Home Pulpitis Why is there a strong ringing in the ears? Constant ringing in the ears - causes and treatment

Why is there a strong ringing in the ears? Constant ringing in the ears - causes and treatment

Conventionally, these are three groups: a consequence of injury, disease, pathology of the hearing organ.

Unexpected exposure to sudden hearing, as well as constant, prolonged exposure to loud sounds, noise, vibrations, distortion of the transmission of sound wave vibrations through the auditory system, ingress of insects, liquids. Ringing in the ear may be due to the fact that a cerumen plug has formed there. Abuse of nervous system stimulants, alcohol, drugs, and energy drinks is dangerous. Gentamicin is dangerous because it has an ototoxic effect, damaging various structures of the ear.

Ringing may be due to inflammation or swelling of the ear resulting from recent illnesses. Through the Eustachian tube, bacterial and viral microflora from the nasopharynx can spread to the ear. Dangerous injuries to the head, ear, front side of the skull, concussion, age-related changes in the organ of hearing, disorders of nervous activity and mental regulation, structural and functional abnormalities organ of hearing. Sometimes the cause is malignant and benign neoplasms of the brain and neck. Inflammation, swelling and neoplasms of the auditory nerve occur.

Often ringing occurs with atherosclerosis, narrowing of the vascular lumen, cerebrovascular accident, pinching, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, or vertebral hernia.

  • Ringing in the ear after an explosion

After the explosion, it can ring for quite a long time, since the blast wave acts as a powerful damaging factor that damages structures inner ear and and the eardrum. Necessary examination and appropriate therapy. If the damage is severe, surgery will be required.

  • Ringing in the ears after shooting

Gunshots may cause tinnitus. At the moment of shooting, a sharp sound develops, which damages the eardrum or causes its intense vibrations. They can persist for quite a long time. It is necessary to undergo an examination to check the condition of the brain and eardrum. And only after this can appropriate treatment be prescribed.

  • Ringing in the ears after concussion

After a concussion, ringing in the ears may occur. Most often it occurs as a result of damage to various structures of the ear. The auditory nerve, bones, or eardrum may be damaged. Often this is a consequence of an inflammatory process, spasm, hemorrhage, circulatory disorder or concussion.

  • Ringing in the ears after loud music

Firstly, loud music is a strong vibration wave that is perceived by the oscillatory structures of the inner ear - auditory ossicles and eardrum. Music that is too loud can damage these structures, causing them to rupture and vibrate abnormally.

Secondly, the ear can adapt to high sound vibrations, and it will be difficult for it to adjust to the normal mode of perception. For some time, the oscillatory structures of the ear will vibrate in the same tones that corresponded to loud music, resulting in a ringing in the ears.

These sensations usually go away on their own within 24 hours. If they do not go away for quite a long time, you need to consult a doctor, get examined and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Often you can get rid of ringing only by eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

  • Ringing in the ears after a concert

After a concert, tinnitus often occurs due to the fact that there are loud and sharp sounds that shift the eardrum and other vibrational structures of the ear to a different sound tempo. After prolonged exposure to a loud sound in the ear, the auditory analyzers adapted to this frequency. Then it is difficult for the ear to adjust to another, normal mode.

The eardrum and internal auditory ossicles continue to vibrate to the same sound vibration that was present at the concert (since any sound is sound wave, or vibration that affects our ear). It is for this reason that noise and ringing in the ear often occurs.

  • Ringing in the ears after sex

Caused by excessive emotionality and excitability, lability of the nervous system, mental overstrain. The sensitivity of the nerves, including the auditory one, increases. It is constantly irritated and transmits impulses to the corresponding parts of the brain. This ensures a response.

  • Ringing in the ears after alcohol

Alcohol has a toxic effect on the ear. The auditory nerve and sound-perceiving components may be damaged. Alcohol has a tonic and stimulating effect on the central nervous system, so inflammation of the nerve is possible.

  • Ringing in the ears after ARVI

After ARVI, noise, ringing and even pain in the ears often appear. This is associated with complications in the ear. The nasopharynx and pharynx during illness are affected by an infectious and inflammatory process. This process can spread to the ear. This happens through the Eustachian tube, which connects the inner ear and nasopharynx. If such sensations occur, you should contact an otolaryngologist, who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

  • Ringing in the ears after the flu

Quite often, after a person has recovered from the flu, his ears begin to ring. This is due to the fact that infection from the nasopharynx and respiratory tract can penetrate into the ear. Such penetration leads to its inflammation, infection, and ringing.

  • Ringing in the ears after a cold

After a cold, ringing in the ears often develops. This can be due to many reasons, so if such signs appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Tinnitus does not occur on its own; it can occur as a consequence of another disease or complication. Often, tinnitus occurs as a result of an infection in the middle or inner ear.

With a cold, an infectious process develops, mainly caused by viruses or bacteria. The microflora of the nasopharynx and pharynx is also disrupted. All this leads to the development of the inflammatory process. The nasopharynx and ear are connected by the Eustachian tube, through which inflammation can spread and infection can be transmitted. Once in the ear, the infection affects its various parts, causing spasm and irritation, which leads to pain, noise and ringing in the ears.

Often, in order to eliminate ringing in the ears, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease, after which the noise will go away on its own as a secondary effect. Sometimes special medications may be required to treat and eliminate inflammation and infection directly in the ear. But you need to remember that the ear cannot be treated on your own. You need to see a doctor who will check everything necessary research, will assess the condition of the ear and prescribe safe treatment. Complications are dangerous due to the proximity of the eardrum and vestibular apparatus, which is an important component of the brain.

  • Ringing in the ears after a concussion

A concussion may be accompanied by a disturbance in auditory perception, a feeling that something is ringing or moving in the ear. The cause is usually a pathological lesion of the auditory center, which coordinates the work of all components of the auditory system. It may also be associated with impaired cerebral circulation and inflammation of the auditory nerve.

  • Ringing in the ears after exercise

Appears when overworked, excessive physical activity. At the same time, blood pressure rises sharply.

  • Ringing in the ear after otitis media

Otitis media is a disease in which the middle ear becomes inflamed. The disease can be either unilateral or bilateral. The cause of the disease is the spread of the inflammatory process from neighboring areas to the ear, as well as infection in the middle ear. This is accompanied by swelling and hyperemia. There may be ichor coming out of the ear. This is usually painless, but gradually the inflammatory process intensifies and can cover increasingly large areas of the ear, resulting in pain, other discomfort. All this is accompanied by ringing and noise in the ears.

If discharge appears in the form of purulent fluid mixed with blood, this may indicate damage to the eardrum. In this case, the ringing intensifies, becomes constant and painful for the patient, exhausts him, and prevents him from sleeping at night. As a result, headaches, dizziness, and migraines develop. In this case, urgent medical attention is required, the patient needs surgical intervention. Children are more susceptible to otitis media because their Eustachian tube, which connects the ear and nasopharynx, is much shorter. As a result, an infection from the nasopharynx enters the ear and causes inflammation.

  • Ringing in the ears due to sinusitis

With sinusitis, discomfort may be associated with the penetration of infection and the development of a purulent, inflammatory, or infectious process. Often, against the background of sinusitis, otitis or tubo-otitis develops, fluid accumulates, which disrupts the normal functioning of hair cells, and ringing develops, and more.

  • Ringing in the ears due to neurosis

Neurosis is often accompanied by ringing, as it contributes to the development of inflammatory processes in the nerves. The auditory nerve also becomes inflamed, which increases sensitivity. Neurosis is accompanied by structural and functional disorders nerves, destruction of the reflex arc. If the changes are reversible, therapy can be carried out and the pathology can be eliminated. If the changes are irreversible, the ringing will continue to accompany the person for the rest of his life.

  • Ringing in the ears with VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by impaired vascular tone, frequent and sudden changes in pressure, and cerebral circulatory insufficiency. As a result, various organs suffer. The pathology is accompanied by dizziness, vasospasm, and profuse sweating. Panic, fear, and anxiety may appear.

  • Ringing in the ears during menopause

A person undergoes significant transformations. Hormonal levels and nervous system activity change. Against the background of all this, there is a decrease in sensitivity, disruption of the functioning of individual organs and systems.

Often information that comes from outside is processed incorrectly. If information is processed incorrectly and the immune system is reduced, various inflammatory processes can develop. tinnitus from headphones

Headphones not only transmit and amplify sound waves. One of the disadvantages of this device is the additional noise and vibration that occurs during operation. Accordingly, hearing becomes less acute, and a person does not recognize many sounds. Also, the earphone is inserted directly into the auricle, so the path required for the propagation of a sound wave is shortened. ringing in the ears and head

Indicates cerebrovascular accident, high blood pressure or surges vascular tone. Also, such a condition is considered quite natural when nerves, blood vessels are pinched, or blocked.

  • Ringing in the ears with osteochondrosis

With osteochondrosis, a person often has ringing in the ears. The cause is likely to be a pinched cervical nerve. Circulatory disturbances also occur, blood flow deteriorates, and hypoxia occurs. Then other similar sensations join in, and dizziness develops.

Often such phenomena are accompanied by the appearance of irritability and nervousness. Observed sudden changes mood, dizziness appears, which is especially intensified during head movements. There is also pain in the ears, temples, and back of the head.

Pain and fatigue may develop in the neck area and spread to other parts of the spine. Numbness may develop cervical spine, ear, temporal region. At the same time it is getting worse twilight vision and ripples appear in the eyes. There is a decrease in memory, the person becomes inattentive and absent-minded.

If the cause of tinnitus is osteochondrosis, the patient is prescribed vascular and anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors and vitamins. Has a positive effect physiotherapy, breathing exercises, relaxation and meditative practices, as well as physiotherapy, massage, wraps, manual therapy.

Tinnitus can occur with normal pressure. It may be associated with pressure fluctuations, or it may have nothing to do with it. With normal pressure, there can be many other reasons that provoke tinnitus. For example, not arterial blood pressure may be increased, but intracranial pressure.

There may be a pinched nerve, poor circulation, inflammation in the inner ear, an allergic reaction, or swelling. The reasons can be listed endlessly, so the first thing to do when such symptoms appear is to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination. Only after the doctor determines the cause of tinnitus and the underlying disease that provokes it can the necessary treatment be prescribed.

  • Ringing in the ears due to high blood pressure

Increased pressure causes structural and functional changes in small blood vessels. The vessels of the brain and the vestibular apparatus, which is located in the inner ear, change especially dramatically.

Also, high blood pressure is accompanied by cerebral vascular spasm, which affects internal organs, including the ear and eardrum. Vessels lose elasticity, blood supply to tissues is disrupted. Hypoxia is also felt, which is accompanied by a lack of oxygen and an excessive amount of carbon dioxide, which has a toxic effect on the body. All this leads to dizziness, loss of coordination and sense of balance, tinnitus, and ringing. Intracranial pressure may also increase significantly, which intensifies the ringing.

You can control your blood pressure with the help of pharmaceuticals that normalize blood circulation and eliminate vascular spasm. If necessary, medications are prescribed to lower blood cholesterol levels.

  • Ringing in the ears with low blood pressure

Low blood pressure may be accompanied by pain, noise, buzzing, and other sensations in the ears. It often occurs against a background of nausea, weakness, dizziness, fog before the eyes, and blurry silhouettes. General weakness and lethargy, apathy, and drowsiness may develop.

All this occurs due to a lack of oxygen, hypoxia develops. Blood vessels and the brain suffer from this.

  • Ringing in the ears after sleep

After sleep, tinnitus may occur due to decreased pressure, or insufficient activity of the auditory hairs, which have not yet had time to activate after rest. Usually, auditory hairs are responsible for the normal perception of sound, which perceive the sound wave and process it in a certain way. For various pathologies, unusual functional states and developmental anomalies, with other diseases, uncontrolled, rapid vibration of auditory hairs may occur, which leads to the sensation of ringing and noise in the ears.

Noise manifestations in the head in most cases - about thirty percent - are typical for people in old age. Much less often - in five percent - they are found in the young and middle-aged population.

The sources of such disorders and unpleasant phenomena are very diverse, so you need to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Tinnitus - ear noise, which can manifest itself in different ways:

  • Ringing, buzzing.
  • Squeaking, hissing.
  • Clicking sounds.
  • Constant, intermittent, periodic.

Every third adult, starting from the age of forty, suffers from ringing in the head. What causes tinnitus could it happen?

Diseases and disorders:

  1. External sulfur plug ear canal.
  2. Ear, brain tumor.
  3. Otosclerosis.
  4. Vascular atherosclerosis in the area of ​​the brain.
  5. Hypertension, hypotension.
  6. Osteochondrotic changes in the cervical spine.
  7. Anemia.
  8. Acute lack of vitamins and microelements.
  9. Intoxication with alcohol or nicotine.
  10. Dentures placed incorrectly.


The intensity of tinnitus can vary, it is classified according to degrees:

  • Normal - almost not noticeable, extraneous sounds are heard when it is quiet, before going to bed.
  • Medium – sometimes interferes with sleep and at times causes irritation.
  • Increased - strong sounds that prevent you from getting enough sleep and concentrating on mental work.
  • Very high – discomfort leading to constant irritability, loss of ability to work, and the development of depression.

In the first two stages, patients do not always worry and consult a doctor, because... discomfort is moderate.

It is necessary to carefully monitor yourself - any noise effect that lasts for several days requires.

The medical classification of tinnitus that bothers patients includes two very broad categories:

  • Objective.
  • Subjective.

The first type is slightly less common than the second. It can be heard by the patient himself and the doctor when he listens to the ear apparatus with a stethoscope. It can occur due to pathology of the pharynx, auditory tube, joint between lower jaw And temporal bone. The second type of ringing is audible only to the patient - it occurs in most cases.

It is easiest to tolerate low-pitched sounds - most often they resemble a background hum. High frequency sounds - ringing, whistling - can cause very unpleasant sensations. They accompany such pathologies as hearing loss. Associated symptoms include:

  • Congestion in the ears.
  • Heaviness in the head.
  • Reduced ability to perceive sounds.
  • Excited nervous state.

By the type of ringing manifestation - pulsation or clicking - two manifestations can be recognized:

  1. Pathology of the muscular-articular system.
  2. Noise in blood vessels.

The type of problem is determined using a phonendoscope. Vascular pathology in its classic manifestation is atherosclerosis, when the artery is completely or partly blocked by fatty deposits inside the lumen. The blood flow becomes turbulent, leading to a pulsating sensation.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels leads to a gradual deterioration of its condition. Oxygen starvation entails the death of some cells; a stroke can occur at any time, which has various consequences - from numbness of the limbs, paralysis to death.

Muscle noise is a consequence of pathology of the ENT organs. It occurs as a result of a spasm of the muscles located near the eardrum, nasopharynx, and auditory tube.

The exact nature of the pathology - tumor, bone growth, loss of integrity - is determined by the doctor during examination.

Noise discomfort may occur:

  • On right.
  • Left.
  • On both sides at the same time.

In the first two cases, diseases of the ear or one hemisphere of the brain occur. If there is noise in the head in general, then the disease is most likely associated with pathology of the internal organs, nervous system, and heart.


An important step in diagnostic procedure are laboratory research. The patient is given a referral to donate urine and blood:

  • Serological study.
  • Biochemistry.
  • Hormone levels, etc.

Instrumental diagnostic methods include:

  • CT scan brain
  • X-ray of the skull, spinal column.
  • Ultrasound and Dopplerography.
  • Weber's test.
  • Audiogram.


Ringing and humming of vascular origin are treated with special medical supplies:

  • Activating metabolism in the area of ​​​​brain neurons.
  • Improving tissue metabolic processes.
  • Neuroprotectors that support membrane elasticity.
  • Stimulating blood circulation.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Relieving inflammation.
  • Stimulators of impulse transmission in neuromuscular tissue..
  • Normalizing metabolism in the brain.

Hardware procedures.

We often ignore problems with our health until they cause us severe discomfort and persistent pain. Therefore, many do not pay attention to the obsessive whistle that they constantly hear. What does this ringing in the ears mean? Is it possible and worth it to endure it or should I immediately contact an ENT specialist?

Among specialists, ringing in the ears is called tinnitus. This phenomenon never occurs on its own, but is a clear symptom of many pathologies and conditions. The ringing can be single or combined with other negative auditory manifestations: crackling, humming and buzzing.

Not every tinnitus can indicate pathological condition person. In a room devoid of sounds, any healthy person will hear a characteristic noise. “Ringing silence” is a manifestation of a transient hum, which is absolutely normal and physiological. In normal circumstances, we don’t notice it due to the amount of noise around us.

If ringing accompanies you constantly, the symptom may indicate a pathology - both in the auditory organs and in the nervous and skeletal systems.

To understand why there is ringing in the ears, you need to understand the structure of the auditory organ:

  1. Sound (or rather, air vibrations) acts on the eardrum, causing it to vibrate.
  2. The vibration of the eardrum is transmitted to the malleus, incus and stapes located near it, which also begin their movement.
  3. Their vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea, which is filled with liquid and has special cilia on the surface.
  4. The liquid moves under the influence of vibrations, forcing the cilia to move.
  5. The cilia transmit the nerve impulse to the brain, where it is processed and perceived by us as sound.

A failure may occur at one of these stages, and because of it the patient will hear a persistent, maddening ringing that is not really there.


A common reason why ringing is heard is loud noises. Sharp, unbearable noise, watching a movie in a cinema, visiting a nightclub or concert often lead to overstrain of the conducting nerve endings. For the ringing to go away, it is enough to sleep or spend some time surrounded by quiet, unobtrusive sounds.

But ringing in the ears caused by loud noise does not always go away without leaving a trace. People who work in noisy industries for a long time, or patients who are addicted to loud music or using headphones, over time note that rest no longer contributes to relief from discomfort. Along with the onset of deafness, they hear a constant hum and wonder how to get rid of ringing in the ears.

  • Otosclerosis

This age-related change, which is noticeably “younger” these days, occurs when spongy bone tissue begins to grow on the surface of the dermis inside the ear. Regardless of which direction this formation begins to spread, it will still have a detrimental effect on the functionality of the organ.

First of all, the patient will hear a ringing in the ear, and then gradually his hearing will noticeably decrease.

  • Substances

The reason why ringing in the ear is sometimes caused by the abuse of certain substances: caffeine, nicotine and quinine. Frequent smoking, indulgence in energy drinks, coffee and even strong black tea can cause changes in blood vessels, which will affect the internal areas of the auditory organ.

  • Swelling

With ARVI, patients often note that their ear is blocked and ringing. This occurs due to the fact that stagnant mucus or swelling blocks the lumen of the auditory tube. A blocked nose and ear canal cause a difference in pressure, causing the eardrum to bulge inward. Unable to move from sound vibration, this film remains in place, and the patient, meanwhile, hears only a physiological ringing in the ear.

  • High pressure

A sudden increase in pressure or hypertension in a patient can lead to spasm of the posterior auricular artery. At the same time, the ringing is characterized by a special rhythm - it is not constant, but seems to duplicate the heartbeat, pulsating.

  • Medicines

Row medicines has tinnitus as a side effect. In particular, taking antibiotics that include gentomycin, as well as medications containing aspirin, can cause temporary hearing pathology.

Once you stop taking the culprit drug and it is completely cleared from the plasma, the intrusive noise will disappear.

  • Injuries

If the causes of tinnitus are injuries to the head or only the auditory organs, then its character will be pronounced pulsating, and sometimes resemble a whistle. This pathology is accompanied by hearing loss varying degrees, as well as headaches, dizziness, nausea. With severe swelling of the brain, vomiting and severe coordination problems may occur.

Any of these symptoms that occur after a head injury requires prompt attention to a specialist.

  • Atherosclerosis

This disease is characterized by a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels due to the growth of cholesterol plaques on their walls. Impaired blood flow causes a characteristic noise - ringing in the ears.

The ringing may be constant or occur occasionally, periodically. It is often accompanied by dizziness and patients have a headache.

  • Neoplasms

Acoustic neuroma can cause ringing in the right or left ear. The tumor grows and begins to put pressure on the area where the cochlea is located and affect it. As a rule, if there is ringing in the left ear or the right due to a neuroma, the noise will be heard in only one organ of hearing. At first it will not be very pronounced and will resemble a squeak or even the sound of sea waves.

As the tumor grows, it begins to compress the brain stem and other parts of the auditory organ, causing dizziness, problems with coordination, and hearing loss.

Inflammation of the inner ear is a common cause of ringing. The swelling that accompanies the pathological process, as well as the accumulating fluid, reduce the mobility of the malleus and stapes and keep them in a state of constant vibration. This causes a false noise in one ear.

In addition to the above reasons for tinnitus, it can occur with:

  1. Meniere's disease;
  2. diabetes mellitus;
  3. thyroid dysfunction;
  4. sulfur plug;
  5. anemia;
  6. osteochondrosis;
  7. overwork;
  8. schizophrenia.

As you can see, there are quite wide list diseases and conditions that accompany tinnitus, their treatment should be timely and under the supervision of specialists.

Frequent combinations of symptoms

Dizziness + ringing

These symptoms may be caused by:

  • Changes in the movement of nerve impulses after injuries, with atherosclerosis and inflammatory processes in the internal parts of the auditory organ;
  • changes in vascular patency with increased pressure, atherosclerosis and the influence of medications and certain substances;
  • overstrain of nerve fibers due to stress or fatigue.

Dizziness+ringing+visual symptoms

If dizziness becomes stronger when moving the head, the patient experiences pain in the neck, feels pounding in the temples and ringing in the ears, and stars often appear in the eyes, then it is worth making an appointment with a neurologist. This set of symptoms, which means that a person has cervical osteochondrosis, is a good reason to consult a neurologist.

If the ringing appears suddenly, accompanied by a hum, dizziness and darkening of the eyes, such an attack may indicate a surge in pressure.

Ringing + tachycardia + dizziness

If the ringing appears in combination with dizziness, lightheadedness, a person’s heart beats faster, he sweats profusely, and his limbs freeze during such attacks, then such symptoms will mean that the culprit is vegetative-vascular dystonia.


If you have dizziness and ringing that does not go away, accompanied by lethargy, persistent reluctance to work, severe irritability, as well as sudden changes in appetite and weight, then this range of symptoms will signal exhaustion of the nervous system and the onset of neurosis and depression.


Having determined which disease it belongs to general symptoms, immediately contact the right specialist to start getting rid of the noise and its root causes as soon as possible.

If the noises are intrusive, but you have not identified specific symptoms to go to a specific specialist, make an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will listen to you, examine you and redirect you to the specialist who should help you: tell you what causes tinnitus, what to do and how to treat the disease accompanied by this symptom.

Treatment for tinnitus

Therapy for this specific symptom will be to eliminate its root cause.

  1. If the symptom is caused by taking medications, they are replaced with others or wait until the end of the course, observing the patient over time.
  2. Ringing in the ear caused by vascular problems can be treated by a surgeon. This therapy is very long-term, but very important. Perhaps the doctor will identify a serious pathology due to noise in your hearing organs and will prescribe a course of medications and measures to cure the disease.
  3. If your ears are blocked and noisy due to stress or other neurological pathologies, a course of sedatives will help you; in serious cases, the doctor may prescribe strong antidepressants.
  4. For VSD, the neurologist will prescribe you treatment in the form of vascular-strengthening drugs.
  5. If the cause of ringing in the ear is an inflammatory process, the ENT specialist will prescribe you a comprehensive antibacterial treatment, which must be strictly followed so that otitis media does not become chronic.

Measures to alleviate the condition

In modern realities, quite a lot of time may pass before you visit a specialist, but until then you need to somehow relieve the annoying obsessive symptoms:

  • You can get rid of tinnitus by listening to soft music - calm melodies will make your condition a little easier.
  • If you have a blood pressure monitor at home, first measure your blood pressure. If it is noticeably elevated, and you have orders from a therapist or cardiologist, take a pill to normalize it.
  • Before visiting a doctor, you should follow a salt-free diet. Sodium can aggravate your condition, and the ringing in your left or right ear will only intensify.
  • If you have been taking medications containing aspirin, stop using them. You should also exclude other possible provocateurs that cause ringing in the ears and head: coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks and nicotine can cause this symptom.
  • Move more often, do exercises to get your blood flowing.
  • Avoid excessive noise - do not turn on the TV and car radios loudly; when working in production, if permitted by TB, use noise-absorbing headphones or earplugs.

Panina Valentina Viktorovna

Actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

Open review scan

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I found out about you on the Internet - I urgently need an MRI.

And after the performance I’m with you. I really liked your staff. Thank you for your attention, kindness and accuracy.

May everything be as good in your soul as I am now, despite all the problems...

Be!!! We're happy! Your Panina V.V.


I found out about you on the Internet - I urgently need an MRI.

And after the performance I’m with you. I really liked your staff. Thank you for your attention, kindness and accuracy.

May everything be as good in your soul as I am now, despite all the problems...

Be!!! We're happy! Your Panina V.V.

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I found out about you on the Internet - I urgently need an MRI.

And after the performance I’m with you. I really liked your staff. Thank you for your attention, kindness and accuracy.

May everything be as good in your soul as I am now, despite all the problems...

Be!!! We're happy! Your Panina V.V.

=> Array ( => 50 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 800 => 577 => 87769 => image/jpeg => iblock/d82 =>.jpg => pic_comments2-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/d82/d823d79d608bd750c9be67d6f85f03ca.jpg => /upload/iblock/d82/d823d79d608bd750c9be67d6f85f03ca.jpg => /upload/iblock/d82/d823 d79d608bd750c9be67d6f85f03ca.jpg => Panina Valentina Viktorovna => Panina Valentina Viktorovna) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 02/06/2018 19:41:18 = > 1 => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 = > 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 241 => Panina Valentina Viktorovna => => => => [~VALUE] => Panina Valentina Viktorovna [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME ] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => = > S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 242 => Actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR => => => => [~VALUE] => Actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 241 => Panina Valentina Viktorovna => => = > => [~VALUE] => Panina Valentina Viktorovna [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => => Panina Valentina Viktorovna) => Array ( => 26 => 2018- 02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => = > 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 242 => Actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR => => => => [~VALUE] => Actress, Honored artist of the RSFSR [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => => Actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)) => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 50 => 02/07/2018 14 :11:01 => iblock => 800 => 577 => 87769 => image/jpeg => iblock/d82 =>.jpg => pic_comments2-big.jpg => => => [~src] => = > /upload/iblock/d82/d823d79d608bd750c9be67d6f85f03ca.jpg) => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/d82/264_380_1/d823d79d608bd750c9be67d6f85f03ca.jpg => 264 => 366 => 49035) => retina retina-x2-src ="/upload/resize_cache/iblock/d82/264_380_1/d823d79d608bd750c9be67d6f85f03ca.jpg" => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/d82/132_190_1/d823d79d608bd750c9be67d6f 85f03ca.jpg => 132 => 183 => 14952 => Panina Valentina Victorovna)))

Sergei Shnurov

Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter and artist.

Ts.M.R.T. "Petrogradsky" thank you!

Array ( => 108 [~ID] => 108 => [~CODE] => => 108 [~XML_ID] => 108 => Sergey Shnurov [~NAME] => Sergey Shnurov => [~TAGS] => => 120 [~SORT] => 120 => Ts.M.R.T. "Petrogradsky" thank you! [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => Ts.M.R.T. "Petrogradsky" thank you! => Array ( => 47 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 => 132 => 13218 => image/png => iblock/922 =>.png => Layer 164 copy.png => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755edf562516e5f3b399b75.png => /upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755edf562516e5f3b399b75.png => /upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755ed f562516e5f3b399b75.png => Sergey Shnurov => Sergey Shnurov ) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 47 => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => => [~ACTIVE_TO] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content => 10 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 10 => reviews [~IBLOCK_CODE] = > reviews => Reviews [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Reviews => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => 02/06/2018 19:42:31 [~DATE_CREATE] => 02/06/2018 19:42:31 => 1 [~CREATED_BY ] => 1 => (admin) [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] = > 1 => (admin) [~USER_NAME] => (admin) => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => /content/detail.php?ID=108 [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /content/detail.php?ID =108 => /content/index.php?ID=10 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /content/index.php?ID=10 => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => 108 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 108 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array ( => 108 => => 108 => Sergey Shnurov => => 120 => Ts. M. R. T. “Petrogradsky” thank you! => Array ( => 47 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 => 132 => 13218 => image/png => iblock/922 =>.png => Layer 164 copy.png => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755edf562516e5f3b399b75.png => /upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755edf562516e5f3b399b75.png => /upload/iblock/922/922fe00 07755edf562516e5f3b399b75.png => Sergey Shnurov => Sergey Shnurov) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 02/06/2018 19:42:31 => 1 => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N = > N => N => 1 => => => => 243 => Sergey Shnurov => => => => [~VALUE] => Sergey Shnurov [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left a review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 244 => Russian rock -musician, film actor, TV presenter and artist. => => => => [~VALUE] => Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter and artist. [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N = > N => 1 => => => => 243 => Sergey Shnurov => => => => [~VALUE] => Sergey Shnurov [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left a review [ ~DEFAULT_VALUE] => => Sergey Shnurov) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => => S = > 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 244 => Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter and artist. => => => => [~VALUE] => Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter and artist. [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] => => Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter and artist.)) => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 47 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 = > 132 => 13218 => image/png => iblock/922 =>.png => Layer 164 copy.png => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755edf562516e5f3b399b75.png ) => Array ( => /upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755edf562516e5f3b399b75.png => 132 => 183 => 13218) => retina retina-x2-src="/upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755edf562516e5f3b 399b75.png" => Array ( => /upload/iblock/922/922fe0007755edf562516e5f3b399b75.png => 132 => 183 => 13218 => Sergey Shnurov)))

Thank you very much for such good, professional service in your clinic. Nice, comfortable! Great people, great conditions.

Open review scan

Array ( => 115 [~ID] => 115 => [~CODE] => => 115 [~XML_ID] => 115 => Kiseleva I.V. [~NAME] => Kiseleva I.V. => [~TAGS] => => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => Thank you very much for such good, professional service in your clinic. Pleasant, comfortable! Wonderful people, wonderful conditions. [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => Thank you very much for this good, professional service in your clinic. Pleasant, comfortable! Wonderful people, wonderful conditions. => Array ( => 57 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 800 => 561 => 154991 => image /jpeg => iblock/bf4 =>.jpg => pic_comments7-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/bf4/bf4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jpg => /upload/iblock/bf4 /bf4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jpg => /upload/iblock/bf4/bf4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jpg => Kiseleva I.V. => Kiseleva I.V.) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 57 => [~ DETAIL_TEXT] => => [~ DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => => [~ACTIVE_TO] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content => 10 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 10 => reviews [~IBLOCK_CODE] => reviews => Reviews [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Reviews => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => 02/07/2018 12:40:21 [~DATE_CREATE] => 02/07/2018 12:40:21 => 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~USER_NAME] => (admin) => [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => /content/detail.php?ID=115 [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /content/detail.php?ID=115 => /content/index.php?ID=10 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /content/index.php?ID=10 => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => 115 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 115 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array ( => 115 => => 115 => Kiseleva I.V. => => 500 => Thank you very much for such good, professional service in your clinic. Nice, comfortable! Great people, great conditions. => Array ( => 57 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 800 => 561 => 154991 => image/jpeg => iblock/bf4 =>.jpg => pic_comments7-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/bf4/bf4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jpg => /upload/iblock/bf4/bf4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jpg => /upload/iblock/bf4/bf 4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jpg => Kiseleva I. V. => Kiseleva I.V.) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 02/07/2018 12:40:21 => 1 => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N = > N => N => N => 1 => => => => => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => => S => 1 = > 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => => => => = > => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array () => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 57 = > 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 800 => 561 => 154991 => image/jpeg => iblock/bf4 =>.jpg => pic_comments7-big.jpg => => => [~ src] => => /upload/iblock/bf4/bf4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jpg) => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/bf4/264_380_1/bf4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jp g => 264 => 376 => 70332) => retina retina-x2-src="/upload/resize_cache/iblock/bf4/264_380_1/bf4cefd9296b73518435a3fcfd00636b.jpg" => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/bf4/132_190_1/bf4cefd9296b7351 8435a3fcfd00636b.jpg => 132 => 188 => 18203 => Kiseleva I.V.)))


Open review scan

Array ( => 114 [~ID] => 114 => [~CODE] => => 114 [~XML_ID] => 114 => Rusanova [~NAME] => Rusanova => [~TAGS] => => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => I would like to thank the staff for their attentive and friendly attitude. It’s good that at least you have such a clinic.
[~PREVIEW_TEXT] => I would like to thank the staff for their attentive and friendly attitude. It’s good that at least you have such a clinic. => Array ( => 56 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 800 => 575 => 175172 => image/jpeg => iblock/ae8 =>.jpg => pic_comments6-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/ae8/ae8e1a20dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg => /upload/iblock/ae8/ae8e1a20dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg => /upload/iblock/ae8/ae8e1a20 dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg => Rusanova => Rusanova) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 56 => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => => [~ACTIVE_TO] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content => 10 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 10 => reviews [ ~IBLOCK_CODE] => reviews => Reviews [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Reviews => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => 02/07/2018 12:39:29 [~DATE_CREATE] => 02/07/2018 12:39:29 => 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 [ ~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~USER_NAME] => (admin) => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => /content/detail.php?ID=114 [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /content/detail .php?ID=114 => /content/index.php?ID=10 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /content/index.php?ID=10 => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE ] => text => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => 114 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 114 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array ( = > 114 => => 114 => Rusanova => => 500 => I would like to thank the staff for their attentive and friendly attitude. It’s good that at least you have such a clinic.
=> Array ( => 56 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 800 => 575 => 175172 => image/jpeg => iblock/ae8 =>.jpg => pic_comments6-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/ae8/ae8e1a20dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg => /upload/iblock/ae8/ae8e1a20dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg => /upload/iblock/ae8/ae8e1a20 dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg => Rusanova => Rusanova) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 02/07/2018 12:39:29 => 1 => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 247 => Rusanova => => => => [~VALUE] => Rusanova [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left the review [~ DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => => => => => = > [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37: 56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 247 => Rusanova => => => => [~VALUE] => Rusanova [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] = > Who left a review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => => Rusanova)) => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 56 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 800 => 575 => 175172 => image/jpeg => iblock/ae8 =>.jpg => pic_comments6-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/ae8/ae8e1a20dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg) => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/ae8/264_380_1/ae8e1a20dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg => 264 => 367 => 76413) => retina retina-x2-src="/upload/resize_cache/iblock/ae8/264_380 _1/ae8e1a20dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b. jpg" => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/ae8/132_190_1/ae8e1a20dc0f51db073a5d7e6c8ffb7b.jpg => 132 => 183 => 19499 => Rusanova)))

Everything is very competent, very friendly service. I will recommend this clinic to my friends. Good luck!!!

Open review scan

Array ( => 113 [~ID] => 113 => [~CODE] => => 113 [~XML_ID] => 113 => Anonymous [~NAME] => Anonymous => [~TAGS] => => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => Everything is very competent, very friendly service. I will recommend this clinic to my friends. Good luck!!! [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => Everything is very competent, very polite service. I will recommend this clinic to my friends. Good luck! !! => Array ( => 55 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 778 => 572 => 46441 => image/jpeg => iblock/348 =>.jpg => pic_comments5-big .jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/348/348950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b767d0.jpg => /upload/iblock/348/348950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b767d0.jpg => /upload/iblock /348/348950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b767d0.jpg => Anonymous => Anonymous) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 55 => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => => [~ACTIVE_TO] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content => 10 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 10 => reviews [~IBLOCK_CODE] => reviews => Reviews [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Reviews => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => 02/07/2018 12:37:43 [~DATE_CREATE] => 02/07/2018 12:37:43 => 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~USER_NAME] => (admin) => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => /content/detail.php?ID=113 [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /content /detail.php?ID=113 => /content/index.php?ID=10 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /content/index.php?ID=10 => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => text [ ~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => 113 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 113 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array ( => 113 => => 113 => Anonymous => => 500 => Everything is very competent, very polite service. I will recommend this clinic to my friends. Good luck!!! => Array ( => 55 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 778 => 572 => 46441 => image/jpeg => iblock/348 =>.jpg => pic_comments5-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/348/348950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b767d0.jpg => /upload/iblock/348/348950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b767d0.jpg => /upload/iblock/348/.jpg => Anonymous => Anonymous) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 07. 02.2018 12:37:43 => 1 => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02- 06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => = > 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME ] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => = > S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => = > => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array () => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 55 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 778 => 572 => 46441 => image/jpeg => iblock/348 =>.jpg => pic_comments5-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/348/348950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b767d0.jpg) => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/348/264_380_1/348950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b7 67d0.jpg => 264 => 359 = > 48124) => retina retina-x2-src="/upload/resize_cache/iblock/348/264_380_1/348950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b767d0.jpg" => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/348/132_190_1/3 48950e3a3aa606332cb5c05e3b767d0.jpg => 132 => 179 => 14994 => Anonymous)))

Kuznetsov V.A.

Open review scan

Array ( => 112 [~ID] => 112 => [~CODE] => => 112 [~XML_ID] => 112 => Kuznetsov V.A. [~NAME] => Kuznetsov V.A. => [~TAGS] => => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => Very responsive administrator. Polite, cultured, kind.
[~PREVIEW_TEXT] => Very responsive administrator. Polite, cultured, kind. => Array ( => 53 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 783 => 560 => 69584 => image/jpeg => iblock/58a =>.jpg => pic_comments4-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/58a/58a0be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg => /upload/iblock/58a/58a0be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg => /upload/iblock/58a/58a0 be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg => Kuznetsov V.A. => Kuznetsov V.A.) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 53 => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => => [~ACTIVE_TO] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content => 10 [~IBLOCK_ID ] => 10 => reviews [~IBLOCK_CODE] => reviews => Reviews [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Reviews => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => 02/07/2018 12:35:47 [~DATE_CREATE] => 02/07. 2018 12:35:47 => 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/07/2018 14 :11:01 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~USER_NAME] => (admin) => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => /content/detail.php?ID=112 [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /content/detail.php?ID=112 => /content/index.php?ID=10 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /content/index.php?ID=10 => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] = > text => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => 112 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 112 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array ( => 112 => => 112 => Kuznetsov V.A. => => 500 => Very responsive administrator. Polite, cultured, kind.
=> Array ( => 53 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 783 => 560 => 69584 => image/jpeg => iblock/58a =>.jpg => pic_comments4-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/58a/58a0be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg => /upload/iblock/58a/58a0be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg => /upload/iblock/58a/58a0 be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg => Kuznetsov V.A. => Kuznetsov V.A.) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 02/07/2018 12: 35:47 => 1 => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19: 37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 = > N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 246 => Kuznetsov V.A. => => => => [~VALUE] => Kuznetsov V.A. [ ~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y = > 500 => DESCRIPTION => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 = > => => => => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 246 => Kuznetsov V.A. => => => => [~VALUE] => Kuznetsov V.A. [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => => Kuznetsov V.A.)) => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 53 => 02/07/2018 14 :11:01 => iblock => 783 => 560 => 69584 => image/jpeg => iblock/58a =>.jpg => pic_comments4-big.jpg => => => [~src] => = > /upload/iblock/58a/58a0be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg) => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/58a/264_380_1/58a0be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg => 264 => 369 => 61367) => retina retina-x2-src ="/upload/resize_cache/iblock/58a/264_380_1/58a0be58e116e783ec9345d2b58017f2.jpg" => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/58a/132_190_1/58a0be58e116e783ec9345d2b5 8017f2.jpg => 132 => 184 => 18518 => Kuznetsov V .A.)))

Khrabrova V.E.

Open review scan

Array ( => 111 [~ID] => 111 => [~CODE] => => 111 [~XML_ID] => 111 => Khrabrova V.E. [~NAME] => Khrabrova V.E. => [~TAGS] => => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => I express my great gratitude to the administrator Kristina and Rinat Chubarov for their attentive and friendly attitude during the examination, I wish there were more such personnel, which is a rarity these days.
[~PREVIEW_TEXT] => I express my great gratitude to the administrator Kristina and Rinat Chubarov for their attentive and friendly attitude during the examination, I wish there were more such personnel, which is a rarity these days. => Array ( => 54 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 795 => 566 => 59952 => image/jpeg => iblock/4f6 =>.jpg => pic_comments3-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/4f6/4f6a1cf8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg => /upload/iblock/4f6/4f6a1cf8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg => /upload/iblock/4f6/4f6a1c f8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg => Khrabrova V.E. => Khrabrova V.E.) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 54 => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => => [~ACTIVE_TO] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content => 10 [~IBLOCK_ID ] => 10 => reviews [~IBLOCK_CODE] => reviews => Reviews [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Reviews => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => 02/07/2018 12:34:11 [~DATE_CREATE] => 02/07. 2018 12:34:11 => 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/07/2018 14 :11:01 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~USER_NAME] => (admin) => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => /content/detail.php?ID=111 [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /content/detail.php?ID=111 => /content/index.php?ID=10 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /content/index.php?ID=10 => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] = > text => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => 111 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 111 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array ( => 111 => => 111 => Khrabrova V.E. => => 500 => I express my great gratitude to the administrator Kristina and Rinat Chubarov for their attentive and friendly attitude during the examination, I wish there were more such personnel, which is a rarity these days.
=> Array ( => 54 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 795 => 566 => 59952 => image/jpeg => iblock/4f6 =>.jpg => pic_comments3-big.jpg => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/4f6/4f6a1cf8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg => /upload/iblock/4f6/4f6a1cf8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg => /upload/iblock/4f6/4f6a1c f8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg => Khrabrova V.E. => Khrabrova V.E.) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 02/07/2018 12: 34:11 => 1 => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19: 37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 = > N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 245 => Khrabrova V.E. => => => => [~VALUE] => Khrabrova V.E. [ ~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y = > 500 => DESCRIPTION => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 = > => => => => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => 245 => Khrabrova V.E. => => => => [~VALUE] => Khrabrova V.E. [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => => Khrabrova V.E.)) => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 54 => 02/07/2018 14 :11:01 => iblock => 795 => 566 => 59952 => image/jpeg => iblock/4f6 =>.jpg => pic_comments3-big.jpg => => => [~src] => = > /upload/iblock/4f6/4f6a1cf8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg) => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/4f6/264_380_1/4f6a1cf8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg => 264 => 3 70 => 49706) => retina retina-x2-src ="/upload/resize_cache/iblock/4f6/264_380_1/4f6a1cf8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab7cc95.jpg" => Array ( => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/4f6/132_190_1/4f6a1cf8d5ae2b88db75270e0ab 7cc95.jpg => 132 => 185 => 15022 => Khrabrova V .E.)))

Array ( => 110 [~ID] => 110 => [~CODE] => => 110 [~XML_ID] => 110 => Evgenia Andreeva [~NAME] => Evgenia Andreeva => [~TAGS] => => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => I express my deep gratitude to Ekaterina Korneva for her patience, professionalism, kindness and fantastic attitude towards patients.
[~PREVIEW_TEXT] => I express my deep gratitude to Ekaterina Korneva for her patience, professionalism, kindness and fantastic attitude towards patients. => Array ( => 49 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 => 132 => 35147 => image/png => iblock/f27 =>.png => Layer 164.png = > => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png => /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png => /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa 9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png => Evgenia Andreeva => Evgenia Andreeva) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 49 => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO ] => => [~ACTIVE_TO] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content => 10 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 10 => reviews [~IBLOCK_CODE] => reviews => Reviews [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Reviews => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => 02/06/2018 19:44:06 [~DATE_CREATE] => 02/06/2018 19:44:06 = > 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~USER_NAME] => (admin) => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => /content/detail.php?ID=110 [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /content/ detail.php?ID=110 => /content/index.php?ID=10 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /content/index.php?ID=10 => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text => text [~ PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => 110 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 110 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array ( => 110 => => 110 => Evgenia Andreeva => => 500 => I express my deep gratitude to Ekaterina Korneva for her patience, professionalism, kindness and fantastic attitude towards patients.
=> Array ( => 49 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 => 132 => 35147 => image/png => iblock/f27 =>.png => Layer 164.png = > => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png => /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png => /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa 9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png => Evgenia Andreeva => Evgenia Andreeva) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 02/06/2018 19:44:06 => 1 = > (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 = > Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => => => => => => [ ~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array () => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 49 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 => 132 => 35147 => image/png => iblock/f27 =>.png => Layer 164.png => => => [~src] => = > /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png) => Array ( => /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png => 132 => 183 => 35147) => retina retina -x2-src="/upload /iblock/f27/f272783daa9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png" => Array ( => /upload/iblock/f27/f272783daa9de38c00293fbbd9983097.png => 132 => 183 => 35147 => Evgenia Andreeva)))

Thank you very much for the consultation and examination... She was very polite, accessible and explained the process and result in detail.

Array ( => 109 [~ID] => 109 => [~CODE] => => 109 [~XML_ID] => 109 => Anonymous [~NAME] => Anonymous => [~TAGS] => => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => Thank you very much for the consultation and examination... Very polite, accessible and explained the process and result in detail. [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => Thank you very much for the consultation and examination... Very polite, accessible and explained the process and result in detail. => Array ( => 48 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 => 132 => 24647 => image/png => iblock/2db =>.png = > Layer 165.png => => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/2db/2db2b520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png => /upload/iblock/2db/2db2b520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png => /upload/i block/2db/ .png => Anonymous => Anonymous) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 48 => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => = > [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => => [~ACTIVE_TO] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => => content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => content => 10 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 10 => reviews [~IBLOCK_CODE] => reviews => Reviews [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Reviews => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => 02/06/2018 19:43:22 [~DATE_CREATE] => 02/06/2018 19: 43:22 => 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 02/07/2018 14:11: 01 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => (admin) [~USER_NAME] => (admin) => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => /content/detail.php?ID=109 [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] = > /content/detail.php?ID=109 => /content/index.php?ID=10 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /content/index.php?ID=10 => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text = > text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => 109 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 109 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => => => Array () => Array ( => 109 => => 109 => Anonymous => => 500 => Thank you very much for the consultation and examination... Very polite, accessible and explained the process and result in detail. => Array ( => 48 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 => 132 => 24647 => image/png => iblock/2db =>.png => Layer 165.png = > => => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/2db/2db2b520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png => /upload/iblock/2db/2db2b520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png => /upload/iblock/2db/2db2b 520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png => Anonymous => Anonymous) => => => => => => => => => content => 10 => reviews => Reviews => => 06. 02.2018 19:43:22 => 1 => (admin) => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => 1 => (admin)) => Array ( => Array ( => 25 => 2018-02- 06 19:37:56 => 10 => Who left a review => Y => 500 => NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => = > 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME ] => Who left the review [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>) => Array ( => 26 => 2018-02-06 19:37:56 => 10 => Signature => Y => 500 => DESCRIPTION => = > S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 1 => => => => = > => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [~NAME] => Signature [~DEFAULT_VALUE] =>)) => Array () => Array ( => 1 => Array ( => 48 => 02/07/2018 14:11:01 => iblock => 183 => 132 => 24647 => image/png => iblock/2db =>.png => Layer 165.png => = > => [~src] => => /upload/iblock/2db/2db2b520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png) => Array ( => /upload/iblock/2db/2db2b520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png => 132 => 183 => 24647) => retina retina-x2-src="/upload/iblock/2db/2db2b520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png" => Array ( => /upload/iblock/2db/2db2b520cb9bbfd8f6f4195b6998bf18.png => 132 => 183 = > 24647 => Anonymous)))

Tinnitus has been known to doctors for a very long time. However, only with the introduction into clinical practice With high-precision instrumental methods, medicine can finally study the causes of this symptom well.

The Tinnitus Neuro restorative neurology clinic will help every person figure out where severe tinnitus comes from and what to do to get rid of it.

general characteristics

Correctly identifying the type of tinnitus is the first step in diagnosis. Buzzing, hissing, squeaking and even an unintelligible whisper on one or both sides are signs that professional doctor you can roughly navigate the source and cause of the pathology.

The following parameters of sound sensation are of important clinical importance:

  • Objective or subjective.
  • Located in one place or migrating from time to time.
  • The noise intensity remains the same or changes.
  • If it increases, then what is it connected with?
  • Does the surrounding sound background affect the appearance of the sound sensation?
  • Does your hearing change and do you experience episodes of balance problems?
  • How much the quality of life is reduced.

Answers to these questions will be required when seeking qualified medical help.

Science does not know of a single case in which tinnitus, once occurring, would go away on its own and not leave behind any negative consequences. As a rule, symptoms increase and sooner or later lead to a significant loss of quality of life.

Of course, it is easier to cope with the initial stages of pathology. Unfortunately, many people come to the clinic when they cannot endure tinnitus: with sleep disturbances, exhaustion nervous system. We help such patients as well.

Loud noise in the right or left ear

Most visits to doctors are related to such complaints. Among the causes of this symptom, inflammatory pathology of the ENT organs often appears:

  1. Acute unilateral otitis media.
  2. Eustacheite.
  3. Tonsillitis.
  4. Sinusitis.
  5. Ethmoiditis (inflammation mastoid process temporal bone).

In such cases, cold symptoms come to the fore: runny nose, ear discharge, sore throat. Clicking sounds are characteristic when swallowing due to pressure changes in the tympanic cavity. There may not be a high temperature.

If you have similar symptoms, consult a doctor: a qualified specialist will tell you what to do to establish a diagnosis and effective treatment without consequences.

It is strictly forbidden to use heating pads and homemade herbal treatments. ear drops on a different basis: this will lead to rapid progression of inflammation and serious complications, including irreversible deafness, spread of the purulent process to the bones of the skull.

Infectious processes on both sides are quite rare, but in cases of immunodeficiency or attempts to self-medicate with antibiotics, they are quite possible.

The first thing to do is to rule out sound overload or barotrauma. Indeed, severe bilateral tinnitus, and even in combination with pain, is most likely to occur on the dance floor, in a nightclub, or at a rock concert. Or at work in noisy conditions, with firearms.

Residents of cities suffer greatly because the constant background noise prevents them from getting a good night's sleep, while the auditory analyzer operates under conditions of increased stress. As a result, a person does not know how to get rid of strong noise in both ears.

In such cases, it is enough to use earplugs, at least temporarily move to a quiet place and give your hearing a rest.

But such rest does not always help, and then it is necessary to understand in more detail what to do with the constant noise in both ears.

Let's look at the most common causes of persistent bilateral tinnitus:

  1. Throat infections. Should be treated with rinses hypertonic solutions, possibly with the use of safe antiseptics. If necessary, the doctor selects the optimal antibiotic therapy regimen.
  2. Bruxism (involuntary hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles). The lungs often help sedatives, auto-training, classes with a psychologist.
  3. Subcortical disorders auditory analyzer in the brain. The main thing is to clarify in detail the source of this problem (vascular, post-traumatic, tumor). Then treat the underlying pathology, usually with medication.
  4. Stress. Why stress causes neurological problems and how to deal with it is well known to the clinic’s specialists.

In general, extraneous sound sensations, regardless of strength and intensity, force us to conduct the most complete examination of the patient. Only after this can you count on medical care with a guaranteed positive result.

A huge role in establishing the true cause of noise in the ears or head and eliminating such pathology is played by the experience of doctors and access to modern instrumental techniques - MRI, CT, electroencephalography.

Most of them can be completed directly with us on the day of treatment.

What to do about periodic tinnitus

Among modern civilization, cardiovascular diseases have become very widespread.

A typical cause of periodic noise in the ears and/or head is fluctuations in blood pressure. When the numbers decrease, such manifestations are accompanied by pain in the temples, and an increase in pressure occurs against the background of occipital pain.

Similar symptoms are also characteristic of an attack of Meniere's disease. This disease often occurs after a cold, but doctors general practice poorly recognized.

Blood pressure measurement is an integral part of the diagnostic process for patients with tinnitus. If high numbers are recorded, it is decided how to deal with hypertension. As a rule, it can be compensated for by properly selected drug therapy.

To reduce the damaging effects of arterial hypertension, concomitant treatment is required:

  • Angioprotectors.
  • Neuroprotectors.
  • Specially selected vitamin therapy regimen.
  • Agents that improve metabolism in brain tissue.

On high hypertensive crisis There may be pulsating sounds in the head, then they are classified as intermittent tinnitus.

However, there are patients who complain of a feeling of pulsation at rest or when normal indicators blood pressure.

In such cases, it is necessary to contact a specialized clinic as soon as possible and be examined, since the cause of such phenomena is often cardiovascular pathology. To identify or exclude it, you need to do:

  • Auscultation of the heart to identify valvular system defects.
  • Biochemical blood tests for cholesterol (signs of atherosclerosis).
  • Computed tomography with special attention to the cervical spine, where the vertebral artery passes.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which looks for signs of aneurysms or arterial stenosis in the brain.
  • Ultrasound with Doppler sonography to assess the characteristics of blood flow in the arteries supplying the brain.

Most patients come to the clinic for restorative neurology when tinnitus begins to significantly ruin their life: it prevents them from concentrating on work, distracts them from everyday activities, interferes with sleep, and is simply tormenting them. It is difficult to call such appeals timely.

There is not a minute to lose if a person experiences severe noise in one or both ears: these could be symptoms of a stroke or cerebral infarction. If these symptoms occur, you should seek emergency medical help.

In order to cope with the problem of intense tinnitus, as a rule, one cannot do without a balanced and intensive drug therapy. The composition of the therapeutic regimen is selected individually, based on preliminary examination data.

Occupational medicine and tinnitus

It is important to understand that tinnitus in any manifestation is just a symptom of a particular pathology. The problem may lie anywhere in the auditory analyzer, and if it is not found, then you should not count on the effect of treatment.

With an unprofessional approach, at best, it will be possible to achieve some reduction in the intensity of the manifestations, but soon the problem will return with the same or even greater force.

Diagnostic measures

To identify the location of damage to the auditory analyzer and the underlying pathology, one cannot do without high-tech instrumental examination methods (CT, MRI, ultrasound - we mentioned them a little higher).

But the first thing doctors do at an appointment is carefully question the patient:

  1. Unilateral symptoms after a cold will most likely indicate otitis media.
  2. Attacks of dizziness and hearing loss are signs of Meniere's disease.
  3. Whistling, high-frequency or broadband tinnitus are noted against the background of acoustic trauma.

There are many characteristics by which a qualified doctor first determines the location and cause of damage to the hearing organ.

This is followed by an examination of the external auditory canal and eardrum using a special professional otoscope. An audiogram is required.

So alone instrumental methods You cannot limit yourself in any way: in order to help the patient cope with the problem, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible about his health. And then you can decide what to do and how to treat it.

When identifying a pathology that requires surgical intervention, we refer the patient to specialized specialists with all the examination results, which saves our clients money.

Therapeutic measures

  • For external or otitis media we treat with drops, for example – Otinum, Neladex.
  • For throat infections, we consult an ENT doctor and follow his instructions (rinsing, dissolving tablets, irrigating with sprays).
  • What to do with high blood pressure - select the optimal antihypertensive drugs.
  • At high levels sound pollution (there is such a thing), use earplugs, organize “quiet time” for yourself.
  • Mental overload requires special attention; our patients are trained in methods of auto-training and self-control.

Among the patients at the Restorative Neurology Clinic there are many people who have previously tried to fight tinnitus. On your own or with the help of doctors, and to no avail.

The clinic’s specialists apply the most modern developments in practice.

We do not refuse effective traditional methods of treatment with medicinal herbs.

We actively use safe physiotherapeutic methods:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Bioresonance.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Reflexology
  • Electroacupuncture.
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation.

If tinnitus does not go away, contact the Tinnitus Neuro restorative neurology clinic: we know what to do.

Thanks to individual approach to each person at all stages - from diagnosis to treatment, we guarantee the achievement of noticeable and lasting results.

Why there is a buzzing in the ear: causes of the humming, treatment, what to do

A fairly common situation: the patient has a buzzing in the ear. The patient, as well as the treating specialist, in such circumstances will be primarily interested in: why this happens and what to do to eliminate the manifestations that have arisen. First of all, you need to understand that noise is created inside the body.

In this case, the patient can hear not only a hum, but also other irritating sounds: humming, whistling, hissing, squeaking, clicking, etc. in both the left and right ears.

Even in the absence of pain and other aggravating factors, a patient who is faced with the problem in question must definitely consult a doctor.

The specialist will use the necessary diagnostic methods, determine the causes of third-party sounds and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Popular causes of third-party sounds in the ears

The reasons for the appearance of third-party sounds in the ears can be very diverse. The mechanism of action in most cases is as follows: under the influence of certain factors, irritation occurs nerve cells the so-called inner ear. The brain, in turn, identifies these stimuli as a specific sound.

The most common causes of the phenomenon in question are severe nervous tension, excitement, stress, especially accompanied by the release of adrenaline. In such situations, the patient may hear a hum or ringing.

An equally common cause of hearing impairment and the appearance of third-party sounds is depression, especially accompanied by overwork and neurosis. The patient experiences clouding of consciousness, his thoughts become confused, but he is still aware of the actions he is performing and can control them.

To eliminate ringing in the ears in the above cases, you must first eliminate the causes of its occurrence:

  • eliminate the source of stress and anxiety;
  • get some sleep;
  • normalize the mode of activity and rest.

More serious reasons the occurrence of third-party sounds requires medical intervention and appropriate treatment, and it must be started in a timely manner in order to minimize the risk of occurrence side effects.

In addition to the above reasons, the following factors lead to the occurrence of the hearing impairment in question:

  • formation of sulfur plug;
  • listening to loud music for a long time, especially with headphones;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure - relevant for citizens who react to this and experience changes in blood pressure during such periods;
  • allergies, food poisoning;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • long-term use of certain medications, for example, gentamicin, quinidine and drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid.

Under any circumstances, self-diagnosis, as well as self-medication, are unacceptable. If you detect a hum or other third-party sounds coming from inside the body, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist and follow his further recommendations.

Diseases that cause similar symptoms

The most logical explanation for the appearance of a hum in the ears is diseases of the hearing organs. Most often, these are diseases that affect the inner ear and disrupt the function of the nerves that transmit impulses to the brain.

A common cause of humming and other third-party sounds is spasm of the posterior ear artery. Its appearance is caused by hypertension and oxygen deficiency, provoked by insufficient hemoglobin concentration and anemia.

With high blood pressure, a pulsating hum is often observed. The reason is this: normal blood flow to the brain is impaired due to narrowing of the arteries, as a result of which the main organ receives an insufficient amount of oxygen.

A hum or ringing can appear from either side, or from the left and right at the same time. The character, as noted, pulsates in time with heart contractions. Spasm of cerebral vessels can lead to the appearance of noise. With anemia, in addition to humming, ringing may occur.

The patient's condition is accompanied by dizziness, general weakness, and “midges” may periodically appear before the eyes.

Humming and other sounds may be heard by patients with Meniere's disease. With this disease, the cavity of the inner ear is filled with an excessive amount of fluid.

Against the background of increased pressure on the cells of the vestibular apparatus, the patient may lose balance, as a result of which it becomes difficult for him to sit and stand.

Dizziness and nausea appear, coordination of movements is impaired, the patient breaks out in a cold sweat, and jumps in blood pressure are noted.

A very dangerous cause of ringing in the ears is cholesterol plaques, filling the arteries responsible for the blood supply to the brain. This situation can lead to stroke and intracranial bleeding. The noise occurs due to the turbulence of the blood flow that occurs against the background of the resulting irregularities.

Extraneous tinnitus can occur due to diseases that affect thyroid gland. Quite often, insufficient iodine content leads to noise, often accompanied by dizziness.

Even kidney disease can lead to noise and congestion in the ears.

In such a situation, the adrenal medulla loses the ability to normally produce norepinephrine and adrenaline (these hormones, among other things, can affect blood pressure).

The heart begins to work more intensely, and the glucose concentration increases. Under the influence of adrenaline, the production of insulin, which is responsible for reducing the concentration of sugar in the blood, is inhibited.

For this reason, many patients with diabetes mellitus They hear a third-party hum in the ears. Often the periodic appearance of a hum and other sounds indicates the presence of pathologies of the blood vessels of the neck and brain. For example, in patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, compression of the artery is noted, which leads to a deterioration in blood supply to the brain.

Age-related changes

In representatives of a respectable age category, the cause of tinnitus is often otosclerosis.

There is an increase in the bone of the middle ear, which in the early stages of the disease provokes a suppression of the reaction to low-frequency sounds. As the disease progresses, sensitivity to high-frequency sounds also decreases.

The initial stages of the disease are characterized by a one-sided course, after which the disease gradually affects the second side.

Also among the pathological age-related changes is the destruction of the auditory nerve. When this problem occurs, ringing and noise occur in the head.

The situation is especially aggravated if the patient has diseases affecting the cardiovascular system: blood circulation is disrupted, the body experiences oxygen starvation, organs and systems cannot remove the generated waste in a timely manner. Elderly people in this condition also often experience third-party sounds in the ears.

Diagnostics and treatment methods

First of all, the patient should contact an otolaryngologist (ENT) and determine the cause of extraneous sounds. Among the diagnostic measures, the following procedures are often used:

  • X-ray of the cervical spine and brain;
  • Dopplerography of cerebral vessels;
  • ultrasound examination of blood vessels;
  • rheoencephalography (REG) - allows you to determine the elasticity and tone of blood vessels by influencing them with weak high-frequency currents.

The treatment order is determined in accordance with the identified disorders.

If necessary, medications are prescribed to improve cerebral circulation. Neurometabolic stimulants that improve memory and concentration may be recommended. Various physiotherapeutic procedures are used.

Respond in a timely manner to uncharacteristic changes in your body’s condition, follow your doctor’s recommendations and be healthy!

It’s like there’s a buzzing and buzzing in the ear: causes and treatment

The buzzing in the ears prevents you from falling asleep peacefully, concentrating on a specific activity, and also significantly interferes with brain activity. The ringing comes from inside the ear, not from outside. This phenomenon has medical name– tinnitus. Why there is a buzzing in the ears and what to do if there is discomfort, we will consider further.


Tinnitus is a symptom, not an independent disease. There are several reasons that can trigger this phenomenon:

  • high or low blood pressure;
  • the presence of inflammation in the cervical spine;
  • otitis (medium or exudative);
  • actively progressive hearing loss;
  • the presence of atherosclerotic plaques (due to the lack of adequate blood circulation, quiet tinnitus occurs);
  • ringing in the ear also occurs as a result of severe nervous shock, stress or depression;
  • acoustic neuroma;
  • with long-term use of antibiotics, as well as analgesics and painkillers;
  • head or ear injury.

In addition to all of the above, a similar phenomenon can be caused by Meniere's disease in the final stage of development. To understand why there is a constant or short-term buzzing in the ear, contact a qualified ENT or otolaryngologist.

Types of noise

Each patient has individual noises, which serve not only as a symptom, but also characterize the progress of the disease. There are three types of noise:

  • objective. It is heard not only by the patient, but also by the examining doctor. Its opposite type is a subjective noise, which is heard exclusively by the patient;
  • further, the unpleasant sound is divided into simple, monotonous (it feels like something is whistling in the ear) and complex (the sound of an unpleasant voice). By the way, the latter belongs to the category psychological disorders, therefore, after examination, the patient should be referred to a psychologist or psychotherapist;
  • Tinnitus is classified according to its occurrence. For example, vibration ringing is produced by vessels or other organs that have been attacked by disease. The second type is non-vibratory and occurs from damage to the auditory nerves.

Why is there noise in only one ear?

It happens that the buzzing in the right ear is stronger than in the left. Often the reason for such an incident is exudative otitis media, which usually affects only one ear. Among the characteristic symptoms of this disease there is no pain, so it is extremely difficult to identify it.

A secretion accumulates in the middle ear - a thick, viscous fluid, which provokes the further development of the disease. The second cause of noise in one ear is high blood pressure. With chronic hypertension, a person feels severe weakness, decreased brain activity, and also a buzzing in the right or left ear.

This occurs as a result of increased pressure in blood vessels located on the right side of the head.

If there is a buzzing in the left ear or the right, then this may be a sign of serious Meniere's disease. This is a pathology in which blood circulation in the small arteries responsible for supplying blood to the ear is disrupted.

Fluid under enormous pressure forms inside the ear cavity, which can only be removed through medical intervention.

It is worth noting that the disease is only in isolated cases bilateral.

Reference. Among the risk group susceptible to this disease are people from 20 to 50 years old. Characteristic symptoms, in addition to buzzing in the ears, are migraines, vomiting, malaise and increased sweating.


To diagnose the presence of the disease, as well as establish its type, visit an otolaryngologist.

There are several mandatory diagnostic measures that will help determine the presence of tinnitus:

  • blood test (if necessary, a biochemistry test is performed);
  • for rent general analysis urine;
  • Among instrumental and hardware procedures, it is worth highlighting X-ray and MRI;
  • audibility test. It is used to determine the sensitivity of the auditory nerves, as well as the perception of extraneous sounds;
  • audiogram. Similar to the previous test. Using special frequencies, it is determined whether the patient can fully perceive sounds, as well as determine their source.


The therapeutic course carried out for this pathology takes a long time. Much depends on the causes of this problem, as well as the characteristic symptoms.

The individual resistance of the patient’s body plays a big role in this matter, since treatment is carried out through the use of drug therapy.

From the point of view of qualified specialists, in folk medicine there are effective ways to combat buzzing in the ears, which are definitely worth using. Let's consider both options.


The prescription of medications depends on the disease that provoked this phenomenon. Medicines are selected individually.

Let's consider what medications are prescribed for buzzing in the ears:

  • First of all, medications that normalize blood circulation in the brain. The group of drugs that stimulate blood circulation includes Telektol and Betarex;
  • Often this phenomenon occurs against the background of acute allergic reaction, which causes severe swelling inside the ear. To eliminate this problem, Claritin or its derivatives are prescribed;
  • Therapy with drugs that are necessary to restore the full supply of oxygen to the brain is also practiced. Trimectal or its analogues are prescribed;
  • as a preventive measure, as well as to increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic course, the patient needs to use antispasmodics, which help eliminate excess tension inside the ear;
  • if the cause lies in an infectious or viral disease, and are also present obvious signs development of acute inflammatory processes are prescribed antibacterial agents– Ceftriaxone or Augmentin, as well as their analogues;
  • if the initial problem is psychological troubles in the patient’s life, then antidepressants and tranquilizers are used. It is worth remembering that they are prescribed exclusively by a psychotherapist!

Self-medication will cause irreparable damage to health. Therefore, to avoid this, it is recommended to visit medical institution to undergo a full range of diagnostic procedures, as well as correct and competent prescription of drugs.


Most experts believe that traditional medicine is effective in combating buzzing in the ears, but you should resort to it only after consulting a therapist.

  1. It is recommended to use onion juice. Pass a large onion through a juicer. Using the liquid, make a compress on the ear. .
  2. Garlic tincture. Take a large peeled head of garlic, finely grate and add 50 ml. vegetable oil. Leave for several days. Use as a compress.
  3. Warming compresses made from potatoes and honey. Grate several potatoes (300 grams) on a fine grater. Mix the final product with three tablespoons of honey, mix and place in a bag or bandage. Apply to the ear and keep on the affected area for at least two hours.


To avoid relapse of the disease in the future, perform the following series of preventive procedures:

  • get rid of bad habits (in particular, smoking), try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  • make it a habit to take a walk every day fresh air at least 30 minutes;
  • choose correct posture for sleeping, as well as a comfortable pillow;
  • Be careful not to let water get into your ears.


As soon as ringing in your ears appears, seek help from a medical facility for diagnosis and treatment.

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Ringing and noise in the ears and head: causes, treatment, medications, list of medications, reviews

Noise in the head and ears can be of a different nature - whistling, ringing, hissing; it can be frequent, weak or strong, sharp or dull. But the fact that it appeared, we need to think about the reasons for its occurrence.

Over time, constant headaches and extraneous noise become unbearable - performance decreases, quality of life deteriorates, and planned plans are disrupted.

A visit to the doctor and proper diagnosis will help you deal with the problem in a timely manner.

Causes of noise in the ear and head

It has been established that about 8-10% of all people on earth experience ringing in their ears and head. In otorhinolaryngology, this phenomenon is called tinnitus. Experts cannot objectively assess this condition, since the external and internal stimulus is not visible. At the same time, ringing in the ears of high tones is noted.

Noises in the head and ears are a sign of some kind of disease. The origin of this phenomenon may have different reasons:

  • head injuries;
  • osteochondrosis in the neck;
  • diseases of the inner ear;
  • hypertension;
  • meningitis;
  • onset of stroke;
  • otitis;
  • hormonal changes in women during menopause;
  • swelling in the ear or head;
  • vasoconstriction, migraine;
  • heart and kidney diseases;
  • problems with the vestibular system;
  • vitamin deficiency, lack of iron and iodine in the body;
  • accumulation of wax in the ear canal;
  • depression, neuroses, stress, panic;
  • physical and mental overload.

Many medications are toxic and have a number of side effects. The drugs can affect the nerve fibers of the inner ear, leading to tinnitus. Such medications include: antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, furosemide.

Symptoms of tinnitus

Signs of various diseases may vary. With a regular increase in pressure, the following is observed:

  • dyspnea;
  • dizzy;
  • headache;
  • ringing and noise in the ears;
  • be sick;
  • chest pain.

Cerebrovascular problems

Blood flow is disrupted as a result of increased blood viscosity or blood clots. The consequence may be a traumatic brain injury or a brain tumor. This also occurs with atherosclerosis.

Main features:

  • regular painful sensations in the neck and head area;
  • tinnitus;
  • spots in the eyes;
  • fatigue, fatigue;
  • I want to sleep all the time;
  • impaired concentration of movement;
  • memory problems.

Inner ear disease

Meniere's disease - the inner ear swells as a result of vasospasm or dilation. Due to the large volume of fluid inside the ear, the labyrinth stretches and pressure increases. A person experiences tinnitus, partial hearing loss, dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, vomiting, sweating, pale skin, and decreased blood pressure.

Diseases of the cervical spine

Along the spinal column on both sides there are vessels that exit through the openings of the cervical vertebrae. Through these vessels, blood flows to all brain cells. Any change in the spine leads to disruption of blood supply - blood flow decreases, oxygen starvation occurs.


  • burning in the back of the head, temporal part, especially after sleep;
  • decreased hearing function, tinnitus;
  • vision deteriorates, the eyes become dark;
  • dizzy;
  • loss of balance and consciousness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • bad dream.

Multiple sclerosis

The disease affects young people from 15 to 40 years old. Numbness of the limbs or any part of the body may occur. Tinnitus and paralysis are also signs of sclerosis.


Depression, hysteria, stress lead to hypersensitivity ear to extraneous sounds. A person hears noise in the ears, sometimes in the head. Irritability appears, he complains to the doctor. If upon examination no abnormalities in the functioning of the organs are observed, the patient is referred to a psychotherapist or neurologist.

Drug therapy

For cephalgia, medications are taken that can reduce the excitability of nerve cells:

  • Baclofen, Amitropilin, Hepabentin;
  • Mydocalm, Baclofen – muscle relaxants;
  • Zinc Asparaminate, Zincteral (with zinc content);
  • Nimodipine, Bilobil - medications for vascular elasticity.


All medications are taken strictly according to a doctor's prescription. Self-medication leads to serious consequences.

Heart diseases. Complex therapy is prescribed: vascular drugs, glycosides, antihypertensive drugs and others.

Ear diseases. Antibiotics, magnetic therapy, and physiotherapy are used.

Atherosclerosis takes a long time to cure. The drugs are used to lower cholesterol levels and maintain the functioning of the cardiac system.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Complex treatment:

  • painkillers, ointments and creams;
  • chondroprotectors – stimulate and normalize metabolism in cartilage;
  • antispasmodics, muscle relaxants - to relieve spasms in the cervical region;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures: massage, electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, mud treatment, exercise therapy.

With neuroses, the main task is to conduct psychotherapy with the patient. Find out the causes of mental disorders, change his views on the situation and the world around him. Neuroleptics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropic drugs are prescribed.

Hypertensive patients are prescribed medications to lower blood pressure. They must constantly measure their blood pressure and monitor their condition to avoid a stroke or heart attack. If the problem is related to excess weight, the patient is recommended to go on a diet. A person leads a healthy lifestyle.

If anemia or vitamin deficiency is diagnosed, preparations containing iron and a vitamin complex are prescribed. The patient changes his diet and includes more fruits, vegetables, and various cereals.

Traditional methods

If noise in the head and ears is not a sign of a serious illness, then traditional methods are used together with drug treatment. You must first consult with your doctor, who will suggest the correct recipe or method.


Taking herbs incorrectly can cause allergies or complications.

Every morning on an empty stomach, 40 minutes before meals, drink a cup soda solution. Add a small spoonful of soda to 200 ml of boiling water. Drink when the temperature of the solution is no higher than 24 degrees. Course 2 months.

Dill infusion is drunk 3 times a day, two tablespoons. A glass of seeds is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and infused in a thermos. Drink until the tincture runs out.

Combine half a small spoon of soda with lemon juice (one fruit). Add 100 ml of hot water, then the same amount cold water, interfere. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before meals.

Buckwheat, rice, carrots, as well as garlic and onions should be consumed at least 3 times a week. Use at least 2 liters per day clean water, liquid food does not count. Drink water at a temperature of 20-22 degrees in small sips. It is advisable to drink it before meals.

Squeeze 200 ml of onion juice into a glass of honey and mix everything. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. This remedy should not be taken by persons prone to allergies to honey and high stomach acidity.

For ear diseases, you can instill 3 drops of onion juice into your ears. This method is recommended for hearing loss.

If you have atherosclerosis, you need to give up coffee and tea and brew strawberry leaves. Drinking this tea with honey twice a day will not only relieve ringing in the ears, but will also give you clarity of consciousness.

A collection of herbs is used: linden, strawberry and currant leaves, clover, oregano, St. John's wort are combined in equal proportions, and 0.5 liters of water are poured. Place on low heat for 20 minutes. Cool and filter, drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day for a week.

If a person is subject to frequent stressful situations, it is necessary to change the environment or place of work. If possible, lie down to rest, turn on pleasant music, and remember pleasant moments. You need to be alone in silence for at least one hour a day. This will help normalize the functioning of the body's systems, calm down, and direct thoughts in the right direction.

It is better to avoid places with large crowds of people. In case of loud noise, use earplugs.

Alcohol promotes vasodilation, so avoiding alcoholic beverages can greatly reduce the risk of disease and tinnitus.

If you undergo examinations once a year, you can identify diseases in the early stages. In the early stages, the disease can be completely cured and serious complications can be avoided.

Noise in the ears and head is not a disease, but only a symptom of it. Such signs cannot be ignored, because they may hide a serious disease that poses a threat to human life. It is better to prevent a disease than to treat its consequences.

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Why is there ringing in the ear, what to do and what are the ways to eliminate the noise?

Almost every one of us faces the problem of noise and ringing in the ears. There are many various reasons appearance of extraneous sounds. In medicine this pathology has its own name - tinnitus. According to statistics, approximately 5-8% of people experience the problem of tinnitus. What to do if your ear is ringing?

Why is there ringing in the ears, types of noise?

According to anatomy, the eardrum is located in the auricle, which separates the inner and outer parts of the ear. Inside, the membrane is connected to three auditory ossicles. Due to air movement, vibrations occur directly in the eardrum.

The resulting vibrations are transmitted to the area of ​​the inner ear, to the three bones, through which these vibrations are subsequently transmitted to a special liquid-filled tube - the cochlea. Vibrations in the cochlea cause nerve impulses that subsequently enter the brain through nerve fibers.

It is in this place, due to damage to the hair tissue in the cochlea, that all kinds of hearing impairment occur. The result is ringing, deafness and noise, and sometimes hearing loss. There are cases when oscillatory movements occur constantly, and therefore ringing in the ears appears even in complete silence.

Quite often, along with the ringing, other extraneous sounds may occur, for example, crackling, humming, buzzing, and so on.

Many people wonder: why does my ear ring? In fact, there are a huge number of various factors that can provoke such discomfort. Moreover, it is possible that the root cause is a serious pathology not only of the inner or outer ear, but also of the nerve fibers.

Ringing in the ear - causes

As already mentioned, ringing in the ears is a pathology that has a medical name - tinnitus. With this pathological condition, patients complain of various sound stimuli even in complete silence, that is, in their absolute absence.

Tinnitus is not an independent disease, but only a symptom that is often caused by more serious diseases. If tinnitus is not treated promptly, complications are possible, which can subsequently lead to deterioration or complete loss of hearing.

The most common causes of ringing in one ear:

  1. High blood pressure. If, along with extraneous sounds, other symptoms arise, such as headache, heart pain, spots in the eyes, you need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible or even call an ambulance, as these may be signs of a hypertensive crisis.
  2. Atherosclerosis. As a result of this disease, the arteries in the brain lose their elasticity, and their ability to pulsate in rhythm with the blood is noticeably impaired. Because of this, noise may form in the ears.
  3. Migraine. Along with a severe headache, which is pulsating in nature, the ears may begin to ring.
  4. Pathologies of the auditory system. An affected auditory nerve or a tumor that appears on it, all kinds of pathologies of the outer, inner ear, and so on. All this can provoke extraneous sounds.
  5. Taking certain medications. Usually, the instructions for the drugs indicate these kinds of side effects.
  6. Listening to loud sounds - music in a nightclub, gunshots, pops near the ears, etc.

Very often, ringing in the ears is due to poor hygiene. Some people clean very rarely ears from sulfur, as a result it accumulates, sulfur plugs are formed. This may be the root cause of tinnitus.

Other causes include water and foreign bodies getting into the ears. In this case, it is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist to exclude mechanical damage.

Extraneous sounds can also occur after an emotional outburst, depression, severe stress or trivial experiences. The result is a pulsation of the auditory nerve, causing ringing or noise.
By the way, extraneous sounds may appear due to colds.

It is important to understand the nature of extraneous sounds:

  • with a pulsating ringing, it may be due to impaired functioning of the vascular system;
  • with a sharp increase in ringing and a feeling of lumbago, we can talk about inflammatory processes in the ear;
  • the metallic type of ringing usually indicates osteochondrosis, and whistling and squeaking indicate a possible traumatic brain injury;
  • with prolonged extraneous sounds that tend to intensify, pathologies of the nervous system cannot be excluded.

What to do if your ear is blocked after a runny nose? Read more

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