Dental consultation portal Orthopedics Who said that the Black Sea was dug up by Ukrainians.

Who said that the Black Sea was dug up by Ukrainians.


Digging the Black Sea and filling the Carpathians with excavated earth has long become boring. Therefore, a head with a forelock, found recently off the coast of Crimea, was immediately declared proof that the Ukrainians are the most ancient of all, and Crimea is rightfully theirs. Scythians against.

I have long been concerned with the question of why Ukraine so actively ascribes to itself the merits of others. Why makes Ilya Muromets a Ukrainian, founds Canada, wants to build a base on the Moon and launches American rockets on its engines. Ukrainians also carefully rewrite the data on Wikipedia so that people who want to check the truth of certain statements can see that the honest government of the chocolate king is not lying to them. Well, let's try to understand the root causes.

To do this, you will have to delve a little deeper into history, and the history of other states that are not related to Ukraine. Just to understand what’s the matter and why suddenly Bandera became a hero.

What do we know about Japan? Samurai, ninja, Bushido code, “warriors of the sacred wind,” the great Tokugawa shogun. A rich history, the basics of which every schoolchild knows. Some people know about Detachment 731 and Major Ishii, something the Japanese don’t boast about at all. For some, the names “Akagi” and “Soryu” are not an empty phrase, just like the encrypted message “Tora,” which the Japanese, in general, are rightfully proud of. Let's take Mongolia. The Great Kagan Genghis, the conquest of China, Rus' and part of Europe, the defeat of the Khorezm kingdom. Golden Horde

which is studied at school. Armenia. It is also Colchis, where the famous Argonauts sailed for the Golden Fleece, which was experimentally proven by the wonderful researcher Tim Severin. The first country to officially adopt the basic world religion

Ethiopia is the heir to the great kingdom of Aksum. The second state after Great Armenia to adopt the Christian religion at the official level. In the 3rd-8th centuries, Aksum was the most powerful kingdom on the African continent. And Ethiopians still know, even the most illiterate, that the great Russian poet Pushkin was from their region. Maybe not himself, maybe his grandfather, what's the difference?

There is nothing to say about the states of the Near and Middle East. Together they constitute the great heritage of the Sumerian civilization; this is the first writing, astronomy, mathematics, metal smelting, the first legislation on the planet, the biblical Tower of Babel...

Little Austria is rightfully proud of the great Mozart, Lebanon is proud of its Phoenician historical heritage. Hungary has King Béla I, who finally made the country Christian, and “the water of the Hungarian Queen” - the world’s first alcohol-based perfume, which laid the foundation for modern perfumery back in the 14th century. The Hungarians are also challenging Romania for the famous Vlad the Impaler, who freed the region from Ottoman domination for decades.

As we see, reader, many, even the smallest states, have reason to be proud of their past. And they never give it up, even from the most seemingly shameful and tragic pages.

Every state needs heroes. Bashkiria has its heroes in the form of Salavat Yulaev, an associate of Pugachev, Tatarstan has a rich history, this is the legacy of the Khazar Kaganate and Volga Bulgaria, even in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, archaeologists are excavating tools up to 150 thousand years old! Which speaks about the real cultural and civilizational antiquity of this region. The Yakut epic Olonkho is included in the UNESCO list of oral and intangible heritage.

The young American state, the state of colonists, renegades, declassed elements from all over the world, acted very smartly. They realized themselves as the American people, the bearer of a whole heap of different cultures, appropriated modern world themselves the right to punish and pardon, but never encroached on other people's historical values. America did not have its own heroes worthy of chanting in poetry, except for the founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves (this separate topic, not discussed in this article) and Colonel Colt. And they chose their own path of cultural development and instilling pride in the people for the country. All these Captain America, Rambo and other Batmans make up the culture of the modern American people. They are not fools to be proud of Field Marshal Amherst, who used biological weapons in the form of smallpox-infected blankets in the fight against the Indians! Therefore, the young American civilization created heroes for itself, invented them, drew comics about them and made films about them. Of course, there is now a brutal propaganda campaign on the topic of the space palm (Alan Shepard), but the documents will not let you lie.

Now we are witnessing the emergence of a new state, Ukrainian. After all, all 25 years that have passed since the collapse Soviet Union, Ukraine, like other republics of the USSR, is perceived as follows: former Soviets. And there’s no getting around it. Therefore, it is necessary to build a new independent state, it is necessary to reformat the consciousness of people, to instill in their minds the idea that they are truly great and independent, having the richest history.

But what if you own state history Ukraine doesn’t? From the word absolutely. Either they are under the Poles, then under Lithuania, or Khmelnitsky gave them to Muscovy... There is no heroic past either. Or rather, there is a past, and a very heroic one, but with a small amendment: exclusively as part of Muscovy/RI/USSR. Ukraine is afraid to challenge the US right to Batman. And there’s nothing more to invent, all superheroes were created a long time ago, even the famous Superman. Therefore, you need to grab something from someone, and also make sure that they believe in it.

About two years ago I became interested in what kind of people this was, the Ancient Ukrs. I know history quite well, I’ve been interested in it since childhood, so I couldn’t miss these echoes of the ancient Aryans among the Polyans, Drevlyans and other Krivichi, Slavic tribes that settled about 40 thousand years ago from the territory of modern India. And on Wikipedia I discovered that there really was such a tribe. They lived along the Uker River and appeared there around the 6th century. n. e., the name of the tribe was self-appropriated from the name of the river. This is how it was customary: there are clearings in the fields, among the trees there are Drevlyans... I won’t guess about the Krivichi. And on the Uker River, accordingly, ukran, they are also ukry in a different spelling.

After the scandal with the change in Wikipedia of the place of birth and nationality of Ilya Muromets, I was not at all surprised to see completely new data in the same article about the Ukrainians. It is no longer written there that by the 7th century it was small tribe completely dissolved, assimilated. On the contrary, it says that the great ones, ( censored, but everyone understood), Ancient Ukraine in the 10th century. were part of the Lutich military alliance and were even independent! And then, later, in the 12th century, they completely assimilated and became German-speaking. This is where the slogan “Ukraine is Europe” comes from. They, according to new Wikipedia data, are Germans.

Believe me, reader, for a person who has looked at wall clocks with Roman numerals since infancy, it is simply impossible to confuse the number X with the numbers V, VI and VII. And I found an article dated 2010, where this data was preserved. The Internet remembers everything, however, if I had known that such a mess would begin, I would have taken a screenshot. That uncorrected Wiki page.

Herself Kievan Rus was created by Novgorodians. It was not for nothing that Oleg was called the Prophetic. He moved the capital to Kyiv from Veliky Novgorod, wisely reasoning that from Novgorod to Byzantium, like Beijing in reverse, from Kyiv was much closer. And this is trade, economics. From Novgorod you can only swim and go to all sorts of Livonians and Swedes, but you can’t really trade with them. Therefore, modern Ukraine simply cannot take credit for Kievan Rus.

This means that we need a great hero from ancient times, whom everyone would know. And there is such a person in Ukraine, and then in Little Rus'. This is Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. And although he is still revered by even the most fierce Maidanites (which is strange for me personally), not a single monument to him was demolished (which is doubly strange, because they love to fight with monuments), he does not fit into the role of a truly all-Ukrainian hero. Simply because it was he who, following the results of the Pereyaslav Rada, gave all of Little Rus' to the Tsar of Muscovy, Alexei Mikhailovich. He gave it away for eternal use, and it was so successful that it continued until 1917. Therefore, there is no way to mold him into someone who can be considered a real hero of All Ukraine.

There were many outstanding Ukrainians, I have no doubt. Writers, military leaders, academics... But they are all so inextricably linked with Muscovy/Russian Empire/USSR that there is simply no one to take. They even disowned Shevchenko and Gogol! Like, Ukrainians, but somehow wrong, too Russian.

So it turns out, reader, that Ukraine is trying to attribute at least something to itself, because, by and large, there is nothing for it, the modern “Hail Zhiva - Glory to the Heroes,” to shine from the depths of centuries.

In my opinion, reader, Independent Ukraine (precisely independent, when it, like Ukraine, was on its own), has only one person who can be called at least somewhat a hero, this is Father Nestor Makhno. He rode around in a cart and even tried to create a semblance of a state. Well, at least choose him as a hero, idiots?! With all the duality of nature, dad was quite an adequate person.

No, they found Bandera and Shukhevych. They took the ugliest, most disgusting thing from their history, when they were supposedly independent. But that’s not the case either, because they were under Nazi occupation! I am not a psychologist, but even to my unassuming glance, there is an inferiority complex here. So, reader, Square is just trying to attribute at least some merit to itself, because there are simply no truly Ukrainian ones of its own.

Valery Bebik, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association of Political Sciences (UAPS)
Professor Bebik. Ethnic Ukraine lies from the Vistula to Sochi.
21.09.2011:: 00:24:55
IN Lately we received a colossal amount of facts testifying to the thousand-year history of Ukrainian civilization, from which at least three thousand years of history were simply stolen.

Take a look at the Soviet (and current Russian) school programs By ancient history. Take a look and see how scanty and “trimmed” it was served to the average Soviet person.

Until the 9th century we had nothing. Of course, some pagan barbarians lived on the Ukrainian lands, but it was only with the arrival of the Varangians that the state of Rus' was created here.

What Rus'? – Yes, of course, Kyiv. After all, if you remove this epithet, it turns out that the Moscow Mongol-Tatar ulus seems to have nothing to do with it. And so - continuity, the Third Rome and so on (although the first Rome is the city of Romen, in the Sumy region) ...

And it’s okay that on the territory of modern Ukraine back in the 12th millennium BC. There was already an ancient Mezin civilization (the prototype of Sumer/Samara/Sumer), which gave the world the symbol of the Sun God - the swastika, the encrypted name of God - the meander, the world's first musical ensemble from the bones of the ancient Chernigov mammoth.

You should not pay attention to the oldest temple on the planet, the Stone Tomb (XII-III thousand BC), whose priests on the ancient Zaporizhian soil created the myth of the creation of the world and developed the foundations of religious thinking, which formed the basis of all currently existing world religions.

Scythian-Trypillian civilization (VI-III millennium BC) with its cities of thousands of people, two-story houses, unique ceramics, a tamed horse, an invented plow, polygrain wheat, symbols of the cross and crescent (3 thousand years before Christianity and 3.6 thousand years before Islam) also seems to have nothing to do with us. Evaporated, or what?..

And in general, these ancestors of ours were kind of stupid. To live on 40% of the world's black soil volumes, and then take it and “wind up the fishing rods” to God knows where.

Exactly, people were out of their minds... There was wheat in the field. There is game in the forests. There are fish in the rivers. Stick a cherry stick into the ground and enjoy the berries of paradise. Named, by the way, in honor of the Almighty. In India, the Scythian-Aryans who emigrated from Ukraine still call him Vishnu...

However, there is one “but”... For the last 40 thousand years there has been no global flood on the territory of Ukraine (only in the Black Sea region). There was no total drought. There was no total glacier (as in Northern Europe and Russia).

There were no invaders who would have completely slaughtered all the ancestors of Ukrainians and settled in their place.

There was, however, an attempt by the Bolshevik Masons in the 30s of the 20th century (who, according to various sources, destroyed from 6 to 10 million Ukrainians), which significantly undermined the potential of the Ukrainians.

But, thank God, we are still alive - to spite our neighbors and the authorities. And we will always be!

Hence the conclusion: the core of the pro-Ukrainian ethnic group, despite active settlement, starting from the 6th millennium BC. , remained and continues to live on this land blessed by God!

And we are the historical and genetic successors of these ancient civilizations(XII-II millennium BC), looking at the achievements of which civilizations simply “rest” Ancient Egypt(III millennium BC), China (II millennium BC), Rome and Persia (I millennium BC).

And until now, almost 40% of the territory of Poland is ethnic Ukrainian lands. Kursk, Voronezh, Rostov regions, Kuban and Stavropol region(from the word “kraina” - “country”) - also ethnic Ukrainian lands, where even now during the census the local people sing Ukrainian songs and are recorded not as Russians, but as Cossacks.

And how can one not remember the writer Anton Chekhov: “I was born in the picturesque Ukrainian city of Taganrog...” Just a reminder: now this is the territory of the Rostov region Russian Federation, however, like the ethnically Ukrainian city of Sochi...

“Kievan Rus is an ancient Russian state, during the existence of which East Slavic tribes formed into an ancient Russian nationality, which later became the basis for the formation of three fraternal nationalities - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian,” says Bolshaya Soviet encyclopedia.

They didn't understand what they wrote.
Years later, specialists were found who were able to correct them.
In the history books of Ukraine for the 7th grade, it is directly stated: no fraternal peoples existed:
“The Kiev state, law, culture were created by one nationality, Ukrainian-Russian. Vladimir-Moskovskoe - another, Great Russian. The Vladimir-Moscow state was neither the heir nor the successor of the Kyiv state, it grew on its roots and the Kyiv state’s attitude towards it could be equated, for example, to the relationship of the Roman state to its Gallic provinces.”

“Rus” is an anachronism, “Introduction to the history of Ukraine”, 5th grade:
“The name Ukraine was first used in the chronicle in 1187 in relation to the Kiev region, Pereyaslav region and Chernigov region. It comes from the word kraina, which meant native land, native side, land. Subsequently, the name Ukraine spread to our entire land and gave its name to our people, displacing the former one - Rus' - from use.”

“Ukraine has always been one of the components of European civilization.” As an example, the scope of the achievements of the Cossacks is given: they expelled the Turks, beat down the Poles, and besieged Moscow.
“One of the advantages of the Cossack army was its impeccable mastery of sapper art. The Cossacks knew how to quickly and efficiently build strong fortifications during the battle. Polish and European engineers admired the fortifications of the Cossacks.”

The fundamental point: everywhere we are talking about the Ukrainian state within modern borders, as if it had always been this way. If it’s Crimea, then it’s Crimea occupied by the Tatars; if it’s Lvov, then it’s dishonestly occupied by the Poles. Almost all textbooks are written in reverse. On maps in textbooks it is written in the notations: “States that divided Ukrainian lands.” And the main enemy, naturally, is Russia:
“Since the middle of the 14th century, the position of the Moscow Principality has been strengthened. The Muscovites also encroached on foreign territories. However, the population offered fierce resistance to the Muscovites, for which the governors put many people to death with fire and sword.”

“The Avenue of Peter I for 1703 was found in the archives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was planned to wait for the death of Ivan Mazepa or to kill him, to liquidate the Cossack class, to destroy all those who disagreed or to evict them from Ukraine, and to populate the liberated lands with Russians and Germans. Sources have been preserved indicating the existence of plans to transfer Ukrainian lands to Prince Menshikov and the English Duke of Marlborough.”
Well, how can a Ukrainian schoolboy treat well a country whose king wanted to give his land to the English Duke?! How, tell me, could the progressive Hetman Mazepa remain loyal to such a king? This is what Strukevich writes in the chapter “Reasons for Ivan Mazepa’s switch to the side of Charles XII”:
“The advance of the Swedish army towards Ukraine prompted the hetman to turn to Peter I for help in allocating 10 thousand regular troops to repel the offensive. The tsar’s answer confirmed his complete indifference to the problems of the Ukrainian allies: “I can’t give not only 10,000, but also 10 people.” This is how he thanked for the sacrifices made by Ukrainians during Northern War. Peter I's refusal to fulfill his duty as the defender of Ukraine freed Mazepa from his obligations to the Moscow state. In the face of a powerful enemy capable of destroying Ukraine, what decision should Hetman Mazepa make? He decided to unite with the Swedes in the war against Muscovy.”

“Peter I began and successfully implemented the policy of colonization of Ukraine. Cut off from Europe, it became a market for Russian goods and a supplier of raw materials for its industry. Having subjugated Ukraine to its industrialists and merchants, Russian government sought to leave gold and silver money with the Russian population. Official St. Petersburg introduced as much copper money as possible into Ukrainian monetary circulation.”

“The revival of Ukrainian sovereignty in the period 1917-20 was accompanied by a continuous struggle with Russia, both Red and White. From the Ukrainian side people's republic the war was of a defensive, just nature. Russia acted as the aggressor in this conflict.”
I don’t want to retell what this textbook says about “de-curvulsion” and “liquidation of kurkulstvo Yak Klasu”, but it, for example, describes in detail the “exploits” of the heroes of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the SS division “Galicia”. And the conclusion is drawn:
“The UPA was the people's army. Thousands of Ukrainians who were in the ranks of the UPA gave their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.”
In the history textbook of Ukraine, the concept of “Great Patriotic War” is replaced by the “Soviet-German war”. And it is said: “Many Ukrainians were in partisan detachments. However, many of these detachments were controlled by representatives of the NKVD, and these detachments acted on their orders."

“The Black Sea appeared artificially thanks to the talent and work of the ancient Ukrainians... As a result of the heroic work of more than one generation of your ancestors, a huge lake was dug.”
“Aryans (Orii) is the oldest name of Ukrainians. The first plowmen of the world. They tamed the horse, invented the wheel and the plow.”
“The Ukrainian language is antediluvian, the language of Noah, the most ancient language in the world.”
“There is reason to believe that Ovid wrote poetry in the ancient Ukrainian language.”
“The glorious commander Spartacus can be counted among the brightest representatives of the Scythian-Aryan ethnos, which gave the world modern Ukrainians.”
“Ukrainians are a great people who once populated almost all of Europe. Gauls - inhabitants of Galicia (Galicians - Western Ukrainians), Galicia (in Spain), Gaul - in France and Northern Italy, and the Geels - the Scots, as well as the Irish - are one and the same people. Some Galicians also inhabited Thrace. So Spartak and Bandera - national heroes our homeland...

" begins a series of materials "Historical Front with Kirill Galushko". Together with famous historian we will debunk the myths that our neighbors, and often ourselves, believe in

The life of today's Ukrainian is full of fronts. One is real, and you need to be there with a machine gun. There is also a hybrid war and an information front. There is something to do for both the combat hundred and the “sofa”. Thousands of people chat online with Russian relatives or interlocutors, defending the Ukrainian cause. Both in politics and in history. This is a nervous exercise, because everyone is completely convinced that they are right. Then someone is banned, family ties are severed, and the mood deteriorates. Everyone seems to know the story, but from different sides. They say, for example, there is no such fact! The Americans came up with everything for you.

Plus there are evil bots running around everywhere and muddying the waters. In our country, each fighter on the information front seems to be on his own. But he lacks a “base”. There are a lot of history books on the Internet, but they write different things, and it’s unclear who to believe. There are sensations, and there are all sorts of tedious things like collections of documents and scientific monographs. But who will read them? No time, no.

We will try to walk through a long list of historical myths and truths over which both people and states quarrel. What kind of people and what kind of states - everyone understands.

Here Putin’s Agitprop weaves a web of lies. Millions and billions of different money are pouring into it. Agitprop says: there have never been any Ukrainians! They were invented by the Austrian General Staff during the First World War! You are a prodigal branch Russian people! You teach and teach, but you still don’t see the truth.

Our person enters into dialogue and gets entangled in this web. But he thinks that he has a secret weapon, for example, “ancient ukry”. The last argument... Someone wrote books about them. They were there a long time ago. And about Rus', and even more so about Muscovites? Then no one heard it at all. And there were ukry! They educated the Sumerians, taught the ancient Greeks wisdom. This is an argument!

And our man begins to cut the web of lies with this saber. But in practice it turns out that the saber bends, and in general it is some kind of toy. And Agitprop tells him in the person of some Kiselev: oh, so they also dug up the Black Sea! This is what your historians write! And even shows a map. And it’s clear that our man doesn’t believe Kiselyov, but the “Black Sea” is clearly too much... and what the ancient Ukrainians dug up Caucasus Mountains- too... And who should I ask - how did it really happen?

We give you a certificate. Ancient ukry

“Ancient Ukrainians” are the object of numerous pseudo-patriotic insinuations, presenting them as “first Ukrainians.” At the same time, the “degree of antiquity” of ukrov is an unstable value: from close to the historical realities of the early Middle Ages to the absolutely fantastic Stone Age. Unfortunately, in the media (primarily on the Internet, as well as in television), the research of domestic champions of “folk history” is very often presented as the point of view of Ukrainian historical science. The latter in no way corresponds to reality: the vision of the “Ukrainian question” by Ukrainian researchers does not differ at all from that in European historical science.

Historically reliable ukry (Uchri), they are also - ukran/vukran/ukryans (Ukranі, Vucrani) - Slavic tribe(union of tribes?), inhabiting the basin of the Ucker/Icker River (German: Ucker/Uecker) between the Oder and Elbe rivers. It is assumed that the ethnonym "ukrane" is derived from the name of the river (cf. "Buzhane", "Strumyan"). The name of the river (in Slavic pronunciation “Ukra”, modern Polish “Wkra”), most researchers derive from the Slavic term vikru “fast”.

The main mentions of ukrov/ukran in sources are associated with the events of the 10th century, namely with the expansion of German rulers (primarily the margraves of the Saxon Mark) into the lands of the Western Slavs. There is an opinion in the literature that the Ukrainians lived on the banks of the Uker almost from the 6th century. AD does not have sufficient grounds. This hypothesis is based solely on the earliest archaeological date of settlement of the Slavs (bearers of the Sukovsko-Dziedzicka archaeological culture) in the region. However, there is no information about the Ukrainians not only for the 6th century, but also for more later periods. It is quite significant, for example, that Ukraine does not know the so-called "Bavarian geographer" of the second half of the 9th century.

"Conquest" of the Slavs of the Elbe-Oder interfluve in the 10th century. was fairly nominal. These lands throughout the XI - early XII centuries. were the subject of territorial disputes between the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Poland, and the population of these areas remained fairly independent. The turning point in the history of the region was the so-called. Crusade against the Slavs in 1147. It was after it that active agrarian colonization of the region by German settlers began, and the missionary activity of the Catholic clergy among the Slavs intensified.
The result of these processes was a fairly rapid assimilation of the Slavic population. It is significant that the sources of the second half of the XII - XIII centuries. Slavic tribal names are practically not mentioned anymore. As “relics” they are preserved mainly in toponymy. In particular, among the toponyms there is also a certain “terra ukera”. However, it is worth noting that late medieval and modern toponyms (Uckerland, Uckermark) mean not so much “lands of ukrov/ukran”, but rather “lands around Ucker/Icker” (rivers).

In conclusion, it remains only to make a few comments about the hypotheses regarding the possible kinship of the medieval population of the territory of Ukraine and the Ukrainians. The historical roots of the Ukrainians are connected with the territory of Ukraine (or rather, its northern part) exactly to the extent that all Slavic peoples, both disappeared and existing today, are connected with a rather conventional “ancestral home”.

The assumptions about resettlement in the 11th and 12th centuries also have very shaky ground. ukran under the onslaught of German conquerors into the borders of modern Ukraine, found in near-historical literature. There is simply no historical evidence of this. Archaeological material really allows us to raise the question of the existence of some connections between the population of Southern Rus' and the Elbe-Oder interfluve. However, the nature of this material is quite clear: we are talking about trade and exchange relations, it is possible - about the resettlement of small groups of the population (individual families/clans), but not about large-scale migration.

Thus, Ukraine seems to be a fairly clearly localized phenomenon in space and time, having practically nothing to do with the territory of modern Ukraine, and even more so - with the ethnogenesis of Ukrainians. All sorts of fantasies about “ancient Ukrainians” remain on the conscience of their authors, as well as on the conscience of the “objective critics” of these anti-scientific nonsense, who, wittingly or unwittingly, contribute to their popularization of nonsense.

The article uses materials from the website "LIKBEZ. Historical Front" by Evgeniy Sinitsa

or “The Black Sea was dug up by the ancient Ukrainians”

The answer to the question asked by the Russian media: “Where did the generation of Ukrainians who hate Russia come from?” - really simple. It grew over the 23 years that we lived in different states after the collapse of the USSR. But what this generation was watered and fertilized with, “KP” tried to understand by studying the textbooks used to teach history in Square.

Brother or not brother?

“Kievan Rus is an ancient Russian state, during the existence of which the East Slavic tribes formed into an ancient Russian nationality, which later became the basis for the formation of three fraternal nationalities - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian,” says the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. The foolish scientists themselves did not understand what they were writing. Years later, specialists were found who were able to correct them.
In the textbook on the history of Ukraine for the 7th grade, written by V. A. Smoliy and V. S. Stepankov, it is directly stated: no fraternal peoples existed:
“The Kiev state, law, culture were created by one nationality, Ukrainian-Russian. Vladimir-Moskovskoe - another, Great Russian. The Vladimir-Moscow state was neither the heir nor the successor of the Kyiv state, it grew on its roots and the Kyiv state’s attitude towards it could be equated, for example, to the relationship of the Roman state to its Gallic provinces.”
If the textbook begins with this, it is not difficult to guess what will happen next...

“Russian State” and Cossack greatness

If you believe Ukrainian textbooks, Ukraine had two greatest rises: princely Rus' and the Cossacks.
Everyone knows well about princely Rus': Rurik, Oleg, Vladimir the Baptist, and so on right down to the Tatar-Mongols, who let this Rus' go to waste. So that someone, God forbid, does not confuse this empire with Russia, it is even specially written with one “s” - “Russian State”. But in general, the word “Rus” is an anachronism, V. S. Vlasov and O. N. Danilevskaya, authors of “Introduction to the History of Ukraine,” 5th grade, convince schoolchildren:
“The name Ukraine was first used in the chronicle in 1187 in relation to the Kiev region, Pereyaslav region and Chernigov region. It comes from the word kraina, which meant native land, native side, land. Subsequently, the name Ukraine spread to our entire land and gave its name to our people, displacing the former one - Rus' - from use.”
The main task of most textbooks is to prove that Ukraine is a great state, but it was constantly prevented from developing to its full potential. Although, as stated in the “History of Ukraine” (Strukevich A.K., 8th grade), “Ukraine has always been one of the components of European civilization.” As an example, the scope of the achievements of the Cossacks is given: they attacked the Turks, defeated the Poles, and besieged Moscow. And if anyone thinks that these were just men with sabers on horses, then he is simply ignorant:
“One of the advantages of the Cossack army was its impeccable mastery of sapper art. The Cossacks knew how to quickly and efficiently build strong fortifications during the battle. Polish and European engineers admired the fortifications of the Cossacks.”

The main enemy is Muscovy

The fundamental point: everywhere we are talking about the Ukrainian state within modern borders, as if it had always been this way. If it’s Crimea, then it’s Crimea occupied by the Tatars; if it’s Lvov, then it’s dishonestly occupied by the Poles. Almost all textbooks are written in reverse. If, relatively speaking, the American textbook tells how the pioneers settled in the Wild West, then the Ukrainian one tells how the Independent was suffocating in the ring of enemies: Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Austria.
Even on maps in textbooks it is written in the notations: “States that divided Ukrainian lands.” And the main enemy, naturally, is Russia:
“Since the middle of the 14th century, the position of the Moscow Principality has been strengthened. The Muscovites also encroached on foreign territories. However, the population offered fierce resistance to the Muscovites, for which the governors put many people to death with fire and sword.”

As a gift to the Duke of Marlborough

No matter what kind of king you take, everyone lived only to strangle Ukrainian statehood. Let's take, for example, Peter the Great.
This is what A. K. Strukevich writes in “History of Ukraine” for 8th grade:
“The Avenue of Peter I for 1703 was found in the archives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was planned to wait for the death of Ivan Mazepa or to kill him, to liquidate the Cossack class, to destroy all those who disagreed or to evict them from Ukraine, and to populate the liberated lands with Russians and Germans. Sources have been preserved indicating the existence of plans to transfer Ukrainian lands to Prince Menshikov and the English Duke of Marlborough.”
Well, how can a Ukrainian schoolboy treat well a country whose king wanted to give his land to the English Duke?! How, tell me, could the progressive Hetman Mazepa remain loyal to such a king? This is what Strukevich writes in the chapter “Reasons for Ivan Mazepa’s switch to the side of Charles XII”:
“The advance of the Swedish army towards Ukraine prompted the hetman to turn to Peter I for help in allocating 10 thousand regular troops to repel the offensive. The tsar’s answer confirmed his complete indifference to the problems of the Ukrainian allies: “I can’t give not only 10,000, but also 10 people.” This is how he thanked for the sacrifices made by Ukrainians during the Northern War. Peter I's refusal to fulfill his duty as the defender of Ukraine freed Mazepa from his obligations to the Moscow state. In the face of a powerful enemy capable of destroying Ukraine, what decision should Hetman Mazepa make? He decided to unite with the Swedes in the war against Muscovy.”
Peter, according to the textbooks, responded with “genocide and massacre.” But he didn't stop there:
“Peter I began and successfully implemented the policy of colonization of Ukraine. Cut off from Europe, it became a market for Russian goods and a supplier of raw materials for its industry. Having subjected Ukraine to its industrialists and merchants, the Russian government sought to leave gold and silver money with the Russian population. Official St. Petersburg introduced as much copper money as possible into Ukrainian monetary circulation.”
The rest of the Russian tsars or Soviet leaders - in the interpretation of Ukrainian textbooks - you can believe, are no better.
In short, over the past 20 years, a lot has been done to ensure that Russians and Ukrainians stop considering themselves brothers.

For some, the world still rests on whales, and for others, on Ukraine.


Historian Konstantin KOVALEV-Sluchevsky: Chad can be made the center of the world
- Why is Ukraine so actively writing its own history, different from everyone else?
- Berdyaev also said: history is a myth. You can rewrite any story from the point where we are now. Take, for example, the city of Astrakhan and write history so that it will be the center of civilization. You can write history in such a way that the center of the world will be the state of Chad in the center of Africa, because the remains of primitive man were found there, which means civilization arose there... The Ukrainians in this sense can be understood: they want to make Kyiv the center of their history. Kyiv has its own history, the question is, was it called Ukraine then? Of course not!
But Ukrainians claim to create their own civilizational myth. When, back in the 70s, as an archeology student, I was excavating Byzantine monuments in Crimea and we found something, the leadership came from Kyiv. And before my eyes, even then, a person wrote: a large number of ancient Ukrainian artifacts have been found. “Wait,” I said. “This is Byzantium, what does Ukraine have to do with it?” - “You are still young, you don’t understand anything!” This was said back in the Soviet Union! And while history will be interpreted by politicians, nothing can be done about it.

Looks like a joke about the globe of Ukraine...

The Baltic people also went through this. After all, there never was a Latvian or an Estonian state; they declared their importance solely due to the fact that Lenin signed the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty. They became independent states for 20 years and began to rewrite history for themselves...

Is it correct to take the territory of modern Ukraine and describe its “suffering” in its entire historical perspective?

This is something like how they would write in Russian textbooks that our Trans-Urals were villainously occupied by Genghis Khan and Tamerlane. Of course, this is not possible. The key point here: Kievan Rus and Ukraine are not the same thing.

Another feature of Ukrainian textbooks: three stages are distinguished - “princely Rus'”, “Cossack state” and immediately “revival of Ukraine”.
- This is for the reason that they do not know what to do with other periods when they did not exist at all. When they were not there, they tried to close their eyes, as it were.

What do you think happened on the territory Russian Empire after 1917? You won’t answer correctly because you haven’t read “History of Ukraine for grades 10-11” by A. Kozitsky. This author is sure that the “Russian-Ukrainian war of 1917 - 1920” actually took place. Kozitsky writes:
“The revival of Ukrainian sovereignty in the period 1917-20 was accompanied by a continuous struggle with Russia, both Red and White. On the part of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the war had a defensive, just character. Russia acted as the aggressor in this conflict.”
I don’t want to retell what this textbook says about “de-curvulsion” and “liquidation of kurkulstvo Yak Klasu”, but it, for example, describes in detail the “exploits” of the heroes of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the SS division “Galicia”. And the conclusion is drawn:
“The UPA was the people's army. Thousands of Ukrainians who were in the ranks of the UPA gave their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.”
In the textbook on the history of Ukraine, written by Sergei Sinilo, the concept of “Great Patriotic War” is replaced by the “Soviet-German war”. And it says:
“Many Ukrainians were in partisan detachments. However, many of these detachments were controlled by representatives of the NKVD, and these detachments acted on their orders.”
This is how the feat of thousands of people who fought against fascism is crossed out.

“The Black Sea was dug up by the ancient Ukrainians”

Alexandra KUCHUK
Ukrainian propaganda went so far that absolutely fantastic conclusions appeared in the books and articles of some authors. Here are some of them:
“The Black Sea appeared artificially thanks to the talent and work of the ancient Ukrainians... As a result of the heroic work of more than one generation of your ancestors, a huge lake was dug.”
“Aryans (Orii) is the oldest name of Ukrainians. The first plowmen of the world. They tamed the horse, invented the wheel and the plow.”
“The Ukrainian language is antediluvian, the language of Noah, the most ancient language in the world.”
“There is reason to believe that Ovid wrote poetry in the ancient Ukrainian language.”
“The glorious commander Spartak can be counted among the brightest representatives of the Scythian-Aryan ethnic group, which gave the world modern Ukrainians.”
“Ukrainians are a great people who once populated almost all of Europe. The Gauls are the inhabitants of Galicia (Galicians are Western Ukrainians), Galicia (in Spain), Gauls - in France and Northern Italy, and the Gaels - the Scots, as well as the Irish - are one and the same people. Some Galicians also inhabited Thrace. So Spartak and Bandera are national heroes of our homeland.”

Just like in the history books different countries outlines the events of the Great Patriotic War
Some might not remember who exactly commanded the First Belorussian Front, others might not remember why Zhukov received the third Order of Lenin, but none of those who grew up in the Soviet Union had any questions about Victory Day. Even the most inveterate enemies of the system did not dispute the greatness of the holiday with tears in their eyes.
As it turned out, by the seventh decade since the capture of Berlin, not many people, except Russia, want to remember what happened in May 1945. In any case, in school history textbooks of different countries, the events of the end of World War II are distorted beyond recognition.


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