Home Prevention Signs in the house: for home well-being. Household signs for the home - how to keep peace in the family

Signs in the house: for home well-being. Household signs for the home - how to keep peace in the family

A person spends half of his life in his home. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the house, family matters, with objects household items there are so many signs connected.


You need to stick a large knife into the door frame with the tip, then the sorcerer will not be able to go into the house.

If the door suddenly creaks, it’s bad luck.

Buckthorn is considered a good amulet for the home against witchcraft and the evil eye. When hung on doors and windows, buckthorn destroys the machinations of sorcerers and demons.


To prevent entry into the house devilry and to avoid the evil eye, simple pins are inserted into the door lock with the sharp end facing out.


If the curtain breaks, it means a quarrel between friends.


Scattering ashes means a quarrel.


If something obscene happens in the house, the images are closed.

The icon fell - to death.


The painting fell - unfortunately.


Books should be kept in a closed cabinet, otherwise your head will hurt.

Indoor flowers

Indoor flowers influence the family situation in different ways: ficus brings prosperity and family happiness; climbing plants (ivy, liana) lead to discord.

You should not keep a palm tree in the house - it will lead to great misfortune and illness.

A plant with narrow leaves with a white vein in the middle (chlorophytum) is popularly called “Man, get out of the house!” It provokes divorce.

Geranium protects the house from insects (moths, bedbugs). A geranium leaf placed in the ear relieves headaches and ear pain.

It is good to plant a juniper bush at home or store something made from juniper wood. This plant expels evil spirits from homes and protects against all kinds of magical slander.

If a flower pot breaks, there will be trouble.

The flowers in the house grow well, there is peace in the family: the flowers wither - the house is restless.


Do not put an arshin (or a ruler, a centimeter) on the bed - to the deceased.

Garlic hung at the head of the bed helps with headaches and evil spirits.


You should not keep garden tools (shovel, hoe) in the house - a fire may occur


Soap in your bosom saves you from spoilage. Love talk is said about soap: “As soap clings to the body, so would a husband cling to his wife.”


Scissors that fall so that the blades stick to the floor portend a quarrel. If a similar incident is repeated two or more times within a month, divorce or adultery is possible in the family.


The blanket fell - the good guest is in a hurry.


You cannot spit through the window, throw out garbage, or pour out slops - there is a guardian angel under the window.

At a wake, a towel or piece of fabric is hung out of the window, and a vessel with water is placed on the windowsill so that the soul of the deceased comes to wash.

Accidentally seeing a light in the window of your house is good luck.

Don't look out the window until dawn - you'll see something unclean.


If someone is carrying firewood for the stove and one log falls, there will be guests; the same if a firebrand falls out of the stove by itself. If a burning coal falls out, it means an angry guest.

Aspen firewood destroys stove soot.

You can't spit in the fire - blisters will appear on your tongue.

While bread is baking in the oven, do not sit on the oven - the bread will be bad.

A brick fell out of the oven - not good.

If the stove sweats, it means the housewife's tears.

The chimney is humming—someone’s soul is tormented.

If there is any rustling or ringing in the pipe, there will be a trial over a trifle.


You cannot say hello, say goodbye, or pass anything across the threshold - to a quarrel or loss.

If a young guy is sitting on the doorstep, then not a single girl will marry him - so he will die a bachelor.


If church candle burns unevenly in the house, leaves a lot of soot - the house is unclean.

You should not blow candles on the fire - pimples will appear on your tongue, you need to extinguish the candle after drooling on your fingers

A flame with soot is unlucky. When you light a candle in church, but it doesn’t burn for a long time, it leans or goes out - unfortunately.


Don't put your keys on the table - it's not good. A hat and keys on the table mean a quarrel.

An inkwell and a knife also mean a quarrel.

If you brush the crumbs off the table with your hand, there will be no money.

You can’t sit on the dining table - one of your parents will die. v Clock

The wall clock falls - to the death of the owner of the house. They will stop on their own - to a change in life. After the death of the owner, the clock stops or needs to be stopped specifically. 8

The clock striking at the wrong time means trouble.

Fur coat

The fur coat fell - to a big quarrel in the family.

Lucky omens

Accidentally scattering a box of matches (by the way, you need to collect them one at a time and take only the “leg” of the match, and not the “head” - this way you will collect wealth for your home, little by little, by the ruble);

Spill wine during a toast - Fate will appreciate your generous gesture and will compensate for the spilled hundredfold (only, of course, you need to spill wine accidentally).

Unlucky omens

If someone goes into the house with an open umbrella, all that remains is to wait for misfortune;

Drop a raw egg(no matter where, on the floor or a soft chair). If it remains intact, failures will accompany you all day long.

Signs for happiness and good luck

Thread and needle

Buy a needle on Monday, and on Thursday stick it and thread into your blouse on your chest, and go ahead - everything will be fine.

If you sew and the thread gets tangled, you will live a long time.

Before the wedding, the bride and groom need to stick pins into their clothes so as not to jinx them.

A pin on clothes and a needle and thread above the door of the home protects against the evil eye.


If you don’t recognize someone you know, he might be rich.

Take money with your left hand and give it with your right - it will always happen.

If, having sold the first item of all intended for sale, you touch it with money, then you will sell the entire product easily.

At the table

He who eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of lightning.

Feed the excess bread to the birds - to happiness and prosperity.

At the beginning and end of lunch, eating a piece of bread with salt is good luck.

An apple fell from the table - to a meeting with your lover.

A tea leaf floating in a glass means a gift.

If bread and salt are offered, the larger the piece you bite, the more luck you have.

If you sit between people with the same names, make a wish. It will come true.

Signs - rules

Sweep not towards the threshold, but from the threshold, otherwise you will sweep away your wealth.

A woman oversalts her food, which means she has fallen in love.

The broom should be held with the handle down - money will be found and the house will be protected from misfortunes.

Sweep the house with a wormwood broom - the unclean will not come in.

Moving to new house, bring an old broom with you so that you can take the good brownie with you.

Do not stir coffee or tea in the cup of a partner or relative - you will stir up a quarrel.

If something breaks, don’t be upset, fortunately. At weddings, it is generally recommended to break dishes so that the spouses have a happy life.

Finding a horseshoe is good luck. Hang the one found above the door - to long happiness.

Never pour boiling water into an empty cup or glass (first pour tea, coffee, or at least sugar into it) - you will set yourself up for poverty.

Leaving scissors open means a quarrel.

Don't sit on the windowsill - you won't get married.

A wedding sign advises the groom to carry the bride over the threshold. If she stumbles at the entrance to the house, happy life you can't wait.

It is forbidden to talk or pass things (especially money and bread) across the threshold - this will lead to a quarrel. To neutralize a sign you need to step over it with one foot. Road superstition recommends last words before leaving, talk before leaving the threshold so that there are no delays along the way.

Don't sit on the threshold - attract bad rumors about yourself. For single people, the belief promises difficulties in love affairs. Don’t stand at the entrance for a long time; happiness and prosperity will leave through the open door. Old people say that standing on the threshold of money and happiness blocks the way into the house. Pregnant women were in danger in the form of evil spirits, so expectant mothers were forbidden to stand at the entrance to the house and sit on the threshold.

When going on business, cross the threshold right foot to attract good luck. Don't eat at this time, you risk getting a demon as your neighbor. To drive away an unwanted guest, seat him with his back to the exit. Soon he will remember urgent matters and say goodbye to you.

Signs about windows

Throwing trash out the window is a bad idea. Angels sometimes look through it, you can offend them. When a window is opened by a gust of wind, divine messengers warn of something good. Sitting on the windowsill means loneliness. This refers not only to failures in his personal life, but also to the lack of friends, bad relationship with colleagues and relatives.

If the curtain breaks or falls, the owner of the room will have a fight with her friend. If a window breaks or cracks, the protection of the apartment is weakened. You are threatened by an evil sorcerer or evil spirits. The first consequences will affect communication with people.

In an apartment with windows facing north, few people stay for long. Sometimes this sign has a positive meaning - the most avid sloths in such a house may develop a craving for travel or another reason to spend less time at home. But more often we are talking about heavy energy, which repels residents.

Kitchen superstitions

The oven is the heart of the home, the place where magic is born. If the fireplace has not been used for a long time, you should cross it before lighting it. And in general, fire is supposed to be started with prayer. If it flares up quickly, it means that the spirit of an ancestor or a brownie is nearby. You cannot sit on the stove while cooking, otherwise the food will spoil. A brick falling out of the fireplace means trouble. The “color” of the energy of the house primarily affects the state of the hearth.

Spilling salt means a scandal. But another belief advises quitting left shoulder three pinches to stop the argument. Sugar spilled - to pleasant surprise, reconciliation, luck.

Do not store dishes with cracks or chips. It brings misfortune and brings disharmony to the energy of the house. If you need it for needlework, take it to the barn; superstitions don’t consider it a living space. Don't be upset, the dishes beat for luck.

If you borrow a bucket, pan or other container, return it full. According to signs, returning an empty bucket means desolation and poverty. The more you give, the more you will receive from the Universe.

Don’t forget to leave treats for the brownie in the most secluded place in the kitchen. He will help with the housework, warn of trouble, protect from evil spirits and witchcraft. Sweets, porridge, and baked goods with honey are suitable. In honor of the holiday, you can leave some wine.

Dining table and tablecloth

In village magic, the kitchen table serves as an altar, a work table for witchcraft. Direct his energy for your benefit. In order to get your own home, hold on to the corner of the table more often.

Sitting on the table means losing your income. For the girl they buy additional meaning- will forget how to cook deliciously. Leaving shoes on the table or putting your feet on it is a sign of being hanged. A cat lying on the table means the death or departure of one of the household members. “Looks after one of the residents” - that’s what the ancestors said about it.

Borrow kitchen table Superstitions do not prohibit neighbors or giving it to a young family. Just cover it with a tablecloth and give it away with it, otherwise poverty will come to the house where the table will be. Guests should not be seated at an uncovered table. If one of the household members is late for dinner, shake the tablecloth over the table, and all obstacles in his way will disappear. You can store coins under the tablecloth; this attracts wealth.

While eating, do not knock on the table or utensils, otherwise your teeth will hurt. When you receive guests, place the spoons with the notch down so that strangers cannot interfere in your personal life. If during a feast two spoons end up in one bowl, there will soon be a wedding.

An unmarried girl should not sweep crumbs off the table with her hand, otherwise she will become an old maid. The young man shouldn't either - his wife will be bald. Don't do this with paper napkins or newspaper, you will invite scandals into the house. Use a sponge or rag.

Bread is the head of everything

There are many signs about bread. They take it with their hands; they are not supposed to prick it with a knife or fork, so as not to drive away happiness. You can’t eat from a knife at all, so as not to spoil your character.

When cutting, you should not leave the cut edge facing the wall - all friends and acquaintances will turn their backs on the owner of the house. If the product crumbles and breaks during cutting, expect marital discord.

They do not “poke” the bread into the salt shaker and leave a knife in it so that times of hunger do not come. You cannot throw away leftover baked goods; God will punish you with hunger and poverty. Feed them to animals or birds. Not eating or drinking enough, throwing away food are bad omens in most Russian regions.

Culinary beliefs

Egg and chicken dishes are useful for newlyweds; in the old days they were eaten to quickly conceive a child. But do not forget to crush the empty shell so that the devil does not start in it. Keep an eye on the eggs as they cook. They are cracking to the guests.

Baked apples burst - expect good news. An owner who confuses salt with sugar or vice versa can also count on good news. But he will have to come to terms with the fact that for another three days the food he prepares will not taste good.

Forgetting to add spices means trouble. The faster you correct the mistake, the fewer difficulties will fall on your head. Pancakes and porridges burn, leading to a scandal in the family. In order for meals, especially holiday ones, to be a success, quarrels should be avoided.

Signs in the bedroom

Signs about mirrors do not advise keeping them in the bedroom. Especially if the mirrors are damaged. Cracks open the way dark entities, who are not averse to feeding off the energy of homeowners. Guests from mirror dimensions can harm the psyche and biofield of the residents.

Another undesirable bedroom accessory is stuffed animals and antlers. They radiate the energy of death and violence. Signs do not recommend leaving a cold room in the bedroom at night. boiled water. This teases the demons. Umbrellas are not supposed to be dried in the room where they sleep, leading to tears. But it’s worth storing them there, then there will always be “good weather” in the house.

There is no place for a TV where husband and wife sleep, this is a recipe for divorce. Ficus has a bad effect on the physical side of love. Beliefs also accuse him of problems with conception. Ficus is also contraindicated for unmarried people; it will drive away suitors.

Houseplants disappear where spouses sleep - the marriage will not last long. This is one of the signs of damage or evil spirits. Call a priest, bless the house. And then start a flower " woman's happiness”, which will neutralize the damage already done and protect the relationship. Hibiscus is also suitable, a flower that revitalizes relationships and brings back passion.

The elephant is a symbol of family and fertility. Place a figurine depicting him in the newlyweds’ bedroom, and they will not have problems conceiving. Receiving one as a gift with a promise to place it near the bed means an early pregnancy. It is better to avoid seashells; they negatively affect the health of sleepers.

Folk signs about cleaning the house

Having garbage from your enemy's house can cause damage to it. Therefore, in the old days, rubbish was burned in a furnace or buried away from prying eyes. You cannot dispose of garbage after sunset - it means poverty. According to other signs - to the death of the owner of the house. It is better to put things in order during the day. It should be clean at night; after sunset, angels walk from house to house, looking after their charges. Clutter will offend them. They do not clean in bad weather.

Don't wash the floors after guests leave; you'll wash them out of the house forever. The sign can be used to get rid of annoying visitors. They “wash up the road” for good purposes - the mother of the bride washes the floor after she leaves for the groom’s house, so that she lives happily in the new place and does not want to go back.

In the old days, brooms and brooms were considered sacred objects. They can both heal and protect from evil, and ruin life - depending on whose hands they find themselves in. Store the broom with the handle down and you will be protected from the evil eye. There can only be one broom in the house; sweeping with two sweeps away the positive energy of love, luck and money. People say: “you will scatter wealth into other people’s corners.” An old broom is supposed to be burned outside the house, and only after that buy a new one.

They sweep and wash the floor towards the kitchen so that the bins are full. Mistress sweeping co front door, will lose beauty and youth. You can't put things in order bad mood. And the result will not please you, and you will quarrel with someone at home. If a girl doesn’t know how to sweep, she will argue with her husband after the wedding.

The state of the mirror reflects the energy of the apartment. Therefore, do not keep it dirty, wipe it as often as possible. After cleaning, do not walk around with an empty bucket; you will bring bad luck to those you meet along the way.

What to expect if you are “imagining”?

You can imagine a lot, and not all of it portends something. But if you happen to see flickering light in your windows when no one is home, expect happiness. Angels have marked your home with their presence.

Seeing a brownie means grief. According to legend, the domovikha (the brownie's wife) wails at night before misfortune in the family. Can you hear her crying? Prepare for the worst.

A knock on the window at night is a sign of the death of a relative. But you can only trust her if there are no traces of the visitor on the street. If this happens more than once, think about which of your deceased relatives you undeservedly offended. He demands an apology. This interpretation is especially true if light steps are heard after the knocking.

A knock on the door at night also portends death. In the old days, it was believed that it was the Grim Reaper himself who was knocking with the handle of his scythe. But you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive guests after sunset. Use the peephole. If there is no one there, you shouldn't open it. It’s better to sprinkle the door with holy water and read the “Our Father.” If the door was opened unknowingly, bless the apartment. If unknown persons knock at night on the door or window of a house where there is a seriously ill person, you can give up hope of his recovery.

Branches or raindrops can make a loud knocking sound. Such sounds warn of the impossibility of starting a new business. Take some time to implement your ideas. If insects hit the glass, a scandal may occur.

What not to do at home

The sign prohibiting whistling in an apartment has many meanings. Some promise lack of money, others promise separation from one of the household members. The latter can expect both a long-awaited departure and death. Another superstition says that whistling is a witch's technique for summoning devils. An ordinary person cannot expect any good from them.

Do not stand near the Red Corner (the place where icons hang) wearing a headdress. This is a great sin and will definitely be punished for it. You cannot keep a broom near the images. The Bible and other sacred texts are not left where they eat and sit - on tables, sofas, chairs.

It is not advisable to pour water (water plants, wash your face, etc.) first thing after waking up. This is how the luck intended for the new day spills out. You can’t sing before breakfast, otherwise after dinner there will be a reason for tears.

Avoid accepting animals as gifts; they won’t take root. Give the donor at least a few coins. Even a symbolic payment negates the negative meaning of the belief. Stealing a cat means poverty, taking it from the street means prosperity.

Reeds are not allowed in the apartment. Along with this plant comes the evil spirit living in the swamp. It provokes illness and brings failure.

After their 50th birthday they don’t build a house for themselves. It is permissible to help children in construction and live in the house they built for you. You can participate in the construction of housing for several generations.

Children who grew up in Western countries, from childhood they know that walking under a stepladder is bad luck. In Japan they believe that dirty toilet scares away good luck, so keeping it clean is The best way butter your fortune. Perhaps this is precisely what explains the delight that multifunctional toilets plunge the Japanese into?
To learn about no less strange and amazing everyday superstitions, let’s turn to users in different countries who will gladly tell us the whole truth about everyday signs that in one way or another affect their daily life. You can share these superstitions or laugh at them - in any case, you will find a very exciting read.

Cats as sacred animals

The ancient Egyptians worshiped cats, and in medieval Europe, black cats were associated with witchcraft. Nowadays, these charming creatures are not loved at all. fewer dogs, and moreover, they are the real stars of the Internet.
There are a lot of everyday superstitions associated with cats. For example, in Russia, when moving to a new place, owners first let a cat into the house, and then come in themselves. It is believed that the brownie rides on a cat and brings peace and happiness to the new home.
One of the most popular decorations in Japan is the figurine of the Maneki-neko cat, which is also often called the “lucky cat” due to its raised front paw. Many businessmen use it as a talisman, so most often it can be seen in shop windows and restaurants. There are several theories about what a raised paw means, but the general consensus is that a cat uses its right paw to lure money and its left paw to lure people.

Rakes and brooms as a symbol of wealth

In November, Japan celebrates the Tori no Ichi festival, or Rooster Days. During the festivities, the Japanese, especially owners of small family businesses, buy decorative rakes “kumade”. Like Europeans who decorate Christmas trees, the Japanese decorate kumade with bright toys in the form of balls, fish, rice sheaves, gold coins, treasure chests, as well as figurines of Japanese folklore characters and masks of the gods of luck. These talismans are sold at fairs, which are held at every temple on Rooster Days. Returning from the festivities, the Japanese hang kumade in the house, usually just above eye level, so that the owners will have good luck in all matters throughout the year.
The Russians have a superstition not about rakes, but about brooms and brooms. It is believed that in order to attract money, they must be held with their twigs up. But whistling in the house leads to financial losses.

Toilet as a talisman for good luck

In Japan, keeping the toilet clean is believed to bring good luck. Perhaps this idea came from Zen Buddhism and Feng Shui, where cleansing is one of the most significant rituals. Also, according to Feng Shui, the toilet is governed by the water element, which is associated with abundance and prosperity, which is why it is so important to keep the toilet clean. According to Junko Kawakami, editor of Houzz in Japan, the tradition of associating a clean toilet with good luck, as well as a reverent attitude towards all kinds of brushes and brushes, has existed in Japan for many years. Believe it or not, this superstition can be supported by very objective statistics.
According to a study conducted by Lion (one of the largest manufacturers of household chemicals and hygiene products in Japan), 42% of people who answered that they always keep the toilet clean also said that they were lucky with money. But among those who do not clean the toilet every day, there are much fewer favorites of fortune, only 22%. In addition, according to the same survey, the average annual income of clean toilet lovers is 5.42 million yen, while the average annual income of "irresponsible slobs" is 4.54 million.

Mirrors are like windows to another world

In some countries, it is believed that a mirror is a kind of passage to heaven, hell or another other world. For example, Spanish user 100to14 says: “We are taught from childhood that we should not make wishes in front of the mirror, because it has a connection with the so-called other side of existence.”
In Eastern cultures such as Singapore and Japan, older people believe that they should not put a mirror in the bedroom because it can confuse the soul as it returns to the body after sleep. Similar ideas are reflected in literature, for example, in the book “Alice Through the Looking Glass” by Lewis Carroll, where Alice enters a fairy-tale world by passing through a mirror.
In fact, before the invention of cameras and video cameras, only the mirror gave people an idea of ​​​​what they looked like from the outside. Therefore, it is not surprising that many beliefs attribute mystical powers to mirrors. Sarah from the UK says that in her country there is a saying: "Fear the day you break the mirror." This superstition dates back to the times of Ancient Rome, when people believed that shards of a broken mirror could captivate the soul and bring seven years of misfortune.

Stick your tongue out to say thank you for a forgotten item.

Russians have similar ideas about mirrors, but they also have funnier customs. Russian users say: “In Russia, when you return home for a forgotten thing, you must look in the mirror and stick out your tongue. It's just a fun tradition."

Feng Shui as a way to attract positive emotions into your home

Feng Shui culture originated in China. This the whole system rules and traditions, designed to bring harmony and good luck not only to the home, but also to work.
Many people around the world resort to the customs of Feng Shui and other spiritual practices to make their home even more comfortable and perfect. For example, describing one of her projects, Australian designer Tracie Ellis says: “Following the rules of feng shui, we installed a walnut table and cabinets in the kitchen (pictured) to bring natural energy into the space.”

Pineapples as harbingers of imminent profit

The practice of Feng Shui has many rules and beliefs related to attracting money. For example, in the Hok Kien dialect, which is widely spoken in southern China and Chinese-majority countries, the word for pineapple (ong lai) sounds the same as the phrase “quick luck.” In Singapore, where they also speak the Hok Kien dialect, there is a custom of rolling a pineapple into a new home in the hope that good luck will come with it.

Bread as a symbol of death

Of all the rooms in the house, the kitchen has perhaps acquired the largest number of rules, traditions, and of course, superstitions.
In France, a loaf has two sides - “good” (convex) and “bad” (flat). Frenchwoman annie ROGER says that putting bread with the flat side up can lead to misfortune and even the death of someone close to you: “My grandmother used to say: “Put the bread with the good side up or evil will come into the house.” I don’t know if this is actually true, but just in case I always put it right.”

Broken dishes - good luck

In Russia it is believed that any broken dishes brings happiness. However, if you have a cracked cup, then you cannot drink from it, or even keep it at home, otherwise you will be in trouble. Therefore, any cracked dishes should be thrown away immediately. In addition, Russians believe that you should not brush crumbs off the table with your hand (you can use a napkin). If you do this, be prepared to lose money.

Open umbrellas indoors mean trouble

Every culture has certain taboos about the house - activities that should not be performed indoors and items that should not be brought into the house. The British are sure that you should not open an umbrella at home, otherwise misfortunes will “rain into your life.” This would seem to be completely normal action is seen as an insult to the weather gods - the sun and thunderstorms. It is assumed that the umbrella should protect people outside, where these very gods live, and not inside the house, where protection from bad weather is already available. Obviously, such disrespectful behavior could anger the gods, but there is a possibility that this action is simply associated with bad luck. After all, opening an umbrella in a cramped room is really dangerous - you could injure someone or break a valuable item.

Fateful flowers

Swedish user Internationella Mattkompaniet says that heather should not be brought into the house: “My grandmother once told me that if you bring heather into the house, someone close to you will soon die. Despite the warning, one day I nevertheless brought heather into the house, and a week later my uncle suddenly died of a heart attack. Since then, I prefer not to touch this mysterious plant at all.”
However, her compatriot Matilda Alehke Gunnarsson disagrees: “Heather? I've never heard of this. But I will never, ever put my keys on the table. Their place is either on the wall or on the floor.” Sarah Norrman, Chief Editor Houzz in Sweden had also never heard of heather bringing bad luck, but she reminded us that traditions in different areas of Sweden can be very different from each other. “But the superstition with keys is quite widespread,” she says. “I myself never put them on the table.”

Greeting across the threshold - taboo

In Russia you cannot say hello or pass anything across the threshold. Elena Ambrosimova from Russia says: “No one remembers why, but everyone follows this custom unconditionally. By the way, a rather funny incident once happened in this regard: during a rendezvous between the American and Russian spaceship At the Mir station, a Russian cosmonaut refused to shake hands with his American colleague across the threshold precisely because of this ban.”

Favorite talismans

Some symbolic objects are so attractive from an aesthetic point of view that they are not only kept at home as talismans, but also used for interior decoration. The four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck in Ireland, but its shape is widely used for decoration in a variety of countries, such as as a wallpaper print, as in this photo.

In Russia and other Western cultures, a horseshoe is a symbol of good luck and wealth. Moreover, it is important to hang the horseshoe correctly: with the ends up, in order to collect good luck in it.
In Great Britain, people believe that coins found on the floor are good luck. The British even have a song: “If you see a penny, pick it up and bring good luck for the day.”

IN Everyday life There are many ancient signs associated with home and farming. I wonder where they came from? So, it is customary to let a cat into a new home first. Our ancestors believed that the spirit that lives in the house - the brownie - is most strongly attached to the one who first crosses the threshold.

He may love or hate this member of the household. Cats, unlike most people, see and feel otherworldly entities, and know how to “negotiate” with them. However, parapsychologists believe that the brownie has absolutely nothing to do with it: it’s all about pathogenic zones, the energy of which is unfavorable for people, but suitable for cats. Where the purr lies down is a bad place and you can’t put a table or a bed!


Spilling salt is definitely a bad omen: it means a quarrel. The belief, however, was born from the life experiences of our ancestors. Once upon a time, salt was very expensive (in our opinion, it was in short supply). It is clear that in poor families, its scattering led to serious discord: you cannot eat without salt, but there is no extra money.

But here’s the paradox: having made a mistake with the salt shaker, you should immediately take three more pinches from there and throw them over your left shoulder! This served as an offering to the same brownie: after all, the “neighbor” kept order in the house, including ensuring that family members did not quarrel.


Everyone knows that you should not keep cracked cups and plates at home. After all, each object has its own biofield, and if its physical integrity is broken, then a “crack” appears in the aura. Using such defective utensils can lead to troubles and illnesses.


Breaking a mirror is considered an even more terrible omen. Mirror surfaces are capable of reflecting the energies of the other world, and all sorts of evil spirits can enter our dimension through a crack. Cracked mirrors Under no circumstances should they be kept in the house - they must be thrown away immediately.


Many beliefs are associated with such an action as cleaning. For example, in the old days they believed that you should not sweep garbage beyond the threshold of your home: it could be damaged. The rubbish was carefully collected and burned in a furnace or buried in a secret place.

You can't take out the trash after sunset - there won't be any money. But this is a modern sign. And in the old days they believed that at dusk, forces of light would visit the house. Having seen the dirt, they may not appear again and, accordingly, may not show their affection to their owners.

So prosperity and well-being are as close as you can see!

The broom should be placed in a corner with the handle down: otherwise it will come into contact with debris belonging to the lower astral world, and during cleaning it will “scatter” the energy of the dark astral throughout the room. When moving to a new place, you should definitely take the broom with you: the brownie will “move” with it.

You should not sweep or wash the floors immediately after the departure of a person who is near and dear to you. Human footprints contain particles of aura, and if they persist, then sooner or later the “owner” will return for them. If you “wash away” the traces immediately, they will dissolve and nothing will remain.

But you can safely start cleaning as soon as an unwanted guest or a member of the household whom you want to get rid of has left your home. It is possible that in this case he will not want to come back here anymore.

Thresholds also played a special role in the lives of our ancestors. They symbolized the boundary separating the house and the world with completely different energies. To protect yourself from external dangers, you should not communicate with anyone through the threshold. This tradition

Even in modern world Ancient legends related to home and farming have been preserved. How were they formed?

Most often, a cat is brought into a new home in front of them. Our ancestors were convinced that the “owner” of the home - the brownie - was strongly attached to the one who crossed the threshold first.

The spirit will definitely love or hate this family member. People for the most part are not more sensitive than cats; they see and feel otherworldly entities, and know how to “negotiate” with them. Parapsychologists have their own opinion; they believe that it is not brownies that are to blame, but the presence of pathogenic zones in homes; their effect on people is unfavorable, but is suitable for cats. Where Murka likes to lie is a pathogenic zone and you can’t sleep, play or dine in this place!

Spilled salt - there would be a quarrel. The sign did not appear on empty space. Once upon a time, salt cost a lot of money. Because of this, in poor families, spilled salt caused a quarrel: food without salt is bland, and it is very expensive to buy.

There is some contradiction - having knocked over the salt shaker, you had to take three more pinches from it and throw it over your left shoulder! The salt thrown over is a gift to the spirit of the home: every housekeeper loves order in the house, and even watches over his household so that they do not quarrel.

A belief has come down to us and people often know about this: where we live (even at work) there is no place for cracked dishes. Each object has its own biofield, and if the integrity of any surface is damaged, then a “crack” appears in the aura. Using chipped dishes, there is a chance of losing your strength and leading to troubles and illnesses.

The most terrible omen To this day it is considered breaking or cracking a mirror. It has the ability to reflect energy other worlds, and through a damaged surface all kinds of evil spirits can penetrate into our real world. cracked or broken mirrors You should throw it away immediately, thereby ridding yourself of the influence of that evil spirit.

Countless signs are associated with home cleaning. Let's take an example: in ancient times, it was believed that it was inappropriate to sweep garbage beyond the threshold of the house. The garbage was diligently swept up and burned or buried in the ground.

Be careful not to take out the trash at dusk - the money will go away. This is more of a belief of our time. And in the old days, people were sure that in the twilight the forces of light came into the house. If there is litter in the house and they see it, they will most likely bypass the owners with their favor and will not appear in a dirty home.

The place for the broom is in the corner with the whisk up, otherwise it will touch the garbage associated with the lower out-of-body worlds, and during cleaning it will “spread” the energy of the dark throughout the entire home. When moving to a new home, you must take a broom with you: the brownie will also “move” with it.

It was forbidden to sweep or wash the floor immediately after the departure of one of the household or a guest who was especially loved and dear. Traces of a person contain particles of the soul, and as long as a part of the soul remains in the house, then the person who once left will return for it. If you “wash away” the traces immediately, the dear person may not return to the house.

Otherwise, be sure to start putting things in order as soon as the malicious guest steps across the threshold of the house you are happy to part with. Most likely he will not have the desire to visit you.

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