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Not a double eyelid. Double eyelid

Double eyelid surgery - No incision

  • Operation time: 30min
  • Hospital: not required
  • Suture removal: After 2 days
  • Reception: 2 times
  • Recovery period: after 3-4 days return
    to daily activities

Suture technique method

Using a special surgical thread, without additional incisions through tiny holes, the skin tissue is fixed to the levator muscle. upper eyelid. The absence of incisions shortens the rehabilitation period. The advantage of this approach is the absence of bruises and swelling. The downside is that over time the threads relax and the eyelid may droop. To reduce the likelihood of loosening threads, clinic specialists plastic surgery wonjin being used various options and techniques that are selected individually for each patient, which increases the level of patient satisfaction.


To acquire a double eyelid

Having thick and drooping eyelids

Acquiring a double eyelid in a short time

Reluctance to form swelling and scars

For those who are afraid to make an incision

Varieties of suture techniques

The suture technique is known as lifting and securing the eyelid to form a crease or create a double eyelid. Each method has its pros and cons, so for the best results, taking into account your skin type and personal preferences, choose the most suitable method.

Simple suture method

This method has many fewer stitches than are typically used in suture surgery. It is this technique that allows a patient with a thin eyelid to acquire a natural double eyelid line.

Multi-stitch suture method (3 threads)

Eyelid skin thickness: very thin
double eyelid line: natural

This method is one of the very first methods of suture technique. This method has about 3 separate stitches.

Multi-stitch suture method (5 threads)

Eyelid skin thickness: thin
double eyelid line: adjustable

One of the popular methods that people prefer most. This method of operation is quite simple and swelling quickly disappears. The double eyelid line is natural and smooth, and most importantly does not extend beyond the line of stitches.

Natural suture method

Eyelid skin thickness: very thin
double eyelid line: pronounced

The strength of the seams and skin adhesion makes it possible to acquire a deep double eyelid line for those who want to achieve the effect of clearly defined lines double eyelids

Double eyelid surgery - with partial incision

  • Operation time: 30 minutes
  • Anesthesia: local anesthesia with sedation
  • Hospital: not required
  • Suture removal: 4-5 days after surgery
  • Reception: 2 times
  • Recovery time: 1-2 weeks swelling

Partial cut method?

Method for shaping the eyelid crease line. The future shape and height of the fold of the double eyelid are determined, then the skin and muscle tissue. Positive traits of this method are that the incision sites are not large, there are practically no stitches and swelling, and the likelihood of the double eyelid fold disappearing is minimal.


Large accumulation of fat and muscle tissue.tissue.

Disappearance of eyelid folds after suture technique

The desire to form a double fold of the eyelid without stitches and swelling.

The need to remove fat and muscle tissue.

Partial cut feature

Small incisions can be used to remove unwanted tissue. At the Won Jin Plastic Surgery Clinic, using this method The smallest incisions are made, thanks to which, after the swelling subsides, postoperative sutures become almost invisible.

Double eyelid surgery - Full incision

  • Operation time: 30 minutes
  • Anesthesia: local anesthesia with sedation
  • Hospital: not required
  • Suture removal: 5-7 days after surgery
  • Reception: 2 times
  • Recovery period: 1-2 weeks swelling

Cut method

The most universal method by which unwanted fat and muscle tissue is removed through an incision. Removing excess tissue helps make eyes expressive and natural. This method is one of the most common but unwanted post-operative sutures, and high price for repeated surgery remains the primary reason for surgery by professional doctors.

Indications for surgery

Thick eyelids.

Excess skin in the upper eyelid area

The desire to have a clearly defined double eyelid line.

Features of the incision method

Permanent effect for all eye types
The incision method helps correct a permanent, unchanging double eyelid line and can be used for all eye types. In addition, with the help of this operation, it is possible not only to correct the fold of the double eyelid, but also to correct ptosis, change the lift of eyelashes and much more.

Many Europeans don’t even think about how kind nature has been to them, giving them the ability to open their eyes wide, opening their eyelashes, their own gaze. Double eyelid: what is it? This is what largely distinguishes the eyes of Europeans from the eyes of Asians. Is there a need for a crease between the eyebrow and upper eyelid, and if someone thinks that they can’t do without it, then how to make it?

The structure of the upper eyelids of Europeans is such that they have a natural fold, which is explained by the peculiarity of their muscles. This fold is inherent in almost 100% of Europeans, while among representatives of the Mongoloid race it is very rare - in about 30% of people. Thus, in the second, the eyelid is even, due to which it looks hanging over the ciliary arch. Because of this, it seems that the eyes are tear-stained; there is some swelling above them, which happens, for example, with.

One of the signs of the Mongoloid race is the narrowed shape of the eyes, and many nationalities belong to it - Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Eskimos and many more Eastern and northern peoples. They also have the so-called single eyelid- which does not have this fold.

Often their representatives have epicanthus - a fold on the skin of the eyelids, which is clearly visible in the inner corners of the “mirrors of the soul”, and which is a congenital phenomenon. Scientists have still not been able to determine the exact reasons why Asians do not have double eyelids, but Europeans do. The most common theory today is that this structure of the eyelid muscles was given to them by nature to protect them from winds, cold, and sand.

Eastern dream

Many people consider Asians very beautiful girls, and this is quite fair and deserved.

Double eyelid allows you to make your eyes more expressive

Nevertheless, they themselves often want to be like European women, including believing that a European eye shape and double eyelids are almost the standard of beauty that they strive for.

Currently, the idea of ​​obtaining double eyelids artificially is very common among Eastern women. This has nothing to do with it, since it cannot be violated for this reason anyway. For some of them, this is just another fashion trend, but some really believe that, having received the coveted fold between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid, they are significantly more better side transform their appearance.

This makes sense, because thanks to the double eyelid:

  • the eyes acquire a more round shape, due to which they widen and appear wide open;
  • wide open eyes give the face a youthful appearance, a touch of naivety and even innocence;
  • It is believed that double eyelids They allow the eyes to look “fresh,” while drooping eyelids “heavien” the gaze, making it tired, as if tear-stained.

Not many Asian girls openly admit that they want to be like Europeans. Most of them explain their desire to have a double eyelid by the fact that it makes their face prettier, more tender, and more expressive.

How to make a double eyelid?

With the same desire as European women want to get rid of wrinkles on their faces, Asian women want to have a crease between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. To do this they resort to the most different methods, ranging from cosmetic devices to surgical intervention.

The fold between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid makes the eyes appear more rounded.

Justified by this same eastern dream. We often see beautiful representatives of the Mongoloid race on the covers of magazines and TV screens, and we don’t even realize that nature did not give many of them double eyelids. But none of them will pose in front of a photo or video camera until a fold appears between her eyebrow and upper eyelid, allowing her eyes to become rounder and open wide.

Ordinary girls who are not show business or catwalk divas are not far behind them. Many of them are confident that, having a double eyelid, they will not only look more attractive, but also inspire more confidence among others. Moreover, some girls believe that it will come in handy even when looking for a job - employers are more favorable to its owners.

In what ways do they manage to achieve the appearance of the desired fold? None of them will help in this case to obtain the desired effect.

Non-surgical methods

In order not to expose themselves, many Asian beauties choose less radical methods of improving their appearance.

Today the most popular of them are:

  1. Special stickers.

Currently, they are in great demand, so purchasing them is not a problem. Adhesive strips are applied to the part of the eyelid where the crease should be, and then the skin is pulled up so that it forms. But the effect of such stickers does not last long - literally until the first wash. In addition, the strip may be noticeable to others. To avoid this, you can disguise it using eye shadow.

  1. Special glue.

This is a more reliable product - it dries quickly and lasts for several days. Using a thin brush, apply the product in an even layer to the line where the fold should be located, dividing the eyelid into two parts. Next, using a special brush with two teeth, the skin is pulled back and fixed in this position. Glue can also be purchased today without any difficulties, but you only need to use a special composition intended for these purposes. It does not cause allergies or redness of the skin of the eyelids, it is absolutely safe for it, being made from biological components.

Regardless of which product is chosen, it should be applied to clean skin - thoroughly washed, including makeup removal.

Surgical methods

There are three main operative method, used to form a double eyelid.

No incision

Double eyelid - a fold that allows the gaze to open up

The operation is performed using local anesthesia with sedation, and it lasts only half an hour. Rehabilitation period is 3-4 days, and the patient, as a rule, does not need to stay in the hospital. The stitches are removed after 2 days. Using a surgical thread, the skin is fixed to the eyelid muscle. This occurs through microscopic holes that are not cuts.

With the help of this thread, a fold is formed between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. The disadvantage of this method is that over time the threads weaken, which may cause the eyelid to return to its natural position. But in modern plastic surgery, specialists try to select methods of performing the operation in such a way that the effect lasts as long as possible.

With partial cut

To make the so-called second eyelid in a person, with this correction method, small incisions are made through which part of the muscle and skin tissue is removed, due to which a fold is formed. Before the manipulation, the doctor must determine where it will take place, what height and shape it will have. The advantages of this technique are that the incisions are not large, due to which there are practically no stitches or swelling. The latter may appear in the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure, but after this time they recede. The operation lasts approximately half an hour under local anesthesia. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital after the procedure, and the sutures are removed after 4-5 days. The main advantage of the method is that in most cases, double eyelids do not disappear over time.

With full cut

This is a universal correction method, thanks to which part of the muscle, fat, and skin tissue is removed, due to which the eyes become more expressive. The disadvantage of this method is the risk of unwanted seams that may be noticeable. But the effect, as a rule, remains for life. The operation lasts half an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. Sutures are removed approximately a week after surgical intervention. After surgery, swelling may persist for some time (approximately 1-2 weeks). Hospitalization after the procedure is not required.

Is it worth adjusting your appearance?

Representatives of all nationalities are beautiful in their own way, because each of them has its own “zest” in appearance. If a person does not have a double eyelid, this does not mean that he does not have visual attractiveness, and this phenomenon does not cause it. But this is a personal matter for everyone - to adjust their own appearance using non-surgical and surgical techniques or not.

These 6 female idols don't have the coveted double eyelids, but their unique natural eyes are even more stunning.

Double eyelids are one of the most sought after qualities among K-Pop idols. Many people undergo surgery to achieve this look. But some idols show off their natural beauty and Dispatch selected several idols who became famous for having their own specific look. Despite not having double eyelids, these female idols still stand out and shine on stage with their unique eye shapes.

1. Red Velvet's Seulgi

Known for her natural monolids, fans even discussed her eyes in a post titled “No Double Eyelid Appeal Seulgi.” Many people advised her never to have eyelid surgery.

2. Cosmic Girls' Yeongjung

Newest member , , known for her almond-shaped eyes. They fit perfectly with her innocent appearance and sweet personality.

3. Jisoo from Lovelyz

from famous for having big eyes despite having a monolid, which gives her a unique and innocent look.

4. MAMAMOO's Moonbyul

There is a very slight double eyelid crease, but it is not very noticeable. However, she doesn't do anything to enhance her natural crease and prefers to leave it as is.

5. TWICE's Dahyun

Another idol whose mono eyelids are loved by fans. She receives a lot of support from her readers and is advised to never undergo double eyelid surgery.

Has always been a beauty icon in K-Pop because of her exceptional style and features, her eyes being one of them. Her unique cat shape her eye is one of her most striking features. Once, on a day of fun pranks, she sent a photo where she had double eyelids and stated that she had surgery, but later said that it was a prank. Fans saw that she kept her natural monolids.

Plastic surgery for double eyelids in Korea without scars with a guarantee from the Opera PS clinic. Surgery to correct the upper eyelids is safe and does not affect vision in any way.

The Mongoloid structure of the eyelid and, in principle, the oriental type are a common phenomenon. Many seek to change this type of appearance to European ideals of beauty, primarily through plastic surgery on the eyes. Also, for these purposes, they resort to transforming the outlines of the profile, chin, and lip volume. But the main emphasis is on the eyes, namely the upper eyelid with a double fold.

According to statistics, residents of Asian countries lead in the frequency of requests for such plastic surgeries. But people of European appearance also turn to the Opera PS clinic for similar medical care. With congenital drooping eyelids, which often occurs regardless of a person’s origin, eye surgery can work wonders. This feature sometimes causes not only aesthetic, but also physiological discomfort. Excess skin leads to limited viewing angles and increased eye strain. This problem is faced not only by older people; it is a common congenital feature.

Interesting fact: how do they treat upper eyelid surgery in Korea?

In the Land of Morning Freshness, correcting the shape of the eyes is treated very simply - this is one of the most popular plastic surgeries. They begin to do it almost from school - a good proportion of high school students receive such a subscription as a gift from their parents as an incentive for academic success. In South Korea, the procedure's popularity among both natives and foreigners rivals a similar trend in the United States, where replacing teeth with veneers on your 18th birthday is commonplace.

You can correct the upper eyelid in a Western style with adolescence, this is a safe procedure. The skill of the professionals at the Opera Plastic Surgery clinic has been proving in practice for many years: a clear, open look, like that of Western celebrities on the cover, is not only beautiful, but also simple and not painful.

Practical advantages of Europeanization of eyelids: to whom, why and why it is done

Correction of the shape of the upper eyelids is most often used for aesthetic purposes. After the procedure, the look becomes open, welcoming, and the eyes become visually larger. The face is visually rejuvenated, acquiring/preserving the charm of youth. The operation eliminates the syndrome of a sleepy, heavy look - after blepharoplasty, the face ceases to appear swollen and arrogant, as often happens with a drooping eyelid.

Reasons for seeking plastic surgery on the eyes:

  • congenital excess skin and fat in the eyelids, heredity (this feature is typical not only for eastern peoples and residents of the far north, but also for residents of Europe);
  • features of physiology (for example, characteristic of the Asian type, including residents of Korea, the “oriental” eyelid with excess epithelium in the inner corner of the eye - epicanthus).

In both cases, surgery to create a double fold at the Opera Plastic Surgery clinic is possible in several ways. The strategy is chosen by the surgeon in accordance with the patient’s health status, eyelid structure, age, skin quality and elasticity. The choice of technique is also influenced by the complexity of each specific case, the eyelash growth line, the presence or absence of eye asymmetry and the desired effect.

Types of eye surgery in Opera PS

Our clinic practices 3 types of surgery to form a double eyelid fold: with an incision, without an incision (suture method) and the original 3N sangapuri technique.

Important: operations related to the creation of a double fold (the essence of all three techniques mentioned above) are often confused with age-related upper blepharoplasty, the purpose of which is to tighten the skin that hangs over the eyes due to time. These procedures have different directions, differ in execution technique and, accordingly, results. Our consultants will tell you more about the differences between these aesthetic operations and their indications on an individual basis.

Methods for creating a double eyelid in Opera:

  1. No cut. A gentle type of Europeanization of the eyelids, during which the surgeon places several miniature sutures along the muscle, modeling the natural curve of the skin. A universal technique that has no age restrictions. The procedure is most effective for patients with thin skin, as in this case it is possible to achieve long-lasting results.
  2. With a cut. Classic method eye plastic surgery, which allows you to increase the orbit of the eye, eliminate excess fatty tissue and skin, and form a beautiful natural fold. The incisions are made under a natural curve, the stitches are cosmetic - traces of the operation are invisible.
  3. An original technique from surgeons at the Opera PS clinic, called 3N sangapuri. The operating method has no analogues in Korea and other countries; it is a unique development of our professionals. It leaves no traces, does not cause pain to the patient during the operation, the result pleases for many years.

With the correction of an overhanging eyelid, the Opera PS clinic performs additional lateral canthoplasty and epicanthoplasty (correction of the outer and inner corners of the eye) as a related procedure - our doctors will open your eyes both vertically and increase the eye shape horizontally. Nothing is impossible for us.

About eye surgery at Opera PS: why us

What sets us apart from other clinics is our unique operating technique, which has no analogues: 3N technology: noscar, noloose, nopain.

Our specialists with many years of practice carry out aesthetic procedures on the eyes painlessly, leaving no scars, severe bruises or swelling, with 100% preservation of the double fold on the eyelids. This is possible thanks to minimal, minimally invasive holes instead of full-fledged incisions and the filigree work of doctors on connecting muscle fibers.

We are proud of our renowned team of surgeons from South Korea, multi-level individual system pain relief, selected by our specialists for each patient personally, using proprietary developments in the field of plastic surgery. We have experts in this industry who have many years of experience in eyelid shape correction. After eye surgery, we guarantee a natural result, a smooth double eyelid without scars, meeting all the canons of beauty.

Details about surgery and recovery

At the Opera PS clinic, correcting the shape of the eyelids is simple, safe and affordable.

Useful facts about diagnosis, surgery and rehabilitation after surgery:

  1. Diagnostics at the clinic is free. This includes basic blood and urine tests, a personal consultation with your surgeon, and an ECG.
  2. The duration of eye surgery at the Opera PS clinic is about one hour, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the chosen method of performing it.
  3. Types of anesthesia - sleeping pills and local anesthesia.
  4. Sutures are removed, depending on the method, starting on the 3rd day after surgery (individually).
  5. The average rehabilitation period is 3-4 days, after which you can freely lead a normal life.
  6. After plastic surgery on the eyes, you need to see the doctor twice - for a routine examination.

During the rehabilitation period, your main task is to provide rest to the operated areas. Try not to cry, squint, scratch or rub your eyes. You can apply makeup no earlier than 24 hours after the stitches are removed (you will generally have to wait about a week with decorative cosmetics after eye surgery).

It is recommended to sleep only on your back, on 2-3 pillows, and also stop smoking and drinking alcohol for at least a month - this will allow healing it will go faster. Cold compresses will help speed up recovery medicinal ointments. The surgeon will tell you the details - he will select medications and an individual supportive course of procedures.

Cost of Europeanization of eyelids in Opera PS

The cost of eyelid correction at Opera Plastic Surgery is $1,000 or more. The price depends on the method of performing the operation and, accordingly, its complexity, on the structure of the patient’s eyes, and the initial condition of the skin. Also, the cost of the procedure is influenced by the fact whether similar eyelid surgery has been done before - that is, whether the surgery will be the primary operation for your eyelids or a repeat operation.

What is included in the price of the service:

  • personal consultations with a surgeon;
  • examinations and analyses;
  • course of pain relief during and after surgery;
  • post-operative procedures and care.

Please note: if you require additional examinations and procedures after or before eyelid surgery, observation in a hospital or a series of consultations with doctors, you can stay in a hotel located near our clinic. The cost of living there is $50 per night and above.

We are ready to answer all your questions about oriental eyelid correction and related services available at our clinic in Korea.

Our consultants will calculate for you individual cost operations and will help you evaluate the advantages of each method of double eyelid surgery, please contact us.

Many Europeans don’t even think about how kind nature has been to them, giving them the ability to open their eyes wide, opening their eyelashes, their own gaze. Double eyelid: what is it? This is what largely distinguishes the eyes of Europeans from the eyes of Asians. Is there a need for a fold between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid, and if someone thinks that they can’t do without it, then how to make it?

The structure of the upper eyelids of Europeans is such that they have a natural fold, which is explained by the peculiarity of their muscles. This fold is inherent in almost 100% of Europeans, while among representatives of the Mongoloid race it is very rare - in about 30% of people. Thus, in the second, the eyelid is even, due to which it looks hanging over the ciliary arch. Because of this, it seems that the eyes are tear-stained; there is some swelling above them, which happens, for example, with.

One of the signs of the Mongoloid race is a narrowed eye shape, and many nationalities belong to it - Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Eskimos and many more eastern and northern peoples. They also have the so-called single eyelid - which does not have this fold.

Often their representatives have epicanthus - a fold on the skin of the eyelids, which is clearly visible in the inner corners of the “mirrors of the soul”, and which is a congenital phenomenon. Scientists have still not been able to determine the exact reasons why Asians do not have double eyelids, but Europeans do. The most common theory today is that this structure of the eyelid muscles was given to them by nature to protect them from winds, cold, and sand.

Eastern dream

Many people consider Asian women to be very beautiful girls, and this is quite fair and deserved.

Double eyelid allows you to make your eyes more expressive

Nevertheless, they themselves often want to be like European women, including believing that a European eye shape and double eyelids are almost the standard of beauty that they strive for.

Currently, the idea of ​​obtaining double eyelids artificially is very common among Eastern women. This has nothing to do with it, since it cannot be violated for this reason anyway. For some of them, this is just another fashion trend, but some really believe that, having received the coveted fold between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid, they will significantly transform their appearance for the better.

This makes sense, because thanks to the double eyelid:

  • the eyes acquire a more round shape, due to which they widen and appear wide open;
  • wide open eyes give the face a youthful appearance, a touch of naivety and even innocence;
  • It is believed that double eyelids make the eyes look “fresher,” while drooping eyelids “heavien” the gaze, making it tired, as if tear-stained.

Not many Asian girls openly admit that they want to be like Europeans. Most of them explain their desire to have a double eyelid by the fact that it makes their face prettier, more tender, and more expressive.

How to make a double eyelid?

With the same desire as European women want to get rid of wrinkles on their faces, Asian women want to have a crease between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. To do this, they resort to a variety of methods, ranging from cosmetic devices to surgical intervention.

The fold between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid makes the eyes appear more rounded.

Justified by this same eastern dream. We often see beautiful representatives of the Mongoloid race on the covers of magazines and TV screens, and we don’t even realize that nature did not give many of them double eyelids. But none of them will pose in front of a photo or video camera until a fold appears between her eyebrow and upper eyelid, allowing her eyes to become rounder and open wide.

Ordinary girls who are not show business or catwalk divas are not far behind them. Many of them are confident that, having a double eyelid, they will not only look more attractive, but also inspire more confidence among others. Moreover, some girls believe that it will come in handy even when looking for a job - employers are more favorable to its owners.

In what ways do they manage to achieve the appearance of the desired fold? None of them will help in this case to obtain the desired effect.

Non-surgical methods

In order not to expose themselves, many Asian beauties choose less radical methods of improving their appearance.

Today the most popular of them are:

  1. Special stickers.

Currently, they are in great demand, so purchasing them is not a problem. Adhesive strips are applied to the part of the eyelid where the crease should be, and then the skin is pulled up so that it forms. But the effect of such stickers does not last long - literally until the first wash. In addition, the strip may be noticeable to others. To avoid this, you can disguise it using eye shadow.

  1. Special glue.

This is a more reliable product - it dries quickly and lasts for several days. Using a thin brush, apply the product in an even layer to the line where the fold should be located, dividing the eyelid into two parts. Next, using a special brush with two teeth, the skin is pulled back and fixed in this position. Glue can also be purchased today without any difficulties, but you only need to use a special composition intended for these purposes. It does not cause allergies or redness of the skin of the eyelids, it is absolutely safe for it, being made from biological components.

Regardless of which product is chosen, it should be applied to clean skin - thoroughly washed, including makeup removal.

Surgical methods

There are three main surgical methods used to create a double eyelid.

No incision

Double eyelid - a fold that allows the gaze to open up

The operation is performed using local anesthesia with sedation, and it lasts only half an hour. The rehabilitation period is 3-4 days, and the patient, as a rule, does not need to stay in the hospital. The stitches are removed after 2 days. Using a surgical thread, the skin is fixed to the eyelid muscle. This occurs through microscopic holes that are not cuts.

With the help of this thread, a fold is formed between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. The disadvantage of this method is that over time the threads weaken, which may cause the eyelid to return to its natural position. But in modern plastic surgery, specialists try to select methods of performing the operation in such a way that the effect lasts as long as possible.

With partial cut

To make the so-called second eyelid in a person, with this correction method, small incisions are made through which part of the muscle and skin tissue is removed, due to which a fold is formed. Before the manipulation, the doctor must determine where it will take place, what height and shape it will have. The advantages of this technique are that the incisions are not large, due to which there are practically no stitches or swelling. The latter may appear in the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure, but after this time they recede. The operation lasts approximately half an hour under local anesthesia. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital after the procedure, and the sutures are removed after 4-5 days. The main advantage of the method is that in most cases, double eyelids do not disappear over time.

With full cut

This is a universal correction method, thanks to which part of the muscle, fat, and skin tissue is removed, due to which the eyes become more expressive. The disadvantage of this method is the risk of unwanted seams that may be noticeable. But the effect, as a rule, remains for life. The operation lasts half an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. Sutures are removed about a week after surgery. After surgery, swelling may persist for some time (approximately 1-2 weeks). Hospitalization after the procedure is not required.

Is it worth adjusting your appearance?

Representatives of all nationalities are beautiful in their own way, because each of them has its own “zest” in appearance. If a person does not have a double eyelid, this does not mean that he does not have visual attractiveness, and this phenomenon does not cause it. But it is a personal matter for everyone - whether to correct their appearance using non-surgical and surgical techniques or not.

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