Home Tooth pain MRI of the eye, optic nerve and ocular orbit - indications and limitations of the diagnostic method. MRI of the eye MRI of the orbits and optic nerves with coupon

MRI of the eye, optic nerve and ocular orbit - indications and limitations of the diagnostic method. MRI of the eye MRI of the orbits and optic nerves with coupon

The organ of vision is an important part human body. With the help of their eyes, people distinguish colors, recognize volume and shape, and distinguish objects at different distances from them. The visual system not only helps you see clearly the world, but also quickly adapt to unknown terrain, reduces the risk of injury in Everyday life. With the development of various pathologies of this body, not only visual acuity decreases, but also quality of life, which can lead to disability with limited ability of a person to self-care.

MRI of the eye - modern method examination of the visual system, which opened new horizons for diagnosing diseases of the visual organ. The study is aimed at a detailed study of the soft tissues of the area under study, namely eyeball, optic nerve, lacrimal glands, muscular system and nearby structures.

To obtain a high-quality and detailed image, the human body is exposed to harmless magnetic waves that interact with hydrogen atoms in tissues human body. The consequences of such reactions are recorded and processed by modern equipment, after which they are converted into clear to the eye picture.

Advantages and disadvantages of MRI over other examination methods

The human eye is a complex and fragile system which is easily susceptible to injury and various diseases. Any inflammatory process or damage in the orbital area can be life-threatening due to the close proximity to the meninges and sinuses. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging is simply irreplaceable for screening ( early diagnosis).

Let's discuss its advantages:

  • No pain or discomfort during the procedure.
  • The examination is non-invasive, i.e. the skin is not damaged during it.
  • The procedure is absolutely safe for humans due to the effect on the body of harmless magnetic field, rather than aggressive x-rays.
  • The image obtained during the study is of high resolution. Due to the fact that sections during tomography are made in several planes, it is also possible to display an image on the monitor screen in 3D mode.
  • Diagnostics using a magnetic field has virtually no contraindications and can be used several times in a short period of time.

The disadvantages of orbital MRI include poor visualization of bone structures. Therefore, if you suspect traumatic or other damage to the walls of the orbit, it is better to give preference computed tomography.

If the patient has metal in the head area foreign bodies, crowns or dentures, MRI diagnostics will also be uninformative due to a decrease in image quality.

Indications for diagnostics

What symptoms may be a signal to prescribe an MRI? eye orbits And optic nerves? A doctor can issue a referral for a procedure if a person has the following complaints:

  • Impaired motor function of the eyeball (paralysis, nystagmus, etc.).
  • The presence of purulent, bloody or serous discharge.
  • Frequent involuntary lacrimation.
  • Swelling and redness of the paraorbital area.
  • Pain in the eye area.
  • Retraction or protrusion of the eyeball.
  • Impaired color perception.

Decreased visual acuity unknown origin– indication for MRI of the orbits

This type of diagnosis is indicated for the following pathologies:

  • Retinal detachment.
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Mechanical damage to the area under study, the presence of foreign bodies in it.
  • Inflammation or atrophy of the anatomical components of the organ of vision.
  • Hemodynamic disorders (thrombosis, occlusion, bleeding).
  • Developmental anomalies.

Particular attention must also be paid to the diagnosis of pathologies optic nerve, which serves as a transmission path visual images to a specific area of ​​the brain for further processing. Its damage or atrophy can lead to significant visual impairment in the presence of completely healthy eyes.

Preparation for the procedure

An MRI of the eye can be performed either with the direction of the attending physician or independently. The exception is the use of contrast. In this case, before the study, the patient must undergo a fundus examination and undergo general clinical tests ( general analysis urine, complete blood count and blood biochemistry). This is necessary to exclude severe damage to the liver and kidneys, in the presence of which the introduction of dyes is contraindicated. Also, the procedure using contrast is prohibited for pregnant women and women during lactation.

Before starting the examination, you must remove all metal items, including watches, earrings, rings, as well as put out mobile phones and credit cards. All these objects will interfere with the magnetic field and the result of the study will be unreliable. If it is assumed intravenous administration contrast agent, the procedure is performed on an empty stomach.

What happens during the study

Diagnostics begins with the patient being placed on a horizontal movable surface, which drives into the tomograph tunnel. Next, the area under study is scanned in various planes. This lasts, on average, 30–40 minutes. When using contrast, the time increases to one hour.

During the procedure it is necessary to reduce motor activity to a minimum, otherwise anatomical structures, which shows MRI of the orbits, may turn out blurry. Poor visualization will significantly complicate diagnosis and may cause delay therapeutic measures.

The radiologist's report does not confirm the diagnosis, but describes the changes identified during the procedure

After completing the study, the patient is given the diagnostic data on film, disk or flash drive. It is also possible to send information by email. The specialist draws up his conclusion after some time, which depends on the specific clinical case. With these documents, you should contact your doctor, who will confirm the diagnosis and begin treatment measures.

MRI of the eye orbits And MRI of the optic nerves is a method for diagnosing the condition of the eye sockets and studying the optic nerves, which shows the structure and pathological processes orbits and their contents: the eyeball, the central artery and vein of the retina, oculomotor muscles, optic nerve, parabulbar fatty tissue.


Indications for MRI of the orbits and optic nerves: foreign bodies of the eye and retrobulbar space; benign and malignant tumors; degenerative diseases such as optic nerve atrophy, etc.; inflammation of the eye structures, extraocular muscles, lacrimal gland, retrobulbar tissue, optic nerve; hemorrhages into the structure of the eye; post-traumatic changes in the contents of the orbit; suspicion of retinal vascular thrombosis; exclusion of retinal detachment; sudden deterioration of vision; unexplained eye symptoms: exophthalmos (bulging eyes), eye pain, etc.


No preparation is required for eye tomography. Absolute contraindications to MRI of the eyes are the patient’s body weight of 120 kg or more, the presence in the body of non-removable metal-containing objects (dental pins, crowns, dentures, etc.) and electronic devices(insulin pump, pacemaker, etc.). Relative contraindications include pregnancy, claustrophobia, hyperkinesis, severe pain syndrome. According to objective indications, MRI of the eyes and orbits is prescribed to a child without any age limit. Due to the need to remain still for quite a long time long period In young children, MRI of the orbits and optic nerves can be performed under general anesthesia or with the use of sedatives.

More details


The cost of an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves in Moscow ranges from 2,000 to 24,700 rubles. average price is 5180 rubles.

Where can I get an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can get an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.

Short description procedures

Time spending: 20-50 minutes
The need to use a contrast agent: as prescribed by a doctor
The need to prepare for the study: No
Presence of contraindications: Yes
Restrictions: available
Conclusion preparation time: 30-60 minutes
Children: over 7 years old

Pathologies of the eye orbits and optic nerves

Diseases of the visual organs are quite common and occur due to various reasons. Currently, there are more than 2000 types of eye pathologies. They are conditionally divided into several groups:

    Optic nerve diseases. The main pathologies include neuritis(expressed as inflammation of the area between the eyeball and the convergence of the optic nerve endings), nerve atrophy(manifests itself in the death of nerve fibers and is often a consequence of neuritis), ischemic neuropathy(manifests itself in impaired blood circulation in the visual apparatus).

    Retinal diseases: detachment(its separation from choroid), hemorrhages, retinitis(unilateral or bilateral inflammation), tumors(benign or malignant neoplasms), dystrophy(vascular pathologies), ruptures.

    Diseases of the eye orbits: inflammation of the periosteum orbits, cellulite orbits (tissue inflammation), phlegmon(with this pathology, the inflammatory process often spreads into the cranial cavity, affects the brain and causes vascular thrombosis).

The main causes of visual impairment include:

  • impaired blood circulation in the eye, damage and inflammation of blood vessels;
  • exposure to toxic and narcotic substances, most often alcohol substitutes ( methyl alcohol), quinine, nicotine;
  • brain diseases such as meningitis, multiple sclerosis, tumors;
  • skull injuries affecting brain structures and visual nerve endings;
  • infections and viral diseases.

Each pathology is characterized by its own specific symptoms, however, when common features disturbances in the functioning of the visual apparatus, it is necessary to consult a specialist for a correct diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment.

Highlight following symptoms which may appear when the optic nerves and eye orbits are damaged:

  • narrowing of the viewing angle, complete or partial loss of areas of the visual field;
  • impaired color vision, spots and flashes before the eyes;
  • promotion eye pressure;
  • a feeling of “sand,” “fog,” or a foreign body in the eye;
  • painful sensations when blinking, turning the eye, insufficient mobility of the eyeball;
  • redness and discharge;
  • swelling and itching;
  • sharp pain and profuse lacrimation;
  • change in pupil shape and size;
  • headaches from the damaged eye.

Diagnosis of diseases

Medical centers are equipped with modern high-tech diagnostic equipment, which helps to quickly and accurately identify pathologies of the eye orbits and nerves of the visual organs. Among the examination methods, the most informative are:

  • Ultrasound(ultrasound examination) - allows for differential diagnosis cysts and intraocular tumors, and also helps the specialist determine the thickness of the lens, identify retinal detachment and dystrophy, hemorrhages in vitreous, swelling.
  • EFI(electrophysiological study) - provides information about the features of functioning visual analyzer and the condition of the central zone of the retina and helps in diagnosing glaucomatous changes.
  • HRT(laser confocal tomography) is prescribed for diagnosing glaucoma on early stage, as well as to assess the edema and condition of the cornea over time. The device examines the condition visual organ at the molecular level.
  • Radiography prescribed to visualize foreign bodies in the orbit and signs of bone trauma;
  • Color Doppler mapping used to assess condition blood vessels in the eye area, detecting thrombosis or embolism (clogging of a vessel with air bubbles or foreign particles).
  • CT(computed tomography) - used to determine tumors of the eyeball and their location. The examination helps to determine the causes of diseases.
  • MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) is one of the most informative and accurate methods for diagnosing pathologies of the visual organs. Tomography scans allow you to obtain high-definition 3D images of anatomical sections of the orbit, which help diagnose various diseases in the early stages, which is especially important when tumors appear. The attending physician may prescribe an MRI of the brain and an examination of the orbits due to their proximity.

Indications and contraindications for MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves

The main indications for examining the optic nerves and eye orbits are:

  • suspicion of an eyeball tumor, hemorrhage, retinal detachment;
  • metastases and inflammation of the walls of the orbit;
  • eye injuries and the presence of foreign bodies;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve endings;
  • vascular thrombosis and disorders in the circulatory system of the eye apparatus;
  • sudden deterioration of vision unknown etiology;
  • clarification of the results of previous examinations to make a diagnosis;

MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerve endings is performed upon the direction of the attending physician.

There are situations when MRI of the visual organs is not recommended. The main contraindications include:

  • The presence of metal objects or medical electronic devices in the patient’s body: cardiac stimulator, insulin pump, vascular clip. The magnetic field of the tomograph can disrupt their operation.
  • The presence of tattoos can also be a relative contraindication for MRI examination: some dyes used in tattooing contain metal particles.
  • MRI for pregnant and nursing mothers is prescribed with caution. This is because the contrast agent injected into the body may have an adverse effect on the developing fetus or pass into breast milk.
  • Patients with renal failure Diagnostics using a tomograph is also not recommended: the removal of contrast from the body is impaired.
  • Difficulties during the examination arise if the patient is afraid of confined spaces or cannot for a long time be in a motionless state.

Before starting the examination, the patient must warn the attending physician about possible contraindications. In this case, he will be assigned an alternative diagnosis.

How is MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves performed?

Immediately before the procedure, a special substance is injected intravenously into the patient’s body. contrast agent. It can stain blood vessels, pass into tissues and accumulate in them. Thanks to these clusters, the quality of the images improves. The amount of contrast is selected individually, depending on the patient’s weight. The substance is non-toxic and safe for the body and is eliminated in 1.5 days. Contrast is used to detect benign and malignant neoplasms.

MRI is a safe and painless procedure that takes place without consequences and does not cause allergic or other adverse reactions.

Before the examination, the patient must remove jewelry and other metal objects (watches, piercings, dentures) and lie down on a retractable table. The assistant fixes it with belts and rollers and pushes it into the tomograph tunnel, adjusting the scanner to the area being examined. During the entire time the scanner is operating, it is important not to make any movements.

The duration of a tomographic examination of the visual organs can last up to 40 minutes. Diagnostic results are issued 30-60 minutes after the examination.

Ventilation and two-way communication with an assistant are provided inside the device. If desired, the examinee can use earplugs, since the operating tomograph produces a low, monotonous noise.

What does the examination show?

Tomography of the eye orbits and optic nerves provides maximum information with minimal load on the body as a whole and the visual apparatus in particular. As a result of the examination, specialists receive images in which the entire contents of the orbit are visible in several projections, and the eyeball, visual muscles and nerve endings are also highlighted separately, fatty tissue, lacrimal glands, zone of retrobulbar space.

Timely diagnosis visual pathologies Using MRI, it quickly and accurately identifies the extent of the lesion and the location of its source. This allows you to start treatment at an early stage and prevent further development pathological process.

MRI of the eye reveals:

  • tumors and localization of foci inflammatory processes visual apparatus and adjacent areas;
  • features of blood supply and hemorrhage, vascular anomalies;
  • presence of foreign bodies;
  • retinal detachment;
  • degenerative changes and optic nerve atrophy;
  • damage to nerve endings;
  • features of the course of biochemical processes.

Advantages of the method:

  • The absence of radiation and ionizing influence, which is especially important for the complex structure of the eye and brain, which is located in close proximity to the area being examined.
  • No invasive intervention (violations skin): MRI does not use injections, catheters, probes or other mechanical devices.
  • High information content: some anomalies detected using a tomograph may not be diagnosed by other methods.
  • MRI can show specialists the functioning of the visual organ in real time and allows the results to be recorded on electronic media.

The magnetic resonance imaging method is used in ophthalmology to clarify the nature of pathological changes in the area of ​​the eye orbits. Accurate diagnosis is carried out using directed electromagnetic pulses. In the resulting picture you can see changes in the structure of the elements of the eye, the presence of tumors, and hemorrhages.

The high cost of the survey is fully justified by its effectiveness. MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves can detect defects that cannot be detected by other methods. This allows you to start treatment on time and partially or completely restore vision. MRI with contrast allows you to detect tumors at an early stage, as well as study in detail the condition of the ocular vessels.

Indications for MRI of the eye

Such an examination is prescribed in the following cases:

  • It is necessary to study the condition of the eyes after traumatic brain injury;
  • Damage occurs to the soft tissues of the eyes, as well as the orbit;
  • There is a suspicion of blockage of blood vessels by blood clots during a stroke;
  • An examination of the ocular vessels is required due to the presence congenital pathology veins and arteries of the brain;
  • A brain tumor has been discovered that is causing vision changes;
  • Unexplained headaches and eye pain often appear;
  • It is planned to remove the eye tumor;
  • Postoperative monitoring of the eye condition is carried out.

The indication for examination is the appearance of inflammatory processes in the eye, tear ducts. The method is effective for retinal detachment and optic nerve atrophy. Eye tomography is used for detailed examination when foreign particles enter the eye.

Symptoms with which patients may be referred for such an examination are severe headaches, sharp deterioration of vision, pain in the eye sockets, lacrimation and discharge of pus from the eyes, a decrease in the viewing angle, redness and swelling of the eye tissues.

What does an MRI of the eye show?

A three-plane image of the eye is obtained on a computer screen. It shows:

  • Inflammation or damage to the eye sockets;
  • Pathologies of the eyeball;
  • Dilation, narrowing, damage to the ophthalmic arteries and veins;
  • Damage to the muscles responsible for the movement of the eyeballs;
  • Condition of the optic nerve;
  • Changes in the fatty tissue around the eye.

MRI of the orbits also allows you to examine the area between the eyeball and the wall of the orbit (retrobulbar space) and detect a foreign body trapped there.

The image clearly shows the tumors that form, as well as any disturbances in blood flow that occur due to injuries. With the help of such an examination, it is possible to determine the cause of increased eye pressure and the appearance of glaucoma.

Examination of the inner surface of the eyeball (fundus) allows one to study the structure of the optic nerve and blood vessels and detect pathologies associated with diseases such as diabetes, heart failure. MRI of the orbits and fundus can detect retinal detachment and developmental defects.

Safety and contraindications

MRI of the eye orbits, unlike computed tomography, is used to monitor the healing process of the eye after surgery. The method can be used to diagnose inflammatory processes and to monitor the dynamics of the process of restoration of eye tissues after injuries. This is due to its safety, since the magnetic resonance imaging scanner does not use harmful x-rays.

This method has contraindications. Staying in an electromagnetic field is contraindicated for people who have regulatory devices implanted into their bodies. heart rate, hearing enhancement. The magnetic field damages devices, which can worsen the condition of patients. The procedure cannot be performed if there are metal particles or medical devices in the body.

MR imaging with contrast is not used for women in the first trimester of pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Preparing for an MRI of the eye and performing the procedure

The patient is warned that any metal objects (jewelry, keys, hairpins) may interfere with obtaining an accurate image and reliable results. Cell phones, electronic cards It is also prohibited to take it with you to the MRI procedure of the orbits, as they can distort the results. In addition, the magnetic field will erase information from them.

If contrast is necessary, before administering the drug, an allergy test is carried out: the contrast agent is injected subcutaneously. If the reaction is negative, then the substance is administered intravenously. It enters the blood vessels of the eye with the blood.

Tomography of the eye takes about half an hour. The patient should lie still on the table. Therefore, he should wear comfortable clothes. The tomograph capsule covers only the patient's head. The resulting image is displayed on the computer screen and recorded on disk. There is lighting inside the tomograph tube. The air is ventilated. The patient's condition is constantly monitored. The doctor communicates with him using a conversational device. Relatives can observe the MRI procedure of the eye orbits.
The contrast agent is harmless and is eliminated from the body within 1 hour.
Test results can be obtained in 40 minutes.
You must have a doctor's report on your health status with you. Results of previous examinations (images and data ultrasound examination, computed tomography) will help you choose the best option for the procedure. You must have your passport with you. MRI of the eye orbits requires a referral from an ophthalmologist. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will determine the need for referral to other specialists (surgeon, oncologist, neurologist).

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