Home Children's dentistry Mgup im i fedorova former mpi schedule. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

Mgup im i fedorova former mpi schedule. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

For those who want to design and build various buildings and cities.


If you want to work with words, text, languages, people, society

For those who want to work in cultural institutions with creative and not so creative specialists

For those who want to be a director, theater artist, producer and actor

For those who want to become a designer, artist, sculptor.

For those who want to work in the tourism industry in hotels, restaurants, and also receive linguistic education.

For those who want to work with plants and animals

For those who want to become a food technologist and food processing engineer

These are universities that have faculties of different profiles: medicine, finance, engineering, personnel management, hotel management, journalism, sociology, philosophy, linguistics and others.

For those who want to treat and diagnose people's diseases, as well as manage hospitals.

For those who want to be a lawyer, investigator, prosecutor, judge, legal adviser in a commercial or government company.

For those who want to analyze the income and expenses of a company, industry and country, as well as conduct trade, including international trade.

For those who want to work in law enforcement agencies as managers, translators, and engineers.

For those who want to be a coach, sports manager, exercise therapy specialist.

For those who want to deeply study foreign languages ​​and work with them.

For those who want to be a performing musician, vocalist, choirmaster, producer.

For those who want to be a designer (for example, graphic, interior).

For those who want to become a chemical scientist, a process engineer in chemical production.

For those who want to develop computer programs, develop, service and configure computer systems.

For those who want to learn management structural divisions commercial and government companies.

For those who want to deeply study physical, chemical, biological, geological sciences.

For those who want to deeply study physics and mathematics.

Business education for senior managers.

Moscow universities: institutes, universities, academies

Those who do not go to university as a temple of science go to it as the threshold of a career.

DI. Pisarev

Moscow universities are considered the most prestigious and occupy high places in the rankings of universities in Russia and the world. There are many excellent universities in other cities of Russia (St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Ufa), but traditionally the capital of a great country is educational, scientific and cultural center. All achievements of scientific and technological progress first appear in Moscow, and then spread throughout Russia.

In Moscow, as in other regions, since the early 90s of the twentieth century there has been a division into state and non-state universities. State ones, as a rule, have a long history and are based on the material base of universities created at the beginning of the 20th century, and some - in the 19th century. Such universities are famous for their educational traditions, technical equipment, and rich libraries. And, most importantly, stability. Education received at state universities and institutes in Moscow meets the most stringent state standards, is considered high quality and prestigious. Diplomas from strong state universities are not questioned and are recognized by all employers without exception. Such capital leaders of university education as Moscow State University or Moscow State Technical University named after. Bauman N.E. provide world-class education. For many applicants, benefits that only state universities can offer are important: dormitory for non-residents, deferment from the army, military department, preferential travel ticket.

All state universities in Moscow are divided into groups: academies, universities, institutes, conservatories. In every field of knowledge there is a university that is recognized as the best. Of course, Moscow State University. Lomonosova M.V. by definition, dominates all universities, but this does not mean that all other universities are worse. For example, in technical terms, MSTU named after. Bauman N.E. is at the same level as Moscow State University. And in the field of universities foreign languages Moscow State Pedagogical University and Moscow State Linguistic University named after M. Thorez are in the lead. Moscow State University is only in 3rd place in this ranking.

The only drawback of state universities is a large competition and a high passing score, and therefore it is not easy to enter the budget department. And the cost of training in state institutions and universities in Moscow is not available to most applicants.

Non-state universities have their advantages over state ones. Firstly, many of them provide education at a level not lower than the state level, since professors, doctors and candidates of sciences are involved in the educational process, and new generation educational and methodological complexes are being introduced that promote broad-based, original and creative thinking. Secondly, the passing grade is much lower here and the opportunity to enroll is higher, as well as the cost of training is lower. Thirdly, it is easier to combine study with work.

Our database contains universities in Moscow and the Moscow region, all information on which has been carefully edited in accordance with the reorganization and consolidation as of May 1, 2016. The following have been updated on the university pages:

  • contact information with telephone numbers and email addresses of admissions committees;
  • main directions and profiles of study with information about second higher and additional education;
  • descriptions of universities.

A section of our database will help you choose a suitable university, in which universities, academies and institutes in Moscow are distributed according to profiles and areas of training: pedagogical, technical, medical, construction and architectural, etc. Each applicant has a rough idea of ​​what he would like to do in life , in which direction to receive education. Having chosen a suitable direction on the website, you can see a whole list of universities that have faculties in their field of education. Now all that remains is to choose one university from several, focusing on personal preferences - public or private, forms of education, the availability of a dormitory, deferment from the army, internships at partner universities, the quality of the teaching staff, the achievements of the university and individual graduates, their relevance, extensiveness international contacts, laboratory equipment.

Despite the upcoming long years learning and its complexity, we must always remember that the impossible is possible with making the right choice path, determination, perseverance and high ambitions! “Nulla tenaci invia est via” translated from Latin means: “For the persistent, the impossible is possible.” This is the basis of progress in the development of all humanity and the individual. “Certainty of purpose is the starting point of all achievement,” said the great W. Clement Stone.

The only way to do great things is to love what you do

Sometimes he provides a person with contradictory information, and therefore a coherent, unified picture about him cannot be formed in his head. specific institute or university. In this article we will dwell in detail on the consideration of Moscow State University named after. I. Fedorov and we will answer the question of whether it is worth enrolling here or not.

What fields do specialists graduate from here?

Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Ivan Fedorova is a metropolitan university that produces professionals in the field of publishing and printing. In fact, it is the only university in the country that provides comprehensive training for employees with higher professional education for further labor activity in the field of the media industry, since a specialist with a diploma from this educational institution in the future will be able to work as a distributor of printed materials, a designer, a packager, a designer, and in a whole range of other areas.


Currently at Moscow State Unitary Enterprise. I. Fedorov, there are several institutes that were reorganized from faculties in 2013. These include:

  • Institute of Media Business and Communications;
  • Institute of Book and Graphic Art;
  • Institute of Information Technologies and Print Media;
  • Institute of Journalism and Editorial Affairs;
  • Institute of Management and Economics.

Before the beginning of the 2000s, the Fedorov Moscow State University trained specialists at 5 faculties and 11 specialties. According to data for 2000, the number of students within the walls of the institution was about 4 thousand people. Today in the structural organization of Moscow State Unitary Enterprise named after. I. Fedorov there are 30 departments employing 400 teachers. There are 72 doctors of sciences and professors, 233 candidates of sciences and associate professors.

From the history of the university

MSUP im. I. Fedorov was not always the same as he is known to students today. Founded in 1930 as the Moscow Printing Institute on the basis of the printing departments of the Leningrad and Moscow Higher Art and Technical Institutes (abbreviated as VKHUTEIN), MPI was initially subordinate to the Printing Association of the Supreme Council of National Economy (VSNKh) National economy). Afterwards, it came under the control of the People's Commissariat of Local Industry (Narkommestprom), and then, already in the 2nd half of the 30s, to the Association of State Book and Magazine Publishing Houses (abbreviated as OGIZ).

Since 1949, according to the order of the Soviet Ministry higher education, the institute established a student scholarship named after I. Fedorov. At the same time, in connection with the cessation of the activities of OGIZ, the Moscow Printing Institute passed into the hands of the Glavpoligraphizdat of the USSR. The year 1993 was marked by the fact that the institute was renamed MGAP - Moscow State Academy of Press. It received university status in 1997, and since 2010, Moscow State Unitary Enterprise named after. I. Fedorov acquired his modern name, that is, it began to bear the name of the famous Russian pioneer printer. In 2011, the university switched to the universal Bologna education system, which is practiced today in all Moscow institutes and universities and provides for the division of education into bachelor's and master's levels.

In 2013, Fedorov MSUP Printing won the title of the best specialized university according to the founders of the “100” competition best universities Russia." In March 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation decided to merge the Moscow State Technical University "MAMI" with the Ivan Fedorov Moscow State Unitary Enterprise in order to create on their basis a single Moscow Polytechnic Institute (Polytech). It began operating in September of the same 2016.

Conditions of admission and training

Today at Moscow State University named after. I. Fedorov, whose faculties and institutes are in demand among applicants, you can enroll in both budget and paid forms of education. The minimum threshold for admission to a commercial basis was identified for the specialty “Materials Science and Technology of Materials” - it is only 164 points. For more in-demand and popular faculties, for example “Publishing” or “ Periodicals and multimedia journalism,” this figure will be significantly higher - 240 and 368 points, respectively. The average duration of a full course of study for a bachelor's degree is the traditional 4 years, but in some areas, for example, “Design of printed materials,” the figure reaches up to 5 years for a standard full-time course of study. The cost of tuition on a paid basis for bachelors is at least from 120 to 166 thousand rubles per year, for masters - from 70 to 140 thousand rubles annually. At the same time, the duration of study for the latter is two years, and for admission they must successfully pass the entrance test within the university. School graduates applying for a bachelor's degree will have to provide the results of the Unified State Exam, namely such subjects as:

  • mathematics (major exam), Russian language, social studies;
  • Russian language, literature, entrance test;
  • Russian language, history, social studies;
  • Russian language, literature.

The list of required exams may vary depending on the chosen direction, so in each specific case it should be clarified separately.

Positive feedback from students

Among the main advantages of this university, the Internet user audience highlighted the presence professional teachers, the abundance of the most varied information that the student is given in class, the existence real possibility revenues on a budget basis. In addition, the university encourages constant self-development: here no one will study for the student, and therefore, over time, one way or another, he will get used to obtaining and analyzing information on his own, and thinking with his own head. Another important point, according to students, is the concern of the leadership. If a person has any problems, difficulties in the learning process or made themselves felt conflict situations With teaching staff, you can always turn to the “boss”, who will listen and help you figure it out.

Negative reviews

However, at the same time, the youth also described the disadvantages that are present within the walls of the institution. These include, for example, the schedule of Moscow State Unitary Enterprise named after. Fedorov, which is compiled by the dean’s office for a very long time and is often incorrect. Thus, there were cases when students found out about classes right on the day they were supposed to take place, and upon arrival they discovered that there would be not two, not three, but as many as five classes! At the same time, students warn applicants that they need to be prepared to face incompetence, since it can be really difficult to adapt to some teachers. Sometimes professors find themselves simply out of touch with modernity and, for example, PR, marketing and advertising can be taught in the old way, using methods that are no longer used today. Also English language in the programs of a number of specialties, it is not studied as long and fully as students would like. We are again returning to the topic of self-education, but here it is rather with a minus sign, because you will need to turn to additional resources, search for tutors, etc.

Graduates with a capital letter

Be that as it may, many outstanding people, especially cultural figures, emerged from the walls of MSUP. For example:

  • V. A. Ponikarov, Honored Ukrainian and Soviet artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine;
  • P. N. Mamonov - rock musician, poet, actor;
  • V. P. Bury - Honored Artist of Russia, restoration artist ( highest category), professor of the Academy. S.G. Stroganov.

If these people were able to realize themselves and find their own niche in life, it means that the alma mater has done its job - it has educated and graduated, first of all, worthy people and, of course, no less important, good specialists. This means that everyone can get everything they need here if they are interested.

On March 21, 2016 it was reorganized together with the University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), becoming Graduate School of Printing and Media Industry(VShPiM MPU). Nowadays she provides comprehensive training for the entire range of professions in the media industry.

Higher School of Printing and Media Industry of Moscow Polytechnic University
International name Moscow State University of Printing Arts
Former names Moscow State University print
Moscow Printing Institute
Moscow State Academy of Printing
Year of foundation October 21,
Reorganized Moscow Polytechnic University
Year of reorganization March 21, 2016
Director Khokhlogorskaya, Ekaterina Lvovna
Students 7000
Location Russia Russia, Moscow
Legal address 127550 Moscow, st. Pryanishnikova, 2A
Website mgup.ru

In 2013, according to the results of the competition “100 Best Universities of Russia”, Moscow State University named after Ivan Fedorov was recognized as the best specialized university.


March 21, 2016 by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation It was decided to merge MSUP im. Ivan Fedorov and MAMI and the formation on their basis of the Moscow Polytechnic University, operating since September 1, 2016.

From September 1, 2016, the University of Printing becomes the Higher School of Printing and Media Industry as part of the Moscow Polytechnic University. (VShPiM)


At the beginning of the 2000s, MSUP trained specialists at five main faculties in 11 specialties. The number of students in 2002 was about 4,000 people. The structure of MSUP includes 30 departments, which employ 400 teachers (including 72 professors and doctors of science, 233 associate professors and candidates of science).


Since 2013, faculties have been reorganized into institutes:

  • Institute of Printmedia and Information Technologies
  • Institute of Publishing and Journalism
  • Institute of Communications and Media Business
  • Institute of Graphics and Book Art


Notable teachers and alumni

see also


  1. MSUP is the best specialized university in Russia | Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov (MSUP named after Ivan Fedorov) (undefined) . mgup.ru. Retrieved July 15, 2016.
  2. MSUP named after Ivan Fedorov - 80 years (undefined) (12.10.2010).

Your city: Moscow

Popular educational institutions

Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov

Faculties and specialties

student life


1. These Rules for admission to educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs, master's programs at the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ivan Fedorov Moscow State University of Printing Arts" for the 2015/16 academic year (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) regulate the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter collectively referred to as applicants) to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs and master's programs (hereinafter respectively - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs) in the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov” (hereinafter referred to as the University).

2. The University announces admission to undergraduate programs, specialist programs, master’s programs (hereinafter referred to as admission to study, educational programs) in accordance with License No. 1704 dated August 11, 2011 for the implementation educational activities according to the relevant educational programs issued Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science for an indefinite period.

3. The rules for admission to the University for study in educational programs are established by the University independently to the extent not regulated by the legislation on education. Admission rules are regulated by local normative act organizations

4. Admission to training is carried out locally within the framework of the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, respectively, the target figures, budgetary allocations) and to the localities under educational agreements concluded when admitting to study at the expense of funds individuals and (or) legal entities (hereinafter referred to as contracts for the provision of paid educational services).

Within the control figures, the following are distinguished:

quota for admission to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs at the expense of budgetary allocations for disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during military service, which, according to the conclusion federal institution Medical and social examination does not contraindicate education in relevant educational organizations for orphans and children without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the admission quota for persons with special rights);

5. Persons with secondary general education are allowed to study bachelor’s or specialist’s programs. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to study master's programs.

To master educational programs persons are admitted who have an education of the appropriate level, the presence of which is confirmed by one of the following documents on education or education and qualifications (hereinafter referred to as a document of the established form):

document on education or education and qualifications of the sample established by the federal body executive power carrying out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, or a federal executive body exercising functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare, or a federal executive body exercising functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of culture 6 ;

a state-issued document on the level of education or on the level of education and qualifications received before January 1, 2014;

document on education and qualifications of the sample established by the federal state budgetary educational organization of higher education (federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education) "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov" (hereinafter - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov) and the federal state budgetary educational organization of higher education (federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education) "St. Petersburg State University" (hereinafter referred to as St. Petersburg State University), or a sample established by decision of the collegial governing body educational organization, if the specified document was issued to a person who successfully passed the state final certification 7;

document (documents) of a foreign state on education or on education and qualifications (hereinafter referred to as a document of a foreign state on education) if the education certified by the specified document is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education in accordance with Article 107 Federal Law or Article 6 of the Federal Law of May 5, 2014 N 84-FZ “On the Features legal regulation relations in the field of education in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol and on amendments to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" 8 (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law N 84-FZ).

6. Admission to training is carried out separately for bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs 9.

7. Admission to training at the expense of budgetary allocations is carried out on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided by Federal Law 10.

Admission to training places with payment of the cost of training by physical and (or) legal entities is carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation 11 .

The conditions for admission to study in basic professional educational programs must guarantee respect for the right to education and enrollment from among applicants who have the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master the educational program of the appropriate level and the appropriate focus 12.

8. Admission to study at the University is carried out for the first year.

9. Admission to undergraduate and specialist programs is carried out on the basis of the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam), recognized as the results of entrance tests, and (or) based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently, specified in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 18, paragraphs 20 and 23 of the Rules.

Admission to master's programs is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations, the list of which is established and conducted by the University independently.

10. The University conducts admission to study for each set of admission conditions:

1) for the University as a whole;

2) separately for full-time, part-time and part-time, correspondence forms training;

3) separately for bachelor’s degree programs, specialty programs, master’s programs, depending on their focus (profile) in accordance with the rules specified in paragraph 11 of the Rules;

4) separately:

a) to places within the control figures:

for places within the admission quota for persons with special rights (under bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs);

for places within the target admission quota;

for places within the target figures minus the number of places to which are enrolled persons entitled to enroll in studies without entrance examinations (under bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs), persons admitted within the admission quota of persons with a special right (under bachelor's degree programs , specialty program), and targeted admission quotas (hereinafter referred to as places within the target numbers for the general competition);

b) for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services (under bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs - minus the number of places for which persons entitled to enroll in studies without entrance examinations are enrolled);

5) separately, depending on the level of education of applicants (for undergraduate programs, specialist programs) (except for cases in which separate competitions depending on the level of education of applicants are not held in accordance with paragraph 24 of the Rules):

based on average general education;

on the basis of secondary vocational education (including applicants on the basis of primary vocational education received before the entry into force of the Federal Law and certified by a state document on primary vocational education, which confirms receipt of secondary (complete) general education, or a state document on primary vocational education, received on the basis of secondary (complete) general education) and on the basis of higher education (hereinafter together - professional education).

Admission to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs on the basis of vocational education can be carried out separately on the basis of secondary vocational education and on the basis of higher education or without the specified division.

Persons with a professional education can enroll in bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs based on secondary general education (if they have a higher education, they can only take places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services).

The approved list of areas of training and specialty for which the University announces admission to study, indicating the conditions for admission specified in subparagraphs 1–4 of this paragraph, is presented in Appendix No. 1
to these Rules.

11. Admission to training, depending on the focus (profile) of educational programs (subclause 3 of clause 10 of the Rules), is carried out in the following ways:

for bachelor's programs in each field of study in general, for a specialty program in the specialty as a whole, for master's programs in each field of study in general;

for each bachelor's degree program within the training area 44.03.04 “Vocational training (by industry).”

For various bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, and master's programs, admission to studies can be carried out in various ways.

12. Admission to study without entrance examinations for bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs is carried out separately for each set of admission conditions specified in subparagraphs 1–3 of paragraph 10 of the Rules, separately for places within the target figures (minus the quota for admission of persons with special rights, and targeted admission quotas) and for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

Admission to study in accordance with the results of entrance examinations is carried out based on the results of separate competitions for each set of admission conditions specified in subparagraphs 1–5 of paragraph 10 of the Rules.

The quota for admission of persons with special rights specified in subclause 4 of clause 10 of the Rules is established by the University in the amount of no less than 10% of the total volume of control figures allocated to the University for the next year for each area of ​​training and (or) specialty. The holding of individual competitions specified in subparagraph 5 of paragraph 10 of the Rules, and the distribution of places between competitions is carried out in accordance with paragraph 104 of the Rules. These competitions are not held in the case established by clause 24 of the Procedure.

13. To enroll in training, applicants submit an application for admission with an application necessary documents(hereinafter referred to as documents required for admission; documents submitted for admission; documents submitted).

14. The person to whom the applicant has been granted the appropriate authority (hereinafter referred to as the authorized representative) may submit to the University the documents required for admission, revoke these documents, carry out other actions that do not require the personal presence of the applicant, upon presentation of a power of attorney issued by the applicant and executed in the prescribed manner to take appropriate actions.

15. Organizational support for admission to study is carried out by the admissions committee created by the University. The chairman of the admissions committee is the rector of the University. The chairman of the admissions committee appoints an executive secretary of the admissions committee, who organizes the work of the admissions committee, as well as personal reception of applicants, their parents (legal representatives), and proxies.

To conduct entrance examinations, the University creates examination and appeal commissions.

The powers and procedure for the activities of the selection committee are determined by its regulations, approved by the rector of the University. The powers and procedures of the examination and appeal commissions are determined by the regulations on them, approved by the chairman of the selection committee.

16. When admitting students to undergraduate programs and full-time specialist programs, the following deadlines are established within the target numbers:

2) the deadline for completing the entrance examinations conducted by the University independently, specified in subparagraph "b" of clause 18, clauses 20 and 23 of the Rules, the deadline for completing the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for study without passing such entrance examinations (hereinafter collectively - the day completion of acceptance of documents and entrance examinations), – July 24, 2015;

3) the deadline for accepting documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation is July 6, 2015;

4) the deadline for accepting documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of other entrance tests specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 18, entrance tests specified in paragraphs 20 and 23 of the Rules - July 13, 2015.

17. When admitting students to undergraduate programs in full-time and part-time forms of study under agreements for the provision of paid educational services, the following terms are established:

2) the deadline for receiving documents required for admission from persons applying for study based on the results of additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation (42.03.02 “Journalism”, 54.03.01 “Design”, 54.05.03 “Graphics” ), – July 6, 2015;

3) the closing date for accepting documents and entrance examinations (all other areas of training) – August 31, 2015.

When admitting students to undergraduate programs via correspondence courses under agreements for the provision of paid educational services, the following deadlines are established:

When admitting students to master's degree programs, the following deadlines are established within the control figures:

When admitting students to master's programs in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the following deadlines are established:

Our student life:

About the educational institution

The history of the university begins in 1930, when, by resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the basis of the printing faculties of the Higher Art and Technical Institute was organized Moscow Printing Institute, which received classrooms, offices, laboratories, printing equipment, a library and dormitories. Teachers and students of the Higher Art and Technical Institute moved to the new institute, whose valuable scientific and educational traditions were not only preserved, but also received further development. The Moscow Printing Institute became the first educational institution that trained highly qualified personnel for printing enterprises and publishing houses, a kind of center for transforming domestic printing into an advanced branch of production. The magazine “Printing Production” noted in 1930 that “the current year should be considered decisive in the matter of training personnel for the entire subsequent development of printing production.”

Initially the institute had three faculties: Engineering and technology, Engineering and Economics And Publishing. From 1930 to 1933, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology trained specialists in five specialties: engineer-technologist of letterpress printing, engineer-technologist of flat-bed printing, engineer-technologist of intaglio printing, engineer-technologist of photographic equipment, engineer-technologist-materials scientist. Since 1933, in accordance with the resolution of the USSR Central Executive Committee on higher education, the number of technological specialties was reduced to two: engineer-technologist of the printing industry with a chemical bias and engineer-technologist of the printing industry with a mechanical bias. At the Faculty of Engineering and Economics in 1930 there were two specialties: engineer-economist-planner and engineer-economist-rationalizer. The latter was abolished in 1932.

In 1931/32 academic year forms of on-the-job training for students were introduced: at the Faculty of Technology in 1931-1933. with a specialty as a process engineer in a typesetting, printing and binding shop, and since 1933 - a process engineer in the printing industry, at the Faculty of Economics - an economist-planner. There were five specialties at the Publishing Faculty: book designer, newspaper and magazine designer, poster and children's book designer, book originalist, poster and magazine originalist. In 1939, the Mechanical Faculty was created at the Printing Institute to train engineers with a specialty in “Mechanical equipment of printing enterprises.”

The first enrollment at the institute in 1930 was made up mainly of printers who had extensive experience production work. From 1930 to 1940, from 293 to 705 people studied at the institute.

In 1931-1933. physics laboratories were created, analytical chemistry, general chemistry, photomechanics, drawing room, workshops for lithography, typesetting, printing and bookbinding, in 1934-1935. - laboratories organic chemistry, materials technology, physical and colloid chemistry, intaglio printing and a mechanics room with a locksmith workshop. In addition, the equipment of previously created laboratories was replenished. At this time, three new printing machines appeared in the printing house of the institute - letterpress printing, linotype, intaglio printing, in the photomechanical laboratory - testing instruments, etc.

For necessary growth personnel, research work was carried out at the institute. In 1933, postgraduate studies were organized in the specialties “Printing technology” and “Printing machines”. In 1933, 16 graduate students-technologists studied in various specializations in graduate school. In 1935, 8 people studied in graduate school, the next year - 16. In 1936, the first defense of a candidate's dissertation took place by graduate student A.P. Safonov.

The formation and development of the institute is inextricably linked with the names of such scientists and teachers as professors V.V. Puskov, V.G. Georgievsky, Ya.M. Katushev, V.A. Yudin, S.A. Pletenev, V.A. Favorsky , A. D. Goncharov, P. A. Popryadukhin, K. I. Bylinsky, L. E. Levenson, Dobrogursky; associate professors: A. P. Safonov, S. G. Novokhatsky, N. F. Lapin, Yu. I. Zolotnitsky, F. P. Andrievsky, N. F. Chvanov, S. P. Egorov, L. V. Petrokas, N. T. Kudryavtsev and others.

In 1941, the Editorial and Publishing Faculty was expanded and had departments: literary and editorial, artistic and design and economic planning. Since that time, the Moscow Printing Institute began to train specialists in all the main specialties of printing and publishing.

With the beginning of the war, the structure of the institute changed significantly: new functions appeared, determined by wartime conditions and the state of affairs at the front. At the call of the Komsomol, most of the students, having passed their final exams, remained in Moscow on the labor front. Student teams worked around the clock different tasks: were on duty in the institute building on the street Kirova, 21 and eliminated the consequences of enemy air raids; equipped buildings with air-raid shelters4, monitored fire-fighting equipment; they restored tram tracks, were on duty at night at metro stations and other facilities. In the first months of the war, a high patriotic consciousness and a great feeling of love for the Motherland manifested themselves with particular force. And this was equally characteristic of teachers, engineering and laboratory staff and students. Many teachers and students volunteered for the front. Unfortunately, the fate of many of them is unknown.

At the end of 1941, MPI was evacuated from Moscow to Shadrinsk.

Long awaited return to Moscow took place in 1944., where it was necessary to re-equip the resulting building and the educational process.

The restoration of the institute, or rather its revival, began with the development of not only what was transferred to the institute buildings of the former private men's gymnasium Strakhov on the Garden Ring(Sadovo-Spasskaya, 6), but from the organization educational process, recruitment of teaching staff, admission of students, preparation of textbooks and other matters. All these problems were solved by the team and yielded results in the 50s.

In 1960, Moscow Printing Institute merged with the Moscow Correspondence Printing Institute, founded in 1935. As a result of the merger, the structure of MPI as a university is finally taking shape, in which specialists for printing are trained on a general basis in full-time, evening and correspondence forms of study.

The period from the early 1960s to the mid-1980s. - this is the history of the university, how largest center printing education and printing science Soviet Union very interesting. In addition to MPI, there was another printing university in the USSR - UPI in Lvov and the printing department of OPI (Omsk). Thus, the MPI bore on its shoulders the burden of training personnel both for the Russian Federation and for many union republics. A lot of highly qualified printing personnel were trained by the faculties of the MPI for foreign countries.

In the 1960s-80s. this is already one of the largest industrial educational institutions in Moscow with 8 faculties, 30 departments, 36 educational and scientific laboratories, 10 classrooms and training workshops, and graduate school. The institute employed over 300 full-time teachers, among whom more than 150 were professors, associate professors and candidates of science. The names of many of them were widely known outside the university.

The focus was on the problems of improving the educational process. By the end of the decade, 400 teachers worked in 35 departments of the university, including 27 doctors of science and 220 associate professors and candidates. Enjoyed great prestige in the industry and the teaching community of Moscow the best teachers MPI - professors K. N. Bystrov, M. I. Voskresensky, N. S. Valgina, M. V. Efimov, B. A. Shashlov, V. I. Sheberstov, B. M. Mordovin, B. N. Shakhkeldyan, N. M. Sikorsky, M. V. Urnov, D. D. Zhilinsky, E. B. Adamov, V. L. Mironov; associate professors: K. A. Anikina, A. V. Gribkov, V. I. Grebenshchikov, Yu. I. Yakimenko and others.

In the mid-1980s. A qualitatively new period has begun in the history of our university. This period, which continues today, is marked by a qualitative transformation of the country’s higher printing school.

Thanks to the persistence of the teaching staff, “Printing” and “Book Studies” appeared in the Russian list of areas of training, in which bachelors and masters were trained.

In the second half of the 1980s. and the beginning of the 90s. The university joined the associations: Interregional Association Printers, Association of Book Publishers, Association of Book Distributors, Association of Packaging Manufacturers.

At the end of the 1980s. The Moscow Printing Institute carried out a broad program of scientific developments in the interests of the industry. Among the most significant of those carried out in the second half of the 1980s. scientific works— creation and organization of mass production of universal multilayer material for direct method production of offset forms; development of environmentally friendly thermal transfer printing technology on various synthetic materials; creation of a set of equipment for the production of offset forms using the direct electrophotographic method and the development of a method for liquid development of a charging image of electrostatic printing.

A visible sign of the 1990s. began computerization and widespread international cooperation. It is carried out along different lines. Partners include higher education institutions, associations, and manufacturing companies of printing equipment.

Developing connections with foreign higher education institutions, the university throughout the 1990s. actively collaborated in the forms of scientific, methodological, teaching, student exchange (training and internship) with related partner universities. These partners include national universities of the CIS countries, Berg Technical University in Wuppertal (Germany), Higher Technical Schools in. Leipzig and Chemnitz, Technical University in Darmstadt, Stuttgart Higher School of Graphic Arts (Germany), Beijing Printing Institute (China), Jung Bu University (Republic of Korea), as well as universities in Bulgaria, Mongolia, etc.

The university today is at the forefront in the field latest technologies. It is in the university's laboratories that new products from industry leading companies appear - Heidelberg, DuPont, KBA, HP, Adobe and others - while working at them, university students gain practical skills. It is here that future printers and graphic artists become familiar with scientific and creative activity, winning diplomas at prestigious international youth competitions. New directions have appeared in scientific research carried out by the university are intelligent packaging, digital printing, information Technology in the print media industry, etc. In the past year alone, 28 candidate dissertations were defended by university councils, while more than 200 people are currently studying in graduate school.

And yet, the main thing in the biography of a university is not the numbers, no matter how impressive they may be, and not the facts, even if they are inscribed in the history of the entire country. The main thing, as in the fate of any university, is its people. It was through their talent and ascetic labor that his glory was born and multiplied.

Surely in any university in the country they can lead famous names, impressive figures and facts. But if you go to house 7 on the street today. Mikhalkovskaya, where the Museum of the History of Printing and Book Publishing of Russia is located at the university, leisurely examine the unique printing machines, reflect on the pages of rare documents carefully stored here - you will understand with reverence: the history of MSUP is truly the personified history of the country.

... When, for one reason or another - some with pride, and some, perhaps, with irony - utters the phrase widely known at one time that “our people are the most reading people in the world” - this is MSUP. Because these are his graduates throughout modern history countries, even during the years of the Great Patriotic War and devastation, continuously and tirelessly provided people with the main thing that helped them survive - spiritual bread. 70 thousand people - this is the size of the army, “armed” with diplomas of graduation from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts.

Address: 127550, Moscow, st. Pryanishnikova, 2A

. . Metro: Petrovsko-Razumovskaya (from metro ~ 1864.63 m)

Open on weekends: NO


Academic buildings
Main building (building on Pryanishnikova street)

. from the metro station "Dmitrovskaya" or "Voikovskaya" by tram 27 or minibus 227 to the stop. “University of Printing” (15-20 minutes)
. from metro station "Savelovskaya", bus. No. 72, 87 to the stop. "University of Printing"

Building on the street Mikhalkovskaya, 7
. from the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya or Voikovskaya metro station by buses 114, 179, 204 or minibuses 132, 382, ​​191 m to the stop. “Cinema “Baikal” (15-20 minutes)
. from the metro station "Dmitrovskaya" or "Voikovskaya" by tram 27 or minibus 227 to the stop. “Cinema “Baikal” (15-20 minutes)

Building on the street Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 6
Directions: metro station Sukharevskaya, walk from the metro 5 minutes

The main building houses the following institutes:
- printmedia and information technologies
- communications and media business

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