Home Pulpitis Benefits when compensating for compulsory motor insurance for a disabled person of group 3. Who belongs to the preferential category for registration of compulsory motor insurance?

Benefits when compensating for compulsory motor insurance for a disabled person of group 3. Who belongs to the preferential category for registration of compulsory motor insurance?

Purchasing an MTPL policy is mandatory action for all vehicle owners Russian Federation. Whenever emergency situations, which can lead to damage to property of citizens and harm to their health, an agreement concluded with an insurance company allows you to compensate for losses without using your own funds.

On average, the cost of a policy depending on indicators vehicle and region of registration will cost the owner of the car in the amount of 10 to 15 thousand rubles. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance, which are available to certain categories of citizens of the country.

Regulatory framework for providing benefits

The legislative framework regulating the possibility of providing benefits when registering insurance policy, which consists of discounts on its payment, is Federal Law No. 40 “On Compulsory Insurance ...”, adopted in 2002 and undergone some changes in 2016.

Regarding the possibility of obtaining benefits in the text of the law, the following can be noted:

  • The legislative act does not contain precise wording on the right of certain categories of citizens to provide benefits for paying for an insurance policy;
  • The text of the law notes that persons with any disability group, regardless of age (that is, disabled children can also take advantage of this right) can count on discounts upon concluding an agreement with an insurance company;
  • State financing of the possibility of providing benefits is carried out by transferring funds from the federal budget to the local budget;
  • The principle of providing benefits for persons with disabilities is the possibility of receiving 50% of the amount spent when purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy after the person having such a right applies to the authority social protection population;
  • Persons with extensive driving experience have the opportunity to receive discounts when purchasing insurance. Also, certain benefits may be provided to citizens for accident-free driving;
  • The legislative act provides for the opportunity for local authorities (subject to the availability of funds in the regional budget for compensation) to expand the established list of benefits defined by federal law.

Categories of beneficiaries

Benefits for disabled people

MTPL benefits for disabled people are provided in accordance with regulations Federal and regional laws for persons with any group - 1, 2 and 3, regardless of the percentage of disability. A separate point is the need to clarify the availability of benefits for specific categories in local authorities, since in some regions the indicators may differ slightly.

In most areas, in order for a disabled person to be able to receive compensation for part of the money spent, the following conditions must be met:

  • The vehicle must be necessary for a disabled person for medical reasons. For example, a citizen of Russia has a musculoskeletal disorder, as a result of which difficulties arise in moving him or there is no such possibility at all. Moreover, confirmation of such a fact should be expressed exclusively in the relevant conclusions of a special medical commission;
  • The vehicle for which an application for benefit is being applied must be driven either personally by the disabled person or by his representative (this is permitted if the beneficiary is unable to drive or does not have a driving license);
  • In addition to the disabled person, no more than two people can drive a car;
  • The amount of benefits established for disabled people of groups 1-3 is the same - half of the funds spent by the person;
  • Receiving funds for compensation is possible only after paying for the insurance policy - no money is allocated in advance. In addition, the provision of the purchased policy is one of mandatory procedures to receive benefits.

Benefits for disabled children

Children who have documented disability and, if they need a car for transportation, have the same rights as adults to receive such benefits.

As in the case of disability of persons over 18 years of age, it is necessary to provide a medical report on impairments that impede the ability to move independently or that there are restrictions.

Since a disabled child, due to his minority, will not be able to independently drive a car, the purchase of an insurance policy is carried out by his legal representative, who has driver's license. The amount of compensation paid is 50% of the amount spent on insurance.

Are benefits possible for pensioners?

On this moment for pensioners of the Russian Federation, any provision of benefits is not established by legislative acts, and this situation will remain in 2018. On the other hand, persons who are pensioners may fall under a different category of persons who will qualify for discounts - due to long experience as a motorist or complete absence any violations of the rules traffic, accidents involving it or the creation of emergency situations.

In addition, pensioners in many regions of our country have the right to receive payment benefits transport tax– from 50% of its value to complete release, depending on the vehicle’s engine size and other indicators.

Benefits for combat veterans

For the current year, legislative acts do not provide for the provision of benefits to combat veterans. However, based on the fact that the amount that this category of people spends on insurance is 50 times higher than what they receive as compensation for damage caused to vehicles and the health of citizens, a bill has already been developed that will allow them to use such a benefit.

Benefits for labor veterans

In some regions of our country, if funds are available in the local budget, labor veterans can also apply for such benefits. Moreover, the amount of compensation can also differ significantly - to obtain information, you can consult either the social protection authority or directly the insurance company where the compulsory motor liability insurance policy will be issued.

Discounts for driving experience and accident-free driving

Certain categories of drivers who have been driving vehicles for a long time and, as a result, purchase an insurance policy, are entitled to receive discounts upon subsequent registration. In addition, such a discount can increase significantly if throughout the entire driving experience there have been no traffic violations or accidents caused by the motorist.

In the event that due to his fault, damage was caused to other persons or vehicles, the cost of obtaining insurance may, on the contrary, be increased. All information relating to citizens who have the right to drive a vehicle is stored in a common database, and when applying for insurance and paying for it, all related factors and indicators will be taken into account.

You can obtain reliable information about belonging to any of the groups and categories of the population that are entitled to receive benefits or discounts under compulsory motor liability insurance in a given region by visiting the official website Russian Union auto insurers.

List of required documents

An application for use of the benefit must be submitted either directly by the person entitled to it or by his authorized representative (guardian, close relative). If there are no grounds for representing the rights of the beneficiary, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney signed by a notary practicing in the Russian Federation.

In order to be able to receive compensation due to membership in preferential category, you will need to provide the following list of documents:

  • The applicant's original passport and copies of all completed pages of the document;
  • ITU certificate is a document that is issued after passing a medical commission and the result is a record of the person’s limitations, due to which a disability group is assigned (if the disabled person is a minor, the group is not indicated);
  • Help from medical institution, which indicates the need to use a vehicle for the movement of a person with a disability;
  • A valid insurance policy for which the applicant intends to receive monetary compensation;
  • A receipt indicating payment for the vehicle or payment order (if the funds were transferred by bank transfer);
  • Documents evidencing vehicle registration, ownership, general power of attorney for management, etc.;
  • A special technical certificate that confirms the possibility of using the vehicle for the movement of a disabled person;
  • Conclusions on the serviceability of special technical means, with which the car was additionally equipped so that a person with disabilities had the right to drive a car independently;
  • Direct application from the person entitled to the benefit, or from his legal representative (if there are documentary grounds);

If the application is submitted on behalf of a person who has another basis for receiving benefits (labor veteran, etc.), then a certificate of the technical condition of the vehicle will not be required.

Parameters affecting the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance

When calculating the cost of an issued MTPL policy, in addition to belonging to a certain category of persons who have benefits in a given region of the Russian Federation, the following factors are also taken into account:

  • A coefficient that takes into account the territory within which the vehicle is driven. Since in more populated cities the probability of accidents is much higher, the value of the coefficient will be greater;
  • The value of the coefficient, which is called “Class Bonus Malus” (KBM), is an indicator that takes into account the number and amount of payments that were made by the motorist in previous periods. Accordingly, the more such payments there are, the lower the value of the coefficient and the total cost of insurance will be;
  • The presence of emergencies or accidents that occurred due to the fault of the person concluding the insurance contract;
  • Coefficient of age and experience of the driver. This indicator is of decisive importance for insurance companies due to the fact that younger and inexperienced drivers are more likely to become involved in an accident - thus the insurance company takes into account the share of risk. A separate feature is that driving experience begins to be calculated from the moment you obtain a driving license.

So, to receive benefits for paying compulsory motor insurance, a motorist who has such a basis will need to contact the social authorities. protection with a corresponding application and an attached package of documents. This action must be completed before December 10 of the current year, otherwise the refund may be refused.

Current Russian legislation and existing traffic rules are designed to regulate the movement of motorists on the roads to maintain the safety of citizens’ lives from unforeseen situations.

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Every year the regulations regulatory documents is being tightened to encourage drivers to comply with the rules and improve accident statistics.

Vehicle insurance has been a practice for many years; in our country, such an event is also considered a mandatory norm.

Who has

To eliminate the consequences of an accident, money is needed and, as a rule, the person responsible for the situation is responsible for covering the damage.

The companies from which the motorist purchased the policy cover basic insurance events. The practice of recent years obliges citizens to buy for their vehicle.

Before purchasing insurance, you should familiarize yourself with the information that regulates the opportunities for certain groups of citizens to enjoy preferential conditions.

The legislation, namely, states that special offers from insurers may apply to the category of disabled clients, but not to veterans, pensioners, members of large families and Chernobyl victims.

But local legislation federal districts reserves the right to manage benefits for citizens, so you should clarify such possibilities immediately before applying for a policy.

Let's look at all sorts of privileges for each group of clients.

Disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3

Representatives of this group of citizens are the first applicants to receive benefits when purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance for a vehicle.

To do this, the conditions put forward by him must be strictly observed - provision of the necessary documentation and compliance with existing recommendations.

Disabled persons must fulfill the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be equipped according to medical indications;
  • drives a car both as a disabled person and as his authorized representative;
  • It is allowed to have no more than two legal representatives, that is, three people, including a disabled person, have the right to drive the car.

In order to prove your right to receive preferential conditions, you must provide documentation from a medical institution. Documents must certify the fact that the motorist has a disability group.

For disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, benefits are provided in the form of a refund of half the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance itself.

In this case, the motorist is obliged to independently arrange and buy insurance, and then apply for compensation to stipulated amount. Such refund is carried out at the expense of Money their federal budget.

For pensioners

Unfortunately, the federal budget and current legislation temporarily do not provide for such regulations.

For combat veterans

The draft laws hope that in the near future former combatants will also be able to take advantage of the benefits when purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Statistics show that retired motorists invest 6.1 billion rubles for insurance, and receive 115 million rubles for insured events, because the number of accidents involving these citizens is minimal.

The state has begun to regulate this issue, so soon WWII will be able to benefit from compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of insurance.

Labor veterans

Therefore, if you are a labor veteran, then before purchasing a policy, inquire about the regulations of local legislation, consult with the insurance company about this before directly applying for compulsory motor liability insurance.

If there is a disabled child in the family

Current Russian legislation provides for benefits for drivers whose families include children with disabilities of groups 1, 2 or 3.

It is clear that the child will not drive the vehicle independently, so an insurance policy will not be issued for him. This is done by an adult family member who owns the car. He buys the policy.

During the acquisition procedure, you must provide the necessary documentation confirming the composition of the family and the state of health of the child.

Compensation is reimbursed in the amount of half of the cost of the purchased MTPL. The conditions for the return of benefits are fulfilled under the same conditions as for disabled people, that is, the state reimburses 50% of the money spent.

Large families

The law has not yet provided for benefits for this category of citizens. But in some cases, the All-Russian Union of Automobile Insurers deals with compensation for them.

We have listed the possibilities for standard categories of beneficiaries. It is worth remembering that if the federal law does not provide benefits, then some concessions from local legislation are possible (if this does not contradict generally accepted rules).

Before applying for a policy, be sure to read the conditions for each group of citizens, and then discuss these issues with a representative of the insurance company to get all the benefits possible for your case.

What additional documents are needed?

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of group 3, as well as for groups 1 and 2, are issued by local social protection institutions.

But to confirm that you have met these parameters, you must submit a complete package of the following documentation:

  1. Statement on behalf of the disabled motorist himself.
  2. An application from a legal representative, if the first point is not fulfilled, is brought only with a notarized power of attorney.
  3. Photocopies of the completed pages of the passport, if necessary, a representative.
  4. Certificate with a medical report confirming the assignment of a disability group.
  5. Permission to drive a vehicle from medical and social examination.
  6. A valid MTPL policy.
  7. Documentation for the car, including registration certificates, a technical certificate stating that this car is suitable for use by a disabled person, a detailed conclusion about the suitability of the car.

A similar list of documentation is required from citizens and families with disabled children. For combat veterans, a similar package of documents is provided, but there are no requirements regarding the technical adaptability of the car.

Instead of certificates from a medical institution, documents confirming membership in the category of combatants are required.

If the remaining categories want to take advantage of benefits under local legislation, they should still provide their own documents confirming their membership in these groups: for pensioners and labor veterans - special certificates, for members of large families - certificates of family composition.

Are there any benefits when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance?

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of group 2, as well as representatives of other disability groups, are received after registration of insurance, if they have provided the documents and certificates listed above.

But we note that the procedure for purchasing a policy is carried out on the basis general rules: the client contacts the selected insurer with a personal visit or using online requests, and is provided with a package of required documents.

Even in a remote format, provision of scanned copies of documentation is provided. The direct conclusion of an insurance contract is made during a personal visit to the institution.

Payment is also made in a convenient way: in cash or by bank transfer at a bank branch, through a terminal or a bank’s virtual account.

After this, the motorist receives the policy itself and its accompanying documentation (a copy of the contract, etc.).

Benefits when applying for the groups listed above are provided if you have previously contacted the appropriate organization local government(for example, social security institutions).

To do this, you need to write an application according to the sample. In a statement in mandatory the appropriate method of receiving compensation is indicated - transfer of funds to a bank card or delivery of cash.

Absolutely all motorists also have the opportunity to receive benefits directly when applying for the next MTPL policy.

To do this, you must be a regular customer of the company and not be the cause of any accidents that occur over a long period of time.

Each client is assigned a coefficient; upon first purchase it is 1, but with each year of accident-free driving it can be reduced by 0.05.

Such privileges are provided by many insurers to encourage exemplary drivers and expand the base regular customers.

How to recover

Benefits from compulsory insurance are only possible if you provide the necessary documents.

For disabled people of group 1, medical certificates are required, issued for a period of up to 2 years, for groups 2 and 3 - for 1 year, for non-disabled children - until they reach adulthood. Indefinite certificates are also accepted, but benefits are not issued.

If the validity period of the documents does not coincide with the validity period of the insurance, then sometimes it is necessary to submit further documents and restore benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance.

To do this, clients from the category of disabled people receive a referral from a doctor and collect the necessary opinions from specialists, that is, they undergo an examination.

It is noteworthy that for citizens with disabilities, a medical examination at home is possible. The benefit is issued after purchasing the policy annually.

How to find out

You can find out the amount of benefits in several ways: if you seek advice from insurance company, or use online calculator ami. The last option is considered the most optimal and comfortable option for all clients.

It’s worth subtracting a part from it if you’ve been driving for a year without incident. Each company has its own table for calculating benefits.

The first column indicates driving experience if you have a policy - M, and in the second the coefficient - KMB, the third column - insured events.

For a motorist who buys insurance for the first time, benefits can be calculated as follows:

Beginners and unscrupulous drivers use the following coefficients:

Motorists with accident-free driving and experience have the following indicators:

If you have decided on your category, then just find an online calculator and enter the coefficient and your deadlines into it.

Car insurance under OSAGO is prerequisite use of motor vehicles. The policy protects the interests of third parties when damage is caused by the owner of the vehicle.

The cost of the policy is calculated based on the basic tariffs established by the state and a number of coefficients reflecting fundamentally important factors.

The main document regulating the relationship between the insurance company and the policyholder is.

Insurance companies themselves also offer incentives to their clients. Every motorist can receive MTPL benefits for accident-free driving. Drivers who do not cause accidents can take advantage of this offer.

If at the conclusion of the contract the coefficient was 1, then when receiving benefits the bonus-malus is reduced by 0.05. And for 10 years of approximate driving, the insurance company can offer a discount in the form of a KBM of 0.5.

To take advantage of the benefits, you should inquire in advance about their availability for your case.

Will they be saved when purchasing an expired policy?

The availability of such benefits should be checked with each insurance company you apply to.

Because the legislation does not provide for this, but practice shows the opposite, that in some cases you can retain your benefits if you purchased an expired policy.

It should be noted that insurers even offer such incentives in order to regularly expand the base of regular customers and constantly attract new motorists.

Behind recent years Legislation is actively coming to protect beneficiaries. Data from calculations show that the contributions of some groups of motorists exaggerate the amount of payments for an insured event by tens of times.

To regulate this issue and reduce the gap, benefits are provided for some drivers who belong to unprotected categories of citizens in need of financing.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation confirmed the right of the legal representatives of a disabled child to 50% compensation for the costs of compulsory motor liability insurance, “ Russian newspaper" Thus, even in cases where the car is registered not in the name of a disabled person or a disabled child, but in the name of his parents or legal representatives, they will be able to receive compensation in the amount of 50% of the paid insurance premium under MTPL.

Let us remind you that the right to compensation for the costs of compulsory motor liability insurance was initially granted to people with disabilities who received vehicles through social security authorities. However, from January 1, 2005, they lost the right to receive a car on preferential terms. After this, not only disabled adults, but also disabled children received the right to receive compensation for costs under compulsory motor liability insurance. For these purposes, subventions are allocated from the state budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with Russian Government Decree No. 528 of August 19, 2005.

However, social security authorities very often deny parents of disabled children or their legal representatives to receive this compensation. Officials justify this by the fact that the car is not registered in the name of a disabled child, but in the name of his parents. In their opinion, only the owner of the vehicle can receive compensation.

The reason for considering this issue by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation was an appeal from a magistrate from the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region. Natalia Biryukova, who is raising two disabled children, went to court. In accordance with the doctor's recommendations, they need a special vehicle. The local department of social protection denied her 50% compensation for the costs of compulsory motor insurance, because She owns the car, not her children.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation considered this issue and, by its decision, recognized paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners” as not contradicting the Constitution of Russia. The Constitutional Court has prohibited refusing this compensation if the child is entitled to a car for medical reasons, but it is registered in the name of one of the parents. Thus, not only vehicle owners, but also parents of disabled children or their legal representatives, if these vehicles are used for medical reasons, have the right to receive compensation in the amount of 50% of the paid insurance premium under MTPL.

“Registering a car for a disabled child is theoretically possible, but it creates additional difficulties both when purchasing it and in the future. Therefore, in practice such cases are extremely rare. Most car owners are parents of disabled children. The decision of the Constitutional Court will make it possible to stop the practice that has developed in a number of regions of Russia of refusing to pay compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance to the legal representatives of disabled children only on the grounds that the owner of the car is not the disabled child himself, but his legal representative,” noted Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Sergei Mavrin.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Compulsory civil liability insurance for car owners (MTPL) is a very useful tool that allows you to resolve issues of compensation for damage to transport, as well as the health of persons injured in road accidents. Compensation comes from the funds of the insurance company and, accordingly, is not tied to the financial situation of the person responsible for the accident. The car owner is required to purchase a civil liability insurance policy, and for many this payment is sensitive. Is it possible to save money on it and get back at least part of the money spent? Let's look at the benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance.

What the law says

The legislative framework regulating all issues of compulsory motorist liability insurance is the federal law RF No. 40-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.” The law was adopted on April 25, 2002. In July 2016, amendments were made to it; they came into force on January 1, 2017, and the law is currently in force in this edition. It does not directly provide benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for pensioners and labor veterans, but it does provide the opportunity to provide them. Let's look at this in more detail.

Article 17 of this law talks about compensation of insurance premiums. The word “benefit”, that is, an advantage over others, does not appear directly in the text of the law. But you must agree that the return of part of the money paid for insurance from the state budget to certain categories of citizens is precisely a benefit. Who is it supposed to be?

The law names the only category of people who can receive half of the money paid back - people with disabilities, including disabled children who need a vehicle for medical reasons, and their legal representatives.

Specific disability groups are not specified in the law, and it is impossible to answer whether disabled people of group 2 are entitled to MTPL benefits, for example. You need to understand what kind of disability it is and whether it requires motor transport.

The same article sets out the procedure for compensation. In short, this happens as follows: a person who has a benefit enters into an insurance contract and pays for it in full, then contacts the authorities local authorities and receives compensation from them for 50% of the cost. Money for this compensation is transferred to the local budget from the federal budget.

Paragraph 2 of this article provides the opportunity for the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation and local authorities to introduce similar benefits for other categories of citizens at the expense of their own budgets. Check to see if your region may have added benefits for group 3 disabled people or other car insurance benefits in 2019. In general, our authorities are especially generous with benefits, so you need to know about the possibility of receiving them and use them.

Main features of providing benefits

The main feature of providing insurance benefits is that they are available primarily to clients who have earned the company’s trust. If you long time if you insure civil liability and do not get into an accident, you can count on benefits in the cost of the policy.

If you are young and have little driving experience, you will have to pay more than an experienced driver with decent experience. This is already a matter of trust. Adult experienced drivers with extensive experience are less prone to adventures on the roads, therefore the risk of an insured event for these clients is lower. Taking into account all the strengths and weaknesses of the driver, auto insurers can reduce or increase the base rate of the policy cost using the age and experience coefficient (AIC).

Who can count on benefits when taking out a policy?

In addition to experienced drivers who do not commit accidents, other categories of motorists can also count on car insurance benefits. These categories are not defined by legislative acts and are introduced by the insurers themselves in order to additionally attract clients.

Many companies have established MTPL benefits for pensioners. However, policies vary from company to company, so if you think you could benefit from a benefit, look at what different companies offer. Perhaps one of the insurers provides one.

If you belong to the category of people to whom the company provides a benefit, you will receive it. Just don’t be shy about reminding us of your rights. The insurance agent receives a percentage of the sums of the concluded contracts and therefore sometimes “forgets” to inform you about the benefits.

How to get insurance

If you are insuring liability for the first time or want to change insurance companies, study the insurance market. The most convenient way to do this is on the Internet. There you will find the conditions offered by different companies and customer reviews of the work of these insurers. You will also find there a list of benefits that companies offer.

Be wary of unusually good offers. Be sure to look Additional information about such insurers, so as not to become a victim of deception.

What documents will you need?

To apply for an MTPL policy you will need:

  • passport;
  • driver's license;
  • previous insurance policy;
  • diagnostic card or inspection certificate;
  • technical passport of the car.

All the necessary information is in these documents. If you belong to a preferential category, take with you documents confirming this fact. For pensioners, such a document is a pension book.

Important points in the preferential policy of compulsory motor liability insurance

As we have already established, the only benefit established at the legislative level is for people with disabilities who need transportation.

You can receive other benefits from the insurer only if the company attracts profitable customers through such measures.

Compensation of insurance premiums

So, payments from the federal budget are made only to disabled people who need a car for medical reasons. Provided that the car will be driven by no more than two other persons. The amount of compensation is 50%.

How do coefficients affect the cost of a policy?

When calculating the cost of insurance for a specific client, a number of adjustment factors are used, which can either reduce or increase the cost of the policy. IN general case the cost of insurance is determined as the product of the base rate by correction factors, which include:

  • Territory coefficient. In large cities, the likelihood of an accident is greater than in rural areas, and this coefficient is higher.
  • The “Class Bonus Malus” (CBM) coefficient, which takes into account payments in previous insurance periods. The fewer such payments there were, the less you pay at the next conclusion of the contract. Naturally, experienced drivers with extensive experience in accident-free driving can primarily count on receiving such a benefit. This will be taken into account when determining the size of the corresponding coefficient. From January 9, 2019, it will be determined once a year on April 1. For legal entities that own a fleet of vehicles, a single KBM is being introduced for all their transport units.
  • Age and experience coefficient. For young people and people who do not have much driving experience, it is higher. This is one of the significant parameters affecting the price of insurance, for the most part it increases it. The changes came into force on January 9, 2019. Now KVS has 58 categories instead of the previous four. The length of service is calculated from the date of receipt of the license.
  • A coefficient that takes into account motor power. The higher it is, the more you will pay.
  • A coefficient that takes into account the period for which insurance is issued.
  • A coefficient that takes into account the violations you have committed. If you violate frequently, you will have to pay more.

This issue is discussed in more detail on our website in a separate article, in which you can find out how each payment affects the amount.

If you applied for insurance and did not receive the expected benefits (50% of the insurance premium from the federal budget subvention), you should figure out what exactly happened. Perhaps, for some reason, your disability has been removed, or your illness has been recognized as not requiring the mandatory presence of a motor vehicle. In any case, it is necessary to collect documents confirming the presence of disability and contact the local authorities, who provide this compensation.

A benefit assigned not by the state, but by the insurance company, which you may lose is the bonus-malus coefficient for accident-free driving.

If you caused an accident or have not had a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for more than a year, then you return to the standard rate. In cases of dispute, you must contact the insurance company, having your car insurance policy with you. The answer to the question whether it is possible to return benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance depends on various reasons.

Possibility of discounts for disabled people and pensioners

The country's legislation does not provide for discounts on compulsory motor liability insurance for pensioners; they are provided only to disabled people. But such benefits may be available in the region where you live or with a specific insurance company. Carefully study the acts of local authorities and the proposals of insurers.

Inspection in 2019. Major changes: Video

Car insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance is a mandatory condition for using motor vehicles. The policy protects the interests of third parties when damage is caused by the owner of the vehicle.

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The cost of the policy is calculated based on the basic tariffs established by the state and a number of coefficients reflecting fundamentally important factors.

The main document regulating the relationship between the insurance company and the policyholder is the law.

What categories of citizens are provided

The Law on Compulsory Auto Insurance provides for benefits exclusively for disabled people. Benefits do not apply to other categories of citizens (pensioners, veterans, large families, Chernoblets residents).

However, local governments have the right to independently establish benefits for various categories of citizens. The main condition is that it does not contradict the basic federal law.

Officially, some coefficients used for calculation help to reduce the cost of a vehicle license:

  • . For settlements with a small number of registered vehicles and a small number of accidents, a coefficient of less than 1 is applied;
  • . This coefficient is a MTPL benefit for accident-free driving and reflects the ratio of the number of insurance contracts to the number of payments received.

In other words, the more experience the driver has, and the less time he applied for insurance compensation, the lower the coefficient is used to calculate the cost of the car insurance.

The following can also receive benefits under the policy:

  • regular clients of the insurance company. Large insurers provide a 5% discount on the cost when renewing a policy;
  • participants special promotions. Most insurance companies use various advertising techniques to attract customers, for example, a 5% discount when taking out a policy in the next 24 hours;
  • persons who filled out the application form without errors, and the information provided is presented as honestly as possible.

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3

To take advantage of the benefits, the following conditions must be strictly observed:

  • the vehicle is provided for appropriate medical reasons;
  • the disabled person himself or his representative can drive the car (if the person who is entitled to the car does not have a driving license);
  • In addition to a disabled person (including a representative), no more than 2 drivers can drive a car.

The amount of the MTPL benefit for disabled people of group 1, as well as groups 2 and 3 is 50% of the calculated cost of the insurance policy.

In this case, you must pay for the auto license yourself and then apply for a compensation payment in the specified size. Compensation for disabled people comes from the federal budget.

Families with disabled children

The law also provides benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of group 3 (groups 1 and 2) who are children. To receive compensation, the above conditions must be met.

Since a disabled child cannot drive a car independently, a compulsory insurance policy is issued to a legal representative who has a driver’s license.

The amount of compensation, as in the previous case, is 50% of the cost of the vehicle title.

What additional documents are needed when applying for a policy?

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of groups 2, 1 and 3 are issued by local social protection authorities on the basis of the following documents:

  • a written statement drawn up by the disabled person himself or his representative. If the application is submitted by a representative of a person entitled to a benefit, then a notarized power of attorney is required to perform this action;
  • passport and a copy of the main pages of this document. If the benefit is issued by power of attorney, then the representative’s passport (including a copy) and a copy of the passport of the person for whom the benefit is granted will be required;
  • a certificate from the bureau of medical and social examination indicating the disability group and the reasons for making such a decision;
  • a certificate from a medical institution indicating the need to use a vehicle;
  • a valid motor vehicle policy;
  • document confirming payment of the insurance premium (receipt issued at a branch of the insurance company or payment order for non-cash payment for the policy);
  • vehicle registration document;
  • technical certificate confirming the possibility of using a vehicle for the purposes of a disabled person.

If the vehicle is equipped various functions designed to enable a disabled person to drive independently, a conclusion on the serviceability of additional equipment will be required.

Is there any compulsory motor liability insurance when applying for

The registration of a compulsory vehicle insurance contract for preferential categories is carried out according to the general rules:

  • an application for concluding an insurance contract is submitted to the selected insurance company in person or via the Internet;
  • The required documents are attached to the application. If the policy is issued online, then scanned or photo copies of documents are attached;
  • an insurance contract is being concluded (it is possible to conclude a contract via the Internet);
  • the cost of the vehicle license is paid (payment can be made in the most convenient way for the client);
  • an insurance policy and accompanying documents are obtained (a second copy of the car insurance contract, a list of representative offices, and so on).

To receive benefits in the form of compensation for expenses incurred, you must:

  • contact the appropriate organization at the local level (social protection authorities);
  • submit a written application of the established form, to which attach a set of documents, the list of which is discussed in detail above. The application must indicate the most acceptable method of obtaining compensation. This could be a transfer of funds to a card or bank account or a cash payment;
  • receive a decision on applying the benefit and wait to receive the funds.

During the procedure for receiving compensation, you can use the insured car at your own discretion, since the auto insurance policy already exists and is fully valid.

If the acquisition of a motor vehicle license occurs by power of attorney, then a disabled person belonging to groups 1 and 2 has the right to a benefit in the form of 50% of the cost of services provided by a notary.

That is, the only advantage of disabled people over other groups of the population regarding the acquisition and registration of compulsory motor liability insurance is a discount on notary services. Everything else is done according to general rules.

How to recover

To take advantage of compulsory car insurance benefits, you must provide a medical certificate of disability.

A medical commission may determine disability:

  • for 2 years (1 group);
  • for 1 year (2.3 group);
  • before reaching adulthood (applies to disabled children);
  • indefinitely.

If the disability is established indefinitely, then there is no need to restore benefits. It is enough to annually submit documents confirming the costs of purchasing an insurance policy.

If disability is established for a certain period, then to confirm the benefit it is necessary to obtain a certificate of extension of disability, issued by a special commission after passing the examination.

To pass the commission you must:

  • obtain a referral from a local doctor (another specialist if the disease belongs to the special category);
  • collect the required documents. Full list can be found on the website of a specialized institution.

The examination can be carried out:

  • in the examination bureau;
  • at home (if it is difficult for a person to move independently and with the help of loved ones).

The MTPL benefit is issued annually after purchasing the appropriate insurance policy.

If, when purchasing a car insurance policy, an employee of an insurance company does not take into account the bonus-malus coefficient, which gives the right to a significant benefit in paying the cost of the policy, or takes into account the coefficient in larger size, then the car owner must:

  • check the coefficient value yourself. This can be done using a table or by sending a request to the RCA database;
  • write a claim addressed to the director of the insurance company and wait for a decision;
  • If a response to the claim is not received or it does not satisfy the policyholder’s requirements, then you can contact the RCA or the court. The Union of Motor Insurers is obliged to monitor the correctness of calculation of the cost of motor vehicle insurance.

The use of incorrect coefficients when calculating the cost of a compulsory motor insurance policy may result in the deprivation of the insurance company’s license to provide this type of insurance.

Therefore, in most cases, all problems can be resolved with the management of the insurance organization or authorized employees.

OSAGO is compulsory insurance for all car owners belonging to any social category.

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