Home Coated tongue Who has the right to install a “Disabled Driving” sign? Traffic rules, "Disabled" sign: features, rules and action Where to attach the disabled sign while driving.

Who has the right to install a “Disabled Driving” sign? Traffic rules, "Disabled" sign: features, rules and action Where to attach the disabled sign while driving.

Russian legislation defines a number of identification symbols for certain categories of drivers, which confirm the right of car owners to some benefits, advantages, etc. The hero of our story, the “Disabled” sign, also belongs to them. For cars with this symbol, free parking is available, as well as driving along a number of sections of the road with prohibiting symbols. But who has the right to such a sign? Where can I buy it? How to properly attach a sticker? We will analyze all this further.

Legislative right for sticker

Only three groups of citizens have the right to place a “Disabled Person” sign on their car:

What does the sticker look like?

The "Disabled Person" sign is a plate with a yellow background. A characteristic symbol is printed on it in black paint. Her appearance, location is standardized by Resolution Russian Government No. 1990 - “Basic provisions for permission to operate a vehicle.”

According to Russian traffic rules, the “Disabled” sign can be of the following varieties:

  • "Disabled person". A square plate measuring 15 x 15 cm. It contains the additional information symbol 8.17. Visually, this is a schematic representation of a wheelchair user, drawn in black on a yellow background.
  • "Deaf driver" This is a yellow circle whose diameter is 16 cm. Inside it is a triangle depicted in black. At the tops of the figure there are black circles with a diameter of 4 cm. Sometimes you can also find simply round yellow stickers with three black circles. Deaf and mute citizens also install the sign.

The traffic rules do not provide individual symbols for disabled children. Parents are advised to attach a “Disabled Driver” sign, as well as an additional “Child in the Car!” sticker.

Where to install the sticker?

And one more important question. The use of the "Disabled Person" sign begins with its correct placement in the car:

  • The sticker is glued in two places. On the windshield it is attached to the lower right corner. On the rear window - in the lower left corner.
  • In the event that the driver is not disabled, but only transports a citizen with disabilities, he needs to take care of temporary signs. They are located in the same way (in the lower right corner of the glass in the front and in the lower left corner in the back), but only when there is a disabled person in the car.

Where can I get a sign?

How to get a "Disabled" badge? Stickers are not specially issued anywhere. You can buy them or make them yourself by printing the image on a color printer.

The symbol is in free retail sale, anyone can purchase it - the seller will not ask for any permission or supporting documents. The cost of the sign is also low - about 100 rubles. But the placement of the “Disabled” sign on a car, according to traffic regulations, must be confirmed by the driver.

Legislative regulation of the use of the symbol

Since the sticker gives the car owner certain privileges, the driver must be prepared to confirm his right to use the sign to the traffic inspector. Which way? His car must be included in a special car register, belonging to disabled people, and he must have documents confirming the presence of disability.

Let's turn to the Rules traffic(clause 2.1.1). Here is what is written in the traffic rules about the “Disabled” sign on a car:

  • If such a sticker is attached to the car, the inspector has the right to require medical confirmation of disability from the driver - himself or a passenger.
  • A car owner with this sticker must always have a document confirming his disability.
  • The same applies to a disabled passenger who is transported by an able-bodied driver.

If the road inspector has doubts about the authenticity of the documents presented to him, then he is then authorized to act in accordance with Art. 13 Federal Law No. 3. This is the following:

What documents are needed for the right to a plate?

You or your passenger have the right to wear a "Disabled Person" sign Russian legislation You can confirm with the following documentation:

  • Pensioner's ID. The document contains a note indicating the disability group assigned to the citizen.
  • Help with results medical and social examination carried out to assign the 1st or 2nd category of disability. All clarifying information regarding this paper is presented in Government Decree No. 95 (2015 version).
  • In Moscow and a number of other regions, disabled drivers are issued certificates on special forms. This document allows you to stop in paid parking lots for free.

But in modern times, the “Disabled” mark is not placed on a driver’s license.

Driving through prohibitory signs

Let's now look at what specific additional rights such a symbol provides. According to Russian traffic regulations, a disabled driver may not comply with the requirements of the following prohibitory signs:

  • 2 - "Movement prohibited."
  • 3 - "The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited."
  • 28 - "Parking is prohibited."
  • 29/3.30 - “Parking is prohibited here on odd/even dates.”

The permit is valid only for these four signs. The disabled driver must follow the instructions of everyone else on an equal basis with other car owners. Otherwise, he faces a fine or a more serious (depending on the circumstances) punishment.

Parking Features

If you see sign 6.4 in front of you (this is “Parking space”) with additional information 8.17, it means that only disabled drivers are allowed to park in this area.

According to Russian legislation, at least 10% of the spaces in any parking lot must be reserved for persons with disabilities. Such sites are marked with horizontal markings and special signs. The most common of them is “Wheelchair user”. Near medical social institutions, supermarkets they are free.

What about paid parking? A preferential (free) seat should be provided for a disabled driver. If it is busy, then there are two options - wait until it is released, or spend money on a regular paid one. To confirm your right to preferential parking, you need to present to the ranger a document indicating that you or the passenger has a disability.

The employee may simply ask you for the number of the certificate giving the benefit. This is the case if automatic devices are installed on the site that monitor the correctness of payment. If you refuse and leave your car in a handicapped parking lot, the parking attendant has the right to every right call a police officer to resolve the problem.

Preferential travel and parking

We will also illuminate Additional information, proposed by the traffic rules, - about discounted travel disabled drivers. To do this, you need to know about the features of two plates:

  • 8.17. This is the "Disabled" symbol. It is installed under sign 6.4 - “Permitted parking”. Together, these symbols mean the following: only disabled people have the right to stop at the site. All other car owners are not allowed to park here.
  • 8.18. This is a sign "Except for disabled people". It can be located under the following road signs: 3.2, 3.28, 3.3, 3.30, 3.29. These are prohibition symbols. But coupled with the 8.18 sign, they allow people not to follow their instructions - but only for disabled people! As for parking, table 8.18 can be installed under signs 3.28-3.29. The meaning here is the same - the ban does not apply to disabled car owners.

Problems of car owners

Drivers who have a car with a "Disabled Person" sign can find themselves in a number of unpleasant situations. Let's consider them, outlining ways to solve problems.

Parking situation. A healthy driver drove a disabled passenger to his destination, parked the car under a sign prohibiting ordinary car owners, and walked away for a while. When he returns, he sees a traffic inspector at the car. How can we be here?

If there is a “Disabled Person” sign on the glass, then you will not be able to prove that your passenger was such a citizen. And if, after dropping him off, you removed the sign, then, of course, your car, parked in the wrong place, will attract the attention of the inspector.

The solution to the situation must be sought in the information about your car in the register of cars transporting disabled people. The inspector should check this information, which will eliminate the claims against you.

If you live in Moscow (the benefit is also available in some other regions), then you should obtain a certificate from the MFC in advance that you are allowed to park your car in areas with a “Place for the Disabled” sign. The document is issued specifically for the car. Therefore, if a disabled passenger is, say, in a medical facility, and you are waiting for him in the car, then presenting a certificate will save you from problems.

Another unpleasant situation. A disabled driver parked his car in the area under the 3.28 sign. The fact was recorded on camera, and the car owner was issued a fine. Why? The device might simply not recognize the “Disabled” signs.

Here you will have to spend time to appeal the fine. You need to submit documents confirming your disability to the address indicated in the notification you received. AND important point on this topic. Disabled drivers also have a number of benefits when paying off traffic fines issued to them.

About illegal use of the symbol

Many drivers are aware of the effect of the "Parking for the Disabled" sign. It allows citizens with disabilities to park their cars in convenient places that are prohibited for other car owners. Or leave your car in paid parking lots for free.

Therefore, many “resourceful” car owners, without any rights, stick the “Disabled” sign on the window of their car, fortunately it is freely available. What could this mean when meeting with a traffic inspector?

If an authorized person determines that neither the driver nor his passengers have documents confirming their disability, then for violating law and order the owner of the car will be issued a large fine - from 5 thousand rubles. There is a risk of being arrested for up to 6 months. Especially if this is not the first time you have been caught committing such a violation of the law.

Why is it so popular? The fact is that until 2016, road inspectors did not have the right to demand from the owner of a car a document confirming the disability of the driver or his passengers.

That's all we wanted to tell you about the features of operating and traveling in a car for people with disabilities. The "Disabled Person" sign is easy to purchase, make and install yourself. However, you should always have documents with you confirming your right to it.

By the way, on legally persons with disabilities have the right to park even in those places that are paid. Where to install the sign? The specific place is not specified in the law. You can glue it to any glass: front, back. The main thing is that it does not interfere with your view and is clearly visible from afar. But the most optimal place to install it:

  • windshield - upper right and left corner;
  • rear window - bottom corners.

Is this sign required on a car? The installation of such a sign is optional, only with the voluntary consent of the vehicle owner. Of course, there are no fines either. But those who are hard of hearing and not talking people must equip their car with the appropriate “Deaf Driver” sign; this is mandatory for them. Many people neglect this, probably because they know the law does not provide for any liability for this.

Identification sign "disabled" on a car according to traffic regulations

There is no special sign on the car. And one day he was not allowed to park his car in the disabled parking spaces in the parking lot of a shopping center. Does he have the right to park his car in such a parking lot? And is it obligatory to place a “Disabled Person” sign on a car if the car is not equipped manual control? The car is an ordinary foreign car with an automatic transmission. rights of the disabled, parking for the disabled, disabled sign on the car, place for the disabled, driver's license of the disabled Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Pravoved.ru Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

  • Does a group 2 disabled person have the right to buy and sell real estate or cars?
  • Does a disabled person have the right not to disclose his or her disability when applying for a job?

Lawyers' answers (1)

  • All legal services in Moscow Recovery of damages from the culprit of an accident Moscow from 5,000 rubles.

Is it possible to have a disabled sign on a Group 3 car?

If, during its inspection, a traffic police officer has suspicions about the authenticity of the document, then he has the right to detain the car for a while and check them against the database. And if necessary, send a request to the required medical institution to clarify and clarify all the necessary data. In the current driver's licenses Now they don’t make a mark that would show a person’s real disability group.

Medical institutions issue only a regular form, indicating only the availability of certain benefits. Nowadays, passengers and drivers use the pension certificate most of all, because only there they have all the necessary marks. What if there is no sign? It is worth noting that this sign is not mandatory.
No one can force you to stick it on the glass of your vehicle.

Who has the right to install a “disabled driving” sign?

Possible problems In practice, the following situation is possible: a healthy driver drove a disabled person, left the car under a prohibitory sign and went about his business, and upon returning saw an inspector at his car. Even if an identification mark is installed, it is impossible to prove that there was a passenger with disabilities in the cabin. If the sign was removed after the trip, the car was actually parked in the wrong place.

If this happened in Moscow, you can solve the problem by obtaining a permit from the MFC for free parking in places for the disabled at any time of the day. This benefit is valid in some other regions, but not in all. It is convenient because the certificate is issued for the car itself.

In this case, the benefit applies even when the disabled person is not in the car (for example, he is in a medical facility, and the driver is waiting for him).

Benefits for cars with a “disabled” sign

Since the vehicle is registered in a special register, it can be parked in a disabled parking lot. Another common situation: a disabled person parked a car in the area of ​​sign 3.28, this was recorded by a camera, so a fine was issued. This is possible because the identification mark on the car is not visible on the camera recording.
In such a situation, the fine is easy to appeal, since disabled drivers have benefits that allow them to pay smaller fines. You must contact the address indicated in the letter, taking with you a document confirming your disability. What does a driver face for illegally using a “Disabled” sign? Knowing about the benefits that the “disabled” sign provides, some able-bodied drivers put such stickers on their cars.
They hope to be able to deviate from some traffic rules, including parking and stopping in unauthorized places.

Disabled sign on a car - how to install it correctly

Disability certificate is not in the traffic rules precise definition of what exactly the document certifying disability should be, however, in the section “general responsibilities of the driver” there is the following entry:

  • When stopping a vehicle with a “Disabled Person” sign, the inspector may require medical confirmation of the disability of the driver or the passenger being transported.
  • The driver must always have a document confirming the presence of a disability with him.
  • Document confirming disability, in mandatory must be present for a disabled passenger when he is being transported by an able-bodied driver.

If a traffic police officer has doubts that the disability documents are genuine, the inspector can check the documents against the database and send a request to the medical institution to clarify the data.

What benefits does a group 3 disabled person have in the traffic rules?

Parents of disabled children, of any group, can also legally attach this sign. In accordance with modern standards, the sign should have dimensions of 15x15 centimeters and a yellow background on which the “Disabled” sign is depicted in black. It is installed on the windshield in the lower right corner, and on the rear - in the lower left part.

Starting from February 2016, drivers of vehicles with such a sign must have with them an appropriate certificate confirming the disability of the driver or passenger being transported. When a vehicle is stopped by a traffic police officer, the driver is required to present a license.


Where and how to issue a special sign? Many people are interested in how to get a disabled sign for a car. In fact, it is on free sale, and permission to purchase it is not required. You must have documents confirming your disability.

If during an inspection the traffic police inspectors find out that there are none, they will be able to issue a fine. The car must also be included in the register of cars owned by disabled people. Certificates of disability The law establishes which disabled people are entitled to a disabled person’s sign on their car (groups 1 and 2), but the traffic regulations do not indicate exactly what document the driver is required to provide to the traffic police officer.
You can be guided by point 2. 1.
A sign will be required, for example, for parking in the area covered by the “Parking Place” sign with a “Disabled Persons” sign. Drivers who do not have an identification sign cannot park in such a place, otherwise they will face a hefty fine. Without a “Disabled Person” sign, the driver is deprived of the benefits established by law and is treated the same as an ordinary road user.

In order to avoid legal proceedings due to the imposed fine, all disabled people and the persons transporting them must install the appropriate sign. Responsibility for illegal use of benefits B Lately More and more drivers, indicating that they have a disabled person of groups 1 and 2 in their family, receive the appropriate sign, which gives them the right to benefits established by law. Previously, in such a situation, a note was put in the STS, but then this rule was canceled.

For illegal installation of a sign, the driver will face a fine of 5,000 thousand rubles.

Does a group 3 disabled person have the right to hang a sign on a car?

Each of us, while driving along city roads, has repeatedly noticed cars with a “Disabled Person” sign on the windshield and rear windows. In accordance with current traffic rules, only a certain category of people with specific documents can install this sign. In this article we will try to figure out who is allowed to use the “Disabled” sign, and what penalties are provided for its illegal installation.

  • Who has the right to install on a car?
  • Disability certificate
  • What are the risks of illegal use?
  • What benefits does it provide?

Who has the right to install on a car? Currently, only disabled people of the first and second groups, as well as people transporting them, can place a sign.


According to the current traffic rules, the “Disabled” sign on a car is allowed only to a specific category of people who have the appropriate documents. Who can use this sign and what fine faces its illegal owner - we will find out in this article. Who has the right to install a special sign? In 2017, only people with disabilities of groups I and II, as well as drivers who transport them, can install a sign of a disabled person on a car.

Parents of disabled children of any group can also absolutely legally attach it to their car. This happens in life: a person with a disability parks his car in the area of ​​a “No Parking” sign. The result is a “violation” caught on camera and a fine.
Sometimes video equipment is unable to recognize certain signs, such as “Disabled Person”.
It can also be installed on vehicles that transport people with disabilities. Traffic regulations have certain requirements for installing a badge on a car:
  • The vehicle is driven by a disabled person;
  • Disabled persons are transported on a vehicle equipped with such a symbol;
  • Disabled children are transported by car.

This badge provides the driver with some benefits. For example, cars equipped with such badges are not subject to the following signs, which are valid for all other motorists:

  • Parking is prohibited;
  • Movement is prohibited;
  • The movement of mechanical vehicles is also prohibited for some others.

Vehicles with the “Disabled” designation affixed can also enjoy a number of benefits when parking.
We are talking about places that are marked with similar symbols.

According to the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety”: “At the request of the driver, identification marks can be installed: “Disabled” - in the form of a square yellow color with a side of 150 mm and a symbol image road sign 8. Disabled sign on a car - how to install it correctly Modern traffic rules impose the following requirements for such a sign:

  1. The plate is glued to the windshield in the lower right corner, and to the rear window - in the lower left corner.
  2. dimensions: 15X15 cm;
  3. on the yellow background of the plate there is a black image of “Disabled Person”;

Since 2018, the driver of any car with a special designation must have a license.

Identification sign "disabled" on a car according to traffic regulations

This makes it possible for completely healthy people to deliberately do the same thing, as well as to ignore certain traffic rules in specific places (for example, parking). If a careless driver is stopped by a traffic police inspector and the fact of illegal use of the image is established, the fine will be 5 thousand.
rubles The pasted badge will be removed in order to prevent its further use. Punishment also awaits those motorists who did not install the sign, but left the car in a parking space marked “Disabled”.
For incorrect parking, the driver will be issued a fine in the amount of 3-5 thousand rubles. Obtaining such a sign is quite simple: it is sold in any car store without any restrictions.

There is no need to provide any evidence that the person is truly disabled.

Benefits for cars with a “disabled” sign

In our life, sometimes it’s not bad to be like a chameleon, to adapt to the surrounding situation at once and to the theme. And all this would not be a question if such metamorphoses were not fraudulent and dishonest.

After all, if you are supposed to, then use it, and if not, then you are thereby participating in undermining the socially established worldview, since you are acting not only in defiance, but in deception of the established one. In general, we will not define and label fraud, especially from the height of the law, but purely from a human perspective, those who try to attach a “Disabled” sign on their glass without such a right can well be called hypocrites to the highest degree! Well, these definitions sometimes do not affect the violators at all, which is why there are more effective measures from the law, in the form of administrative liability for what you installed and for the fact that you move with the “Disabled” sign on the glass.

Disabled sign on a car - how to install it correctly

Traffic rules for disabled people Today we'll talk about which cars can benefit from benefits for the disabled, as well as about what requirements of the rules may be violated. Let's get started. Who is eligible for benefits? The traffic rules establish special requirements for vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II.


In 2018, you do not have to present a medical certificate confirming health problems to traffic police inspectors. Today, an inspector, having stopped a car that has a “Disabled Driver” sign, has the right to demand a medical certificate from the driver.

If the document is missing, the inspector may impose a fine. Main provisions Identification sign - Disabled people do not have the right to stick this on.

Where is the sign installed? What if there is no sign? It is worth noting that this sign is not mandatory.

How to properly apply a disabled sticker to a car

Certificate of disability The traffic rules do not have an exact definition of what exactly a document certifying a disability should be, however, in the section “general responsibilities of the driver” there is the following entry:

  • When stopping a vehicle with a “Disabled Person” sign, the inspector may require medical confirmation of the disability of the driver or the passenger being transported.
  • The driver must always have a document confirming the presence of a disability with him.
  • A document confirming disability must be present with a disabled passenger when he is transported by a healthy driver.

If a traffic police officer has doubts that the disability documents are genuine, the inspector can check the documents against the database and send a request to the medical institution to clarify the data.

Use of a car sign “disabled person driving”

Disabled” on the car window From everything we talked about above, it is quite possible to conclude that even installing a sign is already a violation. That is, they decided to play around, attach a disabled person’s badge, and this is no longer possible and this is already an administrative violation. So what to do? It is what it is! Read article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 2 Installation on vehicle without the appropriate permission... or illegal installation on a vehicle of an identification lamp for a passenger taxi or an identification sign “Disabled” - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 5,000 thousand rubles with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offense; for officials responsible for the operation of vehicles - 20,000 with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offense; on legal entities– 500,000 with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offense.

403 - access denied

Parking place" with a sign "Disabled people". Drivers who do not have an identification sign cannot park in such a place, otherwise they will face a hefty fine. Is a disabled person required to have a special sticker on his car - disabled? If the disabled person has not installed the sign, then he will have to prove his rights with the help of certificates and certificates, which is much more difficult.

Reproduction of materials on the Internet is permitted with the obligatory indication of a direct link to the “Moscow FAQ” Disabled person sign on a car - who has the right to use it?

  1. Parents with disabled children of all groups are required to establish.
  2. People with disabilities of groups 1 and 2.
  3. Suitable for use by persons who constantly or frequently transport disabled people.

Deaf and mute drivers place a yellow circle on the car, about 16 cm in diameter. A triangle is drawn in the middle with black dots.

Who has the right to install a “disabled driving” sign?

The only proof of your position is a standard form, which is handed over by the doctor at the medical institution. However, if a person is a pensioner and has limited legal capacity, information about this is already included in his pension certificate.
What benefits does a sign give a car with the designation “Disabled person driving”? the following advantages in front of other road users:

  • many prohibitory signs such as “Traffic prohibited” and “Parking prohibited” cease to be valid (Appendix 1, Section 3 of the Traffic Regulations);
  • When parking in spaces marked “Disabled,” a person with disabilities has the right to park their car even in a paid parking lot.

Fine for illegally sticking the image “Disabled” The driver (“wheelchair user”) does not need additional permission or certificates in order to attach the required sign to the car window.

Is it necessary to put a disabled sign on a car?

There is no single solution for such cases. In Moscow, special parking rules have been developed: a disabled car owner, as well as his representatives, have the right to issue special permits. They guarantee free, 24-hour parking in certain areas.

Such a document is usually issued by the MFC. This benefit is convenient because it is issued specifically for a car. If there is no disabled person in the car, this moment(for example, he is at a doctor’s appointment) the vehicle calmly remains in the parking lot, since its number is located in a special metropolitan database.

This benefit is valid only for residents of the city of Moscow. Is it necessary to install a sign? The “Disabled Person” sign is installed at the discretion of the car owner.
No one will be fined for its absence. Only the “Deaf Driver” sign is required, since a person with such a hearing pathology cannot pass a technical inspection without it.
The only thing that manifests itself in the mind is that there are requirements for the sign in terms of size and what kind of car such a sign can be stuck on. These are the cars of disabled people of groups I and II themselves under their control, cars that transport them, or cars transporting children of disabled people. The group is not installed here. Now let's talk about the privileges for such machines, or rather, for the people who drive them. What rights does the “Disabled” sticker on the glass give? This sign makes it possible in some cases to get relief from traffic rules. In particular, you can use not only general parking, but also parking for the disabled. In addition, for such cars it is possible to ignore the signs: driving is prohibited (3.2, 3.3), stopping is prohibited (3.28, 3.29, 3.30). Exception options are also possible, when additional signs are installed under the prohibition signs for everyone except people with disabilities.

How to properly apply a disabled sticker to a car

Parents of disabled children, of any group, can also legally attach this sign. In accordance with modern standards, the sign should have dimensions of 15x15 centimeters and a yellow background on which the “Disabled” sign is depicted in black.

It is installed on the windshield in the lower right corner, and on the rear - in the lower left part. Starting from February 2016, drivers of vehicles with such a sign must have with them an appropriate certificate confirming the disability of the driver or passenger being transported. When a vehicle is stopped by a traffic police officer, the driver is required to present a license.
For this reason, a large number of quite healthy people install such an identification mark on their vehicles in order to be able to deviate from several traffic rules, including those related to parking and stopping in certain places. For such a violation of the rules, the law provides for a fine of 5,000 rubles. If, in the event of a traffic stop, the traffic police inspector asked to present a disabled person's certificate, and you did not have one, not because you forgot it at home, but because you do not have one at all, then the punishment is in this case will be more serious. According to current laws, the driver receives a fine for a large sum or may even be arrested for up to six months.

From September 4, 2018 to Russian roads it will be possible to meet more and more often new sign"Disabled person" in a car. The fact is that from this date the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 4, 2018 No. 443n established new order issuing a “Disabled Person” identification badge for a car for individual use.

You can no longer buy a picture of the “Disabled” sign

Since 09/04/2018, the familiar yellow car stickers are issued only by the medical and social examination bureau, where disability is confirmed.

In this regard, the new “Disabled Person” sign on the car was withdrawn from free sale and changed in appearance (although at first glance this is not noticeable).

As a result, a new type of “Disabled” badge is now being issued not for a car, but for a specific person who can install it for any car in which he moves.

Right to benefits ( preferential parking etc.) exists only when the car is transporting a disabled person. The mere fact that there is a sticker on the car does not mean anything.

New details

This is what the new “Disabled” sign looks like: when you design it, certain details are indicated in the margins (see table below).

On the front side of the sign On the reverse side of the sign
Identificational serial number sign corresponding to the issue journal number. Includes:
  • number ITU Bureau or the expert composition of the main bureau, the Federal Bureau (when indicating the expert composition of the main bureau, put the letter index “ESGB”; when indicating the expert composition of the Federal Bureau, put “ESFB”);
  • region code and, separated by a fraction, the year the sign was issued.

Example 1

05.3.05/2018, where:

  • 05 – serial number;
  • 3 – bureau number;
  • 05 – code of the Republic of Dagestan;
  • 2018 is the year the sign was designed.

Example 2

87.12.ESGB.77/2018, where:

87 – serial number;

12 – number of the expert staff of the main bureau;

77 – Moscow city code;

2018 is the year the sign was designed.

Example 3

14.7.ESFB.77/2018, where:

14 – serial number;

7 – number of the expert staff of the Federal Bureau;

77 – Moscow city code;

2018 is the year the sign was designed.

The expiration date of the sign (the expiration date of the disability period; and if it is established without indicating the period for re-examination, it is written “valid indefinitely”).

FULL NAME. (the latter – if available) disabled person (disabled child) in the nominative case


Series and number of the certificate confirming disability

Disability group (in words) or the entry “category “disabled child”

The period for which the disability is established

Date of issue of the sign

By law, this data is applied to the new “Disabled” sign (driving) by hand in legible handwriting in black, blue or purple ink (blots, erasures and corrections are not allowed) or by printing.

All information is certified by the signature of the head of the ITU bureau or the signature of his authorized representative official+ seal of the bureau that issued the sign.

It is difficult to provide a photo of the new sign for “Disabled Persons” at the time of writing this article, since so far few people have managed to obtain the new sign. However, soon you will definitely meet him on your trips.

Every motorist has seen the stickers they put on their vehicles. Many are of a humorous nature, some notify about the presence of a child in the car or report that the driver is a “teapot”. But there are also special stickers, the installation of which must comply with all existing traffic regulations. One of these is the “disabled person” identification sign. It is placed on vehicles only in cases where the owner of the car has a special permit. It should be remembered that there is a separate fine for incorrect installation, the amount of which is indicated in the rules.

Basic rules for installing a “disabled person” identification sign on a car

The sign can be installed on a car at the request of the driver who has such a right. It is mounted on the rear or front window of a vehicle driven by a disabled person of group I or II. Installation on a vehicle transporting persons with disabilities is also provided.

The traffic rules clearly indicate the requirements that must be taken into account when fastening:

  • The vehicle is driven by a driver with disabilities;
  • The vehicle will carry a disabled passenger;
  • Disabled children will be transported by car.

The installed sign provides the vehicle owner with certain road benefits. For example, it is not subject to the following signs, which, in accordance with the traffic rules, are mandatory for all others:

There are also some benefits regarding parking. We are talking about special places reserved for parking of these particular cars with identification marks. Such places are marked with a regular parking sign, but equipped with an additional sign on which this sign is also indicated. Increasingly recently, the sign has been applied to the asphalt itself.

According to the provisions prescribed in the law “On social protection disabled people in Russian Federation", spaces that are allocated for parking for people with disabilities must be allocated in an amount of at least 10% of the total number of parking spaces. All owners of shopping, entertainment, sports and medical institutions. Failure to provide the required amount is punishable by law. By the way, people with disabilities have the right to free parking even where everyone else has to pay.

Who is not allowed to have this sticker?

The installation of a “disabled person” identification sign cannot be carried out at the request of a motorist who does not have the legal right to it. This is a direct violation of the law. On the other hand, the installation is not regulated by any rules, which allows scammers to take advantage of it. As mentioned above, people with disabilities have some benefits, which unscrupulous drivers try to take advantage of, thereby violating traffic rules.

Video: conversation between a traffic police officer and an offending driver

Respectable drivers, in order to avoid receiving an unwanted fine, are required to present documents for the car and a certificate confirming the presence of a degree of disability. The problem is that law enforcement officers are not always ready to wait in the parking lot next to an empty car to check documents. The owner may wander around shopping center and two and three hours. There are only two ways out of this situation: either issue a fine, or simply pass by. It is the last possible scenario that unscrupulous drivers take advantage of.

Fraudsters are trying to be content with all the existing benefits for drivers with disabilities, while simply trying not to catch the eye of law enforcement officers. The “disabled person” sign can simply be purchased at car dealerships, so some individuals often use this.

In the event that a fine was nevertheless issued, and the driver is disabled, he has every right not to pay the penalty, but must definitely appeal the decision by presenting documents that would confirm the right to an identification mark.

Traffic fines for illegal application

Now there is a real punishment for the use of the “disabled person” badge by people who are trying to blatantly take advantage of benefits. So, if an offender applies a sticker for his own benefit, he may receive a fine of 5,000 rubles. To appeal a decision on guilt and a fine, you will need to provide a certificate of disability.

You should also be aware that drivers who park their cars in parking spaces reserved for disabled drivers also risk being fined. For illegal parking, the violator will have to pay from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

If a violator is caught illegally using a sticker, he faces not only a fine, but also confiscation of these distinctive signs.

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