Home Hygiene How to make a kennel out of cardboard. DIY dog house

How to make a kennel out of cardboard. DIY dog house

Thanks to his unusual appearance and intelligence, for many centuries are very popular and respect. These cheerful and lively dogs are unpretentious and do not create any special difficulties in their maintenance. Read articles about the toy terrier and.

All they need is a comfortable environment and their own corner, which will be equipped with everything necessary for their life. But so that their activity does not cause problems, need to after all follow a number of recommendations regarding their content.

How to keep a toy terrier in the house

Toy terriers have very small sizes, therefore they do not create problems even in a small apartment. But, it should be borne in mind that they are very inquisitive and restless.

Therefore, when a pet is left alone in the house, it's better to send it in a specially equipped enclosure.

These babies do not need to be cut or combed.

Important! A puppy who has been vaccinated requires special care and attention. During this period, his body was greatly weakened.

It needs to be contained in a clean room, do not allow him to touch outdoor shoes in order to prevent the development of infection.

Toy terriers are very gentle, heat-loving dogs. They need to equip a warm place to rest, as they cannot lie on the floor.

It is not necessary to buy expensive beds in the store. You can do the arrangement of a soft, cozy house with your own hands.

Sew a house for toy terrier easy enough. In addition, this makes it possible to choose a material that suits the interior.

Houses for toy terriers (photo):

Patterns for various dog houses can be found on the Internet. When making a home for your pet, you should follow some recommendations:

  • For that terrier more suitable a soft shelter made of material;
  • The house should not be made too big, but in it there must be enough space. The fact is that toy terriers love to carry toys and all sorts of little things into their home;
  • For the manufacture of need to use only natural fabrics, for example, chintz, cotton, linen and others. For interior decoration You need to use dense fabrics so that your pet does not quickly tear them.

On a note! Should not be used artificial materials, they will become electrified and “shoot” at the baby;

  • For filling, you can take padding polyester or foam rubber;
  • Not recommended for use any decorations to decorate the house. They will attract the attention of an inquisitive pet, and he will quickly spoil appearance of your home.


Caring for their appearance involves regular bathing, for which you need to use a special shampoo that does not cause skin irritation and itching.

Eyes and ears should be wiped with a moistened cotton pad several times a week. Also, you need to regularly trim your pet’s claws and clean them monthly using a special paste.

Due to the characteristics of the breed, Toy Terrier puppies very sensitive to malnutrition. In the absence of all nutrients, they develop an ear defect.

Important! The menu should include meat products, cereals, boiled eggs, boiled vegetables and dairy products.

Aviary for a toy terrier

If the toy terrier is often left at home alone, he needs an aviary. Since dogs of this breed are very active, in the absence of their owners, they can cause significant damage to property.

An example of what kind of enclosures can be made for a toy terrier:

The aviary needs to be located in a warm place without drafts. It should be free enough, because there will be a house in it, an equipped place for it, a tray, and there should be sufficient space for play.

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DIY house

What you need to keep a toy terrier in your home

With time the pet is very gets used to his personal corner and spends more time in it, especially if you provide him with a sufficient number of toys.

Remember! You need to take this fact into account when deciding to get such a pet. You need to be prepared for his quirks and follow the rules of his maintenance.

As can be seen from the above, the Toy Terrier is a funny little dog that does not require special care and is easy to keep. But at the same time she is very active and inquisitive.

Many people take the plunge in their lives and get themselves a puppy. The pet becomes an object of adoration, a member of the family, think about arranging a house for the dog, where it can sleep and be alone.

Choose an option

Owners of large breeds of dogs prefer to arrange their pet’s personal space in the form of a house. The structures are not located on the street, but as close to the owner as possible, for example, in the hallway of an apartment or one of the rooms. The function of this structure is to create comfortable living conditions, and not protection from bad weather; they are built from different materials: from wood to fabric.

At the request of the owner, the houses will be beautiful, which will allow them to fit neatly into the apartment. They may have windows, doors, columns. The demand for small locks has increased. These facilities are excellent for both large and small breed dogs.

The most sophisticated owners arrange their pet's house to resemble their own. They are equipped with pieces of furniture and even air conditioners to maintain an optimally comfortable temperature for the pet.

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Over time, some owners decorate these structures and install artificial lawn and even a swimming pool. To create these conditions, funds, time, and space will be required. You will have to allocate a separate room.

Small breeds of dogs do not require a lot of space, so you can lay out a do-it-yourself bed for them. To create a comfortable atmosphere for your pet, they are equipped with walls and a roof. With their help, the puppy feels comfortable.

These structures can have a variety of shapes and designs. The main criterion in arranging an impromptu house for a pet will be the presence of a warm, friendly environment. The animal should be comfortable.

Store shelves are full of various offers: comfortable houses, soft beds. But many owners want to give their pet, along with a cozy house in which he will spend a lot of time, a piece of his soul. They decide to make it with their own hands.

And before you get to work, read these tips that will help bring indescribable joy to your puppy:

  1. The structure being built should be “growing” for the puppy. He will soon grow up and feel cramped, then, most likely, he will begin to look for another place where he will be comfortable, but the owner does not need this.
  2. To make it comfortable for your puppy to sleep, pay attention to the position in which he does it: on his side, curled up in a ball, or, on the contrary, he likes to bask comfortably with his paws tucked under him. Based on these observations, choose the shape of the bed.
  3. Puppies with fluffy fur will probably find it hot in the house in the summer. To make it comfortable and fresh, when designing the model, it is worthwhile to provide a removable roof.
  4. To save space in the apartment, it is more convenient to place the pet building in the corner.

Choosing materials for the dog's future resting place

If the puppy for whom the house is being created is a small breed, then it is worth using as many soft and warm materials as possible; these include fur, velor or chenille, which have a pleasant texture. They are wear-resistant. To make the pet's corner cozy, it is worth using foam rubber, padding polyester or plant fibers as the basis of the design.

When choosing upholstery material, it is worth considering the length of the animal's fur. If the pet is long-haired, then you should choose fabrics without pronounced lint, as animal hair will accumulate in it and returning it to its original cleanliness will become one of the difficult tasks.

To facilitate the process of putting things in order in your pet’s corner, when creating a house, you can use, in addition to soft materials that will create a comfortable and warm environment, smooth materials. Best choice will become artificial leather. It washes well and there are no streaks left on its surface even from the most difficult contaminants.

It would be appropriate to equip the upholstery in your pet’s house with fasteners. In case of cleaning, you do not have to disassemble the entire structure. It will be enough to remove some parts of the structure and refresh them using a washing machine.

It is worth keeping in mind that a house made of foam rubber is suitable for a small animal. If the pet weighs more than 20 kilograms, it is worth using denser materials as the basis of the design, for example, wood, plywood or other environmentally friendly materials.


Before work

Before you begin, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools.

To create a soft house for a short breed puppy you will need:

  1. Basis for the pattern. You will need a piece of cardboard or oilcloth.
  2. Foam rubber with a side cut from 2 to 5 cm. Quantity required material determined after creating the pattern.
  3. Fabric for internal and external cladding of the house.
  4. Sharp scissors and a stationery knife.
  5. A bar of soap, chalk or felt-tip pen for transferring the pattern onto the fabric.
  6. Sewing machine (if you don’t have one, you can do all the seams by hand).

Making a house for a puppy with your own hands

The first step is to take measurements of your pet. This will allow you to create a pattern for the pet’s future home. The puppy will grow up and should be comfortable in the house in the future. To do this, it is worth making allowances regarding the estimated size of the animal in the future.

The easiest one to create is a cubic house.

At the second stage, patterns are created for the main parts made of foam rubber. If using scissors it is not possible to cut even parts from this material, then you should use a stationery knife.

Once the main parts are cut out, you can begin the upholstery. It is worth transferring the patterns for the main parts onto the fabric one by one and making allowances for the thickness of the foam rubber. For example, if when creating the main part of the house, foam rubber with a thickness of 5 cm is used, then the allowance will be 3.5 cm (2.5 on each side, plus 1 cm to create a hidden and secure seam).

For practicality, it is worth sewing a zipper into the upholstery. This will make the process of maintaining the structure easier.

The final stage in making a house will be connecting all the parts together and equipping the finished structure with a cozy mattress.

House using wood

Unlike a house made of foam rubber, it will be more difficult to make housing using wood with your own hands. It is worth having the skills to work with wood and a variety of fasteners, without which this will become impossible. If the animal is small in size, then you can create housing from scrap materials, for example, from an unnecessary old cabinet or box. To create a comfortable environment, it is worth adding a soft mattress or bed to this design. And the house is ready.

If you are thinking about a design for a large dog, then the construction of housing will resemble the construction of a real house. As a basis, you can take an unnecessary table, which will remain complemented by walls and a cozy place to relax, which can be made from a mattress or other thick material.

Inside the building, provision should be made for bowls for water and food.

To save some of your household budget, make a pet house with your own hands. The process will bring you together and create a house that your pet will like.

House or bed

Owners of dogs of any breed have a huge choice: a house; sun lounger This can be done at any pet store. You can make this yourself. The most classic option for a resting place for a dog who lives in an apartment is a lounger. It is suitable for dogs of any size and breed. The main thing is to determine right size

If you prepare a bed for a puppy, then you need to sew it “for growth”. You can make it yourself, it can be of any shape (especially for dogs small breed) is a heart, a basket and much more.

For dogs of average and big size standard shapes of sun loungers are selected - a sofa or an ottoman. There are sofas with legs on sale, but these are for dogs. large breed.

For small or medium breeds, owners choose houses. Dogs like to take refuge in their own home, which replaces a kennel in an apartment.

When choosing a house, a difficulty that often arises is how to choose the perfect house that fits the size of the dog. But this doesn’t always work out. If the owner knows how to do something with his own hands, then it is better for him to try to make a house himself.

How to create comfort in a house

Designing an individual area for a dog is a manifestation of care and affection for a person’s friend. For a dog who lives in common house a house on the street or a personal home located in a corridor or hall will be a gorgeous gift, an element of obedience and education.

Create comfortable conditions for your pet; the dog should rest and feel comfortable.

It is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions in the region. If the dog is not noisy by temperament and loves to lie down in a shady place, the terrace becomes a good element of the building and a favorite place for relaxation.

If a dog lives in a house in winter, then you can build a summer residence for it, equipping it with a rug and bedding. It's good to make a canopy.

You can make a booth in a residential building, giving away part of the storage room or hallway for it. Aesthetic design inside the booth and doors that can be closed so as not to trip will help make Better conditions.

The booth will become part of the interior. The booth can be made into a cabinet, coffee table or coffee table. But there is always a real chance to modernize the booth with your own hands so that the house fits into the decor or decoration of the garden plot.

If there are several dogs in the house, then you can create entire separate apartments or build a kennel combined with two rooms. The dog does not need anything extra, the main thing is that there is enough space and his favorite soft bedding.

Dog house care

We must remember that it is not enough to simply build a reliable structure; you must also take care of it in order to maximize its service life and delay the time of repair work. This is especially true for a dog house.

Cleaning must be done at least once every 30 days, preferably more often. Remove all scraps, parts of bones, hair and any excess that the dog brought inside. It is necessary to carry out disinfection regularly. In winter, it is enough to clean once during the entire winter, from spring to autumn, but in the summer - every month. The same applies to pest control.

You can treat dog housing using:

  1. Creolin.
  2. Lysol.
  3. Formalin.

While the walls treated with the solution are drying, it is better for the dog not to stay in his house until it is completely dry. To make it easier to care for the kennel, you need to make the structure collapsible; cleaning it through the hole is inconvenient; it would be good if the roof is removed or the walls are pulled out. This will allow you to quickly and cleanly clean and replace components of the booth.

Proper insulation of a dog's house:

  1. You cannot build a house directly on the ground. Good idea- installation of lags - thick boards, logs or brickwork. Because of this, housing will rise and be isolated.
  2. Place the house upside down. It's good to soak it outside antiseptic, cover with roofing felt, fill the top with 100x50 cm bars, also treated with an antiseptic. Having put the house in place, you need to cover the bottom with parchment sheets, arrange mineral wool, re-lay the parchment and lay the floor.
  3. 5 ( 12 votes)

If a small dog appears in your home, then the question arises about the comfort of the pet.

Toy Terriers are a breed of dog that loves warmth.

Creating a corner for a dog requires effort and sometimes purchasing the necessary goods in stores is not a harmonious addition to the interior or is simply expensive.

These problems can be solved by creating a DIY pet house based on your design ideas.

First, decide on your place of residence. Good lighting, preferably street lighting, there should be no drafts.

From this place the dog should see you, but also bother him frequent passes and it’s not worth shuffling past. Sometimes it is worth considering the option of a portable home.

Secondly, choose or buy the material from which you will craft.

If you have an extra piece of curtain that matches the upholstery of upholstered furniture or the main tone of the room, that will be great.

Foam rubber, wooden boards or plywood, a dense frame of boxes are also useful.

The soft filling can be an old pillow, blanket or small scraps of fabric.

Third, decide on the shape and size. The Toy Terrier is a miniature dog, but active. It all depends on your imagination, abilities and materials.

How to choose the shape of your future home

Look around your surroundings. Most often, clear rectangles and squares predominate in houses. The following forms of housing for small dogs can be an addition:

  • any bed with sides geometric shape bottom for that terrier, where the width and length are at least 50 cm;
  • in the form of a cradle for a child. The height of such a product must be at least 40 cm;
  • a triangular pyramid with one missing face or hole. Such a structure must be at least 60 cm in height;
  • like an open suitcase, where there is one high wall or lid;
  • a wicker basket or cage combined with soft fillings.

To make the house ourselves, we will sew, glue or knock down. First draw out the future parts of the house on the frame (cardboard, plywood, etc.).

Make the selected fabric 2-3 cm larger and divide it into outer and inner parts.

This is necessary for subsequently placing the filler inside and connecting the resulting canvases.

It is better to make an indent of 2 cm from the main frame size on the inner parts of the fabric, and 3 cm on the outer parts, so that the resulting seam is not on the outside, but on the inside.

Exist different ways connection of materials:

  • sewing;
  • construction stapler with staples;
  • metal rods between which the fabric is stretched;
  • gluing wooden elements.

What is needed for assembly

Material. Reliability and softness are welcomed. This terrier should not use carpet as a base. Let the texture be pleasant to the touch.

Give preference to natural rather than synthetic ones. The use of leather is not recommended.

Filling, for example, foam rubber, down, natural felt, padding polyester, jacket lining, etc. An item filled with your scent will attract your pet's attention.

Oilcloth. The house will last a long time if you insure yourself against unpleasant surprises if the baby does not have time to reach.

Tools. Their choice depends on the materials and assembly methods.

Essentially, without much expense, we will make a house of a quality that is not sold in stores.

You can adjust your budget by the cost of the material. The process takes no more than one day.

For the bottom we will use part cardboard box from the washing machine, cut out a rectangle 50 by 60 cm. We will make the same rectangle from an old jacket on padding polyester.

On the reverse side, draw and cut out two rectangles. One measuring 53 by 63 cm for the outside, the second 52 by 62 cm for the inside.

Let's cut the oilcloth measuring 50 by 60 cm. We will place it immediately under the top layer.

We fold the parts like a sandwich: outer fabric - oilcloth - padding polyester - cardboard rectangle - inner fabric. Sew it together. If desired, insert a zipper.

You can sew either by hand with regular ties or on a sewing machine.

Making the back wall. We cut out a 50 by 50 cm square from a cardboard box. Draw the top of the square in the form of an arc or semicircle. We make the same padding polyester from an old jacket. We do the same with the fabric as described above.

We fold and sew the parts: outer fabric - padding polyester - cardboard figure - inner fabric. There is no need for a zipper for the back.

Sew the bottom width 50 cm with the width back wall 50 cm.

Making a visor. On the reverse side we draw two rectangles. One is 33 cm wide, 103 cm long for the outside, the second is 31 cm by 101 cm for the inside.

We make padding polyester filling 30 by 100 cm. We cut everything out, fold and sew the parts: outer fabric - padding polyester - inner fabric. If desired, we also make a zipper here.

We make a bridge into the finished sheathed rectangle and sew the 30 cm edges to the previously prepared bottom and back wall structure.

You can decorate the house with ribbons or ruffles, and use a cut and trimmed piece of terry towel as a bedding.

Attach a decorative bone to the top of the house to match the bedding or embroider the dog's name. The DIY house for that terrier is ready!

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To make your baby feel comfortable, she definitely needs her own space. To do this, make a cozy home for your animal so that your pet can sleep in it or simply hide while playing. In the photos below we have selected several options for houses.


Wild dogs and their close relatives make dens for themselves in natural shelters or dig holes. Wild dogs, wolves and jackals breed in dens and hide there from bad weather.

The desire to find shelter is in our pets’ blood, which is why they take such pleasure in exploring and settling into dog houses and all kinds of kennels.

How to make a house based on foam rubber


You will need the following materials and tools:

  • thick paper or oilcloth to make the pattern in natural size;
  • sheet of foam rubber 2-3.5 cm thick;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • sharp scissors;
  • marker or chalk;
  • sewing machine (preferable, but you can do without it by sewing the parts by hand).

You can make the house as practical as possible by sewing zippers into the connections. By unfastening them, you can comfortably clean the inside of the house.

The minimum width of the house should be: so that the dog can lie inside on its side, with its paws extended, without curling up into a ball. Don't forget to measure your pet before starting work and cutting out the material.

The easiest way is to make a cubic dog house with your own hands. It is not much more difficult to make a pyramid house or a miniature den with a round or oval bottom. Other forms are more difficult to manufacture.

Different craftswomen use various techniques doing the work. You can first cover all the parts with fabric, and then connect them together. The design is somewhat more complicated, in which the foam rubber is immediately placed between two layers of upholstery: this makes it more difficult to fit the parts without distortions and asymmetry. When cutting out fabric upholstery parts, do not forget to add 1.5-2 cm on each side of the part. The thicker the foam you take, the more allowance you will need.

It is better to place a mattress with replaceable pillowcases inside the house. This makes it easier to keep clean.

. For upholstery it is worth choosing natural fabrics , since synthetic fibers often tend to accumulate static electricity, which is unpleasant for dogs. Strongly electrified tissues may well even produce mini-discharges in the form of large sparks, which are quite unpleasant. Small timid dogs may even be very frightened by such a spark and flatly refuse to get inside. After such a negative experience, the animal has to be reaccustomed to a house or bed for a long time.

When choosing a house model for your pet, do not get carried away by the abundant decor. The fewer decorative elements, the easier it will be to keep it clean.. In addition, a dog can easily chew off and swallow small decorative elements, but this is not at all useful. Swallowed inedible objects can lead to upset, vomiting, gastritis, or even intestinal blockage.

Wooden house


If you want to do wooden house with your own hands, you need to have a set of appropriate tools, accessories, wood itself and at least minimal skills in working with it. However, if we are talking about a small dog, A regular bedside table is quite suitable for a house. You will only have to change the door a little or completely remove it. After a simple transformation, the bedside table will be able to successfully combine the following functions:

  • a cozy house;
  • home cage in case of need;
  • interior details.

Furniture arranged as a dog's den looks very impressive and unusual. It is also convenient that in the upper compartment you can store dog property: toys, vitamins, ammunition, grooming tools, clean sheets and towels and other dog things.

Home cabins for big dogs can be built by fencing off the space under the stairs to the second floor of the house. You can make a door from a mesh, then the house will also serve as a cage.

You can also use a table as a basis. The table surface will perform its usual functions. By inserting walls between the table legs, you will create a comfortable dog house. You don’t even have to make the bottom of a kind of booth, but simply use a thick mattress that matches the size. If such a house is equipped with a net and is designed to be used as a house, do not forget to provide space for bowls of water and food. Small puppies should also have absorbent diapers placed on the floor of the house.

  • A loving owner will take care not only of a personal home for his dog, but also of ensuring that the pet does not get lost during a walk. serve precisely this purpose.

Outdoor booth


Kennels for outdoor dog keeping must be made taking into account climatic conditions your region. If you do not have good carpentry skills, it is better to entrust the construction of the booth to a professional.

A good one should be spacious. Its dimensions are determined based on the height and body length of the animal. The height of the house should be such that your pet can stand inside at full height without bending his head. The length and width should allow the dog to lie on its side, stretched out and without bending its legs.

It is good that the booth has a vestibule and a canopy at the entrance. In areas with harsh winters, the booth must be insulated with environmentally friendly materials, and the opening must be curtained thick fabric or quilted burlap.

The entire structure is not located on the ground, but on a wooden platform, raised 10-15 cm above the ground. The platform should have a slight slope so that moisture drains without accumulating. Wood must be pre-treated with special compounds that protect it from rotting, pests, and fungus.

It is convenient when the booth is located inside the enclosure - this will allow you to lock the dog in case of need. It is better to make the roof removable or opening in order to be able to clean and disinfect the inside of the house from time to time. Under the roof you can arrange a box for storing accessories and toys. The roof is made either gable or single-pitch with a slope. The second option is more convenient for the animal: most dogs love to lie on the roof of their home, exploring the surroundings or simply basking in the sun.

Most often, well-dried and treated with antiseptics coniferous wood is used for a wooden booth. Thick plywood (at least 5 mm) or lining is suitable for external and internal cladding.

To install the floor, it is better to take a floorboard. The frame is made of a wooden block 40-50 mm. The larger the booth, the more reliable the frame should be. You can use different materials for roofing: wood, slate, tiles and other roofing materials.


Insulation is done either with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. More a budget option- hay, which needs to be tightly packed into the space between the outer and inner walls of the booth. But such insulation easily infests insects, and the hay quickly rots and breaks down.

Some owners fill the space between the walls with peat chips, which gives quite decent results: peat does not rot and works well as a heat insulator. But with such insulation, fire safety is reduced.

Some owners build houses for dogs from wooden logs, stone, and brick. Sheets of corrugated sheets are also used, but in such a booth in the summer the animal can suffer greatly from the heat.

Craftsmen and entertainers even turn old tires, plastic and metal barrels into dog houses, and build booths from empty beer cans or plastic bottles. Sometimes such buildings look very nice, and pets live in them with pleasure.

For coziness and comfort

You can put a rug or a thin mattress inside the booth in the summer, and fill the sleeping compartment with hay or prepare a thicker mattress for the winter. Before the change of seasons, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning inside the booth:

  • change the litter to clean;
  • wash the walls and floor;
  • treat the interior of the house with disinfectants and flea and tick repellents.

Dogs like it when they can see the entrance to the site and observe the territory. It is better to install the booth so that your pet does not get bored in the small backyard, but can see everything that is happening on the site.

Video. A house for your beloved dog

Tiny decorative Chihuahua dogs need their own personal space, a secluded corner.

The baby can seek peace in the master's chair or in any other place.

However, if you provide your pet with a house, or even better, make an enclosure, then he will be immensely grateful to you.

You can buy both a house and an enclosure, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. Then there is a great way out of this situation, since you can do everything yourself.

If there is enough space, it is advisable to equip an enclosure with a house.

So, perfect content dogs have not just a house to live in, but a whole enclosure, even for a tiny Chihuahua.

Not all dog owners have the opportunity to allocate space for an enclosure, but even those who can do this do not know everything how to properly equip it.

The fact is that houses can be various designs: open, closed, just sunbeds and it’s still unknown which option your little one will like.

Therefore, of course, it’s better to do it yourself than to spend money only to understand that your dog doesn’t want to live in this house.

Slipper type option

Perhaps the easiest and most practical option to do it yourself. The slipper is like a slipper. Its closed part will serve as a roof, and its open part will serve as a bed.

It will be easier for you to understand whether your baby likes to sleep under a roof or if he prefers an open space if you want to make a different housing option for the dog.

The slap-shaped house represents universal option, suitable for different seasons, since there is somewhere to hide from the cold and a more open area for warm days.

Your pet will not search in any weather best place for relaxation than his personal house.

To make it, use high-quality natural material so that it is pleasant to the touch and the color is better not easily soiled. To make the floor warm, use foam rubber and a piece of cardboard for day density.

Components of the pattern:

  • large side - roof;
  • small side - edging of the open part.

It will take no more than an hour to sew these parts, but your pet will receive coziness, warmth and comfort.

Option - suitcase

If there old suitcase, then you can use it to build a dog house with your own hands. Attach legs on four sides.

Either take it from an old cabinet, or buy it specifically from the furniture fittings department. This way you can give your home stability, although you can do without legs.

Place a pillow of suitable size inside, if you have one, but you can sew it yourself.

In this case, use padding polyester as a filler, take a thicker fabric for the pillowcase, and choose the most suitable color.

Option - booth

A good way to cut out and sew a house like a booth with your own hands. Select the finishing material in accordance with the interior features of your room.

By making a stronger handle on top of the booth, you can move it from place to place if necessary.

Portable cage

To make a house with your own hands, you can adapt a carrying cage for this. You need strong, attractive fabric, ribbon, velcro tape or buttons for fastening.

We sew rectangles equal to the top and side parts separately, parts of the inner and outer upholstery of each component must be sewn along the bottom and side edges, the remaining section is turned inside out and patched.

Fix the fabric along the plane of the ceiling surface. Attach three adjacent walls to it using adhesive tape, the remaining part will be the entrance to the cage, leave it free. Place a suitable pillow or foam on the floor.

There are plenty of different options for a house; when deciding to make a home for your pet, you should consider the following nuances.

The best material for the floor is not polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, but polyurethane foam. The material tends to follow the contours of the dog’s body; it will be comfortable for both puppies and older dogs.

The bedding on the floor should be thick and tightly covered together with the floor in a fabric cover, since it will happily chew on the foam plastic, mistaking it for its prey.

Be sure to put oilcloth before covering the polyurethane foam with a pillowcase.

Make the size of the house “for the dog’s growth” so that the rapidly growing pet does not feel cramped.

If there are small children in the family, then the house should be a durable model, since children can play nearby, sit on a chair and accidentally harm the animal.

Position the house so that there are no obstacles for the animal to enter..

Before cutting out a house, take measurements from the dog so that you know what dimensions the house should have.

The pet should be able to not just curl up there, but also stand up to its full height, even turn around its axis.

The entrance can be open or closed, or with a curtain.

For the first entry, place a toy or treat in the house - this simple trick will help the pet learn its new home.

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Do you have a desire, but your hands are itching to start making a home for your pet, but you can’t stop at one of the many options? Look at our photo selection, maybe you will find what you were looking for.

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