Home Smell from the mouth Gainer or Protein – which is better for gaining muscle mass? Which is better protein or gainer?

Gainer or Protein – which is better for gaining muscle mass? Which is better protein or gainer?

The effectiveness of classes in gym determined by the growth ratio muscle mass and loss of excess fat. If a person is focused on high results, it will be very difficult for him to do without the use of nutritional supplements that contain proteins and carbohydrates in concentrated form. The most popular supplements include protein and gainer.

Features and composition of protein and gainer

Protein is protein in pure form, obtained from milk, whey, egg powder or soy, purified from carbohydrates and fats. “Protein” translated from English means “protein”. Its intake ensures significant muscle growth, since protein is a building material for muscle tissue. We won’t raise questions about it, let’s take a better look at its main advantages:

  • Highly digestible;
  • Stabilizes nitrogen balance;
  • Helps strengthen the immune system;
  • Provides the body with essential amino acids.

There are two types of proteins - slow and fast. Slow is absorbed at a slow pace, gives a small increase in muscle mass, but acts for a long time. Good for drying. Fast protein is absorbed quickly, acts within a short period of time, and provides maximum weight gain. Therefore, in the process of building muscle, it is better to start with fast protein and gradually switch to slow protein.

Contraindications to the use of protein are individual intolerance to protein and serious illnesses kidney ( renal failure)

is a dry protein-carbohydrate mixture, consisting on average of 10-20% proteins and 70-80% carbohydrates, stimulating weight gain and restoring the body’s energy reserves. This is the difference between these supplements. There are different cocktails in which the ratio between proteins and carbohydrates can vary from 10%/80% to 40%/50%. Gainer benefits:

  • Restores glycogen reserves;
  • Provides the necessary energy;
  • Increases performance, increases strength growth;
  • Promotes overall recovery of the body and restoration of muscle tissue during sleep.

The carbohydrates included in gainers are simple (high glycemic index) and complex (low glycemic index). It is better to take them:

  • People with high metabolism;
  • Those with a thin build (ectomorphs, asthenics);
  • Professionally involved in sports and at the same time leading an active lifestyle;
  • Teenagers;
  • In the absence of a regulated power supply.

Taking into account the difference between a gainer and a protein, it is not recommended for people prone to obesity and rapid gain excess weight.

Protein or gainer: what to choose?

For full muscle growth, proteins and carbohydrates are needed equally. If muscles cannot replenish glycogen reserves and fully recover between workouts, they will not grow, even in the absence of protein deficiency.

Therefore, the reason for too slow weight gain may be not only a lack of protein, but also a lack of carbohydrates. This means that it is better to combine protein and gainer, or choose a gainer with a high protein content.

The gainer is an energy supplier, allowing you to increase the duration and intensity of your workouts. However, if the amount of carbohydrates entering the body is not completely consumed, they will be transformed into subcutaneous fat, which will negatively affect the appearance of the figure. That is why these cocktails are better suited for thin people with accelerated exchange substances that find it difficult to gain weight. They, unlike endomorphs, do not risk gaining weight due to adipose tissue. Using only proteins, such people will have to wait much longer for results.

Based on the above, there are two possible options:

  • Take protein and low-protein gainer simultaneously in equal proportions;
  • Take a gainer with a large amount of protein, approximately 35%/55% in favor of carbohydrates.

However, high-protein gainers are quite rare, and the price difference compared to high-carbohydrate supplements is significant. Therefore, it is better to buy a high-carbohydrate gainer and protein and mix them in the required proportions, which are determined individually. Experienced athletes recommend 1:2 or 1:3. These nutritional supplements are absolutely compatible.

Before training (60-90 minutes), it is better to drink a gainer with a high content of complex carbohydrates, and after training (after 20-30 minutes) - a cocktail of whey protein, simple carbohydrates and glutamine. Typically, gainers are taken both on training days and on rest days, before meals.

If your body weight seems insufficient, you need to start by taking gainers; when the mass is gained, switch to a mixture of these additives, gradually increasing the mass fraction of protein. In the presence of overweight It’s better to start right away with protein, not forgetting about the minimum required daily dose carbohydrates.

When preparing an individual mixture, it is advisable to consult a professional instructor, as well as a doctor. And lastly: when choosing a protein or gainer, do not forget that these are food supplements that do not replace normal, nutritious nutrition.

Every person who comes to gym, dreams of making her body more beautiful. Someone is trying to lose a couple of extra kilos and then get their muscles in order, while others need to gain these few kilograms by To speed up this process, many trainers recommend not only eating right, but also starting to use a gainer or protein. Let's understand what both of these supplements are, what is the difference between them, and which one is more effective for

Any specialist in gaining muscle mass will advise a novice athlete not only a special diet consisting of foods high in carbohydrates, but will also suggest taking a gainer, protein or creatine. Creatine is a kind of catalyst in the metabolism of the athlete's body. It is thanks to it that there is an increase in cell volume (and subsequently the volume of muscle mass), an instant impulse and an increase in strength. This nutritional supplement is taken by both professional athletes and amateurs working out in fitness centers.

Supplementing with protein increases workout performance is similar to creatine, but it works a little differently. In fact, any protein is protein in almost its pure form. It is responsible for the growth of muscle mass; it is what most of the tissues of our body consist of. A few decades ago, athletes tried to get the required daily “portion” of protein from foods such as poultry, fish, beef, cottage cheese, milk and eggs. But nowadays, thanks to the latest scientific achievements, scientists managed to obtain several types of protein “in their pure form.” For example, for muscle growth experts advise using which not only supports immune system body during intense training, but is also significantly superior to beef, fish, soy and egg whites in terms of improving various reactions at the hormonal and cellular level.

Just as protein acts on the cells of our body, gainer also has a beneficial effect on the development of muscle mass. But, unlike protein (athletes often mean by this word a whole combination of different proteins, obtained in the form it is a combination of proteins and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are necessary for our body to replenish energy reserves, and it is this component, like protein, that affects muscle gain mass When an athlete starts taking a gainer or protein, the chances of increasing the effectiveness of training increase several times. This is due to the fact that these products are protein and carbohydrates not just in their pure form, but in a combination that allows them to be maximally absorbed by the body. .

So what is better to use when starting training - gainer or protein? Firstly, you should take into account the intensity of your training and diet - many foods, to one degree or another, are a good source of both proteins and carbohydrates. Secondly, you should consult with a trainer - he will help you choose the optimal diet depending on the characteristics of your body and will be able to adjust it directly during the training process. It should be noted that professionals rarely give themselves a choice - gainer or protein. Often they use both of these products in combination, thereby replenishing everything necessary for the body stocks. But you will be able to reach the ideal proportion for your body only some time later, when the body gets used to the loads and the first results of the intensive training process become noticeable.

Gainer is a sports supplement for gaining mass and increasing overall body weight. Typically, a gainer consists of a mixture of quickly digestible carbohydrates and proteins (most often), in some cases creatine, vitamins and minerals may also be added. Word gainer refers to English verb to gain, meaning in this context weight gain.

The gainer is recommended for use by naturally thin athletes (ectomorphs) who have difficulty gaining muscle mass. The role of this supplement for muscle growth is to both increase total calorie intake and more efficiently transport nutrients to the muscles by increasing blood insulin levels.

How does a gainer work?

The main source of energy for performance strength training is glycogen - that is, the reserves of carbohydrates in the muscles. These reserves, in turn, are formed as a result of the digestion processes of various carbohydrate foods consumed throughout the day (and not just during the period, as was previously mistakenly believed).

Consuming a gainer (a mixture of fast carbohydrates and proteins) is both an additional source of carbohydrates for the body and also increases the level of insulin, a hormone that opens up the possibility of absorbing nutrients. In addition, immediately after training, the gainer reduces cortisol levels, thus helping to accelerate muscle growth.

The importance of carbohydrates for mass gain

The popular opinion that muscles grow solely from active consumption of meat, various protein products and sports protein powder is only partially true. In reality, muscle growth is impossible without increased calorie intake and a significant amount.

As FitSeven mentioned above, physical training requires glycogen - stores of processed carbohydrates stored in muscle tissue. In total, . is stored in the athlete’s body. At the same time, the lack of carbohydrates in the diet does not allow the body to replenish these reserves, negatively affecting strength performance and muscle growth.

How to take gainer?

The usual recommendation for the amount of gainer to increase muscle mass is a serving containing 20-30 g of protein and 40-60 g of carbohydrates - most often this is one scoop of the finished product. The dry gainer is poured into a special shaker, 250-300 ml of water or skim milk is added there, then the cocktail is thoroughly shaken and drunk.

The specified amount of gainer must be taken immediately after strength training with one serving or other fruit. In case you are interested in how it is possible fast growth muscles, an additional dose of gainer (one-third of the serving) can be taken before training. These proteins and carbohydrates will help the body and muscles give 120%.

Should I take a gainer during the day?

Taking additional portions of gainer during the day is permissible only for extremely thin ectomorphic teenagers or with a significant lack of total caloric intake. In all other cases, it is recommended to either get energy from regular food or take whey protein without additional carbohydrates.

Otherwise, a person creates a serious risk of quickly gaining fat mass - the majority of gainer carbohydrates have a high glycemic index and taking such a high-calorie mixture in isolation from strength training can lead to obesity. Moreover, fat will grow in the body itself.

What is better - protein or gainer?

Let us note once again that a gainer is necessary primarily for naturally thin athletes who experience serious problems with weight gain. In their case, regular whey protein with a minimum content of simple carbohydrates will be much more less more effective than a high-calorie mixture of fast proteins and complex carbohydrates.

At the same time, in athletes who are prone to gaining excess weight, taking a gainer can easily affect the increase in body fat and the growth of belly fat. That is why the gainer is used only when necessary speed dial total body weight - without emphasis on whether the weight gain is or was achieved at the expense of fat.

How to make a homemade gainer?

An easy way is to make a gainer at home - or mix whey protein with carbohydrates. In this case, you will not overpay for carbohydrates, of which more than half are in the gainer - in fact, these carbohydrates always cost much less than expensive protein isolate.

A source of fast carbohydrates can be either a special isotonic drink (carbohydrate supplements for runners) or even packaged juice. However, it must be remembered that 40-60 g of carbohydrates is two glasses of juice, and most of these carbohydrates will be ordinary sugar or, and not maltodextrin, as in a gainer or isotonic drink.


Gainer is a protein-carbohydrate sports nutrition with high speed absorption, which is an important tool for weight gain and muscle growth in naturally thin ectomorph teenagers. However, taking a gainer for people prone to gaining excess weight will quickly cause an increase in fat mass and an increase in belly fat. In their case, regular whey protein is preferable.

Success in the gym is measured by the loss of fat mass and the formation of muscle mass. If an athlete is focused on results, do without sports supplements impossible. The importance of protein and gainer for muscle growth is difficult to overestimate. Without amino acids in the required quantity, it is impossible to simulate the relief. Without carbohydrates, you can’t count on volumes even with an excess of building material. The difference between protein and gainer is well known to those who carry heavy loads of iron and can compare the results.

What is the effect of protein

The most famous sports nutrition supplementsmilk powder, egg powder, soy. On their basis, different types of mixtures are created that receive the same names. They differ from each other in the rate of decomposition and the percentage of organic matter.

  • Serum consist 75-99% pure protein and contain only traces of impurities. Available in 3 forms ( , ), are subdivided on fast and slow. Due to the use of the biohydrolysis method, they have high bioactivity and nutritional value. Molecules broken down into amino acids quickly enter muscle tissue.
  • Casein have a complex structure. After entering the stomach, they form a clot that takes hours to digest. The supplement is effective during drying and weight loss, as it creates a feeling of satiety and protects muscles from.
  • Mixes from different types are called combined. Indicated for use after training and between long breaks in food.

Protein and gainer: what's the difference?

Protein supplements taken for muscle development and loss extra pounds. The difference lies in the dosages and timing of administration.

In a standard spoon 25 g organic matter And 2 g fat and carbohydrates. Calorage 1 serving on average 250 kcal, therefore the mixture is allowed to be taken by all athletes regardless of weight. If you add sugar and fat, the smoothie turns into a high-calorie drink.

What's better to drink

Calorie powder is a complex organic matter in relation to 2:1 in favor of glucose. Contains simple sugars that are instantly converted into kilograms when there is a lack of exercise.


  1. Stimulates the release of the hormone insulin.
  2. Increases endurance and athletic performance.
  3. Restores glycogen reserves.

Mesamorphs– athletes with average anatomical parameters take gainer protein after grueling workouts to restore energy potential.

What is more effective for muscle growth?

Manufacturers offer different concentrations.

  • Some contain up to 80% fast carbohydrates, others up to 40%.
  • For the growth of fibrils, organic mixtures with a composition of 36% x 56% in favor of carbohydrates are recommended and the norm must be calculated correctly.

How to combine protein and gainer

To obtain a universal sports nutrition, both powders are mixed in different proportions. Usually are combined according to the following scheme: 1:2 or 1:3.

Important so that the amount of protein in one serving does not exceed norm – 40 g. This method also allows you to save money.

The cost of the classic mixture and gainer protein with increased protein content is 2 times different.

  • The combined use of both supplements is allowed for athletes with a normal physique if they have encountered a plateau and cannot increase their performance.
  • Combinations of gainers and proteins are needed by bodybuilders working under intense conditions.

Sometimes additional casein is taken.

2 gainer and protein regimens for gaining muscle mass

  1. Classic. A high-calorie cocktail is drunk in 50-90 minutes before training, hydrolyzate - before closing.
  2. Modern. A protein drink is consumed before and after. A mix with isolate and complex protein is suitable.

What is better to take for mass: gainer or protein?

Definitely- protein shakes. The higher their biological value, the fewer grams needed. It is better for people with moderate exercise and those who are prone to obesity to get starch, fiber, glycogen from food (200 g). This maintains a constant balance of glucose and energy, minimizing the chances of subcutaneous fat formation.

Everyone would like to have a beautiful, pumped-up body with large, defined muscles. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, such work requires a lot of effort, but by visualizing your dream and not giving up training, you will quickly achieve everything. Before choosing protein, gainer or creatine, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for increasing muscle mass.

Basic principles of muscle growth

  1. Intense workouts. This doesn't mean you have to go to the gym every day and work your body to the point of exhaustion for three hours. Everything should be in moderation. Training should take place no more than four times a week; for beginners, three times will be enough, otherwise you may end up overtraining.
  2. A proper balanced diet. This is simply a necessary element in order to maintain proper weight gain. Protein or gainer - then it’s up to you to choose sports nutritional supplements, they will help you maintain your diet. But first you need to create a diet and choose what suits you best.

Choosing a diet, training program and sports nutrition depend on your body type and lifestyle. Now, let’s assume that your training program has been drawn up, the BJU ratio has been calculated, and you only have to decide the last question: what to take - gainer or protein? First, let's look at what these nutritional supplements are and in what cases they are needed.


Gainer is food supplement containing carbohydrates and proteins. The latter are usually whey, but there are also multicomponent ones. The amount of carbohydrates exceeds the amount of proteins, which makes the gainer more caloric than protein. It promotes rapid recovery strength and energy, provides the body with what it needs to physical activity fuel. The protein contained in the gainer is a building material aimed specifically at the growth of muscle mass. It restores microdamage to muscle tissue that is caused during training, which accelerates weight gain. Protein or gainer? They perform this function in the same way; their difference is different.

Gainer functions

The main function of a gainer is to build muscle mass. English word gain and gave this product its name (No pain, no gain - “Without pain there is no growth”). But if you are wondering what to drink - gainer or protein, keep in mind that the latter also has this function. Concentrated complexes of substances contained in gainers are a means of recharging the body, replenishing energy reserves that were lost during training. Growing muscle mass involves eating a high-calorie diet, which should be higher than your normal diet. A gainer is exactly the product that helps add the right amount of calories and building materials for muscles to your diet. To the question: is a gainer or protein more effective for an ectomorph, the answer will always be the same - a gainer. Protein will not help maintain energy with a high metabolism, so athletes who are ectomorphic should first think about the amount of fuel, and only then about protein. And for endomorphs, athletes with increased liposynthesis (fat deposition), it is better not to use gainer, this will only contribute to the gain of excess weight, not muscle mass.

Types of gainers

Gainers from different manufacturers They also differ in composition. There are two main criteria by which you should choose a supplement.

  1. Calorie content. The difference in composition also affects calorie content. Different gainers are designed for different people. You should choose a supplement based on the norms of BJU and calories per day. Beginners should start with low-calorie gainers; gradually you will be able to independently calculate how much and what substances your body needs on training days and rest days. Supplements with high level calories are needed in rare cases, for example, with very high intensity and your own impressive mass or with increased metabolism.
  2. Type of squirrel. It can be whey, and in some cases it is replaced by a protein complex of various origins. The difference is that different proteins are absorbed and in different time. It is better for novice athletes to use gainers with whey protein to make it easier to calculate the daily intake and time of taking the product. Often the supplement may contain vitamins and mineral complexes, which affects the price, but is very useful.


Protein is a word that came to us from in English. It is translated as “protein”. And this is the basis of muscle tissue. Receiving it from food, the body distributes it as a building material across all microtraumas received after training, which is why muscle mass grows. Therefore, protein is a key element in an athlete’s diet. For an endomorph, the answer to the question of whether to choose a gainer or a protein to build muscle mass, of course, will be protein. It does not contain excess carbohydrates, which should not exceed the norm in the diet of an athlete of this physique.

Types and functions of protein

The variety of proteins complicates the process a little, but you need to know all this before making a difficult choice - gainer or protein, and indeed which protein. There are only seven types of protein. Let's look at them in detail.

Whey Protein Concentrate

The most popular, basic type of protein. It is included not only in protein mixtures, but also in most gainers. Its low cost is due to its fat and lactose content. However, it is quite suitable for beginners. It is consumed before and after training, as well as between meals.


The peculiarity of this protein is that it is absorbed within five to seven hours. Many athletes prefer to use it at night or instead of meals. During sleep, casein will supply the body, preventing catabolism. During the day, casein protein will help you feel full and provide your muscles with amino acids. A high concentration of this protein contains glutamine, which will support the immune system and speed up the recovery process.


The cost of such protein is quite high because it is the most saturated and high-quality source of protein. The peptides included in its composition are perfectly absorbed and give a strong anabolic effect. Hydrolyzate also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, cleansing the body. Consuming this protein after training replenishes glycogen stores and significantly accelerates the process of muscle growth.

Protein isolates

The most quickly digestible types of protein contain small amounts of carbohydrates/sugars. That is why it is recommended to drink the product after training during a low-carbohydrate diet, when the body most needs building materials and fuel. It will also provide the muscles with the nutrients they need for recovery and further growth. Due to these properties, it is not cheap, but it will bring much more benefits than many other types of protein.

Soy protein

Vegetarian source of protein and energy. Like whey protein, it contains glutamine (promotes recovery), arginine (expands blood vessels, supplies muscles with nutrients) and BCAA (vitamins to improve recovery). Isoflavones contained in soy will support normal level cholesterol. Soy also promotes hormone production thyroid gland, which accelerates the processes of metabolism and lipolysis. Plus, soy contains many minerals and vitamins. Taken at any time except at night.

Egg protein

A classic protein that “grew” the muscles of the first generation of bodybuilders. It contains a fairly large amount of amino acids, but very few carbohydrates. It is best to use it during the day and not before bed.

Milk protein isolate

A kind of mixture of casein and whey protein. It is very similar to soy protein in terms of the number of amino acids, but it is better to use it together with other proteins. This is not the best choice for bulking, but it is beneficial when mixed with other proteins.


Creatine is a broken down protein that is a ready-made building material and source of energy. It is formed in the process of assimilation of useful substances in the kidneys and pancreas from methionine, arginine and glycine. You can also get it from food - meat or fish.

Functions of creatine

The main function of creatine is to supply the body with the energy necessary for training. Released under high loads, it increases the body's endurance and muscle strength. Creatine not only increases strength, but increases the body's reserves, adapting it to increasingly greater loads. It should only be consumed before training.

Difference between gainer and protein

Now you know all the main functions of the products in question. Behind
high carbohydrate gainer account becomes an excellent remedy for gaining weight in ectomorphs, but can become another reason for excess weight in endomorphs. The choice of mass gainer depends entirely on your metabolism. However, with high intensity training, a gainer is simply necessary to restore strength. What will be more important, protein or gainer, after a workout? Let's look at the question more specifically.

Gainer or protein - what to choose to restore strength after a workout?

What is the best thing to drink to restore strength after stress on the body? What to buy: gainer or protein? A gainer with a large amount of carbohydrates will not only restore strength, but also provide the body with building material, however, muscles begin to grow not during or after training, but much later. Only whey and soy proteins contain substances that will begin to be absorbed and work immediately after training. Therefore, it is important to remember that only whey protein or gainer will help restore muscles immediately after training. However, as already mentioned, a gainer is not suitable for low metabolic rates; calculate carefully so as not to accumulate excess body fat. That's all you need to know about whether to take protein or gainer after a workout.


Anything else worth noting? If you are looking forward to intense training and mass gain, a protein or gainer is simply necessary to achieve your goal. Calculate how much energy you will have to spend on training and rest days, what your diet should be, and do not forget that the metabolism given to you by nature is of enormous importance. If you take into account all the factors, then choosing a gainer or protein will be very simple.

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