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Prayer to the icon of the unbreakable wall, the meaning of what helps. What is an icon

The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which is easy to determine even for an unbeliever (intercession), is one of the mosaics of St. Sophia of Kyiv that has survived to this day. This cathedral, built by the son of Prince Vladimir Yaroslav the Wise, still amazes with the splendor of its decoration. And today its majestic premises, decorated with mosaics and frescoes, delight the eyes of all believers and connoisseurs of beauty.

As long as the icon is intact, Kyiv will stand

Many images have survived to this day as they were originally created. Including the “Unbreakable Wall” icon. The meaning of this name has been known since ancient times. Many still believe that as long as this mosaic remains intact, Kyiv will stand. This belief actually has a fairly serious basis. The fact is that the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed during the raids of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. The temple suffered especially badly during the capture of Kyiv by the Tatar-Mongols. However, the wall above the main altar, on which the Virgin Mary of Oranta is depicted, was not damaged even once.

Oranta the Intercessor

The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which in sacred terms is unambiguous - the protection of home and family, made long ago by Byzantine and Russian masters, became the prototype for many later Christian images of the Blessed Virgin.

Literally all the mosaics of this first Christian church are the standard of Orthodox religious painting. Orants are called the Mother of God without a child, standing at full height and spreading her arms in a gesture of protection.

The icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” of Sophia of Kyiv is made of smalt using a technology that was later forgotten in long years. The Virgin Mary is depicted dressed in heavenly robes of blue color and is surrounded by a “shine” of golden smalt, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. She has a cloth tucked into her belt, with which, according to the beliefs of Christian believers, she wipes away the tears of those who mourn. Raised hands mean intercession before the Almighty.

Home protection

Nowadays, believers are advised to hang such icons at home on the wall directly opposite the front door. In this case, Virgo will reliably protect the home from all enemies. An ill-wisher, entering the house and seeing the stern gaze of the Mother of God, will certainly be ashamed of his wicked intentions and leave the apartment. This icon is also hung on the wall if they are going to leave their home unattended for some time. In this case, the apartment or house will be under reliable protection until the owners return. Just to do this, you should also pray to this image. These are the properties that the “Unbreakable Wall” icon has. The prayer to the Virgin goes like this: “Mistress Immaculate, not without reason called the “Unbreakable Wall,” be a barrier to all those who are plotting enmity and evil against me, my loved ones and my home. Become an indestructible fortress for us, protecting us and our home from all troubles and difficult circumstances. Amen".

Of course, those who believe in the power of the Christian Church should purchase this icon in the shop of some temple. It will certainly become a reliable barrier from all troubles and troubles. The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which is protection, will certainly help any praying and sincere believer.

In the most difficult moments of life, every person, regardless of whether he is a believer or an atheist, begins to hope for help Higher Power, capable of working real miracles and getting rid of any ailment.

We resort to the Mother of God with our prayers and receive according to our faith. Of particular importance is the icon “The Unbreakable Wall”. Therefore, each of us should know how it can help.

Another name for it is “Goalkeeper”. This image represents “Oranta the Protector,” which for many centuries no adversity, war or natural disaster has been able to destroy. “The Unbreakable Wall” refers to the icon of the miracle worker, capable of helping, protecting and healing. In addition, it is a real work of art, as it is made in a mosaic style.

What is shown on the icon

Before understanding the meaning of this icon, let's see what is shown on it. “Oranta the Protector” is presented in a blue robe, which is a symbol of the sky. She stands on a golden stone that has a quadrangular shape. The towel located behind the belt symbolizes the cloth that wipes away the tears of all the unfortunate and mourning. Mother of God is surrounded by gold, representing the Holy Spirit. Raised hands show intercession before Our Father.

The “Unbreakable Wall” icon has been a worthy decoration of the altar vault belonging to the Kyiv “Sofia” for several centuries. According to research, an even older icon called “Blachernitissa”, presented on the wall of the altar, is its prototype. It is located in Constantinople in the Church of the Mother of God.

There is a legend that the icon became famous after a vision came to a certain monk named Gabriel, who served in the Pskov region in the Savior-Eleazar monastery. He saw a city of extraordinary beauty, which was located on high mountain. He attracted him so much that the elder set off on the same day following a crowd of people walking along a wide path.

The monk also realized that his fellow travelers did not notice the terrible giant who loomed over them and began to throw a net at them so that they would get off this road. Gabriel thought that he too might fall into a trap. Not knowing what to do, the elder noticed nearby a very steep and narrow path going up next to a steep cliff. Travelers also walked along it, whom the monster also wanted to catch in its nets, but could not do this: the trap only hit the wall and immediately bounced back.

Gabriel remembered the words from the akathist, where the rock is associated with an unbreakable wall. Then he realized who was protecting this narrow path and decided to follow it, despite the nets flashing nearby. All the way to the beautiful city, the elder read prayers to the Mother of God, who protected and saved the people.

Title: "The Unbreakable Wall" has a direct relationship with the fact that the Kiev icon of the Mother of God remained safe and sound for a long time. It is known that the image of God in the Kiev monastery was subjected to numerous wars and disasters, and the Cathedral of St. Sophia was repeatedly destroyed and looted. This was a symbol of resistance to any adversity and great power. This cannot be a mere coincidence - it is a real miracle.

Now righteous people are sure that it is this indestructible icon that is capable of helping and protecting them from everything bad. The Mother of God protects us from all misfortunes, attacks of enemies and curses. People turn to her to get rid of both mental and physical illnesses.

People seek protection and help from this shrine. God's image protects their homes from various misfortunes and illnesses. She averts troubles from families and their homes are spared all enemies and fires. It is believed that this icon strengthens well-being and happiness in the home. You can often hear that it is thanks to her that everyone in their family is healthy and friendly.

Where is the icon

The main location of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon has always been considered Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral. The image of the Virgin Mary is located above the mountainous place at the main altar. Today in the village Nilsky in the Resurrection-Myrrh-Bearing Monastery there is another image. For a long time this icon was not shown to anyone. People saw it only in the second half of the last century.

According to people, this icon began to provide the righteous with its protection only at the beginning of the 21st century. Records were found in the archive indicating that it was consecrated by John of Kronstadt. During the period of general atheism, the monastery was brutally plundered and destroyed. However, one of the parishioners was lucky enough to save the shrine. She kept it for herself and later gave it to the temple.

The image of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon has given many unique phenomena to people all over the world. These lists are located:

  • in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary;
  • Monastery of the Icon of the Mother of God Unbreakable Wall (Krasnodar Territory);
  • Church of God of the Apostles Peter and Paul (Moscow);
  • in the Essentuki Church (Stavropol Territory);
  • in the chapel Cathedral(Kaliningrad).

In these places, you can see many parishioners seeking protection every day. People says that if you say a prayer immediately before the image, it will definitely be heard. Absheronsky was named after the icon “The Unbreakable Wall” convent(Kuban). For several centuries, this image has been revered by pilgrims, who treat it with great respect, because it is a unique creation, the miraculous properties of which have been proven by time.

On the Kiev original, there is an inscription all over the icon, repeating the shape of the temple arch, made of black mosaic, which is a quote from the Psalter.

There is even a legend, What former capital Kievan Rus will never perish, and all the Slavs will not know any grief as long as the image of the icon exists and stretches out its hands over them.

The day of celebration is considered to be the first Sunday after Trinity (All Saints' Week).

What requests should you make to the icon?

Judging by the biography and history of the icon, You need to pray to her in the following cases:

When turning to an icon with prayer, you must adhere to ancient traditions:

  1. If you are getting ready to travel, you should pray right before leaving the house.
  2. In case of great grief or illness loved one You need to pray in complete solitude. At the same time, they kneel in front of the image, read a prayer and God's canon (the unbreakable wall of the akathist). Only after this you need to turn to the Mother of God in your own words.
  3. The main thing is sincerity coming from your heart.

Now we know that the “Unbreakable Wall” Akathist icon is our protection from the curses of enemies and all misfortunes. This is an indestructible wall that repels everything bad. But this is not enough, you also need to know in what places can it be hung?.

  1. The ideal place is the wall opposite the entrance to the house.
  2. It is very good to hang the icon right above the front door. It is believed that this is how the Mother of God watches over everyone who enters her. If someone enters with bad thoughts, he will immediately feel uneasy and want to leave this house as quickly as possible.
  3. You can put the icon on the iconostasis.

Remember that there should be no foreign objects near this shrine. You should not hang the icon in a corner or near household appliances. There is a wonderful tradition - to give an image to your dear and close people for protection from troubles and illnesses.

The miracles that the icon performed

Over several centuries, many cases have been identified that have proven miraculous power"Unbreakable Force" icons. Often the Mother of God herself comes to the supplicant in a dream and gives a hint so that he can find the icon in front of which he should pray. Documents have survived to this day in which The following unique events were recorded:

The significance of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon cannot be overestimated, and every year it becomes more and more important for us. Thanks to the Renaissance, believers are increasingly asking Heaven for help. The difficult times of fratricidal conflicts that arise on Orthodox soil cannot be resolved without the support of the main intercessor of the Russian people - the Mother of God, who stands up to protect them with an unbreakable wall.

June 13 at Orthodox Church celebrate the day of remembrance of the beloved and revered image of the Mother of God, which is called the “Unbreakable Wall”. Christians from all over the world understand that a person is a creature that cannot do without spiritual support, consolation from others, and also without a sense of security.

For this reason, more than a thousand years after the Baptism of Rus', believers became accustomed to believing in the images of saints and asking them for help. This is true, because everyone knows a large number of recorded miraculous cases, which were often performed with the help of the shrine of the Mother of God. One of these images is the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Unbreakable Wall”. As the legend says, the root cause of the worldwide fame of the shrine was the miraculous vision of one monk who spent his life on the territory of the Spaso-Eleazar Hermitage. He dreamed of a magnificent city, and the path to it could be chosen twice. One path was very wide, smooth and beautiful, while the other was winding, inconspicuous and difficult. Of course, most people climbed to the city along a wide, comfortable road, but at the finish line a huge giant was waiting for them, who captured everyone walking with a net. A small path led around the trap, and those rare travelers who followed it remained safe and sound. The net simply did not reach the narrow path, and immediately bounced off the wall that protected the few people, which was created by the Mother of God. Having walked along this road, the monk himself found himself in an ideal world - in a magical town.

The image today can be found in Kyiv, within the walls of St. Sophia Cathedral. Looking at the mosaic shrine, you will be impressed by its grandeur and, of course, its size. The fact is that the icon is six meters high, and it is located in the upper part of the dome. For 900 years, the image appeared intact to Christians, but it is noteworthy that the cities where the shrine was seen repeatedly succumbed to destruction. For this reason, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unbreakable Wall” has such a name, because she protects the walls of her monastery, as well as all the people who surround her. Most parishioners believe that the image can also protect all worshipers from possible negative events. But, given the historical past, many people ask for a peaceful sky above their heads, protection from various invasions or the aggressive attitude of other states. If a person has a home shrine to the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall,” then it will also be useful in the life of a Christian. After all, in front of the image, the person praying usually asks that he and his family be treated only with good intentions. When protecting your own monastery, you can pray for protection from fire, possible theft, evil tongues, flooding, and so on. With all this, it is very important to have some understanding of how to properly hang the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary “The Unbreakable Wall” in the house. The most common and right place for placement - this is the place opposite the front door. In other words, the Mother of God can look at all the people who enter and leave the house. It is believed that if a person comes to visit the owner of the image with bad thoughts, he will not be able to stay in such a monastery for long. He will rush to leave it as quickly as possible, as he will feel the absence peace of mind and loss of self-control. Every year, on June 13, parishioners have the opportunity to visit the church to thank the shrine and the Most Holy Theotokos for their tireless patronage and protection.

Orthodox believers are confident that praying to the “Unbreakable Wall” icon will help at certain moments in their lives. It is noted that this image is not only a work of art, but also has a strong healing power that helps get rid of various diseases.

History and meaning of the icon

The Icon of the Most Pure Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” in Orthodoxy is one of the greatest shrines. She is highly revered by believers. This image of the Virgin Mary, according to legend, appeared thanks to the vision of one elder, Gabriel. Once a man on a high mountain saw a beautiful city and decided to go into it. There was a road leading to the city. There were a lot of people walking on it at that moment. All of them did not see the giant who threw his nets at the travelers.

The elder decided to bypass the terrible giant. He saw a steep path running along a high wall. Few people walked along this path. The giant also tried to catch them in his net. However, the net hit high wall and did not capture travelers. She returned to her owner empty. The man remembered the words of the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos: “Rejoice, Unbreakable Wall of the Kingdom...”. He realized that it was the wall that was the force that protected people on their way.

The image received its name because of its proven indestructibility over the years. Over many centuries, people have participated in various wars. The icon was kept in the Kiev monastery. And all the troubles that befell this monastery could not damage the image of the Mother of God. The image of the Queen of Heaven remained indestructible.

Therefore, it is believed that the indestructibility of the shrine has stood the test of time. Despite the destruction of the monastery and fires, she was not injured, which is a real miracle. Christians today offer prayers asking for protection in front of this image.

The main meaning of this icon is protection. When a prayer request is uttered before her, the Lord grants each believer the strength to protect his loved ones and himself from all evil.

The image gives protection and patronage of the Mother of God. Therefore, it is often hung at home opposite the front door. As a result, the home receives protection from people who enter it with bad intentions.

The symbol of protection here is the prayer read in front of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon. It is she who is eternal and indestructible, like life itself. It is pronounced in the following situations:

  • when protection from floods, fires and various natural disasters is necessary;
  • for protection from any destructive influence and enemy invasion;
  • to receive protection from evil spirits, as well as people with bad intentions.

The icon has medicinal properties. Prayers said before her cure serious illnesses and protect against epidemics. A sincere prayer request helps to receive the patronage of the Virgin Mary and protect your home from evil in any form. The Mother of God gives those asking the strength to resist evil and protects them from any of its manifestations.

The prayer to the Most Pure Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” helps strengthen fortitude, resist temptation, provides spiritual and physical healing, and also pacifies family discord. She even helps in finding people who are considered missing. With its help, you can guide a sinner on the right path.

Today, many people resort to the help of the Virgin Mary through the prayer service “Unbreakable Wall”, as she grants a cure for many diseases and gives strong defense from any evil.

This prayer also instills in a person faith in his own future and the strength to realize his plans. To receive the help of the Mother of God, you just need to sincerely believe.

Video “Prayers to the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

In this video you can listen to an audio recording of the prayer to the “Unbreakable Wall” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

First prayer

To my Queen, my hope, to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and the strange, to the Representative, to the sorrowing, to the Joy of the offended, to the Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if by will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

Oh, our gracious Lady Theotokos, Ever-Virgin, accept from us this song of gratitude and offer up to our Creator and Creator your warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, the Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, nasty deeds.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, have mercy and send down a gift according to each need: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, bring the lost to reason, protect the infants, raise and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and wives, support and warm the old, be with us both here and in life eternal Wall, Indestructible, deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, and always singing Your Motherly love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Images depicting the Most Holy Theotokos are often miraculous and help many in need: those who come with repentance and reverence.

Icon "Unbreakable Wall" prototype of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Constantinople, called Oranta or Oranta the Defender. This image has been decorating one of the famous Kyiv cathedrals, St. Sophia of Kyiv, for more than one century, and remains there in its original form.

"The Unbreakable Wall" - the protector of all those who ask

Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in St. Sophia Cathedral truly fascinates with its grandeur and beauty. In the altar vault the icon is laid out in mosaic style. The size of the image is 5 and a half meters. The Queen of Heaven is depicted in full height with her hands raised in prayer. Against a golden background, in a blue robe, the gaze is calm and an illusion is created, wherever the parishioner steps, the Mother of God is watching him with a gaze.

For more than X centuries, the ancient image adorns the cathedral, and not wars, Christian persecutions and even time itself have no control over the image of the Mother of God.

Origin of the icon and its name

The name of the ancient icon originates from the Akathist 12 Ikos . "The Unbreakable Wall" The akathist sounds like this: “Chosen from all generations to the Mother of God and the Queen, before Her most pure image, the Indestructible Wall called... let us call Thee: Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.” Here the Mother of God is compared to an unbreakable wall, because she is the protector and constant patroness of all those in need. Over time this saying took on a literal meaning.

There is also a legend associated with the akathist “The Unbreakable Wall”. One day, Elder Gabriel had a vision of a wondrous city standing on a mountain. And the elder set off on a journey to this city. He walked along a wide road, along with other travelers. But suddenly a giant appeared above the walking travelers, who began to catch people walking near the old man with nets. The old man understood that the people do not see this terrible giant.

Monk Gabriel saw a small path, which led off the main road, and followed it further. The path went under a sheer rock that resembled a solid wall. The giant tried to catch the walking people there too, but the net hit the rock-wall, making it impossible to catch the people. Then the elder remembered the lines from the akathist and realized under whose protection he was.

But the “Unbreakable Wall” icon is not the first image. The prototype of this icon is the Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God (Oranta), which is located in Constantinople on the wall of the Blachernae Church. One of the copies of the ancient icon was brought to the territory of Kievan Rus, from where the ancient icon painters received permission to create copies.

Icon “Unbreakable Wall”: meaning, what it helps with

The meaning of the icon directly occurs from the very name “Unbreakable Wall” which means intercessor, protector, patroness. The image served to protect the family and home. The Face of the Queen of Heaven, in addition to protecting the home, is the patroness of warriors and soldiers. Therefore, they often ask her for help before battles or battles.

There is an opinion among righteous Orthodox Christians that while the “Unbreakable Wall” adorns the vault above the altar of the Sophia Monastery, so and ancient capital Rus Kievan will stand whole and indestructible.

How does the face of the Most Holy Theotokos help?

  • Protects the house and its inhabitants from unkind people, robberies, fires and other things.
  • They ask for protection on a long journey.
  • Helps in family troubles.
  • Often the Mother of God is asked for peace and understanding in the family.
  • Before the image of the Mother of God, you can ask for intercession for loved ones.
  • Helps to recover from physical and mental illnesses.

How to choose a place for an icon

Orthodox Christians have the image of the “Unbreakable Wall” it is customary to hang it opposite entrance doors. Thus, everyone entering the house will look at the holy face of the Mother of God. It is believed that if a person visits a house with evil thoughts, he feels unwell and tries to quickly leave the house. And also often the icon of Oranta the Protector becomes a gift - a talisman for relatives and friends. If you want to protect your relatives from evil eyes, as well as from various diseases, give them this image of the Virgin Mary.

If it is not possible to install the face of the Mother of God opposite the entrance, then prepare a shelf for her in the hallway or corridor. But remember that the image Queen of Heaven should face the entrance, or alternatively be located above the doors.

Reading a prayer in front of the icon

If you have an icon of Oranta the Protector in your home, it means you have protected your home from the wickedness and negativity that bad people bring. The appeal to the Mother of God must come from pure heart and a clear mind . In case you do not know the special prayer, this can be done in your own words, the main thing is that the prayer comes from the heart.

How to pray in front of an icon:

  • Before prayer, you must repent of your sins before the Lord and before Mother of God.
  • Forgive all your enemies and enemies.
  • Focus on what worries you or what you want to ask from the Queen of Heaven.

You can pray at any time of the day. It is especially necessary to devote time to prayer if you leave home, even for short term, or from morning and night, since Holy Mother of God at this time he will protect your home and ask the Heavenly Father for intercession for you.

Temples and lists of icons

Unfortunately, today there are not many lists of this unusual image left. The main one, as mentioned earlier, is located in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral. From this mosaic rendition of the “Unbreakable Wall” a number of equally significant interpretations were created ancient image:

Regarding churches and temples of the same name, then there are also few of them on the territory of Russia:

Remember that any icon is endowed with great power. And for the Holy Mother of God and the Heavenly Father to become your intercessors and patrons, you need to believe with all your heart!

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