Home Prosthetics and implantation Examples of school conflicts between students. Children's conflicts at school and ways to resolve them

Examples of school conflicts between students. Children's conflicts at school and ways to resolve them

Very often, a conflict brews in children, which later results in fights right in educational institution. Situations like this only distract from your studies. For this reason, you need to know how to resolve conflicts?

Possible conflict options.

Of course, a variety of problematic situations can arise, but still, they are often associated with misunderstanding, jealousy, and envy on the part of one child towards another.

Most often, conflict situations arise in high school during adolescence. Increased level aggression and the desire to prove one’s maturity make themselves felt.

For example, a conflict may arise between two girls over a dispute over one boy, or vice versa. In such a situation, the consequences can be catastrophic, because children are accustomed to exaggerating everything, so they are sincerely confident that true love is happening in their lives now. There were cases when, due to disputes over the heart of one boy, girls started large-scale fights, in which there were both wounded and killed. In this situation, each party needs to remain as calm as possible and try to approach the problem in an adult manner.

Conflicts at school can also happen because of addictions. For example, one child loves popular music and is confused by the fact that someone loves rock music. As a result, he begins to laugh at one child, which only causes a negative reaction. In the end, such a controversial situation can lead to children starting a fight or feeling antipathy towards each other for a very long time.

Even friends often quarrel over simple little things. For example, it is very difficult for two friends to find mutual language, if one of them is successful in learning and loved by teachers, and the other cannot boast of this. Here things lead to envy and, again, to a conflict situation. At the beginning of solving such a problem, children who are successful in learning try to help their less successful friends. However, when it starts to go badly for them, they are faced with condemnation, along with gratitude from a friend. To be fair, it is worth noting that such a conflict does not happen very often. The fact is that at school, children try to be friends with those whose area of ​​interest suits them.

A few more options for conflicts at school.

Conflict resolution in school becomes a difficult and significant problem when it comes to simple aggression. For example, there is always a child at school who behaves badly, bullies everyone and constantly runs into conflicts. IN in this case, he doesn’t even need a reason to start a fight. Gon starts it just like that with any person who looked at him the wrong way. In this case, you need to behave less aggressively so that the source of the conflict has no reason to continue the fight or insults. If this person sees that they are treating him normally and are not trying to resist his provocations, he will most likely retreat.

Children may also have conflicts of a sexual nature. Often in high school, girls experience unambiguous pressure from boys. At the same time, sometimes such pressure results in very serious problems, even further complexes for the girl. The problem is that sexual harassment from classmates can cause her shock and further rejection of sex as a natural process.

Finally, one of the most serious groups of conflicts is social. Often children from affluent and good families, they begin to mock those who grew up only with their mother or without parents at all. In such a situation, the child can either show aggression or withdraw into himself forever. it is very important to immediately identify such a situation, notice it and try to resolve it the right way. Otherwise. The child will always experience complexes about his social origin.

Actions of parents and teachers in case of conflicts.

Prevention of conflicts at school – important task, which falls on the shoulders of the teacher. The thing is that many competent teachers can also early stages resolve the conflict and prevent it from developing.

That is why teachers often organize competitions and various events to unite the group of children. However, in this situation it is very important to ensure that a conflict does not arise between the two different classes. Often in school events One class is always recognized as the best, which causes hatred and envy on the part of other children. It is necessary to resolve this situation as quickly as possible and do everything to ensure that the school has a decent “climate” for learning.

Parents should also show their wisdom and participation in such situations. Often only they can put the right pressure on children and demonstrate their dominant position in their lives.

For example, if a parent does not have a very trusting relationship with a child, but knows that he is involved in a conflict situation at school, there is no need to try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Most often, if a child does not communicate well with his parents, he does not like to be frank with them. You can try to come up with a story supposedly from your life about how a parent faced a similar problem and found ways to solve it. This story can be told casually at a family dinner, for example.

It is wonderful when a parent and child have a wonderful relationship in the family. Usually in such a situation, the child immediately tells mom or dad what is happening at school and often asks for advice.

For example, if a conflict arose over the sympathy of two girls for one boy, then you need to ask the child whether this relationship really seems so important and serious to him. If the child answers positively, then you need to try to convince him of a peaceful solution to the conflict. It is worth talking to the child from whom the aggression is coming, explaining to him calmly without reproach, and so on, that life has developed this way. if the object of their common desire, that is, a boy, chooses one girl over another, then it is not their fault. Every child deserves to express their feelings and there is no point in fighting over it.

In another case, when it comes to social conflicts, it is necessary to find out how exactly the controversial situation occurred? If other children in the class consider the child inferior because of his problems in the family, then you should not pay attention to this. The parent should advise you to be active, try to keep up with your studies and take part in social life class. It is important to create such a situation so that other classmates begin to admire the child’s successes and understand that social status does not at all affect what kind of person grows up.

In addition, it is necessary to explain to the child that he is no worse than others due to the fact that he is growing up in a single-parent family. Rather, on the contrary, he must prove to the whole world that even from such unfavorable environment, you can emerge victorious in life.

How should a parent not behave?

Many parents make completely stupid mistakes in resolving school conflicts, which later have incredible consequences. For example, a parent can contact the teacher with a request to resolve the current situation. In this case, the child will be put under even more pressure, because he complained to adults. In a children's environment this is considered simply unacceptable.

There is also no need to try to take an active part in children's controversial situations. If the parent himself resolves the conflict for the child, talks to the source of aggression or the whole class, this will not bear fruit. Again, the pressure will increase on the child, he will feel isolated from the entire class. In addition, they will begin to mock him because of the way he behaved. Allegedly, the child himself cannot resolve the conflict without the participation of his mother. As a result, the child will withdraw into himself even more.

It is also very important not to force the child to show excessive aggression. This will not lead to anything good. The fact is that if a mother tells a child about participating in a fight or conflict, in the future, in life, he will only know this way of resolving a controversial situation. In the adult world there is no place for too active manifestation of aggression. For this reason, the child will not be able to resolve any problematic situation in his life.

It is important to cultivate diplomatic qualities in a child, the ability to competently perceive the situation and resolve conflict situations. As a result of this situation, the child will be able to achieve maximum success both in school and simply in life.

In fact, absolutely any conflict situation can be resolved if you approach it wisely. At school, a child encounters aggression for the first time. However, only the parents' experience will help them solve this problem. Without wise advice from adults, a child can take a completely wrong path of development, which will only cause problems and complexes in his future.

This is why mom and dad should always be wise. They should not transfer their aggression and lack of love for the world onto the child. It is better to show the child that every problem has its logical resolution and there are no too complex conflicts. In this case, the child will become morally stronger, more active and more successful.

It becomes clear that conflicts at school are not uncommon. However, only the wisdom of teachers and parents will help children overcome this problem in their lives. As a result, all conditions for successful learning will be created.

Conflicts between children are a fairly common occurrence, an invariable attribute of their growing up and emotional development. Despite the fact that conflicts at school cause many negative emotions, both for the child himself and for his parents, they are still useful, as they teach the teenager to solve problems and find a common language with peers. Communication skills will definitely be useful to him in the future, not only for building, but also for productive cooperation at work, because modern business requires the ability to work harmoniously in a team, take responsibility for one’s responsibilities, and sometimes even be able to manage and organize the work process. So, children must be able to conflict. But how to do this correctly so as not to offend each other’s deep feelings? And how to get out of conflict situations?

Causes of conflicts at school

How younger child, the lower the level of his intellectual development, and the less social skills in his arsenal for resolving disputes. As the child grows up, certain models of relationships with peers and adults are developed in the child’s mind. Such models social behavior persist for many years, and may undergo some changes only during adolescence.

And while children grow up, they are forced to learn to fight for their interests. Most often, conflict between children at school arises due to a struggle for authority. In each class there are several leaders who are forced to confront each other, involving other students in the conflict. Often this can be a confrontation between boys and girls, or, for example, one person and the whole class. Children school age tend to demonstrate their own superiority, sometimes even this can manifest itself in cynicism and cruelty towards others and especially towards weaker children.

Conflict between students can occur for the following reasons:

  • mutual insults and gossip
  • betrayal
  • love and sympathy for classmates who do not reciprocate
  • fighting for one guy or one girl
  • lack of mutual understanding between children
  • rejection of an individual by a group
  • rivalry and struggle for leadership
  • dislike of teachers' "favorites"
  • personal grievances

Most often, those children who do not have close friends and do not get into conflictsare interested in something outside of school.

Preventing conflicts at school

Although conflict helps develop children's social skills, parents should try to avoid frequent arguments and constant conflict with their children. After all, the conflict can be resolved quickly and calmly, without mutual humiliation and insults. You should not get into a conflict, especially if you feel that your child can cope with the situation on his own. Excessive care in this case will only do harm. But if it seems to you that the child cannot end the conflict on his own, you need to intervene in the situation very carefully. There is no need to put too much pressure on either your child or his opponent. There is no need to demand a public apology. You should not behave like an adult who has power and is able to radically influence the situation. You, of course, are wiser and smarter than your schoolchild, but, nevertheless, it is better to take on the role of a friend who simply tells you what to do, but does not personally participate in the showdown. This will be more natural and will allow children to learn how to get out of even the most difficult situations.

After the conflict is resolved, talk to your child. Tell him that there will be many more similar conflicts in his life, and now you need to take into account all your mistakes in order to prevent them in the future.

Very often, parents think about how to avoid conflict at school in the early stages, when they just begin to notice their child’s tense relationships with classmates or friends in the yard. Try to create such an atmosphere of trust in the family so that the child does not hesitate to share his problems with you. In this case, your advice can help quickly correct the situation.

Be sure to find a favorite activity for your child. This could be a creative circle or. Based on common interests, the child will be able to find close friends with whom he will not conflict. This will help him take his mind off stupid fights in the class for leadership, for the love of teachers, and sometimes even for no reason at all.

Modern life is impossible without conflicts. Therefore, children must learn to resolve them without hostility and aggression. After all, only constructive criticism can make it possible to make a well-founded, most correct and balanced decision. Only an open and straightforward dialogue helps to identify hidden problems and establish normal, trusting relationships. So there is nowhere without conflicts in our lives! But they must be resolved quickly, since hidden aggression and hidden grievances can negatively affect the mental and emotional condition person, develop complexes in him and lead to prolonged depression.

The child’s conflict leads to distrust in his direction, hostility, and subsequently to the consolidation of stereotypes in his mind conflict behavior. Be sure to monitor the relationships your child maintains at school, with classmates and teachers. Try to gently and carefully correct his behavior and attitude towards others.

Surely communicating with your classmates brings you a lot of joy. But you probably also had quarrels and disagreements with other students. So, the topic of this article is conflict with classmates.

Is it worth quarreling and fighting with classmates?

In your class there are girls and boys with different tastes, habits, characters, and abilities. You are all different, so sometimes it is difficult for you to understand each other.

You meet your classmates every day, so to make your life at school enjoyable, learn to get along with everyone around you.

At school, there may be people next to you who are different from you in some way. You need to learn to be accepting of the fact that someone is different from you. Each person has his own views, habits, opinions, character, and each person deserves respect.

In almost every class there is someone at whom the rest of the students constantly laugh, joke and tease, ridicule some character traits of this person, his behavior or appearance. A kind, harmless joke will not offend a person who has a sense of humor, but if all classmates or the majority of them begin to make fun of someone, this is already a mockery of the person. If there is a situation in your class where all your classmates make a jester or a clown out of someone, make offensive jokes at him and tease him, do not join them. Try to help this boy or girl, explain to your classmates that they are wrong: after all, by offending this person, they are acting cruelly and ugly.

Help from a classmate in resolving a conflict

Eight-year-old Vanya managed to convince his classmates that they were doing wrong by teasing the new boy in their class. When appeared in their class new student- a short, thin boy who wore glasses with large wide frames, all his classmates began to call the newcomer “bespectacled” and “locator.” They began to joke and laugh at the new student from the very first day of his appearance at school; offensive jokes and nicknames often brought him to tears. Vanya, who saw how his classmates treated the newcomer and how he suffered from their ridicule, decided to help his new classmate.

One day, when everyone was laughing at someone’s latest joke about the “bespectacled guy,” Vanya sat down at the newcomer’s desk and started talking to him. The others were very surprised that Vanya began to communicate with a boy with whom no one wanted to be friends and at whom everyone laughed. But Vanya did not pay attention to the disapproval of his classmates, and when he came to school, every day he approached the newcomer and talked to him. Soon everyone got used to the friendship between Vanya and the newcomer, now they understood that if they teased the new student, they would offend not only him, but also Vanya, so there was much less ridicule. The friendship between Vanya and the newcomer interested the other boys in the class, and after getting to know the “new guy” better, the guys realized that he was an interesting person and stopped noticing his big glasses and teasing him.

As you can see, coming to terms with the fact that another person is somehow different from you or from most other people is not at all difficult, you just need to show a little patience, politeness, understanding, and most importantly, kindness.

How to Avoid Conflict in the Classroom

In the place of the one whom most of your classmates make fun of and mock, you yourself may find yourself. If you are teased and offended by your classmates, you must prove to them that you are worthy of respect and friendship. To do this, do not rush at your offenders with your fists, do not call them names - in general, do not take their example. First of all, you must begin to respect yourself, believe that you are no worse than others. You shouldn’t pay attention to stupid and offensive jokes: those who find them funny have neither a sense of humor nor any special intelligence. If they joked about you in a kind way and did not want to offend you, laugh with everyone else - clever man can always see the funny not only in others, but also, first of all, in himself. If you are mocked or teased in an offensive way, tell your teacher about it, who will certainly help you cope with your offenders.

If you disagree with a classmate about something, you don’t have to prove that you’re right at any cost. If you are sure that you are right, try to convince someone who thinks differently in a calm and sustained argument where you both treat each other with respect. The main thing is, no matter how confident you are that you are right, do not insult your interlocutor: do not call him names, do not say that he does not understand anything about what you are arguing about, and of course, do not get into a fight with him . You need to defend your opinion only if you are confident in it and you have evidence that you are right.

If there is a dispute, then no quarrel

To convince other people of the correctness of your point of view, you can enter into an argument with them, but you should not quarrel with them. Remember that every person has the right to think and act as they see fit. If you are sure that someone is mistaken, do not insult or offend this person, but manage to explain to him what you think he is wrong about. When expressing your point of view, you must speak to your interlocutor politely and calmly, without hurting his feelings. A dispute is needed so that each of its participants is able to explain their point of view in order to ultimately find a common solution to the problem.

You can prove that you are right through an argument, but you will never be able to convince someone by quarreling with them. Even the last word in a quarrel will remain behind you, the one with whom you quarreled will remain unconvinced and will not agree with you. By offending someone, you will only lose the opportunity to have another friend or good friend, and you will gain, if not an enemy, then a person who will not treat you well.

A fight between classmates is the worst way for a conflict to develop.

If quarrels do not lead to anything good, then fights - even more so. And yet, probably every boy at least once fought at school with one of his classmates.

When teachers separate fighters and ask whether it was possible for the boys to come to an agreement in words and do without a fight, as a rule, each of the boys who fought says that the other did not want to listen to or understand him.

There are a lot of reasons for fights between classmates - resentment, quarrels, the desire of someone to prove their strength or attract attention. Often fights arise when someone wants to protect a weaker person from someone who is attacking him. Sometimes the reasons for a fight are very serious, but most often the guys start fighting over trifles, small disagreements.

Why do you think boys fight with their classmates and even... classmates?

Most often because they do not know how to prove that they are right in words or express their opinions. If someone offends you, then hitting this person is much easier than trying to come to an agreement with him in words. It is especially easy to “convince” someone through a fight if they are weaker and smaller than you. If you start fighting with someone, you won’t have to think about what words and expressions you could use to explain to him that he is wrong. Starting a fight is much easier than proving you are right in a verbal dispute. But a fight is the worst way out of the situation. If you start a fight, you show that you are unable to convince your opponent by other means. A fight is the most stupid and inhumane solution to a problem. Even if you are not afraid to get into a fight with someone who is stronger and older than you, this will not make you a hero: after all, violence can never be justified by anything, except in those cases when you have to defend yourself.

A typical example of a conflict that escalated into a fight

Here is a common situation in which quarreling boys were unable to resolve the differences that arose between them without a fight.

Igor came to class before everyone else after a physical education lesson and sat down at the desk of his classmate Dima. Igor was interested in how Dima accomplished homework for the next lesson, so he opened Dima’s notebook to see how Dima solved the difficult problem that they were assigned for home. At this time, the rest of my classmates began to enter the classroom. When Dima saw Igor looking at his notebook, he accused Igor of copying the solution to the problem. The boys said several offensive words to each other, Igor hit Dima with a notebook, and they began to fight. The teacher who entered the classroom broke up the fighting boys. Having learned about the reason for the fight, she invited all the students in the class to think about how the boys should have solved their problem.

After discussing what happened in class, everyone decided that the boys should not have fought. Both were to blame for the fight. By the way, in most fights, both fighters are to blame, and it doesn’t matter who hit their opponent first. Both quarrels should strive to resolve any problem and any dispute only peacefully: both the one who attacks, accuses his opponent of something, and the one who considers himself undeservedly offended. In the story with Igor and Dima, each of the boys behaved incorrectly, which is why a fight broke out between them.

Igor’s mistake was that he should not have taken someone else’s notebook without the owner’s permission, and when Dima arrived, Igor had to apologize to him and explain that he took the notebook not to copy the solution to the problem, but simply out of curiosity and to compare your solution and Dimino’s. Dima was also wrong when, without understanding the situation, he immediately accused Igor of cheating. The boys needed to talk calmly for a few minutes without a fight happening between them. It is very important to be able to control yourself in any situation, not to start acting hastily without understanding what is really happening.

Peaceful ways to resolve conflicts

Are there times when you can't do without a fight? It is very difficult to answer this question. You should try to avoid a fight in any case. If you are offended, accused of some kind of offense, you should not allow your offender to bring you to such a state when you want to rush at him with your fists. Try to explain yourself to those who attack you. Well, if he is not in the mood for a conversation and does not want to listen to you, put off resolving your dispute. Sometimes people need to be given time to understand that they have made a mistake. In order to avoid a fight and resolve all controversial issues, you can turn to a person who can assess the situation from the outside and say who is right and who is wrong. The person you are going to ask to resolve your dispute must be respected by both you and the person with whom you had a quarrel or argument. This “judge” between you and your opponent could be a teacher or one of your classmates.

A different situation arises when you see that someone is being offended. If you see that one of your classmates is teasing or hitting a boy or girl, you must help the one who is being bullied. Try to talk to the offender, explain to him that he is wrong, and if your words do not make the right impression on him, tell the teacher about what is happening. If you decide to stand up for someone who is being beaten or stop someone fighting, you must act in such a way that you yourself do not get drawn into the fight. If you see that you are unable to stop the fighters, it is better to find those who can do it - adults or high school students.

We hope you agree that no self-respecting boy would fight with a girl. Often, out of pranks, boys push girls in class, pull their hair, tease and call them names, taking advantage of the fact that most of their classmates cannot answer them in kind. No matter how much you would sometimes like to grab a particularly “harmful” girl by the pigtail, you should not do this: after all, you are stronger and will be able to show your strength and dexterity in gym or at school clean-up days, and not in fights with classmates.

The world of children's relationships is complex and contradictory, and it is very sad if parents look at their child's life at school through rose-colored glasses. We have to admit that in addition to friendship, common interests and hobbies, there are resentments, hostility, disputes and conflicts in children's and youth groups. Let's try to figure out why unpleasant situations arise, what serves as a trigger, what help adults can provide and, importantly, when exactly parents should intervene in the conflict. So, first things first.

What is conflict

Conflicts at school, types and solutions

We are accustomed to the negative meaning of the concept of “conflict” and use this word to denote enmity and confrontation between people due to the dissimilarity and discrepancy of their interests, goals and norms of behavior. It is this destructive type of conflict that we will talk about today. However, in fairness, it should be noted that there is another definition, according to which conflict appears to be an important component of the development of society and does not lead to negative results. This is a constructive conflict, the result of which is that all interested parties gain valuable positive experience, which is very important for further development.

The school community is a certain society, the normal life of which is impossible without conflicts and clashes of interests. Most often, conflicts arise between students, as well as between teacher and student. Conflicts between the student’s parents and the teacher are less common. Let's figure out what their features are.

Student-student conflict

Conflicts at school

The reasons for the development of such a situation may be grievances, deception, insults, competition for authority, personal hostility or, on the contrary, sympathy, but unrequited. And children often don’t like “teacher’s favorites.”

Fortunately, most often children resolve conflicts among themselves, thereby gradually gaining experience in communicating in a team. But still, the help of adults is sometimes very necessary. However, whenever possible, it is necessary to give the child lessons in independence, so you should not interfere in the conflict until it is completely resolved. The only exceptions may be completely extraordinary cases when, without the intervention of elders, the situation literally comes to a dead end.

Usually it is enough to calmly talk with the child, explaining to him that in life there are plenty of such conflicts of interests, and one must learn to find optimal ways to solve the problem. It is very important, in a confidential environment, to give the student the opportunity to understand the motives of his opponent’s behavior; it is great if he is able to put himself in his place and understand what motivated the opponent. Then in the future the student will be able to draw conclusions and learn to resolve conflicts without mutual insults and insults.

Student-teacher conflict

Conflicts at school

In conflicts of this kind, the main role is played by the established relationship between the teacher and the student, moreover, they see each other almost every day and there is no escape from this type of communication. The cause of conflict situations can be a student’s feeling of inferiority and undervaluation or, on the contrary, his rudeness and disobedience. On the other hand, the student may not be satisfied with the teacher’s excessive demands, his inconstancy in these very requirements, as well as the teacher’s failure to fulfill his own promises.

In such situations, solving the problem falls on the shoulders of adults. In any case, the wisdom of elders should ensure that the conflict does not develop into serious problem, parents and teachers must be able to catch the moment when the conflict is brewing and do everything possible to extinguish it at the very beginning.

Even if a child is wrong, even if he neglects his student responsibilities, studies poorly and does not complete assignments, in no case should you raise your voice at him, because this will cause a negative response. It’s better to forget about the command tone. The whole point is that a disobedient and uncontrollable child, as well as one who is insecure and timid, can be inspired to do well in his studies solely by faith in his abilities and constant readiness to help. And the most important thing is that adults must be able to listen and hear the child, because not a single conflict develops without a reason; everything has its own, sometimes deeply hidden, reasons.

Finding a common language with all your classmates at once is not so easy. Due to different upbringing, character, and different outlooks on life, conflicts often occur among students.

IN primary school Conflicts between students are very harmless. A boy pulled a girl’s pigtail, someone shot a paper ball from a pen at his desk neighbor - such disagreements are instantly forgotten by children, and within a few minutes the warring parties can become true friends for each other.

As students grow up, their circle of interests expands; they begin to understand betrayal and friendship well, so they constantly evaluate each other’s spiritual qualities. Here the conflict can already gain serious momentum and even develop into a real brawl.

An example of a conflict situation between students can be clearly seen in the famous feature film “Scarecrow”. There, the main character becomes a real outcast of the class and is constantly subjected to severe persecution by her classmates. No matter what the girl does, the offensive nickname - scarecrow - is already firmly attached to her.

Unfortunately, similar situations occur quite often in real life. When one student becomes hated by the entire class, it becomes unbearable for him to continue to exist in such a group. The so-called outcasts prefer to change their place of study instead of trying to change anything about themselves.

The reason for hatred from classmates can be the child's denunciations to teachers. In almost every class there is a real sneak who, at the first opportunity, gladly pawns all his friends to the school authorities. The class must be a single team. What children value most in their friends is loyalty.

If one of the students is caught slandering, he is immediately added to the list of real traitors. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for classmates to use not only insults, but also fists against such informers. It seems necessary to the children to teach the sneak a lesson so that in future he will change his line of behavior. Teachers, of course, must suppress any assault in the classroom and beyond, because the school is directly responsible for the life and health of all students without exception.

Also, most children do not like arrogance. Often the top students in the class put themselves above their peers and, when the opportunity arises, try to show the rest of the kids in their place. Such arrogant behavior of a child can result in a serious conflict, and the offender will certainly be punished. Moreover, there are always many more bad students than excellent students, and they are always very supportive of each other.

The eternal war between excellent students and poor students takes place in every class. Poor students, of course, feel envy of their more successful classmates. The conflict situation is also fueled by teachers, who publicly begin to praise some and shame others.

In addition, excellent students usually do not like to be cheated, and, therefore, are automatically recorded as personal enemies by poor students. Some guys even manage to set up excellent students. For example, you can quietly replace test arrogant people or publicly ridicule him right in the middle of the lesson.

Various ridicule is also used - sticking a piece of paper with offensive words on your back, unexpectedly removing a chair right from under your enemy, placing a pie with jam on the seat - list various kinds jokes are inexhaustible and depend only on the child’s wild imagination.

However, excellent students do not always become class outcasts. Some guys manage to study well and at the same time pay enough attention to their school friends. A poor student will always appreciate it if a classmate tries to help him pull up all the stops. Despite their young age, students are already well able to truly value devotion and good attitude to yourself.

If a conflict occurs right during a lesson, the teacher will always intervene in the situation and calm down the raging classmates. But what if the fight happens outside of school? A student can be seriously injured, and there will be no one to separate the fighting students. Most often, during such clashes, there is a tendency for classmates to not interfere.

That is, students will stand and silently watch the picture of their peers fighting. It is almost impossible for parents to keep an eye on their child all the time, especially if the student is already in high school. That is why it is necessary to invest in your child from early childhood correct concepts about life, teach him how to be friends and find a common language with his peers.

Student-student conflicts at school occur over anything. Someone looked askance, a classmate took the girl away or did not allow her to cheat during a test - the reasons for disagreements between students can be the same as in adult life. You can make enemies with some students at school, but you can also make friends for the rest of your life. The main thing is, no matter what, always remain human and try to help your classmates in difficult times.

Conflict between students is a fairly common occurrence. Parents must definitely teach their child how to get out of such situations with dignity, so as not to further aggravate the conflict.

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