Home Children's dentistry How to find out your life code numerology. Numerology: how to find out your destiny number and change your life for the better

How to find out your life code numerology. Numerology: how to find out your destiny number and change your life for the better

The fate of every person is predetermined by life scenario. By such a scenario, most of us mean a psychological irresistible force that leads, regardless of desire, to destiny.

A completely logical question may arise: “Who writes the script of our lives?” The answer is banally simple - these are our parents.

A newborn child is born completely free from all complexes and restrictions. Each person perceives his fate differently. For some it is something plastic, amenable to adjustment, for others it is inevitability and fate.

But undoubtedly, each of us experiences trepidation when discussing the code of fate. Agree, a fascinating phrase is the code of fate, but can it be changed?

Nowadays, if desired, you can find many ways to guarantee changes in fate. Over the millennia, many different methods and techniques have accumulated in the treasury of various technologies and techniques.

Let's look at some of them. What do you think most people do when they want to change their life karma? Almost all of them are in a hurry to resort to knowledge of religion, go to witches and fortune-tellers, learn to decipher horoscopes and believe in omens.

The numerology of fate for them is the ability to understand their life problems, but at the same time, they do not neglect the opportunity to shift their troubles and worries onto the shoulders of fortune-tellers, witches, psychics, etc.

Interestingly, many of those who blindly believe in the divine change of their life situation V better side, in the end, they get what they want.

This is the best possible confirmation of the fact that any method in achieving a better life can be effective.

So, what is the destiny code and how can it be changed? It has long been proven that a person’s date of birth and name have a significant impact on the character and life incentives of a particular person.

Alas, these things are almost impossible to change, we were born with them, we have to live with them. But if fate is a burden, is there still a chance to change it?

Recently I was lucky enough to come across such advice from Tibetan teachings in one publication. A person born on one of the days of the year and receiving a name from his parents, simultaneously receives, along with these data, his individual abilities, good health, etc.

If health and abilities are normal, then according to Tibetan teaching they should be designated as a plus. If there are deviations in these areas of life, then you need to put a minus. After you have figured out your strengths and weaknesses, you can begin to improve the lagging areas of your life.

Thus, by removing the holes, we get an improvement in our personal lives. It's simple, right?

Are you familiar with the numerology of fate? Then you know that using this method you can easily calculate the number of not only your destiny, but also find out about the compatibility of the characters of your and your future partner, about the characteristics of a particular person, etc.

I hasten to inform the ignorant that it is not difficult to calculate the number of fate. It is determined from the date of birth of a person.

In order to get the destiny number, you need to add together the month and the numbers of the date and year of birth; if the result is not a single-digit number, the addition process must be repeated until we get what you want.

For example, July 4, 1968. You need to add 1+9+6+8+0+4+0+7=35 3+5=8. Eight is the desired number of Destiny. If instead of an eight you get:

1 – this means that a person sees a career as the goal of his life;

2-the meaning of life for these people is cooperation and communication;

3- owners of this number are very gifted, smart, talented and sociable;

4- these people are workaholics;

5 - the life path of fives is very tortuous and thorny, these are fickle and changeable people;

6- love social security, a calm, measured rhythm of life, etc.;

7 are eternal adventurers and romantic dreamers;

8- born businessmen. Money loves them and allows them to live according to their needs;

9-always strive for spiritual improvement and at the same time dream of high ideals.

You want to be happy. You know that the first step towards this goal is self-knowledge. Numerology of name and birth will help you realize your true Self, find your purpose, and create a happy destiny.

This article will reveal another secret about you - the number (code) of your name and destiny.

Take one step closer to your happy self - make a numerological calculation by date of birth and name.

Number of name and date of birth

Ancient philosophers discovered, and modern scientists confirm: everything in the world can be reduced to a simple number from 1 to 9. There is a number of name and birth, of any word, symbol, thing, event, phenomenon, feeling, country - everything.

General symbolic meaning of numbers in numerology:

1 - goal, pressure, aggression;

2 - duality, balance;

3 - unstable unity, connection between past, present and future;

4 - strength, balance;

5 - risk, impermanence, happiness, joy;

6 - stability;

7 - mystery, mysticism;

8 - world balance, success, material well-being;

9 - wealth, fame.

Name and birth number- not just numbers, these are secret keys - codes, by deciphering which you can understand a lot, penetrate deep into the essence of what is hidden in your personality, destiny, soul.

Fortunately, there are specialists - numerologists. If you want your planetary name code to be accurately and quickly calculated by a professional numerologist, a specialist from the “Planet of Joy” center, go.

This knowledge will benefit not only you personally. You will understand how to better interact with your environment and the world.

Very deep and relevant numerological knowledge is available for free in the project Esoterics of the 21st century. For example, a book with detailed description everyone at 2018 year.

When spouses are planning, expecting, or have just recently given birth child, but don’t know what to call it, numerologists recommend:

  • calculate his birth number (based on estimated or actual date),
  • calculate the number of names from which a name is chosen.

If the number of the name turns out to be less date of birth, the baby will tend to develop only innate talents, abilities, and qualities. May ignore the need to acquire new knowledge and necessary skills.

When the name number more birth date, a person moves towards acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities. May forget what has been given to him.

Ideal when name and birth numerology matches. Such a person develops harmoniously. Choose a name for your baby that best matches the birth date code.

Also, information about the name code will be useful for those who are going change your last name or first name. Brides are usually more likely to worry about this issue. Not intentionally! It is useful to find out how fate will change after taking this decisive step.

Numerology of date of birth. Online calculation

Numerology of date of birth simple:

  1. Sum up all the numbers of your date of birth in order.
  2. If it worked out in the end two-digit number, add up these numbers. You will get a number from 1 to 9.

Example. A child who will be born this year, for example, on June 26, 2018, will have a birth date number of 7.


Brief description of name numerology:

  • 1-Leader. An outstanding, famous, bright personality.
  • 2-Excellent partner, family man. Attractive, young-looking man.
  • 3-A successful person in all areas. Talent. Speaker.
  • 4-Excellent organizer. A person who is trusted, a friend.
  • 5-Freedom-loving philosopher. Teacher. Traveler.
  • 6-A creative person who loves everything beautiful. Popular personality.
  • 7-Thinker. Inspirer. Highly spiritual personality. A person who brings good luck to the people around him.
  • 8-Glorious, revered, strong-willed person. Supervisor.
  • 9-Athlete. Politician. Strong personality.

In more detail the meaning of each of the name and birth numbers from 1 to 9 later in the article.

Numerology of the name. How to calculate?

  • only name,
  • only full name,
  • first and patronymic,
  • first and last name,
  • only last names
  • the name by which you are usually called at home, at work, by friends,
  • the name you call yourself (with which you most identify),
  • the name given at baptism (or other rite).

Each of the resulting numbers characterizes the personality in relation to the situations in which it sounds - whenever you are called one way or another.

Pay attention to how (what number) people call you. This is an indicator of their relationship.

Name numerology calculation:

  1. Write down your name or the name of the person you want to get to know better on a piece of paper.
  2. Under each letter, write down the number corresponding to it (third line from the top in the table).
  3. Add the number until you get a single digit (1 to 9).

Example. Name Aurora=1+3+9+7+9+1=30; 3+0=3.

The most important name number (also called the Destiny Number) is full name person. This is the name that is written on the passport.

Purely “nominal” number talks mainly about the character, talents, abilities, temperament, and energy of the individual.

Surname- these are educated, instilled qualities.

Only one number surnames will tell you about what is inherited from your ancestors, will tell you about your ancestral karma.

The maiden name determines one's destiny before marriage. By adopting her husband's surname, a woman changes her destiny. It is transformed similarly for everyone who has changed their first and/or last name.

Also count the codes of the vowels and consonants of the name. Sum the corresponding numbers to a prime number.

Number of vowels- Heart code. It expresses your inner world; the impact you have on others. Number of consonants- a code for the influence that society has on you.

When calculating the name code, pay attention to which number more often occurs in total. This is the number that corresponds to many or most of the letters in the name. She is also very revealing.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

The general rule of numerology - adding all numbers until reduced to one simple number - has exceptions. If you notice the numbers 11 and 22 in your calculations, look at their meanings as well, despite the fact that 11 reduces to the number 2, and 22 to 4.

Number Character traits inherent in a person Possible negative aspects (things that need to be worked on)





hard work
















duality (difficulty making choices)












love of luxury

overestimation of oneself







good faith


hard work

desire for justice




carelessness in choosing friends




communication skills





philosophical view of the world









ability to admit mistakes



inability to keep one's word




wonderful imagination


ability to persuade

ability to plan

ability to listen, hear

escape into the world of illusions

addiction tendency

inability to run a business and handle money






ability to think big

reliability stability

habit of despair

tendency to loneliness

danger of getting stuck in routine



hard work


strength of will

ability to withstand difficulties





11 (reinforced 2)



capable of achieving anything they want



22 (reinforced 4)


strong will

extraordinary character

innate ability to control one's destiny


addiction to external “tinsel”

Remember that your life is in your hands. Numerology of name and date of birth, like any other knowledge, tips, signs sent from outside world - stimulus develop internally. Any so-called negative quality only relatively negative. It - development zone, which means a source of new strength and energy.

Develop yourself, grow above yourself. Create your own destiny, starting from your innate positive qualities.

From the moment of birth to the last breath we are surrounded by different numbers. It is no exaggeration to say that we live in a digital world.

And if so, then it is logical to assume that each person has his own, individual set of numbers. And he really is. This is a certain digital series, in which all information about a specific person is encrypted. A kind of digital passport. Knowing how to read it, you can find out exactly what to expect from a person, what qualities he possesses, and how he will behave in certain life situations.

One of the most important numbers a person's digital code is figure obtained from full date birth. In numerology it is called differently: “life program number”, “base number”, “number life path" etc.

In Digital Profiling this is Second Base Number (Ch2). This is an important number that has a strong influence on a person throughout his life and describes the main traits of his character.

1+5+1+2+1+9+7+9 = 35 (intermediate result).

The result is number 8.

It should be remembered that if the calculation results in the number 2, which is the result of adding the number 11 (an intermediate number), then this is the so-called “master number”, and it also has a noticeable impact on a person’s character.

In addition to the number 11, the numbers 22 and 33 are also “master numbers”.

Human digital code. Digit "1"

The previous part talked about how to calculate one of the most important characteristics in the human digital code - Second Base Number (Ch2). Now it's time to decipher brief description numbers

If the result of the calculation is number 1, then the person has a pronounced leadership character. In one way or another, he will demonstrate these qualities always and everywhere: at home, at work, in his social circle.

This does not mean that he will necessarily occupy high positions and have authority, but the desire to always and in everything be the first will manifest itself throughout his life.

He has a high sense of purpose, his own view of things and his own opinion. Often such a person displays authoritarian opinions and hasty judgments.

Almost always, such people have strong charisma, a bright personality and extraordinary speaking abilities. Under certain conditions (for example, high self-esteem and recognition of merit from other people), they can easily become ill with star fever. As a rule, they have a complex character and a difficult fate.

Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Vysotsky had the number 1 as the Second Basic Number.

Human digital code. Number "2"

A person whose Second Basic Number (N2) is number 2, exhibits strong love to home and family.

Number 2 means duality of nature, the struggle of opposites. A person is torn between polar desires and actions. A similar mental conflict is accurately described by Sergei Yesenin: “If devils nested in the soul, then angels lived in it.”

Due to a subconscious craving for testing oneself, one often drives oneself into difficult, and often extreme situations, requiring significant efforts to overcome.

Shows a great sense of self-respect and prefers to act according to the principle - "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". Although he has good intuition, he often suffers serious disappointments in life. It is rare that he manages to do something well on the first try.

Vladimir Vysotsky and Yuri Gagarin had the number 2 as the Second Basic Number.

Human digital code. Number "3"

Second Basic Number (N2) - number 3. Clever and talented person, but with a difficult character.

Often combines opposing qualities and skills. For example, he is equally well versed in exact sciences and writes poetry or paintings.

He is good at expressing his thoughts both orally and in writing. He has a developed sense of humor, which often coexists with sarcasm and causticity. He has a craving for literary creativity, which can turn into graphomania, which, however, does not prevent him from making grammatical errors when writing.

Creative person. Tries to be creative in everything he does.

A person likes to get to the bottom of everything. Has a pronounced tendency towards systems thinking and systematization of his knowledge. Likes to examine others. It can be difficult to please him, since often he himself does not know what exactly he needs.

Alexander Pushkin and Ivan Kulibin had the number 3 as the Second Basic Number.

Human digital code. Number "4"

Digit 4 in the Second Basic Number (N2) is a workaholic.

He cannot count on luck, so he achieves all his achievements through hard work. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that he likes working, and he enjoys this process.

A person can withstand not only physical labor, but also psycho-emotional stress. However, suspicion and suspiciousness prevent him from taking advantage of the opportunities that open up before him.

Typically has good physical development and a beautiful body.

He gravitates towards frequent changes of work and place of residence, because he experiences dissatisfaction with life.

The virtue of patience is missing from the list of his personal qualities. Does not tolerate delays and delays in work.

Wasteful and spends money easily.

The number 4 was used by Ernst Neizvestny as the Second Basic Number and is also used by Zurab Tsereteli.

(Read the characteristics of subsequent numbers in the second part of the article.)

I found this material in the newspaper “Kopilka” family councils» No. 13-2011. Calculate your life code By date of birth it’s not at all difficult, you just need a pen and a piece of paper.

In total, you will need to make 4 basic mathematical calculations. As a result, you will get 4 numbers (numbers, not digits). Zeros are not included in the calculations.

So, let's count.

Write your date of birth in numbers on a line. For example, 2/24/1963 (we do not take zeros).

1. Add up all the resulting numbers. For example, the same date (2+4+2+1+9+6+3= 27 ). You naturally add up your numbers. Write down the number you get somewhere separately - this is the first number in your code (I recommend writing it down right away so you don’t get confused in extra numbers later).

2. Now add the digits that make up the first number (2+7= 9 ). The resulting figure is your second number (add it to the first number).

3. Now attention. Look at your date of birth, find the first digit in it and multiply it by 2 (2X2=4). That's not all: subtract the resulting result from the first number of your personal code (in our example 27-4 = 23 ). What we got as a result of subtraction is the third number.

4. Add up all the digits that make up the third number (2+3= 5 ). This is your fourth number. If you have a two-digit number, write it down that way.

As a result, we got the code - 279235 (you have yours).

Now, under it (or next to it, it doesn’t matter) write your date of birth - the same way you wrote it at the beginning. Now count how many ones, twos, etc. are found together in the code and in the date of birth - up to nines inclusive. It’s better to write it down separately, in a column.

And now the most interesting thing is what the resulting numbers mean in your code.

(This, it turns out, is what our personal qualities depend on - the number of digits in our code.)

So, let's look:

Units: will, self-confidence. The norm is three units. This means that the person is kind. If there are fewer units, self-esteem is low, there are probably difficulties with self-realization, such people usually give in to difficulties. If you find a lack of units in your child’s code, then it is worth teaching him self-discipline from early childhood and increasing his self-esteem in every possible way. People with a strong-willed character usually have four units, five units have strong magnetism, six are careerists, seven are already despots.

Twos: emotionality, charm, energy. Those who do not have twos in their code are energy vampires. They get tired quickly and often have mood swings. There is not enough strength for creativity. The solution is to raise energy. For example, do yoga, wear red clothes more often, etc. Two twos - ordinary energy, three - there are extrasensory abilities, four - pronounced sexuality. Those who have five twos or more are simply dangerous: such people are destructive when angry. A large number of twos is often found among... murderers.

Threes: ability for science, talent, intuition. People with a lack of threes are very stubborn, they do not hear others, they lack flexibility and tact (Saakashvili, it turns out, does not have threes). Such people do not distinguish between where it is good and where it is bad, they are often capable of base acts, and are susceptible to flattery. People with a lack of threes cannot become inventors, but they are good performers. The fewer threes, the less intuition. If a child doesn’t have enough threes in his code, it’s worth paying attention to games that develop logic (for example, chess). Are there four triples in the code? You are a born hypnotist or have the gift of clairvoyance. Five - have sorcerers who live by the principle “a day without dirty tricks will be lived in vain.”

Fours: patience, practicality. If spouses live in constant quarrel, most likely, both do not have fours in their code. A person who doesn't have B's is a coward. He doesn't have the patience to finish what he started. And it’s also difficult to live next to such people, they are eternal grumblers. If there is at least one four in the code - you are a peacemaker, two or three - a good athlete. But if more than three- for some reason, liar.

Fives: refinement of nature, sincerity. No A's - a tough person. Two - very cordial. Three - indicate a penchant for preaching. Four - Mother Teresa: these people give their shirt off their backs, even if they themselves are poor.

Sixes: prudence and wealth. No sixes - people are lazy. Three sixes are very good, this is an indicator of great hard work (and not a sign of the devil). Oddly enough, four sixes no longer bode well - despite the fact that these people can be wildly charming, they are usually envious and will never tolerate other people's superiority.
Yes, and for some reason, those who have many sixes are at greater risk of colon cancer than others.

Sevens: happiness, protection of guardian angels. If there are no sevens in the code, such a person is draft horse. He always feels guilty, cannot refuse people, and is easy to manipulate. We must learn to say “no”. Two sevens for the darlings of fate, three - a person is happy “to the point of impudence.” Four sevens have big boors.

Eights: luck and, again, wealth. Those who don’t have them, or only one, are clearly not lucky, nothing falls from the sky for them. No, they can achieve something, but only with their work and talent, that is, perseverance. But those who have two of them will be successful career. Three or more is very lucky in life. Children with three eights are born into rich families.

Nines: analytical skills. Everything is simple here - the more there are, the stronger these same abilities.

P.S. In general, I have a cool attitude towards numerology, but suddenly I became interested and wanted to count.
However, after all the calculations, I was left slightly perplexed: I got it 50/50. That is, something came together 100%, but the rest was clearly not for me. Either numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva was up to something, or I was born at the wrong time.

But I’m curious - what will happen to you? If you read to the end, then you counted. Unsubscribe - if not too lazy.

We learn to build a Pythagorean square by hand. To do this, write down your date of birth in one row (as written in the documents) in a certain sequence: day month Year.
We do not take into account zeros if the month or day of your birth is a single digit number. That is, if it is written in the documents. 04/01/1985, then “0” is not indicated before the date and month. The entry looks like this: 1.4.1985.
For example, 10/12/1950. Let's put a "+" sign and add up all the numbers. 1+2+1+0+1+9+5+0 = 19.
So, 19 is our first number! To get the second base number, you need to collapse the first one to a single digit. To do this, we add 9 to 1, and we get the second number - 10. And if the first main number is single-digit, for example, 7 or 9, then the second is equal to the first. That is, the first number is simply duplicated.
Now we know the first two numbers personal code"19" and "10". To calculate the 3rd main number, it is necessary to subtract from the life path number (19) the first digit of the number series of the date of birth 10/12/1950, multiplied by a constant factor of 2. For our example, we obtain the following formula: 19 – (1 x 2) = 19 - 2 = 17

So, we have the third number of the personal code - 17. But the fourth main number is obtained by adding the digits of the third number, that is, 1 + 7 = 8. And if the third is single-digit, then the fourth number is simply duplicated.
In our example, the second pair of numbers is “17” and “8”.
Now let’s write all four numbers received, including the date of birth, in one row:

12 10 1950 19 10 17 8

We have before us the complete personal code of a person, in which 19 - this is the path that needs to be taken to reach the goal - 10 , A 17 8 - this is what underlies any human act or action (experience accumulated in past incarnations). By four basic numbers you can determine whether this or that calendar date your test day or not?
All that remains is to group the numbers from the resulting sequence 12 10 1950 19 10 17 8 into the cells of the Pythagorean square. All ones are written in the first square, all twos are written in the second, the remaining numbers are written in other cells accordingly. Empty cells remain empty if these numbers are not in your numeric code.

What happened after grouping the numbers? Here's a square:

111111 7
2 5 8

So, you know how the four main numbers of your personal code are calculated, and how you can group these numbers in the form

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