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels by 20%.
  3. Temporal arteritis. Pathology is expressed by uniform diffuse thickening vascular walls, decreased echogenicity. If the disease is advanced, then atherosclerotic lesions are also present.
  4. Vascular malformations. The patient has an abnormal vascular network that is completely different sizes. The veins extending from the affected area are hypertrophied and have signs of lipotic infiltrates and calcification. The consequence of vascular malformation is the so-called steal syndrome and cerebrovascular accident.
  5. Hypoplasia of the vertebral arteries. Pathology is a decrease in the diameter of blood vessels to 2 or less millimeters. The disease is often accompanied by the entry of the cervical vertebrae into the canal of the transverse processes.


You can do an ultrasound scan in almost all clinics that are equipped with ultrasound machines. You can undergo the procedure free of charge with a referral from your attending physician. However, the disadvantage of such a study is a long queue. Sometimes you have to wait for a free ultrasound examination for several weeks; moreover, the patient will not always be able to choose a convenient time for the examination. The procedure is also carried out during examination or treatment in some hospitals (cardiological, neurological and others).

Private clinics quickly perform ultrasound examinations at an affordable price and at any convenient time. The cost depends on the level of the medical institution and the degree of qualification of the diagnostician. average price for ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck in the Moscow region:

Study title

Session time

Price in rubles

Duplex (double) brain scan

30-45 minutes

Triplex (triple) brain scan

40-60 minutes

Doppler ultrasound of extracranial vessels

TCD of the arteries of the head and neck


Almost every year modern medicine There are more and more opportunities for the most accurate examination and development of the most effective treatment regimens.

The invention of ultrasound scanning has opened new page in world diagnostic practice. This method ultrasound examination based on the use of the Doppler effect. A special device sends ultrasound in the direction of the vessel being studied. Reflecting from moving red blood cells, the ultrasonic wave changes its frequency. The computer analyzes the difference in frequency indicators, on the basis of which it deciphers it and provides information on the computer monitor about the speed of blood movement in the studied area of ​​​​the blood flow, the direction of its movement, and the volume being moved. This data, graphically displayed on the screen, allows you to evaluate general condition vessels and the quality of blood flow in them.

Patients of the First Doctor clinic can undergo Doppler ultrasound of any area, including the vessels of the head and neck.

What does ultrasound examination of blood vessels show?

Thus, ultrasound examination at the First Doctor clinic is used for:

  1. Early detection of disturbances in the vascular system.
  2. Diagnosis of stenosis and determination of the degree of its development.
  3. Studies of the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Definitions of violations in carotid arteries and aorta.
  5. Assessment of the state of venous blood flow.
  6. Studies of the condition of the veins and arteries of the arms and legs, etc.

Indications for ultrasound examination

Ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck and head is prescribed if there are signs of cerebrovascular accident. They may present with the following symptoms:

  • fainting;
  • systematic headaches;
  • dizziness when turning the head sharply;
  • migraine;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • rapid fatigue for no reason;
  • causeless sleep disorders;
  • psycho-emotional disorders.

Ultrasound scanning of the neck and head is also shown:

  • with vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • after suffering traumatic brain injuries;
  • as a preventative diagnostic measure for persons at risk of developing vascular pathologies of the brain - smokers, hypertensive patients, obese people.

Ultrasound Dopplerography of vessels and veins of the extremities is done for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus and a number of others chronic pathologies. Indications for the procedure are systematic cramps in the arms or legs, pain in the area calf muscles, palpable thickening of the veins, swelling of the legs, changes in the skin and other manifestations.

Modern methods of ultrasound scanning of blood vessels

Duplex ultrasound- double scanning, combining Doppler ultrasound and classical ultrasound. Two-dimensional visualization is displayed on the monitor blood vessels. A detailed b/w image allows doctors to determine where in the veins and arteries there are problems in the blood flow, what condition the vascular walls are in, whether there are blockages and other pathologies in their lumens.

Triplex (triple) ultrasound scanning- an extended version of the duplex method. The graphic image of the vessel is presented here in color. Color mapping allows the doctor to better assess the nature of blood flow, the degree of development of the auxiliary network of blood vessels in the head, and increase the accuracy of diagnosis.

Transcranial Dopplerography (TCDG)- method of studying cerebral vessels. Intracranial scanning is performed through the so-called. acoustic windows - places through which ultrasound is able to penetrate into the skull - these are eye orbits, temples, area of ​​articulation of the spine with the occipital bone.

Thus, when studying the internal blood flow of the brain, transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCDG) is performed. To study the vessels of the neck, duplex or triplex scanning methods are used. USDG is effective means diagnostics of the condition of the aorta and renal vessels, as well as the vessels of the upper and lower extremities.

Advantages of Doppler ultrasound:

  • high information content and versatility of the methodology;
  • the ability to study blood movement in deep vessels;
  • the procedure is completely painless and there is no radiation exposure;
  • the ability to diagnose pathologies at the earliest stages;
  • no contraindications for patients of any age;
  • affordable cost in comparison with similar methods.

Ultrasound scanning of head vessels for children

The procedure has found wide use in perinatal diagnostics and pediatrics. It is carried out to diagnose intrauterine abnormalities in the development of cerebral vessels. The capabilities of the method are used to examine newborn children with suspected perinatal encephalopathy.

Doppler ultrasound examination of the brachiocephalic vessels - the main arteries of the head - is prescribed for traumatic brain injuries, residual manifestations of perinatal encephalopathy, and vertebral injuries cervical spine. Indications for diagnosing a child may include delayed speech development, memory impairment, increased fatigue, emotional disinhibition.

Carrying out the procedure at the First Doctor clinic in Moscow

Online medical centers The “first” ultrasound examination is carried out by qualified diagnosticians, in comfortable conditions, using modern equipment with advanced visualization capabilities. Diagnostics at the First Doctor clinic means reasonable prices, saving personal time and high standards medical service in Moscow.

Preparation for the procedure is discussed with the patient at a preliminary appointment, in some cases, for example, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head, neck or extremities, special training not required. The patient lies on the couch, the doctor examines the area being diagnosed and treats it special gel, the field of which passes the device’s sensor over the skin, scanning the desired area of ​​the body. The procedure does not cause any sensations; The gel is easily wiped off without leaving any traces or odor.

At the end of the study, doctors prepare a detailed conclusion. It lists the examined vessels, indicates the obtained digital indicators and other data. If the results deviate from the norm, a competent medical diagnosis is formulated and the necessary recommendations are given, taking into account the individual clinical picture.

First Doctor clinics are located at the following addresses:

Moscow, Kutuzovskaya metro station, st. Kyiv, 22
Moscow, Otradnoe metro station, Severny Boulevard, 7B

You can make an appointment by phone, on the website, or request a call back.

Our specialists not only as soon as possible They will make an appointment for you, but will also explain in detail the nuances of preparation, if necessary, clarify the cost of the procedure, and professionally conduct the study, providing you with a detailed transcript of ultrasound examination of blood vessels in printed form and no less detailed oral explanations for it.

Ultrasound (including examination of the vessels of the head and neck) is a comfortable and short-term procedure. It does not require being in a dark room or wearing a lot of sensors. Virtually no preparation is required and does not cause immediate or long-term consequences.

Each of the variations of ultrasound (Doppler, duplex and triplex scanning) can be prescribed to children of any age. The primary option for studying blood vessels is Doppler ultrasound ( Doppler ultrasound/Doppler).

Application of Doppler

Doppler ultrasound is used in pediatrics no less often and with no less success than in general therapeutic practice. Dopplerography allows you to study the quality of blood flow:

  • By main vessels upper and lower extremities;
  • along the arteries of the circle of Willis, which provide blood supply to the brain, tissues of the head and shoulder girdle;
  • along the aorta;
  • through large vessels supplying blood to internal organs.

Disruption of blood flow caused by a change in the patency (stenosis/occlusion/inflammation/tumor) of any artery or vein leads to a functional or organic change in the organ and system it serves. One of the most common blood flow disorders in childhood affects arteries and veins that provide blood inflow/outflow to the brain structures, tissues of the neck and shoulder girdle.

In childhood, disruption of blood flow in the vessels of the brain structures, neck and shoulder girdle is often observed

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics of cerebral vessels in children under one year of age

The ultrasound procedure is prescribed to newborns from the first days of life, starting from the maternity hospital. IN maternity hospital V general case Neurosonography is prescribed, which, if indicated, can be supplemented with Doppler ultrasound. Indications for performing ultrasound examination for children under one year of age are:

  • after an intrauterine infection;
  • difficult childbirth accompanied by the use of various means obstetrics (including vacuum forceps);
  • prematurity;
  • suspicion of ICP;
  • suspicion of abnormalities in the development of arteries (congenital aneurysm, excessive tortuosity);
  • severe intrauterine or postpartum hypoxia (asphyxia);
  • fainting conditions;
  • injuries received during childbirth;
  • suspicion of intracranial hemorrhage;
  • vascular pathologies of an inflammatory nature;
  • overweight and diabetes as risk factors.

In pediatric science, there is an opinion that the procedure for ultrasound diagnosis of arteries and veins of the brain under the age of one year should be performed on all children, regardless of the presence of indications, as preventative measure to identify severe vascular pathology. Thanks to timely diagnosis, doctors can not only identify, but also in the most early dates start correction congenital pathologies vascular bed(if possible). There are a number of diseases that are easily corrected before the age of one year, but are difficult to treat after one year. Without timely diagnosis serious pathology such as developing hydrocephalus or the first signs of cerebral palsy.

For premature babies, ultrasound examination of blood vessels is prescribed first of all.

Doppler measurements of a child’s blood vessels after one year

After the large fontanelle has overgrown, neurosonography cannot be performed. But an ultrasound may be necessary for the baby even after one year. Therefore, children undergo Dopplerography of intra- and extranial vessels of the head and neck in combination with duplex scanning (USD) or both independent technique. A referral for an ultrasound is issued by a neurologist. You can undergo the examination yourself, and after that get a consultation with a doctor, because... deciphering an ultrasound scan can explain little to a non-specialist. The main indications according to which a neurologist issues a referral for ultrasound examination in childhood are the following:

  • headaches of any origin;
  • vestibulopathy;
  • fainting conditions;
  • impairment of one or more cognitive functions (attention, memory, psychomotor skills, speech, counting, thinking, etc.);
  • violation emotional sphere(irritability, tearfulness, anger, etc.);
  • hypertension (hypertension), diabetes, inflammatory and immunological vascular pathologies;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia, increased sleepiness);
  • restlessness and irritability;
  • paresthesia of the scalp and neck (crawling of goosebumps, foreign objects, etc.).

Any of these signs can serve as a beacon signaling an early stage of cerebral circulation pathology, and their combined manifestation requires immediate intervention. This symptomatology is especially acute in school age, due to increasing intellectual load and the onset of puberty. Some of these signs may arise as a result of the formation of incorrect posture and early osteochondrosis leading to the development of angiodystonic syndrome in children.

Studies of blood circulation in the arteries and veins of the head can help diagnose VSD, NCD, epilepsy, migraine, residual encephalopathy, logoneurosis, syndrome of impaired higher cortical functions, etc. They also allow you to diagnose a number of forms of hearing and vision impairment.

Majority neurological disorders manifests itself in school years when the intellectual load on the child increases significantly

Advantages of Dopplerometry

Doppler ultrasound readings of the brain vessels, tissues of the head, shoulder girdle and neck are sent to the ultrasound doctor’s monitor in real time. This allows you to track the condition of a small patient at the time of the study. If venotonics are prescribed, assess the level of their effect after administration.

There are no consequences after the procedure - this method does not involve exposure of the child’s body to x-ray radiation, no traumatic damage remains skin. The operation of an ultrasound scanner, unlike an MRI machine, is not accompanied by sharp, frightening sounds, and unlike an EEG, it is not accompanied by photostimulation. After ultrasound, there is no increase in the symptoms of the underlying disease. Therefore, to monitor pathological process in dynamics, it can be prescribed with any frequency necessary for treatment.

Where to do Doppler testing in childhood?

Where can I get an examination of the blood vessels of the brain, tissues of the head, shoulder girdle and neck for children (including up to one year old)? As for adults - in any specialized center. In addition, today in any sufficiently large medical institution where there is an ultrasound scanner, you can successfully undergo a diagnostic examination.

An additional positive aspect of ultrasound diagnostics is the availability of portable devices. This allows children to be scanned at home.

Where the research is conducted does not matter to the effectiveness. The location does not affect the information content, painlessness and absence of side effects.

Study preparation and procedure

If you are conducting the examination in a medical facility, preparation will be minimal. You need to have a diaper with you (put the baby on the couch), water or milk for the baby and disposable wipes (remove excess gel after the procedure). The baby should not be hungry, thirsty or afraid. To do this, you need to have a conversation with him the day before and explain (preferably in a playful way) that the technique is painless.

You need to warn the baby that the doctor may ask him to roll over, change the position of his neck - these commands must be followed. If a child takes venotonics and drugs that improve brain trophism, it is better to refrain from taking them until the study is carried out.

Ultrasound scanning does not require special preparation. The baby should be calm and not hungry or thirsty.

The procedure is carried out in a lying position, and a gel is applied to the area being examined. Then, using a sensor, the doctor receives a visual and audio reflection of the processes of blood movement through the vessels of the child’s head and neck.

Analysis of the ultrasound results will allow us to draw conclusions about the condition of the vessels of the baby’s head and neck (the tone of the veins and arteries, the presence of occlusions, stenoses, pathological tortuosity, etc.). If an ultrasound scan is performed in combination with a duplex study, it is possible to obtain data not only on the characteristics of blood flow, but also on the architectonics of arteries and veins.

There is a popular belief that problems with blood vessels are characteristic mainly of adults and even older people. However, in childhood, starting from birth, circulatory disorders are no less common.

Most often, infants undergo ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck. We will talk about what this examination is, how it is done and what it shows in this article.

The essence of the examination

Ultrasound tends to be reflected from tissues and media of different densities. This is, in fact, what the ultrasound method is based on.

Doppler ultrasound is a type of ultrasound scanning, only ultrasonic waves in in this case are reflected not from organs, but from red blood cells - large red blood cells. Thus, it becomes possible to measure the speed and volume of blood flow through the vessels. The method allows you to determine how certain areas of the brain and the entire brain are supplied with blood.

Doppler of the cervical spine and brain makes it possible to determine with sufficient accuracy whether the lumen of the vessels is normal. Conventional vascular ultrasound provides only general idea about their structure. But the processes that occur in them are assessed based on duplex scanning.

For newborns, infants and older children the best option research is considered to be duplex, which gives more full information about the condition of the vessels of the head and neck.

Harmful or not?

The dangers of Doppler are spoken mainly by those who have a poor understanding of the principle of this research. Since it is based on ultrasound, ultrasound examination is considered a harmless and completely painless non-invasive method.

Ultrasound does not affect organs, tissues, blood cells, does not cause their mutations, and does not disrupt functions. It is only reflected and returned back as a signal on the monitor. This is how the image is obtained, which is seen by the doctor and the patient on ultrasound and Doppler Doppler.

The long-term effects of ultrasound on the body have not been sufficiently studied; it is this fact that provides food for reasoning for opponents of the method. They usually keep silent about the fact that there is also no information about harm.


If an ultrasound of the child’s brain is performed at 1 month of age mandatory, since the study is included in the comprehensive screening of babies, ultrasound examination is not considered mandatory and is recommended only for those who have certain medical indications.

For an infant Doppler examination may be recommended in case of signs of hypoxia, after head injuries, as well as for babies born as a result of a difficult birth or who have received birth injuries.

Some neurological abnormalities that the doctor notices in your baby may also require a separate evaluation cerebral blood supply. These include:

  • frequent crying, difficulty falling asleep;
  • profuse and regular regurgitation;
  • too high or decreased muscle tone;
  • child's retardation in physical and mental development.

At an older age, the reasons for prescribing a diagnosis may be frequent headaches, attacks of dizziness in a child, cases of loss of consciousness, convulsions, frequent nausea and vomiting, increased fatigue.

For children who are already 3 years old, ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck is often prescribed due to parental complaints of restlessness, poor memory, low learning abilities, behavioral problems, delayed speech and psycho-emotional development.

Since the procedure is considered harmless, parents can have such an examination for their child without a referral from a doctor, by visiting, for example, private clinic, specializing in ultrasound for children.

How is it carried out?

Doppler ultrasound diagnostics are performed in the same way as a regular ultrasound, in the same office and on the most ordinary hospital couch. To obtain information, an ultrasound sensor is used, the results are obtained in two types - ultrasound data and Doppler data.

The sensor is applied to the child's locations important vessels, feeding the brain. Such places are located on the back of the head, temples, and also in the eye area. The vessels of the neck are examined with the patient positioned on the couch on his stomach. The entire examination takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

Mothers hold their babies in their arms during diagnosis. Older children may be able to lie on the couch on their own. But if the child is very afraid, the mother is allowed to sit nearby on the couch during the examination.

Is preparation necessary?

This ultrasound does not require diet or fasting. If the child is an infant, try to ensure that the baby is well-fed and calm at the time of the examination. Ideally if he will undergo the procedure right in a dream. Therefore, before visiting the doctor's office, feed him well.

Children who came out of infancy and have already learned to understand what adults are trying to convey to them, it is recommended to tell them in advance as much as possible about what awaits them.

You can take a small object and move it over the child’s head, “playing” with it in an ultrasound. Then the baby will be psychologically ready for the examination and the chances of a sudden hysteria in the doctor’s office will be significantly reduced.

Before the examination, it is not advisable to give your child strong tea, as well as painkillers and antispasmodics that affect the condition of blood vessels.

If the child takes certain vascular agents By vital signs, you should not refuse to take it, but you must warn the doctor before starting the study about what medications your child is receiving, in what dose, and for what reason.

What does it show?

The method shows the tone of the vascular walls of veins and arteries. If the tone is increased, blood supply may be obstructed, which will immediately affect the functioning of the brain and the entire central nervous system.

If there are stenoses (narrowings), varicose veins (dilations) or occlusions, the doctor will definitely report this, since the blood flow speed will be different from the norm. If necessary, the doctor will evaluate the structure of the vessel walls.

Thanks to this, it is possible to identify disorders such as minimal brain dysfunction, hypoxia, encephalopathy, increased intracranial pressure. The method is used to assess the degree of damage in meningitis, hydrocephalus, and after traumatic brain injury.

If an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the head and neck is recommended for a child, it is better to have it done. Parental refusal to undergo examination can have a very serious impact Negative consequences: Brain circulation problems get worse over time if the child does not receive treatment.

For information on how Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck is performed, see below.

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