Home Stomatitis Single eyelid. Creating a double eyelid in South Korea: prices and benefits

Single eyelid. Creating a double eyelid in South Korea: prices and benefits

International Women's Day is coming soon. Although this holiday is not celebrated in Korea, beautiful girls there, as well as throughout the world, are very loved. Do you know what kind of women South Korea are they considered beautiful? If not yet, this material is for you!

It’s worth starting with the fact that for representatives of South Korea, beauty plays a very important role. important role, probably even more important than for Europeans and Americans. They are confident that a woman’s success, her chances for a good marriage and high paying job directly depend on how she looks.

Another reason for this obsession with beauty is the desire to be better than everyone else in everything. It is competition that pushes them to achieve high results in everything, both in work and in appearance. They always try to "fit in." Therefore, many parents even encourage their children to have plastic surgery; they do not want their children to look less beautiful than those around them.

By the way, for natives of South Korea, it is not at all a shock that when applying for a job, an employer can clarify, for example, weight and height and ask whether the girl thinks that she should lose weight. Or find out if the girl is going to have plastic surgery, for example, of her nose. It is difficult to imagine a similar situation in any other country in the world.

Modern beauty standards are very different even from those 50 years ago. Previously, naturalness and naturalness were in fashion. Now, as plastic surgery is gaining popularity in the country, being natural is not at all fashionable. Look at this photo:

(Miss Korea 1960 Son Mihicha and Miss Korea 2012 Lee Sun Hyo)

Let's look at several criteria according to which a Korean woman in our time will be considered a beauty.


The eyes should be large and naive. Most Asian women do not have creases on their eyelids from birth; the presence of a crease makes the average Korean woman much more attractive in the eyes of others. According to statistics, about 80% of the Korean population under 35 years of age have undergone double eyelid surgery.

Koreans have a very simple attitude towards plastic surgery, sometimes even frivolous. For them it is, for example, good gift for a child's graduation. But there are also quite conservative women who cannot decide to undergo double eyelid surgery. For these, they came up with special double-sided stickers, for example, such as. They help hide the extra part of the eyelid and make it double. Sometimes it's not a sticker, but liquid glue for the eyelid.

Eyebrows should be straight and bright. This eyebrow shape makes the face more naive and sweet. Most Korean women do not have very prominent eyebrows, which is why sometimes they are not plucked. Just comb and tint.

Eyelashes should be long. Although Asian women, like their eyebrows, naturally have rather poor eyelash growth, Korean women put a lot of effort into making their eyelashes look fluffy. Starting from a variety of care products (to accelerate growth) and ending with false eyelashes that sit on glue.

A double-sided eyebrow pencil allows you to carefully shape your eyebrows and make them as natural as possible.

It is not customary for South Korean women to heavily paint their eyes. This is considered bad manners. All kinds of makeup in the nude style are in fashion, so that the cosmetics are not visible, but only the effect they produce is noticeable.

Korean women love delicate eye makeup and mostly use pastel shades. ideal for creating delicate makeup in peach tones

Face shape

Most Asians are born with a round face with wide cheekbones. Accordingly, oval faces with a narrow chin are considered attractive. You can often see Korean women posing for photographers, supporting their faces with their hands. This is how they want to emphasize their graceful chin (usually made artificially).

Relatively recently, a procedure called V-Line surgery has appeared. This is an operation to change the shape of the chin, giving it a V-shape. She is very popular among Korean female idols. This gives the face fragility and childish defenselessness. This kind of surgery is very painful. Moreover, after the operation, the jaws must be fixed in a closed position for six weeks. And it may take 5-6 months for the swelling to subside. But the danger and physical pain is considered by Koreans as not such a big price to pay for being satisfied with oneself.

A universal contouring palette that allows you to add volume to your face and highlight desired areas.

Makeup base with a radiant effect can also be used as a highlighter

Cream base with a “Photoshop” effect slightly lightens the skin, makes its tone uniform and visually makes it smoother


A Korean woman's hair should not be naturally black. And they shouldn’t be short either. Hair of any shade from brown is popular, which helps Korean women look softer, incredibly bright colors(tribute to the fashion imposed by idols). Definitely long.

Korean women spend a lot of effort and spare no expense on good hair care.

Regarding the shape, tight curls are not in fashion; young Korean women are worried that such a hairstyle will make them look like their grandmothers. They wear either straight hair or soft curls.

Warming gel for figure correction in combination with physical exercise helps to significantly reduce volume, improve skin quality and prevent the appearance of stretch marks

Gel for treating problem areas triggers active fat burning, eliminates swelling and fights cellulite

Firming cream for the care of the décolleté area provides a pronounced anti-gravity effect, increases skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of pigmentation

Thermal mask for the abdominal area normalizes lymph flow, fights swelling and stimulates fat burning in the problem area

Try going through these six points and try to understand how beautiful you are by Korean standards?

And finally, we present to your attention the unusual project “100 Years of Beauty”. This is an illustration of what Korean women looked like over the last century. Look at the changes in hairstyles and makeup, they clearly demonstrate the trends and fashion trends over the last century. Notice how differently countries began to develop after division in 1945, and how brightly South Korea moved forward.

Double eyelid is a term that is unusual for the European ear and so exciting for any owner. We are talking about the structural features of the muscles and skin around the eye. A double eyelid is an eyelid that has a fold, while many representatives do not have one. This often causes the skin to hang over the lash line, causing the eyes to look puffy and tear-stained. Why do the eyelids have such a structure and is it possible to correct this cosmetic defect?

Double eyelid: photo and description

A narrow eye shape is one of the signs of the Mongoloid race. Many Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Tatars, Kyrgyz, Eskimos and representatives of other northern and eastern nationalities do not have folds on their eyelids. Often, instead of the wrinkles on the movable part of the eyelid that are traditional for Europeans, those with Asian appearance have an epicanthus. This is a fold of skin most noticeable at the inner corner of the eye. This feature the structure of the eyelid is congenital. It is worth noting that today not all representatives of the Mongoloid race do not have a fold. Scientists have not yet been able to find out and prove exactly why Europeans have a double eyelid, and Asians have a “single” one. A common theory is that this natural remedy protection from cold, winds and sand, which appeared in the process of evolution.

Cosmetic defect or oriental beauty?

Many representatives (and especially the fair sex) of the Mongoloid race experience complexes due to the structure of their own eyelids. Girls and women feel that the skin hanging over the eyelashes visually narrows the eyes even more and lowers the eyelashes down. There is some truth in these beliefs, but still the Asian type of face is special. Many Europeans consider the natural faces of women of the Mongoloid race to be cute and expressive. While the owners of “mono-eyelids” themselves strive to solve this problem in any way.

Correction using non-surgical methods

One of the most popular products in cosmetic stores in Japan and Korea is eyelid glue. a product that is applied a few millimeters above the eyelash line. Using a special tool, the composition is spread over the skin and forms the desired fold. The effect lasts until the first wash. A worthy alternative to glue are stickers that fix the skin of the eyelids. These are strips with an adhesive backing that help secure folds. Stickers are noticeable on the skin; to disguise them, it is recommended to apply shadows to the entire moving eyelid.

Plastic surgery

A radical way to make a double eyelid is plastic surgery. Clinics today aesthetic medicine They offer three options for plastic surgery: incisional, partially incisional and non-incisional. The choice of surgery for a particular patient depends on his physiological characteristics. The incisional method involves surgical intervention with an incision in which a fold is formed and removed. body fat. The partially incisional version of the operation involves securing the skin using special threads installed through small incisions. With this intervention, excess adipose tissue is also excised. The non-incisional type of double eyelid surgery is considered the most gentle. With this intervention, a fold is formed by installing threads through pinpoint micro-incisions. Any age) is, first of all, surgery. When deciding to undergo it for aesthetic purposes, the patient must understand that there are risks and contraindications. If the purpose of the intervention is to create a double eyelid, it makes sense to entrust the treatment plastic surgeon, specializing in working with patients of Asian appearance.

A moment of discrimination - Europe silently smokes on the sidelines, Asia clings to the monitors. Now I will show how to form a characteristic European fold on typically Asian eyelids without surgery. This is something that Korean women and Koreans, Chinese women and Chinese, Japanese women and Japanese indulge in, but it is not yet very common among Russian Asians. It is believed that in these states people have terrible complexes about their eyes, their shape and size. Everyone, young and old, dreams of European centuries, so they come up with more and more new ways to enlarge and “open” their mirror of the soul: plastic surgery, special adhesives with slingshots, clippers and stickers - there’s just so much they don’t have in their arsenal! Some inventions will also be useful to us, Russian Asian women who dream of the so-called “dabharyas”.

I wouldn't have seen it for ages!
I have already tested clippers to form the supraorbital fold of the eyelid. On myself, on my sister and on my mother. The result is the same - zero. (To avoid throwing money away, read the details). I will not recommend these clippers to anyone!

Eye Tapes: White streak of luck

But the following device is very effective. These are ordinary eyelid stickers, which are recommended by the well-known Vietnamese Michelle Phan in your video, they are sold at ebay, cost pennies (I bought a minimal set without a slingshot to try for only $1! A set with a slingshot in colorful packaging will cost $4). They are called Double Eyelid Sticker Technical Eye Tapes, are available in 2 sizes: Wide (wide) and Narrow (narrow), I ordered the narrow ones. The set contains 160 pairs; according to the seller, the strips are made from hypoallergenic medical adhesive material. They look completely uncomplicated. Once again I am convinced that everything ingenious is simple!

There are also no difficulties in applying stickers. First we clean the eyelids. It is important that their skin is dry, oil-free and without makeup. Then we take tweezers and use them to carefully tear the strip off the base. Standing in front of the mirror, we take aim - not at the eyebrow or at the eye, but just above the eyelash growth line, about 2-3 mm above it. Let's sculpt! The higher it is, the larger the fold will be, but the greater the discomfort.

The strips are thin, narrow and flexible. The most convenient way to hold them is with eyebrow tweezers.

Did you manage to glue it evenly? Now you need to gently smooth the strip along its entire length with your finger, secure it properly, so that there are no embarrassments later with catching a foreign object from the soup/coffee/boyfriend’s hair.

And now the most difficult thing is to glue the second strip exactly the same way as the first. Otherwise, the eyelids will look asymmetrical. I admit, I manage to complete this step only on the third or fourth try. I hope your eye is more accurate.

And so everything seems smooth. From what angle to look...

Of course, complete Europeanization of the century cannot be achieved, but the shape of the eyes has nevertheless changed, and the gaze has become somewhat different, more open and expressive. My eyelashes, which naturally look sadly downward, curved and lifted. Now you can tint them with mascara and apply shadows. If you wish, it is quite possible to draw arrows directly on the stickers with a soft pencil or liquid eyeliner, but I don’t go that sophisticated. But I put on blue lenses, as Korean girls like to do. Now the transformation is noticeable!

BEFORE and AFTER. If it weren't me, I would certainly say that it was different people, deception and deception!

A drop of tar in a barrel of honey - There is discomfort when wearing stickers. Those. I always feel a little pressure on eyeball and - after a couple of hours of use - a feeling of dryness in the eyes. Quite tolerable inconveniences, but they always intensify in the sun, apparently because the eyes reflexively squint from bright light, and the stickers stretch the skin, not allowing the eyelids to perform them protective function. So now I rarely use them. After the May holidays, I’m going to visit my coolest ophthalmologist, check my vision, and at the same time ask him whether wearing these stickers is harmful? I know that doctors even recommend such strips as an alternative to blepharoplasty for those elderly people who, due to age-related changes loomed upper eyelids. I’ll ask an ophthalmologist and write about his answer here in the comments.

Many Europeans don’t even think about how kind nature has been to them, giving them the ability to open their eyes wide, opening their eyelashes, their own gaze. Double eyelid: what is it? This is what largely distinguishes the eyes of Europeans from the eyes of Asians. Is there a need for a crease between the eyebrow and upper eyelid, and if someone thinks that they can’t do without it, then how to make it?

The structure of the upper eyelids of Europeans is such that they have a natural fold, which is explained by the peculiarity of their muscles. This fold is inherent in almost 100% of Europeans, while among representatives of the Mongoloid race it is very rare - in about 30% of people. Thus, in the latter, the eyelid is even, due to which it looks hanging over the ciliary arch. Because of this, it seems that the eyes are tear-stained; there is some swelling above them, which happens, for example, with.

One of the signs of the Mongoloid race is a narrowed eye shape, and many nationalities belong to it - Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Eskimos and many more Eastern and northern peoples. They also have the so-called single eyelid - which does not have this fold.

Often their representatives have epicanthus - a fold on the skin of the eyelids, which is clearly visible in the inner corners of the “mirrors of the soul”, and which is a congenital phenomenon. Scientists have still not been able to determine the exact reasons why Asians do not have double eyelids, but Europeans do. The most common theory today is that this structure of the eyelid muscles was given to them by nature to protect them from winds, cold, and sand.

Eastern dream

Many people consider Asians very beautiful girls, and this is quite fair and deserved.

Double eyelid allows you to make your eyes more expressive

Nevertheless, they themselves often want to be like European women, including believing that a European eye shape and double eyelids are almost the standard of beauty that they strive for.

Currently, the idea of ​​obtaining double eyelids artificially is very common among Eastern women. This has nothing to do with it, since it cannot be violated for this reason anyway. For some of them, this is just another fashion trend, but some really believe that, having received the coveted fold between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid, they are significantly more better side transform their appearance.

This makes sense, because thanks to the double eyelid:

  • the eyes acquire a more round shape, due to which they widen and appear wide open;
  • wide open eyes give the face a youthful appearance, a touch of naivety and even innocence;
  • it is believed that double eyelids They allow the eyes to look “fresh,” while drooping eyelids “heavien” the gaze, making it tired, as if tear-stained.

Not many Asian girls openly admit that they want to be like Europeans. Most of them explain their desire to have a double eyelid by the fact that it makes their face prettier, more tender, and more expressive.

How to make a double eyelid?

With the same desire as European women want to get rid of wrinkles on their faces, Asian women want to have a crease between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. To do this they resort to the most different methods, ranging from cosmetic devices to surgical intervention.

The fold between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid makes the eyes appear more rounded.

Justified by this same eastern dream. We often see beautiful representatives of the Mongoloid race on the covers of magazines and TV screens, and we don’t even realize that nature did not give many of them double eyelids. But none of them will pose in front of a photo or video camera until a fold appears between her eyebrow and upper eyelid, allowing her eyes to become rounder and open wide.

Ordinary girls who are not show business or catwalk divas are not far behind them. Many of them are confident that, having a double eyelid, they will not only look more attractive, but also inspire more confidence among others. Moreover, some girls believe that it will come in handy even when looking for a job - employers are more favorable to its owners.

In what ways do they manage to achieve the appearance of the desired fold? None of them will help in this case to obtain the desired effect.

Non-surgical methods

In order not to expose themselves, many Asian beauties choose less radical methods of improving their appearance.

Today the most popular of them are:

  1. Special stickers.

Currently, they are in great demand, so purchasing them is not a problem. Adhesive strips are applied to the part of the eyelid where the crease should be, and then the skin is pulled up so that it forms. But the effect of such stickers does not last long - literally until the first wash. In addition, the strip may be noticeable to others. To avoid this, you can disguise it using eye shadow.

  1. Special glue.

This is a more reliable product - it dries quickly and lasts for several days. Using a thin brush, apply the product in an even layer to the line where the fold should be located, dividing the eyelid into two parts. Next, using a special brush with two teeth, the skin is pulled back and fixed in this position. Glue can also be purchased today without any difficulties, but you only need to use a special composition intended for these purposes. It does not cause allergies or redness of the skin of the eyelids, and is absolutely safe for it, being made from biological components.

Regardless of which product is chosen, it should be applied to clean skin - thoroughly washed, including makeup removal.

Surgical methods

There are three main operative method used to form a double eyelid.

No incision

Double eyelid - a fold that allows the gaze to open up

The operation is performed using local anesthesia with sedation, and it lasts only half an hour. Rehabilitation period is 3-4 days, and the patient, as a rule, does not need to stay in the hospital. The stitches are removed after 2 days. Using a surgical thread, the skin is fixed to the eyelid muscle. This occurs through microscopic holes that are not cuts.

With the help of this thread, a fold is formed between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. The disadvantage of this method is that over time the threads weaken, which may cause the eyelid to return to its natural position. But in modern plastic surgery specialists try to select methods of performing the operation in such a way that the effect lasts as long as possible.

With partial cut

To make the so-called second eyelid in a person, with this correction method, small incisions are made through which part of the muscle and skin tissue is removed, due to which a fold is formed. Before the manipulation, the doctor must determine where it will take place, what height and shape it will have. The advantages of this technique are that the incisions are not large, due to which there are practically no stitches or swelling. The latter may appear in the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure, but after this time they recede. The operation lasts approximately half an hour under local anesthesia. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital after the procedure, and the sutures are removed after 4-5 days. The main advantage of the method is that in most cases, double eyelids do not disappear over time.

With full cut

This is a universal correction method, thanks to which part of the muscle, fat, and skin tissue is removed, due to which the eyes become more expressive. The disadvantage of this method is the risk of unwanted seams that may be noticeable. But the effect, as a rule, remains for life. The operation lasts half an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. Sutures are removed approximately a week after surgical intervention. After surgery, swelling may persist for some time (approximately 1-2 weeks). Hospitalization after the procedure is not required.

Is it worth adjusting your appearance?

Representatives of all nationalities are beautiful in their own way, because each of them has its own “zest” in appearance. If a person does not have a double eyelid, this does not mean that he does not have visual attractiveness, and this phenomenon does not cause it. But this is a personal matter for everyone - to adjust their own appearance using non-surgical and surgical techniques or not.

These 6 Female Idols Don't Have Desirables double eyelids”, but their unique natural eyes are even more stunning.

Double eyelids are one of the most sought after qualities among K-Pop idols. Many people undergo surgery to achieve this look. But some idols show off their natural beauty and Dispatch selected several idols who became famous with their specific looks. Despite not having double eyelids, these female idols still stand out and shine on stage with their unique eye shapes.

1. Red Velvet's Seulgi

Known for her natural monolids, fans even discussed her eyes in a post titled “No Double Eyelid Appeal Seulgi.” Many people advised her never to have eyelid surgery.

2. Cosmic Girls' Yeongjung

Newest member , , known for her almond-shaped eyes. They fit perfectly with her innocent appearance and sweet personality.

3. Jisoo from Lovelyz

from famous for having big eyes despite having a monolid, which gives her a unique and innocent look.

4. MAMAMOO's Moonbyul

There is a very slight double eyelid crease, but it is not very noticeable. However, she doesn't do anything to enhance her natural crease and prefers to leave it as is.

5. TWICE's Dahyun

Another idol whose mono eyelids are loved by fans. She receives a lot of support from her readers and is advised to never undergo double eyelid surgery.

Has always been a beauty icon in K-Pop because of her exceptional style and features, her eyes being one of them. Her unique cat shape her eye is one of her most striking features. Once, on a day of fun pranks, she sent a photo where she had double eyelids and stated that she had surgery, but later said that it was a prank. Fans saw that she kept her natural monolids.

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