Home Orthopedics Poodle 1 month old. How to choose food for a poodle: consider the age and size of the dog

Poodle 1 month old. How to choose food for a poodle: consider the age and size of the dog

Nowadays, such a breed of dog as the poodle is very popular. This is not surprising, because they are not only very smart, but also beautiful. In the ranking of the smartest dog breeds, the poodle is in second place. It is considered a decorative dog and is now very common throughout the world. But two varieties especially stand out - the toy poodle and the toy poodle, and we will talk about them in detail.

Types of Poodles

It is believed that this breed was bred in France, but some kennel societies claim that poodles were bred in Germany, as this is indicated by the etymology of the word “poodle”. It means splashing in the water. Externally, these dogs are very diverse. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes four varieties based on height, six based on coat color and two based on coat type.

Varieties by height:

  • The large or standard type, when growing, has from 45 to 60 cm at the withers.
  • Small, or medium, reaches from 35 to 45 cm.
  • Dwarf, or miniature, has a height of 28 to 35 cm.
  • Toy (from English - toy) - his height at the withers is below 28 cm.

Coat types:

  • Cord type.
  • Curly type.

Recognized colors:

In Russia, the officially recognized colors of poodles are tan and harlequin (multi-colored, spotted).

Gallery: miniature poodle (25 photos)

Miniature Poodle - features

The miniature poodle has a number of distinctive features:

  • Hypoallergenic wool, practically does not shed.
  • There is no characteristic dog smell.
  • Convenient to keep at home.
  • High level of immunity, resistant to most infections.
  • He has a soft, good-natured, playful character.
  • Obedient, easy to train, attentive to the owner.
  • Has extraordinary agility and endurance.
  • High level of intelligence.

Growing up, the male reaches a height of about 35 cm and weighs from 5 to 7 kg, and females grow up to 28 cm and weigh from 4 to 6 kg. A poodle grows up to one and a half years old, average duration life span ranges from 10 to 15 years.


Small poodles are very hardy, very cheerful and have a good-natured character. Very love the owner's attention and cannot stand long separation from him. Very well trainable, but do not forget that the poodle does not accept rigidity in training. It is important to timely teach your dog various commands and general obedience, since if you miss this moment, his freedom-loving nature and stubbornness may appear.

Poodles have enough empathy is highly developed, that is, they are able to empathize with the owner and share his mood. This is the most a true friend, who will faithfully serve his master.

Care: bathing and brushing

Keeping and caring for a miniature poodle also has a number of specific features. The dog needs bathing at least once a month or in cases of heavy soiling. If this procedure is carried out regularly, then less time will be spent on it, since the dog’s hair will be in good condition and will not roll off. Before you start bathing your dog, you need to close the ear canals with cotton swabs, after moistening them (the swabs) with petroleum jelly.

Poodle needed every day comb with a stiff brush: This helps in grooming the dog's coat and improves blood circulation, acting as a kind of massage. It is necessary to groom your pet regularly. You can do this in grooming salons or on your own, but in the second case it is recommended to take special courses. Haircuts are done at least once every two months.. You need to constantly care for your pet's ears and have them examined. If discharge or a specific odor is detected, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Eyes, ears, claws

Eyes also require attention and care. It is necessary to examine and wash the eyes with warm water. If tearing, souring around the eyes or redness appear, you should consult a doctor. Dogs' claws grow quite quickly, so they need to be trimmed promptly. On average, this should be done once or twice a month, using a special nail clipper, and then sand the cut areas with a special file. You need to take care of your teeth and gums; if bleeding or stains on the enamel appear, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Naturally, like all other dogs, poodles need to be vaccinated. The main vaccination against distemper and parvovirus is given between six and eight weeks of age. Revaccination is carried out after two to three weeks. Before vaccinations, it is necessary to get rid of worms, and also treat your pet for ticks and fleas. Vaccinations are given only to a healthy puppy; if the dog has suffered any disease, then the animal is vaccinated two weeks after full recovery. After the puppy has been vaccinated, it must be protected from hypothermia, and walking is allowed only after 10-15 days.

What to feed your pet

In order for a miniature poodle puppy to grow and develop properly, its nutrition must be carefully thought out and the correct menu drawn up.

It is necessary that the dog's diet include:

Of course, you should adhere to a strict dosage and sequence in feeding your pet. If you prefer to choose as a permanent food for four-legged friend dry food, you need to consult a veterinarian so that he can select the food, taking into account all the characteristics of your dog.

Nutrition from one to four months

How to properly feed one month old puppy? A little over a month old miniature poodle puppy is fed milk and liquid porridge. Gradually they begin to feed in the form of minced meat from raw meat. After a couple of weeks, you can give your dog finely chopped meat, always raw, as it is better digestible, and the content of proteins and carbohydrates in it is higher than in boiled meat. It is recommended to give babies milk mixed with white bread crumbs and rice broth.

Until the age of two months, puppies should have six meals a day.

To prevent rickets and for the correct balance of minerals, add to the feed:

  • some bone meal;
  • phosphate of lime;
  • vitamin D;
  • calcium and iron glycerophosphate;
  • calcined cottage cheese.

But this should be done only after consulting a doctor.

Between the ages of two and four months, the puppy begins to be fed five times a day. You need to continue alternating meat and dairy foods. You can give your puppy boiled buckwheat or rice, to which finely chopped pieces of meat are added in a ratio of 2 to 1. Add grated apple or carrots and a little sunflower oil to the porridge. They also give you a mineral-vitamin mixture, strictly following the instructions.

Feeding from four months to one year

From four to five months, the puppy is fed four times a day. The diet remains the same, only the portion size increases slightly. It is important to remember that the food you give your pet should not be cold or hot, but only warm. The dog must eat the entire portion; if it does not eat enough, the remainder must be removed. You can also include beef or lamb cartilage, rich in nutrients, in your diet.

Once the puppy reaches the age of 7 months and up to a year, the number of feedings is reduced to three or four (individually). Boiled sea fish without bones is added to the puppy’s diet, but otherwise the composition of the products does not change. The dog is gradually transferred to an adult diet, where the amount of meat per serving should be increased.

Dry food is used for feeding. It is important to accurately calculate the amount of food so that the dog does not overeat, but also does not remain hungry. At proper care and nutrition, you will grow a healthy and beautiful dog who will delight you every day.

Toy poodle

When compared with other varieties of poodle, the “toy” appeared relatively recently. These little ones grow from 23 to 28 cm at the withers and weigh no more than three kg. The Toy Poodle is considered one of the most “comfortable” apartment dogs due to its small size.

There are six officially recognized standard solid colors for Toy Poodles:

  • White.
  • Black.
  • Grey.
  • Ginger.
  • Peach (apricot).
  • Chocolate (brown).

Toy is translated from English as a toy, which is actually not far from the truth: the dog looks like a toy.

The Toy Poodle has a dense, wavy coat with no undercoat. Toy, like his larger brothers, is very smart dog and is easy to train.

The difference is that they are not as active as, for example, dwarf ones. They are very devoted to their owner, require constant attention and care, and cannot stand loneliness.

When in contact with other animals, the toy poodle is weakly active and prefers to stay on the sidelines. When communicating with them, he will behave warily and cautiously.


The nutrition of puppies and adults must be approached carefully, as is the case with dwarf poodles. Toy poodles can be fed both dry food and natural food. But it is still preferable to give wet food or natural food, to avoid abrasion of tooth enamel when chewing dry food.

Small puppies and adult toy poodles need to be fed in the same way as dwarf ones, the only difference is in the dosage of portions, which in any case is individual. It is important to remember that properly selected and healthy eating directly affects the growth rate and overall health of your four-legged friend. It is necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian and monitor the health of your pet. Following all the recommendations will benefit the dog, help it develop properly and feel healthy.


It is necessary to care for a toy poodle in the same way as for a dwarf one. Fundamental differences in the care and nutrition of both miniature poodles does not exist. You need to monitor the condition of the dog’s fur, bathe and comb it, and look after its teeth, gums and claws. You definitely need to vaccinate your dog.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that poodles are prone to dislocated joints, so you need to be careful when handling this dog while it is at a young age. You also need to pay attention to your pet’s ears and eyes. If you carefully monitor the health and nutrition of your toy poodle, he can live up to 18 years, which is an indicator of longevity in dogs.

Attention, TODAY only!

Proper feeding of your poodle will allow your dog to grow up strong and active. Representatives of this breed are excellent family companions. They do not shed, are smart, and friendly. The only negative is allergic reactions and a set excess weight. Therefore, choosing the right diet for your dog is very important.

Proper feeding of a poodle

The little puppy really needs the necessary nutrients Oh. He's curious. He is interested in everything around him and is attracted by the smells coming from the kitchen. However, owners must show restraint and introduce complementary foods very carefully. The first thing you can give your puppy is boiled minced meat or ready-made canned food.

The breeder begins to carefully select the puppy’s diet. In 2 one month old the poodle ceases to depend on its mother's milk. When he is taken into a new family, he may be stressed. To make the “acclimation” process easier, ask the breeder what he fed the poodle before.

The puppy's usual diet should be maintained for two weeks. Then they are gradually transferred to the diet chosen by the new owner. The transition to another type of feeding is carried out gradually.

The type of food that the animal will then eat is added to the food. If the puppy received dry food from the breeder (how to find out if the food is not suitable), then finely chopped pieces of boiled meat and minced meat are mixed in. In the opposite situation, granules are mixed with natural food. A smooth transition occurs within 5-10 days.

Feeding a Miniature Poodle Puppy

Toy poodles are very funny. Their presence in the house lifts the mood of the owners. For daily diet those ingredients are selected that will supply useful and necessary substances to the puppy’s body.

When distributing the amount of food per day, you need to take into account

  • Season;
  • Age.

Miniature poodles being fed natural products or choose industrial feed premium class. Breeders do not recommend mixed nutrition.

Basic feeding rules

To properly feed your toy poodle, you must follow several important rules׃

  • The plate with food should be located at chest level - this is easy to do if you buy a stand with a height adjuster at the pet store;
  • You need to feed in one place, strictly according to the established schedule;
  • If several animals live in the house, then each person should have separate food bowls;
  • After the pet has finished eating, the dishes are thoroughly washed and put away;
  • Make sure that feeding times do not coincide with your breakfasts or dinners;
  • Immediately teach your dog that asking for food from the table is prohibited;
  • Provide constant access to fresh filtered or settled water.

Dry food makes caring for miniature poodles easier. There is no need to pre-prepare your pet’s food or think about how best to calculate the diet so that he receives all the useful components. All foods contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals for the daily diet. The main thing is to correctly calculate how many pads you can give your dog at one time.

If a puppy eats industrial canned food with appetite, then you need to buy it from the same brand as ready-made food. They are given only at other feedings. Dog handlers do not recommend mixing wet and dry food.

Natural feeding

Preparing natural food requires a certain skill, knowledge, and patience from the owner. A pet may perceive each product differently. Only through careful selection and observation can you understand which food is best for your dog.

What you can feed:

  1. Eggs are given no more than two per week, as they can cause an allergic attack in the animal;
  2. For meat products, carefully chopped pieces of pulp, twisted meat, and offal are used;
  3. Only beef, chicken, and turkey are suitable for the daily diet;
  4. Give your dog fish no more than three times a week. It is given only in boiled or “frozen” form - the fillet is thoroughly cleaned of bones, scales and entrails. Frozen pieces are heated;
  5. You can give kefir, homemade yogurt or cottage cheese;
  6. The main dish is buckwheat or rice porridge. They prepare it only liquid;
  7. Vegetables are thoroughly chopped. They can be added raw to the finished porridge or boiled with the cereal immediately. The same applies to fruits.

If your fluffy dog ​​is happy to eat any greens, then you can give them raw, and also put them in the porridge just before the end of cooking.

Daily diet for poodles

  • Meat products – 200 gr;
  • Cereals – 200 gr;
  • Dairy – 100 gr;
  • Vegetables, fruits – up to 150 gr.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are added to natural foods.

What foods should you not give to your dog?

Owners of miniature poodles should carefully ensure that the dog does not get food on his plate that can cause problems with his digestion. These include:

  • Sweets;
  • Fat meat;
  • Bones;
  • Sausages;
  • Sausages;
  • Apricots;
  • Too thick porridge;
  • Freshly baked bread;
  • Plums;
  • Salt;
  • Pork;
  • Any spices;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Grapes, raisins;
  • Potato;
  • Mutton;
  • Beans;
  • Canned fish;
  • Chocolate;
  • Peas;
  • Cookie.

All types of sweeteners, especially xylitol, are poison for the poodle. Honey, despite the fact that it is simply a storehouse of benefits, can cause severe allergic reaction. Any sweets and foods high in sugar can lead to obesity and metabolic disorders. And also to the development of otitis media, to which this breed of dog is predisposed.

It is considered unacceptable among dog breeders to let a dog chew on tubular bones. Sometimes their use leads to very bad consequences. Shards tubular bones can injure the stomach, even rupture it.

However, the owners still give sugar and spongy bones as rewards or toys. For those who decide to get a poodle, it is better not to include any bones in the pet’s diet at all. This is especially true for dwarf breeds.

All sausage products, as well as smoked foods, will only harm the intestines. They can lead to indigestion and dysfunction of the pancreas and liver. Also, chemical additives that are used to prepare sausage products irritate the mucous membranes of poodles. This has a bad effect on the condition of the ears and eyes.

There is no need to salt the finished porridge or add salt to the water in which it is cooked. Ordinary, dwarf and representatives of the Toy breed have a congenital tendency to urolithiasis.

It may seem like raising a poodle puppy is a difficult task. However, these are false fears. Even if this is your first pet, you need to boldly get down to business, avoiding basic mistakes if possible. Having an idea of ​​the basic methods of nutrition, as well as prohibitions on certain foods, you can properly balance your pet’s diet.

Three types of feeding

Natural feeding

The basic nutritional element for this species is meat porridge. Experienced dog breeders prepare meat tenderloin, canned food, and semi-finished products in advance. You can make a “blank” which will include

  • Meat;
  • Greenery;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits.

Finely chopped and mixed products are placed in the freezer and taken out as needed. You can grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder and make “healthy minced meat”.

Dry food

Feeding an adult and a poodle puppy dry food makes caring for them easier. Production pellets already include dried meat products, grains, vitamins, minerals, vegetables and flavorings. Premium food contains the entire spectrum in optimal proportions. useful substances so that the dog develops properly and is in good physical shape.

What can you give your dog?

  • Raw potatoes;
  • Green apples;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Boiled cabbage;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Pears are not sweet varieties;
  • Carrot;
  • Radish;
  • Zucchini;
  • In small quantities beets;
  • Tomatoes.

If you have a pet, then it is worth making sure that the puppy receives proper nutrition, this is especially important in early age. After all, it is at this moment that his skeleton is formed and muscle mass. Proper nutrition– this is the key to the dog’s health.

During the active growth of the puppy, nutrition must be given Special attention

If you bought a puppy, then you will immediately have a question: how to feed the puppy, what and how many times.

Let's say right away that in the first days it is necessary to feed the same food as the breeder. When selling, he must give you the appropriate instructions.

For a dog it will be the same stressful situation as a result of parting with the mother and his newborn family, so you should not burden him with a change in diet.

In the first months, the body grows rapidly and it requires a large amount of “building materials”, such as:

  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Vitamins.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Calcium.
  • And other microelements.

Important! Especially at this time, you should pay special attention to nutrition. During the first year, the puppy’s weight increases (depending on the breed) from 300 grams to 30-40 kilograms.

What to feed a puppy and feeding frequency

The first question you will have is how many times should you feed your puppy? At the age of 1.5 to 3 months, he needs to be fed 5 times a day.

Consider feeding time and diet:

First feeding at 7 am

For the puppy's morning diet, it is necessary to prepare calcined cottage cheese from fresh milk; for this, take 0.5 liters of milk, add 10% calcium chloride in the amount of 1 tablespoon and 2 tablespoons of 5% composition. If you don’t have it, you can replace it with calcium lactate or gluconate, first grinding it into powder, in the amount of 5 tablets. Next, pour the powder into hot milk. Afterwards, you need to heat the milk and stir without bringing it to a boil. This way you will get cottage cheese, which needs to be separated from the whey with a slotted spoon.

In the received curd mass you can add 0.5 teaspoon of honey and about 3 times a week quail egg, every day should not be (it is very rich in a large number of microelements). If you don’t have time to make cottage cheese yourself, you can replace it with fresh, 9 percent, diluting with kefir until you obtain a soft consistency. We give the resulting mass to the puppy and wait for about 15 minutes, everything that remains uneaten must be put in the refrigerator, even if he has lost interest in food and has not finished it - there is no need to run after him.

Second feeding at 11.00 o'clock

For second breakfast we give him meat and vegetables. To do this you need raw meat, take lean lamb or beef, cut into pieces and pour boiling water over it. Next, mix raw grated carrots with butter or a small amount of sour cream, they act as a catalyst: carotene contained in carrots fat-soluble vitamin, so sour cream or butter helps absorb it. Mix the resulting mixture with meat - breakfast is ready.

Third meal at 16.00

What to feed the puppy after lunch - we give him fish balls. To prepare, we need a meat grinder; we pass the fish and bones through it. Then wheat bran and boiled rice are added. To this you can also add grated pumpkin or carrots, then roll into balls and place in boiling water. Cooking time is approximately a couple of minutes. For cooking you need sea ​​fish– blue whiting, cod, pollock and the like.

Fourth feeding at 21.00

In the evening we serve chicken with rice. Cook the chicken and rice separately, and when ready, mix them together in a 1:1 ratio. Add a small amount of butter and dilute with broth to make a thick soup. While cooking the chicken, add vegetables - parsley root, carrots, cabbage - finely chop before adding to the soup. Add a little less salt than for yourself.

Last feeding at 23.00

Give kefir at night.

What to feed your puppy extra

In addition to the above listed range of food, he needs to be given daily 1 tablet of brewer's yeast per 5 kilograms of weight, and you can also give 1 teaspoon of dry seaweed.

During the period of teeth growth and jaw strengthening, it is a good idea for them to chew on “sugar” beef bones large in size and do not produce sharp fragments.

An additional source of calcium is raw chicken necks; it is well absorbed from such bones. During the growth period, feeding a puppy of 1 - 3 months should have variety; give him by-products - kidneys, liver, raw beef tripe - at least once a week.

You can add a few drops of trivitamin to your food, but do not try to give vitamins in large quantities, since their excess is also harmful; vitamin deficiency is unlikely to occur with a well-balanced diet.

You should not give your puppy various “supplements” and “feeding”; if his nutrition is complete, then he does not need them, unless the doctor prescribed them as a result of detected abnormalities. Also, you should not give him any newfangled supplements for prevention, because they can lead to the opposite effect. So, with excess calcium in the body, bone growth can be slowed down. Therefore, focus not on supplements, but on healthy, nutritious and varied nutrition in your diet. childhood.

A growing puppy, especially of large breeds, will benefit greatly from eating jellied beef heads. To do this, you need to boil the beef heads in a pressure cooker, and then separate the meat from the bones. Afterwards, the meat is laid out in molds, filled with broth and cooled. The gelatin content in the dish will have a beneficial effect on your pet's ligaments. You can add a little gelatin by mixing it with water, but first you need to soak it in water.

Also for a growing pet, large breeds especially, cartilage is needed sturgeon fish in its raw form. They are very well digestible and contain calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Also, pets will not refuse fruits - pears and apples; dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, dried pears and apples; vegetables - pumpkins, carrots, cabbage and you can give a little beets. Very fatty cheese will not harm your diet, but no more than 20 grams per day.

How many grams of diet does a pet need?

During the puppy's growth period, food should be varied and it is better for him to underfeed than to overfeed

Now let’s decide how much food to give him in grams, so as not to overfeed. As the puppy grows, he needs approximately 40 grams. protein, per each kilogram of it own weight.

It turns out that if your pet weighs 5 kilograms, then its diet should weigh about 200 grams. Meat or 300 gr. fish. To this you can add some cereals, fruits and vegetables. IN mandatory natural yogurt or kefir and cottage cheese.

However, overfeeding is not good because your dog may get indigestion if he cannot digest all the food you give him.

It is better for her to underfeed than to overfeed. In order to determine proper feeding, just look at his stool - it should not have a strong odor and brownish color, not hard and not liquid. The belly should not be swollen and look like a drum, and the coat should not be shiny. The skin is elastic and clean, and underneath there is a small layer of fat.

It happens that a puppy can refuse to eat without any reason, there is nothing criminal in this, you can skip one feeding. It is not necessary to give all types of food during the day; you can alternate - one day fish, another - chicken and the third - a meat diet.

The most important thing is that the diet be varied, because different foods contain minerals and trace elements necessary for the growth of the body. Buckwheat can be given instead of rice or alternated between them. Sometimes you can give it to your pet as a side dish oatmeal, pour boiling broth over them, no cooking required.

What not to give your puppy

Besides healthy products, there are also those that should not be given, these include: smoked fish or chicken, fried fatty meat, any types of sausages and sausages. Spicy food containing spicy seasonings, as well as pickled, flour, salty, sweet and other foods for people. It is better if the food is raw and healthy. The exception is cereals, which must be well boiled.

Important! Please note that the proposed diet is suitable for healthy puppies if there are problems with digestion or internal organs You must follow a special diet as prescribed by your doctor.

Important stages of learning in the first year of life

In the first year of a poodle puppy’s life, it is extremely important to consistently go through all stages of education, socialization and training. We will now tell you how to do it correctly.

At what age do you start training?

Puppy training is essential start from the first days the presence of a dog in your home. Because already from infancy, the puppy must learn the rules of behavior in your house, what is allowed and what is forbidden, how to behave with all family members, even the smallest and oldest, what he can play with and what he can’t, where to go. toilet and much more.

And we are talking, first of all, about the proper upbringing of a poodle puppy, and you can start training and learning commands when the puppy is completely comfortable in your home. As a rule, one week is enough. By this time, the puppy is already filled with curiosity and is diligently learning the world. If, after this time, the puppy remains fearful and does not make contact well, then it is better to seek help from a dog handler-animal psychologist, because This behavior is not typical for puppies of this breed.

When can you start training with a dog handler?

The beginning of the puppy's training coincides with the time of the first exit to the street. When the first two vaccinations have already been done, the quarantine (lasts 7-14 days, depending on the vaccination) after them is over. It is not at all necessary to train your puppy only outside; the first sessions are best done at home, where there are fewer distractions.

Often new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be excessively stressful for the dog. This is only possible if outdated rigid methods are used, and when the right approach training from the first days will, on the contrary, be very useful, since it allows you to immediately to set up a contact with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

You can start raising a puppy from the first days of its appearance in your home, and training and classes with a dog handler can begin simultaneously with the start of walks, when quarantine ends after the second vaccination.

Why you don't need to wait up to 6 months

You often hear that poodles, like other dogs, cannot be trained before 6 months, because training is stressful. This opinion remains from the times of outdated methods based on cruel coercion and intimidation of the dog. Unfortunately, there are still plenty of dog handlers using similar techniques today. But fortunately, science does not stand still and modern techniques make it possible to train a puppy from the first days in a new home. Therefore, you should not wait until unwanted behavior has become established in your poodle puppy; you can start training much earlier.

Training at 2 months. Upbringing

At 2 months old, your poodle puppy is still at home, in quarantine after the first vaccinations, and he is not yet allowed to go for walks. Therefore, it’s time to start raising a puppy in the home conditions that are already familiar to him.

Toilet training

The first step is to accustom the puppy to going to the toilet with a diaper on. You should not rush to teach going to the toilet directly outside, bypassing this stage, because puppies are not physiologically ready for walking twice a day. This ability is developed in poodle puppies no earlier than 6 months, and in some up to 1 year.

It should be remembered that any learning is a rather complex thing and, seeing the first positive results, you should not think that your puppy has already understood everything, but you should continue training according to the method, so that after a while you do not have to start all over again.

Collar and leash training

Second important point the puppy will be trained to the collar and leash. Yes, yes, this should be done at home, so that by the time the puppy goes outside for the first time, wearing a collar will not be additional stress for him, but is already a familiar thing, and he can start exploring the world around him, rather than trying to get rid of an unknown object.

What to allow a puppy and what not

The third point, which causes the greatest difficulty for new puppy owners, will be determining the puppy’s boundaries of what is permitted. Often, many novice dog owners think that the unwanted behavior of a poodle puppy will “go away on its own, outgrow it.” But, unfortunately, the behavior that is allowed to the puppy will be taken for granted in the future. and an adult dog.

Any unwanted behavior in a puppy WILL NOT go away on its own, but will only become stronger over time.

Therefore, it is necessary to start defining the puppy’s boundaries of what is permitted now. You will need:

  • Teach to play only with your toys, and not with your things;
  • Explain that you cannot bite your hands even in a game;
  • Install correct mode day, establishing the rule that in the morning you need to sleep and not wake you up;
  • Stop chewing furniture, clothes, walls and baseboards;
  • Teach to stay at home alone, knowing that your absence is not a reason to bark or howl.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Constant and excessive punishments that follow almost every action of the puppy have a detrimental effect on its fragile psyche and can lead to the poodle puppy growing up cowardly and embittered. For normal natural development, a puppy must have the opportunity to explore the world around him, which is currently limited to your apartment or house.

Introduction to Basic Commands

You should start now introduction to basic commands obedience in a light playful form, while focusing on rewards for fulfillment, because the puppy’s psyche is still quite plastic and excessive severity and exactingness can lead to the puppy being intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or treat, and sometimes just praise.

Training at 3 months. Socialization

Three months is an important stage in a poodle puppy’s introduction to the outside world. Your first walks should be short and not too tiring for the puppy. You should start with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the walking time to 1 hour.

Correct formation of the nervous system

At this age it goes formation nervous system puppy. It has been proven that raising puppies in isolation during this important period contributed to the development of pronounced cowardice in them later. It is necessary to show the puppy as much as possible: noisy streets, large crowds of people, etc. Everything that he will have to face in later life.

This must be done very carefully, gradually, over and over again increasing the time spent in noisy places, so as not to overload the puppy or frighten him.

Territory country house, a cottage or a village are places with a minimum amount of external stimuli for a city dog. Therefore, if you plan to keep a dog in an urban environment, “growing up” a poodle puppy in such conditions depleted of irritants is unacceptable.

A city puppy must grow up in the city, in conditions that are saturated with external stimuli, such as: noisy streets, large crowds of people, other animals, birds, cyclists, cars, etc.

Meeting people and dogs

It is necessary to introduce the puppy to friendly dogs and people so that later the puppy does not develop aggression or cowardice caused by the fear of new things and the inability to communicate and make new acquaintances. Currently, unfortunately, this is not uncommon in the behavior of adult dogs, but a fairly common problem with which people turn to our specialists for help.

Puppy behavior on the street

The emergence of new places leads to new rules that need to be consolidated:

  • Now you can and should go to the toilet on the street, and not stoically endure it, carrying everything home;
  • Not every new person or the dog wants to communicate, so there is no need to run headlong to meet everyone;
  • Not all food is healthy, so it should only be taken from the owner’s hands.

Training and practicing commands

Training a puppy follows the same principles as at 2 months. It should be remembered that at this age puppies develop quite easily conditioned reflexes, but they are also quickly forgotten, so you should not scold the puppy for not following commands, especially if they have not been repeated for a long time, but you should pay more attention to learning new things and repeating material already covered.

Training at 4 - 5 months

By this time, the poodle puppy has already become accustomed to your home and usual walking areas, and no longer needs your support and care so much. He begins to flirt with other dogs, pretend that he does not hear you when you call him, and show a certain persistence and disobedience when performing various commands.

So it’s time to move on to full training. In classes at this age you can already be persistent and demanding. At the same time, the most important thing is not to overdo it, remember that classes should bring joy to both you and your dog, and only then you can achieve the desired result.

Required commands in 4 months

What commands are practiced by a poodle puppy at 4 months:

  • Calm movement nearby with the owner with a leash and without a leash, with landing when stopping, with a change in pace and direction of movement
  • Return to you upon request
  • Excerpt in a free or certain position (sitting, lying, standing) for a long time: if necessary, wait for the owner on the street, when visiting a store or other establishment
  • Indifferent attitude towards treats scattered on the ground
  • Prohibiting command to stop unwanted actions
  • Executing a set of commands "sit", "lie down", "stand" at a distance and near the leg, when giving commands by voice and gestures
  • Stop barking upon request.

Training from 6 months

At this age, the puppy begins puberty and the real rebel awakens in him. He begins to re-test the boundaries of what is permitted and, sometimes, deliberately does not respond to your commands, only in order to look at your reaction. If she is not what the puppy expects to see, then he may decide that now he can no longer carry out your commands.

It should be remembered that the puppy still remains a child, and excessive harshness can forever undermine his trust in you.

At this stage of the poodle puppy’s growing up in training, all the shortcomings made at the previous stages, which were smoothed out by his young age, become clearly visible. And if they appear, it’s time to correct them.

In many training schools, there is an opinion that a puppy needs to be trained in two stages, the first at an early age, and the second at 8 - 10 months, in order to “consolidate” what has been learned. This is not an entirely correct position; this opinion appeared when newer operant training methods began to be added to the old “DOSAAF” rigid training methods, where they began to work with the puppy strictly after 6-7 months, including work by the method of pointing and following the “target”.

Their weakness was that it two various techniques , which began to be used without adapting to each other, having a huge gap between their tools for developing training skills. The difference between them is like between choreography lessons in kindergarten and army drill training. Therefore, they required training in two stages, which were in no way connected with each other.

Modern techniques based on zoopsychology allow train a puppy in unified system and will provide training at the proper, highest level.

  • Dog handler comes to you to your home at a time convenient for you
  • Classes are held 1 - 2 times a week, depending on the compiled program
  • Instructors open from 9:00 to 21:00, on weekends inclusive
  • Training program compiled in the first lesson taking into account the breed, age, personal characteristics of the dog and your wishes for training
  • Some classes are held Houses, some on the street, depending on the topic of the lesson
  • Puppy age from 2 months

Our Center employs dog handlers - animal psychologists who have experience in working with poodle puppies and training adult dogs from 10 to 35 years old, who know all the nuances of their behavior and features of training at each stage of a dog’s growth. Therefore, your pet is guaranteed to learn to carry out your commands the first time in any conditions, and will become your faithful and reliable companion.

They look almost like an exact copy of adult dogs.

Small poodles are playful, cheerful and do not leave anyone indifferent.

This breed is one of the most intelligent and obedient in the world.

But to raise such a dog, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

Puppies are born slightly deaf and completely blind. Their ears and tail can still be pressed to the body. The claws are small and not yet strong, there are no teeth.


The color of the puppies does not necessarily match the coat color of the parents, so if you see differences, this does not mean that the litter is not purebred.

Their fur is already curly and you can see curls on it. Babies may crawl to reach their mother and her milk.

Poodles' eyes open two weeks after birth, but sometimes earlier. If you notice that this does not happen, then you should show the baby to the veterinarian.

The size and weight of puppies of this breed depends on a number of factors:

  • Number of puppies in the litter;
  • Condition of the mother during pregnancy;
  • Genetic disposition;
  • What was the mating for the bitch?

On average, a puppy weighs 500-700 grams at birth, and its size is about 20-23 cm.

Development by months

How does a poodle puppy develop from 1 to 12 months:

Puppy age Description Size Weight
1 month The puppy is just learning to navigate in space. At this time he is strongly attached to his mother and brothers. Transfer it to new house not yet. This should have been done earlier, but now we have to wait. It's time to start weaning the puppy little by little from its mother. About 15 cm 1.2 kg
2 months Now is the time when it is easiest for a baby to get used to something. It's time to hand it over to its new owners. It’s also time to start accustoming him to a collar, brush, leash and start training him. This is also the time to start toilet training. 17-20 cm 2.5 kg
3 months "Age of Fear" By this time, you should already be walking the puppy, because if you start late, it will be difficult to cope with him shaking from every bush. 23.5 cm 2.9 kg
4 months At this age, your pet begins to become attached to you. Play with him more and spend time with him, but don't let him do too much. 27 cm 3 kg
5 months The dog should now go to the toilet only outside. Full research period begins environment. Allow your dog to do this, but watch what he does. 28 cm 3.5 kg
6 months Beginning of puberty. From this time on, other dogs stop looking at your pet as if it were a puppy. Start training if you have completed the educational part. 29 cm 4 kg
7 months Puberty continues, and the dog also learns to communicate with other animals in new ways. Learn how to react correctly to dog conflicts. 30 cm 4.3 kg
8 months The dog begins to understand its place in the pack-family. She acutely feels guilty for her misdeeds and unquestioningly obeys the slightest commands from her owner. 30.4 cm 4.5 kg
9 months You continue to be involved in the world around you and are aware of your role in the home. 31 cm 5 kg
10 months The dog is getting more and more mature. Puberty continues. 31.5 cm 5.4 kg
11 months The dog is approaching a year old and its maturation is gradually coming to an end. By this age, the pet should already know most of the commands, as well as distinguish between “good and bad”. 32 cm 5.8 kg
12 months Your dog is now an adult. No more dramatic changes she will not undergo for several more years. 33 cm 6 kg

Poodle puppies grow up to a year inclusive, and their growth gradually slows down as they approach 12 months. To know which month corresponds to which height, it is necessary to take measurements and compare them .

If you see that your dog is lagging behind in development, then take him to the veterinarian. It may be lacking some nutrients or vitamins.

Basic care rules

In order for your puppy to grow up healthy and happy, you need to care for him by following some rules:

  • In the first days, be extremely attentive to the puppy and be affectionate with him. It was hard for him to move to a new house; he misses his mother and brothers. You must show him that you do not pose any danger, but on the contrary.
  • If there are children in your house, then it is worth explaining to them that the animal is not a toy. You should not disturb him while he sleeps or pull his paws or ears. Show how to properly handle your new pet.
  • The pet must have its own place to sleep and rest. Don't disturb him if he settles on it to catch his breath.
  • The dog should have its own toys. As he grows up, he will have a need to chew on something and play with something. It would be better if it were his things than yours.
  • Make sure that there are no things valuable to you or anything small that are dangerous for him on the floor or in the dog’s access area.
  • Start accustoming him to and hygiene procedures: trimming nails, cleaning ears, rubbing eyes and examining teeth. He must get used to the fact that such things will be repeated regularly.
  • When walking outside, do not let your puppy pick up any objects from the ground, especially not eat or chew them. Do not let your dog off the leash unless you are sure that it is accustomed to you and will not rush after the first car or cyclist.
  • The puppy should always have clean water freely available.
  • Do not forget how many times a day you need to feed the puppy, and also that gradually the number of meals should be increased to twice a day.

How to toilet train?

Toilet training a puppy should be done in several stages:

  1. Set up a place where your dog can go when he needs to. This can be done even before it appears.
  2. Remember that babies go to the toilet often. Watch and you will see that this happens after every meal. If the puppy begins to sniff the floor and spin around restlessly, then it’s time to take him to the place that you have equipped for him. If he did everything right, then praise him with a treat.
  3. If your pet still didn’t have time or didn’t make it, then don’t rush to punish or scold him. Remember that he is still a child and does not quite understand what they want from him.
  4. If you see that the dog has started doing business in the wrong place, then shout sharply to it and immediately take it to the toilet. There, if everything ends successfully, praise him.
  5. Once your pet has received all its vaccinations, you can train it to go to the toilet outside. Remember that puppies often have to manage things, so at first you will have to walk him 5-6 times a day. Whenever successful, praise him and give him a treat.
  6. First, go for walks with him at the same time so that he gets used to the walking schedule. If you see that he asks outside your walking period, then take him for a walk anyway.
  7. Don’t rush to remove the litter box right away, because the dog won’t be able to tolerate it for long. As he gets older, he will need to go to the toilet less often, only then his place in the house can be cleaned.


Toilet training is an important period in a dog's life. You need to show as much patience as possible and not go too far with punishments. It is absolutely forbidden to hit a puppy, this will have a negative impact on his psyche.

What and how to feed?

At first, when the dog was just brought to you, feed him the same thing that the breeder gave him.

You cannot abruptly cut off his usual diet and replace foods with those that suit you. This will cause digestive upset in the baby, which will take a long time to treat. Such a sudden transition can generally lead to death.

What to feed the puppy in the future is up to you. Each of the feeds, whether natural or artificial, is good in its own way and has its own pros and cons.

Menu changes should occur smoothly. Just start feeding your pet the foods you plan to feed him for the rest of his life. Gradually, his body will begin to get used to it, and you will be able to give him the food you think is necessary.

The number of feedings depends on the age of the puppy:

  • 1-2 months – 5-6 feedings;
  • 2-3 months – 4-5 feedings:
  • 3-4 months – 3-4 feedings;
  • 4-6 months – 2-3 feedings;
  • After 7 months - 2 feedings.

You should not give your puppy foods that are difficult to digest - fried, salty, spicy, baked and sweet. On the contrary, introduce him to fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples or carrots.

The menu for puppies is not rich in variety, and you will have to alternate foods, because you need to feed often and little by little.

Here is a menu for a 3-4 month old puppy that you can alternate:

  • 1st day. 1st feeding: 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, egg, 1 tsp. natural honey, 1 tsp. low-fat organic yoghurt. Mix and give to the puppy. 2nd feeding: 2 chicken wings, vegetables (carrots, cabbage, apple, parsley), minced in a meat grinder, 1 tsp. olive oil, vitamins. 3rd feeding: 3 whole chicken necks (by this time the puppy should already be able to chew thoroughly). 4th feeding: 1 chicken wing or two necks, vegetables minced in a meat grinder (carrots, cabbage, apple, parsley), 1 tsp. olive oil, vitamins.
  • 2nd day. 1st feeding: 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, chicken egg, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp low-fat bio-yogurt or kefir. 2nd feeding: 3-4 chicken necks or 2-3 wings, twice a week raw boneless sea fish is given instead. 3rd feeding: large parts of chicken wings, ground into a meat grinder, vegetables also chopped, some offal (liver or heart), 1 tsp. flaxseed, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. fish oil, vitamins. 4th feeding: 3-4 chicken necks.

Vaccination schedule

Puppies up to one year old will need the following vaccinations:

  • 8-10 weeks is the first vaccination for a puppy against parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and plague;
  • 11-13 weeks - second vaccination against parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and plague. At this time, the puppy receives its first vaccination against rabies.

If the risk of contracting rabies is low, for example, the puppy does not come into contact with carriers of the virus, then vaccination can be delayed until 6-9 months.

Hygiene procedures

Puppies need to undergo the following procedures:

  • You need to examine your teeth once every two weeks, trim your nails as they grow, clean your ears once a week with a damp cloth, do not cotton swab, you need to wipe your eyes with the same frequency.
  • Give your puppy special “sticks” from the pet store to prevent tartar, or brush his teeth yourself with a special brush.
  • A poodle is a breed that, in order to look beautiful and well-groomed, needs... If you don't know how to do this correctly, contact a groomer. Usually this procedure needs to be repeated every 1-1.5 months.
  • Brush poodle puppies with a furminator once every two weeks.
  • You need to bathe as you get dirty, but on average repeat this procedure once a month.

When is weaning from the mother?

In nature, the mother begins to wean the puppies when they are 3-4 weeks old. Breeders do this when the offspring reaches a month old.

Weaning should not happen immediately; you cannot simply tear the dog away from its mother’s milk. Just start limiting the puppies from feeding them, for example, by taking the dog to an area where the babies cannot go. Introduce complementary foods.

How to choose your future pet?

The choice of a poodle puppy must be careful, because everyone wants to have a real puppy, and not a fake that unscrupulous breeders want to sell.

What to pay attention to:

  • Examine the candidate. His coat should be shiny, curly and without any bald spots or bald spots.
  • The limbs must be intact, the tail without kinks.
  • Nothing should flow from the nose or ears, and there should be no unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • There should be no lameness when walking or running.
  • Check your puppy's tummy to see if it is bloated or not.
  • See how he eats, check his appetite.
  • The dog should not show aggression or fear. A healthy puppy shows curiosity, is playful and cheerful, and is not lethargic.
  • Look at the parents and how they behave, because the future behavior of the puppy largely depends on the temperament of the parents.
  • If purebred is a decisive criterion for you, then ask the breeder to show all the documents for the parents, check the brands in a special database.


The price of a poodle puppy depends on many factors, but on average it varies from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.

Conclusion and conclusions

Having a puppy in the house is a big responsibility. Try to provide him with all the necessary comfortable conditions, love and educate him. In this case, he will grow up healthy, happy and devoted to you.

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