Home Oral cavity What type of transport is the rocket? Types of vehicles, characteristics and purpose

What type of transport is the rocket? Types of vehicles, characteristics and purpose

On a walk You can carry out the games and observations presented in this section on the street while walking. They are aimed at enriching and clarifying children’s knowledge and ideas about trees in the fall, activating vocabulary, developing observation, attention, correction fine motor skills.

WALKING THROUGH THE AUTUMN PARK Walking through the autumn park, admire the beauty of the autumn landscape. Stop. Listen to the sounds of the autumn park. What sounds will you hear? And the child? Walk through the fallen leaves, listen to the rustling of the leaves. Create your own LEAF FALL while walking. Explain to your child the meaning of this word

LET'S TALK ABOUT TREES GOAL: To activate knowledge on the topic of “trees”. PRELIMINARY WORK: find one leaf each of maple, oak, rowan, a needle of spruce, and pine. PROGRESS OF THE CONVERSATION: Tell (and show) the child about various parts any tree (roots, trunk, branches, leaves). Talk about what each one is for. Find out what names of trees he knows. Show your child several different leaves and ask what tree they come from. Ask what changes happen to trees in the fall.

STUDYING TREE Trunks GOAL: To activate knowledge on the topic “trees”. PROGRESS OF THE CONVERSATION: Draw the child’s attention to the trunks of various trees. Ask your child what kind of trunk the tree has, what words can you use to describe it? The trunks can be THICK (try to clasp it with your hands together), or THIN. SMOOTH AND ROUGH – invite the child to touch them with his hands.

STUDYING TREE Trunks continued Taking magnifying glasses, examine the tree bark in detail. Invite your child to tell you what he sees. If you look at a cross section of a tree trunk or branch, you can easily see the so-called growth rings. Tell your child what you know about them.

ROLLING THE CONES NOTE: This game can be played outdoors and at home. PURPOSE: Self-massage of the palms to activate speech zones in the cerebral cortex. PRELIMINARY WORK: Try to find pine and fir cones. PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Invite the child to roll the fir cone first. Now offer pine. Ask your child which lump hurts the most.

LAYOUT BY SIZE NOTE: This game can be played both outside and at home at the table. GOAL: to continue to consolidate the skill of assembling a number of objects, taking into account their size PRELIMINARY WORK: It is necessary to collect several acorns, chestnuts, leaves different sizes. PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Invite the child to first lay out the acorns from the largest to the smallest, and then vice versa. Suggest doing the same with chestnuts. You can also suggest laying out the leaves. Offer to count all the items.

BLOTTING ON A LEAF GOAL: Consolidating the skill of purposeful smooth exhalation. PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: Place a piece of paper on the child’s palm. Ask him to blow on the piece of paper so that it flies off his hand. Make sure that your child does not puff out his cheeks during the exercise.

FUNNY CLOTHESPENS OBJECTIVES: Development of fine motor skills, color perception, imagination. PRELIMINARY WORK: Make a base for future work from thick cardboard. Show your imagination: the yellow circle is the basis for the sun, the triangle is the tree trunk, etc. PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: Ask your child to attach clothespins of the desired color to the base.

CHRISTMAS TREES IN A MEADING OBJECTIVES: Development of fine motor skills, consolidation of ideas about geometric figure“triangle”, development of imagination PRELIMINARY WORK: Cut out several green triangles of different sizes. GAME PROCEDURE: Ask your child to collect a Christmas tree (or Christmas trees)

PROVERBS AND SAYINGS Dry trees burn, but living trees bear fruit. Without wind the trees don't sway Tall trees They suffer more from the wind. Trees without fruit are planted, and then the fruit from them is eaten. See trees in their fruits, and see people in their deeds. As are the trees, so are the fruits. GOAL: activation of the dictionary, clarification of the meanings of words, development of understanding of the figurative meaning of words. PROGRESS OF THE CONVERSATION: Read the proverbs and sayings. Pick one to start. Explain to your child the meaning of each of the words used in the proverb. Try to explain its meaning to your child in your own words. Try to use this proverb in your speech over the next few days so that the child begins to better understand its figurative meaning. You can also work with other sayings.

RIDDLES GOAL: Development and activation of vocabulary, development logical thinking, senses of language. INSTRUCTIONS: Let's try to solve the riddles together. STEPS OF WORKING ON THE RIDDLE: 1. Read the riddle. 2.Wait a little, maybe the child will guess what we are talking about, and then there will be no need to move on to the next taps. 3.If you couldn’t solve the riddle, click the mouse anywhere on the screen and the answer will appear. (REMEMBER – when you click the mouse again, a picture of the answer appears.) 4.Ask what words and expressions are incomprehensible to the child. Try to explain their meaning in your own words. 5. It is possible that the child will not talk about difficulties with understanding (“I understand everything”). In this case, explain those words and expressions that you think are difficult for the child. 6.If it’s still difficult for your child, click the mouse and a picture of the answer will appear. Name what is drawn. Read the riddle again along with the answer. 7. PRAISE YOUR CHILD

Poems about autumn for reading and learning: 1.A. S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” 2.A. K. Tolstoy “Autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling…” 3.A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come...” 4.E. Blaginina “Flying away, flying away...” 5.I. Tokmakova. Osinka 6.S. Marshak. October. 7.A. Ekimtsev “Old poplar at the porch..” 8.I. Semenov. Birch

WALKING THROUGH THE HALLS The next slide is a video series of images of autumn paintings. To activate it, just click the mouse anywhere on the slide. As the film progresses, pay the child’s attention to how the mood conveyed in the paintings changes (images of early autumn reflect an upbeat, joyful mood, and late autumn evokes sadness, despondency, sadness). Look carefully at the picture: at the river, at the golden leaves of birches, at yellowed grass... What time of year is this? Why do you think the artist called the painting “ Golden autumn"? What signs of early autumn can be seen in the picture? What is shown in the picture on the left? What can you see in the distance? What is the brightest thing in the picture? What mood did the artist convey? How did you guess what exactly it is - the mood is reflected? How did the artist manage to do this? What do you think or remember when you look at this picture? Did you like the picture? What did you like about her?
Look carefully at the picture. What do you see? What signs of autumn can be seen in the picture? If you were in the picture, would you feel cold or hot? Why do you think so? What is shown in the foreground of the picture? What can you see in the distance? Why do you think the pipe is coming smoke? Pay attention to the sky. What words can describe it? (big, gloomy, cold, etc.) Do you see the birds on it? What kind of birds do you think these are and where do they fly? What mood did the artist convey? How did the artist manage to do this? Did you like the painting?

LEARNING TO COMPARE Try to remember the title and author of the paintings. What picture can we say “Sunny, bright, juicy”, “Gloomy, windy”? Name the color of paints that artists use for their paintings? Compare how your mood changes when you look at one picture or another. Sources of information: BOOKS: Baryaeva L.B. Gavrilushkina Games and activities with natural and man-made materials, St. Petersburg, 2005 Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A. Didactic games

and exercises in teaching preschoolers. M, 2001 Pozhilenko E.A. The world around us. St. Petersburg 2004 INTERNET RESOURCES: Universal

(railway, automobile, water, air):

Wide range of products;

Two-way correspondence of transported goods;

High concentration of traffic;

Reducing social labor costs;

Use of predominantly large-scale production; Special

(conveyor, rope-suspended, pipeline, hydraulic, pneumatic):

Station character; Narrow specialization;


One-way flow direction;

Low transportation costs;

The need for other modes of transport;

2. Classification of special types of industrial transport.

1.According to the method of action:

Periodic (cyclic) action;

Continuous action;

2.According to the method of moving the cargo:

Sliding along the supporting surface;

Movement by a load-carrying body (stationary supports, rollers, wheels, air cushion, hydraulic flow, pneumatic flow);

3. By design characteristics:

With traction body;

Without traction body;

4.By type (type) of cargo movement:


In the horizontal plane


In space

6.For intended purpose at the production site:



3.Performance of transport vehicles.

In units of mass (t/h)

In volumetric units (m 3 / h)

1.Theoretical Q T (determined by the design capabilities of the machines)

2.Technical Q technical – taken into account:

Physico-mechanical properties affecting load capacity and capacity.

Technological breaks.

3. Operational – for a longer period of time (days/month/year), taking into account:


Acceptance and handover of shifts

Holidays/weekends. For cars cyclic action

. Q T depends on:

Rated load capacity q(g)

Operating cycle duration T r (h)

Q c.t = V k /T r

Q c.t = q/T r

Holidays/weekends. continuous action:

Q n.t = 3600*F 0 *V(m 3 /h); Q n.t = 3600*F 0 * γ R * V(t/h)

V is the capacity of the load-carrying body per unit length and linear speed his movements.

F 0 – capacity per unit length, expressed by the cross-sectional area of ​​the material on the load-carrying body.

For continuous transport where the cargo is moved in separate vessels:


Bucket elevators

Q n.t = 3600*V/α

V - movement speed

.α is the distance between individual vessels.

For cyclic transport:

Q c.t = V k *K v /T r; Q c.t = q*K q /T r

4. Characteristics of transport cargo.

Main types of bulk bulk cargo transported by industrial transport.

Iron ore

Sand and sand-gravel mixture, etc.

Their characteristics:

1. Bulk mass of a material - mass of material per unit volume in freshly poured form.

K r =γ /γ r >1; K p - loosening coefficient.

Bulk mass< удельной массы на K р.

Loosening coefficient K r:

Coal, ore, rocks (1.3.....1.6)

Loose weather(1.1....1.3)

γ p - bulk mass.

γ is the mass of the material in its dense form.

2. Angle of repose - the angle formed by the side surface of a freely poured stack of bulk material with the horizon.

(Figure) When moving, φ changes in calculations f≈0.7

3.Lumpiness - quantitative distribution of cargo particles according to their size.

4. Degree of uniformity of particle sizes of bulk cargo.

It is characterized by the coefficient:

K 0 =α max /α min; α min and α max are the sizes of the largest and smallest particles.

sorted - cargo - ordinary

α av =α max +α min /2 or α max or α min of which particles≥10%

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Lesson objectives:

Training: systematize, expand and generalize children’s ideas about types of land transport; create conditions for the formation of the concept of “special vehicles”, “flash beacon”, “siren”; consolidate students' knowledge of emergency phone numbers and ensure they acquire the ability to match these numbers with special vehicles.

Development: promote the development of students’ cognitive interest, coherent speech, memory, attention, imagination; develop the ability to compare and generalize; promote the development of curiosity by solving problematic problems, engaging in discussions, and accustoming to a system of analytical behavior in the environment.

Education: create conditions for fostering a culture of safe behavior on the road, create the need to be extremely attentive and careful, and apply adequately reasonable decisions in dangerous situations.

Lesson type: learning something new.

Type of lesson: lesson of theoretical and practical work with game elements and formulation of problem situations.

Teaching method: a combination of monologue speech and dialogic presentation with the formulation of problem situations, research tasks, situational.

Teaching method: explanatory - illustrative, stimulating, informative.

Teaching method: executive, with partially exploratory elements, practical.

Method of education: stimulating, reproductive, inclusion of schoolchildren in active activities in the classroom, creation of games and PS.

Material, technical and didactic equipment: computer, crossword puzzle, riddles, tests, presentation on the lesson topic, cartoon, audio recording of a song on traffic rules.

Methodological keys to the topic:

What students need to remember:

  • The concepts of “transport”, “ground transport”, “pedestrian”, “vehicle driver”.
  • Emergency phone numbers (01,02, 03, 04).

What students need to know:

  • The concepts of “special vehicles”, “flash beacon”, “siren”
  • Kinds special means and their features.
  • The order of movement of special vehicles on the roads.
  • Behavior of pedestrians when moving special vehicles.

What students need to be able to do:

  • Correctly navigate the road when a siren sounds.
  • Distinguish special vehicles by their features.
  • Answer test questions.
  • Answer teacher's questions.
  • Complement your classmates' answers.

Summary of an integrated lesson on the surrounding world and life safety for 2nd grade on the topic

“Types of special vehicles. Emergency phone numbers"

I. Motivation for the lesson

The lesson begins
It will be useful for the guys.
Try to understand everything
Lots of new things to learn.

II. Updating of reference knowledge

– Today’s lesson, guys, we will spend with the characters of the cartoon “Smeshariki”. And here is one of them - Nyusha. She brought us a crossword puzzle, let's solve it.

1. The house is walking down the street.
It takes us to work,
Not on thin chicken legs,
And in rubber boots. (Bus)

2. The brothers got ready to visit,
Clinging to each other
And they rushed off on a long journey,
They just left some smoke. (Train)

3. Raised two hands up,
He took two veins in his fists.
Give way, guard,
I'll run along the pavement. (Trolleybus)

4. Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far. (Automobile)

5. I’m used to carrying loads,
I'm heavy...(truck).

Well done guys, you completed the task quickly. Nyusha is happy with you!

Micro output:

– What word can you call all these objects? (Transport)

Nyusha asks what kind of transport this is? (Terrestrial)

– What type of ground transport are buses and trolleybuses? (Public, passenger)

– What type of ground transport is a car? (Car)

– What type of ground transport is a truck? (Cargo)

– Guys, what other type of ground transport do you know? (Drawn)

III. Formation of new knowledge

- Let's see what situation Nyusha once found herself in.

- What's happened?

– What cars arrived at the scene?

– How are they similar?

– What type of ground transport do these cars belong to?

– What conclusion can be drawn?

Micro output:

There are cars with flashing lights,
There aren't that many of them.
This is a special transport
Driving along the road.

– So what is the name of another type of ground transport that we met? (Special transport)

Conversation about special transport

– Indeed, guys, cars that belong to special vehicles have an audible warning siren and a special luminous light on the roof, which is called a flashing beacon. If this light is on, the car comes to the rescue.

With a red ladder on the roof
And she’s all red,
You can hear the siren far away,
Here the picture is clear. (Fire engine)

– What is the telephone number for calling a fire truck?

Police car
He blinks his blue eye at us,
And her sirens sound
Can be heard far around.

– What phone number is used to call a police car?

If someone gets sick,
The doctor needs to have time.
The ambulance will take him home,
The doctor will help and heal.

– What is the telephone number for calling an ambulance?

- What is the name of this car? (Gas service car)

– What phone number is she called on?

– All emergency vehicles can be called by mobile phone using a single number 112.

Musical physical exercise

(song about traffic rules, children imitate movements)

The city is full of traffic
Cars are hardly running.
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night burn.
Walking carefully
Watch the street.
And only where possible
Cross it.
And where there are trams during the day
They hurry from all sides,
You can't walk around yawning
You can't count crows.
Walking carefully
Watch the street.
And only where possible
Cross it.

– We got acquainted with special transport. Now you will watch a cartoon with Nyusha. Look carefully!

– What new have you learned about special transport?

IV. Application of generated knowledge

Game “What's extra?”

The figure shows special vehicles and a passenger car. The students' task is to find the odd one out.

Game “Who will ride what?”

The picture shows special vehicles and the people who work on them. The students' task is to correlate man and machine.

Game “Which car will go to the challenge?”

The picture shows special vehicles and emergency phone numbers. The students' task is to match the phone number with the car.

(Slide 19, 20)

Test on the topic “Types of special vehicles”

Peer review on the slide on the board.

1. What is the name of a vehicle equipped with a sound siren?

  1. Public.
  2. Special.
  3. Cargo.

2. What is the name of the light signal of special-purpose vehicles?

  1. Flashing Light.
  2. Flasher.
  3. Siren.

3. Why are sirens and flashing lights installed on special vehicles?

  1. For beauty.
  2. For unobstructed passage.
  3. To make it interesting .

4. What should vehicle drivers and pedestrians do when they see a special vehicle moving along the road with a siren and flashing light on?

  1. Give way.
  2. Keep moving.
  3. Nothing to do.

5. What number is used to call the “Gas Service” car?

6. How to call a special purpose car using a mobile phone?

IV. Lesson summary

  1. Giving and commenting on ratings.
  2. Homework: know emergency phone numbers, draw any special transport vehicle.

Fascinating for children interesting topic, introducing their classification, telling about the features and purpose of each variety. At the same time, the task of parents or teachers is not only to conduct a conversation, but also to consolidate the information received through various games.

Why children need to know about transport

The full development of children is carried out through acquaintance with the world around them. The following questions are interesting for children: what kind of transport is there, why do people need it. Familiarization of preschoolers with transport classification forms in them new knowledge about various types, their characteristics, purpose, enriches lexicon, consolidates the generic concept of “transport”. In addition, a detailed consideration of this topic allows you to learn the following:

  • compare different kinds transport, it is important for children to be able to find common and distinctive features;
  • combine them into groups on common grounds, classify them;
  • learn the rules of behavior in various types of transport.

Studying new material contributes to the formation and personal qualities preschoolers: criticality, responsibility, thinking, memory, reaction speed, imagination develop.

Transport classification

All transport is classified on different grounds: method of transportation and purpose.

According to the method of movement, the following types are distinguished:

  • ground - movement occurs exclusively on the ground or rails (bus, trolleybus, train);
  • water - moves along the sea or river (motor ship, boat, barge);
  • aviation - flies through the air (plane, helicopter).

The following types of transport are distinguished by purpose:

  • passenger - transports people, delivers them to the right place (bus, water bus, plane);
  • horse-drawn - for transporting various goods (cart, barge);
  • special - used in a specific activity, equipped with professional equipment (fire truck, ambulance, police car);
  • agricultural - used in preparing arable land, harvesting and similar work (tractor, combine).

Characteristics of ground transport

Ground transport moves on the ground using wheels, rails, animals, and tracks. Can be passenger, cargo or specialized. Here it is necessary to describe the following main types of transport for children:

  • Bus - carries passengers, delivers them to the desired point in the city, has a strict route and special places for stops where people pick up and drop off. The same function is performed by the trolleybus and tram, which differ from the bus in that they run on electricity rather than gasoline, and in addition, the tram runs on rails.
  • Train is a railway transport that moves on rails, can be both passenger and freight, and carries out transportation between cities and villages.
  • Fire truck - used to extinguish fire, equipped with special equipment, and has a sound signal that warns other drivers of its approach.
  • Ambulance - designed to transport sick people, it has all the necessary equipment to deliver the patient to the hospital in satisfactory condition. Like a fire truck, it has a special flashing light and a sound signal notifying that ambulance must be skipped.
  • Police car - used to patrol roads and catch criminals. The machine is equipped with a powerful engine that allows it to develop good speed, which is so important when chasing.
  • Truck - designed for transporting various cargoes: food, construction, household goods and many others. It may have yellow warning lights indicating that the car is carrying dangerous luggage.

Transport can also be underground, for example, the metro delivers passengers to their destination, like a bus or tram.

Features of water transport

Considering different types transport, water transport, moving along the sea, lake or river, will also be interesting for children. Like ground transport, this transport can be passenger or cargo:

  • Motor ship - can transport people to their destination or be used as a pleasure boat on the river, introducing residents to the picturesque places of the water. A steamship performs the same functions as a motor ship; the main differences between these ships are their technical characteristics.
  • The boat has various purposes: it is used as a rescue vessel, for walking on a pond, for conducting excursions.
  • Barge - used to transport various goods. It is characterized by convenience, speed of delivery, and cost-effectiveness.

Aviation transport, its characteristics

Air transport moves through the air, and can transport passengers, cargo, participate in rescue operations or extinguish forest fires. The most interesting types of transport for children will be:

  • Aircraft - depending on its size and purpose, it can perform various functions: transport people and various cargoes, cultivate fields, put out fires in the forest, participate in military operations.
  • Helicopter - rises into the air with the help of special blades that spin quite strongly. This type of transport can also be passenger, cargo or military.
  • An airship - its feature is the development of a relatively low speed and rise to a low altitude; it is used for tourism, in rescue operations, and for patrolling the area.

Games for children

To better remember types of transport, it is worth organizing a variety of games for children, including the following:

  • Riddles - will help highlight distinctive features, classify transport, in addition, they will develop logic, thinking, and intelligence.
  • Outdoor game “Find my house” - children are given cards with any type of transport, houses are determined for them: for air - an airfield, for land - a garage, for water - a pier. The task of preschoolers is to stand near the desired base after the signal.
  • Puzzles - pictures of an airplane, train, bus, ship cut into small pieces - are mixed, children are asked to find the necessary elements, assemble the picture and say what is shown on it and what it is used for.
  • Game "Modes of Transport". Prepared for children various roles- passengers, driver, captain, pilot. Ship managers recruit passengers whose task is to demonstrate correct and incorrect behavior on a bus, on a ship or on an airplane.

Thus, by receiving information about types of transport, children will learn about their features, distinctive features, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in them, enrich their vocabulary.

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